almost 5 years ago - Fortnite - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s I didn't start off the qualifier to
14s great it was like the late games where I
15s think I won a game with six kills and
18s then my last game alone I went from 54
21s to 65 so every game matters I'm just
24s glad that I've qualified the first week
26s of solos and I guess my practice paid
28s off I've never really been like oh my
33s god what could this turn into not kind
34s of just like live it day by day and I
36s enjoy every single member that I can
37s it's absolutely enjoyable the comments
40s like the World Cup which is basically
41s the most competitive event so far you
43s know you have everybody around the world
44s everybody's allowed to compete and then
47s just come out of the gates and qualify
49s first week it's just absolutely amazing
51s like it's a special sensation I want to
58s be the best player I want to be better
61s than all people and progress in myself I
65s need to play more aggressive and more
67s play d hiya
69s [Music]
72s so so far I'm the only Finnish person
74s and it feels or some like I can maybe
78s give the best presentation for Finland I
80s don't know if they actually understand
81s how big this is
82s but after the news all of them have been
85s like congratulating me and it's a huge
87s influx of like new Southport and it's
90s overwhelming I have a few close friends
94s and you know they were just blown away
96s what like what is this like is this is
98s what you've been doing and you know
100s thankfully they're very supportive they
101s were really good roster because really
103s good players I think I I think I found
105s out a good first impression it was
109s random moment around my there I'm just
110s like oh my god I actually qualified I'm
112s going the road I'm done New York City
113s it's gonna be so fun I love it it's
116s awesome
117s thanks both night
119s [Music]