13 days
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We're thrilled to announce an update to our Guild Expedition —the Guild Expedition Trials!
Available with the next Guild Expedition starting on January 28th!
Choose Your Challenge!
Start every Guild Expedition by selecting a trial that matches your ambition. With Trials 1 to 3 already unlocked, you can decide to keep the current challenge, ease into it, or take it up a notch! Higher trials offer better rewards, but remember—you must complete the current trial to unlock the next.
Dynamic Battles!
Experience a mix of defensive and attacking armies across all maps.
Fortification Upgrades!
Build them on all maps and boost both attacking and defensive armies with the Eagle, Jaguar, and new Twin Serpent Temples.
New Rewards!
Discover new upgrades to existing rewards like the Silver and Gold Terrace Farm or the Tiny Fountain of Youth!
Join the Discussion! This is a significant update, so we're eager to hear your thoughts and questions. Head over to the feedback thread, where we'll be compiling FAQs and addressing your feedback. Full announcement on our Knowledge Base.
Ready to take on the challenge? See you in the Guild Expedition Trials!
Your Forge of Empires Team