5 months ago - Fortnite - Direct link

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119s e
299s 3
311s is the season to be jolly or carry out a
314s train Heist turn yourself into Lego or
315s go rocket racing that's right we're
317s talking all about fortnite here on the
319s drop spot it's great to have you guys
321s and fortnite competitive is the very top
323s line of this show talking about all
324s things happening in the competitive
325s space my name is Adam Savage great to
327s have you here for another episode of the
329s show and we are joined by royalty this
331s evening this today wherever you're
332s watching from Vivid 112k in the house on
336s the show and am I elat to see those
339s fabulous Smiles or what look at the two
340s of you here whether you're watching or
342s listening at home The Fabulous voices of
344s the the the best youo there is I mean
346s Levan it's great to see you buddy how
348s has things been for you how's life in
350s general oh thanks nobody asks nowadays
353s man Life's good life is good it's always
356s a pleasure to be here with you and of
358s course Vivid as well Vivid we started
359s the year doing Drop sport together right
361s all all them days ago so uh it's good to
363s good to be here at the end of the year
364s with you buddy I'm happy you brought
366s that up right um it's been a while since
369s I've been on the job St so I'm excited
370s to get back into it and this is this is
373s one to be on right there is so much to
375s talk about especially fact that this is
377s like towards the end of the year right
379s we pretty much have a whole entire year
380s to talk about bunch of other things as
382s well and then yeah I mean you know
383s [ __ ] with you guys that's that's easy
385s I love doing
387s that me too me too and it's great and
389s for you wherever you are in the world uh
391s listening or watching along here as well
392s we love having you here so uh we're
394s going to break it all down for you as
395s Vivid said there loads and loads of
397s things to talk about here on today's
399s show we're talking about chapter five
401s weapon meta weapons meta map you name it
404s tournaments we also talking about
405s players and new Duos to watch and of
408s course we have our Infamous quiz for you
409s as well here which is which is I think
411s Levan's favorite thing on on planet
414s Earth am I right every time they ask me
416s to do the show I always forget about the
418s quiz so I just say yes going yeah I'll
420s do it and then I remember as a quiz I'm
421s like no I should have said no you know
424s it's it's it's a real highlight for me
426s and Vivid you seem very chill about it
427s you got a big beaming smile there you
429s seem confident is it because you're
430s against L isn't it that's that's
431s probably what it is um listen I won't
432s lie apparently I have a smile on right
434s you know I'm happy that you're noticing
435s that I'm glowing but I am nervous for
437s the quiz I'm always nervous for the quiz
439s because it's like dude like be ask me
441s something that's like absolutely absurd
443s like I don't know it's actually nervous
445s it's I'm actually nervous but uh I'm TR
447s I'll TR I love I love that terminology
450s happy that we can see that you're
451s glowing I love that hey you are glowing
454s though thank you yeah you are glowing
455s child it's like with child you're
457s glowing uh right okay we have got lots
459s to talk about we're going to start
460s things off here with chapter five okay
461s now chapter five of course um few weeks
464s you know have passed since chapter five
465s has been available for everyone to play
467s right now um let's just talk about the
469s map in general what's been going down
470s how we're enjoying it as well here uh L
473s kick us off here uh chapter 5 what has
475s been uh the experience for you thus far
477s my friend it's been cool man of course
480s you know coming into it from like the OG
482s season it went from something that you
483s know I'm very familiar with to something
486s that was completely new but yet I had
488s that feeling of familiarity in a very
490s weird way Vivid I know we've talked
492s about this a bit before where it's like
494s so much new things in the season but but
496s yet A Touch of like you know I
499s understand these things I'm I'm used to
500s them of course it was all the New
501s Movement a bunch of new pois the weapon
503s mods but a lot of new weapons felt quite
506s familiar right even though there were
507s like new versions of of things that like
509s we've had before all all in all very
512s different but but very fun and that
515s that's what you want from a fortnite
516s season right like because you want to
518s feel like you're playing like a new game
519s and honestly every single season they
521s make a good job at doing that this
524s season yeah they they nailed it with the
526s familiarity so everybody kind of feels
528s comfortable and you're mentioning that
529s you are I definitely feel comfortable
531s amongst the new season as well I just
533s feel like the assault rifles alongside
535s the shotguns right they're kind of along
537s the line of things that we have seen
538s before right of course we've had snipers
540s in the game before so we know how to
542s mess around with those and then all
544s these pois that have all these bosses at
547s them that drop Mythic weapons the new
549s Medallion system right there's all this
551s new stuff that we've seen before a
553s little bit of a change to it and
554s honestly all of those changes are so
556s good and I can't lie I've had so much
559s fun this season so much so like I'm
561s grinding out a battle pass right like
563s I'm looking towards the end of the tiers
565s right I'm like dude I want that alfit
567s I'm at that point I I feel you massively
571s on that I am grinding the battle pass
573s hard right now and plus I'm also loving
575s the the I love the collaborations that
577s we see a lot of the times in fortnite
579s too you know this week the new outfits
581s the Teenage Ninja turt has come into the
582s mix and it's just playing to everything
584s that I love in this world I mean I I
586s it's just perfection um I mean I mean
589s you talk about the map there as well
590s like kind of like parts of the map and
592s and where pois obviously play a huge
594s part in the competitive landscape as
596s well but for you both personally as well
598s like lean kick us off like where have
599s you been and dropping where you kind of
600s focus on your attention when you're out
601s there too yeah I think for me that
603s there's only really two spots that it
605s ever is it's going to be either snooty
608s steps or it's fencing fields and usually
611s for me fencing Fields I like Landing
612s towards that sort of like water Silo
614s towards the right you know you hopping
615s through the window get the barrels drop
618s down head into the building to the left
620s you got a couple chest dead and a
621s vending machine outside and then you w
623s key and go for The Medallion and then of
625s course that Mythic weapon as well the
626s Mythic AR Soo potent one of my favorite
628s weapons in the game
630s Fen and filters is typically where it's
631s at for me nowadays L I gotta say shout
634s out to feny I won't lie I played a solo
636s this morning got a victory Royale from
638s there hey whatever whatever um I love
642s how I mean yeah I love how L are just
