almost 2 years ago - Fortnite - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

53s um
102s um
127s uh
141s foreign
180s so
188s so
216s so
274s so
310s foreign
350s me
357s um
402s so
421s um
546s hmm
582s so
650s so
672s oh
680s so
709s so
730s foreign
769s hmm
855s it
905s so
982s foreign
1080s foreign
1105s my
1112s so
1128s so
1143s um
1234s you
1302s um
1323s so
1360s i'm ready
1362s take one
1363s hello guys my name is station i'm
1365s competing in the regional rumble
1372s i haven't played this map since so long
1374s i mean it's really good for aim practice
1376s because it's really like
1379s realistic i would say
1386s 71 hit 44 missed
1396s i know epic well has like really good
1398s tracking so might be hard to beat him in
1400s this
1412s five
1420s there's too many targets i don't know
1422s what to focus on
1434s i think i could have done way better it
1436s just uh if i had more time i think to
1438s practice on this
1440s uh but i think the ana guys will do
1442s better than me maybe with the
1445s zombie mk tracking i might have done
1447s better i'm sorry i disappointed you guys
1464s my name is bizil i'm representing na
1466s east in the regional rumble i'm going
1468s against tyson and epic whale personally
1470s i think i'm gonna win i am ready and if
1473s anything tastes like give me a little
1474s bit of a challenge all right let's go 50
1476s meters time trail
1479s probably never played this before
1484s the one thing i'm supposed to be good at
1491s oh lord 61
1493s that's bad right that's definitely bad
1495s went awful i felt so bad 61 there's no
1498s way i won if i want i'll be very
1500s surprised
1501s let's go
1502s 50 meters horizontal i should win this
1508s i'm missing too many shots
1511s i need more headshots
1518s six is that right all right that should
1520s be fine i'm feeling confident with that
1522s maybe not really all right
1525s all right we got skeet let's go
1530s why is the background black i can't see
1531s anything
1540s spawn
1544s all right 66 that's okay there's no way
1547s that'll
1548s we'll win i should win i think probably
1550s not
1565s this mousepad is tiny
1567s oh good
1569s all right hey what's up guys my name is
1571s epic whale and today i'm going to be
1572s representing any west in the regional
1574s rumble
1575s first one's 50 meter ranger
1581s more like a flaking map
1594s all right
1595s hit 64. not bad i don't really know
1599s hopefully that's a good score it's uh
1600s not used to this setup so we'll see
1616s oh we got three eliminations all right
1618s that's solid
1620s ran out of mouse mouse space a few times
1622s but we good
1638s all right 62. it's all out i feel like
1643s that was that might have been my best
1644s one either this one was the first one i
1645s don't know that second one was pretty
1647s tough
1648s the first one was
1650s a more flick map like
1652s almost like shotgun name kind of the
1654s second one was mostly just a hard
1656s tracking and then the third one was like
1658s a combination of the two
1660s where you're kind of flicking at moving
1662s targets and tracking a little bit
1663s personally i'm pretty like even i don't
1666s have like one one's not weight my
1668s tracking isn't way better than my
1670s flicking and my flicking isn't way
1671s better in my tracking
1693s today in the
1695s fncs the lobby is filled to the brim
1697s with high profile duos the notorious duo
1700s of thomas hd and tripper didn't make the
1703s cut yesterday finishing 26th on the
1705s leaderboard can they frag their way to
1707s victory royale
1710s a consistent high ground team trying to
1713s make their way through a lobby full of
1715s high ground happy teams
1717s being beat to their normal play style on
1719s day one will eye drop and jerky have an
1722s easier time on day two
1725s all eyes are on today's action as we
1727s lock in 12 more duos for the eu fncs
1730s finals
1732s get ready
1734s day two of the eu semi-final starts now
1740s hello and welcome back to the fncs this
1744s is day two of the semi-finals we've got
1747s six matches six victory outs to call for
1749s finals and of course the top six will
1751s move on as well
1753s we're ready to get the show started so
1755s let's jump on that battle bus it's game
1757s time
1773s all right fortnite fam here we are on
1775s the set once again if you missed the
1776s reveal yesterday welcome this is the new
1779s stage of the fncs
1781s it's quite large so i definitely need a
1782s little help from my friends so please
1785s allow me to introduce your favorite
1786s analyst ever it's reece hub it's mini
1789s miner there they are look at them they
1790s look so incredible my knees ain't what
1792s they used to be
1800s destroyed that's what happens we have
1802s freedom now we do kind of move around so
1804s we're gonna be a lot more tired than
1806s normal uh guys how are we feeling
1807s expectations coming into day number two
1809s i'm very excited we've got 12 more teams
1811s going through today we saw 11 teams
1813s going through yesterday both through
1814s consistency and through those victory
1816s rounds semi-finals are always great to
1818s watch and i personally can't wait yeah
1819s we've obviously seen what 11 like you
1821s mentioned this is kind of the second
1823s last step for teams to qualify through
1825s right tomorrow's going to be the big one
1826s the last chance and today you know we're
1828s going to see some shake-ups absolutely
1830s there's a lot of these duels they're
1831s sweating right they're thinking okay we
1832s only have two days left if we want to
1833s make the finals we got our victory out
1835s we gotta make it into top six let's go
1837s ahead and get this popping okay let's
1839s talk about the broadcast schedule mini
1840s let's come on over here let's do it so
1842s you guys already know how this goes but
1844s in case once again if you got new faces
1846s around we want to welcome you to the
1847s fncs we'll kind of get you up to speed
1848s okay so we've come from three qualifiers
1851s now we're in semifinals next weekend
1853s we're jumping on into the finals prize
1855s bunny and the new acts of champions all
1857s on the line but let's talk about how we
1859s actually got here reece thank you very
1862s much zeke we've got a look at the full
1864s format the full breakdown of what we're
1866s actually going to be seeing today we are
1868s currently in the semi-finals right in
1870s the center there this was yesterday if
1871s you missed it you missed out let's be
1873s real but we're here today in session two
1874s we have six matches total with the top
1877s six advancing through to the finals as
1880s well now what we've also got to look out
1882s for the special twist of semi-finals is
1884s that every single victory royale will
1886s also all qualify through to the finals
1888s so 12 teams total that'll make it
1890s through minnie how are we getting our
1892s points though yeah i'm glad you
1894s mentioned that there rhys of course
1895s every single team that will get a
1896s victory today will go straight through
1898s the files you can see that right there
1899s demonstrating 1 000 points for the
1901s victory royale and that is really what
1903s these teams are going to go for but if
1905s they want to be a little bit more
1905s consistent today there are opportunities
1907s for that as well we're seeing
1908s potentially up to 28 points for that
1910s second place spot as well and of course
1912s those cascading placement points
1913s starting at 25th those are those gonna
1916s be the placement points but the
1917s elimination points are also going to be
1919s key for these teams zeke three points
1920s for elim if the elim heavy teams are
1922s gonna be popping off today that's what
1923s they're gonna be looking at they just
1924s wanna thin out the lobby right make sure
1926s they get one step closer to that victory
1927s out or enough to move them up those
1930s leaderboards and make it into the top
1931s six we already had eleven qualify
1933s through yesterday so why don't we talk
1935s about qualified players today let's do
1937s it yeah so basically what we saw
1939s yesterday was the top 50 teams from the
1941s series leaderboard 11 of those are gone
1943s as we already mentioned so 11 new teams
1945s are fitting all the way up here bunch of
1947s names standing out but i'm going to talk
1948s first about one of the teams right here
1950s i drop in jerky who we saw a ton of
1953s yesterday now they end up placing 15 i
1955s think a lot of us expected these guys to
1957s qualify let's be real yeah i mean i
1958s certainly did because i predicted them
1960s and they did not qualify
1962s as well yeah he did do that but i mean
1964s they struggled a little bit yesterday
1966s they struggled on the high ground there
1967s were plenty of other high grand teams
1968s there for the taking and unfortunately
1970s they just took it at the wrong time i
1971s felt like and it wasn't quite working
1973s out for them yeah i mean these are guys
1975s who take high ground early right they
1976s take higher ground at the first moving
1977s at the start or the end of it and try to
1979s maintain it all the way through in like
1980s a lower level game like a cash cup
1983s potentially even you know like from the
1985s earlier rounds of f and cs this will
1986s work
1987s in a format where everyone wants height
1988s and wants to win games man we've already
1991s seen that's not going to work yeah we've
1992s seen so many height seams and another
1993s one of these is of course aidan and hard
1995s fine now we saw this team absolutely
1997s dominate in around in qualifier number
1999s one round four they absolutely dominated
2001s janice and vortex off spawn they pretty
2003s much dominated the whole of greasy grove
2004s and we can call it hard flying groves
2005s maybe how about we how do we say that
2008s i don't know aidan groves i think
2010s maybe a little bit there's not as good
2012s of a ride there anyway we have dominated
2014s squad obviously we're gonna come back to
2015s this later as well we're gonna we're
2016s gonna come back to this fight but one of
2018s the things about them is like you
2019s mentioned they're a height team right
2020s they are a high team
2021s and they kind of fall under the same
2023s curse as jerking and drop right where
2024s they go for height really really early
2027s and try to maintain it all the way
2028s through and the problem with this as i
2029s already mentioned with our other team
2030s right there is the fact that other teams
2032s will be looking for it'll knock you off
2034s so many other teams they're all trying
2035s to go for high ground and that's exactly
2036s what these teams are trying to do and
2038s another team that's going to be doing
2038s that rhys who are you going to vote
2040s right here again trevor and thomas hd
2043s now let's be real i think this team
2045s yesterday very much so underperformed
2047s you know we were thinking this is a shoe
2049s and obviously both of our casters ended
2050s up predicting these guys to qualify
2052s through and they didn't they really
2054s really struggled in the mid game like i
2055s think there was three games out of the
2057s five they played where they went down in
2058s 24th so that's like right at the start
2060s of moving zones yeah really not ideal
2062s for them in the final four games they
2063s actually picked up only three
2064s eliminations across those final four
2066s games which is very uncharacteristic i
2068s mean we saw them in the geocache cup
2070s earlier this week they won it and they
2072s had the most eliminations out of all the
2074s teams that were there so very very
2075s uncharacteristic for them yeah it seems
2077s like they're just not playing to their
2078s true potential right now like we know
2080s these guys can frank out we know they
2081s can be super good but something seems
2083s off about doing it when it matters yeah
2084s it's very true another team that are
2086s sharing that same thought is swillium
2088s and leche now we saw them yesterday have
2089s a little bit of trouble off spawn as it
2091s always is it's jonker's speedway
2094s there's always trouble off spawn but i
2096s mean william and leche you know they
2097s didn't have the greatest start to
2099s yesterday but in that fifth game they
2101s did have a very very good placement and
2103s uh they're feeling confident going today
2104s i saw it on twitter actually uh lexi was
2106s saying he's feeling very very confident
2107s they had a very very good last game it
2109s was a seventh elimination sixth place so
2111s they're feeling confident today i think
2112s they can do it i can tell you why they
2114s feel confident right the reason these
2115s guys feel confident is because their
2117s biggest contenders we've just seen go
2118s down a spawn they're qualified through
2120s already floki inclement so we're not
2122s going to be seeing floating clement in
2124s this particular semi-final anymore that
2126s means that junkers speed with them i'm
2127s not going to say free because
2129s and vortexers are also landing there so
2131s they still have some fight off spawn but
2132s the biggest issue that they've had is
2134s now gone yeah we'll be seeing that a lot
2136s today i'm sure all the teams that have
2137s already qualified and teams that will
2138s qualify today there'll be gaps on the
2140s map and places to go but zeke what's
2142s coming up next then we've got a content
2143s piece right oh we sure do and it's
2145s easily one of my favorites this one is
2147s called duo for vibe and lobby check it
2150s out
2155s what's up fortnite family we got a
2157s little game we're going to be playing
2158s with our eu pros uh three fortnight
2160s legends beside me hen janice and chappix
2163s and our pros are gonna have to decide
2165s whether they want to do it with one
2167s revive one or send one back to the lobby
2172s we have chappie stannis and hen here
2175s i'm going to do chapex because i think
2177s he's a very good igl and he's a very
2179s good fighter too i don't know what i'm
2180s going to do yet janice
2182s because i think we would really
2185s make a good tool i'll do with janice
2187s because he's a great player great idea
2190s and i like him a lot as a person as well
2192s i'm gonna have to do with chad pix
2195s there's only one reason for this i'll go
2197s with han
2198s i think
2200s he's one of the best players in the
2201s world right now
2202s he's crazy
2203s not as crazy as me but he's he's pretty
2205s good you know what i'm saying duo with
2207s janus because we have the experience and
2209s i've played with them quite a lot and
2210s done well with them i think i would
2211s choose chat pix because i played the
2212s most events with him and i feel most
2214s comfortable with him sanus because he's
2216s a really good player and a good ideal
2219s so
2220s goes there
2222s hin is such a good solo player and he's
2225s like solo clutch as well as me
2228s if we revive 10 we would have to revive
2230s him again in that game so we have janice
2233s and hen here two crazy mechanical
2235s players i think janus would be that
2237s extra help in leading the team so i'm
2240s gonna choose janice
2241s han just being an absolute demon revive
2244s janus because he's
2246s one of my friends and yeah he's a pretty
2248s good igl i think i'm just gonna revive
2250s janice because
2251s i'm a nice guy like that i'm gonna
2253s revive chappies
2255s because he's a really
2256s good player good agl and
2259s yeah i'm gonna revive chapex because i
2262s think he's really good i'll go janice
2265s he's
2266s kind of same as n 3x7 cs champ and
2269s you can't really go wrong
2272s he's a really good player but although
2273s he's just
2274s he likes to sing down the mic and he's
2276s really loud jeffy's like he's such a
2278s good player as well
2281s you can test me in the tournament once
2282s yeah you're gonna have to go back to the
2283s lobby mates i will send to lobbyhen
2285s because he's
2287s one of my friends and i think he doesn't
2289s mind about that yeah hen is the last one
2291s left so i'm gonna send him to the lobby
2292s the last one would be lobby i need to
2294s put it to chadwicks because i don't know
2296s him that well so if playing against him
2298s will be the biggest competition so i
2300s would not like to have him in the game
2302s and i'm sadly gonna send hand back to
2305s the lobby
2306s jen is too lucky not because i hate him
2308s but like yeah he's just a leftover and
2311s i'm going to send myself back to the
2313s lobby because i've got to stay humble
2316s for my g's
2322s famous words live by
2324s stay humble my geez you've got to stick
2327s let's take a look at some of the the
2328s duos we have to be focused on in today's
2331s competition gentlemen take it away look
2333s first duo pink and an ass let's be real
2336s they've been the talking point or one of
2338s the main talking points since what
2339s qualifier one two three even last season
2342s a little next week these guys are a team
2343s to look out for today yeah they really
2345s are and they are game winners we talked
2346s about it yesterday we talked about it
2347s seemingly throughout the whole
2348s tournament but these guys can win games
2350s they haven't quite done it yet in the
2352s semifinals day two the reese come on
2354s kevin i believe they can win elsewhere i
2356s think they only went down once off spawn
2358s yet today only one so really really
2360s solid performance from them and they
2361s were surprisingly consistent they played
2362s not to their usual sort of high ground
2364s players because they had a plan right
2366s this team has a plan obviously they're
2367s coach blood x very very smart he laid
2369s out an entire script for how these guys
2371s should play games and i spoke to him
2373s today and i kind of said you know what
2374s was up like what happened because i saw
2376s he was disappointed on twitter yesterday
2377s after the fact they didn't qualify you
2378s know what he said said they listened to
2380s me well that's that's helpful well
2381s apparently you'd say you'd think it
2383s wouldn't be but here we go he said these
2385s guys have now evolved so far past that
2387s they are their own players if you've
2389s watched them over the last couple of
2390s seasons you'll see how good these guys
2392s have gotten and a lot of that structure
2394s in the plan is the reason for it but now
2396s they've almost outgrown it they want to
2397s make their own plays adapted from that
2399s that's crazy i mean it's something that
2400s we haven't seen too much of coaches
2402s getting involved like that but really
2403s great insight from rhys right there but
2405s another thing we have to talk about is
2406s of course is rocks and kovacs landing at
2408s rocky reels they are uncontested today
2410s rhys and they're one of our more low
2412s grand teams aren't they yeah they're one
2413s of the teams who just kind of stays the
2414s low again we talked yesterday about
2415s floating clement and how they were that
2417s opportunistic team who would take low
2418s ground in the end game be the ones who
2420s are taking advantage of the fact that no
2421s one on e really plays it that well as
2422s rocks and obviously uh covants at the
2424s same time these guys are so crazy right
2427s but one of the biggest issues we're
2428s talking about low ground they're so good
2430s but they're mid game they if they get
2432s through the mid game they're fine but
2433s basically i think only one of the games
2435s yesterday they even got any elims in
2436s that mid game so ah that early mid it's
2439s going to be struggling for them yeah it
2440s is but floating clement they're out they
2442s are they're well they're through not out
2443s yeah that sounds wrong they're through
2444s to the finals so i think a little bit of
2446s a more open playing feel for these guys
2448s on the low ground we see them of course
2449s landing at rocky reels there's four of
2451s those cooler boxes there as well so
2452s they're able to pick up those white
2454s health and they're able to sort of tank
2455s zone a little bit on the front side and
2457s then keep to that sort of low ground and
2458s really just claim it uh over any other
2460s geo which is always great to see from
2462s these guys they know what's up but
2463s another video we'll be talking about is
2464s of course pablo and swag yeah i mean
2467s these guys we haven't seen much of this
2468s season we saw them last season in the
2470s finals they ended up placing 24th so
2472s definitely not the finish that i think a
2474s lot of people would have expected
2475s because these guys have been coming up a
2476s lot but now obviously you can see them
2477s landing in the jones they were way up at
2479s the top left-hand side of the map and
2480s i'm very much so understand that they
2482s said no we're not doing this anymore we
2484s don't like this top easy kind of look i
2486s was trying to figure out the right word
2487s for it i think the poverty drops it with
2489s all the kind of stuff split out you
2490s didn't like that so this season they've
2491s gone back for a pui but
2494s i don't say it's not been working out
2495s that much but the placements haven't
2496s really reflected that good change yet
2498s yeah they really haven't they haven't
2499s actually made a set lobby all season
2500s which is not too great for them but they
2502s do of course have the joneses they have
2504s the taxi that is there as well we talked
2506s about it you know the vehicles have all
2507s been removed by a few and of course that
2509s taxi could be absolutely vital in the
2511s mid-game rotations we talked about how
2513s maybe it's not something that they're
2514s too strong on but that taxi could
2516s definitely be a value to them yeah and
2518s you know one of the things you know i
2519s was speaking to their coach mikkel shout
2521s out of course and he was saying right
2523s that these guys have not basically
2525s played together a bunch of season
2526s because they were both on holiday at
2527s different times so they've missed a
2529s bunch of the practice so we know these
2530s guys are really really good last season
2532s and maybe they're just a little bit not
2533s practiced maybe right now by the time
2534s they've managed to make it through the
2536s semi-finals we're going to start to see
2537s them on maybe not peak yeah but close to
2539s peak performance and then hey maybe come
2541s finals if they qualify through this
2542s could be them at a really really good
2544s level yeah let's hope so and of course
2545s you'll have steve reese for the uh the
2546s conversation with the coaches it's
2547s always good to see how it makes my job
2549s easy
2554s i'm also available but that's okay uh i
2555s think zeke we're gonna talk about some
2556s drop spots right uh yeah thank you guys
2559s so much you guys just absolutely
2560s eliminate me let's talk about match-ups
2562s so we kind of talked about duo's
2564s individually now right we have to put
2565s that in the context of a head-to-head
2567s matchup over in the greasy grove we got
2569s hard find versus nano so what can we
2572s kind of see coming out of this
2574s head-to-head matchup in the grove i mean
2576s there's also a third team here as well
2577s that's right so don't forget that but
2578s let's just assume there was only two to
2580s start with just just the simplicity of
2582s yeah go through right greasy grove we
2583s already said this yesterday one of the
2584s worst drought spots to try and contest
2586s because it's so 50 50 in the main
2588s building at the minute
2589s i'm giving it to hard find though
2590s because these guys in qualifier 1 4-0
2593s against janice's team so like they are
2594s looking really really strong off spawn
2596s and you know nano and lou we saw
2598s yesterday what they were going against
2599s floors in game one they were before they
2600s dipped and how how did that go well they
2602s uh didn't go it didn't go too well yeah
2605s yeah it was not the best but they only
2606s well i i actually had it myself so like
2608s they they only went down one soft spot
2609s yeah but then we realized didn't we we
2612s realized something they moved right
2614s so they they went down once off spawn
2616s when contested so you go one out of five
2618s that's not bad but the contesting team
2619s which was team moved so we can either
2622s say one of five games that went down or
2624s spawn or you can say they lost 100 of
2626s their spawn fights yet you know it is a
2628s little bit unfair to say
2629s but regardless hard finding adn
2632s definitely looking stronger off spawn
2633s right now than that or lou's team but
2635s i'm very very open to be surprised yeah
2637s hard find nadia they've landed here for
2638s so long they know exactly what greasy
2640s grove is all about they don't like the
2641s back of their hand and they they just
2642s know exactly where all the loose is of
2644s course how to navigate the area and of
