5 months ago - Fortnite - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s oh
3s [Music]
13s [Applause]
14s [Music]
24s [Music]
42s [Music]
46s it's the one and
49s [Music]
53s only I cut so much you thought I was a
56s DJ Drop it like it's hot Drop it like
59s it's hot got the on my
69s some like stoping don't ask me to pass
72s it if we beef don't ask me to it in the
74s party them CL is clap it in the part
79s [Music]
80s them look I was going to go easy on
86s you you I'm a human what I got to do to
88s get it you super
90s anything
94s youon never F and I know the Hat forever
97s waiting for the day to think I up be
98s cting
102s [Applause]
103s [Music]