645s like exposing his strategy like he's got
647s a whole planned out strategy right jump
651s window
652s W yeah but uh for me personally I'm
655s going to be a snoody steps fan and there
657s is absolutely no strategy involved it's
660s just land and get as many eliminations
662s as possible and try my absolute best to
665s take out Peter gri because I mean a
667s Mythic shot a Mythic pump that's just
670s way too good right can't go ahead and
672s pass that up The Medallion also is very
673s very nice to go ahead and secure and I
675s just love that POI because uh you know
677s that big mansion where Peter Griffin can
679s usually be found first of all I have no
682s idea what's ever going on right I don't
683s know if there's like three players next
684s to me or it's like all the guards like
686s it's just it's so chaotic and then like
688s once you get you go downstairs to the
691s Vault and it's like the whole time
692s you're like you don't feel safe at all
694s right because in this basement it's just
696s it's so crazy always someone there like
699s there's always like people camping there
701s waiting like just stalking you in there
703s it's insane that that is the one thing
704s I'll say right about the season where
706s it's like actually taking out the the
709s the bosses is a nightmare because you
712s you spend like you spend like a full you
715s know Magazine worth of ammo just on you
718s know the boss itself then they like do
720s the little thing with the emote on you
721s tell you to just take the L or whatever
724s regen Shields spawn in more Bots to help
727s them fight you're hearing like a million
729s footsteps then the one guy who landed at
731s the corner of the POI thinks yeah right
733s now it's time to sneak in and catch him
734s off it is there's so much going on yeah
738s and sometimes I just go mad I'm like I'm
739s not dealing with this I'm just not I
741s just can't I'll W key the person who
743s gets it and then I'll take it that way I
745s just don't want to do it yeah yeah I
747s mean I think it was Nisha AR right and
750s recently playing that on stream just got
752s absolutely obliterated embarrassingly so
754s to the point where the community are
755s saying to me what is happening are you
758s really bad or are the bosses just
759s extreme they're extreme on a different
761s level like times a gazillion it's uh it
763s gets it gets intense out there but then
765s again you know if you want to be the
765s best of the best you got get these
767s bosses you got to get what you need to
768s get the medallions whatever might be
769s Weaponry wise as well I mean that's a
771s big factor as well I guess loadouts in
772s general are kind of a big a big thing
774s where you know you never know what the
776s what the best thing to have is any one
778s time lot of the pros obviously figured
780s that out now but for you both as well
782s Vivid like what you what you always
783s carrying into battle what is what is to
785s you is the goto must have in your
787s inventory you I feel like the thing
788s about this season is that almost
789s everybody has you know a very very
791s similar load out but I feel like the one
794s one little change that I've kind of made
795s to mind is going to be the fact that I'm
796s taking the Nemesis AR currently um you
800s know I kind of just always have favored
801s the slower fire rate weapons right just
804s does more damage every single shot that
806s I I land and I just kind of like that
808s right it's kind of like whatever
809s then you know you just take like the
810s pump the sniper which is I mean let's be
813s honest it's a staple of this season for
815s sure I mean I'm getting sniped at pretty
816s much like every second uh and then the
818s grapple blades they're pretty good and
820s then you know Levan I know that both of
822s us are kind of landing at these pois
824s that drop the medallions right so we
825s getting Shield pretty much constantly if
826s we ever make it out of these P so no
828s real need to kind of take shield in my
830s opinion uh so I just take medkits yeah
833s medkits I think are sort of an alltime
836s high in like carry rate this season not
838s just in casual games comp right in like
840s the actual top level play people are
842s carrying them like crazy understandably
844s but yeah like I I will see free medkits
846s and just start licking my lips and and I
848s don't think I've ever been able to say
849s that in all my years of fortnite um with
852s the recent changes to medallions
854s obviously like there is a bit more of an
855s incentive now to carry Shields right if
857s you only got the one Medallion you ain't
859s you're only healing up to 50 Shields so
860s I'll take some big pots when needed but
863s you know if I got all the medallions
864s which I usually do because you know how
865s I you know you know I get down in these
867s lobbies you know what I'm saying then
868s I'm just taking Med kits in that case
871s have you have you been vibing flow
872s berries much too you a
874s flber flow berries are good man lowries
877s are good I I think um from like a a top
880s level like comp perspective like seeing
882s people like do like really cool rotates
883s with them was obviously fun and they all
885s got buffed right so now you actually get
886s more Shield than you did before so like
888s especially in like a spot like when I
889s land fencing if I'm ever shambles which
891s again very very rare I can just dip get
895s a bunch of flow berries in the fields
896s and like I'm just chilling you know so
899s are really good yeah I'm a fan I feel
901s like the underrated thing about flow
903s berries is that you know around fencing
905s in particular right they're always there
907s right so there's there's some strategies
908s right if you ever like shambles like Lev
910s mentioned even in a comp game right you
911s kind of always look to go towards that
913s spot to make sure you go ahead and get
914s some Shield then let's not forget to
917s mention how well they work with some of
919s the items in the game right like
921s specifically shock wave grenades if you
922s pop a flow Berry and then you use a
924s shock wave grenade you're pretty much
925s going from one POI to the other right
928s like you're across
930s it's so fun and yeah I mean throughout
933s know person I haven't seen many of you
936s know those little strategies implemented
937s but I'm I'm assuming that somewhere
939s along the line we'll see some cool plays
941s coming from something like that 100%
943s 100% I'm my loadouts are quite similar
946s to yours rid except I ain't carrying no
948s nemes I'm carrying a striker I'm
950s carrying the striker you know it's why
952s I'm at fence and I want the Mythic
954s Striker the striker a go-to for me
956s Nemesis can be good and you obviously
958s got much better aim than me so it's
959s probably why you know you benefit from
961s that Nemesis a lot more but for me
963s Striker and of course you know we're
965s going with the pump of course you know
967s that's why everyone wants to go snoy
969s especially right that pump so strong
971s sniper for me as well you had a
973s holographic site the little Quick Draw
975s oh my goodness that sniper is so so
978s clean I I like the holographic site just
980s because you don't have like the muzzle
981s flash right so it's like nobody can
983s actually tell I'm sniping which when
985s you're on the receiving end of it oh my
988s goodness it is frustrating you know
