over 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link

Greetings, queens and kings!
On Wednesday, October 06th, you can get many presents at this year's Winter Event!

This is the place to be if you have any questions about it or would like to discuss it with other players.
Please keep in mind that your opinion may differ from the opinions of other players, you don't have to convince each other of anything here. :)

We also appreciate your feedback!

Please write your feedback in a factual and constructive way and stay on topic.
So that we can pass your feedback on to the developers, the following points would be important to note:
  • Feedback that only contains one sentence like "I think the quests are bad and I also think presents containing cakes are lies" is not helpful. Please make sure to include reasons for your opinion.
  • The same goes for positive feedback. We are happy about it of course, but describing what exactly you like is always very helpful!
  • Limit your feedback to the actual content. Feedback like "You should improve X" or feedback that refers to other game content or previous events is not helpful.
  • Use the "Like" button if another player has already reflected your opinion well.

Thank you very much and have fun!

Best regards,
Your Forge of Empires Team  
over 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link

Dear Kings & Queens,

We hope you are prepared to face the cold as the Winter Event is back! This year, your Quest Giver Isabella will guide you through the snowy town of Mistletown! There are Reindeers, Mystery Presents, a new Grand Prize, and a Winter Calendar full of surprises waiting for you!

The Winter Event will run from October 6th, 2021 to November 7th, 2021.​

Similar to last year's Winter Event, you will get the chance to unwrap amazing presents containing some pretty interesting rewards. Shuffle the stack of Mystery Presents and use 10 Stars to open one of them. Those Stars can be collected by completing the event questline, as well as special daily quests and in incidents hidden around your city. In addition, each time you open a Mystery Present, you will receive a Match Stick, which can be used to gain progress toward the Grand Prize! Use a Match Stick to light Candles inside 1, 2, or 3 town houses. Once all 20 houses are lit, the town's Winter Tree will light up and you'll obtain the Special Grand Prize!

There are also three special tiles hidden amongst the presents:
Show Two, which reveals the rewards hidden inside two unopened presents.
Times Two, which doubles the contents of the next present that you open.
Shuffle, which exchanges all of presents with a whole new set of wrapped up rewards!

That's not all! Each day a new Daily Special will be hidden among the Mystery Presents! When revealing a Daily Special, you will also find one of the 9 lost Reindeers! Once you have found your first Reindeer, it will reveal a hidden reward offer which can be claimed using diamonds! Help return all the reindeer to their sleigh. Collect 9 Reindeers to unlock more rewards and get yourself a better deal.

There is more! The well known Winter Calendar will return, with 32 doors for you to open, with a reward behind each one of them! If you open all the Winter Calendar doors, you will gain some very special rewards. For example, a special avatar and a new decoration for the Winter Train building: The Parlor Car!

To open these doors, you will need keys! You can find one key each day when unwrapping presents! New doors will unlock each day of the Winter Event, so make sure to come back every day to find the keys! In case you find a second key in the same day, it will be replaced by 1 Master Key Piece and 10 stars. Upon collecting five Key Parts, you will create a Master Key, that can be used to unlock previously missed doors.

Please note: If you get double reward before finding the Daily Key, you will get a Daily Key and a Master Key Part!

Opening mystery presents is not the only way to win Key Parts, as you can also receive additional parts by completing a Daily Challenge or purchasing with diamonds.

As with all events, there is a brand new Grand Prize to be won! This year, you'll have the chance to snatch the charming and brand new Winter Canal. Upon reaching the maximum level, this 10 levels' branching building will offer two options: the Festive Canal and the Jolie Canal! Both of these buildings will offer Happiness, Population, Coins, Supplies, Medals and Forge Points. Apart from the nice visuals, the main difference between them is the battle boosts: the Festive Canal increases your defense for both attacking and defending army, while the Jolie Canal increases the attack for both as well!

So, which ones are you going to go for? Festive or Jolie? Choose wisely!

Festive Canal (6x4) Jolie Canal (6x4)

In addition, successfully completing quests within the event will reward you with you the 'Festive Grotto', that provides a coin production boost!

Last but not least, we have one more thing in our stack for you! As for every event, you will be able to get two new Avatars as a questline reward! Our third Avatar, the Winter Waiter, is an unique Avatar Reward that can only be obtained through the Reward Calendar.

Should you have any comments, questions or issues, please let us know! We're very much looking forward to your feedback!

Finally, please keep in mind that you can always test our newest features in advance by using our Beta Mobile App. For more information on how to install it, please follow this guide.

