about 1 year ago - Forge of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s choose a card before redrawing if you
2s choose a card before redrawing again it
4s will be cheaper but keep in mind if you
7s do this you can redraw the same cards
9s again teeth management getting far into
12s the dungeon will require spending teeth
14s so it is important to keep an eye on
16s your current stock before deciding if
17s you can afford another attempt to defeat
19s the dungeon that day if you don't have
22s enough teeth it is still worth playing
24s all the free card decks each day only
26s spending some teeth in each of them you
28s will still get rewards for all enemy
30s cards you defeat even if you endend up
32s dying before defeating them all buy
35s ability cards according to your strategy
37s if you plan to defeat the entire dungeon
39s buying just a single ability card from
41s the shop might not be enough but if you
44s just want to get as far as possible for
46s as few tee as possible buying additional
48s ability cards beyond the free one might
50s be too expensive use ability cards to
53s heal some ability cards will restore
55s your HP it is often wise to pick these
58s up and use them before buying Health
59s directly with teeth
about 1 year ago - Forge of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s choose a card before redrawing if you
2s choose a card before redrawing again it
5s will be cheaper but keep in mind if you
7s do this you can redraw the same cards
9s again teeth management getting far into
12s the dungeon will require spending teeth
14s so it is important to keep an eye on
16s your current stock before deciding if
17s you can afford another attempt to defeat
19s the dungeon that day if you don't have
22s enough teeth it is still worth playing
24s all the free card decks each day only
26s spending some teeth in each of them you
28s will still get rewards for all enemy
30s cards you defeat even if you end up
33s dying before defeating them all buy
35s ability cards according to your strategy
37s if you plan to defeat the entire dungeon
40s buying just a single ability card from
41s the shop might not be enough but if you
44s just want to get as far as possible for
46s as few tee as possible buying additional
48s ability cards beyond the free one might
50s be too expensive use ability cards to
53s heal some ability cards will restore
55s your HP it is often wise to pick these
58s up and use them before buying Health
59s directly