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We hope you are enjoying the first days of Spring!
In June (for version 1.209), we are planning to move forward with a Community Sprint. To clarify what that means, a Sprint is typically a two-week period where our developer teams work on specific topics, and for this two-week period they will entirely focus on quality of life and usability improvements for Forge of Empires.
Considering this will be our main focal point for that Sprint, and in doing so we want to improve the experience of the player through these usability improvements, we thought it would be important to reach out to you, and get an idea of which suggestions you would most like to see!
We ask that you please provide your suggestions in the comments section below. However, before you begin, we do need to establish some ground rules.
Firstly, due to time constraints, we will need to set a cut-off date for the 26th of March. We ask you please get your suggestions in before then, otherwise they will not be considered.
Secondly, we ask that the suggestions be realistic and based on what is achievable within a sprint. Sadly, if the nature of the suggestion is related to an ambitious new feature (or a significant change within the game), then it will not be something we could carry forward and consider for the Community Sprint. We ask you please check out our guidelines page here on what not to suggest.
While we do need to set parameters, we would still be very interested in any implementation based on a browser extension, or external page that you use. Certainly, if you feel it would be useful to have that within Forge of Empires (rather than using it externally)—then please do recommend it!
Thirdly, as well as posting suggestions, we ask you to please like the suggestions from other players that you most want to see. That way, we can get a gauge on the popularity of the different suggestions.

Finally, we must also reiterate, with any suggestion that there is no guarantee of its implementation. We are of course grateful for the time you are taking to provide it, and will consider them with the relevant teams, however we will only be able to move forward with a few (based on popularity and our ability to implement them within the game). So please do keep that in mind, when forwarding your suggestions.
With all that being said, we are very much looking forward to your ideas, and cannot wait to see what you come up with in the comments section below!
Thank you for playing Forge of Empires!
Your Forge of Empires Team.