about 4 years ago - lordwasa - Direct link

​ Dear Kings and Queens,

We would like to clarify a misconception that has arisen regarding the slowdown that occurs during reoccurring quests. Please be aware, that this is a technical issue and not something that was ever part of our design.

To provide some context, for transparency purposes, we have been collecting feedback on quest abort exploits, and trying to figure out a way to tackle this. This week, we moved forward with an update that sets a limit on Quest Aborts to prevent this exploit, and the impact it has on our servers.

Unfortunately, as a byproduct, there was a technical issue that caused a slowdown during reoccurring quests. Due to unexpected circumstances, this then led to many players believing this was an intended feature.

Again, we would like to express this was not intended. The aim of this improvement was to impose a limit on exploits, not affect the everyday activities of players trying to enjoy the game. Therefore, it is very much a regrettable outcome and one that we are working on fixing immediately.

Thank you for your understanding on this matter, and our sincerest apologies for the confusion and frustration that this event has caused.

Thank you for playing Forge of Empires!

Your Forge of Empires Team.