almost 8 years ago - FredEx919 - Direct link
Hello Warriors,

We are aware that some players are experiencing errors that are causing disconnects in multiplayer matches. Our team has identified a bug causing some of the #6000018 and #6000039 errors. We are deploying a fix today at 1PM EST on all platforms to fix this bug and improve match stability. Maintenance should last around 10-15min. Our team will monitor how these changes affect the player experience in addition to investigating other causes of player disconnects.

Please note that this fix introduces a graphical glitch for the Conqueror weapon during his death animation. This glitch will be fixed in an upcoming update.

update: make sure to restart the game after the maintenance
almost 8 years ago - SpaceElephant - Direct link
Make sure to RESTART THE GAME after the maintenance guys, so the fix is effective. That's probably why some of you get crashes.
almost 8 years ago - FredEx919 - Direct link
Originally Posted by KyleTessada
I usually don't have this problem... but now in the past 4 matches after this "fix" I have had two #6000039 disconnects on my open NAT connection.
Can you let us know which platform and game mode you are playing when getting this?
almost 8 years ago - FredEx919 - Direct link
If you're running into an issue following the maintenance, let us know the platform, game mode, and error code if you have it as well. I'll be able to send the details over to check into.
almost 8 years ago - SpaceElephant - Direct link
Thanks for the feedback guys. We are investigating. Also don't hesitate to contact Customer Support if you are experiencing new issues. There's also some great articles about how to set up your NAT and that can also help.