over 4 years
ago -
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CrashBoom said: the game says it has 51 questsFixed thank you
CrashBoom said: the game says it has 51 questsFixed thank you
estrid said: The event started. I saw the digging-entrance (or such) up left. Clicked to check it out.Please can you give me more information on where you saw the digging entrance.
Then made some tasks to get tickets, and now that digging-entrance is gone.
caro said: I found a toy (betty lou) but cannot start the questline (start button is grey)Please contact Support if you haven't already. Has the Toy quest appeared in your questline, or do you need to refresh the browser?
1CCX said: gold book? https://prnt.sc/u68irkThanks, this has been reported, the images for the last three toys are incorrect