5 months ago - Forge of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s this time it's about the increased
3s Province building costs that we
4s introduced and uh for the headquarter as
7s well we know that especially for
10s headquarters that we also added the
12s buildings to now it is very attractive
15s for some guilds that might not be
17s affordable we will of course monitor
20s this also and see if a change is needed
23s there or not but we also need to
25s consider that we need to have a sync for
28s the resources in the game as well so
30s basically we need to have a place where
33s all the resource um the guil goods that
35s you have for your in your treasury that
37s they go somewhere so we will observe it
40s but we cannot promise changes um we will
43s need to see over the next
57s months