about 3 years
ago -
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Hello Queens and Kings,
For the detailed description of the changes, please see the list below:
General Improvements
This is the mobile section of the changelog. These are things that you won't see on the desktop version of the game and only concern the mobile interface or functionality. Keep in mind that the time the mobile update becomes available depends on the stores and can be some days after the release of the browser version. So don't be surprised if you don't see the update on your devices just yet.
Your Forge of Empires Team
For the detailed description of the changes, please see the list below:
- In the Castle System, on some occasions, the level up animation would not be triggered as expected (after reaching the required number of points). This has been fixed.
- Occasionally, with Ranking Points, there was a short-term display issue where the ranking points of a player would instead show, '0', or a negative number. This has been corrected and no longer happens.
- In Guild Versus Guild, there was a known technical issue where a Guild could not be dissolved in the situation another Guild placed a siege. This has been fixed.
- There was an issue with dialogue in the Production Window, where certain translations, caused text to appear outside their text-fields. The text in this dialogue has now been properly aligned.
- For Great Buildings with only one boost, the window when receiving a blueprint did not display correctly. The correct pop-up will now display.
General Improvements
- We have re-positioned the Heal All button—as well as reconfigured—the battle result window (making it smaller). You can see the new position and reconfigured battle result window here:
- We have improved the information window for upgradeable buildings, it will now function similar to information you can find on upgrade kits!
- The Castle System will only show the '!' mark when there is something to collect, and no longer, after receiving castle points.
- In addition, on Browser, we added a new window showing all rewards you got, after reaching the next level in the Castle System:
(Note: while this now only available on Browser, we are working on including for Mobile in a future update).
This is the mobile section of the changelog. These are things that you won't see on the desktop version of the game and only concern the mobile interface or functionality. Keep in mind that the time the mobile update becomes available depends on the stores and can be some days after the release of the browser version. So don't be surprised if you don't see the update on your devices just yet.
- One thing we forgot to mention on our last Changelog: We improved both the zoom-in and zoom-out function! You can now zoom-out and see your entire city at once!
- In Guild Battlegrounds, after a season has ended, on some occasions there was an issue with the Guild Battleground reward overview, where the top-3 guild names were not shown. This now fixed, and the correct guild names are shown.
- In the Army Pool, some attached units were displayed as unattached. This has been corrected.
- When creating a new message in the Message Center, and when adding a friend to the recipient list with a long name, a display issue could cause the name to be cut-off. This now displays as intended.
Your Forge of Empires Team