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Hey guys, I don't know what to do anymore, this is a serious problem and EPIC doesn't do anything to fix it. Do you remember my old thread here called "Reddit, I need your help. The friend XP is not working anymore for over a week now, it affects all of you and I don't think EPIC even knows this?

Well, that was, like my old title says, a whole week ago and there is still no fix for this, not in the last patch, not in the upcoming patch, not even a mentioning in the "known bugs" list, nothing. For all of you who don't know what I'm talking about, The Battle Pass friend bonus XP (at least on PS4) is not working for 2 weeks now, which means it hugely affects the leveling progress and more important, the battle pass for that people have paid for.

When you have 3 high level friends, it's around 90% extra XP that you are missing out every single round, which is around 30% of all XP combined that you would get every single round (normal 100%, your 70-110% extra XP and the missing around 90% friend XP). I rarely see anyone noticing this at all but it is a huge bug and it was in fact a part of the sold Battle Pass, and I think we should get that fixed immediately.

I already had several people confirming this problem and it even seems to be related to the not working "play with a friend" challenge. It seems like the game just doesn't recognize friends anymore.

I need your help again to get this spread out, cause no matter what I try, EPIC doesn't take this serious. It affects every Battle Pass owner, the season is almost over and I think we all deserve to get a real statement about this from EPIC, not just a small answer, a statement and most importantly, a fix.

Thank you.

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about 7 years ago - /u/EpicMattS - Direct link

Hey man, really sorry this has taken as long as it has. It turned out the bug was trickier to track down than we had anticipated.

The good news is that it just came back fix confirmed today, so it will be in the 2.5 version released next week!