990s you're looking at a guy and you're like
991s oh he's just about to spray me with his
992s a nope just head shot snipe most
995s frustrating thing ever most frustra
997s thing of but when I'm doing it I love it
999s Seasons when there are sniper rifles in
1001s right I feel like we're all just like so
1002s humbled and how aware we are of like
1004s what's going on around us right like
1005s you're just like like oh I have to build
1007s pretty much everywhere that I'm not
1009s looking at because you can just like you
1010s said you just get sniped from the side
1011s and it can be very very annoying you got
1014s to be a little more careful this season
1016s yeah you got to have your wits about you
1017s got to have wits about you I also love
1019s it when you brought up the Nemesis AR as
1021s well there Le made a face like someone
1022s had let off a really bad smell in his
1024s proximity and he was he looked disgusted
1027s and my fault in the nicest possible way
1031s yeah man I don't know how you're
1032s carrying Nemesis man come on man you got
1034s to get you got to get serious I this to
1035s strike all way Vivid maybe I need be put
1038s on I don't know but you know I just I
1040s don't know I don't know I mean I mean
1043s talk to me about mods in general I mean
1045s I mean these obviously have impacted a
1047s huge a huge addition to to the to the
1049s chapter as well to the season um how how
1051s big an impact you think they're going to
1052s have competitively as well like just you
1054s I we talked about in the last episode
1056s like mongra I remember watching a clip
1057s seeing how he was just like this is just
1059s you know the you can actually mod it to
1061s what you like your play style as well
1063s and how you like to go about business uh
1065s makes a massive difference Vivid you
1066s you've been in this on the pro at the
1068s highest level what how how do mods add
1070s another layer uh to how you go about
1072s business well I think when it comes down
1075s to you know how good they are I think
1076s being able to add a sight to any of like
1079s the assault rifles that you find is
1080s probably one of the strongest and most
1082s underrated things in the game right now
1084s right because if we think about
1085s traditional fortnite shooting right
1087s usually from that third person angle and
1088s you usually have your little crossair
1089s right there and then Bloom has kind of
1091s always been a thing now of course we do
1093s have drop off of on all of our bullets
1096s that get shot but when you have a site
1098s on these weapons right there's no Bloom
1101s they're 100% accurate to where that you
1103s know wherever you're sighted in at of
1105s course there is still that drop off
1106s that's coming in right that's going to
1107s be I mean you're able to just beam
1110s people very very consistently and then
1111s adapt to your own very personal play
1113s style well is just so good I love how
1116s you I completely even forgot about that
1118s as well like the whole like element of
1119s like now like the sort of the drop off
1121s on weapons yeah it's it's weird of me I
1123s don't know I'm just a gameer right so
1125s like all these like some of these newer
1127s mechanics you got like the the bloom not
1129s the bloom so the drop off even like with
1131s a new movement it was like weird on the
1132s first like all these things I just sort
1133s of got used to them you know what I mean
1135s like you just roll with the punches um
1137s but yeah like with you there's some
1139s combos as well with attachments that are
1141s just like cheese and are so good you
1143s know like you just it's just like
1144s no-brainer SMG extended
1148s magazine yes please thank you do you
1150s know what I mean it's like I'm spraying
1152s all day long right like things like that
1154s have been really sort of fun to play
1155s around with um but attachments have been
1158s good man I think we're seeing people
1159s sort of again like you you sort of said
1161s ad them like be able to express
1163s themselves and their play style through
1165s that yeah um which is always fun I got
1168s to ask gota ask right we're talking
1169s about sights right and you know
1171s typically when you're thinking about
1172s sights right you know we talk a little
1173s bit about the sniper rifle a littleit
1175s about the AR okay are we fans of adding
1178s like a holographic site to your shotgun
1180s I knew you gonna ask this like I I never
1184s aimed down sight with my shotgun so like
1186s it doesn't it doesn't affect me like I
1189s no never never I'm just completely
1191s hitfire I never aim down sight he's a
1194s cowboy over here I love to see it that
1197s buiness I like it I I'll throw it on but
1200s like I never use it like I just I throw
1203s it on just to spend gold because I
1204s always max out my gold so I just spend
1206s gold I'm like I need to spend it we're
1209s rich okay I got you um okay Lin I have
1213s the number one way that you can get
1215s better at fortnite aing with
1218s your Vivid Master Class coming in lad I
1221s love to see it on it's so much Dage like
1225s what more accurate dude like it's so
1228s good trust me trust me me with your shot
1230s op sometimes okay enough fair enough
1233s fair enough never had to write that you
1235s had to write that whatever you guys
1237s wherever you guys are and how often you
1238s get an opportunity to to jump into it
1240s definitely do so and embrace it because
1243s it is here the the chapter is out there
1246s uh chapter five is rocking and rolling
1247s go enjoy it wearing tons of fun with it
1249s and it is there for you to uh to simply
1251s just just yeah entertain there's loads
1253s of things you can do loads of ways you
1255s can play it too here um of course like
1257s 2023 I mean we the fact that we're kind
1259s of approaching the end of the the year
1261s already is is mindblown you mentioned
1263s that we were kind of you know you were
1264s there where the beginning of the of the
1265s drop spot started and here we are at the
1266s end of the year and that was it's it's
1268s crazy how quickly that ton of times uh
1270s time passed um with 2024 on the horizon
1272s just like kind of looking back at like
1274s what's been an unbelievable year for
1276s fortnite comp and you know it's been
1278s it's been so much fun to be a part of
1279s like what have been some of the favorite
1281s moments of you both as well like you
1282s know be personal or kind of like you
1283s know your favorite kind of moments you
1285s happened out there in in the in the kind
1287s of competitive space uh Lev um what's
1289s been a real kind of moment that that
1291s sticks out for you when you kind of get
1293s asked that well of course being able to
1295s do the drop spot with you guys been
1297s amazing you know you know
1301s so but for me on the personal I've got a
1304s couple things on the shoot here just
1305s from like a like as a commentary you
1307s know Inside the Mind of of 112k the
1310s Caster here take you back all the way to
1312s the start of the Year fncs major one you
1315s know the early qualifier weeks party
1318s time orgman in the game absolutely
1322s ridiculous heel offs the slurps were
1325s insane the Chug smashes are mad then you
1327s had people popping the pizzas we were
1330s commentating like one minute he lost
1332s Jacob and I losing our minds I'll be I
1335s can say this now because we're done I
1337s hated it at the time I was like fuming
