over 1 year ago - Forge of Empires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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183s okay i think we're live
187s hi everyone
189s hello everyone welcome to
193s yet another one live
198s yeah
199s so we are here today with uh jess our
203s beloved game designer for forge um
206s and i am nastya i'm community management
209s specialist forge
210s um i am not normally this orange i just
214s chose to sit at the orange table today i
217s did not think this through so please do
219s not
220s make the same mistake
222s uh so today we are gathered to talk
225s about the fellowship event
228s but before we dive into this topic uh
232s jess
232s would you like to make a little
234s announcement
237s i will yeah this will actually be my
239s last live
241s um
242s so i'm leaving the forest team um but
244s yeah it's been lovely
247s amazing time and um yeah
250s just to let you guys know so let's make
252s this one this last live really good and
255s send in as many questions i will try my
257s best to to answer as many
259s as i can
260s yeah thanks so much uh jess it's been a
264s pleasure having you in this even though
266s we only did two together this is the
268s second one uh you're a great co-host and
272s uh
273s i'm sure
274s everyone else just like i do wishing you
276s the best on your
278s next steps of your journey
281s okay so
283s let's start with a little introduction
286s of the event like we usually do
288s so fellowship um
290s is set in medieval times
293s as you can see this is the
295s setting that we have on our background
298s and
299s as a hero who travels on a horse you
302s travel between those
304s different fellows and depending on which
307s one you visit you get
309s closer and closer to the grand prize
312s and
313s you should be
314s wise about your travels
317s because your travel rations are limited
320s and you can gain travel rations from
324s completing the quests
326s so
327s uh
328s i feel like that's pretty much it
331s yeah
332s yeah so yeah
334s well you can also get travel rations
336s from quests and also the incidents
338s around you
340s there is um
342s there are little
343s specific events specific incidents
345s you've probably seen them around your
346s city i guess the event has been
348s live now you've been playing it for over
350s a week right
352s yeah you should have seen um their
354s little like a banner flag like a place
357s where a night a night might chill
360s and you can yeah if you collect those
361s you can get actually a lot of travel
363s rations like there's a lot in there so
365s um
366s yeah i hope you completely
369s yeah that's true
372s apart from that you can also get them
374s from the newsletter i mean this is
375s coming a little late during
377s at this time of the event however uh
380s please do always remember that you
382s always get a little boost from the
384s newsletter and for this one it's
385s actually a super nice boost
388s um
389s yeah
390s so this is pretty much the event super
392s simple but
394s yet really beautiful in my opinion and
396s the medieval setting is always a nice
399s thing to have and i feel like it matches
402s forge aesthetic uh really nicely
405s and
406s we do have a comment yes um adam says
410s that uh you will be dearly missed
413s and
414s court left and now you it's such a
416s bummer and i do share this sentiment
419s with you adam um however that's not to
422s say
423s that all is lost
426s i mean kinda is but
429s let's try to manage
431s we have you so you will you will take
433s over the lives and everything will be
435s good yeah we'll see we'll see how it
438s goes
439s okay so
441s while we are uh waiting uh for for more
446s questions to pour in let's talk about uh
449s in a bit more detail about the event
452s so about travel rations we already uh
455s talked a little so incidents newsletter
458s and event quests are your friends
461s so what is interesting about the rewards
464s this year
466s so um
467s the special grand prize would be the
470s heroes tavern
472s which is a building that is upgradable
474s to up to 10 levels and i feel like it's
478s super it's a super good one because it
480s also provides uh
482s defense uh for attack units right and
485s attack for attack units bonuses as well
488s so this one is uh
491s is uh
492s will be really useful for your city most
494s likely and um there is also this little
498s one uh that is available as a daily
501s special
502s that i find to be really cute and
505s powerful for its size
507s the knights pavilion so it's 2x2
510s it's not upgradable however
512s despite of this its small size it will
515s give you goods and even units when you
518s motivate it so the rewards for this
520s event
522s are really interesting i feel like and
525s yeah they sound really good
529s um
531s we
533s have some questions i feel like let's
