about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
{ "lightbox_close": "Close", "lightbox_next": "Next", "lightbox_previous": "Previous", "lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen", "lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox_download": "Download", "lightbox_share": "Share", "lightbox_zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox_new_window": "New window", "lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" } JUP-MO.png
Dear Kings and Queens,
Today, on Monday, March 07th, our newest addition to the Ages, Space Age Jupiter Moon will arrive!

This is the place to be if you have any questions about it or would like to discuss it with other players.
Please keep in mind that your opinion may differ from the opinions of other players, you don't have to convince each other of anything here. :)

We appreciate your feedback!

Please write your feedback in a factual and constructive way and stay on topic.
So that we can pass your feedback on to the developers, the following points would be important to note:
  • Feedback that only contains one sentence like "Water is scary!" is not helpful. Please make sure to include reasons for your opinion.
  • The same goes for positive feedback. We are happy about it of course, but describing what exactly you like is always very helpful!
  • Limit your feedback to the actual content. Feedback like "You should improve X" or feedback that refers to other game content or previous events is not helpful.
  • Use the "Like" button if another player has already reflected your opinion well.

Thank you very much and have fun!

Your Forge of Empires Team  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link

Dear Kings and Queens,

We are proud to present a brand-new Age — Space Age Jupiter Moon (SAJM).

The Space Age Jupiter Moon starts on March 7th, 2022

Humans found a new exotic gene on the Jupiter Moon. It laid there for the past million years. This gene could help humans to survive a more dangerous environment and could counter the problems with radiation in space.

Only problem: the genes do need to be tested, refined and adjusted. Because they are extremely vulnerable, now humans need to test them on the moon itself. Test subjects: first plants, then animals, then humans.

The gene in the beginning (during testing) adds bio-luminescent attributes.

Mankind has triumphed over energy, transportation and nourishment. However, cosmic rays and electromagnetic radiation hinders the exploration possibilities. The aquatic lifeforms have developed resistance to harsh cosmic waves and radiation in the form of a bioluminescent protective layer.

The Space Age Jupiter Moon age brings you:

  • Your own colony on the Jupiter Moon!
  • 50 main story line quests
  • 45 side quests
  • 15 recurring quests
  • 9 new Avatars
  • 10 new expansions
    • 6 premium expansions
    • 2 tech tree expansions
    • 1 campaign expansion
    • 1 Victory expansion
  • 26 new technologies to research
  • 2 new residential buildings
  • 5 new military buildings with 5 new units (+ Champion)
  • 11 Goods Buildings – 6 of which are Synthesizers
  • 2 new workshop buildings
  • 2 new culture buildings
  • 1 new decoration
  • 2 new streets
  • 1 new Great Building

The colony:

The new under-water outpost at Jupiter Moon becomes available upon researching the first technology on the Research Tree. Please keep in mind that unlocking this new technology, you will grant independence to your previous colony (Venus) and give you access to a new one (Jupiter Moon). With this transition, Venus’s outpost will be closed, but its campaign map as well as the story quests will still be available to you. Although, you will not be able to access Venus's outpost anymore, you can still produce goods from this era by unlocking Space Age: Jupiter Moon buildings from the Research Tree.

Once you reach the Space Age Jupiter Moon, your new colony will be accessible through the same Spaceport in the outskirt limits of your own city:

Space Age Jupiter Moon's Town Hall Spaceport to visit your colony

To obtain the new goods that will advance you through Jupiter Moon, you will need the help of your colony as always. The new goods buildings will be built in your colony during the Jupiter Moon age (as you do not yet have the possibility to synthesize them in your main city). In the same way that you needed Venus Carbon to advance through Space Age Venus, you will need Unknown DNA to refine it into the goods. Unlock the exploration sites on the campaign map to obtain Unknown DNA.

As you know, one of the most important resources in your colony is still your Life Support. You will notice it on the upper left side of your colony and it influences your goods production.

To help your colony to become more productive and successful, you will need to place Life Support buildings like the 'Oxygen Concentrator', 'Organic Oxidator', 'Deep Aquamarine', and, 'Hydrographic Hub'.

New Great Building:

Great Building - A.I Core (5 x 5)

The A.I Core will help you and your Guild with providing some goods into the Guild treasury! Also, it will provide you some special good support! What does that mean? Well, remember how hard it was to collect all the special goods in the past …? With this Great Building, you collect more special goods in the future for a certain amount of rounds! If you have not reached the Age of Arctic Future, don't worry! You will get more supplies for your Journey!