1340s every time went to he off it's like oh
1342s another heal off and I remember after
1345s one of the shows as well I swear we were
1346s just getting trolled completely right
1348s like it was insane we finished the show
1351s and we're all in the back chilling you
1352s know winding down as we do as classes
1354s and there's pizzas there for us they
1356s like oh you guys want dinner here's a
1357s pizza I'm like you you've got to be
1359s kidding me right um but now I look back
1362s on it and it's like hilarious to me you
1364s know like I hated it then but like now I
1366s look back on it and I find it so so
1368s funny that we you know even went through
1369s that a bunch of fun um speaking of more
1373s fun moments for me I remember Gamers
1374s eight this year really really fun event
1377s um there was a there was a point out in
1381s in the desert there Adam right where we
1383s had a game where sh and I are
1385s commentating and that game was just like
1387s completely dry there was nothing going
1389s on in the game and so they decided to
1391s show us a highlight just because it was
1393s like we needed something to show and I
1395s kid you not the Highlight was just
1396s somebody riding a motorbike like
1399s just like there was nothing going on but
1401s someone hopped on the motorbik they were
1403s like clip it highlight we need to show
1404s something oh my God and I remember like
1407s I remember and I genuinely just laughing
1410s like for minutes straight cuz it's like
1413s was that the Highlight like is that all
1415s you had to show us uh yeah good times we
1418s we've had some funny moments this year
1419s for
1421s sure amazing times one of my favorite
1424s clips that Levan managed to create
1426s throughout the year it was actually him
1427s and Jacob I guarantee you Lin instantly
1430s knows what I'm talking about and if he
1431s doesn't I'm G to be disappointed if you
1433s guys haven't seen this one it's honestly
1435s it honestly makes me laugh every single
1437s time that I see it but uh we do these
1439s things on the fncs you know if you guys
1440s have seen them right we usually do our
1442s little walkouts we usually try to make
1443s it a little fun do a little dance a
1445s little handshake Jacob and Levin decided
1448s to come out and Levin was holding a tape
1452s measure now and L goes ahead and
1455s measures how tall Jacob is and he goes a
1460s six foot and it it just sends me every
1462s time it's so funny that is that is I I
1466s love I love that clip as well that is
1468s one of that one of my favorite too left
1470s I mean it was it was inspired my friend
1472s it was inspired a lot of good fun that
1474s one I think on maybe a more serious
1477s competitive note of things that happened
1478s throughout the year that we cool um
1481s again I'll go earlier in the year I
1482s think one one like event that doesn't
1485s maybe get the hype and and talked about
1487s as much now just because of like again
1489s it's so far away it feels major one EU
1492s finals was insane man day one Janice and
1495s reason leading the way nobody was spits
1498s in that day one it was like complete
1500s shock but right behind them maluka and
1503s Thomas T mustach and it was like going
1506s into day two the head-to-head because it
1508s was like mustach and maluka are both
1510s fighting for who's going to get an fncs
1512s win first right and it was like the way
1515s it finished one point between them it
1517s was like a onepoint difference between
1519s them to win the fncs mustach got his
1521s first one ton you know doing goat things
1524s like he always does it was like that
1526s event was so so hype um and and big
1529s props to them for that I think it
1531s doesn't get highlighted enough I was
1532s really fonded of that one yeah awesome
1534s finish there listen I'm happy that we're
1536s talking about performances now because I
1538s have a couple that I want to me mention
1540s as well from an like an analytical
1541s standpoint of view right like somewhere
1543s where you can just straight up respect
1545s the game play that is going on and for
1548s me it's going to be the quey and Veno
1550s six out of six out of 12 wins right
1553s that's what it was like they won half of
1554s the games in an
1556s fncs final absolutely absurd and one of
1560s the crazy things about this is right is
1562s that like you know how the fncs works
1564s right when we're working on it is that
1565s you know of course EU plays first and
1567s then and then na comes afterwards right
1569s so I'm usually on the na side of things
1571s so eu's you know doing their show
1573s they're playing and stuff like that so
1574s you know while I'm getting ready you
1576s know I'm I'm watching the games that are
1578s going on but there's a time where we of
1580s course have to travel to where we
1581s actually put on the show and stuff like
1583s that so I had saw that they had won a
1585s game and they were like popping off at
1586s this point but then you know of course I
1588s have to travel over to where we put on
1590s the show and uh during this time can't
1592s really watch right not a lot of service
1593s going on and then we get there to the
1597s place I walk into the green room right
1600s and and they're like yeah they want
1601s another game right I'm like there
1602s there's just no way like that was such a
1604s surreal moment to be like they won again
1607s and then the same thing happens the next
1610s day because they're still winning games
1612s on boo day one and day two absolutely
1614s incredible performance out of them just
1616s just have to respect the performance
1618s like that forever yeah I I loved that
1620s man I I had I had the benefit That
1623s season of like really like watching a
1625s lot of their games like i' be in the
1626s cool with them while they play scrims
1628s and stuff like that like I was really in
1630s there that season and I I've never seen
1634s I've watched so many different players
1635s so many different teams I've never seen
1637s a team that like worked that hard and
1639s was so so so locked into every tiny
1644s detail and then to see it manifest in
1646s the performance like for me everyone's
1648s shocked and of course it's shocking but
1649s like for me it made sense because that
1652s Season watching them I was like of
1653s course they they've won all these games
1654s it's like they've prepared for this so
1657s so well um unbelievable players man
1659s shame they're not playing each other
1660s anymore but you know we could do a whole
1662s show about about about their Duo and
1664s their story uh uh for sure um so many
1667s other crazy things happened this year
1668s man I think for me as on a personal
1670s level in between game five in game six
1672s of of globals man being able to Hype up
1675s the crowd in in in Copenhagen like that
1677s was was so so much fun amazing scenes
1681s yeah I still get people today that are
1682s like I was so so I was watching on my
1684s sofa at home and I was getting hyped up
1685s I'm like yeah you're good you know
1688s that's what we need so yeah man it's
1691s that for me was was probably the best
1693s moment not just of of my year just ever
1695s man that was so so fun for me oh dude
1698s and you and you I mean I told you this
1699s earlier on but that purple you look
1701s fresh fresh out there you know me I got
1704s to match Adam Savage you know you're
1705s always looking so good I got to get to