535s see what we have
544s um
545s so about the uh it drifts off a little
549s from the event but it's nevertheless
551s still a valid question um so
554s not sure how to pronounce your username
556s but
558s youtube can you buy diamonds for someone
561s i don't think it's possible to buy
563s diamonds for someone
565s that is uh nice of you to think about
568s someone and want to give them diamonds
570s but i don't think uh it's the option and
573s it's probably not something that will
575s happen
577s unlikely to happen i would say
581s um
584s hector said love this game thanks hector
587s good to have
590s yeah likewise um
593s and we have kind of like a follow-up
595s question from daniel hello nice event
598s thank you very much and will we be able
601s to transfer items between worlds uh with
604s a cost of course
606s uh and like with diamonds uh that uh is
610s not is not the option and is unlikely to
614s happen
615s uh and about the battleground updates uh
620s so as uh we always encourage you please
623s if you have any specific suggestions an
626s idea like you mentioned
628s um some uh different rules for the
630s battlegrounds please feel free to let us
633s know what exactly you would like to see
635s changed you can share your feedback on
636s forum or in the tickets and it will
639s always reach us and we will pass it on
641s to the game development team but for now
644s it's
645s really hard to say what exactly is going
648s to happen to battlegrounds we will have
650s to wait and see
652s we have a question from derek he says
654s are we only answering questions about
656s the event so
657s for these lives usually we want to
660s answer as many questions specifically
662s about the event as possible because it's
664s yeah it's um we always do live events
667s for every new feature or event but of
669s course if you have specific um other
671s questions like please just send them in
674s and yeah as many event specific
676s questions if you have them i would be
678s great
680s um one thing i'm not sure i don't know
682s if you mentioned at the beginning but we
683s do have um
686s um
686s something in the event um which is super
690s cool where you can choose your own hero
692s i don't know if did you mention this at
694s the beginning no not yet that would be
696s actually what i wanted to talk about
698s just now
699s while we are waiting for more questions
702s cool then maybe we can give you an
703s interest so
704s um with the hair event um or the sorry
707s the fellowship event the whole
709s um
710s storyline is basically that you are
712s traveling the the world and you're
714s trying to get um to different cities so
717s you're traveling across the
719s land to different cities and along the
721s way you are visiting different
724s um
725s fellows let's say different kinds of
726s people along the way
728s and what you can do is actually um
731s change your
732s um avatar i guess or like who you are
735s and in the event which is super cool we
737s haven't really done anything like that
739s before and a little bit rpg
742s and you can do this by switching and or
745s selecting a specialized hero
748s so you can there's five different heroes
751s that you can pick from
752s and each of them have a specialized um
756s ability that will um enhance your game
760s play during during the event so you have
761s one for example one hero
763s who um
765s he will give you more league points so
768s if you were like really trying to get to
770s the gold league
771s he can if you use him frequently during
774s the the event um he will give you more
776s lead points and then we have um of
778s course the ultimate hero who's like
781s this shining gold
784s hero in like epic um
788s uh armor and he's on a white steed like
790s super cool um he uh gives you where they
794s give you everything all like all the
798s the abilities of all the the other
799s heroes so
801s i really like highly recommend for
803s example
804s when there's a day of uh a really good
806s daily special that you really want like
809s spam the the um the ultimate hero or
812s there's also the um the special hero who
814s who um buffs your daily special drop
817s down um
819s yeah that's uh completely i support the
822s strategy it's uh kinda um
827s so you will have to go and consciously
829s check if you do have your hero enabled
831s so please don't forget to do that
833s because um
834s yeah you will have to decide every day
836s they're active for 24 hours uh the basic
840s ones i mean so you will have to decide
842s every time depending how your strategy
844s changes during the event which hero you
846s would like
848s apart from the
850s league table we also have one that
854s helps you get extra miles traveled which
857s is uh something
859s someone something i don't know who i've
862s been using lately um
864s maybe i do like to travel far
