about 4 years ago - lordwasa - Direct link

Hello Queens and Kings,

For the detailed description of the changes, please see the list below:

  • The trade window would close in case it was necessary to buy a Forge Points to complete a transaction. It will stay open now, and you can trade conveniently again.
  • Goods production in the Space Age Asteroid Belt buildings did not trigger proper production sounds. This was solved and the correct sounds can be heard.
  • Another sound problem was affecting the Aztec settlement: visiting another player right from within it, would resulting in the Aztec sounds continuing. This was also fixed.
  • In some cases, the game wouldn't behave properly after waking up a pc that remained idle for a while. This is now improved.
  • The Water Park animation would stop upon polishing the building. This issue was solved and the animation will now continue as normal.
  • Texts in a few windows were missing translation or going out of their allotted space. This is now solved for all languages.
  • The icon of Friends' Tavern could disappear behind the UI after getting a visit. It will stay put now.
  • Attempting to send a message to a conversation that was no longer available could lead to a forced reload. From now on, we will display a proper error message.
  • The emissary window would not work properly when there were no emissaries. This is now improved.
  • Editing or deleting messages in the chat could sometimes lead to an error message.
  • In some specific circumstances, the reward window from the Aztec minigame could erroneously pop up after a battle.
  • The right hand side buff bar is now sized dynamically, depending on the number of enabled buffs, providing you with a better overview of the situation in the city.
  • The initial blueprint reward window will now indicate the Great Building of which blueprint you received.
  • Internet Explorer 11 will now default to the HTML5 version. All modern browsers now require the HTML5 version and do not run the Flash client any more. Please note that IE11 - while functional - is generally not recommended. Please consider using another browser for optimal experience.
Mobile Only Changes
This is the mobile section of the changelog. These are things that you won't see on the desktop version of the game and only concern the mobile interface or functionality. Keep in mind that the time the mobile update becomes available depends on the stores and can be some days after the release of the browser version. So don't be surprised if you don't see the update on your devices just yet.
  • On occasion, you could see stone age inhabitants walking about your city in later ages. They will now remain in their peaceful times.
  • Healing an attached unit after starting the app fresh could lead to the app switching off. This problem was fixed.
  • After collecting productions, an inactive building would display 'Z' instead of 'ZZZ'. Missing Zs were re-added.
  • Sometimes, launching a battle in the Egyptian settlement would result in the app immediately closing. The issue was solved.
  • Various confirmation windows were improved and are now more consistent.
  • In some cases, announcement text would be cut off. Now, it is shown properly, so you can stay up to date on all important events.
  • Cross-platform chatting would not always work properly. This was solved and it is again fully functional.
  • The small shields on Guild Battlegrounds' provinces wouldn't update correctly after conquering sectors. From now on, they will react immediately.

This will be the final update of the year. Thank you for reading our changelogs - stay tuned for the next one in January! :)

Your Forge of Empires Team