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Please find below the reference changelog for version 1.189
For the detailed description of the changes, please see the list below:
- We fixed a rare issue where it would be possible to have negative ranking points being shown in the social bar.
- Mobile messages with emoji could cause multiple line-breaks in the Browser Chat. This issue has been fixed now.
- There was an issue when inserting the digit * in the recipient list of a new message in the message center, which would result in duplicating the characters in the insert field. This issue has been fixed now.
- The keyboard's shortcut "C" was working properly to open the Message Center, but not to close it. This shortcut should now close it as well.
- We fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to motivate the Tiger's Den building.
- In edge cases it would not be possible to donate medals to the Guild Treasury when having more than max INT medals. This issue has been fixed now.
- The Message Center and Chat buttons were changing their display order in the player HUD after visiting other game features (e.g. Guild Battlegrounds or Cultural Settlements). This issue has been fixed now.
- We fixed an issue where the Mobile Chat window was closing when tapping slightly beneath or between the window tabs.
- We fixed an issue where the Favorite icon was not updating after checking favorite checkbox in the Message Center.
- We fixed an issue where two-lane incidents were not being displayed for cities with a single two-lane street.
Thank you for playing Forge of Empires!
Your Forge of Empires Team