866s with with with the help of the hero
869s so yeah um
871s heroes are definitely recommended and
874s this is the um
876s this is the great new addition to this
878s event so
880s as you of course notice uh the whole
883s setting of the event is new and we of
885s course have new rewards as we do every
887s time for the event however uh this is
890s also like lots of uh visually new
893s content and the heroes used in this uh
896s kind of event is also a rather uh new
899s addition
901s um
902s yeah
903s and uh we also
905s have a
908s i yeah so uh someone um
911s whose username i'm probably i've
913s probably butchered so butler youtube uh
916s saying that the game is really amazing
918s y'all keep the good work and love from
920s africa love back to you from hamburg
922s from our headquarters and uh we will do
926s our best to
928s keep bringing you
929s good new content
932s um
934s oh yeah so we have a question from ellie
936s and q in the events why does the league
939s score keep climbing it's like the goal
941s posts are constantly being moved
944s uh preventing us
945s preventing us from gaining a higher
947s score
948s so um i mean
950s the league
952s tables they are updated uh as all as
956s everyone plays along with you so um and
960s as different players
962s change their strategies and as they
965s become more active and less active and
967s as the event progresses
969s they normally you will get someone
972s who would be
975s faster stronger
977s and who would climb in the league scores
981s uh even
983s even if they didn't do it um at the very
986s beginning so the situation changes and
989s as people play they gain gain more
991s points
992s and the league aspect of every event is
996s a competitive thing
998s so
998s yeah i might
1000s just have to keep up with everyone else
1003s because they're also playing along with
1005s you
1006s so it's just a natural progression of
1008s the game right
1012s uh
1013s speaking of the league rewards so
1017s uh and leagues in general
1019s so yeah this is uh as i mentioned a
1022s competitive aspect of the event and this
1024s is something that we normally have i i
1026s believe in the majority of our events
1029s now right just
1030s um so please do take a look if you
1033s haven't already at the league rewards
1034s which will be something extra that you
1036s get
1037s on top of everything you did and on top
1040s of all the uh
1043s little gifts that you get from fellows
1046s and also on top of the grand prize you
1049s will get
1051s rewarded for your efforts um
1053s and uh
1055s in the top leagues you will get uh
1057s selection kits for the uh grand prize
1059s building
1060s uh and also some wishing wells
1065s so yeah that will happen
1070s um
1071s there's a question here from ross in
1073s your opinion which is more important
1074s advancing the timeline or great or
1076s building
1077s or building
1079s great buildings
1081s um
1083s that's a big question um
1086s it depends so
1088s i would always say focus on great
1089s buildings like they're the bread and
1091s butter um pick great buildings that are
1094s appealing to how you play
1096s um and obviously join a guild and get
1098s your guild mates to help you with great
1100s buildings
1101s um
1101s [Music]
1103s but the timeline is is also important as
1106s a strategy i wouldn't say like trying to
1108s push through
1109s the timeline of the timeline the the
1111s research tree and
1114s as fast as possible that shouldn't be
1115s your goal um
1118s and to be honest this is such a big
1120s question that i don't think it makes
1121s sense going into it now but there are
1123s telling you
1124s so many amazing tutorials on youtube
1128s and from forge but also from some of our
1131s content creators and they do really
1134s awesome strategies for like new players
1136s mid players like players um about how to
1139s yeah to get into different strategies
1141s and and figure out what is the best way
1142s to play forward sport is a big game so
1145s there's a lot going on um
1147s and
1148s especially the great buildings on the
1149s research tree there's so many strategies
1152s and um
1154s yeah
1154s things that maybe you would potentially
1157s benefit from knowing at the very
1158s beginning before you start going um too
1160s far into one one path so yeah
1164s yeah i uh
1165s as someone who is uh well not a new
1168s player anymore but maybe you were a
1171s player uh especially given the fact that
1174s uh many people play forge for many
1176s consecutive years
1178s i can say that if you are too in your
1181s player
1182s i would say that
1184s investigate great buildings and try to
1187s learn more about them and don't sleep on
1189s them
1190s so
1191s as a newer player you might
1193s get
1194s naturally focused on the age progression
1196s and on doing the quests and something
1199s that game
1200s obviously suggests to you but if you are