2646s course we talked about that main
2646s building we see a lot of teams of course
2648s contesting that last season when of
2650s course we had the guaranteed chug
2651s splashes from there but now this season
2653s things have switched up a little bit so
2654s you don't necessarily have the chests
2655s around there so i think if the fight's
2657s going to happen quickly it will happen
2659s there but it won't be clean you've also
2660s got to remember there's a whiplash in
2661s this poi as well there's only three cars
2663s left in the map they're all kind of
2664s burnt down at this moment and there's i
2666s think it's 100 spawn right don't hold me
2668s i think it is at this moment fairly
2669s certain it is but you know don't want to
2671s commit myself too early today so you
2673s know if any team managed to make it out
2675s they should be okay off spawn in terms
2676s of that mid game section they have that
2677s advantage in the mid game with the car
2679s that's left there yeah you'd love to see
2680s let's go ahead and shift gears here we
2682s got to talk about our next match up we
2684s got astros versus flow decks so if i'm
2686s correct it's going down at the bugle you
2688s are very correct uh i mean i i'm not
2690s gonna say i i enjoy the bugle because i
2692s absolutely lose off spawn every time but
2695s these guys are pros and that's why
2696s they're competing you know we should not
2698s base the poi strength off if you win
2705s no but we've seen this fight multiple
2707s times right yep we have and we saw it
2708s yesterday we saw the fight go down and
2710s for both of these teams it didn't really
2712s work out neither of them managed the top
2713s 10 yesterday which for these guys is not
2715s too great especially since both of them
2717s are already committing to this drop spot
2719s i saw on all over social media like this
2720s is our drop they're trying to command it
2722s and they want it to be theirs but
2724s unfortunately for them they're not being
2725s able to sort of do well with the cars of
2727s their dealt we saw some great daily
2728s bugle zones yesterday and they weren't
2730s able to capitalize yeah and that's the
2731s point right if you get a zone in daily
2732s bugle actually almost sometimes can be
2734s detrimental for these teams because what
2736s you see is obviously the hills that are
2737s all the way around that are a real high
2739s point for surge so a lot of the teams
2741s who are kind of surrounding will rotate
2742s up and
2743s guess who's the tags yeah if you're
2745s still inside that poi that's surrounded
2747s inside you're gonna get tagged up big
2749s time so basically for astro and flow dax
2751s some of the best strategies for this is
2753s just 50 50 get that fight over as fast
2755s as possible in particular because if you
2757s win one game then you're okay right so
2759s you know
2760s because i don't see consistency doesn't
2762s matter because we know that there's
2763s teams going through from that as well
2764s but if you're in a situation like this
2766s you pull a favorable yep i'll put in
2768s your quotes zone might not be so
2770s favorable overall
2772s tough tough top we'll see though right
2773s we have six games out ahead of us
2775s anything can and will happen this is
2778s fortnite got another content piece to
2780s throw y'all's way we had a little moment
2782s to ask a few of these pros some
2784s questions from you the fans so this is
2786s ask a pro
2792s crazy i don't even remember the feeling
2793s it was too
2794s surreal you know it was too different
2796s it's very nice to like win with a team
2798s my day just consists of just fortnite
2800s really grinding beats talent so if you
2802s put a lot of time into it and work on
2803s your mistakes and everything that you do
2805s i'd say you definitely improve a lot i
2807s usually get up around 1 or 2 p.m i don't
2810s really have a daily routine i'm just
2811s waking up going to school playing
2813s fortnight
2814s that's all i feel
2816s very confident happy to play the game
2819s what's your best fortnite competitive
2820s memory my second definition has won we
2823s won the last game and it was like really
2824s hype it was my first really really
2826s really big price point and really big
2828s placement i was really happy after that
2830s 100 the world cup qualifier craziest day
2832s of my life i went from having probably
2834s 50 viewers on twitch to
2836s having 33 000. on day one we came first
2838s with anas and all our hard work paid off
2841s that was a very good moment for me
2842s because it was nice
2843s was qualifying for reboot round in trio
2846s fncs we didn't make grands but we
2848s clutched up in the reboot it was crazy
2849s we had our coach in the call and i was
2850s streaming and the hype was insane me
2852s winning fncs with my trio partners
2854s coming antique we're having a very great
2857s time
2858s i've been attempting to get into the pro
2859s scene for a little while i've been
2861s attempting tournaments but somehow
2862s always miss out on placing any tips on
2865s how to get those final few points in
2867s what i try to do is just in my last game
2869s that i don't overthink whatever your
2871s games look through it and see why you're
2874s always that close you're not gonna get
2876s better by just playing i would say don't
2878s push eliminations unless absolutely
2880s necessary try your best to make it to
2882s endgame and squeeze out as much
2883s placement as possible
2884s how do you guys keep a good mentality
2886s when things are going bad and how hard
2888s is it to come back after having those
2890s things happen if you stress about it too
2891s much or get mad about it you're just
2893s going to make your tournament worse it's
2894s just how it is zones aren't always going
2896s to put on you you're not always going to
2897s get the best guns that's on you can't
2899s blame the game for that keep hope that
2901s the game will come because it usually
2902s does just make sure you don't tilt
2906s what does a daily routine look like i
2908s don't really have like a daily routine i
2910s normally just wake up drink a coffee and
2912s just play so i stream for a few hours
2914s play the tournament
2916s play some late night creative or customs
2918s or something doing 200 maps and i'm
2920s doing like arena i'm going to try to
2922s implement running but that's not in it
2924s right now i like to play 1v1s i like to
2927s play 2v2 so i like to play 3d face who
2929s is the best
2930s solo duo trio in europe at mont
2933s mariebuka i think the best solo in
2935s europe actually is me i think the best
2937s solo player is tyson yeah maybe tayson
2940s tyson
2941s it's definitely tasting obviously the
2943s best jewel is cuisine n would probably
2946s say cuisine 10. cuisine 10 100
2948s i think we're probably the best on our
2950s day aquin vino for trios i'd definitely
2952s say meet anderson thomas it was taste
2954s and hen jeffrey's best trio is queasy
2957s thomas and anas and i don't think a lot
2959s of players compared to them they have
2960s like the perfect combo
2966s you know i'm never gonna not thank the
2968s players for participating in media day
2970s i'm telling you just fantastic content
2972s comes out of that it's great to see so
2975s we got to talk predictions come on out
2977s we got 112k we got shower wager and then
2979s we'll break all of this down oh you guys
2980s gonna even clap the second okay okay
2983s this
2997s explosions that would be fantastic let's
2999s talk predictions okay so
3002s uh we're going to end on you rhys
3003s because you're the only one that
3004s actually got it right coming out of yes
3006s say it again say it again right okay
3008s it's obviously that's the only one you
3009s get also so yeah yeah so why don't we
3011s start with you and i mini miner we kind
3012s of have the same predictions right jerky
3014s and i dropped jerk king and the big drop
3016s as some come to know them
3018s what happened yesterday yeah they
3020s struggled didn't they i mean we weren't
3021s too happy with their performance we were
3022s expecting them to do so much better but
3024s of course they weren't able to get that
3025s victory on and that is exactly what we
3027s saw that this team would do i mean we
3028s thought they would go for the victory
3030s and they didn't and uh they tried they
3032s tried their best they were able to pick
3033s up some refreshers but it wasn't quite
3034s enough and i think the fact that there
3035s were so many different high grand teams
3037s there i think it was gonna be a little
3038s bit tough for them but now they are
3040s contested and you might think okay the
3042s contestant is going to be a little bit
3043s worse than but i'll have you know i do
3044s think that yes you do think that i know
3045s what you think you're on the same
3046s wavelength
3047s their best placement was when they were
3049s contested in qualify three they came
3051s sixth so
3052s their best placement when they're
3053s contested so before you say oh they're
3055s gonna drop it he's gonna drop it they're
3056s gonna do a big problem when you look at
3058s their games yesterday is that there were
3059s many they could have caught on
3060s consistency if you go back to watch
3061s their games they easily could have
3062s caught on consistency they just wouldn't
3064s give up height right and so if they
3066s can't have that maturity today to
3067s understanding games where look we can't
3069s have height we're not going to just
3071s completely for our game to take height
3072s let's just drop down and try to play
3073s this game out they very easy could have
3075s been already in the finals yeah and also
3077s timing for that right imagine if they'd
3079s tried to go for height later on they
3081s couldn't even differ
3087s i mean we saw that all day yesterday
3088s right all these teams it was always just
3090s that one team that was like wait wait
3092s just a little longer than we need to
3093s wait now it's go time they win right so
3096s maybe that'll happen today i mean who's
3098s learned patience from yesterday levin is
3099s thomas and tripperin 100
3101s i feel like it was just a show off you
3103s know they wanted to give reese a bit of
3104s confidence that his team through and
3106s give us a little bit of a simmering nice
3108s engagement enticement uh entertainment
3110s on day number two look if we're talking
3111s about yesterday's games i would put it
3113s on everything that in game four if i
3116s drop in juror key don't completely throw
3118s height
3119s thomas and tripp and win that's true
3121s look at the game everything was set
3122s perfectly jericky decided you know what
3124s i'm salty i'm actually just not going to
3126s give up i even though my game's already
3128s lost i'm just going to give it up so
3130s hopefully thomas and trippin today will
3132s come through and be able to secure it
3133s okay and now to be clear these were our
3135s same predictions from yesterday because
3137s we believe in these duos not losing
3139s faith not losing faith but reese you
3140s were right yesterday so you get yes i
3142s was
3143s talk about enos and pink i've gone with
3145s an awesome thing i mentioned right they
3146s were kind of displaying from the plan
3148s they kind of discourse from that that's
3150s not what we're looking for they know
3151s today what they need to do to actually
3153s just pick up one win yeah or even that
3155s consistency i think they got it no
3157s problem okay okay you like to see it
3158s well we'll see at the end of the day
3160s we'll see how it all goes whether you're
3161s right or wrong again we'll see but for
3164s nine fam it is that time this is day two
3167s of the semi-finals in eu if you guys are
3170s ready then so am i let's start the
3172s competition with our casters levin 2k
3174s and shywager
3178s thank you so much i mean so far for the
3180s pre-show zeke mini reese they dropped
3182s all the bars it's time to get towards
3184s the excitement eleven second day of
3185s semi's brand new teams they're ready to
3188s go yeah very similar stakes right in
3189s terms of being able to keep the hype
3191s levels up a lot of these players are
3193s still fighting for the same thing a
3194s chance to play in the fncs final yep and
3197s right now there were five games
3198s yesterday six today so far so a bit of a
3200s marathon for some of these teams how
3202s much does that change though really
3203s we'll see because the first part of that
3204s race starts right now
3213s we are back with some more fncs
3216s semi-finals action
3218s day one session one was brilliant we saw
3221s many upsets for sure
3224s if you were someone who made a
3225s prediction list there's a good chance it
3227s didn't quite go to plan for you but
3230s hopefully
3231s some better fortune going your way
3234s in day two
3236s new day means new osborne battles for us
3238s xiaohu
3240s and it seems like we are going to get
3241s the taste of this first one here at
3243s greasy grove yeah tropics victor coming
3246s in adn and hard find as well two new
3248s arrivals i think victor and trope bex
3250s are the bottom of the session to echelon
3252s rolling through so they will be looking
3254s up at many teams fighting this fight top
3257s of man in the business 211 you're happy
3258s to see that of course man
3261s got a love for
3262s wacko and
3265s not really liking the way things are
3267s really going off spawn right now but
3269s we'll be able to just bolster up
3270s with his teammate victor i think the
3272s biggest issue for teams is just that
3275s glide in finding
3277s a usable weapon being in a position to
3279s really get that first shot and strike lu
3281s nano lots of experience being able to
3283s play yesterday 11 that must be a huge
3285s advantage at least on control for the
3287s first game yeah and of course there's a
3289s team that is very accustomed to landing
3290s here instantly right you're seeing
3291s tropex's duo making sure to secure the
3294s whiplash sorry and be able to sort of
3296s get that into their control
3298s that is going to be one of the main
3300s attractions of this poi as a whole yeah
3302s so you know iowa cars disabled the
3304s vehicles kind of down when it comes to
3306s having whiplash how's that even possible
3308s out of this poi well of course uh it's
3310s not actually
3312s a fully functional one right off the bat
3314s of spawn uh if you take a look at
3316s in-game it sort of looks like it's
3317s broken down right the tires are gone
3318s there's no wheels on it but if you do
3320s happen to find some chunkers off-road
3322s tires and slap them on it
3324s it will be a functioning vehicle and
3326s that is sort of how players have been
3328s able to work their way around that and
3330s of course we know the benefits of having
3331s a vehicle the ability to add a bit of
3333s consistency to your mid and early games
3336s right in terms of finding great
3337s positions earlier than the rest of the
3338s level yep all about zooming towards the
3340s end game as well minimizing all the
3343s randomness that come from zones
3344s switching left and right
3346s past that as well
3348s we'll watch some of these teams all song
3349s when things don't fully work out it gets
3351s a little bit tough overall in terms of
3354s pacing and speed indian hard fine they
3356s expected two teams to be here in the
3358s past whenever they're contested loving i
3360s haven't seen it go too well the big
3363s thing right is that alien and hard fine
3365s have had plenty of success this season
3367s contestant off sport yeah they've been
3368s brilliant at greasy they win this fight
3370s they were beating janice and vortex out
3371s at this fight the whole reason we're not
3373s seeing jefferson vortex here actually at
3374s the moment the big thing for these guys
3376s though is that
3378s you can't split greasy this way if
3379s there's three teams just all trying to
3381s get loot from greasy that's never gonna
3382s go well and so at some point you know
3384s somebody has to to give away somebody
3387s has to go down otherwise you're in a
3388s situation where you know you're having a
3390s scrappy you know sort of loot path where
3393s you're just trying to find the outskirts
3394s of luke this is nice though a replay of
3397s how
3398s annas and pink were able to find an
3400s elimination here over towards come on
3402s kevin yep it's all about just making
3404s sure you utilize all the verticality
3406s available on that drop we were just
3407s watching two very different pois how
3409s they move the utility that they have and
3411s not just utilizing the canons as well
3413s and greasy's more so horizontal kind of
3415s you know western type of house to house
3417s fight with fans just bearing in the
3419s middle between streets for an awesome
3422s people over here at the cavern they have
3423s so much to take account of not only in
3425s front of them but above and below them
3427s as well yeah they typically land towards
3428s that top side and there's plenty of loot
3430s there of course at the very top you have
3432s the ability to sort of get that scan
3434s down and once you scan you sort of have
3435s an idea of where people are below you as
3437s well the verticality being very clear in
3440s that regard um this time around
3442s doesn't seem like they were contested up
3444s top which is great we did see that be an
3445s issue for them so we'll have to follow
3447s her out throughout the rest of the day
3448s and see whether or not somebody does
3450s give them some issues toward that top
3451s side regardless of who it is though
3453s they'll be happy it's not malibu
3455s mustache this time around as those guys
3457s have already qualified and we know what
3458s kind of beast they can be absolutely
3460s fierce and just the biggest surprise i
3462s think
3463s for them as well past that jerky i
3466s dropped
3466s kind of similar to thomas stripper in
3469s terms of the way we rolled things up it
3471s looked like you know
3473s they had an inkling of disqualifying
3475s overall yesterday here again and the
3476s story kind of changes in log jam i
3479s already see a few enemies is that a
3480s landing that happened is it contested it
3482s is different for them on day two yeah so
3484s nafees and lucia are contesting today
3486s no fight initially or spawn which has
3488s actually been a trend around the lobby
3489s right we've seen a lot of these places
3490s that have been contested no big fights
3492s or spawn just yet maybe some of the ones
3494s we haven't seen there's been that going
3495s down but for hydro panduraki
3498s the circumstances today you could argue
3499s aren't as
3501s nice or as kind to them as they were
3503s yesterday and that proposes a new
3505s challenge the big thing though is i
3506s don't think actually those new sort of
3508s factors will play much into how they do
3512s i think more so it's down to them right
3514s we talked about the prediction segment
3516s there were plenty games plenty games
3519s where they very easily could have just
3521s decided look we can't hold height let's
3522s just go down there you know play
3524s mid-ground play low ground we'll get
3526s deeper into the game get some placement
3528s points they're good enough players to
3529s get eliminations in these lobbies
3531s qualify for your consistency very easily
3533s could have done this shia yeah i think
3535s it's the same thing it has to be set for
3536s thomas and tripping when they're rolling
3538s in you know they understand who is on
3539s height how they're overall playing they
3541s too can roll that way but now if
3543s everyone tries to go for the consistency
3545s value if everyone kind of sticks in that
3547s spot
3548s things might get very hairy changes from
3549s day two or from day one to day two as
3551s well fury going down in the feed and i
3553s don't see it happening inside cavern at
3555s least that's the poi switch that
3557s somewhere else on the map and they're in
3559s trouble as a result that hasn't worked
3560s yet either
3565s it's interesting right because you talk
3566s about what happens when everybody goes
3568s for that sort of consistency style
3570s starts to look like game two of
3572s yesterday right where christie and hen
3573s have high ground nobody even is looking
3575s up here nobody on second hype posing a
3577s challenge
3578s and so in that instance if you are the
3580s one team that decided to just commit for
3581s height you know you're laughing you're
3583s smiling you're licking your lips at the
3584s prospect of playing in the fncs finals
3586s like those guys did
3589s but that's a long way away right we
3590s still have to get there and
3592s we'll see the trials and tribulations of
3594s trying to get you see nato and dan
3596s up on this hill
3598s and what they're looking to do now is
3600s try and get some shots off on any
3602s players
3603s lurking in this general area for the
3605s most part it looks like the players that
3606s they could be doing damage to are
3608s sitting right above them in florida and
3609s rifty yeah i think for both these teams
3611s the biggest issue is finding space to
3613s lead overall inside these semi-finals
3616s when the entire wave is about winning a
3619s game and getting way towards the upper
3621s echelon but you have a few teams there
3623s who are really trying for the vr rifty
3625s floatax uh niku dan who are just primed
3628s on consistency kind of lose the edge
3630s their playstyle gives them they end up
3632s following way too long and these spaces
3634s actually have doesn't mean as much as it
3636s would in an fncs final in a qualifier uh
3639s need to maybe take a few more risks and
3641s play outside their comfort zone
3643s i think the big thing is though is that
3645s in such a high intensity environment
3647s like this one players will naturally go
3649s to what they're most comfortable with
3650s yeah understandably right you know
3652s players sort of revert to their
3653s instincts and although these guys maybe
3656s aren't known as uh sort of the upper
3658s echelon players they are well
3659s experienced in this realm it's the
3661s reason why they're here and so we'll see
3664s how far that can take them in terms of
3665s instincts janice and vortex over here
3667s towards the collider
3669s seems to be an easier ride than what we
3670s saw yesterday absolutely
3673s i mean you look at things and how they
3674s were going yesterday it was just job
3676s after job after drop of chaos
3678s we actually i think got me inspired by
3681s all the action and went and played a few
3682s of our own games trying to get perfect
3684s landings at the collider and we
3686s understand the stress imagine it in
3687s semi-finals
3689s not just you know paparinos it it gets
3692s real
3692s uh speaking for yourself man i was
3694s landing at the collab you were holding
3695s your own i was dominating i was you know
3697s v two in kids over there
3699s if you caught me in arena
3701s uh be sure to say hi next time look
3703s janice and vortex will be very
3705s interesting i think now they will
3706s definitely be considered
3708s one of the more favorite teams to have a
3710s chance of qualifying it feels weird
3713s because
3714s it feels so far removed from the janitor
3716s vortex a season ago who looked like
3719s genuinely a team that was about to push
3720s into that category of being one of the
3723s elite dominant teams in eu in fact many
3725s people would argue that they showed that
3726s they are that last season and it hasn't
3729s quite been the same beat this one
3731s but obviously still time left to play in
3733s the season i think that actually might
3734s be really good for them overall when you
3736s have these high expectations on these
3737s big names sometimes you don't live up to
3739s them sometimes when a qualifier even
3740s when game goes wrong you're that much
3742s more harder on yourself maybe the vortex
3744s and janus their stocks went down a
3746s little bit gives them more breathing
3747s room to try to adapt to each other adapt
3749s to the way map changes are going as well
3751s it gives them that ease of pressure that
3753s that's there for the community
3754s especially you know based on the pois
3756s they've been having the uncontestion as
3757s well i think now there's a finally just
3759s a free ride for this duel to just roll
3761s in i think it's the complete opposite
3763s really i think there's more pressure on
3764s them because of course they were at this
3766s high and they've decided okay we're
3767s leaving greasy right we don't want to
3769s deal with that janice of course is this
3770s two-time offensive champion he has very
3772s high expectations of himself
3774s a nice little fight here in the zone
3776s over at crony crossroads
3779s but the players who are the best of the
3781s best they always have these expectations
3782s of themselves right meeting janice at
3785s the boot camp or not the become sorry at
