almost 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
{ "lightbox_close": "Close", "lightbox_next": "Next", "lightbox_previous": "Previous", "lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen", "lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox_download": "Download", "lightbox_share": "Share", "lightbox_zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox_new_window": "New window", "lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" } Fellowship%20logo%20copy.png
Hearken noble lords and ladies, and listen to our tale! For a band of famous heroes are returning from a long year of daring exploits - from vanquishing wolves to saving villages, and braving the treacherous rivers of the realm. Our heroes need your help to prepare a banquet worthy of their noble deeds!

The Fellowship Event will start on 31st of May and run until 20th of June


Squire Primrose will be your faithful guide. Complete their quests to earn the Gemstones needed to finance the grandest banquet the realm has seen. There will be 35 rush quests and 21 daily quests. And as always, you'll also be able to pick up free Gemstones each day from the Daily Bonus Quests.
Upon opening the event, you'll see a detailed map of our wondrous kingdom. To the left of the river, note the grand banquet hall and the wagonmaster, while to the right, a multitude of medieval shops, each dutifully producing items necessary for our grand feast. By selecting any of these shops, you set the production process in motion, and once it's complete, simply select the shop again to collect the goods. This will add feast provisions to your stockpile!

But that is just the beginning, as you will need to transport these feast provisions to your banquet hall using the horse and carriage. Selecting the carriage will initiate a journey to collect and transport the Feast Provisions from your shops to your banquet hall. Your work is not done until the provisions are safely stockpiled for the feast!
Maximize productions
If you have built up a stockpile of Feast Provisions and wish to use them all quicker, check the 'max' box. This will automatically invest the maximum amount of Provisions in a shop with just one click. If you find yourself short of time, you can also spend your Gemstones to speed up your productions, and skip 2, 4, or 8 hours at a time.
Select Overseer
Once you have a shop set up, it is time to hire an overseer. Select the image-2023-5-26_6-29-25.png icon to hire an overseer; this will automate the production of Feast Provisions, and also improve the output of the shops. The banquet hall and wagonmaster can also each have an overseer allowing you to automate the entire process. Level up the overseer for even better efficiency!

Now you're all set up to start completing some tasks! You can find three tasks at a time at the top of the event window. For more information on your tasks, click on the grey arrow to the right of the tasks bar. Once a task is complete, you will be prompted to collect it. Completing and collecting tasks will increase your progress toward the Grand Prizes and special Fellowship Prizes, as well as providing a reward. But more on that later!
Each time you complete and collect a task, a new one will fill its place until all the tasks for that map are complete. Now you can move on to the next map by selecting the 'Next Banquet' button in the bottom right. You will also have the chance to win some extra prizes from the end-stage chests! One chest can be opened for free, but if you open all 6 you will win the Feast and Fables Selection Kit, displayed in the top right. With it you can either build a Grilling Grove or a Jester's Stage! Be wary though as each chest will increase in cost, so make sure you have enough Gemstones to open the chests you want! To bag a discount, open all the chests at once!
If this all sounds like too much information - do not worry, your first map can be completed for only 1 million Feast Provisions, so use the time to get to grips with the event!

You don't need to collect all tasks in order to proceed and unlock a new map. Starting from the second event map, as soon as you gather 8.4 quadrillion Feast Provisions, you can click on "Continue" to advance and still keep your grand prize progress (in other words, the task progress). Once you've selected your stage prizes, the map progress will be reset and this gives you the chance to start the production over and earn yourself even more Grand Prizes.


This button will light up as soon as you have 8.4Q Feast Provisions


The Grand Prize​

To the victor go the spoils! Should your banquet be a success, you can win some wondrous new prizes, as well as old favourites! First we have the Summerhold Manor; at level 9 it gives the following bonuses:
Summerhold Manor - Lv.9 (4x4)
  • Happiness
  • 4-9 FP
  • 30 Goods
  • 5 Previous Goods requires aiding
  • 1 Feast and Fables Selection Kit Fragment (100 required) requires aiding
  • 9-21% Defense for Defending army
  • 15-25% Attack for Attacking army
  • Random Production: 2 FP package (50%), 5 FP package (30%), 10 FP package (20%) requires aiding

Should fortune favor you with the golden upgrade, the Summerhold Manor can become the Sunhaven Palace!

