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The Princess Castle
Fortnite turns 3 today! To celebrate, a never-before-seen set of prefabs and props are now available in Creative. Behold the Princess Castle set:
ATTENTION ALL CREATIVE CREATORS... our next big community callout starts now. Submit an awesome new aesthetic creation using the Princess Castle set by October 6, 2020 for a chance to be featured in the first official Box Fight tournament as part of an upcoming Wild Wednesday tournament. Follow @FNCompetitive on Twitter to get news about the upcoming Box Fight tournament.
Submission Guidelines
- Submit a series of aesthetics used for a Box Fight map to the submission portal. Be sure to select “Princess Castle Creative Contest” when you enter your submission.
- Must use primarily Princess Castle assets.
- Build must fit within a 3 grid wide x 5 grid long x 2 grind tall space (Box Fight standard).
- Separate the spawn room and the start of game space.
- Map does NOT need any gameplay elements, just aesthetics.
- Criteria used to judge the winning entry:
- Originality
- Polish
- Fits the Requirements
- The winner’s SAC will be clearly presented during the official Box Fight tournament.
- The winner’s submission will be announced on Fortnite social channels.
Read the full Fortnite Creative Princess Castle Contest rules.