about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link

Dear Kings and Queens,
On Tuesday, November 17th, you and your guild can enjoy our new feature: The Guild Perks!

This is the place to be if you have any questions about it or would like to discuss it with other players.
Please keep in mind that your opinion may differ from the opinions of other players, you don't have to convince each other of anything here. :)

We appreciate your feedback!

Please write your feedback in a factual and constructive way and stay on topic.
So that we can pass your feedback on to the developers, the following points would be important to note:
  • Feedback that only contains one sentence like "Guild Features are boring" is not helpful. Please make sure to include reasons for your opinion.
  • The same goes for positive feedback. We are happy about it of course, but describing what exactly you like is always very helpful!
  • Limit your feedback to the actual content. Feedback like "You should improve X" or feedback that refers to other game content or previous events is not helpful.
  • Use the "Like" button if another player has already reflected your opinion well.

Thank you very much and have fun!

Best regards,
Your Forge of Empires Team  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link

Disclaimer - We would like your help!

Guild Perks is a feature that we are continuing to develop while on Beta. While, we have plans for updates, we would also like your involvement in helping us shape the best possible feature for our communities!

In the Feedback section below, please let us know what you think of Guild Perks, what you would like to see implemented moving forward! In addition, we are also interested in your ideas for potential Perks — so feel free to get creative!​

Dear Kings and Queens,

Strategy, and the coordination of it through Guilds, are vital within Forge of Empires. That is why we are happy to finally reveal Guild Perks! A completely new feature, which during a three-week cycle, allows you to unlock effects which can be used to help you in your campaigns. Where the strategy comes in, is that only a limited amount of Perks can be activated per cycle, and to do so, your Guild must donate a fair amount of resources to unlock and activate them! Additionally, each Perk has elements of a tradeoff, with both positive and negative effects.

Which Perk will you decide on, and how will you strategize to maximize your chosen Perk's effects? We cannot wait for you to jump in and try yourself!

Guild Perks will be available in Beta from November 17th

Once available, you will have the option to donate and confirm different Perks within the menu option in the HUD here:

Donating To Unlock A Perk

Each cycle (typically a 3-week period), a selection of Perks will be made available to all Guilds. These selections will change each cycle, and at the start of a new cycle, a whole new selection of Perks will be provided. However, importantly, while the selections of Perks will change each cycle, during the cycle, all Guild will share the same list of Perk selections. Therefore, these will change each cycle, but not between different Guilds.

To unlock these Perks, your Guild Members will need to donate resources. However, they will have to be selective! As donating to all possible Perks will require a fair amount of resources, and only a limited amount of Perks can be activated during a cycle. Additionally, and most crucially, resources that are donated to an unconfirmed Perk, will not be refunded to the players who donated.

Therefore, at the beginning of each cycle, it is worth coordinating with your Guild and deciding which Perk(s) to donate towards, and confirm!

Each day, every player in a Guild has a limited number of donations, which they can use to progress any of the available perks (resets every day at midnight).

All players and Guilds share the same limit on donations.

For each Perk, there are usually four different options to donate at one time (Donation Actions), each providing a different amount of Donation Points (DPs) which progress toward unlocking the Perk, and ultimately, will unlock it once the DP bar is filled.

The Donation Actions include a diamond donation option, as well as three different resource donation options (which have different values, and therefore, provide different DPs when a donation has been made). The resources required for each are randomly generated every cycle.

However, there is also a limit to each Donation Action. Indeed, you will need to use different actions each day to be able to make use of all of your Daily Donations!
Once all Donation Actions have been completed, you will need to wait until the next day for it to refresh.

Important Info - The amount of Donation Actions required to unlock the Perk will scale based on the size of your Guild. With larger Guilds having larger DPs requirements.

Very Important Info - You can only donate and benefit (from a Perk) if you have joined a Guild before the cycle began. If you joined after, then you will only be able to participate in the next cycle afterwards.

Activating A Perk, And Its Effects

Once the necessary amount of DPs has been reached, Perks can be confirmed by Guild Admin, however it will require an additional cost of Goods from the treasury in the form of a confirmation cost. Each Perk's confirmation costs are displayed even before any donations begin, therefore, as a Guild, you can decide in advance whether it is worth the price, as well as gather the necessary resources to pay it!

Once confirmed, everyone in your Guild will now benefit from the Perk!

However, each Perk has benefits as well as drawbacks. Therefore, you will need to coordinate as a Guild to maximize the bonuses, while mitigating against the possible disadvantages.

Indeed, when selecting and activating a Perk, your Guild will really need to consider which Perks will provide the best benefit for your play style!

It is always worth considering whether the advantage is worth the drawback!

Important Info - In situations, where the Guild treasury is missing the required Goods for the activation cost, Guild admins can donate their own.

Levelling Up Perks

Once a Perk has been activated, the fun doesn't end there! Perks, and the effects they provide, can also be levelled up by further donation actions.

However, with each level the Donation Points — required to level up a Perk — are higher.

In addition, the confirmation costs (and Goods from the treasury required), will also increase with each level.

Lastly, each Perk has a max level, therefore it is not possible to level them up continuously.

Important Info -
the amount of DPs required to level up a Perk is also contingent on the size of Guild. With larger Guilds needing more DPs to progress to the next level.

We really look forward to hearing your feedback on Guild Perks! As indicated on the disclaimer above, we really want your ideas, on how we can best improve Guild Perks moving forward!

Not only that, but we are really interested to hear which Perks you like, and ideas for future Perks to be implemented within the game! Please let us know by providing feedback here.

As always, please remember, there is no guarantee that your ideas will be implemented, however you have our assurance we will consider each piece of feedback equally!

If you would like to get yourself informed about more features in development, please visit our Beta servers, or check the Mobile Beta Test Program.

Your Forge of Empires Team  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
CrashBoom said: above:

in announcement
The 16th was the old date I forgot to change. It will be released on the 17th.
Yekk said: Since nothing the players say here will be listened to by Inno why does this thread even exist...?
Because of this feedback we decided to do it this way this time. We really want to hear what you think about this feature and want to improve and extend it based on your feedback.
AGranolaBar said: Can we see some more examples of what the guild perks CAN be (subject to change, of course). Just to have an idea, because the ones in the announcement all sound not worth the bother.

Also, the goods that each players are required to donate are from the player's age?
This one I can't answer yet. You will have to wait until it is released.
CrashBoom said: will there be a guild peek donation log (and if not yet is it planned for the future) ?
(like the log for guild goods donations)
Not that I know of, but that is surely something, the developers could add. :)
Emberguard said: Will subsequent cycles progress be reset or continue from progress already made once we come back to the same perks?
No, they will reset completely each cycle.
Hiep Lin said: From the image: gold, age goods, goods a-1 or diamonds.
My question: are these resources lost or are going into treasury?
These resources will be turned into DP to the perk. They will not be added to the guild treasury.  
about 3 years ago - InnoGames - Direct link
Dear Kings and Queens,

For the next cycle, starting December 8th, we will make some changes to Guild Perks!

Based on community feedback, we have made adjustments and redesigned Perks, as well as rebalanced Donation Actions and the levelling of Perks.

Please make sure you are in a Guild by the 8th, and let us know what you think of our changes here!

Your Forge of Empires Team  
about 3 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Dear Kings and Queens,

Currently there is an issue with the Perk: "Army of Thieves". One of the Boosts is: "+X% chance of 1 current era Good per unit your defending army kills". This is not correct and it should be the kills from your attacking army. Currently we plan to fix this issue on Monday, We will let you know in the feedback thread, if this changes.

Your Forge of Empires Team