1204s not a member of a very active guild
1206s missing great buildings can be really
1209s easy
1210s so if you are a newer player i do
1212s recommend reading more about them and
1215s finding out how exactly you can get them
1217s and what you need to do in order to
1220s achieve
1221s your goals and also find yourself a good
1224s guild so that they can also educate you
1227s and help you and also support you
1230s on your great building journey should
1232s you wish to go this way
1236s yep
1239s one one thing uh we also should mention
1242s because um
1244s yeah we haven't had it in every event um
1246s for the fellowship event we also have
1248s the fellowship prizes the the bonus
1250s prizes we didn't talk about this either
1252s right
1253s now
1254s and that is um a bonus
1256s reward
1258s so every time you get to a city you get
1260s a a grand prize like a super cool um
1262s reward and usually it's a it's a kit for
1265s um an upgrade kit for the the heroes
1268s tavern the the new building for this
1270s event but you also if you um
1273s unlock the second lane the fellowship
1276s prize it's like a bonus bonus reward
1278s every time you
1279s um make it to a city and it's i'm
1282s telling you such a good deal it's
1284s it's like the amount that we give out in
1286s that um
1288s in that bonus lane of rewards it's a lot
1291s it's a lot of really good stuff there's
1292s some really nice stuff there's the the
1295s um
1296s i forgot the name of it now the flower
1298s maiden which is another new there's
1300s three new buildings in this event guys
1302s three buildings that's a lot uh we don't
1305s usually view three brand new buildings
1308s and so we already spoke about the harris
1310s tavern and the
1311s knights pavilion nice pavilion thank you
1314s and we also have the flower maiden
1317s flower maidens which is i think
1319s genuinely one of the most beautiful
1320s buildings we've ever had the animation
1322s is like a bunch of flower girls or
1324s maidens dancing super beautiful
1326s and um
1328s it gives a lot of forge points um and
1331s also boost uh for
1333s transfer attacking army it's great it's
1335s a really great building uh there's also
1337s an amazing avatar there in that um bonus
1340s lane
1341s it's the
1342s i think it's sir lionheart
1346s do you mean the the the the golden armor
1349s the badass looking one yeah that that
1352s looks really good
1353s like the ultimate hero i think it's
1356s similar so yeah he's super cool and yeah
1359s there's a lot going on there you should
1360s check it out guys
1362s um
1363s yeah what i really am fascinated the
1366s most uh with is that the newer buildings
1370s especially they uh tend to be pretty
1373s compact for the bonuses that they
1375s provide
1376s and
1378s especially if you're someone who
1383s did a great job building your city
1386s and
1387s adding all of the different beautiful
1390s buildings that we have you will
1391s appreciate the compactness of the
1393s building and yet it will still give you
1395s a
1396s noticeable bonus um well forges the
1399s puzzle and you will have to
1401s ration your space so it really helps to
1404s have a building that is smaller than uh
1407s the uh the other ones
1410s many other ones
1413s yeah and about the avatar you mentioned
1415s i've been also monitoring the feedback
1418s about the event and they hear that the
1420s avatar is mentioned every once in a
1423s while in a positive way so please please
1427s rest assured that the uh this feedback
1430s we pass on to our game team and our
1433s artists they love to
1436s bring in new content as you may see also
1439s from even this background and from the
1441s event in general
1442s so of course we let everyone know and
1445s informed that this is a
1447s welcome thing to have in the event
1450s i was just corrected thank you so that
1453s is why i love you guys and jeffrey just
1456s said uh actually sir lionheart only
1458s comes from the leagues and it's um
1460s you're right it's it's day it's the
1463s um the female um knight and a dame
1467s isabella i think uh she comes
1469s from the um the bonus uh rewards the the
1473s fellowship prizes so yeah so if you
1476s sorry if you want to get sir lionheart
1478s super cool
1479s and you need to get into the gold league
1482s um and use use the ultimate here to get
1484s into the gold league or the the
1487s um
1488s the league hero
1490s and then you get him
1492s yeah it was also
1494s absolutely intentional it was just to
1496s test your event knowledge so please
1500s yeah of course
1501s um
1503s um
1505s we have a question
1508s from
1509s mark about great great buildings as well
1512s so how do great buildings swap threats
1516s work
1518s again it's and it's a huge topic and
1521s this is why i mentioned earlier and my
1523s first thing is to get into a guild if