3787s media day right he obviously spoke to me
3789s about how he has very very high
3791s expectations of himself and so he won't
3792s be satisfied with anything else
3794s at all the one thing you really want to
3795s be satisfied about is just winning the
3797s fights
3798s that are easier and advantageous for
3800s your duo
3802s for
3803s shy kip right now and jj they're going
3804s to be rolling straight through
3807s these two over at the basement of this
3808s house that's an easy clap down yeah now
3810s that that fight's done right zones
3812s pulled all the way to the west and so as
3814s much as they've done well to win their
3816s fight the journey into the zone is going
3818s to be crucial now of course with time
3819s ticking with the zone beating down on
3821s them they might decide look let's just
3822s get in as fast as we can but if they're
3824s going to go straight east from that
3826s perspective of straight we're sorry from
3827s that pov they're going to run into a
3829s bunch of teams crowded up on the zone
3831s line do they maybe have time to go up
3832s north go up south try to wrap around a
3834s lot of the teams that will be congested
3836s in those more central areas that is the
3838s decision making that they're going to
3839s have to think about well part of the
3840s same position as well
3842s tim diox were so close to winning out
3844s one of these games just came down to
3845s that final 2v2 where they slightly fell
3847s short on day number one
3850s now we'll see if there's a possibility
3851s if they can clap back the experience
3853s that a bunch of these teams have and
3854s just knowing exactly what's going down
3857s that's the hugest thing
3858s really want to see exactly how it rolls
3860s thomas hd has all taken the sweet old
3862s time up in the cavern but hitting a big
3864s shot there or getting it is going to be
3866s unfortunate
3867s yeah we'll see
3868s how things develop for them of course
3870s when you talk about high expectations i
3871s think these guys
3873s have the brunt weight of expectations on
3876s them when it comes to this lobby of
3877s course at command cabin
3880s plenty of new an abundance of loot one
3882s of the strongest points we've seen in
3883s fortnite history of course an abundance
3886s of launch pads as well
3887s and an abundance of talent from two
3890s brilliant danish players who have shown
3892s in the past that they are players who
3893s should be playing in the effort just
3894s fine
3896s so we got xerox and kovacs
3898s they rock through two
3900s and they're gonna pick up quid bow
3901s that's a huge team to take apart and
3904s cause so much chaos especially when
3905s source has to be a little bit of a
3907s factor please mention it too earlier on
3909s in the day it looked really good in
3910s terms of the potential that they have
3911s from day one for day two i hope that
3913s continues to go on yeah i think it's
3915s important though that we start taking a
3916s look at some of the things you've seen
3918s of course you talked about jerky and eye
3920s dropping how they're gonna be able to do
3921s now that they're contested we have
3922s recent with a quick update on how things
3924s have gone for them
3934s i will see recent just a second right
3935s now jackson skyzoo
3938s we'll be shooting about 43 below you
3940s talked about surge previously 11 just
3941s right before this in terms of the way it
3943s can make things a bit chaotic that's the
3944s next thing that teams need to be
3946s focusing on
3947s do damage and get dealt damage is the
3949s big kind of formula that teams trying to
3951s follow from shock and then josh doesn't
3954s even care about building at the moment
3956s he just wants to land a few shots
3958s going for a few more just skirting
3960s around in the air these guys are just so
3962s accurate skyrim josh can see everything
3964s happening they have a perfect storm
3966s fight once they're going to get ahead of
3968s serge the question is can they hold on
3969s all the way to end game and really take
3972s control of a win and a ticket straight
3973s to the final yeah i think very much that
3976s fight seemed to be worth it in terms of
3977s they had the heel sustainers on for a
3979s bit longer but the big problem is now
3981s right they actually are in a bit of
3983s another fight so you see the launch pad
3984s comes through they decide look it's not
3986s worth our time the biggest issue now is
3988s getting into zone you can see so many
3990s players having their eyes in the storm
3991s aware at the fact that these teams will
3993s be rotating late it's all about
3995s overcoming these hurdles i see across
3996s the map
3997s jerk he's also rolling in him and i drop
4000s pick apart another team as well we've
4001s seen the stumble multiple times earlier
4002s on and lose a lot of both their shields
4004s ammunition
4006s and the impact they can have later on in
4007s the game there they are at the bottom of
4008s one of the hills
4010s jay also here had one game where there
4012s was high impact especially as a solo or
4014s just in some of these bases as well
4016s alongside cosmo dictating how people can
4018s move back and forth when you get a zone
4020s this irregular towards the mountain
4022s flying all the way
4023s on the left it gets that much harder to
4025s pick one of these bases to that to go
4027s for some of these tags simon cosmo
4029s struggled with having a good position
4030s yesterday this is an absolutely
4033s torrential downpour of just rain on them
4036s in terms of stress pressure if it was
4038s just being in a back spot back against
4040s the wall literally for cosmo it's
4042s armored as well they can't move anywhere
4044s he gets took the parts guys doing jocks
4045s who were just in so much trouble before
4047s roll in get two elims worth of loots get
4050s a little bit of a siphon active as well
4052s they're going to be good right back to
4054s jerky and eye drop
4056s they're going to be in the cavern have
4057s to move out have to just get all the way
4059s towards the water i'm looking at the
4060s zone right now it is it is tough for
4062s them what does jerking a job have to do
4064s maybe reece has an answer
4067s i absolutely do have an answer for you
4069s indeed look deep in zone at this minute
4072s you're wondering how did it get there we
4073s saw them in that early game engagement
4074s but they decided to disengage and it was
4076s a smart smart decision you can see all
4078s of the loot that they've managed to gain
4080s from this and hey they got elimination
4081s after this as well
4084s absolutely have
4085s a lot of those
4086s i don't know just good inventory
4089s management type sites with loadout ready
4091s at the same time region has talked about
4092s the position as well cutting through
4094s that zone going over hill saying
4096s incognito can give you a drop down like
4098s you mentioned too they got an elim right
4099s after as well
4100s that's gonna be huge for them rolling in
4102s they're gonna be able to get all those
4104s mats back in terms of refresh off the
4105s elimination off of making this crazy
4107s rotation all the way past the cavern
4110s and uh that's good for eye dropping
4112s jerky i think you mentioned at the 11
4114s the real test is how uh you know greedy
4116s are they gonna be in the end game yeah
4118s there's no doubt that their mid game in
4119s early game is going to be something
4120s that's consistent at this stage i i have
4122s no concerns in that regard when it comes
4124s to this duo maybe only one or two zone
4126s instances that maybe
4128s some some problems when it comes to
4129s search but yeah like i've said many a
4132s time now it is going to be the big test
4133s coming into these moments here
4136s see
4137s whether or not they are up to scratch
4138s and whether they've
4140s actually just chosen a direct path right
4142s yeah i spoke to drake and he said we're
4144s just going for the win because it's the
4145s better moment we want you guys
4147s casting the game to hype us up we want
4149s that big moment we want to provide
4150s entertainment for the people watching at
4152s home and like jericky i appreciate that
4154s we want entertainment as well but we
4156s also want to see you in the fncs finals
4158s so secure that first and then we can
4160s talk about entertainment later hey i'm
4162s seeing uh day three game six jerky eye
4165s drop win if that's the way they're
4167s speaking a guaranteed one you know what
4168s i mean like
4169s not disrespectfully but respectfully
4171s respectfully always respectful
4174s on these sides
4175s oh look at this janus vortex launchpad
4178s ready i just it feels like it's been
4179s years since i've seen these guys or seen
4182s these guys take control of an endgame
4183s 11. i remind me why janice and vortex
4186s should be feared towards the later
4187s portions of this game because they have
4189s a brilliant combination of just
4192s intelligence skill
4195s experience of janice wright we talk
4197s about him winning multiple fncs's and
4199s they are very well structured team right
4201s the way in which they operate janus very
4202s much takes the lead vortex is very tight
4204s with him and they are typically on the
4206s same page very often you can see their
4208s position they were in there brilliant
4210s right yeah you talk about position you
4211s talk about synergy i like that from
4213s jesus and vortex it's been proved and
4215s tried we've shown a lot of that though
4218s with an awesome pink day after day
4220s they're still here very similar effect
4222s to eye drop and jerky we're talking
4223s about it maybe they're giving us that
4224s entertainment type of value this loader
4226s that i'm watching right now strike a
4228s pump ready launch pad what 12 splashes
4230s 18 splashes almost all this is streaming
4233s to me is we want to win this game
4235s threshold it's above as well they need
4237s to stay low-key i got jerky still alive
4239s thomas and tripper and i feel like
4240s they're also still in the business
4242s i should be just a no-fly zone for this
4243s team right now yeah this game is set up
4246s perfectly for them right very very
4248s northwest of the map they land top side
4249s come on they've been able to ping away
4251s at people all game long search hasn't
4252s been a problem the problem will become
4254s do they are they able to hold on to
4256s height how do they go about that they
4258s have the pad so it will be very enticing
4260s but you can't afford to lose your head
4262s for you can't throw your game away in
4263s order to try to secure height maybe
4265s playing for consistency will be the
4266s better option for them yeah you look at
4268s the map right now too it looks like i'm
4269s looking at a high school prom everyone
4271s just at the walls right now no one
4272s having the courage to hit the dance
4274s floor and go towards the middle of the
4276s zone i mean it is scary there's a river
4278s it's basically off the map as well i
4280s hope that people take this cadence to
4281s stay patient maybe not even try to jump
4283s to height once the banker track starts
4285s playing pablo and swag though i mean
4287s we're expecting them possibly to be the
4289s strongest team or deal that's the
4291s biggest chance
4292s out of the six new ones that are coming
4294s in
4294s um or actually it's way more than that i
4296s feel like that you know
4301s uh to get one of those wins it's all
4303s about that low ground type of synergy
4304s and we saw a lot of those low ground
4306s teams fester and do a little bit well
4308s towards the end not maybe secure the dub
4310s completely for pablo and swag their
4311s survivors they're able to do it game
4313s after game they have zone as well it
4315s looks like for now unfortunately swag
4316s down the pattern not the same today on
4319s day two pablo he's left alone yeah it's
4321s not looking too good for pablo here you
4323s can see his backs against the wall he's
4324s really struggling no way on a different
4326s angle but it's not going to be enough
4327s look problem no sweat go down there no
4329s need to panic for them this is pretty
4330s worst case scenario when it comes to
4331s zone they've had to travel all the way
4333s to the opposite side of the map and so
4335s they shouldn't worry too much a team
4336s that we might have to worry about though
4339s is down thomas doesn't have much hp he
4341s doesn't really have any legs in this one
4343s he's trying his best for his best it's
4344s not enough in this moment thomas and
4346s tripp and our favorites for today for
4348s many people go down in game one and this
4350s is such an important zone for them too i
4352s feel like thomas has had control of
4354s cavern of the mountains year after year
4356s season after season a game that should
4358s have been possibly his to dictate and
4361s dominate not going to have the chance
4362s bouncy rustguard basically silence mimes
4365s and day number one look to finally have
4367s their voices heard on the second day of
4369s semifinals they take a path they roll
4371s and have a chance to go for hike but
4372s instead choose to stay on second stay
4374s low key recuperate i don't see
4376s restaurant inside these boxes though
4377s he's a little bit further away and can't
4379s handle the music or the pressure amazing
4381s option from clown ski do not even go for
4383s the bills to go for maximum defense but
4384s go for the utility play first mere
4386s seconds of time to get refs guard up he
4389s extends the duration with those splashes
4391s looks so good as he's getting his
4393s teammate up so many more things has
4394s happened in the feed wyatt's got a few
4396s picks a lot of the things we expect to
4398s be here like thomas also gone down it's
4400s getting crazy on this west side zone
4402s yeah for a moment it looked like clown
4403s and red squad were having a repeat a
4405s continuation of the days we saw
4407s yesterday but things being adjusted now
4409s jerichy and i dropped though
4411s will go down early as well that's two
4414s huge major players for high ground being
4417s taken out early and i instantly see
4419s vortex go straight to the top towards of
4421s his builds jan is there too i think the
4422s whole lobby knows exactly who just got
4425s eliminated picking a nast might be
4426s looking towards that high ground as well
4428s one duo going down affects so much on
4431s how the rest of the lobby plays yeah
4433s height really is going to be a mixed bag
4435s in this one i expect to see many many
4437s takes
4439s as we hop into what is one of the more
4441s interesting parts of the game 45 above
4443s here
4445s is a threshold but 264 above is where
4448s this team sits at and with a launch pad
4451s available the options are endless for
4453s them
4456s hold backs
4457s fighting deoxen he didn't have a launch
4458s pad that i saw earlier so that's gonna
4460s be huge towards the end of the game
4462s for him is rocks wildflower also picking
4464s up blue and he has so much loot rocking
4466s through more textures going down
4468s unfortunately he's not going to be off
4470s spawn that's an issue it's going to be
4471s towards the end of the game now
4473s for that duel going to be supposed to
4475s depart michael's gonna lead one all
4476s around high ground for the moment astral
4477s also trying to find his way all the way
4478s up top wildfire now we've just saw diax
4480s go down in the feed beforehand what does
4481s the situation look like for the moment
4483s it's going to be trouble towards height
4484s though there are going to be big changes
4486s an awesome thing trying to go for it
4487s let's see exactly how they will end up
4489s faring as the clutches happen down below
4490s michael and hook are also just popping
4492s off individually getting a lot of picks
4494s michael now dethroned the king has
4496s fallen down pink is the one who's there
4498s but his kingdom split in half as anas
4501s does not make it to this portion of the
4502s game another game where it looks like
4504s pink is gonna have to try and fend as a
4505s solo but wait really being chopped pink
4509s gets taken now he's out of the game and
4511s height once again is available it's
4513s vanyak that looks to take it he was the
4515s one to get the finish but a surprise
4517s surprise benji fishing mr savage looking
4520s to try and surprise the whole world
4522s right now as we head into these final
4524s moments mr savage back in control of the
4526s low ground looking to try to claim it
4528s for his team patience is a virtue but
4530s low ground is where the insurance is
4532s cactus where the magic happens savage
4534s and benji looking for it looking this in
4536s perfect form i see these guys in this
4539s position i get flashbacks i get
4541s nostalgia this is going to be amazing
4543s the drop down too the harpoon in there
4545s benji and savage they're ready they're
4547s rolling as another clutch potential on
4549s the bottom right gets deleted and that
4550s elimination was so huge they were
4551s running out they were running thin and
4553s fist is what it means to them they are
4555s trying to get in now as well bendy
4556s sliding through he hasn't got many
4558s materials and so you see the desperation
4559s to try and find some sort of elimination
4561s it's not looking good he's down to bare
4562s bones no materials until mr savage now
4565s left to try and clutch for himself and
4566s clutch he made just he tried to hit that
4568s shot he will get the elimination as well
4571s and the max will keep him going for just
4572s that bit longer he needs to try to stay
4574s in the game pressure being applied to
4575s his walls but it's a moment of call for
4577s him now i've been falling left and right
4579s hitting every single beam a king crowbar
4580s just trying to find his way and slither
4582s through a maze but he gets found out the
4583s walls drop and he's down now it's all up
4586s to kovacs and rocks what can they do
4587s launch pads and tour they've gotten so
4589s many eliminations the heels all the way
4590s up the toe towards the top armored wall
4592s put down on the ramp as well to buy them
4593s a little bit of time and zone pops back
4595s on the opposite way as well it's perfect
4597s their position their structure it's
4598s ready for a win this is brilliant for
4600s them you see the win condition they want
4602s to go for the heal up low less than st
4604s lola's trying to stay in the game as
4606s long as possible this is his ploy for
4608s consistency can he stay in the game can
4610s he hit a big shot as he drops down
4611s though it's going to be difficult he
4613s hits one flow that goes down he gets old
4616s as well he's taking both out loudness
4618s how have you managed to do that no brown
4620s now seems to be his at the back of the
4622s zone but as he goes forward he might run
4624s into his rocks and kroger this is going
4626s to be so difficult but brilliant
4627s attempted by lola's here and while we
4629s watch all the long shenanigans happen it
4631s looks too easy it looks sunny and just
4633s absolutely bright towards the high
4635s ground vanya and karmi ready to
4637s hopefully take a win for themselves
4638s without entire turtle shells and just
4640s absolute bunkers of bases of defense to
4642s break all the way towards the low ground
4644s lolis is still in a panic trying to find
4646s out what to do there is a dual on his
4647s layer looking at hopefully class towards
4649s him at some point that is xerox at the
4651s same time kovacs right now on screen
4654s they've been absolute menaces from the
4655s fifth zone all the way towards the end
4656s but they're gonna be in a dual v dual
4658s situation the basement is over funded
4660s though with lolis security guard
4662s highwayman ready and he takes both of
4664s them out
4665s how was loneliness
4668s is taking out the roses are so low he
4670s doesn't care he doesn't need help
4673s again he keeps hitting shots how has
4676s lawless managed to go through team after
4678s team it doesn't face it whatsoever and
4680s you can see the inventory he can just
4682s sit in his own at this point he doesn't
4684s need to do anything else the job is
4685s finished at this point he can just sit
4687s there or he collects the placement
4689s points up you can hear they know the
4690s sound keys they know he's in the zone
4692s but he can just keep hiding out here
4694s another max med missed as well he's done
4696s so brilliantly st will be so impressed
4698s in the back he just continues to stay up
4701s in this game the med miss will be so key
4703s to keep it away he's counting everybody
4706s out carmy and vanyak thinking we're on
4708s our fizzy we just have to stay in the
4710s zone but up to this point lola's has
4713s been absolutely magnificent how he has
4716s managed to hit shot off the shot five
4718s eliminations he's to keep his team in
4720s the game for now but what a performance
4722s this has been it's all about a road trip
4724s from loot spot to loot spot now a purple
4727s road for him to climb it's going to be
4728s about 30 seconds of time he needs to buy
4730s i'm not sure how much carmi and vanya
4733s have in the take for heels lola's has
4735s about what 30 seconds still left on a
4737s few of these miss he is jumping a little
4739s bit and mantling every time he does that
4741s he's not gonna have a tie a chance or
4743s time to heal at all still moving around
4745s zone not clocking in three seconds
4747s there's another big mantle karmi goes
4749s down vanya is up though and it's fine
4752s they're high guard control their
4754s domination it's good enough to get them
4755s to the finals that's amazing lola's
4757s though the highlight package the plays
4759s levin i haven't seen that in so long
4762s lola's with an absolutely spectacular
4765s performance in that end game an absolute
4768s all-timer when it comes to the fncs
4770s never before have we seen a solo with
4772s that much confidence that much finesse
4774s about themselves going through taking
4776s out duo's like it's nothing clearing low
4779s ground with his striker pump shotgun a
4782s phenomenal game for him and definitely
4784s the right step in the direction to
4786s trying to play in the fnts final
4788s absolutely we can see carmen and vania
4790s roll in there as well we've talked about
4791s high ground how important it is who kind
4793s of fills that vacuum i mean there was a
4795s vacuum cleaner on low ground you know
4796s just siphoning up the whole carpet but
4798s up top vania karmi i mean that was
4800s really good from them in getting the
4801s weight yeah they would definitely be
4802s happy as well maybe a bit frustrated
4804s their spotlight's been stolen just a bit
4806s but they won't mind because they will be
4807s playing in the fncs finals but plenty
4810s went on in that game so we're gonna kick
4811s it to the analyst to break it all down
4814s i'm so thankful you guys could not see
4817s me jumping around on this set
4820s acting a fool because my goodness lola's
4822s put on yeah that's through all of us
4825s lola's went absolutely insane and just
4827s the amount of heels there toward the end
4829s i mean even if he did get a victory out
4830s that's huge replacement i mean realistic
4832s like i said the
4834s the placement points that they've gained
4835s is absolutely incredible and we were
4837s looking thinking but can they turn that
4838s into a win you know we saw the huge
4840s amount of heels but you could do some
4842s quick mental arithmetic right you saw in
4844s the bottom right the timer there was one
4846s minute and 10 seconds when that crazy
4848s pop off that low list had happened but
4850s at the same time that's not enough time
4852s with all these heals yeah i mean just
4853s look at this absolute master class from
4855s lola's as we've seen them do a little
4857s bit we've seen them in every single
4858s final in the qualifiers i mean lola's an
4861s sd i believe was one of the four teams
4863s that are qualified to at the final in
4865s the qualifiers and uh they haven't
4867s really performed this is the first time
4868s i've already seen them popping off and
4870s popping off what lola's doing right
4872s there unbelievable and max damage pump
4874s shots max damage shots left right and
4876s center and he found the heels as well
4878s and i believe he got those from taking
4879s out his rocks and kovacs yes rocks and
4881s kovacs was the team that we were looking
4883s at right yeah we saw them on the low
4885s ground and we said it together right we
4886s saw the heels we saw i think 12 chuck
4888s splashes yeah two floppers together if
4890s if my memory serves me correctly but i
4893s think it was what 20 builds at that time
4894s yeah and at that moment you got to sit
4896s and go do they have enough to be able to
4897s get like they're gonna have to refresh
4898s materials at some point and i mean if
4900s they've done this in endgame that
4901s would've been beautiful yeah it really