Sunhaven Palace (4x4)
  • Happiness
  • 9-13 FP
  • 40 Goods
  • 10 Previous Goods requires aiding
  • 3 Feast and Fables Selection Kit Fragments (100 required) requires aiding
  • 30-35% Coin Boost
  • 21-31% Defense for Defending army
  • 27-35% Attack for Attacking army
  • 15-31% Attack for Defending army
  • 1st Random Production: 2 FP package (20%), 5 FP package (30%), 10 FP package (50%) requires aiding

Gold and Silver Fellowship Prizes​

For this event we are trying something different with the Fellowship Prizes. There will now be an additional tier of prizes available, for those wanting even more legendary rewards!
Please bear in mind that the brand-new tier is a new feature that is currently being tested, so it is possible that it may not be visible on your account. For more information, please refer to Regarding A/B Tests In Forge


More rewards!​

You may recognize one of these from a previous event! The Heroes Tavern can now be upgraded to the Legendary Lodge! But that's not all; keep the festival in town with our all new buildings, the Jester's Stage, Grilling Grove and Trailside Smithy.
Legendary Lodge (5x4) Jester's Stage (2x3) Grilling Grove (2x2) Trailside Smithy (1x1)
legendary.png jester%20stage.png grilling%20grovd.png image-2023-5-21_17-40-43.png
  • Population
  • Happiness
  • Coins
  • 15 Forge Points
  • 15-25% Attack for Attacking army
  • 15-25% Attack for Defending Army
  • 20-31% Defense for Attacking army
  • 25-50 Goods
  • Happiness
  • 10-15% Attack for Defending army
  • 17 - 22% Defense for Defending army
  • 10-35 Goods
  • 3 Fragments of Finish Special Production requires aiding
  • Random Production: 2 Blueprints (50%), 4 Blueprints (30%), 6 Blueprints (20%) requires aiding
  • Happiness
  • 1 Forge Point
  • 2 Fragments for One Up Kit requires aiding
  • 7-11% Attack for Attacking army
  • 9-13% Attack for Defending army
  • Random Production: 2 FP package (50%), 5 FP package (25%), 10 FP package (25%) requires aiding
  • Happiness
  • 3-5% Attack for Attacking army
  • 3-5% Defense for Attacking army
  • 4 Forge Points
  • 5 Goods
  • Random Production: 20 Summerhold Manor Selection Kit Fragments (150 required) (90%), 20 Sunhaven Palace Golden Upgrade Kit Fragments (150 required) (10%) requires aiding

Epic Selection Kit

No hero should be without their tavern, so we have our Epic Fellowship 2023 Selection Kit to ensure you have everything you need to build a town fit for a hero!


From epic jousts to nail biting archery matches, all great heroes need a competition to measure their strength and reap rewards and glory! Compete against other players in the league to win extra rewards and all important clout!


And of course we have immortalized this years heroes in some fantastic new avatars for you to win!
Rosalind Dominic Oswald Vivienne
All_Player_Avatars_HERO23_180x180px_1-PEASANT.png All_Player_Avatars_HERO23_180x180px_2-MONK.png All_Player_Avatars_HERO23_180x180px_3-PROTAGONIST.png All_Player_Avatars_HERO23_180x180px_4-ROGUE_vip.png
Quest line reward​ Quest line reward​ Fellowship prizes reward​ Silver Fellowship prizes reward​

Percival Isolde Lysander Alaric
All_Player_Avatars_HERO23_180x180px_5-FLUTE PLAYER_vip.png All_Player_Avatars_HERO23_180x180px_6-WARRIOR_vip.png All_Player_Avatars_HERO23_180x180px_7-BARD_vip.png All_Player_Avatars_HERO23_180x180px_8-HUNTER.png
Silver Fellowship prizes reward​ Golden Fellowship prizes reward​ Golden Fellowship prizes reward​ League reward​

Should you have any comments, questions or concerns, please let us know! We're very much looking forward to your feedback here!

Your Forge of Empires Team  
almost 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Due to an issue, all players only have one additional reward lane available. We are currently working on a fix for it. Afterwards you might see another additional lane, available for purchase or other rewards.
Issue is fixed, however as a workaround, the event window needs to load a bit longer than usual. This will also be fixed soon.  
almost 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
The Event is available on mobile, once you have the version 1.258 (or higher) downloaded and installed.
Please note, that this minimum version is required, since not all necessary data is available in older app versions. On Android, you can download our Beta App version to play the event now already! More information can be found here:
The event was enabled for lower versions on accident before. If you don't have 1.258 installed yet, the event will disappear.  
almost 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Hello noble lords and ladies, did you already prepare the goods for some banquets?

