5 months ago - Forge of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s new update we
2s basically replaced the old Province
4s buildings with completely new Province
6s buildings and also needed to adjust the
8s costs for all of them this means that
12s they are now more expensive but the
14s buildings itself also have more benefits
17s compared to the old Province buildings
19s so overall it actually balances out and
22s is even cheaper compared to the previous
25s ones because the buildings are so a bit
27s more powerful that the cost dat that
30s require currently actually balance it
33s out and makes it a tiny bit cheaper than
36s before but of course you need to pay
38s more for the single building now and we
42s know that especially for headquarters
45s that we also added the buildings to now
47s it is very attractive for some guilds
50s but might not be affordable we will of
53s course monitor this also and see if a
56s change is needed there or not um and we
59s can understand that not every good has
62s as many good resources as um others may
64s be but we also need to consider that we
67s need to have sync for the resources in
70s the game as well so basically we need to
73s have a place where all the resource um
75s the guil goods that you have for your in
77s your treasury that they go somewhere so
80s we will observe it but we cannot promise
82s changes um we will need to see over the
85s next month