Robot’s ripping each other apart. Adrenaline-pumping dives from insane heights. The world’s greatest cornhole players!?! What madness are we talking about?
To celebrate 8/8 on the calendar, ESPN 8: The Ocho brings the wildest competition this side of Fortnite to Party Royale’s Big Screen.
Starting August 8 at 9 AM ET, ESPN 8: The Ocho delivers a tour-de-fun broadcast highlighting championship competition and seldom-seen sports that fans have come to expect from the channel.
Jump in anytime before the show ends at 1:45 PM ET — or catch the rebroadcast airing from 4 PM to 8:45 PM ET.
Highlights of the weekend include:
- Johnsonville ACL Cornhole Championships: 2020 Kickoff Battle
- 2019 Death Diving World Championship
- 2019 Stupid Robot Fighting League
- 2019 Spikeball College Championship
- 2019 Golden Tee World Championship
- 2018 Classic Tetris World Championship
Party up with your friends and catch all the fun!
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