4903s would have and i think what we usually
4904s see from this team they try and claim
4905s the front side of low ground but because
4906s they didn't have the materials to be
4908s able to do that they had to go backwards
4910s a little bit try and find that refresh
4911s and ultimately there's the chunks and
4913s that's why they got them but ultimately
4914s that is where they fell victim to lolis
4916s on the low ground and this is where it
4918s sort of all started to go wrong for me
4920s you can see the materials being dropped
4921s just trying to scramble for anything to
4923s keep them alive here and unfortunately
4925s for them i only saw a little refresh but
4926s unfortunately as it so happened they
4928s couldn't quite make it happen they
4929s dropped down and that was what they fell
4931s victim to lola's on the low ground we
4933s talked a lot about it he is incredible i
4934s mean that's the refresh you need though
4936s it is if you want to refresh you want to
4938s find a refresh of someone who's got 12
4939s chug splashes two floppers yeah like
4941s even though they don't have many match
4942s you're still getting the siphon from
4943s that so you're still getting yourself
4944s something so hey worked out from second
4946s place and the crazy pop-off yeah and we
4948s can't forget of course once again carmy
4949s and vania you guys are going to find
4951s those right huge congratulations we just
4953s had to talk about that performance oh
4954s yeah okay uh so remember the way this
4956s works the victory out auto qualifies the
4958s duo they go right to finals right but
4960s we're still looking for the top six so
4961s let's take a look at our standings
4963s remember we have five more games ahead
4965s of us so this is just game one if you're
4967s enjoying what you're seeing i'm telling
4968s you we have five more games to watch
4970s five more teams to get a victory out and
4972s of course the top six moving on through
4974s let's take a look at our standings okay
4976s all right lola's i mean no surprise to
4978s me what is actually surprising to me
4981s gentlemen is this team in number one i
4983s feel like this lolis by himself should
4985s have had enough to take him into one
4987s what happened i mean so many more
4988s eliminations that's the thing one more
4990s you know yeah one is so many but at the
4992s same time there's so many eliminations
4993s so much fragging going on at the same
4995s time it's like they were just crossing
4996s paths right you saw one frag and it was
4998s obviously wendy's fragging in that kind
5000s of mid mid ground layer and on the low
5002s ground it was loadless living up to his
5003s reputation right yeah he really did
5005s another thing i want to highlight though
5006s is of course benji and savage we saw
5008s absolutely nothing from this team
5009s yesterday
5010s less than that yeah yeah less than
5011s nothing there's absolutely uh nothing
5014s indeed of course they were landing in
5015s the new poi the collider yesterday
5016s they've gone back they've gone back to
5018s their routes at tilted towers the north
5019s side and a team that has also benefited
5021s from that is vortex and janice they're
5023s not they're not sort of fighting each
5024s other they're not they're not scrapping
5025s it out inside of the new poi the
5027s collider they just thought okay janice
5028s and vortex can have the collider and
5030s we're gonna go back to our roots and
5031s you've got to think right these are some
5032s of the big names that did well yeah but
5034s there's obviously some big names here
5035s that didn't do well pink and ass you got
5036s to think right we were watching them
5038s pretty early on and it looked so good
5040s like when we were setting up like these
5042s guys are ready to win the game like
5043s around fourth zone if you look look at
5045s right now on this launch pad 114 mats
5048s beautiful and even look like the
5049s refresher is going to come through from
5050s a little bit the pink piece at the same
5052s time but unfortunately yet again it
5055s falls victim to that high ground retake
5056s that was a bit too early yeah it's a
5058s little bit too early and pink had to do
5059s it alone there as well we saw right at
5061s the final moments he wasn't quite able
5063s to convert that into the victoria and of
5064s course a lot of teams down below
5066s identified that he was a solo up on high
5067s ground and he fell all the way down and
5070s unfortunately for them they weren't
5071s quite able to get the victory there
5072s there were so many chops that happened
5074s there were so many solo clutch
5075s performances that happened from this
5076s game and this is just game number one
5078s right i feel like based off of coming
5080s off of yesterday things are just
5082s completely different and i'm ready to
5083s get back into all the action so we don't
5085s have to wait too much longer for knight
5087s fam we have five more games baby so find
5089s your seats get on the battle bus because
5091s game number two
5094s hey thanks so much zeke 11 so far that
5097s first game distracting i want to focus
5099s on the win and the finals but as these
5101s guys mentioned too lola's still in the
5103s show yeah most definitely one of the
5105s teams that very much had a lot of
5107s chances to qualify right during those
5109s stages didn't do too well yesterday and
5112s so many people probably didn't even
5113s realize he was playing today right but
5115s definitely making himself known on the
5117s scene today and that is the most
5119s important thing can he and his teammate
5121s in endgame continue to have games like
5123s that what about the asean lolo show what
5125s will it do in game number two i mean
5127s let's find out why ask questions
5135s answer is going to be hopefully tons of
5137s damage hopefully just lots of action for
5139s them it starts at camp cuddle i'm pretty
5141s sure specifically a lot of the time sd
5144s low listeners don't have an identity
5145s rolling into games
5147s let's see if that changes so far today
5149s who wants to focus on as well i mean we
5151s have big fights over at greasy it's
5154s still a three-way conundrum between so
5156s many different teams ada and throwbacks
5158s obviously two players on two different
5160s ones looking at coming in
5161s on the day and looking at some action
5164s one older team i believe that's uh
5166s gonna be wow i can't believe it's
5169s actually hit me with that and my friend
5171s nano
5172s yeah
5173s they're gonna i was gonna call it like
5175s enlu for some reason i have no clue but
5177s here they are nano loop the pickle part
5179s one of the teams in quick fashion victor
5181s now down both fighting for the lodge
5183s it's not going too well uh for victor at
5185s all
5185s yeah of course we talked about the 50 50
5188s nature of this poi
5190s and uh trying to out for that main
5191s building they didn't go too well for
5195s tropex in his duo but
5198s i'm sure nano and lou won't be too
5200s bothered about that one we have an
5201s update over towards log jam though
5203s juricky
5205s he gets the elimination credit for both
5207s of those that's nice on the points and
5210s he'll very easily be able to get the
5212s reboot off he already has
5214s in that time so
5216s almost a rocky start for them at
5219s logjam but juricky juror king jericho
5222s coming through there's king michael too
5224s now so who actually holds the crown
5226s mother who holds the crown well
5228s i guess that will be determined based
5230s off of how the next five games go right
5232s so so right now he's drew a prince
5234s yeah
5236s okay that makes the most sense yeah we
5238s have to we have to give him the crown in
5239s a little bit of a second okay cool i'm
5241s done with that
5244s sanctuary fights we gotta love the
5245s sanctuary fights love and over here it
5247s gets absolutely intense we've seen
5249s hendon queasy kind of roll on these
5250s sides against the most memorable thing
5252s i've seen in the sanctuary a big pinch
5253s that happens over time their team
5255s doesn't even land here so you know if
5256s your most memorable moment of sanctuary
5259s is a team having a
5261s storm surge fight here
5265s listen this is like the retirement home
5267s of pois i feel like you know it's
5268s supposed to be peaceful
5270s it's supposed to be you know okay we
5272s haven't gone for command cavern we
5274s haven't gone for these crazy launch
5276s patch launch pad places we just want to
5278s have somewhere that's quaint nice you
5280s get your food at specific times because
5282s you get your loot you get out whenever a
5284s fight breaks out here i don't think
5285s either team fully expects it because of
5288s the intensity of it it's just kind of
5289s awkward i think everyone's just looking
5290s to get a little bit of loot and do the
5292s best they can consistently all the way
5294s towards the end
5296s jj two this is another one the first
5297s fight that we saw in game 11 had
5299s happened so fast that's not the case
5300s this time yeah and they want this fight
5302s to finish quickly right you can see in
5303s the bottom right the sort of white line
5305s pointing towards the zone
5307s the zone once again has pulled towards
5309s the west right
5310s yesterday it seemed like the lobby was
5312s uh
5312s geared towards cuisine hen today maybe
5315s it's good towards you know
5317s little command teams yeah you know
5318s thomas chippen did it they didn't use
5320s the first game but picking an ass didn't
5323s use that first game um
5325s jerky oh did it didn't use it the first
5328s game
5331s oh lola's used it camp cuddle team
5334s buzz yeah true that's a great point yeah
5337s that he's a great man 50 points huge in
5339s terms of his consistency overall right
5341s like you want to just keep racking that
5342s up get towards that closer to 150 mark
5345s that's what we saw yesterday clinton
5346s berry kind of rock in with towards the
5348s last game 143 points and he was almost
5351s untouchable uh towards the end of the
5353s day that was over five games though so
5356s did a little bit more than that
5358s on that game six bevi's
5360s still rocking through
5361s all the shotgun in hand looking for
5364s a few more rat attack taps on either
5365s side nice try but no cigar just yet
5370s yeah this fight has been uh
5372s a lot longer and more drawn out but it
5374s might be coming to a quick conclusion
5375s here
5376s some damage being dealt debbie's
5378s returning the favor
5381s you can see it's just sort of dropping
5382s down trying to find that right angle
5385s but there is a third party coming in
5387s shady and milad
5389s just sort of
5390s hiding in the shadows right now waiting
5392s for the opportunity to strike both
5394s things might have seen
5396s one of them just creeping behind the
5398s what i don't think he did he's not aware
5399s whatsoever can we get an awareness check
5401s my friend
5402s they're about to line him up three two
5404s one
5411s oh okay i guess there's no the awareness
5414s meter is actually off inside the
5415s sanctuary once again it's a sanctuary
5417s eleven it's about peace tranquility even
5420s in the off spawn fight
5421s no violence
5422s if we actually took
5425s pois like genuinely by like their names
5428s that would be kind of funny yeah i might
5431s just start doing that now you know it
5432s might be the way yeah man oh man i'm
5435s wondering how some of these fights went
5437s so fast on the rest of the map
5439s specifically greasy
5441s why the patience kind of canceled out
5442s there why the patience of the lumberyard
5444s cancel that i think one of the biggest
5445s things you mentioned is obviously on the
5447s lumber yard a lot of teams just choosing
5449s to split or take it slow right i think
5451s that first game
5452s at least
5454s in that first game things went slower
5456s everybody sort of dropped evenly but
5458s what we saw in this game was more akin
5460s to what those pois are yeah right where
5462s people very much it's a very 50 50 spot
5465s especially with greasy
5466s if you want to control greasy the best
5468s sort of path to doing that is by
5470s controlling that main building true and
5471s so teams will 50 50 on that building uh
5473s we didn't see that game one we saw game
5475s two uh in log jam it can sort of go a
5478s mixed bag either way but
5480s it's my job my general analysis of log
5482s jam today is that i i don't think the
5484s freezing and lucia should be even trying
5486s there we'll see though of course but
5489s they almost had it they had got eye
5490s dropped down to be fair but hey off of
5492s trading them right he live
5494s you make the the big jerky or or drew a
5496s prince my bad i'm getting the names
5498s confused
5499s staying up but thomas tripping on screen
5501s up in a big position how'd they get here
5503s maybe minnie has a clue
5506s yeah well i'm actually gonna be talking
5508s about uh chunker speedway we saw we
5510s talked about in the free show we talked
5511s about house william and let you they had
5512s a little bit of a rough time yesterday
5513s but now that floki and clement have
5515s qualified through they are definitely on
5517s fire we see them taking out vortexes and
5519s four well just taking out fork and
5521s vortex is managing to get away but for
5522s leche and swillium is a really really
5524s great start to the game for them
5527s yeah that's interesting right because of
5529s course now that teams have started to
5531s qualify through
5533s via yesterday's games
5535s that does you know pros the opportunity
5537s for some of these other teams to have
5538s that say let you in swimming will
5540s definitely be one
5542s i feel like we always see them in every
5544s competition
5546s at some point
5547s and never quite the story that a lot of
5550s their fans will be wanting and maybe the
5552s people watching at home will be wanting
5554s to see
5556s but maybe today can be the day they do
5557s it some consistency would do them a
5559s world of good
5563s we got wavy fruit omg or oh ng sorry and
5566s now you're just true that's actually
5568s stompy and drew so they're wondering who
5570s that is
5572s stompy yes v stompy if for whatever
5574s reason you were put in a
5576s time chamber
5577s after season x
5579s and you've just been released
5582s yes that's donkey the one that one that
5583s one yes
5585s the first fmcs yeah
5587s yeah i wasn't winning for the first
5589s three games let me tell you that might
5590s not be winning his fight here yeah it
5592s might be uh very
5594s reflective of
5595s how that happens gets started like that
5597s we're just focusing we're way back
5600s this isn't a reference broker this is a
5602s season x recap we're doing right now
5606s oh man how do you rock it through
5609s duty up there as well or i guess not up
5611s just part of the duo watching for now oh
5613s yeah these guys are dead lost yesterday
5615s right oh wow yeah
5617s not the greatest day for them and
5619s already the start's been a bit higgy
5622s but heine has a chance to redeem himself
5624s and his team
5628s getting control there as well oh
5630s sort of got baited into that one right
5633s i can come in now
5636s you can see now he's the one sort of
5637s peddling backwards as he tries to
5639s alleviate some pressure use the time to
5642s get the shields up and he has the
5643s shields for that
5645s but maybe if he's too slow the res will
5648s come through and he's aware of that
5651s and now getting on the aggressive he's
5652s taking walls that's that french ping
5653s right there
5655s and he's hitting shots as well gets the
5656s finish which is huge so can he confirm
5660s both eliminations of the question a nice
5662s shot darren heine
5664s doing the business stompy and drew taken
5667s out of the game
5669s and a chance for the last place team
5672s from session one
5673s to put themselves in contention
5676s all about giving the slick as well that
5678s was just nice both ways 175
5681s on the first strike after that
5684s another triple digit and more follow-ups
5685s after the fact hi nick you're talking
5687s about the french ping i'm talking about
5689s also that last place or age combine them
5692s both you get a 1v2 yeah i'm happy
5695s i'm happy because
5696s wave and due as much as i love them i
5698s also have b for them real happy for this
5700s yeah yeah four why well reese and i as
5702s we do playing to do a cash cut ah yes
5705s yes game one we're popping off as we do
5707s for the best players right yeah yeah and
5709s uh the final team left in the game was
5712s stomping g i think it was really it was
5713s a solo yeah i wasn't there because rhys
5716s messed up a launch pad
5718s it does
5719s so uh it was rhys versus jew and uh i
5721s think you know how it pretty much oh
5723s yeah yeah yeah yeah
5725s so mr mr peace hub himself was not
5727s active right he wasn't ready a different
5729s personality was taking over the body for
5730s that one yeah yeah so unfinished
5733s business with that duo but uh wishing
5734s them good luck of course however they
5736s will be watching this game from the
5738s lobby
5739s and that's pink
5741s last time we had a zone
5742s this side of the map which was literally
5744s last game
5746s it worked out really well for them in
5747s regards to dealing with surge you can
5748s see sitting up on this
5750s massive sort of base here
5752s they're able to just sort of get shots
5754s at anybody in this vicinity they have so
5756s many lines of sight
5758s and actually one of the the big issues
5760s right is that a lot of teams realize how
5763s powerful the position that is and so
5764s they try and rotate around it right
5766s they're going to stay as far away from
5768s it as possible you can see i dropped and
5769s jerky they've gone as far to the west of
5772s command as
5774s reasonably possible at least right just
5776s to try and avoid the teams up there
5780s and this is them like kind of in the
5781s zone as well there's a bunch of teams
5782s that are now just rotating in from the
5785s south side that already have
5787s dodging cavern planned
5789s they're etching towards the shores on
5790s the left they're angling to come in from
5793s way far away and not cut through the
5795s middle this is uncharacteristic on
5796s screen though eyedrop taking this much
5798s damage not covering its feet i mean for
5801s a deja vu type of zone an effect like
5803s this a mirror zone entirely of the last
5806s game you would assume some of the teams
5808s that did well up to at least half and
5809s half
5810s would be well tempered would have a game
5812s plan now set and ready and tested at
5814s least once ready to go again jerky and i
5816s drop right now are looking a little bit
5817s finicky at least inside this base
5820s yeah if uh
5822s that kind of continues it's not going to
5823s be great for them at all like you said i
5825s dropped sort of with a bit of a blunder
5829s they do have a shield keg which will be
5830s effective if they do need to maybe trade
5832s damage for surgery you pop it down open
5834s up and edit and you can afford to over
5836s peek a bit because you're you know sort
5838s of re-healing yourself as you go about
5839s it but
5842s yeah very high expectations again with a
5844s somewhat favorable zone for them
5846s absolutely for them i think it was just
5848s unexpected that there'd be a few people
5849s there it's all good boomy money maker
5851s they jump all the way up top of the
5852s command blimp and maybe try late times
5855s or people might have to rotate way past
5857s as the zone comes in
5859s to get one of these higher up positions
5860s they're challenging and us
5862s and pink up top we'll see
5864s it's possible for boomi
5865s to be up here
5867s and stay for free we just saw thomas and
5869s tripping on screen as well
5870s they'll have another chance to try to
5872s roll in for justice attacks but 13 above
5874s zloomi needs to land a few more shots
5876s yeah so when we talked about the effects
5877s of you know command cabin being so
5879s strong and teams trying to avoid it
5880s right pink and us thrive they were fine
5882s they had the best sort of position in
5884s that general area all the other cavern
5886s teams last game and it seems like in
5887s this game as well as we tune in here to
5889s tripping and thomas thomas not being in
5891s the game they're all struggling with
5892s surge right they all are having their
5894s struggles it was jay and cosmo tripping
5896s and thomas we saw with money maker and
5898s bloomy even though zone is pulling
5900s towards that general area there aren't
5902s enough teams there for them to get
5903s damage on and they're all struggling as
5904s a result of it thomas and tripping
5906s though in game two another game where it
5908s just doesn't look like a win it's on the
5910s cards
5911s not only am i in the mud and you in the
5912s much higher when it comes to predictions
5914s but
5915s a lot of their fans at home as well will
5917s be you know
5918s absolutely i'm scared for my life right
5920s now i'm in denmark you know all the
5921s danes are going to be human they're
5922s going to be furious
5924s you know if these guys don't aren't able
5926s to qualify so see the biggest thing for
5928s me is i personally don't think much has
5930s changed on their drop and this is the
5932s best zone for them in terms of control
5934s entirely right like if this is the
5937s culmination of five games on day one and
5939s what they've learned and nothing's
5941s really changed over the day too i feel
5943s like nothing's gonna change over the day
5944s three as well that's the most concerning
5946s thing for me if it's just trying the
5947s same things over and over again right i
5949s see no changes so far i see more greed a
5951s little bit it's not the same type of
5953s high ground you know trying to stick for
5954s it looking for the battles that we saw
5956s on number one but so far for the search
5958s they were down a little bit on the first
5959s date still seem to be struggling on the
5961s second you're right that is very tough
5963s and we talked about struggles right jj2
5965s and his duo we talked about how they
5966s have such a long distance to go from the
5969s sanctuary 66 above there just hasn't
5971s been many options to deal with serge of
5973s course the fight didn't close out so
5974s they weren't able to do sort of the max
5976s damage there everybody sort of split and
5978s went their own ways and it not only just
5979s wasted time in terms of getting them to
5981s zone but also meant that now they're
5983s even down on surge as well so a very
5985s very difficult game for them moving
5988s forward
5989s this is interesting though janice and
5991s vortex
5992s down to just janus
5995s okay this early too i
5997s would have to assume the way their
5998s inventory looks for the moment
6002s might just be a surge problem said that
6004s i'm saying it yeah hey
6007s yeah i'm not used to it just yet it has
6009s to be a surge problem you know two
6011s bodies only have these many shields and
6013s he's still kind of afflicted by just a
6015s little bit of damage looks like probably
6017s a bad fight as well maybe we get a
6020s little bit of context on that from
6022s one of the replays to look at and see
6023s exactly what janus can still do we talk
6025s about it all the time two-time fcs type
6028s champion he has
6029s uh the facilities for that solo clutch
6031s but we see star players in these
6033s circumstances time and time again
6035s the clutch doesn't start from the third
6037s zone you have to be able to survive as a
6038s duo get that rocket ship towards the
6040s fifth the sixth maybe then detach one of
6042s the engines and let the star fly it's
6044s gonna be tough for him to do it from
6046s this spot
6047s yeah we'll see because ultimately when a
6050s player is solo in end game once the
6052s zones have already started moving the
6053s distances you're traveling are a lot
6055s shorter
6056s things are possible right you just saw
6058s that last game of lolis right if you can
6059s hit a couple mac shots but ultimately
6062s we're still in third zone as we move
6064s into sort of well foursome now we're
6065s still in fourth zone as we move into the
6067s later ones someone's gonna eventually
6069s figure out he's a solo it's gonna be
6071s very hard for him to use the resources
6073s he has he didn't look like it was max
6074s materials but that burns rather quickly
6077s right especially playing as a solo this
6079s early on
6080s we talk about solo play we talked about
6083s hype play a lot some of the team based
6085s play you like to watch all the way
6086s towards the ground happened a little bit
6088s last game and has the potential of
6090s happening again we saw benji and savage
6092s just tearing things up unless or until
6094s they ran out of gas shoes unfortunately
6096s had no match to keep their low ground
6098s control going
6100s see nelson pink as well in a situation
6102s that looks really good too
