over 4 years ago - Dudettas - Direct link
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below. Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.

Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know at this linked thread.  
over 4 years ago - Dudettas - Direct link
  • Fixed an issue where changing the members of a conversation was not updating
  • Fixed an issue where the second wave of an army was incorrectly displayed as a preview in the results screen
  • Fixed an issue where the Forge Point was still required when trading and the Forge point bar updated.
over 4 years ago - InnoGames - Direct link
  • Nothing player-related today
over 4 years ago - InnoGames - Direct link
  • Fixed an issue where the Coin output of buildings was displayed wrong.
  • Fixed an issue where the Forge Point bar of Great Building Attachements in the Message Center where offset.
  • Fixed an issue where smilies weren't displayed correctly on the latest Mobile Version.
  • Fixed an issue where idle productions where started as well when using the Collect All functionality on Mobile.
  • Fixed an issue where the amount of Fragments wasn't displayed in the end of season reward chest of Guild Battlegrounds.
  • Fixed an issue where invisible buildings where displayed offgrid in the Cultural Settlements.
  • Fixed an issue where the direct message option was not available for players in guild threads on Mobile.
  • Fixed a text issue in the description of the Collect All functionality on Mobile.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an internal error when battling in the Cultural Settlement Ancient Egypt.

  • Introduced a banner shown to players that are still using the Flash Player version of Forge of Empires, to inform them about the ending support of the Flash Player December 31, 2020.
  • We increased the maximum character limit for messages in the Message Center from 5,000 characters to 10,000 characters.
over 4 years ago - InnoGames - Direct link
  • Fixed an issue, where the building and global menu couldn't be closed again by clicking on their respective buttons.
  • Fixed an issue, where attachments couldn't be deleted in the Message Center on the browser version.
  • Fixed an issue, where it was not possible to launch the Flash version of the game in Firefox.
over 4 years ago - InnoGames - Direct link
  • Fixed an issue, where it was not possible to plunder Forge Points from other players, as the 'Collection not possible' pop-up appeared on Mobile.