1524s you're like it's really important guilds
1526s are
1527s get into guilds especially
1530s um an early
1531s early player and and
1534s um to be honest they usually most guilds
1536s most active guilds will have a thread or
1538s a message explaining everything and all
1541s the things that you would need to do as
1543s a guild member
1544s and and they will explain everything for
1547s you
1548s um
1548s and again there's so many so many
1551s youtube videos out there but i don't
1552s think you you even need to to watch a
1554s youtube video you can just go and ask
1556s your fellow guild mates um and you will
1558s learn a lot from them there's so there's
1560s really some really knowledgeable people
1562s in forge um
1564s and yeah
1566s yeah i just totally encourage you to to
1568s go and um ask them because they're just
1571s they'll tell you so much more than just
1573s that there's loads yeah loads of
1576s other other knowledge to be
1578s to be gained
1579s yeah that is true
1581s and the social aspect is really
1583s important about the forge
1586s about forge in general so lots of
1589s knowledge you will gain from the people
1590s you're playing with more than
1593s from anywhere else
1597s and we have some nice words for jess
1600s again from
1602s jeep man's opinion
1604s i'm sorry if i didn't say it correctly
1607s uh saying jess good luck in your new
1610s endeavors and you will truly be missed
1612s uh that is that is really sweet and also
1616s really true
1620s absolutely true
1622s i
1623s have another question from john can you
1625s get king queen selection kits
1628s this is cool i'm happy to get this
1630s question this is from the anniversary
1632s event we had forge's 10th anniversary
1635s earlier this year and we made a specific
1638s building for it um we always do king and
1641s queen building every
1643s every i think it's every every five
1645s years
1646s we did one yeah three and
1649s and uh yeah i guess you're looking for
1651s selection kits for this we will try and
1653s and bring this for it maybe the next
1654s event i will take that with us and tell
1656s the other designers and yeah hopefully
1658s we can get that um out to you
1661s so my 8
1663s yeah speaking of the like fun favorite
1666s buildings and just interesting buildings
1668s uh in general um as as usual keep an eye
1672s on the daily specials
1674s and see what is coming there
1676s so
1677s of course we will
1679s not spoil the surprise about the daily
1681s specials and tell you everything that
1686s that is in there however there are some
1689s fan favorites
1691s such as stage of ages for example that i
1694s also personally really like yeah but
1697s everything else you gotta wait and see
1700s how it is um
1702s what are you gonna get and of course uh
1705s please do not forget that you can
1707s shuffle daily specials if for some
1709s reason the current one
1710s doesn't appeal to you
1713s yeah so that is always an option
1716s okay we have uh five minutes to go it's
1719s 5 55
1721s so
1722s we will be rounding up so please post
1725s your questions if you haven't already
1728s and we have some
1730s a few minutes to finish them
1736s you have a really uh focused face just
1740s uh looking for a question i'm reading
1743s the
1744s chapter there's just so many it's like
1747s always the problem you um
1749s find a question then it goes
1752s um
1753s i wanted to mention one extra thing yeah
1756s the harris tavern building which we
1758s didn't mention is
1760s some of our event buildings they and
1762s they give out bonuses and um
1764s [Music]
1765s cool cool stuff like resources and stuff
1768s and but they sometimes also give a
1770s little citizen
1772s some of the historical if any of you
1774s have been playing the game for that long
1776s that we used to do historical questlines
1778s where you could um
1780s get yeah buildings like for example um
1783s we gave out for a cleopatra historical
1786s questline you could get a little
1788s cleopatra who walks around the city and
1790s for this event we gave out um the heroes
1792s tavern and the heroes tavern shocker and
1795s provides or sends a little hero he's a
1798s knight actually uh looks again a little
1800s bit like the ultimate here and he walks
1802s around here
1804s you're safe super cool
1806s yeah the the animations uh if you don't
1809s have them enabled by default for some
1811s reason uh you definitely should uh they
1814s are um
1815s i mean i
1817s probably overlooked them and i'm now
1819s discovering new exciting things about
1822s how my city appears to have your own
1825s yes
1826s i love them and some of our like our
1828s artists spend so much time
1831s um contacting the the buildings and then
1834s um also thinking about the animations
1836s and
1837s uh they're so cool they're really
1839s beautiful um yes some of them are
1841s unexpectedly cute like yeah you wouldn't
