about 5 years
ago -
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Please use this template when reporting a bug:
- Refresh your browser (F5: soft refresh and CTRL+F5: hard refresh).
- Temporarily disable all (greasemonkey) scripts and browser add-ons.
- Log out / Log in
- Restart your computer.
- Try a different browser - Forge of Empires is optimised for the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome, so try one of these if possible.
- Try a different computer.
- Try a different internet connection. Yes/no.
Please also confirm that you have only one browser tab open and that you have no extensions or add ons that could be interfering with the game.
- Browser and Version: Tell us which web browser you are using, including version number if possible.
- Overview of the bug: Tell us what happens when this bug occurs, what prompts the bug to occur - include as much information about the bug as you can, so that we can address it. The more descriptive you can be, the more chance we have of understanding you.
- Screenshots: Show us any screenshots that you have of the bug, or any other visual aids. These are often invaluable.
- How often this occurs: Tell us the frequency in which this occurs or if this is the first time and if it only occurs during specific times. (providing your timezone if possible, or alternatively the time in GMT+1/UTC+1)
- Urgency: Tell us if this is an urgent bug (game-changing/game-breaking), or if it is just a minor bug (non-game changing).
- Preventative Actions: What have you tried to prevent this bug from occurring?
- Summary: Give us a brief summary of the bug.
- I have performed a quick search of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: Yes/No.
- Have you tried fixing it by using
- Refresh your browser (F5: soft refresh and CTRL+F5: hard refresh).
- Temporarily disable all (greasemonkey) scripts and browser add-ons.
- Log out / Log in
- Restart your computer.
- Try a different browser - Forge of Empires is optimised for the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome, so try one of these if possible.
- Try a different computer.
- Try a different internet connection. Yes/no.
Please also confirm that you have only one browser tab open and that you have no extensions or add ons that could be interfering with the game.
- Browser and Version:
- Overview of the bug:
- Screenshots:
- How often this occurs:
- Urgency:
- Preventative Actions:
- Summary: