about 2 months ago - Forge of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Welcome! Could you please shortly introduce  yourself?
3s Yeah, hi I am Mathias, Marketing Manager for Forge of Empires.
10s I'm Thiago and I'm the Product Manager on Forge of Empires, responsible for the seasonal events.
15s Thank you guys. Today we want to talk about the Care for Tomorrow event, our new event that is currently running on Beta.
23s We want to share some insights with our community about the event, because it is a special event as we want, as a Community, to contribute to planting trees in the
33s real world, and we got a lot of questions that we  want to answer now today, so I will jump in with my
39s first question. So, what inspired the idea for the  Care for Tomorrow event and the collaboration with
45s our partner Dots.Eco? Yeah, the answer is not  very exciting. So I attended a conference last
54s year and there was a presentation from the  Playing for the Planet Alliance, and the session
61s was about how we can harness the gaming industry's  influence to tackle environmental challenges and
74s raise awareness for sustainability. And around  the same time, maybe one or two weeks later, the
84s game team approached us and asked us  to to brainstorm ideas for a new event in Forge
93s of Empires and yeah it was basically a  perfect match, so I thought that's a great idea
103s to leverage our community and promote  sustainability by implementing an In-Game Event
117s into Forge of Empires and I presented the idea to  the game team. Luckily everyone was convinced by
126s the idea, so the next step then was to look  for a partner who can help us to translate the
137s in-game achievements of the players into real  world impact, and we looked at a few companies and
146s then found Dots.Eco, who's specializing in exactly  this area, helping companies to translate virtual
159s impact into real world impact, and yeah this  this is how it all started. Perfect thank you.
170s So this is maybe a question for both of you What  are some challenges you faced in developing the
176s event and how did you overcome them? Yeah, the development of this event was actually
181s pretty straightforward. We already had a very  engaging mechanic that players already enjoyed a
186s lot, and the main challenge was actually how to  find the balance between player engagement and
194s our company goals and put it all together. How  do we spread the trees, how we divide it, how do
202s we set the targets and the goals for that one and  technically actually also how do we implement the
209s whole feature in a way that the participation of  each of the players actually counts? After these
214s things were sorted out then the whole development  was super easy. The point then moved on into what
220s are the visuals, how can we show the players  that inside of the game each merge that
227s is done actually relates to saving the planet,  how to choose the pieces, the progression, the
233s color schemes? But overall when we decided what  the goal was everything else came out very easy.
240s Anything from marketing side that was particularly  challenging? Finding a partner as already
247s mentioned to translate the virtual  impact into real-world impact, a trustworthy
254s partner, but yeah apart from this nothing to  add. Cool thank you. When designing the Care
263s for Tomorrow event you decided for a futuristic  design, can you share some insights why Thiago? Yes
270s I actually discussed that a lot with our art  team and we never tell them exactly what to do, we
276s give them yeah in this case we gave them the Care  for Tomorrow sentence, that is also one of our
284s company values, and asked them to create something  that resonates with it. And in our company
292s caring for tomorrow is not only caring  for the planet, but also for our players and
297s the longevity of the games that we're actually  producing, so we keep players entertained for years
302s and years to come. And that's what was brought  into the design. How would the world be in the
308s future if we had a perfect combination of nature  and technology and based on this futuristic but
316s yet natural society our artists start to  produce. Every single asset in the game shows
323s what we see as the future of our world when we  understand the importance of the environment
330s and instead of pushing the boundaries to see  where we can fit what we actually integrate it
336s and the same vision we have for the world is  the vision that we bring in game. That's a very
341s beautiful answer thank you. Hope our players will  also like this vision that we try to convey.
