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Hey guys,

I'm not sure if this has been brought up yet, so let me know if this is redundant. We played a match yesterday and while I was spectating my teammate I realized that the smoke grenade has no effect for spectators. He threw it in the staircase and I was able to see through the smoke with no problems at all. I told him when an enemy was approaching he made short work of him - that shouldn't be happening imo.

Edit: words are hard.

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over 7 years ago - /u/kingOlivebranch - Direct link

Yup & sorry, this was just fixed yesterday and will be included in 1.10 (along with other smoke bomb problems, such as popping if 2 smoke bombs overlap and you walk into one directly from another).

over 7 years ago - /u/kingOlivebranch - Direct link

Originally posted by ThePantsThief

Hey, question! Why doesn't the game properly support retina Macs? The game runs at 1x instead of 2x, so it's less than 1080p on my 15" MacBook Pro.

I honestly don't have the answer to that, sorry. I only commented on this particular post as I was the one who created the smoke bomb originally.