Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Hello Forge fans!
2s After a long journey filled with  danger, our adventurous heroes return
7s with a bounty of precious  knowledge and hard-won experience.
11s Now, it's your turn to step into the  story - help prepare a Grand Banquet,
16s honoring them as they share tales of their
18s adventures and celebrate  their long-awaited return!
22s Before we kick-off the newest Fellowship Event,  don’t forget to subscribe to this channel
27s for more news about your favorite game!
34s Your loyal guide, Squire Primrose,  will assist you in completing quests
39s and pay with precious Gemstones  to finance the grand feast.
43s Use the Gemstones to hire Overseers and  buy special actions like the Time Skip
48s to help you accelerate your progress.
51s The goal of the minigame is to set up an efficient  production of Feast Provisions in your Event Towns
56s and collect enough to throw a Grand Banquet.
59s You can achieve this by strategically  transporting goods from various Town businesses
64s to the Banquet Hall with the use of the Carriage.
67s Each of the five businesses can be upgraded with
70s Feast Provisions to produce  more goods and work faster.
73s Once you collect enough Provisions to throw the  Banquet, collect your End-of-Town reward Chests
79s and move on to the next Event Town!
82s In each Town, you will be given special tasks.
85s Complete them to gain progress points and collect  as many Fellowship Grand Prizes as you can!
91s We mean it when we say it is a Grand  Banquet, as lots of Provisions are needed!
96s Squire Primrose has prepared this quick table
99s to explain what the numbers  you see on the screen mean.
102s As always, each Event Town features the MAX  setting that helps you upgrade businesses
107s to the maximum level your current Provisions  allow you to afford with one click of a button.
113s Check the number of levels you  will get here before you upgrade.
117s Use this setting to save time when you can, and –  most importantly – don’t forget to switch it back
122s when you want more control  of your Provisions spend
125s and upgrade your buildings one level at a time.
128s To help you with the Banquet preparation,  we are introducing a collection
132s of brand-new boosters for the Fellowship Event!
135s The Royal Seal of Advancement will upgrade  your Overseers without spending Gemstones.
141s The King’s Chronometer will  fast forward your productions
144s by 2 hours without spending any Gemstones.
148s And finally, the Monarch’s Edict of Provisions  will give you a discount on the Feast Provisions
153s required to progress to the next Banquet!
157s The Rival Challenge will make its  appearance twice during the event.
160s Take the opportunity to win extra Event Boosters,
164s and possibly even meet a new  Historical Ally on the way!
168s A haven where valiant travelers gather to share
171s tales and a hearty cup of ale  is the Whisperwood Watermill!
176s This upgradable 5x6 building provides Military  Boosts, regular and guild Goods productions,
182s and offers a daily random reward  of either Forge Points or Goods!
188s Make use of the Sylvan and Arcadian  Upgrade Kits to enhance the building
192s to the Silver and Golden versions, respectively.
196s But look!
197s The latter also gives you another option to  use recently introduced Historical Allies!
202s Beyond increased production,
204s the Arcadian Watermill features a  room for one Common Military Ally.
209s Place an ally of the same rarity and
212s affinity in the room to amplify the  Watermill’s effects even further.
217s To get an overview of the  currently available Allies,
220s visit the Hall of Legends just outside your City.
223s From there, you can view, place,  and recall Allies as you see fit.
229s As you venture through the lands  and take care of a prosperous feast,
233s you discover a bunch of additional  buildings we have in store!
236s The Jolly Oink Pigsty,  together with its time-limited
240s ascended version, will give you a boost
242s for the Quantum Incursions, along with  Military Bonuses, Forge Points and Goods.
248s The Golden Prize Lane contains even more powerful  Royal Carriage and Ascended Royal Carriage!
254s In our previous Fellowship Event, we unveiled  the Golden Upgrade for the Heroes' Tavern.
260s Now, the time has come to elevate it even further,  transforming it into the grand Mythical Manor!
267s This 5x4 structure boasts  enhanced Productions and Bonuses,
271s along with Fragments for the  Knights’ Pavilion Selection Kit.
275s The Knights’ Pavilion, introduced in days past,
278s can now be further upgraded to  the Valiant Knights’ Pavilion,
282s offering even more Goods and  mustering 8 valiant Units each day!
286s We are also introducing two new powerful  tools to help you manage your City.
292s The One Down Kit will decrease  the Age of a building by one,
295s and the Reversion Kit will set its  age back to the Stone Age, giving
297s you more flexibility in your city planning.
301s Both items can be found in the  Silver and Golden Prize Lanes!
305s Should your planning skills earn  you a place in the top Leagues,
309s you'll have a chance to receive  the Imperial Skyletter Spire!
313s This 4x5 majestic structure is  available only in the Gold League
317s and offers powerful bonuses for Attacking  Army, Defensive Army in Quantum Incursions,
323s Forge Points, and Fragments of the  Whisperwood Watermill Selection Kit.
328s In addition, the Epic Fellowship 2024 Selection  Kit will be available at various places
334s of the event and will give you the chance  to win the prizes you missed the last time.
340s To round things up, we have immortalized  the greatest heroes of the Forge realm
345s in portraits you can also  win in the Fellowship Event!
350s Join forces with townies to prepare a Grand
352s Banquet that is worthy of  your guests' heroic deeds!
356s Before you get consumed with preparations,  comment below and leave us a like on this video!
362s And of course, don’t forget to like our official  Facebook Page and join our official Discord server
368s to connect with thousands of other players.
371s Be the hero you are and see you in the game!