New Units:

All units have the Keen Eye ability! This means, upon attacking they have a chance of 35% to double the damage dealt.

Glacier Hiker Abyssal Glider Division Drones Cavitation Tank Harpoon Grenadier Champion
Heavy Melee - Absorbs damage points by 2, up to a minimum of 1 damage point. Fast - This flying unit ignores the terrain while moving. It also cannot be attacked by artillery units. Light Melee - This sneaky drones will be hiding in Stealth mode in Rubble. They can only be attacked by units on adjacent hex tiles! Long Ranged (Artillery) - This unit has the bonus "blast". This means that they get a bonus to their attack value for every field closer to their target. It also ignores "stealth". Short Ranged - This unit will not be peaceful when getting attacked! He will always retaliate against attacks. Champion - Gains attack and defense bonuses when it's the only unit with Chivalry in your army.

Besides that, the Champion grants attack and defense bonuses to all friendly units when he gets killed.

Note: Please remember, that the PvP Tower Tournament only starts the week after the release.

Let us know what you think about the new era and its setting, as well as all the new content. We're looking forward to your feedback!

Lastly, please keep in mind that you can always test our newest features in advance by using our Beta Mobile App. For more information on how to install it, please follow this guide.

Thank you for playing Forge of Empires!

The Forge of Empires Beta Team  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
CrashBoom said: blast ignores stealth in previous era

so it should be mentioned here too
(and even more if it can't ignore it here)
Added the info, thanks for pointing it out. :)  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Here you have the stats for the A.I. Core from level 1-10:
Spoiler: A.I. Core

icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods-50aa01a86.png Guild Goods Produces some of each current good for the guild's treasury. Can only be collected when in a guild.
icon_great_building_bonus_algorithmic_core-21a317957.png Algorithmic Core Boosts the first special good collections from productions after reaching Arctic Future. Boosts supplies in earlier eras instead.

Level Requires Forge Points Ranking Points Guild Goods Algorithmic Core
# %
1 100 473,875 12 4 5%
2 150 476,125 13 4 6%
3 280 480,325 15 4 7%
4 430 486,775 16 4 9%
5 570 495,325 18 5 10%
6 720 506,125 19 5 11%
7 890 519,475 21 5 12%
8 1,050 535,225 22 5 13%
9 1,230 553,675 24 5 15%
10 1,390 574,525 25 5 17%
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Also, here are the current unit stats:
Spoiler: Units
Age Type rank-57652d887.png attack-4d273fa55.png defense-72fdd7ceb.png range-fcf47db0c.png movement-5ac695fd7.png Attack Bonus Defense Bonus Boost 1 Boost 2
Division Drones
Light Unit 22,500 800 1,000 3 25 heavy_melee-070441836.png +400
fast-8d4c847af.png +400
on rubble +100
heavy_melee-070441836.png +400
fast-8d4c847af.png +400
on rubble +90

Keen Eye (35%)
Stealth on Rubble
Abyssal Glider
Fast Unit 22,500 850 900 8 30 short_ranged-85371eefa.png +400
long_ranged-b00e96d08.png +400
on rocks +70
short_ranged-85371eefa.png +400
long_ranged-b00e96d08.png +400
on rocks +110
Keen Eye (35%) Flying
Harpoon Grenadier
Ranged Unit 22,500 800 900 14 16 light_melee-d017f6484.png +400
long_ranged-b00e96d08.png +400
in craters+100
light_melee-d017f6484.png +400
long_ranged-b00e96d08.png +400
in craters +110
Keen Eye (35%) Contact!
Cavitation Tank
Artillery Unit 22,500 800 850 24 12 light_melee-d017f6484.png +400
heavy_melee-070441836.png +400
on hills +100
light_melee-d017f6484.png +400
heavy_melee-070441836.png +400
on hills +90
Keen Eye (35%) Blast
Glacier Hiker
Heavy Unit 22,500 900 1,100 2 18 fast-8d4c847af.png +400
short_ranged-85371eefa.png +400
fast-8d4c847af.png +400
short_ranged-85371eefa.png +400
Keen Eye (35%) Force Field (2)
Heavy Unit 21,000 1,000 1,500 2 20 fast-8d4c847af.png +500
short_ranged-85371eefa.png +550
in plains +250
fast-8d4c847af.png +500
short_ranged-85371eefa.png +550
in plains +250
Chivalry Call of Duty