10 months ago - Juber - Direct link
newlogo1.png In this update we are implementing technical improvements, bug fixes and adding content for future events. You can find highlights of these changes down below.

  • Battles
    • FOE-80823: Manual Battles were slow, particularly the animations. We've now decreased the fadeout animation duration after completing a manual battle.
  • Inventory
    • FOE-80200: Are you a perfectionist? Then you'll appreciate this bugfix: The progress bar for fragments slightly exceeded its container box when all required fragments to assemble the item were collected. We've adjusted its length to ensure a perfect fit!
  • Texts
    • FOE-80293: For some time, happiness no longer affects the battle points awarded. However, text inaccurately indicated that an angry population would impact your battle points. We have corrected this discrepancy by removing the misleading information.
    • FOE-80673: Error messages had become unhelpfully vague, only showing generic error messages such as "Exception" or "Sorry, an internal error has occurred...". We've made them specific once more.
  • Settings
    • FOE-80600: Previously, if you registered as a guest, you couldn't add an email to your account. This option is now available again.
Mobile Only Changes

Keep in mind that the time the mobile update becomes available depends on the stores and can be some days after the release of the browser version. Don't be surprised if you don't see the update on your mobile devices at the exact same time.
  • Quests
    • FOE-80588: Completing any quest incorrectly displayed the green checkmark not just for the completed quest, but also for the Rival Challenge. Baron Alaric Ironsoul was understandably displeased, so we've promptly corrected this error.
    • FOE-80381: On certain screen resolutions, the Quest Icon would obscure the rankings button, making it difficult to access. No more fiddling necessary! We've moved the Quest icon down a bit to solve this issue.
  • Guild Battlegrounds
    • FOE-80793: Long construction times can be daunting, but even more unsettling was placing province buildings without knowing their construction duration. We've addressed this by ensuring the build times are now visible before you place them.
  • Rankings
    • FOE-80855: Opening the Guild Rankings while not being in a guild could previously lead to technical complications. We've implemented measures to prevent these issues.
  • Tooltips
    • FOE-80966: This issue was resolved in the 1.276 update, but we still want to highlight it: Tapping on a building with chain pieces attached previously caused the app to close. This no longer occurs.
That's all for this update folks!

Quantum Incursions are still being tested on the Beta server. We also released our 12th Anniversary Event, introducing the Metro Station as its main reward!
You can test those additions and follow the development if you join our Beta Server!

Your Forge of Empires Team