over 4 years
ago -
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Hello Foragers!
Forager is currently 40% off during the Made with GameMaker Steam sale!
This is our biggest sale to date and is intended to gain some more new players in anticipation of our Multiplayer update!
Work on the multiplayer update is coming along great! We will be ready to start the closed beta testing very very soon, and if all goes according to the plan, the full update should be out this year!

As with all our closed beta testing, slots are limited and testers will be chosen from the following people:
- 💬Discord members at level 10 or higher[discord.gg]
- ⭐Patreon supporters at Gold tier or higher[www.patreon.com]
- 💌Random people currently subscribed to our Newsletter[mailchi.mp]
If you REALLY want to be part of the closed beta, make sure to join as many communities as possible to maximize your chances of being chosen!
We will have more info about the new/changed features and content coming up soon, but here is a small little teaser in the meantime:

Players will now be able to build Mailboxes ingame! From now on, whenever you win a reward from the Forager community (here on Steam, our Discord server, our subreddit, etc) or during contests and events, you may also get some awesome items delivered straight to your savefile!
We will have more news soon, happy foraging!