1707s your level you know
1709s there there you know Savage by name
1710s Savage by shirts I've I've gone full on
1712s leopard print tonight I'm not messing
1714s around not messing around out there but
1716s yo all those all those moments you
1718s mentioned as well like they they we I
1719s feel like we we always talk about how
1721s kind of lucky we are to have kind of
1722s like a lot of the times like a like a
1723s front row seat or be there kind of in
1724s the in the place where these things are
1726s happening but um yeah it just goes to
1727s show like the the the drama the the
1729s excitement the the highs of the lows I
1732s mean just it's why we all kind of love
1733s coming back and watching all these
1734s things unfold because it's just it
1736s totally it kind of draws us in we cannot
1738s we cannot stop kind of reminiscing about
1741s all the best parts of you know and this
1742s year has been absolutely incredible I'm
1743s sure you guys who are listening or
1744s watching have got your own moments
1746s you've gone that was really special like
1747s you know I thought I thought it was
1748s really humbling watching Global Champs
1751s and watching you know kind of Meo and
1753s talk about kind of like family and
1755s hoping everyone at home can experience
1756s something like this once in their lives
1758s you know with Cooper I mean and Cooper's
1760s off the back of a a dream hack Victory
1762s recently with Canard as well which is
1763s also which is also huge VI yeah listen I
1766s mean I'm happy that we brought up global
1768s first Le mentioned it his amazing
1770s performance hyping everybody up
1772s including me between those and going
1774s into that last game that we yeah Cooper
1776s and Meo winning globos right we got to
1778s mention that the thing that we talked
1780s about the entire year major one major
1782s two major three the last chance major
1784s all of that was for globals and Cooper
1787s and Meo ended up winning it but let me
1789s tell you something while I was watching
1791s those six games let's not forget it was
1792s it was six games throughout the entire
1794s year we used to 12 games but this one
1796s was half that six Gam games there were
1799s so many times I'm not even kidding you
1800s where Cooper and Meo were like
1802s completely shambles like they had like
1804s maybe like a hundred mats to their name
1806s and I was like okay finally like the
1808s rest of the lobby is going to have a
1809s chance to go ahead and catch up to them
1811s because they were in first place no like
1814s every single game even when they were
1815s shambles somehow you know you you tune
1817s away from their Poe for like a minute
1819s you come back and they're like the best
1820s duo in terms of materials and stuff that
1823s you've ever seen 555 it's like like what
1825s happened how how was that even possible
1827s I feel like it's just such a deserving
1829s win and I mean obviously Miro has the
1832s most titles pretty much out of anybody
1834s now buter what a year H yeah he's he's
1837s had such a crazy I'm sure we'll talk
1839s about it more later in this show as we
1841s talk about you know what we look forward
1842s to next year but to to sort of have
1846s these had and and and I think even even
1848s not just from a competitive standpoint
1850s from like a Content standpoint there's
1852s so many people we can look at and and
1854s and they've had crazy years there almost
1856s like a new generation a of like fortnite
1859s stars right that that we watch right you
1861s know we had you know we I remember back
1863s in my day for like a Grandpa's fornite
1865s you know we had the likes of you know we
1867s had the the Benji fishies of the world
1869s right you know back when TF was really
1871s really streaming you know fortnite
1872s obviously he's back now but you know
1874s like when those guys were at their Peak
1876s you know on content stuff and we have a
1878s bunch of new guys who were stepping up
1879s and filling in those gaps you know what
1881s I'm saying so it's been a it's been a
1883s great year uh all around for for just
1886s new faces the lacks of C and everybody
1888s else in between has has been has been
1890s great I mean before before we we move on
1893s let's just talk 2024 super fast from
1895s from a competitive standpoint as you
1896s said there as well what would you love
1897s to see comp wise in 2024 vi vi what
1900s would what would you love to see a thing
1901s at like you know calendar wise I think
1903s that comes into effect what would you
1904s love to see unfold I'm gonna be basic
1906s here right I feel like 2023 was such a
1909s good year it created so many memories so
1911s many highlight moment the idea that
1913s there was an entire road map throughout
1915s the entire year all of these events kind
1917s of leading to one big one at the end of
1919s the year I really really enjoyed that
1921s right it made watching major one two and
1923s three all that much more hype I feel
1925s like a similar type of format style
1928s coming into 2024 would be just what I
1932s want see Vivid is a vivid is is a very
1935s humble man he doesn't ask for a lot I'm
1937s I'm a bit more greedy uh so I'm going to
1939s ask for for for one thing I want I you
1941s know just one thing give me all the
1944s stuff Vivid as for okay give me one big
1946s solo l
1948s that's that's
1949s all one big solo line of course you know
1953s having our team based mode lands has
1954s been great Global show that invitation
1956s the year before showed that it's fun we
1958s love it everyone loves it but give us a
1961s big solo land in the middle of the Year
1963s sometimes you know I mean something to
1964s split up the year a bit at the halfway
1966s point I would be overwhelmed completely
1971s overwhelmed it'd be
1972s unbelievable hey hey we never know these
1975s things can happen would you guys like to
1977s see one too let us know let us know
1978s online um love that 2024 I mean it's
1981s right around the corner loads and loads
1983s uh to look forward to uh very very soon
1986s indeed um speaking of things to look
1988s forward to guys I mean we we look
1990s forward to something on this show every
1992s single week and though it's not just me
1994s talking and sharing all the good things
1996s going on in the world it's actually the
1997s quiz the quiz is what everyone really
1999s cares about the quiz is what everyone
2000s loves to see and loves to get involved
2002s if you are brand new to this never fear
2004s I'll kind of f you in basically every
2005s single week on the drops we have our two
2008s guests go head-to-head answering a few
2009s questions each multiple choice questions
2011s at the end of which if it's a tie we
2013s have a tiebreaker question which is a
2015s question where the closest person to the
2016s answer is the winner okay it's really
2018s really straightforward it's it's themed
2020s around fortnite obviously um and this
2023s week uh Vivid Leen I mean both have have
2026s have competed before they've enjoyed
2028s their time some more than others um not
2031s looking at you living and what we're
2032s going to do now is we're going to go
2034s into three questions for each of you and
2037s I'm kicking off with you brother oh god
2039s kiing with
2040s you and of course play along at home as
2042s well make sure you play along at home as
2044s well and see how you get on and with the
2046s tiebreaker probably do that as well
