almost 4 years
ago -
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Dear Kings and Queens,
Ever wanted one place to keep track of all your progress in different Events in Forge? As well as win additional prizes for completing quests within the Event? Well you are in luck! Starting today, we will be introducing the Event Hub on Beta!
The Event Hub is a brand-new off-grid building that will be accessible on your map at all times without taking up any space within your City (like the Antiques dealer or the Cultural Settlement's Harbor).

The Event Hub is a off grid building which is divided into different slots - each one dedicated to a different event. By clicking on the dedicated Event Slot, you can see your progress in the Event, and the relevant rewards for completing the Event. By completing quests within the Event, you can unlock a cosmetic Event slot upgrade - which will allow you bragging rights as you continue to improve the overall appearance of the Event Hub - and a booster!
The first dedicated Event slots will become available with the Soccer Event, coming to Beta on April 21st!
While the first Event slot is not yet currently available, you will still be able to view the Event Hub, as well as which Events will be available within the future!
In terms of available Events to view, please be aware that it is only the remaining events within the 2021 calendar. Each year, the Event Hub will receive an update, and a new building with new slots for future Events will become available.
However, do not fear! As the Event Hub is updated with each year, the previous years Event Hubs and the relevant slots will be always be available for you to view at any time.

Should you have any comments, questions or issues, please let us know! We're looking forward to your feedback
In addition, if you would like to get yourself informed about our features in development, please visit our Beta servers, or check the Mobile Beta Test Program .
Thank you for playing Forge of Empires!
Your Forge of Empires Team.