6104s yeah when it comes to what you're seeing
6105s the bench and savage i love that from
6107s them yeah right and this wasn't
6109s necessarily a massive pop-up game but
6111s they keep just doing you that getting
6113s deep into these games
6114s keep going keep going keep going game
6116s off the game
6117s they'll be in a very good spot to try
6119s and qualify consistency there is a home
6121s on low ground that right now that's kind
6123s of vacant right it's not going to have
6124s you going straight to the finals
6126s guaranteed off a win but you're right
6128s through consistency right through maybe
6131s more of a risky type of play where you
6133s have to have all six games active
6135s benji and savage specifically can
6137s definitely find a way to get all the way
6139s there for jackson and vico though i mean
6141s i like the juxtaposition between those
6142s two duals i've been fighting at it i
6144s tilted for so long and they're kind of
6146s in different flavors right now towards
6148s the end game we'll see exactly what
6150s stakes arise for for both right now kind
6152s of in similar positions across the map
6156s benji established though the difference
6157s right now they have that pad they have
6158s the option to kind of rise up off the
6160s ground
6161s yeah and this is nice
6162s a decent sort of amount off of surge and
6165s you can see how proactive they are right
6167s now and looking to make sure that they
6168s can increase that tally taking shots up
6171s walls looking for opportunities as they
6173s come about
6175s and definitely
6177s another opportunity right a launch pad
6178s is gonna be huge for these guys because
6181s savage with just 79 builds isn't uh as
6185s luxurious as maybe you'd want but the
6187s pads will save him a lot in terms of
6190s distance and
6191s fingers crossed some luck on the zones
6192s will go
6194s a long long way for them as well
6196s big thing to the notice that just
6198s happened inside that feed walks another
6201s elimination coming in another chance for
6203s logan team to really roll in and janice
6205s actually picking up one individual jerky
6207s and i dropped though you're gesturing to
6209s 11 36 below surge
6212s a team that has that zone that we're
6213s contested up spawn and got rid of you
6216s know
6217s the problems so early who had a free
6219s fight
6220s in trouble and just about to take a lot
6222s of damage yeah and you know we already
6224s highlighted it it's because they chose
6226s to go far west of command they didn't
6228s want to go down in a more congested area
6230s and so they've just not really seen many
6231s opportunities to get their tags adrift
6234s and jerky now desperately trying to find
6236s them and look i like what they're doing
6237s here this is gonna be their best bet
6240s but the big problem is that if nobody
6242s makes themselves exposed
6244s it's gonna be really hard to find
6245s anything you can see just constantly
6246s looking for anybody to make the blunder
6248s make the mistake of opening a wall a
6250s window anything it is
6252s but just nobody opening up right now it
6255s seems like they had all the right
6256s decisions made but it's just for this
6258s specific zone this specific game it's
6260s unfortunate circumstances you mentioned
6262s dodging the middle but there are not
6263s many teams going around either this is a
6265s chance for either to get some damage on
6267s the board still nothing you know it's
6269s like there's three buses still left
6270s towards the end of the day you missed
6272s one is gonna be fine the second one your
6274s parents call you you can't get that one
6275s either the third one comes too early and
6277s now you're just left stranded at
6279s midnight with no way home for a drop in
6281s jerky they messed up on that first
6283s rotation unfortunately no one kind of
6284s passed by them after the fact they
6286s grabbed zone left they can't fight
6288s people as they start to move and now
6290s everyone's gone in launch padded above
6292s them they never had a chance a good
6293s timing to look towards the skies forced
6296s to go all through their shields eye drop
6298s now down to just 150 pot jerky also just
6300s chugging down as much blue group as you
6302s can this is just tough for the duo the
6305s opportunities have been dead they just
6306s haven't been able to connect with the
6307s shots i drop now realizing there's an
6309s opportunity arising but
6311s 50 players means that things are going
6313s to sort of slow down in that regard
6315s and so now their main focus is going to
6317s be how can we salvage something out of
6318s this game how can we find a free easy
6321s picking some sort of elimination that
6322s gets us back up in the material the
6324s shield count because in that regard they
6326s are looking incredibly dire
6329s have to just get this game back from
6330s shambles i think janice and both tripper
6332s and are in that position as well
6334s had a little bit of a lapse on the feed
6336s personally myself so we'll see if janice
6337s is still inside the game as a solo i
6339s know for me looking at it the last
6341s update was
6342s they locked in one elimination and had a
6344s refresh
6345s tripper's gotten to this point as well
6348s up top though looking at high ground
6349s look at how things go it is ventilate
6352s and lotics looking at taking control of
6354s this game a little bit walks right below
6356s them though that's now flying here's
6358s lola's the star from game number one
6360s looking to push that 60 points to maybe
6363s even triple digits to a 120 if he
6365s repeats what he did before he has a
6366s teammate this time levin it's an even
6368s better chance this is looking very very
6371s nice if the sd can come into the fold
6373s now and add that extra bit of firepower
6376s into the mix things are going to start
6377s looking real comfortable you can see
6379s he's looking for that right position to
6381s drop down and find somewhere to call
6383s home for just a moment the extra wood
6385s will do them a world of good as well but
6387s things are looking interesting what's
6389s going on on the height though we have
6390s roxy and eggrim who have set to take it
6393s and this maybe is a bit of surprise a
6394s surprise for them as they get landed on
6396s it so instantly deciding it's not worth
6398s it maybe this will be a decision that
6400s will look back on and go was the
6401s ultimate deciding factor lecce and
6403s swillium know who we talked about
6405s finally having chunkers be a bit more of
6407s an easy ride for them and making great
6409s use of that now up above on high ground
6412s as they look to try and pick up some
6414s eliminations lecture doing some damage
6416s you might need to drop down a bit closer
6417s money maker on second he's in a bit of a
6420s blind spot for them so hopefully they
6421s find the angles and deal with him as
6423s soon as possible but things are really
6424s looking good for those boys yup and as
6426s they start to pressure a little bit of
6428s that low ground a rift gets popped in
6430s the sky so high ground will be busy for
6431s now jerky down tripper and also taking
6433s out look at the amount of people up in
6435s the sky venom has a second chance to go
6437s for height let's change william looks
6439s like they almost had things for free
6441s another duo rolls in look at the
6442s inventory unless she does not have a
6444s rifle at all it's just that smg it
6447s cannot be a voice in this conversation
6449s it can't do anything to stop these
6450s players from landing and already one
6452s person over top gets shot down any night
6454s from like and a spray after the
6455s fact as well it's an awesome pink who
6457s somehow almost have i understand who's
6459s there and use patience as a third
6462s teammate for themselves waiting for the
6464s chaos to ensue and then maybe take it
6466s over after the fact yeah they realized
6467s how many teams there were trying to take
6470s it so opting for the safer route and
6472s that might be the best decision they've
6473s made just yet swillium as a solo though
6476s having to try to find his footing in the
6477s game you can see and that's really
6479s looking for any weakness any in
6481s the arm of the high ground hold but pink
6484s ushering him towards the front of the
6485s zone making him know that our time will
6487s come and then pantry as well down on low
6490s pops off from the feet i see classics
6492s all around the dual spray with edits in
6494s the way from an often pink benji popping
6496s off on low ground as well it's one of
6498s those eun games you'll have to see
6499s towards the mountains it's pulling back
6500s up again here's lola's here's este deja
6503s vu it's almost the same zone same
6505s players with an extra buff as well and
6506s this time they're up against the big
6507s raid bosses benji savage take them down
6510s still the power and they're ready to
6512s bump up the game get off the ground get
6514s off the rocks and soar towards the sky
6516s benji saying to the frenchies you hit
6517s pumps i hit them harder a brilliant
6520s elimination now as they make their way
6521s up into the zone trying to find a bit
6523s more of a comfortable position benji's
6524s got close off his back though he has to
6526s be careful milad goes down to quinoa in
6528s defeat and he's not done either maybe
6530s just may be able to stay in the game
6532s that's a huge elimination gives him an
6534s extra bit of time now and he secures his
6536s foot in the zone he's going to be
6537s chilling for the moment one of the only
6538s souls down on low ground so far ways and
6539s julian calm there too dandiff huge high
6541s ground taking eighth an awesome pink to
6543s the sky there too to maybe even try to
6545s help them out we'll see exactly if they
6546s can hold on to one of those 10th place
6548s reigning kings that we know love taking
6550s back height they're ready to pass once
6551s again meanwhile on low savage 120 and
6554s leaves this man back in the box sets up
6555s a trap another show after the fact the
6557s spray will come through savage man
6559s you're just too cool at this one
6561s isolates the finish gets a few of the
6562s mats those are on the left side as well
6564s a little bit of miss movement but it's
6567s planned you thought he was confused nah
6569s just painting out the yield on the
6570s backside met miss also used just has to
6572s find the movement to get above the hill
6574s blue back in fury now half controller's
6576s pink goes for the fight in the zone is
6578s this enough for him to try to roll in
6580s towards things it's chaos towards the
6582s front side there's only one one team
6584s inside the zone they must be confused
6586s for move back and fury this is easy
6588s winnings this is easy ends they just let
6590s it roll in they win the game off of
6592s patience off of just you know letting
6594s the time fly by and they're going to the
6596s finals absolutely vicious from those
6599s guys towards the end there they took
6601s high ground at the perfect moment like a
6604s thief in the night they snuck through
6605s and nobody even had a clue what was
6608s going on and they steal the win away
6610s from everybody else they will be playing
6612s in the fncs finals and what a way to do
6614s it taking out a big favorite in pink at
6617s the end there as well brubach and fury
6619s take game two i feel like i'm at a
6620s surprise birthday party i feel like the
6622s lights just came on and i was like oh
6623s yeah we're watching the game and the
6625s winner will go towards the finals so
6627s many things happening in that back half
6629s of the zone so many stars trying there's
6631s a spy towards the skies but as you say
6633s it was a burglary reverend like it was
6635s done yeah look they were fine with it
6636s they said look we'll let all of you
6638s fight yeah you fight him you fight him
6639s we don't care when it's time to win the
6641s game that's when we'll roll for us and
6643s we'll show up pop out colors and get
6645s excited and they did it with
6648s supreme execution it's just just class
6650s that's all it is five letters one word
6652s and we have three people as well who are
6653s ready to see exactly what else broke
6655s down towards your number two
6657s i can't anytime shia starts to do that
6660s man i can't three people one word one
6662s building six bills i just can't i can't
6664s he's just so good at it my goodness game
6667s number two
6668s once again we're seeing the same we saw
6670s this all day yesterday right these duos
6672s they fight for this high ground and then
6673s they just there's always this one dude
6675s they're sitting in the back like wait
6677s they've they've dropped time to shine
6678s yeah it's ready it's happening it's us i
6681s mean it looks like legends william we're
6682s going to be team to win it right it's
6684s kind of classic story where we see them
6686s up on high ground well i think they took
6688s it like the end of the second moving
6689s zone something like that yeah but then
6690s you know here we go that's the exact
6691s time into the first moving right here
6693s from that beautiful land on but we saw
6694s how this ended unfortunately with the
6696s fact that all the players down below had
6698s a really good understanding of the map
6699s and they knew that there's rifts here
6701s maybe they didn't know hey maybe they
6702s decided there's a rift there i'm going
6704s to take that for easy mobility here it's
6705s all the players up in the sky if you
6707s have that many players up there this
6708s kind of reminds me back to chapter one
6710s right with everyone up in the sky you
6711s just have to look straight up eventually
6713s someone lands on you and sure managed to
6714s get the elimination that's william ended
6716s up going down first yeah i mean as soon
6717s as lexi got this elimination onto
6719s moneymaker i thought this was it they
6721s got the refresh they commanded that high
6723s ground of course every single person
6724s going up for the rift and it didn't
6726s quite work out for legend swimming
6727s because they just of course went down
6728s and they had to drop and then things all
6730s went a bit got a bit messy but when they
6732s went off spawn i thought you know what
6733s this could be a great setup this is the
6735s time for legends william because they
6736s haven't had a great start to the
6738s semifinals but today they're performing
6739s very very well under the no pressure of
6741s floating clement talking of not great
6743s stars jerky eye drop at the same time
6746s right now we saw last game right they
6748s were in storm they were deep and ended
6749s up in this congested side early on but
6751s this kind of things happened a little
6752s bit different this game notice the
6754s positioning here right fully on this far
6756s west hand side of the zone so once they
6758s finished that we saw that we saw the
6759s early game clip right you saw how that
6761s ended up they played that full western
6762s side the full dead side and now notice
6764s right they're only 28 above the storm
6766s surge now this is because if you're
6768s fully on that dead side so early who are
6770s you gonna shoot everyone's on the far
6771s side and we saw them struggle and
6773s struggle and struggle of course be one
6774s of the teams who hit the rift and i mean
6776s you just keep shooting at this point i
6778s dropped 25 hp you know yeah down to 15
6781s hp there as well and we talked about a
6782s little bit reece we talked about how
6783s they might have thought we got the two
6785s eliminations off spawn that'll be enough
6787s they went to the less congested starter
6788s zone they try to pick up some tags but
6790s of course there's nobody rotating now
6791s there's nobody going to that side of
6792s zone so there was just absolutely
6794s nothing i'm sure they were looking they
6795s were trying to find tags but there was
6796s just nobody going there and ultimately
6798s that is what caused them to go down
6799s because we saw them trying to scramble
6801s for the surge but it was a little bit
6802s too little too late
6804s but for hey for blue black and fury
6806s they're going to finals right they are
6807s indeed now we have to kind of turn our
6808s attention back to the standings right
6810s now hookah siko right now sitting in
6813s that number six spot uh the standings
6815s are pretty close here right there
6817s especially after just a few games we've
6818s had png fishy and mr savage though
6821s that's i feel like that's the big
6822s surprise for me yeah yesterday didn't do
6825s too much today though they're like hey
6826s semifinals day two we're awake here it's
6828s all about the drop shot right it's about
6830s the drop spot they switched it up of
6831s course we talked about it they were
6832s going to the collider yesterday they
6834s switched it up they let janice and
6835s vortex have that and they of course
6836s benefiting from that as well but they've
6837s gone back to their roots they're going
6838s to the north side of tilted towers which
6841s they do have uncontested they know the
6842s area very well as well and what they're
6845s able to do is they're able to get
6846s through to these end games and for a
6848s team that i thought they might qualify
6849s through just one pop-off game i thought
6851s i'm gonna give them one game to do
6852s really really good and then qualify
6854s they're actually being very very
6855s surprisingly consistent i know like when
6857s you usually see these guys right i
6858s remember writing some qualifiers last
6860s season it's like they looked okay they
6861s weren't the best that we've ever seen
6862s them at by any means then it's like win
6864s one game i think the first game with
6866s like 10 to 15. somewhere in that that's
6868s a broad range i get it a lot that's all
6869s i'm trying to get across eliminations
6871s and you're like oh these guys can
6872s absolutely go into terror in a row but
6874s sometimes they kind of fizzle out on
6875s after that so maybe the fact that they
6877s don't have a win yet is actually good
6879s yeah i think so too and of course we're
6880s going to talk about another team pink
6881s and an announcement a team that hasn't
6883s quite performed well no seventh right
6885s now where they ended up yesterday that
6887s is true just one off so they're very uh
6889s they're sort of used to this sort of
6890s position but they haven't quite been
6891s able to take that high ground and we saw
6892s it we saw the same zone on the street as
6894s we had in game number one i mean we're
6896s very very noticeable i'm thinking here
6897s i'm thinking i'm thinking yeah today's
6900s first two games zones were pretty much
6901s similar very very same yesterday
6904s something's up something is up
6906s something's up i'm looking at you yeah
6908s what's going on
6909s guys you guys are the analysts i'm just
6910s here to look pretty that's all my you do
6912s a great job yeah you do a great job of
6914s it it's good you give them extra
6915s practice for that zone i like that these
6917s teams they had the practice and we saw a
6919s lot of the same teams do well as well
6920s which is something that's quite
6921s interesting to point out because it's
6923s the same zone you're expecting them to
6924s do the same sort of thing but better
6926s well i'd hope obviously you know we're
6927s talking about those west zones for
6928s pinkerton ass obviously a team who lands
6930s command cavern i'd hoped they would
6931s understand that zone right because if
6933s you think we saw them really early on
6935s base up high on the mountain that was
6936s there and you've got all these teams
6938s rotating on the east side the complete
6940s opposite of what was happening to
6941s jericho eyedrop right they were so east
6943s that they miss all these people rotate
6945s or sorry west i don't know my direction
6947s you know they obviously we saw picking
6949s us on the hill taking advantage of those
6950s teams that hill's blocking jerky now
6952s drop on that far west ham side there so
6955s just position you should understand at
6956s this point
6958s it's big brain time right and it's all
6959s about positioning uh i'm having such a
6962s blast with day two of semi-finals and i
6964s know you guys are as well don't forget
6965s at the end of the today for every region
6968s we're looking at the top six to go on
6969s through but every victory out will mean
6971s you and your duo auto qualify to finals
6973s next week it's about that time for
6975s tonight fam we got the games on deck we
6977s got our casters standing by 11 2k shower
6979s wager over to you
6983s thank you uh very much my friends
6985s ecommerce prime nobody ever calls on
6987s that anymore do they yeah zeke this is
6989s is he is he the zeke from this universe
6992s look you never know you can never told
6993s me i learned he speaks spanish today oh
6995s really random facts okay cool well
6998s not random not surrounded this time
7000s round right we're heading into the next
7002s game of the semi-finals two very fun
7005s games to start off with and definitely
7007s more on the way as the pressure starts
7009s to increase the intensity of these
7011s lobbies will just skyrocket as we head
7014s towards these last chances for some of
7016s these teams to qualify yeah i feel like
7018s every single team right now is charging
7019s up we saw it with pink and anas trying
7021s some of those pre-edited plays benji and
7022s savage now finding their home on low
7024s ground let's just william winning off in
7026s chunkers yeah don't see that every game
7029s honestly i think a lot of people would
7031s have seen those guys on height and would
7033s have been john for joy right you know
7036s these is where i want to see these guys
7038s but look of course didn't quite go the
7040s way they wanted to but it's about
7041s building off of that foundation i think
7042s execution is the big thing what we can
7044s do is execute the next game to start so
7046s let's jump into game three
7054s game number three
7056s we've had two very special games thus
7059s far
7061s a large amount of teams
7063s who have been very big surprises in
7066s these lobbies for sure
7068s and a lot of osborne fights
7071s going pretty much how expected i'd say
7073s yeah
7074s oh i think going faster than usual
7077s though i think i i would expect slower
7080s faster than the second two i'm not sure
7082s exactly how fast the chunkers one was
7084s big shout outs for many showing us that
7086s it did happen
7087s earlier on into the game look at the
7089s speed right now though pink taking out
7090s blooming almost simultaneously plants
7092s are going down the astro i only see not
7095s enough there's still definitely two
7096s teams here and they're lou ready to go
7098s and they are gonna just clash straight
7100s away super fast this time though a
7102s little bit of a difference there is a
7103s trade rockingham
7105s gonna have to get nano back on his feet
7108s a little bit of pressure from victor but
7109s he's gonna get absolutely baited no
7111s chance whatsoever my man taken out this
7115s time is where you know
7117s adn hard find they want to have a little
7119s bit of a say they want to have a voice
7120s before it becomes another 2v2 again they
7122s want to be a pure third party as they
7124s try to do things up atop the crane
7126s there's a forced voice in this
7128s conversation ada needs to just calm down
7130s for a second yeah you saw he was sort of
7133s getting in over his head there he was so
7135s excited at the prospect of being able to
7137s just fight
7139s a dwindling solo
7141s but quickly humbled
7144s and these guys actually
7147s will be very fortunate now that they've
7148s just sort of had a
7150s it was an easy ride but they've played
7153s this one out towards greasy grove very
7155s well they get in
7158s they loot up get her load out relatively
7159s quickly
7160s and then they're ready yeah
7163s they've kind of found the
7165s map to success pretty much
7167s at least overall in the third game
7170s if i was to ask you to guess
7172s what side of the map do you think the
7173s zone went in this game yeah
7176s what would you say let me let me consult
7178s my script right we should be on page
7179s three oh no i've been sending page one
7183s zone 11 to the back end to john
7185s fortnight over and over again
7187s i i think we're gonna be stuck on that
7188s west zone yeah another west zone my
7191s friends another west zone that's my
7193s fault that's my i forgot the update
7195s it's the same zone it's the same zone
7197s you're correct
7199s are we going to see the same outcomes
7200s though
7201s i don't know see i'm just confused
7202s because usually for me i'm just putting
7204s zones down that help pen and queasy
7206s that's kind of my job right every week i
7208s come in i yeah apply the north zone uh
7211s formula very visible yesterday yeah yeah
7213s yeah
