Starting at around 9 AM ET today, you can create islands with assets and content from The Walking Dead Universe using Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN) and Fortnite Creative.
The update gives you access to two templates for UEFN (Prison Starter and Walker NPC) to get you started, as well as Walker NPCs, plus unique Walking Dead Universe-themed weapons, Prefabs, Galleries and the comic book-inspired Heavy Linework post processing effect for both UEFN and Creative.
You’ll also find the LEGO® Action Adventure Template. This template has demo areas that introduce character classes, custom Verse devices, and more.
You can now use a wide range of templates to start your island with brand-specific content. Create your starter island from the Island Templates section and use the Brand Selection dropdown to choose from brands currently in Fortnite.
The update also adds Crime City Prefabs and Galleries based on Fortnite Battle Royale’s “LAWLESS” Season. Plu...
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