We want to inform you about some decision we have made and need your help as well!
Firstly, we want to explain why we did balance the minigame the way it is. You probably noticed it is pretty similar to the St. Patrick's Day Event. We wanted to reuse the same mechanic, but have made changes to the buildings, including costs for upgrading, recruiting overseers and production amount and time. This is so it does feel different from the St. Patrick's Day Event. So tactics you are used to from that event will mostly not work here. And even though it is different, the difficulty is the same. However, all of this is just a test, meaning it might change again.
Now is the part where we need your help. Please provide feedback regarding it, for example if you think something feels too slow, too fast, being to expensive, etc. This helps us finetuning all the stats.
Because it is currently being tested, the task you have to solve are not yet adjusted, meaning they are tuned for the St. Patrick's Day Event balancing. For the most part, this is fine, however, as you may have noticed it leads to some final tasks not being solvable. We are aware of this, but won't do any changes for now, until we have finetuned the general balancing. Thank you for your understanding!

Your Forge of Empires Team  
almost 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Dear noble lords and ladies, it is time for the first changes already. We hope you enjoy the event!
  • As you might have noticed some buildings were stronger than what we initially announced. This was not intended and will be adjusted to be in line with the announcement.
  • Just a couple of days ago we mentioned, that we are currently testing a different balancing for the minigame. We have now come to a conclusion and will adjust the balancing to be the same as in the St. Patrick's Day Event. Thank you for providing your feedback!
    • You current progress will not be changed, however the costs and boosts will be adjusted.
    • You will be compensated with 100 Gemstones.
And that's all for today! These changes will be applied with the next daily update. Keep on forging!  
almost 2 years ago - Juber - Direct link
Dear noble Lords and Ladies,

We see and recognize the feedback you shared about the balancing change in the Fellowship Event, and we wanted to give you an insight into what contributed to this decision.

Originally, with the new balancing, we aspired to try a different approach to the Events general balancing. Unfortunately, after taking a closer look at your feedback and game data, we noticed that the new balancing did not bring the expected results in terms of negative feedback and especially less play time than the St. Patrick's Day Event. Hence why we reverted the balancing to its tried and true version.

We completely understand your desire to see a brand-new balancing for the Event tasks, and we would like to achieve that too. Since the Event is already underway, we feel like it would be more effective to re-visit potential approaches when we work on the next Event with this mechanic and not right now. We can't however promise this can and will be actually done.