7214s so with them not being here i just
7216s completely forgot to do my job loving it
7217s and we've we've been stuck on this on
7219s the first zone the the entire day if you
7221s want zones in all of your games you'll
7224s be pm wager
7231s we have no idea the biggest mystery oh
7233s no
7234s listen i'm bicycling backwards all right
7236s we're big chilling
7238s wow
7239s this is huge right we talked about
7240s whether or not we see the same or
7242s different outcomes and this is certainly
7245s a different outcome out of log jam yum
7247s lumber yard jerichy
7252s doesn't have eye
7254s i didn't know what's going on that was
7255s the most dramatic boss of the 21st
7258s century i was like 11. nothing's
7260s happened to you guys happy loadout what
7261s are you possibly going to say here uh i
7263s was i said
7264s i was gonna say that i don't know where
7266s i was going with that one but i just
7268s started talking and then
7269s yeah i
7270s did what casters do yeah yeah yeah it
7273s truly be like i mean you split facts
7274s still if someone tuned in
7276s right before the or right after the
7278s dramatic pause
7279s it it would have been completely
7280s accurate sure um yeah
7283s well the big thing now for them is how
7285s do they get back into the game juroki
7287s looking to try loot on the outskirts get
7289s some stuff up get some materials
7291s probably going to come in try and reboot
7293s i dropped but then instantly you know
7295s the game is already sort of hindered in
7297s that regard in terms of timing we of
7299s course saw last game
7301s when they had this zone they struggled
7302s with surge they're gonna have those same
7304s issues again this game so it's not set
7306s up to be a good game so far
7308s i actually like it for them for them to
7310s be late and delayed
7312s right
7312s because what happens is they'll probably
7314s just end up playing more patient more
7316s scuffed will see more teams on off time
7319s coming from the backside of zones they
7321s they get to be forced they're forced to
7323s play correctly in a sense
7326s we'll see
7327s we'll see how that plays i'm optimistic
7330s we'll see yeah because it's going to be
7331s very stressful for them right yeah when
7333s you're a team
7334s in in such a high intensity lobby where
7337s the stakes are so high and you've just
7339s had your sort of game
7341s you know handicapped so early on right
7343s where you're just giving these scenarios
7345s that
7346s are gonna limit you throughout the game
7348s you're gonna have to go huge right and
7350s look if things are getting tough tight
7353s they're next to somebody else's box they
7355s hit a couple max pumps massive refresh
7357s everything looks good then you're spot
7359s on right they've got back into the game
7360s things are looking good but getting into
7362s that position won't be easy and actually
7364s winning it as well will be even harder
7368s all about just confirming
7371s what you can towards the end towards the
7372s back side looking at patterns as well
7373s it's the same thing over and over jj too
7376s i mean they're so far away and what i'm
7378s seeing the biggest difference
7380s on the map the joneses instead of the
7381s sanctuary
7383s it looks if i'm looking at the mini map
7385s correctly right now
7386s both spots open for some reason though
7389s these teams choose to just fight each
7390s other
7392s now
7393s i know you always have the the lay down
7395s that's hawaii i don't even think you can
7397s answer this question like i can't answer
7398s the question i wish i could if i had the
7400s answers i tried to have the answers guys
7403s that's sort of you know here's my answer
7405s well it's the only thing right i'm being
7407s serious usually it's the timing type of
7409s thing
7410s it's surge strat
7411s it's guaranteed fight for surge well
7414s they understand that and and they will
7416s have to do that right we saw how it
7418s affected these guys last game right they
7420s didn't get enough damage for surge
7422s traveling all the way across to the west
7424s side of the map and it just wasn't great
7426s right but yeah
7428s the difference between this game in the
7429s last game is going to have to be that
7430s they actually do close out the fight
7431s somebody has to win this fight they
7433s can't both just disengage at a certain
7434s point somebody has to win at the moment
7437s jj2 looks in control and so maybe it'll
7439s be them tries to get a reset on the
7440s other isn't able to get but does do a
7442s nice stick of damage there
7444s and so again
7446s he really needs to be on it and pushing
7448s aggressing the harpoon was nice opened
7451s up exposes position but they actually
7452s are maybe trying to turn the tide
7455s speed up the tempo of this fight but jj2
7457s doing really well to make sure to
7459s mitigate that this is actually really
7461s funny when they have some gmo and they
7463s have the spray available they're staying
7464s way back and only using that not really
7466s going anywhere as soon as they're forced
7468s to use the striker pump they're forced
7470s to just have shotgun shells left in
7471s their inventory suddenly dj2
7474s and and uh scheikim they roll in and
7477s have to work as a team they start to do
7479s cooler things they go for pinches thing
7481s is though pumble and swag they've stayed
7483s towards the back so much extended all of
7485s their materials pablo has none now but
7487s still do have a lot of ammunition in
7488s terms of that spray problem down to just
7490s seven hp six seconds of time to be able
7492s to use three now two seconds pablo
7494s should be down
7496s with the striker pump shot as well jj
7498s hits two shots and ends that fight
7501s yeah finally somebody winning out the
7503s big problem is though is this a win
7506s is it a win that's a great question they
7508s did about what
7509s probably barely a hundred damage there
7511s maybe like uh i don't know man it will
7513s catch up on them i'm sure we'll end up
7515s just production will update us we'll get
7517s a couple minutes in and they'll be you
7519s know somewhere deep in the zone below
7521s surge or something or maybe just
7522s teetering along that line but uh
7524s definitely not ideal right now as the
7526s zone is starting to sort of close in
7528s you're seeing all these teams gathered
7529s in around this area to the east of
7531s tilted towers a bunch of teams in this
7533s general area
7534s rifty and flodex being one of them are
7536s not looking too good right you see when
7538s it comes to materials it's just
7540s it's actually quite shambolic if
7542s anything right
7543s you're looking at a bit of wood wood you
7544s can find everywhere right so having wood
7546s ain't really ever impressive but lacking
7548s in the brick department and seriously
7550s lacking as well in the metal department
7552s so they're gonna have to try and refund
7554s at some point i wonder where it all went
7556s i think well we take a little bit of a
7557s zoom out yeah
7559s no no surprises there in terms of where
7561s those resources were put towards
7563s but ultimately spending resources ain't
7566s an issue as long as you know you can get
7567s them back somewhere right so absolutely
7570s we'll see if that is going to be an
7571s option for them mrs savage and ben
7573s you've not actually been able to tune
7574s into their mid and early games but they
7576s have been incredibly successful in that
7577s regard they make it deep into these
7579s games
7580s every single game so far right the first
7582s two games have been brilliant this west
7584s zone is wow nice walk on earth scene
7587s from mr savage
7589s mr 200 iq doing 200 damage there wowza
7593s oh my goodness melody's head must be
7595s made out of metal because this man's
7596s shots are just magnetic that was nuts
7598s from savage just just so accurate i mean
7601s he might have a reaction to that he
7602s might have something left to go uh three
7604s straight 40 point games from the dual on
7606s screen right now but what do we have on
7607s the sidelines right now
7612s let's see from mini
7616s yup not quite that but something very
7618s very interesting indeed we just saw este
7620s and lola's of course just outside of
7622s that command cabin area they went for a
7623s little double beam went very well for
7625s them but as something that's interesting
7626s to note they actually broke down the
7628s breakable trees the timber logs outside
7630s of their area and that is the reason for
7633s them you know picking up some tags and
7634s of course picking up uh the tags is of
7636s course uh anna's and pink all the way up
7638s on top this is the team that they have
7640s to look out for and that is the reason
7642s why they're chopping those trees down
7645s it's actually really smart because we
7646s saw an awesome pink use exactly that to
7648s hunt down many different teams on the
7650s south part of the cavern
7653s and you know that that's one side you
7654s keep it organized you keep it a little
7656s bit slow on the other side you can be
7659s parents that give birth to mr savage and
7662s and he uh you know he might not even use
7664s a mouse i don't know what peripherals he
7665s has and is rocking in with maybe his
7668s hands just connected to the machine
7669s themselves he's inside it's not some
7671s matrix type five it's just nuts you are
7674s like the best height man ever
7676s i'd i'd love you to just if i was
7678s playing for that tools i'd love you to
7679s just sit behind me and just spit bars
7681s about how brilliant i am i had a chance
7683s to do that because i got knocked like
7684s what 10 times per game playing today
7689s don't allow it this is one time we don't
7690s allow it yeah but
7692s for savage specifically is that that's
7694s how well they're doing and as we saw the
7696s stat that flew on screen three forty
7698s point games i mean we're ready to see
7700s them in the finals
7706s wow okay a little harpoon play there
7709s doesn't result in elimination if he was
7710s able to combine it you know
7713s you know combine it with a nice little
7715s striker pump shot as well
7717s boy i literally saw you guys bro
7720s mid-sentence when i see stuff like that
7721s i just find it so cheeky i love it you
7723s know
7724s that's what i'm all about bro that's uh
7726s that's a mad one there look hey you know
7728s what's gonna make me just completely
7730s maybe even throw up
7731s the anxiety from watching trippin and
7733s thomas every game go down before they
7735s get to their magic side of his home i
7737s hate to say it yeah no no no no no don't
7739s say it man i don't want to say it say it
7741s say it say it say it i'm losing faith in
7743s the boys nah you can't be say in denmark
7745s i'm saying that's not faith in the boys
7747s there's no way for the people watching
7749s our home you don't understand this is
7751s this is a crime
7754s for me to say this i'm committing a
7755s crime right now i'm risking everything
7757s i'm risking it all right now to say this
7759s but genuinely man it's just been so
7761s disappointing you can see that in the
7762s top right
7763s might be a bit small but they are not
7765s that much above either 130 above
7768s still just not able to find the rhythm
7771s that we expect from this team so so big
7773s difference this game for them and this
7775s is one of the issues that kind of
7776s stemmed in uh to where some previous
7778s fncs is
7779s when you have the zone you're sometimes
7781s just not used to not being able to walk
7783s around not seeing as many dynamic people
7786s fly across the sky look at everything i
7788s just said forget everything i would like
7790s to formally take back everything i just
7793s said give thomas a piece of paper let
7795s him write whatever number he wants
7798s thomas is at the wheel thomas is back
7800s all right so uh
7802s first would she watch it from 11. let's
7804s see if it goes towards the other side
7806s one of these zones closed in that one's
7809s looking for a little bit of an angle
7810s there's the cone slide no volvo
7812s trooper also operating on this but it's
7814s becoming a little bit of a high profile
7815s fight
7818s thomas is back is moving up pages of two
7821s pen you should give him two pages two
7823s pins this is my guy right here another
7825s one he's gonna do it he's gonna do it
7826s again
7827s i'm
7835s he's that guy
7837s look this is my guy on the screen oh
7838s yeah yeah
7840s day one this
7841s is guy oshd he got way back yeah i never
7845s doubted him never died him hundred above
7848s nothing 700 light work i love it
7851s easy man easy
7853s oh man
7854s hey for the record i never lost grades
7856s at once
7857s look
7859s show me the tape
7861s so i'm going to take what i lost hope i
7863s never
7865s oh hold us
7866s i feel like maybe they stole the spirit
7869s of thomas stripper so far you know what
7871s i mean if you were to come in right i
7873s think this is a pretty eleven move of
7874s you to keep the faith keep the faith
7875s alive roll in in game and tape like
7877s thomas's name above lolis and watch the
7879s game on highlights it'd be very similar
7882s actually facts yeah that is to hunt if
7885s you had actually just tapered thomas hd
7888s over loses his name i'd believe it was
7890s thomas yeah cause this guy has been
7892s incredible they didn't get booked by
7894s benji last game what happens to thomas
7896s sometimes too that doesn't happen to
7897s everybody right yeah it's benji for sure
7899s it's looking at my hair but
7901s if they can continue on the trajectory
7903s they've been on definitely gonna be a a
7906s tournament to remember right they played
7908s in all of the qualified wow qualifiers
7910s and weren't quite able to get the
7912s business done
7915s but a good start today nonetheless
7917s darkis is not
7918s in the game anymore and so mr satan
7921s having a tough task on his hands staying
7924s in this one
7928s and his hands is also a medkit he's
7930s gonna try to use to get all the way in
7931s we see a few more fights
7933s behind the scenes on screen
7936s jackson skies have been so good at just
7938s being able to survive and win a bunch of
7939s these third-party engagements i'm
7940s wondering exactly
7942s what it is that's keeping them
7943s completely from the end game
7944s boomi as well kind of off spawn
7946s immediately going down
7948s rebooted ready to rock and game number
7950s three unfortunately
7953s the rock is there there's no role for
7954s the end game he's not going to be able
7956s to make it this time janice and vortex
7958s also on the back 17th place overall for
7961s a bunch of these teams who are at that
7962s like 30 point threshold is just about
7964s consistency trying to make that ninth
7966s zone get into that top ten
7968s clinch the clutch so to speak
7971s uh for some of the big what we call them
7973s yesterday height dogs it's more about
7976s control and uh maintaining it here's one
7978s of the high dogs wolf wolf in the bush a
7981s nice pink
7983s man they're resorting to this
7985s i like it i like it still
7987s but it's getting rough out here a day
7988s number two no but that's what it's all
7990s about man yeah yeah no
7992s let's not discriminate about ways about
7993s going for search that's facts that's
7995s fine
8000s a nice attempt from thinking that's in a
8002s bush shouldn't uh throw you off
8005s they've executed it quite well right
8007s getting creative is what i like to see
8009s personally yeah
8011s look at him we mentioned
8013s okay hold up hold up before the
8015s mentioning what is this
8017s there's just no way he's alive he's
8019s alive he's alive
8020s pink sun pink pink pink pink pink pink i
8023s think he's doing it now pink so they
8025s don't get done in after i respect it no
8027s watch there's a medkit up inside this
8029s box
8030s he's going to be fine
8032s i'm manifesting this so so for anyone
8033s who maybe doesn't quite understand what
8035s just happened there yeah those trees
8036s when you knock them down they actually
8038s can destroy structure they can do damage
8039s to players pink knocked them down maybe
8041s in an attempt to try to throw somebody
8043s else off maybe they'd roll into somebody
8044s else's builds they rolled into his
8046s builds he ends up just
8048s you know doing damage to himself and
8051s the purpose for it that purpose is just
8052s so no one else actually topples the
8055s trees when they're moving it's a
8057s six-head play bro right now it's
8058s something somebody is tuning in to the
8060s fortnite broadcast for the first time
8061s they don't know that you're a serial
8063s troll i'm not serial trolling
8067s nobody does that for anybody who wants
8069s to be a professional fortnite player at
8071s home nobody does that that wasn't good
8073s that was bad that wasn't milk from pink
8076s thing yeah that was strawberry
8077s strawberry then well pink you them right
8080s strawberry milk yeah i do like
8081s strawberry milk though so
8083s i'm telling you the play works we rock
8085s it in look at the map for a second too
8087s and exactly how things are are rolling
8089s for the rest of the server benji savage
8092s separated from the entire lobby i feel
8093s like in class right now and in damage
8095s stats as well they've just been rocking
8097s every single
8098s end game on low ground 322 for thomas
8102s uh i'm gonna make the startup on the
8103s spot and it's not accurate every time i
8105s see this man land shots and and ad libit
8108s with a snipe he he gets top three in the
8110s game
8112s completely fake stat but it sounds so
8115s good it sounds accurate as well that's
8117s the funny thing like i would believe
8119s that if you didn't say fake stat
8121s probably yeah um
8123s look
8124s the boys are back this is the one this
8125s guy is smiling you guys can't see this i
8128s love it it's smiling so wide
8131s oh i'm excited right i just want to see
8132s these guys win bro yo lowkey i just i
8134s want to see that smile wiped off your
8136s face but i also want someone with the
8137s trigger to qualify so my heart is
8139s it's broken in two way there's someone
8140s in the twitch chat oh buy us cars
8143s casters aren't supposed to be bias now
8146s you could root for people i can't change
8148s how it goes i don't control
8155s right now
8156s left ball open sometimes the room is hot
8158s you need a little grease you know what i
8160s mean but if outside it's just
8162s absolutely lethal bullets flying around
8164s in terms of the weather you might want
8166s to keep your windows closed uh
8168s no chance if there's lightning inside
8169s your living room too they were not up on
8171s surge that was happening
8173s uh or the potential for that to happen
8175s would start
8176s unfortunate for the boys but
8178s milo can definitely bring it back julian
8181s common ways
8183s also starting to become alive inside the
8185s speed they should be a force to be
8187s reckoned with uh in terms of surviving
8188s as a duo i feel like they have the
8190s ability to do that very well compared to
8193s many of the other teams we see in this
8194s lobby
8195s towards the end as well
8197s truman and thomas getting a little bit
8198s greedy with the way they move
8200s challengers is above them and then
8201s completely going right towards the line
8203s of sight and moving in
8205s indian and heart fine don't actually try
8207s to rattle back and hit up another
8209s challenge as a result tripping just
8210s walks over and should be yeah the
8212s highest point of elevation on the map
8214s right now yes they're further away from
8216s where zone actually locks in but they
8218s should have a pseudo height
8220s rolling into the next circle
8222s yeah this is going to be interesting
8223s right because
8225s i'm sure one of our analysts may be at
8226s some point on the desk will be able to
8227s give us a accurate update on this
8229s because we've obviously not been able to
8230s watch them from spawn but i don't
8231s believe they've actually been getting
8232s the vault because i don't see the launch
8234s pad usually tripping holds the keys
8237s um
8238s he holds the keys to the to the to the
8240s car
8241s or two
8242s the language of the pad the language of
8244s the pad right and yeah i've not seen the
8246s pads from these guys right and so that
8247s would suggest to me that one of the
8249s other teams is maybe taking the vote
8251s from them and getting that but you know
8252s maybe maybe maybe i'm wrong in that one
8253s i'm sure that analysts will get an
8255s update on that
8256s only thing i think of is that they are
8258s leaving earlier so they can be a head-on
8260s search and they're giving up the pads
8262s and possibly even giving up the ball
8263s they're not giving up the pads the pads
8265s are being taken there's a good chance
8267s maybe one of the other teams landing
8268s there is like taking shots at uh gunner
8271s the the mpc that lands there and he
8273s doesn't land age spawns there but ghana
8275s you know because once you when she like
8277s takes shots at him he like starts coming
8278s towards you like i'm the smoke he's on
8280s the beef so every one of those teams are
8282s taking those shots slowness and st
8285s in a bit of trouble here right in the
8286s backside of the zone authentic
8288s and this is tough they're gonna have to
8289s use the floppers to stay in the game
8292s lola's using
8293s a med mist but he's down team that we
8296s were very high on
8298s with some struggles here lola's not
8300s gonna have a say in this game s t though
8302s it's six zone yeah he he will have a say
8304s but for how much longer right you can
8306s see him just scrambling his way in lower
8308s materials low on hp doesn't have
8309s anything to get that side of things up
8312s other than the minis and so
8314s things get really really dicey for him i
8316s don't know if he'll be able to pull off
8317s a lowlist like clutch because as you can
8318s see the zone is pulling up over the hill
8320s and that's going to make things really
8322s tough especially for this team here as
8324s well benji fishy's down the reds will
8326s come through but all of a sudden a team
8328s has been very consistent in a very
8329s awkward spot live live savage also pop
8332s straight from the back all the way on
8333s logan they elevate after the fact benji
8335s actually survives and starts to move in
8338s 50 thought to pop as well inside the box
8340s but unfortunately we're moving way far
8341s away from the back side of the zone
8343s they're getting pulled even further and
8344s are sticking down janice so a chance of
8347s high ground the clouds kind of parting
8348s somebody shining through essentially
8350s them possibly all the way towards the
8351s top and yes they're starting to go axe
8353s force though they're with the clash they
8355s end up crashing straight down the second
8356s height and that's not all the way up top
8358s they've got three limbs as well so far
8360s they've connected they have a little bit
8361s of control and they have a little bit of
8364s a seat on a plane towards finals yeah
8365s you can see they're on there and that's
8367s making sure to look at second high
8368s pressure them as much as possible axe
8370s forcing you street will look to go for
8372s it if he's not careful but in the back
8373s of the zone thomas what he falls to his
8376s demise thomas might have just thrown the
8378s game there for his team chip and still
8380s in the game as a solo though what can he
8382s do in this situation but everything's
8384s falling apart for the danger right now
8386s he was trying to go possibly for height
8387s had no match left all the way towards
8389s that top side maybe just the slip of the
8391s finger who knows meanwhile though diox
8393s there's still plenty more to see like
8395s max damage on the boxy that's huge and
8398s he keeps powering through waffler down
8400s but this man has so much left to give as
8402s a solo to try to get as many points as
8404s possible inside this game you can see
8406s he's trying to rise trying to find a
8407s clearer layer but he needs to be careful
8408s because there are people on this one
8410s they deal with him pink and ernesto
8412s clear as sky on height nobody giving
8415s them issues
8417s giving the rest of the lobby issues down
8418s below though as they're picking up
8420s eliminations or if they close it out
8422s there with the combat axe force is the
8424s one taken out and so now they're going
8426s to continue their pursuit of fighting
8428s he runs underneath the wrong box he gets
8431s taken out and so florida one moment he
8433s has to do over the next moment he's a
8434s solo what can he do now in this position
8437s not many bills to work with but a pump
8440s might be all he needs right now look at
8441s the distance with an awesome pink and
8443s the rest of the server you can see sunny
8445s skies versus tornadoes and hurricanes
8447s occurring all the way on low ground
