9 months ago - Juber - Direct link

The long-awaited mobile version of Quantum Incursions is becoming available for testing!

If you play on Forge's Beta App, as of today you can already see Quantum Incursions access points and can start the new season this Thursday, March 14th!

If you play on the Beta server via the regular Forge app, Quantum Incursions will become available to you with version 1.278.19. We are working to roll it out to all users in the coming days, so please make sure your app stays up-to-date! Once it is updated, you can join the QI party as long as you've been a member of a Guild since before the start of the season and an Incursion has been selected by your Quantum Officer.

If you need a refresher on the mechanics, please read our QI announcement at https://support.innogames.com/kb/ForgeOfEmpires/en_DK/2849/Quantum-Incursions-are-coming-to-Beta and continue sharing your thoughts here.


Your Forge of Empires Team