Thank you for your continuous contribution!  
over 1 year ago - Juber - Direct link
Here are the current stats for the new Event buildings. If you don't know what an icon means, just hover over it on browser or tap and hold on mobile.
Spoiler: Summerhold Manor - Lv.9 W_SS_MultiAge_FELL23A9-c990d12c2.png
  • 4x4 :size:
  • 1x1 :road: connection required
  • Can be motivated
  • Can not be plundered
  • Antiques Dealer values:
    Time :tradecoin: :gems:
    2h 9,110 11 - 18
    8h 11,390 14 - 23
    1d 13,670 17 - 27
:age: Provides: :ranking: :happiness: :att_attacker: :def_defender: In 1 Day: :forge_point: :goods: :goods_previous: :fragment: Feast and Fables Selection Kit :aid: 50% icon_forgepoints_package_2-cd95bb48f.png :aid: 30% icon_forgepoints_package_5-94c9897c6.png :aid: 20% icon_forgepoints_package_10-5ffa2a434.png :aid:
Bronze Age 80 670 15% 9% 4 30 5 1 1 1 1
Iron Age 128 1150 16% 10% 4 30 5 1 1 1 1
Early Middle Ages 320 1270 17% 11% 4 30 5 1 1 1 1
High Middle Ages 640 1420 18% 12% 4 30 5 1 1 1 1
Late Middle Ages 960 1580 18% 13% 5 30 5 1 1 1 1
Colonial Age 1600 1860 19% 14% 5 30 5 1 1 1 1
Industrial Age 3200 2100 19% 14% 5 30 5 1 1 1 1
Progressive Era 4800 2300 20% 15% 5 30 5 1 1 1 1
Modern Era 8000 2460 20% 15% 6 30 5 1 1 1 1
Postmodern Era 12800 2570 21% 16% 6 30 5 1 1 1 1
Contemporary Era 19200 2980 21% 16% 6 30 5 1 1 1 1
Tomorrow Era 32000 3620 22% 17% 6 30 5 1 1 1 1
The Future 51200 4340 22% 17% 7 30 5 1 1 1 1
Arctic Future 76800 5050 23% 18% 7 30 5 1 1 1 1
Oceanic Future 96000 5830 23% 18% 7 30 5 1 1 1 1
Virtual Future 128000 6960 24% 19% 7 30 5 1 1 1 1
Space Age Mars 208000 11140 24% 19% 8 30 5 1 1 1 1
Space Age Asteroid Belt 288000 12110 24% 20% 8 30 5 1 1 1 1
Space Age Venus 336000 13080 25% 20% 8 30 5 1 1 1 1
Space Age Jupiter Moon 384000 14090 25% 20% 8 30 5 1 1 1 1
Space Age Titan 416000 15178 25% 21% 9 30 5 1 1 1 1
Required :fragment: for Feast and Fables Selection Kit : 100 Spoiler: Sunhaven Palace W_SS_MultiAge_FELL23A10-6201b7668.png
  • 4x4 :size:
  • 1x1 :road: connection required
  • Can be motivated
  • Can not be plundered
  • Antiques Dealer values:
    Time :tradecoin: :gems:
    2h 10,130 13 - 20
    8h 12,660 16 - 25
    1d 15,190 19 - 30
:age: Provides: :ranking: :happiness: :att_attacker: :att_defender: :def_defender: :coins: In 1 Day: :forge_point: :goods: :goods_previous: :fragment: Feast and Fables Selection Kit :aid: 20% 2 Forge Point Package :aid: 30% 5 Forge Point Package :aid: 50% 10 Forge Point Package :aid:
Bronze Age 80 680 27% 15% 21% 30% 9 40 10 3 1 1 1
Iron Age 128 1180 27% 15% 22% 30% 9 40 10 3 1 1 1
Early Middle Ages 320 1310 27% 16% 22% 30% 9 40 10 3 1 1 1
High Middle Ages 640 1460 28% 16% 23% 30% 9 40 10 3 1 1 1
Late Middle Ages 960 1620 28% 17% 23% 31% 9 40 10 3 1 1 1
Colonial Age 1600 1910 28% 17% 24% 31% 10 40 10 3 1 1 1
Industrial Age 3200 2150 29% 18% 24% 31% 10 40 10 3 1 1 1
Progressive Era 4800 2360 29% 18% 25% 31% 10 40 10 3 1 1 1
Modern Era 8000 2530 29% 19% 25% 32% 10 40 10 3 1 1 1
Postmodern Era 12800 2640 30% 20% 26% 32% 10 40 10 3 1 1 1
Contemporary Era 19200 3060 30% 21% 26% 32% 11 40 10 3 1 1 1
Tomorrow Era 32000 3720 31% 22% 27% 32% 11 40 10 3 1 1 1
The Future 51200 4450 31% 23% 27% 33% 11 40 10 3 1 1 1
Arctic Future 76800 5190 32% 24% 28% 33% 11 40 10 3 1 1 1
Oceanic Future 96000 5990 32% 25% 28% 33% 11 40 10 3 1 1 1
Virtual Future 128000 7150 33% 26% 29% 33% 12 40 10 3 1 1 1
Space Age Mars 208000 11440 33% 27% 29% 34% 12 40 10 3 1 1 1
Space Age Asteroid Belt 288000 12430 34% 28% 30% 34% 12 40 10 3 1 1 1
Space Age Venus 336000 13430 34% 29% 30% 34% 12 40 10 3 1 1 1
Space Age Jupiter Moon 384000 14470 35% 30% 31% 34% 12 40 10 3 1 1 1
Space Age Titan 416000 15591 35% 31% 31% 35% 13 40 10 3 1 1 1
Required :fragment: for Feast and Fables Selection Kit : 100 Spoiler: Legendary Lodge R_SS_MultiAge_HeroBonus22k-7f6ec111d.png
  • 5x4 :size:
  • 1x1 :road: connection required
  • Can be motivated
  • Can be plundered, when not motivated
  • Antiques Dealer values:
    Time :tradecoin: :gems:
    2h 13,500 17 - 27
    8h 16,880 22 - 33
    1d 20,250 26 - 40
:age: Provides: :ranking: :happiness: :population: :att_attacker: :att_defender: :def_attacker: In 1 Day: :coins::doubleaid: :forge_point: :goods:
Bronze Age 100 1040 257 14% 14% 21% 1800 15 20
Iron Age 160 1790 551 14% 14% 22% 4200 15 20
Early Middle Ages 400 1970 846 14% 14% 22% 7000 15 20
High Middle Ages 800 2200 1188 15% 15% 23% 9800 15 25
Late Middle Ages 1200 2460 1558 15% 15% 23% 13000 15 25
Colonial Age 2000 2890 1967 16% 16% 24% 19700 15 25
Industrial Age 4000 3260 2404 16% 16% 24% 24600 15 30
Progressive Era 6000 3580 2869 18% 18% 25% 29800 15 30
Modern Era 10000 3830 3363 18% 18% 25% 37100 15 30
Postmodern Era 16000 3990 3876 19% 19% 26% 46700 15 35
Contemporary Era 24000 4630 4418 19% 19% 26% 60800 15 35
Tomorrow Era 40000 5630 4978 20% 20% 27% 70400 15 35
The Future 64000 6740 5567 21% 21% 27% 80600 15 40