8449s armored walls basically made into boxes
8451s because of the pressure from the gods up
8453s top bulldogs now trying to parkour his
8455s way all the way up and by as much time
8457s no mats farms a few
8460s pockets empty looking for just shots on
8462s all sides the frizzy now going down as
8465s well up close and personal there's one
8466s man in the box bush is the last one left
8468s but he's gonna beam two the psycho keeps
8469s it alive two seconds one to be able to
8471s play with the zone that's when the nhp
8472s is going to be fine for the moment shady
8474s down lucian then bounces back there's a
8475s chance of the revive as well but nope
8477s madness will be dropped to be able to
8478s use it and just get all the way back up
8479s on white hp for the moment stop being
8481s drew also here keeping the low key have
8483s a lot of materials to use as well and
8484s also be his focus next bulldogs now at
8486s the bottom side of the road past an
8487s armored wall it's too thick the
8489s chainmail cannot be piercing he goes
8491s down now the pressure's really ramping
8493s in last top five candy stay alive as the
8495s question is dual on low whether armored
8497s wall dropped down the placements are
8499s perfect for everyone down on this road
8501s but how long is the trip can they have
8503s enough gas in the tank left to take it
8505s all the way to the vr to take it all the
8507s way to the finals for cushion
8508s soon now
8510s in the business too looking for his own
8512s shot goes past the glass lands leon goes
8514s down and oxford with a big pick lucio
8516s now finally down then there's more
8518s clashes happening three different teams
8519s left levin as they have a little bit of
8521s patience to keep rocking through an
8522s awesome pink on height they keep the
8524s space they keep class composure they
8527s want this to be just a basic game for
8528s them i walk in the park this is the day
8531s at the job for the duel up top they made
8533s it look so easy right now and you can
8534s see the pressure the chaos the confusion
8537s down low they haven't seen the sunlight
8539s in days basement bowlers on the lower
8541s they have no idea what height even looks
8542s like a little bit of a shot on the right
8544s side as much damage as possible from
8546s cookie sue but now it's that final 2v2
8549s and look at the loadout splashes in the
8551s business floppers too this should be a
8553s shoe-in for picking an os anything can
8555s happen though in this final fight
8556s they've been so cool calm and collected
8558s stompy and jew they have a wing
8560s condition of their own but it doesn't
8562s seem like they'll be able to out heal
8563s pink and ass up above we'll see whether
8565s or not they take the gamble though
8567s whether or not they'll actually be
8568s confident in their ability to heal out
8570s here but if not it might be an all-out
8572s fight that goes on for pink and
8574s asteroids about just staying composed
8576s making sure they don't give them
8577s anything don't give them that hope stay
8579s in this game you can see them just stay
8581s in trying to make sure they keep their
8582s hp on sacrificed as possible
8585s and stompy and drew realizing now that
8587s he needs to try and hide don't give them
8589s any extra heals and it's not going to be
8591s possible he needs to take the fight he's
8592s not going to be able to out heal pink
8594s doing everything he can now to make that
8595s timing so difficult he tries to hide
8597s away i don't think they'll be able to
8599s find his knocked body and so he's just
8600s going to have to be relying on the med
8602s mist he has now but there's no hope for
8604s him there's no chance he can out heal
8605s the arm chest that anas has available to
8608s him you can see so many more heels to
8610s work with he has so much more time in
8612s this game and an ass who has been one of
8615s the more consistent players an absolute
8617s tank someone who rarely ever makes
8618s mistakes finally securing a spot in the
8621s fncs finals pink and an ass they've been
8624s brilliant throughout this season they've
8626s shown us in many different competitions
8628s why they are so great and finally
8630s executing this in the semi-finals and
8632s they're executing it in their style on
8634s their terms it's not a hoshposh type of
8636s low ground win it's not desperate
8638s there's no chance whatsoever it's just
8640s it's just too good and you know rhys
8642s called it at the start of the day he's
8644s been right so far so many times
8646s ah you know it hurts me to save a props
8647s to him so far
8649s they make it look like they always do
8651s man super easy look pink and enos making
8653s it through is absolutely huge a duo that
8656s had very very very high expectations of
8659s themselves and finally delivering like
8661s you said rhys hub was bang on the money
8663s this time round and so we're just going
8665s to kick it to him and the rest of the
8666s desk to gloat about how brilliant the
8669s one and only resub truly is
8672s um
8672s hold on i was going to sing a song about
8674s champions but i'm going to sing i'm a
8676s bit afraid firstly of maya singing and
8677s saying we might we might get dmcad so
8679s yeah yeah production this just then
8680s we're going to need a bigger stage
8682s apparently we can't handle this uh
8683s reese's brain is too large i'm gonna
8685s make room i'm gonna make room for his
8686s big brain uh reese i'll just stand over
8688s here wow pink and enos finally going on
8691s through you love to see it you'd love to
8693s see it straight up this shouldn't have
8694s been an easy prediction i'm gonna lie
8695s because this should happened yesterday
8697s uh we we talked to the top of the show
8698s about the mistakes that they were making
8700s you know the fact that they've come so
8701s far as players and that together right
8704s that they need to be making their own
8705s decisions and instead say they were
8707s listening to their coach who was making
8708s great calls but these players are now so
8710s so good that they've elevated a little
8712s bit past that plan and it's just great
8714s to see them go through today yeah it
8716s really is i mean yes reece you are
8717s correct well done you got it right but
8719s it is all about penguins they absolutely
8721s popped off in this game and of course it
8723s was another west zone so they've had
8724s enough practice yeah exactly that west
8726s side of the zone and i think what really
8727s set up this end game for success for
8729s these guys was they actually was sitting
8730s in a bush i believe it was about third
8732s place
8733s they were sat in a bush and they just
8734s waited for a player to come on by i'm
8736s not quite sure who it was they picked up
8737s but they picked up a huge unlucky player
8739s a very unlucky player very unhappy he's
8741s crying right now but uh no they they
8743s picked up the refresh and they use the
8744s bush to their advantage and i think
8745s that's what really set them up for
8746s success i mean literally you have to be
8748s careful if you are a player of high
8750s caliber or of low caliber mid caliber
8753s wherever you fall on the spectrum of
8754s skills you have to be careful of every
8756s single boost you walk through let's be
8757s real people could be hiding in it every
8759s single time you'll see top players just
8761s build a ramp build some walls if they're
8762s rotating anytime near them because
8764s players will be sitting in there and
8765s things like that will happen i'm just
8767s surprised that it was someone was able
8769s to be taking advantage of it that way
8770s right like come on you have these are
8772s small technical things you can't be
8774s making mistakes like that it's not in
8775s semi-finals but once again
8776s congratulations to pink and anas they
8779s find themselves victory out which means
8780s the next time we're seeing them we'll be
8782s in finals but the day's not done right
8784s we still have a bunch of games to play
8785s have to look at our top six try to see
8787s how things are going any kind of thing
8789s standing out to you guys coming out of
8790s this game
8791s engine sandwich yeah i think
8796s i mean benji and savage they're doing it
8798s and they're doing it on location
8799s honestly they're staying very good
8801s something that i really want to pick out
8802s about that game was of course the revive
8804s benji went down on i believe it was
8806s first moving zone and mr savage was able
8808s to pick him up and they both had the
8810s child splashes to use as well really
8811s really great play from them and of
8813s course a deserved top spot by a lot as
8816s well if you haven't seen this big margin
8817s big margin they've been playing well and
8818s you know what we haven't seen them play
8819s well like this this season yet so i'm
8821s very happy benji fan it's mr sarah man
8823s i'm sure everyone is at this point let's
8825s be real second place still lowest nst
8827s we've talked a lot about west zone so
8828s far and i'm gonna keep talking about
8830s west zones because it's important these
8831s guys land south of camp cuddle which is
8833s a west poi right now and look at the
8835s position they are in the bottom you can
8837s actually see they've not moved this is
8839s where they draw they just have not moved
8841s this whole time and you can see the
8842s storm surge right now is 223 above
8845s because they're on that side all the
8846s players are rotating through them these
8847s guys at one point were 600 above storm
8851s surge wow just by sitting there i think
8853s that was with no elimination no
8854s eliminations yes
8855s as well so they were just fragging out
8856s from this position now you can see the
8857s position they've moved to now it's just
8859s almost fully centered zone as well so
8861s these guys are putting themselves in the
8862s positions to do really well and get deep
8864s into the game uh well maybe not talk
8866s about how this game ended because it
8867s wasn't so great for them but they were
8869s set up to do well they had everything in
8870s place this is the do i really want to
8872s see competing in finals right because i
8873s feel like they've absolutely dude i hope
8875s so i mean they're absolutely crushing
8876s the competition but it is that time once
8879s again fortnite fan we're getting ready
8880s to jump on the battle boss we have more
8881s games for you guys i mean i hope you
8883s guys are enjoying all the action
8885s remember if you like this there's also n
8887s a east there's also n a west we're also
8889s back tomorrow for more so just hang in
8891s there keep watching some incredible
8892s fortnite hey shout out to 112k set us up
8895s for the next game
8896s i got you zeke you're talking about if
8898s you like this if you like zeke he's
8899s going to be here after this game as well
8900s lover that that that's what i'm really
8902s focused on that's what you're waiting
8903s for the game to end so you can watch it
8906s again look i'm waiting to see who will
8908s be the next team to secure their spot in
8911s the fnts finals right that's where we
8914s all want to be at the end of the day we
8915s had three great qualifiers we've had one
8918s great day so far day two is already
8920s living up to the hype as well but we
8922s still have a couple more teams left
8923s today that will have that opportunity
8925s yeah some of them kind of so close like
8927s jerky like i dropped like thomas and
8929s tripperin to be at that top spot have
8931s everything in the barrel ready to go
8933s unfortunately the gun misfires things
8935s happen a few more games to the left they
8937s have a chance
8938s and another day after that as well i was
8940s gonna say some of the names she named
8941s they haven't really been as close as
8942s maybe we would have hoped right you know
8945s a bit of a
8947s a mixed bag yeah some of the teams we've
8949s seen really perform today and i think
8951s the big thing for them moving forward is
8953s that you don't lose that composure right
8955s you still do have games you still do
8956s have time at the end of the day when you
8958s are just playing for a victory royale
8960s anything is possible you can't afford to
8962s let your mental slip hey the top six is
8964s also available as well lots of team just
8966s working for that consistency right now
8967s though number four let's see what they
8969s got left in the tank
8979s we have another game on the way it's
8981s been a brilliant day so far
8985s i think the big question coming into
8986s this
8987s is what on earth is going on off spawn
8990s victor and tropex deciding this time to
8993s wisely dodge out of the greasy fight
8997s but i believe
8998s we saw some players going down
9000s at greasy right off the bat as well
9003s so things really kicking off early here
9006s in game four
9008s the fight never ends and as a few people
9011s drop down into the lobby
9012s some people just dropping into the poi
9014s if i drop
9017s and uh i have no more drops to go with
9019s that it's fine it's cool look i got you
9022s on this one juraki and i dropped
9024s last game couldn't do it at log jam
9026s lumber yard the big thing is though the
9029s frizzy and lucia did incredibly well in
9032s that last game right they were the
9034s representatives from log jam right they
9036s were able to secure themselves and so
9038s even though we're big enough and hype
9040s and i dropped in jericho look at the
9042s standings look at the bottom left the
9043s freezer they're sitting in seventh place
9045s right now they've been the better team
9047s out of log jump today when it comes to
9048s the overall standings and they might win
9050s out this fight once again eye drop goes
9052s down again this is what the third game
9054s in a row where he's been the one to go
9056s down first juroki left as a solo now
9059s trying once again to keep his team in
9062s the game gonna use the geysers to get
9064s right out of here typically they'd be
9065s using this geyser to get up on this
9067s shifty hill to get surge tags that's not
9069s even an option that's not even a fault
9070s in his mind right now all he can do is
9073s think about a plan and a way to keep his
9075s team in the game but a disappointing
9077s start once again but from the frizzy and
9079s lucia a brilliant brilliant start
9081s absolutely and you have to assume that
9084s those thoughts his heads
9086s for both those players i drop jerky is
9088s going to be cloudy how do you get back
9090s into the game how do you get back on
9091s pace towards going ahead and surge
9094s trying to get a vr are we even close to
9096s maybe going towards that top sticks do
9098s we have a chance this game well i mean
9099s good news for i think everyone on the
9101s map at least the scenery and the setting
9102s will be different we're playing around
9104s rocky reels now and the sanctuary we
9107s look at this fight happening again
9109s finally jj
9112s his teammate typer here
9114s it's up against bevy's
9117s yeah that's a serious awareness check
9119s right there yeah
9120s i mean weren't here last game right so
9122s maybe that was the whole uh
9124s this is over safety is that his teammate
9126s yeah it is types in the business
9128s i love the outfit by the way
9130s is that is that what it's coming to you
9132s now
9134s the outfit no no it's a nice outfit man
9136s look at that
9138s head in the emo two
9139s dance on them
9141s both big in the business but my man is a
9143s 1v2 oh it might be a 1v1 if
9146s the two loses his footing i call him out
9148s i call him outsie and that gave him the
9150s that gave him the courage the passion to
9151s hit the shots that's that's the
9152s relationship right there
9156s for the people at home childhood is
9158s replicating the emo in person i wish
9160s they'd just record you doing this stuff
9161s and
9162s instead of the analyst doing a package
9164s they just show highlights of you during
9165s the game
9167s crazy stuff crazy stuff well another
9169s fight at the sanctuary this time around
9171s they win last game also joneses first
9173s game sanctuary second game century this
9175s game the last game
9176s a lot of stuff on this other map that's
9178s what i'm trying to say right now words
9179s aren't my specialty surprisingly enough
9181s pastor by the way yeah well look
9184s i've actually scanned my way into this
9186s position oh yeah
9188s yeah yeah
9189s i deceived the world and
9192s told people i was a caster i'm actually
9193s just a guy yeah this man was tall right
9196s you said we're like yeah
9197s we need one tool
9204s they don't do that at that atmosphere
9206s hemisphere uh latitude i don't know
9208s altitude that's your words specialty
9210s words are
9211s well i will yeah now sometimes chocolate
9214s speedway yeah let's talk about trunk of
9216s speedo i'm down
9219s let's see match on this video let's talk
9220s about lectures
9222s so specifically let's see swollen
9223s chocolate speedway if they would have
9225s spawned they can win the game
9229s if that doesn't happen
9230s it's trouble now yeah okay forehead you
9233s know what are you getting at there is no
9235s room for consistency for this team for
9237s them it's vr or bus
9239s and the first hurdle they have to fight
9241s just there's a lack of control on it
9243s overall it's not like they get to get
9246s shielded up get a few weapons attack the
9248s map a little bit get one rotation in and
9251s then fight a team on their terms it's
9252s almost immediate and if your glide is
9254s wrong if your chair is angled the wrong
9256s way if your arm is itchy all of that can
9258s affect how that fight goes there's so
9260s many factors outside the game i don't
9262s even want to bring up the ones that can
9263s happen inside of the game right off of
9265s spawn that's tough to have in in the in
9268s the mix as your wind condition it's just
9270s it's unfortunate for the team that's the
9272s nature of the 50 50 fights
9275s and that's the nature of being that
9276s powerful and aggressive on the map like
9279s lecture swollen we talked about it a
9281s little bit minnie brought it up when
9282s they do win this off spawn fight we've
9284s seen in the previous semifinals they
9286s they are very likely to get that ticket
9288s or have a chance to release
9290s comparatively to other teams straight to
9291s the finals off of the way meanwhile lies
9293s and emersa might be a little bit more of
9295s consistency we're looking at for this
9297s duel specifically or one of those pocket
9299s wins on day three they have 13 points
9302s for the moment their overall formula for
9304s attacking game hasn't been fully defined
9306s just yet they still are a little bit of
9308s a mystery on day number two but they
9310s have three more games this one included
9313s to try to figure that out
9315s yeah i'd say uh when it comes to how
9316s things are played out for them it's not
9318s been the greatest of days maybe that's a
9320s bit of an understatement right sitting
9322s you know well behind in the standings
9323s you can see it they're actually able to
9325s take the freezie out
9327s over towards long jump number y'all wow
9329s so
9330s i'm doing eye dropping jury keep some
9331s favors there right getting uh the
9333s revenge it seems
9336s and maybe that will be
9338s the sort of boost they need to propel
9339s themselves the big problem with these
9341s guys right is that they've had a lot of
9343s search issues in the previous games
9345s and it's almost like a it's a it's a set
9348s lobby format so you don't get this right
9349s but you know like when you're playing
9351s like a cash cop or something and like
9352s you spend the whole game you spend 18
9354s minutes in the game but you basically
9355s get like no points for it right yeah
9357s yeah it's like that kind of vibe right
9358s like they're not like just going down
9360s straight or spawn or nothing they're
9361s staying very deep in these games but
9362s they're just not accumulating many
9364s points getting many eliminations
9367s and that's what's pushed them further to
9369s understandings but and i start picking
9371s out the freezy there of course
9373s dealing with that team appropriately
9376s and again i think the biggest thing
9378s about this game that there is to be
9380s excited about is that it's a new flavor
9382s in terms of the zones right yeah of
9384s course we've seen a bit of repetition
9387s on that side that's my fault
9390s but i fixed it
9393s we're at condo canyon we're looking at
9395s new real estate looking at that's in the
9397s hookah specifically third place overall
9399s today 11. talk to me a little bit about
9402s their performance how's their history
9404s looked on the day what what are we
9405s looking at for this duo specifically for
9408s what i've seen an end game it has been a
9410s little bit of that mid-ground low ground
9411s action for them but i think it's kind of
9413s alongside benji and savage they're
9414s looking for that consistency that's top
9416s six well yeah it's great that we
9418s mentioned both those jews who contestant
9420s we mentioned the zones being a factor
9422s it's not beneficial for them they land
9424s literally the actual furthest southeast
9427s on the map oh wow
9429s so this has been quite quite difficult
9431s zones but they've dealt with them well
9432s benji and savage though
9434s this i'm gonna just take a moment let's
9436s just have a moment to appreciate this
9439s because if i if you told me
9441s right a week ago
9443s it's going to be the fncs semifinals
9445s benji and savage are going to be leading
9447s in the semi-finals on consistency
9450s i would have called you a madman i would
9452s have looked at you in the eyes i would
9453s have called you a madman and i would
9454s have told you to go
9456s you know
9457s do something else fortnite's not for you
9458s it's what i would have said to you yeah
9459s yeah right but they're here and they are
9461s the number one most consistent team
9463s across the first three games
9467s now things can change and they have
9470s in that aspect from the first three
9472s but once again the people you're
9473s bringing up it is benji and savage we're
9475s talking about i feel like they only get
9478s stronger
9479s choke for them is is is something they
9481s put on in front of the pump
9482s it's
9483s it's if if that is how
9485s weapons work if there were attack i
9487s don't know yeah i see that guy
9489s they don't have that word in the
9490s vocabulary yeah
9492s but they've just been showing up today
9494s right we saw last game the shots are
9496s savage of hitting on rotation mid slide
9499s first assault rifle in his hand
9502s 46 46 headshot headshot
9504s when he's doing that what's there going
9506s to be consistent you know i mean that's
9507s the kind of stuff he's doing in endgame
9510s right benji single-handedly taking
9512s people down right these are the kind of
9514s things you want to see from these guys i
9515s don't want to see this but when it comes
9516s to janice and vortex this is not good
9519s whatsoever i saw janice sweden
9521s before this game however choked so badly
9524s coming into the next one
9526s seems to be along similar lines in that
9527s regard vortex now playing as a solo it's
9531s not looking great they are sitting just
9532s outside of that consistency threshold
9534s they're saying at night they want to be
9535s in the top six
9536s and so
9537s this kind of game going down at this
9539s point
9540s would not be ideal whatsoever vortex has
9543s a very very difficult ride
9547s in terms of trying to find and salvage
9549s anything out of this game
9552s we'll try his best for now
9555s a lot of people around him are just
9557s looking to slightly play passive and not
9559s make too many mistakes just yet 25th and
9562s 34th respectively
9564s are the teams surrounding his box and
9566s they still have a chance to just have a
9568s few good games and be all cool vortex is
9571s just disrespectful has a way to get way
9574s far away from the teams the chooses to
9576s just hit the roof above him and alter
9578s the flight line just to cause a little
9580s bit of damage
9581s so much available in terms of
9583s heals inside his inventory but doesn't
9585s elect to delay too long schmecky takes
9587s them out gavix and schmecky over on this
9590s side of the map now a bit of a change
9592s from what we've seen pink and nature's
9594s qualified through top side command they
9595s decided we're hopping right in there
9597s they're landing top side come on now and
9599s not only are they landing there shia not
9601s only are they there they are actually
9602s being coached by pink
9604s really yes a man of many talents yes
9607s please yeah the semi-final instantly
9610s looking for profits i like it i love it
9612s yep i love it i hope that percentage is
9614s above 20 in terms of if you're finally
9616s cut i'm taking 50 if it was me i'm
9618s taking 75
9621s look big big extra now that we've