348s So, how do player actions actually translate to  real world tree planting? Yeah, so we know that
356s the Merge Mechanic has one of its main progression  points unlocking the locked pieces on the
365s board and we understand that players have to do  that that's the fun of the game that's the most
369s strategic part of the game so every single piece  that is unlocked will be translated into a player
378s individual progress. And this individual progress  then is added up with all the other players on
384s the same world or same server and these will  move the progression and start to unlock
392s the trees. And this was also one of the points  that we had back in the beginning of the design
397s what do we want to do, how these progression should  look like and again we refer to our goals inside
403s of the company. We don't expect players to exceed  by themselves or just play nonstop, we constructed
413s the whole event and the whole mechanic based on  the idea that if everyone does their own part we're
419s able to reach what we want. So we visualized on all  the servers how much players were already playing
427s the mini game and how much they were already  merging and breaking these blocks and evaluated 
434s also the amount of participants on the event and  for the Care for tomorrow event what we decided
438s is if every player plays as they intended already  to do and motivate their friends to actually come
446s together, log in the game and also do their part,  nothing more nothing less, only what they actually
452s were already ready to do, we are more than happy to  translate each of these actions into a measurable
459s amount of trees and allow every single server  to have the same impact. With this event we are
467s not looking for winners or losers, we we are  looking towards helping the planet and that is
474s directly translating how the event is designed. Perfect. Are there already concrete projects  
481s planned where the trees that our players achieve  to plant are being planted in the real world? At
489s the moment we, as we partnered with Dots.Eco,  they already have Partnerships with several
495s projects, they already do a whole dual diligence  investigating how serious these projects are the
501s survival rate of the trees, so they ensure that the  money that's been sent to each of these individual
506s projects is actually used in a place that they  are needed and that we can ensure that the trees
511s planted will stay there and grow and help save the future. Currently we don't know exactly which
518s of the projects we will be supporting because  they have different needs and depending on what
524s we achieve in the end all together as a result in  this event, then we will ask Dots.Eco to find
532s the projects that need the most distribution, but  nevertheless, we want also to know. Not only you
538s guys are actually invested in the event but us as a  company we also want to see the impact that we all
544s together did. So by the end of the event you will all receive certificates telling
550s how many trees each of the servers actually  reached and we will be able also to
556s see in a world map which of the initiatives were  we able to impact. I think that's very cool and
563s I'm excited to see how many people we're going  to be able to help. Indeed very curious to see
570s which projects will come to life through our  contribution towards it and of course our players.
576s You already mentioned our company values a  couple of times so how does this event align
583s with InnoGames' core values of sustainability  and Caring for Tomorrow. Caring for Tomorrow event
589s does not have its name by chance. We did not come  up with the event, we actually wanted to imprint
594s one of our core values that is actually caring for  tomorrow, it's what guides our initiatives in InnoGames
601s all the time, into something real in the game.  So the idea is we have this very cool attitude
609s and this very valuable mission that we every  day work together on in the company. But how can we
617s actually make these things reach more people? And  the easiest way is looking at our games. We promote
624s experiences to our players, we are in touch with  them and we think that using the community from
629s Forge to spread this message  across the world with all the countries that we
636s reach, with all the players that we reach in their  different locations and ages we can make an even
642s bigger impact. So in the end it does not only - it's not only enough for us that work at
651s InnoGames to do something to save the planet. We are  trying to use all the tools that we have at hand
659s to convey this message as far as we can.  Awesome, thank you. Besides the trees that
667s are being planted or the certificate players will  be getting after the event are there any special
673s rewards or recognitions for players who contribute  significantly to the event? I think significantly  
680s is a very very important point of the sentence.  Since the beginning as I said of the design we  
686s don't want to have one significant player or  one significant server. Saving the world is not  
693s a work for one or two people, it's a collective  effort for something. So in the end there will
701s be rewards but these rewards will not be granted  only for the players that helped more or
705s less. We believe that if everyone do their own  part we're already going to reach what we want.