Arctic Future 96000 7850 6175 21% 22% 28% 91600 15 40
Oceanic Future 120000 9060 6802 22% 22% 28% 103300 15 40
Virtual Future 160000 10820 7448 22% 22% 29% 115700 15 45
Space Age Mars 260000 17310 11790 23% 23% 29% 193300 15 45
Space Age Asteroid Belt 360000 18810 12806 23% 23% 30% 214100 15 45
Space Age Venus 420000 20330 13842 24% 24% 30% 236000 15 50
Space Age Jupiter Moon 480000 21900 14906 24% 24% 31% 259100 15 50
Space Age Titan 520000 23480 15989 25% 25% 31% 283200 15 50
over 1 year ago - Juber - Direct link
Spoiler: Jester's Stage W_SS_MultiAge_FELL23B1-69ca96007.png
  • 2x3 :size:
  • 1x1 :road: connection required
  • Can be motivated
  • Can not be plundered
  • Antiques Dealer values:
    Time :tradecoin: :gems:
    2h 950 1 - 2
    8h 1,180 1 - 3
    1d 1,420 1 - 3
:age: Provides: :ranking: :happiness: :att_defender: :def_defender: In 1 Day: :goods: :fragment: Finish 1 Special Production :aid: 50% :blueprint::aid: 30% :blueprint::aid: 20% :blueprint::aid:
Bronze Age 30 520 10% 17% 10 3 2 4 6
Iron Age 48 900 10% 17% 10 3 2 4 6
Early Middle Ages 120 1000 10% 17% 10 3 2 4 6
High Middle Ages 240 1110 10% 17% 10 3 2 4 6
Late Middle Ages 360 1240 11% 18% 15 3 2 4 6
Colonial Age 600 1460 11% 18% 15 3 2 4 6
Industrial Age 1200 1640 11% 18% 15 3 2 4 6
Progressive Era 1800 1800 11% 18% 15 3 2 4 6
Modern Era 3000 1930 12% 19% 20 3 2 4 6
Postmodern Era 4800 2010 12% 19% 20 3 2 4 6
Contemporary Era 7200 2340 12% 19% 20 3 2 4 6
Tomorrow Era 12000 2840 12% 19% 20 3 2 4 6
The Future 19200 3400 13% 20% 25 3 2 4 6
Arctic Future 28800 3960 13% 20% 25 3 2 4 6
Oceanic Future 36000 4570 13% 20% 25 3 2 4 6
Virtual Future 48000 5460 14% 21% 25 3 2 4 6
Space Age Mars 78000 8730 14% 21% 30 3 2 4 6
Space Age Asteroid Belt 108000 9490 14% 21% 30 3 2 4 6
Space Age Venus 126000 10250 15% 22% 30 3 2 4 6
Space Age Jupiter Moon 144000 11040 15% 22% 30 3 2 4 6
Space Age Titan 156000 11891 15% 22% 35 3 2 4 6
Required :fragment: for Finish 1 Special Production :30 Spoiler: Grilling Grove W_SS_MultiAge_FELL23C1-58e7c2300.png
  • 2x2 :size:
  • no :road: connection required
  • Can be motivated
  • Can not be plundered
  • Antiques Dealer values:
    Time :tradecoin: :gems:
    2h 950 1 - 2
    8h 1,180 1 - 3
    1d 1,420 1 - 3
:age: Provides: :ranking: :happiness: :att_attacker: :att_defender: In 1 Day: :forge_point: :fragment::oneupkit::aid: 50% 2 Forge Point Package :aid: 25% 5 Forge Point Package :aid: 25% 10 Forge Point Package :aid:
Bronze Age 20 520 7% 9% 1 2 1 1 1
Iron Age 32 900 7% 9% 1 2 1 1 1
Early Middle Ages 80 1000 7% 9% 1 2 1 1 1
High Middle Ages 160 1110 7% 9% 1 2 1 1 1
Late Middle Ages 240 1240 8% 10% 1 2 1 1 1
Colonial Age 400 1460 8% 10% 1 2 1 1 1
Industrial Age 800 1640 8% 10% 1 2 1 1 1
Progressive Era 1200 1800 8% 10% 1 2 1 1 1
Modern Era 2000 1930 8% 10% 1 2 1 1 1
Postmodern Era 3200 2010 9% 11% 1 2 1 1 1
Contemporary Era 4800 2340 9% 11% 1 2 1 1 1
Tomorrow Era 8000 2840 9% 11% 1 2 1 1 1
The Future 12800 3400 9% 11% 1 2 1 1 1
Arctic Future 19200 3960 10% 12% 1 2 1 1 1
Oceanic Future 24000 4570 10% 12% 1 2 1 1 1
Virtual Future 32000 5460 10% 12% 1 2 1 1 1
Space Age Mars 52000 8730 10% 12% 1 2 1 1 1
Space Age Asteroid Belt 72000 9490 11% 13% 1 2 1 1 1
Space Age Venus 84000 10250 11% 13% 1 2 1 1 1
Space Age Jupiter Moon 96000 11040 11% 13% 1 2 1 1 1
Space Age Titan 104000 11891 11% 13% 1 2 1 1 1
Required :fragment: for One Up Kit : 30 Spoiler: Trailside Smithy W_SS_MultiAge_FELL23D1-ab58bf384.png
  • 1x1 :size:
  • no :road: connection required
  • Can be motivated
  • Can not be plundered
  • Antiques Dealer values:
    Time :tradecoin: :gems:
    2h 950 1 - 2
    8h 1,180 1 - 3
    1d 1,420 1 - 3
:age: Provides: :ranking: :happiness: :att_attacker: :def_attacker: In 1 Day: :forge_point: :goods: 90% :fragment: Summerhold Manor Selection Kit :aid: 10% :fragment: Sunhaven Palace Upgrade Kit :aid:
Bronze Age 5 520 3% 3% 4 5 20 20
Iron Age 8 900 3% 3% 4 5 20 20
Early Middle Ages 20 1000 3% 3% 4 5 20 20
High Middle Ages 40 1110 3% 3% 4 5 20 20
Late Middle Ages 60 1240 3% 3% 4 5 20 20
Colonial Age 100 1460 3% 3% 4 5 20 20
Industrial Age 200 1640 3% 3% 4 5 20 20
Progressive Era 300 1800 3% 3% 4 5 20 20
Modern Era 500 1930 3% 3% 4 5 20 20
Postmodern Era 800 2010 3% 3% 4 5 20 20
Contemporary Era 1200 2340 3% 3% 4 5 20 20
Tomorrow Era 2000 2840 3% 3% 4 5 20 20
The Future 3200 3400 3% 3% 4 5 20 20
Arctic Future 4800 3960 4% 4% 4 5 20 20
Oceanic Future 6000 4570 4% 4% 4 5 20 20
Virtual Future 8000 5460 4% 4% 4 5 20 20
Space Age Mars 13000 8730 4% 4% 4 5 20 20
Space Age Asteroid Belt 18000 9490 4% 4% 4 5 20 20
Space Age Venus 21000 10250 4% 4% 4 5 20 20
Space Age Jupiter Moon 24000 11040 5% 5% 4 5 20 20
Space Age Titan 26000 11891 5% 5% 4 5 20 20
Required :fragment: for Summerhold Manor Selection Kit : 150
Required :fragment: for Sunhaven Palace Upgrade Kit : 150  
over 1 year ago - Juber - Direct link
Dear noble Lords and Ladies,

