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Hey guys, in the patch notes it read that the Switch peformance was supposed to get better, but it didnt. It got much worse, building arent loading in, and doing pretty much anything sees a frame rate drop. Can epic please comment on this, and try to fix it?

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almost 6 years ago - /u/DanDaDaDanDan - Direct link

I believe there are currently three issues being investigated.

  1. why an optimization made things worse (we hotfixed it off last night)

  2. what we can do to help performance wise for new POIs getting a lot of traffic

  3. level streaming performance being much worse than expected (you see HLODs instead of details)

almost 6 years ago - /u/DanDaDaDanDan - Direct link

Originally posted by Joloxsa_Xenax

Can you guys PLEASE fix drifts coat already. It's been 4 seasons and it doesnt flop around properly anymore. His legs go through the coat

I pinged our art producer about this - we’ll check it out.