713s So the calculation and the balancing is based on  what Players already used to do. Of course we're
718s going to have rewards and some of the rewards are  directly connected to the word challenge, but they
724s will be equally distributed to all the players at  the same time. So yes in the end when the event
732s is over the only winner is the planet. We don't  expect any leagues, any bigger competition. This
738s event is about collaboration. I've seen already  in several of our communication channels players
745s talking and discussing about it how can they  help other players and that's something that I
750s personally would even encourage you guys to do. If  you know a player that is confused, maybe doesn't
755s know exactly how to play the event think it from  a better perspective. If you help these players
761s understand the event better, how the Mechanics Work  and how they can reach a better result you're also
766s doing your part to helping us help the world. So  the main goal of these things is actually focusing
772s on collaboration. There's no big winners. Everyone  is a winner in here. Thank you. After the event is
780s over and the projects will be kicked off to plant  the trees and stuff how do you actually plan to
787s communicate the positive impact of this event  and the trees being planted to our players? Yeah
795s we will be in touch of course with with our  partner Dots.Eco and they already promised to share
803s pictures and also numbers of how many  trees were actually planted and where they were
810s planted and what impact our yeah initiative will have on on the planet. These will of
823s course be also then shared with our players? Yeah  of course. One additional thing is by the
829s end of the event, just as the players already are  used to receive the end of the event rewards, we
835s will together with the end of the event rewards  send a link, and for the players that actually
842s want per email as well, with the certificate  web page so you have a unique identifier of your
850s certificate and accessing the certificate will allow  you to go directly to a web page, where you can
856s check where the trees are being planted, which are  the initiatives that are being supported, so you
861s also can help us keep track of our collective effort. Thank you. Mathias when you came up with the
870s idea of a collaboration to also have the  trees planted or other environmental initiatives
878s why do you think that environmental initiatives  like this resonate well with our Gaming Community?
885s So why Forge of Empires? From my point of view the  whole topic of environmental sustainability is
898s getting more and more prominent and by now I  would say everyone more or less has to deal with
907s this topic and the gaming community, especially  our community, is the community I perceive as
918s as very passionate and caring right? So  I see a strong fit between the Forge Community and
930s environmental sustainability as  a broader topic and then also restoration in
940s in a more specific way. Because - I mean the  event adds another purpose to the game right?
949s Players can have a real-world impact through their  actions in the game and I think that this
959s can motivate players, but also give the kind of  rewarding feeling so that you actually contribute
972s to something bigger and what could there be  bigger than saving or helping to to save
980s the planet? Indeed. I think this is a common goal  everyone, also in our Game Community shares in
987s the end. Can you maybe also tell us more about  any other partnerships or collaborations that
994s were essential for this event? I mean the whole  event got inspired, as I already mentioned, by a
1005s presentation I attended by the Playing for the  Planet Alliance which was basically born by
1017s the United Nations sustainability program. And this initiative is seeking to leverage
1030s the gaming community to promote sustainability  and tackle environmental challenges. I think
1041s there was also the Green Game Jam? Right, this is  part of the Playing for the Planet - The Green Game
1047s Jam is an initiative organized by Playing for  the Planet Alliance and yeah this is basically
1057s about gaming companies trying to implement  green activations into their game. So this could
1068s be green messaging, so just to raise awareness for  a topic, or as we are doing it in Forge of Empires to
1076s implement green In-Game event to raise  awareness for environmental topics like we are
1087s doing for for the topic of restoration. Thank you.  Will there be more initiatives like this in the
1095s future? Hopefully. Yes, so I'm definitely  planning to to continue this but there are
1109s no details to to share yet. I would love to make  it. I would love to make it. So it most likely also
1116s depends a bit on how well this event plays out  so that we can, once the event is over, evaluate
1125s participation impact and so on and then decide  next steps? Exactly. Awesome! So just one last thing: Do
1134s you have any key messages you want players to  take away from this event? From my side the key
1141s message I want players to take away is that small  actions can already lead to significant impact and
1152s you just don't have to focus on the small action  itself but also on the potential that lies within
1162s talking about those small actions. And talking  about your green actions can create a ripple
1174s effect right? And then inspire someone else to also  do something for the planet or be a bit more
1183s cautious in in their actions, and if we just think  that every one of us inspires one other person
1193s imagine the impact that we can have with small actions  we are doing. Yeah, probably hard to imagine that
1208s every action can lead to big change. You have  to start somewhere. I can only second that
1218s it's interesting if you look at the the whole  story you told us. You were at the presentation that
1223s led to a conversation that led to an idea and now we have millions - hundreds of thousands of players
1230s learning about these actions, about these ideas, and  maybe spreading them forward - yes small things can
1238s actually make a change. Awesome. Thank you both for  your insights and we hope that the event
1246s will also really resonate with these topics with  our players. Thanks a lot! You're welcome. See you guys on Forge!