1844s expect them to be that cute but they're
1846s like teeny tiny and yeah really nice
1849s we have another question from dennis uh
1852s asking what does the number that appears
1854s and reappears in the upper right corner
1856s of an inventory item represent
1859s i did have to keep in my inventory and
1862s luckily i did have some things with
1864s numbers on them
1865s so i feel like you might be referring to
1868s new items that go into your inventory
1872s and uh normally the number will be one
1875s which means that you have one of this
1877s thing and if you happen to have more it
1881s will be a different number so
1884s yeah very simple just a representation
1887s of how many of this new item you you
1890s will have
1891s um i hope this answered your question if
1894s it didn't feel free to send us uh this
1898s to ask us on the forum or
1901s in the support ticket and we will be
1903s really happy to help you
1907s um i just want to ted has asked a lot of
1910s questions i don't know if i'll be able
1911s to answer them all um
1913s um
1914s ted
1916s um
1917s simon's after free daily prize change so
1920s i guess you mean the daily the daily
1922s special switch if we could so it's
1924s limited to once a day if we could then
1925s have it as a purchase for diamonds and
1929s we will be looking into this and we
1932s originally didn't want to do this
1933s because um
1936s it kind of makes
1937s like the surprise i guess of of like the
1940s whole point of daily specials that
1941s there's something new every day and
1945s how at least how we designed it and how
1947s we built it and a little bit of relevant
1949s so that's why we only limited once like
1951s if you didn't like that that time you
1953s got a one time to switch it around
1955s um but yeah we are looking into this
1957s we're looking into this whole system in
1959s general um or the events to like you
1961s know as we always do to
1964s fresh freshen up
1966s refresh whatever the the event
1968s so
1969s yeah we will we will take this with us
1972s but for now there is always something
1975s you can do in every event every day so
1978s you can check daily special in this
1980s particular event uh as i mentioned
1982s previously check on your hero and decide
1984s who you wanna
1986s ride with today and who is going to be
1989s helping you today and which bonuses you
1991s need
1992s collect incidents uh so like apart from
1995s checking on on your city there is always
1998s something to do during the event
2000s and it will also really help you boost
2004s your progress significantly so
2007s if you
2009s just simply if you check on the
2010s incidents um
2012s most of the days of the event you will
2015s simply have more travel rations or like
2018s any other event currency that
2020s you would have if you didn't check on
2022s the uh on the event every day so
2026s uh
2027s do with this information whatever you
2029s prefer
2033s oh no i think we oh no well one minute i
2036s was reading all the chat and what
2037s everyone said and we've already gone
2039s over time
2041s no
2042s yeah
2045s do you want to want more
2047s well we can just do you have one more
2051s uh lucas asks how frequently are you
2053s live on any
2055s on any social media i guess for forage
2057s how how frequently do we do
2059s lives
2061s uh we do them for every event so that's
2064s at least once a month i think off top of
2065s my head
2066s um
2068s and then for but it's also for if we
2070s have other features or other um
2073s other updates
2075s so yeah keep an eye out we're also
2076s always updating um
2079s uh the youtube page or facebook with um
2082s content for you guys like tutorials and
2084s announcements and stuff like that so
2086s keep an eye out
2087s yeah apart from apart from lives there
2090s is also always content like just said
2092s and uh you will always get notified
2094s about the content by in-game messages so
2097s just like well for life you get like a
2100s larger pop-up
2102s as far as i remember but
2103s uh always check on the in-game messages
2106s and then you will find us
2108s on youtube and can watch our content
2110s thank you very much for the question by
2112s the way
2113s uh it's nice to know that lives are
2116s needed
2117s okay we are over time um
2121s i don't have any questions with me at
2124s the moment
2125s um
2126s so
2127s thank you everyone for tuning in today
2130s and thank you everyone who
2132s joined jess in particular
2135s for her last ride with us in the live q
2139s a
2140s and uh just
2142s you should take over a little for for a
2145s little second and say bye
2148s hi guys
2149s and yeah we will meet again we will meet
2151s in forge
2152s i will keep playing
2154s yes see you in fours everyone
2156s yeah see in forge and thank you for your
2159s nice words today
2161s have a nice evening or whatever you are
2164s bye
2200s you