2047s because you know it's the holidays and
2050s it's just for fun just for funsies okay
2052s uh question one Vivid this is your first
2054s question okay question one Vivid in
2058s which month was the ranked game mode
2060s added in which month was the ranked game
2063s mode added was it March April or May
2069s wow you're gonna start me with that one
2072s huh Lan's literally laughing over there
2074s Lev heard that question he was so happy
2077s um okay let me try to think March April
2080s or
2081s may not
2083s May and I don't I'm gonna say I'm gonna
2086s say
2087s March March locking that in lock uh L
2092s had it been your question where would
2093s you have directed had it been my
2095s question I would have cried cuz I got no
2097s no clue I'm so glad that wasn't my
2099s question and after hearing that question
2100s I'm actually scared of what questions
2102s are to come um what would I said Yeah
2105s March March let's go for
2107s March okay guess had it been my question
2111s I remember on at Major 2 having to tell
2113s everyone in the world about said ranked
2115s mode and that happened in the month of
2119s May it was May Lads it was May yeah it
2123s was May it was May so actually it wasn't
2125s March it was May did you get right home
2126s let us know
2128s okay my breakdown for this was that I
2130s knew that we were doing a show from
2132s April into May right because I remember
2135s that um so I figured that rank would
2138s have came out before that in March
2140s that's that was my thought process there
2142s I think I think I think it came in like
2144s in was the penultimate weekend in May of
2147s like major 2 I think I don't know I
2149s think that feels about right but yeah it
2150s was May time May time my memory so I
2152s don't even remember any of these things
2153s how do you guys remember these these
2155s time years of blur well I remember
2157s because my birthday a mirac made it here
2160s on time let's be honest uh right okay
2163s okay uh happy birthday for what seven
2165s months ago right here we go uh question
2167s one uh for Le here as well right how
2171s many solo Victory cash cups were there
2174s in 2023 including this week how many
2178s solo Victory cash cups were there in
2180s 2023 including this week's was it 26 36
2184s or
2185s 46 you uh winding me up man oh my God
2192s I'm going to say is I'm going to say
2194s it's 26 I'm going to say 26 really 26
2198s all right all right I'm going to oh wait
2200s wait wait wa wait I'm going to say wait
2202s wait can I change my answer wait wa wait
2204s yeah can I I'm going I'm going to say
2207s 36 are you locking in 36 you
2210s sure yeah I'm going to say 36 yeah I'm
2214s locking in
2215s 36 okay uh if it's now 26 I'm going to
2218s be so sad if I got it right and I change
2220s I'm going to be so so
2222s sad VI Meister what would you come
2226s for
2229s um I would you know what I'll go high
2232s I'll say
2233s 46 okay the correct
2236s answer wasn't 46 okay it wasn't 26
2241s either it was 36 good choice baby good
2245s choice yes at my Al for changing is I
2248s was thinking like imagine there's like
2250s one a week and there's like 51 weeks in
2252s a year I feel like we had more than half
2255s a year of solo Victory cups so that's
2257s why I went 36 that's what I thought good
2260s logic good logic I like that okay then
2263s how did you like not decide on 46 cuz
2265s then that'd be like one every week of
2267s the year okay I didn't it didn't feel
2269s like that yeah it didn't feel like we
2270s had the whole whole year yeah well Vivid
2273s it's your opportunity now to try and
2274s make this one1 after it's one zero 11
2277s right now so question two for you if you
2280s cancelled a medkit after 5 Seconds how
2283s much would you have healed if you cancel
2285s a medkit after 5 Seconds how much would
2288s you have healed 26 36 or
2292s 46 that's a banging question by the way
2295s 26 36 or 46 yeah if you cancel the after
2300s five seconds yeah
2303s yeah that doesn't even make sense
2306s mathematically
2307s it must do it must do it must
2311s do 26 36 or 46 yeah what are you what
2316s what are you
2319s vibing okay it's definitely not 26
2321s there's absolutely no way that it's 26
2324s think you're safe for that one mate yeah
2326s yeah and honestly I feel like 36 Health
2329s after five seconds
2331s seems that seem does that seem low yeah
2334s right i' be upset with
2336s 36
2337s [Music]
2338s I'd be upset 36 46 HP yeah okay so 46
2343s Final Answer L would you have gone the
2345s same way I would have went the same way
2347s yeah okay okay um I'm very sorry to say
2351s that you're both going to be very sad
2354s because it was 36 it was 36 yeah 36 is
2358s the answer after 5 Seconds a medkit 36
2361s seconds canceled yeah that's it I I have
2364s to learn how Med kits work because like
2366s if like you can't even divide a number
2367s by five so like how much are you healing
2369s is it like I don't have those answers I
2372s don't have those answers I just watched
2374s the number go up I don't even I don't be
2376s counting I just watch that watch it go I
2378s thought I thought you got one I thought
2379s you got six HP every tick but maybe when
2382s you use it you get when into I don't
2384s know we're try I don't know out later we
2386s we we'll have a have a discussion
2388s offline just to three us about Med kits
2389s that be really about yeah let's do let's
2391s do that let's let's do that I really
2392s want to do that okay uh next up uh we've
2394s got 11 question two for you my friend
2395s this is get a two lead here Le if you
2398s have three medallions how much Shield do
2401s you regenerate per second if you have
2403s three medallions how much Shield do you
2406s regenerate per second four five or
2412s six this is another one of those things
2414s have medkits for me I just watch the
2415s number go up I don't paying
2419s attention I'm going to say you
2424s get I'm going to say you get
2428s five okay see you got
2432s five my intuition tells me that you get
2435s two per
2437s Medallion two right so that' be six okay
2441s when I think about it for some reason I
2444s feel like when I have five it only goes
2446s up by
2447s eight and I don't know if I'm just wrong
2451s but I'm gonna go against the grain here
2452s and I'm gonna say six okay oh God so all
2457s wrong the
2459s answer before the update last week the
2463s answer was five now it's
2467s Four Lads Lads oh Against the Grain
2472s didn't wow okay I G to ask if that was
2477s counting the update or that CU yeah it's
2480s actually is now four now four okay so we
2482s got one zero to 11 right um to 11 right
2484s now with two with only one question left
2486s each here Vivid this is to tie things up
2488s for you buddy okay how many different
2490s players won an fncs title in
2493s 2023 how many different players won an
2496s fncs title in 2023 is it 29 34 or
2503s 39
2507s huh why is all his questions been so
2509s hard okay let's think about this so
2511s major
2513s one we
2514s had seven regions
2517s he's going to actually count it oh my
2518s God so just that would have been 14
2521s titles right but it's new titles oh it's
2525s new titles no just
2528s just how many different players won an
2531s fncs title in 2023 oh how many different
2534s players they could have won more than
2535s one yeah yeah what were the options 29
2539s 34 or 39 but Vivid is a math geek he's
2544s just going to he's just going to do the
