almost 4 years ago - In.My.ConTroL - Direct link
Please find the daily changelogs for this week below. Every day we'll make a post notifying of any bugfixes or changes to the game, or otherwise to let you know that no changes have taken place.

Should you have any feedback regarding the contents of the daily changelogs, please let us know at this linked thread.  
almost 4 years ago - In.My.ConTroL - Direct link
  • In case there was no military building in your city, the "collect all" button would display an error while collecting from Alcatraz.
  • Each Confirmation Window has been updated in the game.
almost 4 years ago - In.My.ConTroL - Direct link
  • We fixed an issue where the "collect all" button was also collecting productions that were ready in the Aztecs Settlement.
  • We fixed an issue where no confirmation window would pop-up for deleting Battlegrounds province buildings.
  • Two updated confirmation windows were not being displayed properly, but this issue has been fixed now:
    • Upon paying resources to complete a Quest, the pay condition window would show the amount overlapping the resource icon.
    • Upon storing a military building, it will now display a warning to inform you that your unlocked military slots will be lost.
almost 4 years ago - In.My.ConTroL - Direct link
  • From now on, the first three minigames on Cultural Settlement Aztecs will display the reward locations when pressing the "collect" button on the final screen of the minigame. Please keep in mind that it's only shown on the first playthrough on each world.
  • We fixed an issue where it was possible to purchase a Friends Tavern Extra Turn when Guild Expedition's participation was unavailable (e.g. after recently joining a guild while GE is already running).
  • We fixed another issue where empty message threads would show "null" in overview, when playing on browser version.
almost 4 years ago - In.My.ConTroL - Direct link
  • Nothing player related today
almost 4 years ago - In.My.ConTroL - Direct link
  • Nothing player related today