as you might have already read in the Daily Changelog, we are going to do some improvement. We have improved the boosts of the new buildings, as well as added some new rewards. See more details in the list below:
  • Summerhold Manor - Lv. 9:
    • :att_attacker: was increased from 5-15% to 15-25%
    • It now produces 1 Feast and Fables Selection Kit :fragment: (100 required)
  • Sunhaven Palace:
    • :att_attacker: was increased from 16-24% to 27-35%
    • 30-35% :coins: boost was added
    • It now produces 3 Feast and Fables Selection Kit :fragment: (100 required)
    • :random: production for :blueprint: was removed
  • Jester's Stage:
    • :att_defender: was increased from 5-10% to 10-15%
    • :def_defender: was increased from 5-10% to 17-22%
    • :goods: production was increased from 10-20 to 10-35
    • :random:production was added:
      • 50% chance for 2 :blueprint: into Inventory
      • 30% chance for 4 :blueprint: into Inventory
      • 20% chance for 6 :blueprint: into Inventory
  • Grilling Grove:
    • :att_attacker: was increased from 4-8% to 7-11%
    • :att_defender: was increased from 4-8% to 9-13%
    • :forge_point: production was reduced from 2 to 1
    • changed :random:production to:
      • 50% chance for Small Forge Point Package (2 Forge Points)
      • 25% chance for Medium Forge Point Package (5 Forge Points)
      • 25% chance for Large Forge Point Package (10 Forge Points)
    • added 2 :fragment: of :oneupkit: as normal production
  • Trailside Smithy:
    • :random:production was added:
      • 90% chance for 60 :fragment: of Summerhold Manor Selection Kit (150 required)
      • 10% chance for 60 :fragment: of Sunhaven Palace Golden Upgrade Kit (150 required)
These changes will be applied with the next update. Thank you for providing your valuable feedback!  
over 1 year ago - Juber - Direct link
Dear noble Lords and Ladies,