2545s maths in his head
2548s cul some 24 38 plus the two from globals
2553s that' be 40 but that way it's not 39 and
2557s the other option was what 36 29 or 34 29
2562s or
2563s 34
2565s 34 locking
2569s it yeah okay Lev what would you have
2573s said I would have said
2575s f ban
2577s was there were 40 winners in total but
2579s six of them won twice the answer is 34
2582s it's 34 yes let's go just math it's just
2585s math Absolut math bro math bro right
2587s this is it so one1 we left the last
2589s question before the tiebreaker uh right
2591s L how many players won their first fncs
2594s title in 2023 how many players won their
2597s first one in 2023 18 22 or 26 wow so
2603s what I thought was vivid's question is
2604s the question that's what I thought
2606s previous question was the last one okay
2609s how many okay what was the what was the
2612s options again please Adam please uh 18
2615s 22 or
2617s 26 okay at least
2622s one okay so based off a vivids answer we
2625s know there was 34 Williams winners yeah
2628s how many of those were new winners uh
2631s and the options were what 18 22 or 26 18
2635s 22 or 26
2637s I'm going to go out on a whim here and
2642s say that we had more new fenus winners
2645s than
2647s usual so I'm going to
2650s say 26 seems too high I'm going to say
2655s oh actually not
2657s wait oh so dep so intense
2663s I'm 18 22 or 26 I'm yeah I'm going to go
2666s to low option I'm going to say 18 wow
2669s I'm going to say 18 I'm going to say 18
2672s Viv you made a You made a face like a
2673s like a a eel what happened what are you
2676s thinking you locked in 18 yeah I'm going
2679s to say 18 yeah what
2682s you okay I'm gonna be really surprised
2686s if it's not 26 I'll be honest okay the
2689s correct answer it wasn't
2692s 22 and the correct answer was not not 26
2697s it was 18 18 is the correct answer and
2701s it could be you guys listening watching
2702s at home in 2024 but 18 in 2023 how many
2706s players won their first fncs title let's
2708s go leers no I just I had
2711s that my mentality was like you forget in
2715s a lot of like the because I think about
2717s EU and na a lot of the time right but in
2718s a lot of the smaller regions I feel like
2720s a lot of people are repeat winners you
2722s got like a lot of the dominant people
2723s and even in EU we had a lot of repeat
2725s winners people have won before so like I
2727s don't know I feel like it just wasn't as
2728s much half felt more more me I respect
2732s that answer actually I love it well two
2734s I mean 21 to 11 however we've got a tie
2737s record question we're going to do it
2737s anyway because this this I think this
2739s question this question's A B I'm taking
2741s the
2742s win it's a d it's a dub but yeah sure
2745s two two sure yeah yeah sure sure okay uh
2747s right here we go uh this is great if you
2750s broke every barrel and slurp truck on
2753s the map how much health could you get
2756s assuming no 200 limit on your health of
2759s course if you broke every barrel and
2761s slurp truck on the map how much health
2764s could you get what a question by the way
2767s what a question silliest question what
2770s mad
2772s Madness you to Barrel or add SLP truck
2775s on the map how much health can you get
2777s Vivid I'm asking you
2779s first because even though it's two two
2781s you still lost so what do you
2783s think okay so I want everybody home to
2786s know that Levan has the upper hand here
2788s because since I have to guess first he
2790s can guess closer face on my hey I'm
2793s watching you Levin I know you're I know
2794s you're a number guy that is the strap
2796s that is the strap the price you it's the
2798s price you
2799s pay what do you what are you my my brain
2802s is screaming at me right now 950 and I
2806s have no idea why it's screaming what to
2809s you
2811s 950 950 okay yeah wait wait did you say
2815s did was the question Shield just Shield
2817s right if you broke every barrel and
2819s slurp truck on the map how much health
2821s could you get like so I guess that's
2823s anything overall okay yeah
2826s 950 I
2827s think 950 on a whole map yeah are are
2831s you like surprised because you think
2832s that's low or high I think that's so low
2835s think that's low I mean yeah probably
2838s is I think that's so low and I'm going
2841s to have to just cheese you cuz that's
2843s just how this game works so I'm going to
2845s go nice
2847s 151 cuz I think it's in the thousands
2849s it's got to be in the thousands it is
2852s okay it is definitely for you guys at
2855s home I'll give you a second here I'll
2857s reveal this okay I've got a breakdown
2858s for you as well here there are 359
2863s normal barrels 85 slap barrels and five
2867s slurp trucks which in total not even
2870s close it's like
2873s 4,940 worth of Health that you can get
2877s 4,940 unreal so technically 11 wins with
2880s 951 but still
2882s 4,940 if to be fair if if I was going to
2884s make an actual guess without cheesing I
2886s probably would have said like in the
2887s 2000s which still is way off but I know
2890s this cuz I I know there's so many Barrel
2892s spots like the the amount of barrels on
2893s the map is like ridiculous there like
2896s there like buildings where you just open
2897s the building and there like 10 barrels
2899s on the wall and it's like crazy and I
2901s didn't even think about slap barels as
2903s so there's yeah there's just so many
2905s there's so many um that was fun I love
2907s ifin just sat there kind of pondering
2909s life going I need to go back to the
2911s drawing board in this one you know
2913s what's bad is that like listen when we
2914s talked about our F pois I've been so
2916s like snoody Steps focused this season
2919s that like just haven't left and I don't
2921s even know what the rest of the map looks
2922s like so I mean that me wow I'm off I was
2925s this has been the you know do you know
2926s about the do you know about the secret
2928s spot under the map towards like the the
2933s southeast don't even
2935s know probably not even un discovered I
2939s saw I I saw like a Tik Tok where this
2941s guy like lands on top of a mountain
2943s Southeast and then he drops down the
2945s mountain there's a cave you break
2946s through under the cave you break through
2949s under the cave again it's like they
2950s trick you like the people who made about
2952s they trick you bre the cave again and
2954s it's this whole Cavern with like a bunch
2956s of chests and loot and it's like crazy
2958s yeah saying nice love the TP the tips
2961s and tricks coming in from the boys okay
2963s um all right you guys did great and hope
2965s you guys at home did as well that was
2966s awesome a great quiz uh to wrap up the
2968s year there I love that I love that um
2970s right very quickly before wrapping up
2971s the show tonight as well here uh looking
2972s ahead to 2024 players to watch just a
2975s couple of players from each of you here
2976s Lads as well like who are you looking
2977s forward to next year you they're gonna
2979s go the distance here uh L kickers off
2981s two players you my friend who who it
2982s definitely wants to look out for in 202
2984s layers for me that I think I want to
2986s watch out for I'll start with an na name
2989s cold cold for me I'm so so excited about
2992s cold next year cold this year for me
2994s Vivid had probably one of the highest
2997s peaks as an individual player I think
