Has this happened on your previous devices? A couple of things to try to help the ping issue you are running into.
- Turn off WiFi assist
- Try to play on LTE vs WiFi
Let us know if you are still running into any issues.
Has this happened on your previous devices? A couple of things to try to help the ping issue you are running into.
Let us know if you are still running into any issues.
Hey I play on the IPhone XR and I’ve tried the LTE v WiFi and I never have WiFi assist on. I usually get these big “drops” endgame during a 1v1 and I also always get them without fail whenever a notification pops up. So maybe it’s to do with apple? But yeah every time with the notifications at the top of the screen.
Notifications will have an affect on game play. They normally can cause stutters and or freeze the screen for several seconds. If you can disable notifications while playing and still have issues let us know.