The Forge of Empires Team.  
over 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Devilsangel said: Can you tell us the parlor car bonus or we wait and see?
Or is it just a decoration?
MooingCat said: I'm excited to see what the building stats are and what the new train car gives :)
Sadly we don't have the buildings data ready for you yet.
drakenridder said: Doesn’t it?:p Because I thought presents only contained virtual resources or currencies or buildings or items. Or is the cake (still) a lie..?
I just said, that feedback like this is not helpful, I made no comment on what the presents actually contain. Maybe they are full of (cake) lies? ^^  
over 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Here are the current stats for the buildings:

Parlor Car
(Needs to be connected to the trains from the Winter Event 2019)
Age Provides Connection Grants
happiness-57be1ee93.png rank-57652d887.png def_boost_attacker-dc9c5b559.png
Bronze Age 200 30 +5%
Iron Age 280 48 +5%
Early Middle Ages 330 120 +5%
High Middle Ages 420 240 +5%
Late Middle Ages 480 360 +5%
Colonial Age 570 600 +5%
Industrial Age 640 1,200 +5%
Progressive Era 700 1,800 +5%
Modern Era 800 3,000 +5%
Postmodern Era 910 4,800 +5%
Contemporary Era 1,060 7,200 +5%
Tomorrow Era 1,320 12,000 +5%
The Future 1,580 19,200 +5%
Arctic Future 1,790 28,800 +5%
Oceanic Future 2,010 36,000 +5%
Virtual Future 2,540 48,000 +5%
Space Age Mars 3,950 78,000 +5%
Space Age Asteroid Belt 4,290 108,000 +5%
Space Age Venus 4,640 126,000 +5%

Jolie Canal
Age Provides Produces
happiness-57be1ee93.png population-e6f83cb5e.png rank-57652d887.png att_boost_defender-149661ead.png att_boost_attacker-6070a3719.png money-ecd40aa19.png supplies-660dd9d0f.png medals-ddf85c814.png strategy_points-d9d1373db.png
1d if moti- vated
Bronze Age 1,300 275 120 +15% +14% 2,100 1,410 39 9
Iron Age 2,240 592 192 +15% +14% 5,000 2,420 50 9
Early Middle Ages 2,470 908 480 +16% +15% 8,400 2,680 61 9
High Middle Ages 2,760 1,275 960 +16% +15% 11,800 2,990 72 9
Late Middle Ages 3,080 1,673 1,440 +16% +16% 15,500 3,330 83 9
Colonial Age 3,620 2,111 2,400 +18% +16% 23,700 3,920 99 9
Industrial Age 4,080 2,581 4,800 +18% +16% 29,500 4,420 138 9
Progressive Era 4,480 3,080 7,200 +20% +18% 35,800 4,850 192 9
Modern Era 4,790 3,611 12,000 +20% +18% 44,500 5,190 275 9
Postmodern Era 4,990 4,162 19,200 +22% +18% 56,000 5,410 384 9
Contemporary Era 5,800 4,743 28,800 +22% +20% 72,900 6,290 549 9
Tomorrow Era 7,040 5,345 48,000 +24% +20% 84,400 7,630 741 9
The Future 8,440 5,977 76,800 +24% +20% 96,800 9,140 906 9
Arctic Future 9,830 6,630 115,200 +26% +22% 110,000 10,650 1,098 9
Oceanic Future 11,340 7,303 144,000 +26% +22% 124,000 12,290 1,262 9
Virtual Future 13,550 7,997 192,000 +28% +22% 138,900 14,680 1,536 9
Space Age Mars 21,680 12,658 312,000 +28% +24% 232,000 23,490 1,866 9
Space Age Asteroid Belt 23,560 13,750 432,000 +30% +24% 256,900 25,520 2,195 9
Space Age Venus 25,450 14,861 504,000 +30% +24% 283,200 27,570 2,524 9

Festive Canal
Age Provides Produces
happiness-57be1ee93.png population-e6f83cb5e.png rank-57652d887.png def_boost_defender-cd1719447.png def_boost_attacker-dc9c5b559.png money-ecd40aa19.png supplies-660dd9d0f.png medals-ddf85c814.png strategy_points-d9d1373db.png
1d if moti- vated
Bronze Age 1,300 275 120 +17% +17% 1,900 1,620 29 12
Iron Age 2,240 592 192 +17% +17% 4,500 2,790 38 12
Early Middle Ages 2,470 908 480 +17% +17% 7,400 3,090 46 12
High Middle Ages 2,760 1,275 960 +19% +18% 10,400 3,450 54 12
Late Middle Ages 3,080 1,673 1,440 +19% +18% 13,800 3,850 62 12
Colonial Age 3,620 2,111 2,400 +19% +18% 21,000 4,520 75 12
Industrial Age 4,080 2,581 4,800 +21% +20% 26,100 5,100 103 12
Progressive Era 4,480 3,080 7,200 +21% +20% 31,700 5,600 144 12
Modern Era 4,790 3,611 12,000 +21% +20% 39,400 5,990 206 12
Postmodern Era 4,990 4,162 19,200 +23% +24% 49,600 6,240 288 12
Contemporary Era 5,800 4,743 28,800 +23% +24% 64,600 7,250 412 12
Tomorrow Era 7,040 5,345 48,000 +23% +24% 74,800 8,810 556 12
The Future 8,440 5,977 76,800 +25% +26% 85,700 10,550 679 12
Arctic Future 9,830 6,630 115,200 +25% +26% 97,400 12,280 823 12
Oceanic Future 11,340 7,303 144,000 +25% +28% 109,800 14,180 947 12
Virtual Future 13,550 7,997 192,000 +27% +28% 123,000 16,940 1,152 12
Space Age Mars 21,680 12,658 312,000 +27% +30% 205,500 27,100 1,399 12
Space Age Asteroid Belt 23,560 13,750 432,000 +27% +30% 227,600 29,450 1,646 12
Space Age Venus 25,450 14,861 504,000 +27% +30% 250,900 31,820 1,893 12