2998s the only player that I think I can say
3001s at an individual Peak that I felt was
3003s higher was probably Veno cold in major
3006s one major two all the major but all year
3008s long he was just an elimination machine
3011s you put something in front of him he
3013s eats it up like candy such an impressive
3016s player man and if he can keep up that
3017s level next year I think he'll finally
3019s start to pick up won some more fncs
3021s titles but even more respect doing as
3023s well as they did at globals while being
3025s contest Did You Know by a top top team
3027s in pink and voco I mean cold for me such
3031s a special player the other name I'm
3032s looking at Mr Savage Savage has been
3035s towards the end of the year when I've
3037s watched Savage I've been so impressed by
3038s him like his level seems to have gone up
3040s for me a lot of motivation I guess from
3042s being dropped by theal clearly something
3044s that stung him a bit of course he's
3046s playing with the big mongra mongr making
3048s his return to comp in 2024 what are
3051s Savage and Mongol going to do a lot of
3053s people I'm sure will be very hyped to
3055s see them competing I want to see if
3056s Savage can keep that high level while
3058s obviously taking that sort of iglm
3060s burden and uh being the one that has to
3062s lead the way with
3063s mongrol wow okay okay I'm happy you
3067s brought Mr I was gonna be like oh but
3068s you know we have a Duo announcement for
3070s him yeah I mean that that do is gonna be
3072s crazy can't wait to see all of the stuff
3074s that comes up of that
3076s duo um my two picks right we we get two
3079s picks here I'm gonna be honest with you
3081s um I'm I'm Gonna Keep you could be
3083s honest this is this is this is a safe
3085s place I'm gonna na focused and my first
3087s one's going to be extremely boring so
3088s much show that 11's probably going to
3090s roll his eyes I'm going to say Cooper I
3092s I want to see a followup year right I
3095s mean you know everybody is saying that
3097s Cooper had an incredible breakout year
3099s right of course winning globals now
3102s winning dream hack Atlanta that's backto
3104s back in-person events for him and
3106s honestly he's got to continue it into
3108s the new year right what can he do with
3110s the confidence right knowing that he has
3112s the ability to go ahead and win these
3114s events it's that going to change his
3115s mentality at all is he going to play any
3117s differently can he continue to perform
3120s like he has towards the end of this year
3122s that is something that I think will be a
3124s very very important storyline to go
3126s ahead and follow like I said very very
3127s boring I think everybody's going to be
3129s looking towards Cooper when it comes to
3131s you know next year and and the big
3133s events um my other pick though is GNA be
3137s one that's it's a little bit more
3138s personal right it's gonna be based I
3139s won't lie it's gonna be based off of
3140s streams that I've been watching and it's
3143s going to be the experience that I know
3144s about this player
3146s it's gonna be muz you know I'm be
3148s looking towards
3150s muz and and muz is one of these players
3153s where every single season and I kid you
3155s not right let's think about every single
3157s season that we've had right usually you
3158s have the smaller tournaments right like
3159s the cash cups the victory cups Muzz
3162s figures out the meta and Masters it like
3164s instantly right so I've been watching
3166s his streams and he just looks absolutely
3167s insane I mean his mechanics literally
3169s look like some of the best on the planet
3171s right now and yeah he's just been
3174s stomping out some of these cash cups and
3176s you know I'm excited for him to move
3177s back over to na right now of course he
3178s is home right now that's the thing about
3180s M let's not forget two regions he has an
3183s fncs title and who's he and na right so
3186s very very good player but I mean just
3187s just straight up from watching his
3189s streams he looks
3190s mechanically at the top like one of the
3193s best players to watch snip it's crazy
3196s like this guy will just snipe and just
3198s hit a head shot with like with ease it's
3200s absolutely incredible if you haven't
3202s check him out it's literally insane
3204s gameplay 100% one of the most fun place
3206s to watch I love watching M I'll throw in
3208s another name or someone who I love
3210s watching if you want satisfying
3211s mechanics and you want to watch someone
3213s who is just so good at the game that it
3215s will make you sad you'll never be that
3216s good polarized oh my goodness polarized
3219s is incredibly talented videos his his
3223s his videos one shout out to him because
3224s he's another one where YouTu his YouTube
3226s Channel's popped off like he he is you
3228s know making a lot of money from YouTube
3230s this year um but he's also incredible at
3232s the game so so fun to watch what it's
3235s it's a top selection that's I mean the
3237s thing is that that there are just some
3238s of the players that you guys can can
3239s watch and follow across the course of
3240s the year but I have no doubt there are
3242s going to be some some Superstars that
3244s canise from somewhere or other one of
3247s many majors available uh that is going
3249s to be uh we'll be talking about
3251s undoubtedly next year at some point um
3254s guys this has been awesome this has been
3255s great what a great way to wrap up the
3257s the you having you guys at the beginning
3258s of the the year now towards the end of
3260s the year as well um where can we find
3262s you both online 11an um where are you
3264s sir at 112k everywhere on X on Tik Tac
3270s on on any platform I've started
3271s streaming again as well on Twitch myself
3274s I saw I tuned in bro I tuned in I'm I'm
3276s back live on Twitch so you know you
3277s might catch me on on on Twitch at 112k
3280s as well who knows who knows but uh yeah
3282s 112k on
3283s everything see me uh you can see me
3286s around about usually in 11's backpack
3288s whenever it comes to anything fortnite a
3290s viid FN on the eg/ shutter whatever you
3292s were calling it nowadays usually around
3295s about the the fortnite scene in some way
3296s shape or form him and maybe you'll find
3297s me in a fortnite game please take it
3300s easy I'm old I I
3304s what mate I'm old you're fine you are
3307s fine in fortnite terms I'm old he he's
3312s still so Good by the way like he's
3313s incredible ridiculous ridiculous uh and
3316s of course you guys can find me Adam
3318s Savage on X and Adam Savage UK on the
3319s likes of twitch and instant things as
3321s well this has been amazing um we hope
3323s wherever you are enjoy fortnite right
3324s now you've got like Lego out there to
3326s look forward to and rocket racing and
3328s festival and all the other great things
3330s that come with fortnite comp as well
3332s here have a very happy holidays we look
3333s forward to seeing you again on our drops
3335s up very very soon till then take care
3337s thanks for listening and watching and
3338s we'll see you next time bye
3354s bye be in your
3373s [Applause]
3379s [Music]
3384s game
3414s are
3422s [Music]
3430s [Music]
3436s [Music]
3442s [Music]
3444s the
3474s are
3477s we
3485s [Music]
3487s are are
3504s are
3560s [Music]
3564s he
3594s he
3597s [Music]
3610s [Applause]
3623s this real
3631s [Music]
3654s he
3679s he