over 4 years ago - Fortnite - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
1s hello family a fortnight all TW here and
4s throughout the fortnight champion series
5s we're going to be trying to get more
6s acquainted with the world of competitive
8s for an a today we're going to be
10s discussing the three different stages of
11s a competitive four net game the early
13s game the mid game and the late game and
15s what different players have as their
17s goals during these stages in order to
19s achieve the ultimate goal the victory
21s Oriya let's start with the early game
23s also called the looting phase this is
25s where all players are attempting to
26s secure their chosen landing spot and
28s maximize their loot potential in
30s competitive fortnight every game matters
32s so players try to strike a balance
34s between high loot opportunity and safety
36s so as to not waste a game by being
37s eliminated early do you drop at a high
39s loot P oh I like retail row or Paradise
41s Palms or land at a safer P oh I on the
44s edge of the map where less players drop
45s because of less loot regardless the goal
48s is common whether you take a passive
49s approach by looting safely on the side
51s of the map or an aggressive and risky
52s approach by letting others loot for you
54s and finding early eliminations now that
57s we know what the early game is what
58s should we be looking out for during this
60s stage first things first
61s being contested the first realization
63s players make when landing is whether
65s you're being contested or not to prepare
67s for the upcoming possible fight trios
69s want to try to force your opponent into
71s the more disadvantageous position cut
73s off from loot potential if they have to
75s make a desperation push or if they're
77s stuck with less loot where you can
78s easily clean up that's just the
80s beginning
80s as even though it starts off
81s high-intensity with all the different
83s POS being contested it quickly slows
85s down as the rotations begin towards
88s first zone looting doesn't end here and
90s most competitive players will have a
91s loop path which optimizes their
93s possibility for finding the crucial
95s mobility and weapon upgrades thanks to
97s the new battle map feature in the replay
99s mode we can study these loop paths and
100s rotations quite easily these days so go
102s check that out in any replay from the
104s fortnight champion series by going into
106s the compete tab and finding your
107s favourite player it will vary from game
109s to game
109s but generally we move in the mid game
111s around the middle to end of second zone
113s the mid game is the calm before the
115s storm before the storm circle gets too
117s small where it forces the engagements
118s most players goals are positional but in
121s some cases depending on how the early
123s game wins you again have to strike a
124s balance this time between looting and
126s farming or going for the best position
128s looting could include playing extremely
130s aggressive to earn yourself other
132s players loot in trios
134s harder to play that aggressive play
135s style since fights take longer and cost
137s more we want to be efficient with any
139s rotations or fights you have to take you
141s don't want to spend your precious
142s mobility valuable resources or health
144s this is why you'll see a lot of the top
146s players look directly for Center zone in
148s the mid game when you're in the center
149s zone you end up giving yourself the most
151s chance of being in the next storm circle
152s when it gets revealed it'll then have to
154s go less distance and thus spend less
155s materials finally the endgame the most
158s exciting hectic thrilling and difficult
160s part of competitive fortnight
161s experiencing an endgame can be confusing
164s and hard to process it will also be one
166s of the most rewarding and fun times to
168s play and watch this one you take all the
170s advantages you built in the early game
172s and the mid game and use them to push
173s yourself to a victory or a out and also
175s find as many eliminations as possible in
177s the current fortnight champion series
179s format every elimination matters just
181s like it did in the World Cup from six
183s zone onwards where the confident mid
185s game explodes into a cacophony of
187s tunneling mobility usage and shots being
189s fired the C teams go for the ever so
191s advantageous high ground where they can
193s tunnel very cheaply and have the most
194s opportunity on the rest of the server
196s for elimination as they have the
197s top-down view you also see teams call
199s out the need to find a good layer which
201s is away from other players both above
203s below and horizontally for me you'll see
205s teams desperate for the extra materials
207s to last them through to the full zone
208s closure going for impact eliminations
210s but they can top off on resources and
212s power weaponry of their fallen opponents
215s so whether you're watching or you're
216s joining us on the field take stock in
218s the stage of the game the early game
220s when you're trying to get the best
221s possible loot while it's still available
222s the mid game where you're balancing
224s positioning while maintaining what you
226s built during the early game and finally
228s the endgame you spend all the advantages
230s you set yourself up with to earn the
232s victory royale use this to form your
235s game plan in order to earn as many
237s series points weekend after weekend and
239s maybe next time we'll be watching and
241s highlighting your top plays this is
243s Paolo TW and I'll see you in-game
246s [Music]