The event is now almost over and we have one last announcement for beta to make.
Currently we have an issue, that you are not able to buy the Event Pass when you reached Space Age Titan.
Sadly, we are not able to fix this issue before the event ends here on beta, meaning in this case you will not be able to buy the pass.
However, we will make sure this issue will not ocure on the live servers.
We are very sorry and hope for your understanding.
Your Forge of Empires Team  
over 1 year ago - Juber - Direct link
Dear noble Lords and Ladies,

The Fellowship Event is over, therefor thank you very much for testing it and providing all your feedback. In addition to the changes we have made during the time on beta, we are also going to make some further changes, mainly affecting the live worlds, but also beta. These changes will be applied with the next update, as always.
  • Firstly, there will be some balancing changes to the possible rewards after each banquet.
    • We noticed that including the gold levels there caused some frustration, because it was dependent on luck, if you did not do that many banquets. It also devalued the kits to a point, that the golden levels (being so strong) were too easy to achieve. Therefor we have decided to replace them with the level 1 buildings, as well as exchanged the selection kits with upgrade kits. This change is applied to both the Summerhold Manor and Heroes Tavern.
  • Secondly, we have made some adjustments to all new event buildings.
    • The Summerhold Manor, Sunhaven Palace, Jester's Stage, Grilling Grove and Trailside Smithy no longer require to be motivated to provide their :goods: and :forge_point:.
    • The Trailside Smithy now only provides 20 :fragment: each (instead of 60) for the Selection and Golden Kit. You rightfully said that it was way too strong previously and we have to agree. This change will still make it worthwhile to get, but not too strong to give you that many Sunhaven Palaces in such a short amount of time.
Again, thank you very much for your feedback! We are happy, that we could change many things in this event based on your feedback. Even if not everything could be done you might have wanted to see, we believe you all will have lot's of fun with the Event on the live servers.
See you soon to kick some balls around!
Your Forge of Empires Team