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Stats updates in the client are on a 15 minute timer so if you just won a match your stats may not show up for 15 minutes.

The server reports all stats at the end of the match in bulk. If you get a kill, die, and leave the game your new kill count will not update until the server ends the match and the 15 minute timer described above elapses.

Wednesdays stats are not filled in yet. If you got a kill, or did anything really yesterday, it has not been backfilled yet.

PS4, XBox and PC stats are currently mutually exclusive.

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over 7 years ago - /u/InnerChildNDC - Direct link

Originally posted by PlayPoker2013

My stats are wrong. I won a duo about 3-4 nights ago and it says I haven't won any. Hard to trust any of the other stats now.

Can you PM me your Ingame Name and the platform you play on?

over 7 years ago - /u/InnerChildNDC - Direct link

Hi Friends! It does indeed look like some wins slipped through our mass of data! My bad! We will get those fixed up when we backfill the missing data from yesterday! I don't have a timeline yet (we are fixing some unrelated issues on the stats system currently) but I will update this once I find out!