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Creative mode in Minecraft would have been a complete failure if they had a gallery model like fortnite.

I love this game but the gallery model is the weakest part of it. If I could choose items like in Minecraft I’m sure way more people would participate in creative.

Because of how it works even finding a piece you want is labor intensive.

And honestly it’s not like a new idea. Selecting objects in a library for use in a 3D world has been solved multiple times and multiple ways.

Epic I know you’ve heard this feedback before but it’s been long enough.

Put a fire under this work and get it done ASAP.

Edit: spelling

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almost 5 years ago - /u/TheStevieT - Direct link

Originally posted by cayeblet

Yep. A menu based selection system with search solves it all. Browse by theme and/or type and also search would be perfect.

u/thesteviet make it happen. We believe in you.

We're always looking at different ways to improve - including making it easier to create what you want efficiently. We know what you currently have isn't ideal and we're looking at ways to improve this in the future but it takes time.