over 3 years
ago -
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For the detailed description of the changes, please see the list below:
- We fixed an issue where mouse hovering a few units via Army Management, would sometimes not display the full values text.
- We fixed an issue where new founders were not being reassigned on guilds where former founders stopped playing the game.
- The player search function was not working properly in the Global Ranking window when searching for your own nickname. This issue has been fixed now.
- The scrolling function was not responding properly when trying to scroll in the Goods tab of the Inventory Window. This issue was only affecting Mac users, but it is now fixed.
- We fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to disable the Province Tagged confirmation window on Guild Battlegrounds.
- Winning blueprints for multiple Great Buildings via Guild Expedition Chests, was not displaying all blueprints won on the same popup. This issue has been fixed now.
- The rewards' description for Shan Jahan were inconsistent, as the town hall and settlement rewards overview windows were displaying different info (one was mentioning "previous era", and the other one "current era". This issue has been fixed and they are both now showing "previous era".
- When mouse hovering players sitting in your Friends Tavern, the tooltip highlight was overlapping the options. This issue has been fixed now.
- Visiting other cities would display the status indicator above their Antiques Dealer buildings. This would usually happen when your city also had the status indicator, but this issue has been fixed now.
- After starting a 2 days production, the remaining time would be overlapped by the sand timer icon. This issue has been fixed now.
- Returning to the city after using the reconstruction mode, would sometimes result in situations where buildings overlapped one another.This has been corrected, so it no longer occurs.
- The info text on Antiques Dealer's exchange slots were mixed up. This issue has been fixed now.[/COLOR]
- Despite having the 6th slot unlocked, only 5 slots were being displayed on Antiques Dealer's exchange window. This issue has been fixed now.
Mobile Only Changes
This is the mobile section of the changelog. These are things that you won't see on the desktop version of the game and only concern the mobile interface or functionality. Keep in mind that the time the mobile update becomes available depends on the stores and can be some days after the release of the browser version. So don't be surprised if you don't see the update on your devices just yet.
Message Center Mobile Bugfixes
- Additionally in the Message Center, there was an issue within active conversations, where trying to scroll would cause it to accelerate too fast. This has now been corrected.
- Moreover, on Android 11 within the Message Center, there was also an issue where following links - like those to announcements - would not work as expected. These links now function, when clicked.
- Furthermore, within the Message Center, when trying to report a player above you in the conversation, a pop-up would incorrectly being triggered saying 'you cannot ignore yourself.' This has been fixed, this player can be ignored, and pop-up no longer triggered.
- Within Guild Battlegrounds, there was an issue with the Besieger title, displaying the 'r' a line below the rest of the text. This has now been fixed.
- Furthermore, there was a rare technical issue that occurred after in-succession quickly clicking the auto-battle button. This has been fixed.
- Additionally in Guild Battlegrounds, there was a further technical issue which occurred sometimes, allowing you to interact with the map between the an auto-battle and summary. This has now been fixed.
PVP Arena Mobile Bugfixes
- There was an issue in PVP Arena, where an unintentional unsubscription would happen (due to a pvp defending army being removed). This has now been corrected, and should no longer occur.
General Mobile Bugfixes
- On Multi-Reward Residential Buildings, there was a display issue where collected units would not be displayed on screen. This has been corrected, so they are displayed as being collected.
- When moving a building that has already been chained, there was an issue where the warning dialogue would not trigger as expected. This has been fixed, and the dialogue now displays a warning.
- In the Antique's Dealer, there is a display issue which shows '+0' after the maximum amount of castle points received from purchases. This has been corrected, so it no longer shows.
- In addition, within the Antiques Dealer, the slot order would sometimes change, and display incorrectly, while an exchange was in progress. This has now been fixed.
Your Forge of Empires Team