9623s dropped that news
9624s everyone's going to be watching them
9625s right you have pink in your corner
9628s giving you all the straps all the tips
9630s right you're landing at the poi what can
9632s you do out of it nice to pick up vortex
9634s there that will do wonders for surge as
9636s well
9637s but yeah this is great i actually met
9638s those two as well at the media day
9640s wonderful guys
9642s look in-game the same or
9645s no
9646s okay nice that's only excited yeah he's
9648s a cool guy yeah you know that when
9650s someone's just cool yeah like cool as in
9652s like folded arms and like sunglasses
9654s cool or just like level headed you know
9656s like amongst the d face to anything yeah
9657s yeah yeah yeah yeah these are cool
9660s yeah he's just cool yeah you know
9663s it's like he's just a cool guy so let's
9665s see let's see
9667s hot headed okay
9670s yeah
9671s he's not cool right now hot-headed he
9673s doesn't have swillium with him
9675s and so he's trying to take out that
9677s anger on youtube and that wow
9681s what chapter are we in right this is
9682s like
9683s chapter two
9684s season one stuff we're seeing here from
9686s financial type of gameplay happening at
9689s the moment that
9690s the bar is so it's so high in terms of
9693s where this can go he's really showing us
9695s his legacy right yeah really showing us
9697s how much of a of just the story he's
9699s left behind
9700s and how much he can just multiply by the
9702s same number over and over again if you
9704s try to divide by zero though you just
9706s get nerfed down there's uh there's is
9709s there anyone left that we missed look
9711s it's it's unknown it's unknown yeah it's
9714s unknown it's definitely unknown
9716s definitely unknown whether we miss
9717s anyone or not look vettel and lotics
9721s based up over here towards the east of
9724s the joneses
9726s they need to start hitting some shots
9728s the general positioning
9729s isn't amazing in terms of
9731s the influx of players sort of getting
9734s into this general area but
9736s there do seem to be opportunities you
9738s can see lotus has eyes on it but those
9740s players
9740s seemingly have moved right
9742s so
9743s oh he's actually been chopped okay so
9746s this cup this is a bit more complicated
9748s than what we made out to see him they're
9750s in the midst of battle right now they
9751s are at it
9754s at the joneses and so uh 2hp very
9756s fortunate to be alive right now
9758s as he was chopped down
9760s very very like he's actually super lucky
9762s he should be knocked actually right now
9764s no 11 if you crouch at the right angle
9766s and you know exactly how high you are on
9767s the ramp by a certain degree i mean you
9770s know i met lotics on media day in my
9773s dreams
9774s and he was telling me exactly about this
9775s specific circumstance yeah yeah and
9777s exactly how you would handle uh lethal
9779s fall damage so you know you you had to
9781s be there yeah you had to be there right
9783s yeah yeah yeah so now you know i feel
9784s every time you
9786s bring this up man
9790s we have another one in the server
9793s he's not even controlling though but
9794s he's looking like i'm saying i was
9795s mentioning demons you know savage yeah
9798s yeah yeah yeah he's not though that's
9800s crazy
9801s works the swede
9803s hitting some big shots there when it
9805s matters the most
9806s that damage will be quintessential to
9809s their ability to do well in this game
9812s lots of different people on the feed
9814s falling a lot of our long stayers
9816s one of them it looks like it's benji
9818s fishy savage at the back this time it's
9820s clutch
9821s mode activated no denied
9823s then in neko i mentioned this in game
9825s one that we're looking for a sense of
9826s leadership control trying to find it
9829s finally do but it's the cost of the
9831s first place team tropex victor switching
9834s up the spot switching up the style as
9835s well first time they have a voice inside
9837s the mid game they roll in cosmo had a
9840s very nice early game this time
9841s unfortunately he's not going to make it
9843s all the way towards midden i think eye
9844s drop and jerky fall at the same time as
9846s savage and benji do while that replay
9848s was going on across the map they don't
9850s win their fight either so they on fire
9853s will still be left over on this side of
9856s by frost this is this is
9858s this is too much for these teams and
9860s they cannot handle the beam victor look
9862s tropics had no trophies were just
9864s rotating in all the years
9868s turns around he's like oh
9872s man okay well he gets him up which is
9874s nice but uh definitely a setback
9876s minor setback so major comebacks is the
9879s the motto okay
9881s i actually like that for the day um say
9883s that again real quick so i can remember
9884s it minus setbacks
9887s major comebacks yeah nice
9889s we will hear that again this game
9893s i'm running out of words in these end
9894s games
9895s i'm taking something
9897s to fair share fortnite it's true
9900s sometimes i gotta say the same things
9901s twice three times
9903s you're sure
9904s there's some people who are diehard
9906s fortnite fans
9907s they don't like us yeah no but there's
9909s like twitter accounts that again i've
9910s heard of people you had a big shout out
9912s to them they're taking off work to watch
9914s the semi-finals it's glorious
9917s karen on twitter specifically
9919s yeah
9920s so cool these guys yeah shout out to all
9922s these guys the commitment we appreciate
9924s you we do appreciate you keep up the
9926s love and the support but supporting the
9928s players as well right we got uh
9931s a lot of players sort of cheating along
9933s the zone line here towards the joneses
9934s this is what you sort of get whenever
9935s you get these zones like quite extreme
9937s pull very far across the map yeah
9941s the fortunate thing right is that zone
9942s has pulled back for a lot of these teams
9944s so the journey to the next one isn't too
9946s far right you just got to sort of move
9947s in a couple meters the problem is you're
9950s so tightly packed next to so many of
9951s these other teams if you haven't dealt
9953s with your surge you're going to be in a
9954s position like milad and shady here where
9956s you are just desperately trying to find
9957s a way in
9958s and if somebody has armored walls
9960s they're just going to delay you the
9961s frustration starts to kick in you know
9963s you're sort of just gnawing against his
9965s wall
9966s maybe you lose concentration you get
9967s yourself caught out just like shady has
9969s here and so now milad as a solo
9972s has to rest
9974s the team's fate on his shoulders money
9976s maker want to take shady out
9980s and bloomy i'm sure will be praising his
9982s young apprentice
9984s for the good work
9988s listen i'm going to give you a
9989s hypothetical right now levin
9992s hit me
9993s laser beam
9994s pointed at the fortnite island okay all
9996s right
9997s and the zone is on the sanctuary okay
9999s what do are you picking in the sanctuary
10002s to win the game
10006s i want mongrel okay
10009s i want jj too okay in the business think
10013s about it
10013s the whole time today this man this part
10016s of the map never gets zoned it's one of
10018s the most least one he's bouncing back
10020s jones's sanctuary jones sanctuary
10022s finally we get a sanctuary zone it goes
10024s towards the joneses
10026s oh he's alive somewhere he's home i i
10028s hope jg2 somewhere in this game
10031s he probably went down on spawn i because
10033s i have not seen him yet yeah i've never
10034s seen him
10035s me that davinci went down money maker
10037s took him out as well the money maker
10038s doing some great work now the young
10040s prodigy shining through
10042s no listen sp
10044s a chance of redemption we saw them
10045s struggling
10046s and hustling and busting oh my goodness
10049s jj
10053s oh no oh my god jj2 the dream is no
10057s longer alive he doesn't get to play a
10059s game out here at the joneses oh man
10061s lolis and st really
10063s just
10065s they all just they don't care they're
10066s happiness takers man imagine how how
10069s excited you are
10070s it's like your favorite artist coming to
10072s tour your town but you live like you
10074s live like in alaska like in a remote
10076s location like you're in the arctic
10077s circle yeah and like you know
10079s oh my goodness wow dream shatterers in
10082s the lobby thomas and tripping have been
10084s shattering my dreams that's bad i'm the
10087s other side of the bench no way
10090s thomas look what's it in for here thomas
10092s is average what's your favorite around
10093s now hold on hold on hold on he gets a
10095s sniper limb and 18th in all others i
10098s hope he's got a sniper in the mirror i
10099s don't see a sniper in the inventory
10101s headshots don't hit the same this season
10103s oh man listen they got zoned where is
10106s your faith meter at right now
10108s if they win my faithful
10111s and if they lose
10112s who are they true oh my goodness the
10114s meter the meter is dangerous i'm
10116s shameless today
10118s you are
10119s you're on one right now yeah now first
10121s also
10122s i noticed in mid game very good spire
10125s like spot looking fine for now third
10127s place zest and hookah with benji down i
10130s mean they have a chance to really just
10131s take it all the way over this is the
10132s opportunity to push back higher up in
10133s the sun as we talked about how this is a
10135s zone that favors them in terms of the
10137s side of the map they land that condo
10138s canyon it's been a day where they've had
10140s to traverse you know miles and miles
10142s right probably amassing some of the
10144s highest amounts of distance we've seen
10145s from any team
10147s weighs
10148s each distance to go to getting back to
10149s the lobby he actually sent straight back
10152s there by the rest of the lobby taken out
10153s while gliding as julian comes nowhere to
10156s be found
10157s but things are really setting up to be
10158s interesting now we'll see where the
10160s first moving zone is going to pull
10161s towards
10162s diox and waffle waffle just jumping
10164s around waiting for that to kick in and
10165s once he sees that it's north he starts
10167s to look to how he can plan his way into
10169s the zone
10170s right now for all these teams inside the
10172s top five it's about beating benji
10174s surpassing savage so far they've had a
10177s bunch of minor setbacks that haven't
10179s pushed them over the hundred point range
10181s but now it's time for the major comeback
10183s with the first place team not in the
10185s game
10186s and blooming a money maker a team who
10188s out of command cavern that general area
10191s just haven't been quite as successful as
10192s they would have wanted to be and this is
10194s a chance for them to have a major
10196s comeback in their pursuit of that finals
10199s can they hold on to height that's what
10201s they want to do
10202s but holding it from first moving we know
10204s the trials and tribulations team face
10206s when doing that some nice shots to deter
10208s people from landing on their high ground
10210s but will it be enough there are still
10212s teams who will look towards it in the
10214s meantime though towards the front of the
10215s zone luke and justin looking to try to
10217s claim territory there diox
10220s not really claiming anything right now
10221s just trying to hang on into this game as
10223s they make their way to the zone die up
10225s such low materials now trying to go for
10227s a sneaky play the mantle no way
10229s mechanics coming through diox doesn't
10232s miss and so that is huge he tries to do
10235s it again loki the one taken out the
10237s madness is nice the refresh coming in
10239s will be essential to him staying in the
10241s game but really nice plays there from
10244s diox a struggling player in the back of
10246s the zone
10247s thriving in that environment in the
10248s meantime
10250s he'll move
10251s x is in the business too with kovacs
10253s trying to find that revive man it might
10255s not be possible for the moment indian
10257s heart fight all the way on second height
10258s they're also moving in hookah now
10260s finally down in this home zone that
10262s zesten has
10263s it's been a type of invasion by the rest
10265s of the lobby too much for them to handle
10266s the security it's just not there on
10267s their bills he's going to be forced all
10269s the way to low as many maps to work with
10271s meanwhile though as he's active if you
10272s look at the feed on height it's getting
10274s crazy so many different trades towards
10276s the skies zesting gets to just live and
10279s ride by first rocks it's also so good
10282s it's low-key for everyone in mid and low
10284s height changed so many hands down his
10286s melody and kefi in the business another
10287s pad all the way up top kept he has to
10290s get ready for the land down but no no
10292s contest at all that scene goes for
10294s second height it's straight into thomas
10296s the drifters boxes blooming gets
10297s absolutely shattered in half taken down
10300s big refresh for the boys they have a
10301s chance to maybe take this up all the way
10303s from second height yeah you can see
10304s wendy there as a solo trying to do what
10306s he can to stay in the game but this is
10308s who we want to see right now thomas and
10309s trippin they aren't going for height in
10311s this game and maybe that's the right
10312s choice staying on these mid layers
10314s thomas trying to path out a place to go
10316s these are rejoined himself with tripping
10318s and they do that but melody and keppy
10320s have a real big opportunity here on
10321s their hands zester there's chaos all
10323s around him he's trying to hide in the
10325s current to get some heels off the med
10326s mist will be nice but it's not going to
10328s be enough he goes down diox is still in
10330s this game using the zip line to create
10332s even more chaos as he tries to break
10334s through builds he tries to find an
10336s opportunity he only has the five fields
10337s but if he can hit a shot no he can't he
10340s goes down as well wendy still kicking in
10342s this game as well no goals for wendy
10344s right now lower mid ground is a four-way
10346s intersection and every single light is
10348s green vehicles in terms of just bullets
10350s flying by at breaknecks bees have to be
10352s very careful when he tries to cross the
10353s street meanwhile's rocks he's still got
10355s tires in the business he has ways to
10357s walk in with the mats can't be a melody
10359s split down pressure towards the bottom
10360s it will be rocks right below them or
10362s just right in their line of sight now
10364s will be getting hit as the opens up the
10365s block lowest is there as well just to
10366s land that shot and claim another body
10368s and even more mats and then get damaged
10371s and taken out so close thomas hd with
10374s the refresh as well it's on the back
10375s half of the zone men missed up in play
10377s that's 300 hp total he gets to run in
10380s with but he can't mantle he can't really
10382s do much but stay at this speed has to
10384s just keep low key until he gets into one
10386s more circumstance to get that refresh
10388s yeah he was able to take my callout and
10389s he's just sort of keeping himself in the
10390s game he needs to be careful the height
10392s team can't afford to see him free hp
10394s just getting in by the skin of his teeth
10396s he needs to hold on at this moment drops
10399s now as a solo he's trying to stay in the
10401s game it's all mentally not trying to
10402s find an angle he finds astra from zito
10404s but astro does well to get out of dodge
10406s hold on some bills and souls rocks will
10408s go down kefi the height team able to
10410s take him out astro he doesn't have
10412s michael with him he has three
10413s eliminations to his name though and so
10415s the dream is still alive the med miss
10416s will get him up in hp and you can see
10419s money making the back of the zone now
10420s trying to go for a cheeky solo play if
10422s he can melody and kefi though they're
10423s doing so brilliantly here five
10425s eliminations you can see their eager
10427s eager beavers trying to find
10428s eliminations they want to clear out the
10430s rest of the lobby they understand what
10432s this moment is astro though in this
10434s moment with just six hp trying to fight
10436s his way on up it's gonna be so difficult
10438s the med miss coming through what is
10440s going on in the background why your
10441s flares goes down astro coming in
10444s oh my goodness melody and kefi they're
10447s trying to figure out what's going on but
10448s none of that matters you need to just
10449s focus on the wind now boys and you can
10451s see they're waiting in zone they know
10452s players are healing up they're trying to
10454s just stay in this one and it looks like
10455s they can do it money maker wait a minute
10457s a lot of men missed but maybe not enough
10459s to really pose a threat to them he's
10461s going to keep the game ticking the clock
10463s going and he's running his own he knows
10465s it's too hard to hang on he wants to try
10467s and maybe use the striker pump to some
10469s damage he gets in and in a very sneaky
10471s position shia one that they won't be
10473s having vision on and so it's all about
10475s whether or not they realize he's there
10477s the footsteps will go off they know they
10479s realize they have to hit the shots
10481s though one build left for keppy isn't
10483s going to be great the med miss allows
10485s him to just keep going in this game
10487s down to such a speedo now if he actually
10490s drops down and isn't careful money maker
10492s will make good use of him and so he has
10494s to hit this shot you can see just
10496s patiently stalking him up from above
10498s waiting for the edit waiting for the
10500s moment to come
10502s he realizes now the time is finally
10504s ticking moneymaker can he do it he has
10506s no way
10507s that is huge that gives him extra time
10509s the met mrs ronald melody has it though
10512s melody has the med miss that will keep
10514s him in the game can moneymaker find him
10516s sliding his way through one second left
10518s no it's not enough for money maker
10520s melody will close it out cathy and
10523s melody made us go to the final moment
10526s they had us on the tip of our chairs but
10529s eventually they will be the ones to win
10531s the game hey they're making you work for
10532s your job they're like
10534s all the way at the end a perfect
10536s orchestra though from melody and kefi
10538s all the way up top they take a little
10540s bit of a rest get some silence involved
10542s in that banger track all the way towards
10544s the finals they take the vr and they
10546s just take a beautiful game slightly with
10548s suspense take a breath though man take a
10550s breath that was fun to see from kathy
10552s and melody lots of big names also making
10554s it so deep inside that 111 i mean i will
10557s i will give you the rest you deserve i
10559s think zeke mini and reese can take over
10561s for this one specifically what else will
10563s we miss before the games and the day
10564s wraps up
10566s guys you are crushing these casts my
10568s goodness the hype is unreal reese
10571s there's a lot of things going on behind
10572s the scenes that we saw we're just losing
10574s our minds in the back there we're
10575s talking technical play from a west team
10577s rotating on the east side of the zone
10579s little little things like the the metal
10581s walls going down at very key moments
10584s talk me through it straight up firstly
10585s kfm loading great play of course go from
10588s them victory royale from them going up
10589s on the high ground right that was kind
10590s of like a
10592s clinical at this very clinic we saw them
10594s go up kind of a little bit later it was
10595s obviously blooming money makers who was
10597s up there at that moment but one of the
10598s things we would have noticed is at this
10600s point three builds right this was pretty
10602s much their entire height run i actually
10604s i'm not even gonna lie i'm not sure how
10605s they managed to sustain this we saw them
10607s continually land on some materials that
10609s were just like sitting on the floor and
10611s all the low ground teams at this point
10612s outside of moneymaker also had no bills
10614s yeah what it seemed like for this team
10615s they were picking up eliminations but
10616s they weren't able to pick up the
10618s refreshes as well and that was just uh
10620s causing them to run out of materials up
10621s on the high ground on the other side of
10623s things moneymaker did have the materials
10625s and we were talking a little bit reese
10626s we were saying this is clutchable and it
10628s very very nearly was i think it was just
10630s for maybe one little edit down on one of
10632s the players up above it could have done
10633s it for him it was close nevertheless
10635s though man that could have been it could
10636s have been good could have been could
10637s have been so good one of the things
10638s you're talking about the technical plays
10639s that i love right you know we've been
10641s watching sd and lolis a lot they're
10642s going up there in the consistency of the
10644s awards this wasn't their best game by
10645s far
10646s but that's for a good reason right we've
10648s been talking about west zones we finally
10649s have an east zone we do we have a south
10650s east zone at this point and for esti and
10652s lowlast right they were like on this far
10654s kind of south eastern side and this was
10656s kind of the the play that caught it up
10657s to them you can see them on that full
10659s east side they were actually i think it
10660s was something like 150 below surge at
10663s that moment and this is the fight that
10664s actually won it for them they were
10666s basically wrapped that entire way around
10667s the zone got to this point had to make
10669s that aggressive play and you know what
10670s if you get these guys stacked in end
10672s game as we've seen like they're going to
10673s frag out yeah they really will of course
10675s they were below on surge and they went
10676s to the left congested side of zone and
10677s we saw wasn't it that jerky and i
10679s dropped trying to do the same thing
10680s earlier on the exact same play going
10682s onto that less congested sided own but
10684s lolas and sd were sort of clinical
10686s enough we'll use the word again viewer
10687s to pick up the elimination and pick up
10689s the storm surge where it mattered most
10690s we saw free edits coming through we saw
10692s hitting shots we saw clinicalness again
10694s from wait we like the word here
10696s it's good it's a very good word but no
10698s these guys have absolutely put on a show
10700s and unfortunately as you said it wasn't
10701s their best game but no no we're an east
10703s zone i'd always say this is a very very
10704s solid performance yeah i mean still a
10705s dang bunch of eliminations obviously
10707s they went down i think it was around top
10708s 10 at this point we can see that moment
10710s right here obviously where they do go
10711s down but i think the proactiveness on
10713s this team is good right you know for
10714s surge you have to get ahead of it and as
10716s soon as they kind of saw that they
10717s weren't they were like this is the time
10718s to make the aggressive play this is the
10720s time to jump into those boxes with
10721s pre-edits unlike obviously jericho did
10723s but standings are up here right now look
10726s who's on top still they're holding it
10727s down benji fishing savage now they did
10729s go down early they had some really great
10731s tags there kind of leading into the
10733s moving zones but then did kind of fall
10735s so you know they're kind of holding down
10737s but that's not really too safe i mean
10739s especially when you look at like sixth
10740s place right 95 points they're not safe
10742s by any means yeah this is something that
10744s we were talking about earlier on of
10745s course benji because he's just sitting
10746s outside of tilted towers while savage
10748s was looting and just sort of finding his
10750s bearings in there but he was picking up
10751s crucial storm surge tanks going into the
10754s end game of course we know it's a very
10755s very easy zone so maybe not preferable
10757s for benjamin's savage but they were able
10758s to use some of the the rotational
10760s devices around the area but uh what i
10762s noticed about this team really really
10763s strongly was that they were able to use
10765s storm surge for people coming out of the
10767s collider of course we've talked about it
10769s as well this is a very interesting play
10771s because it's a brand new poi and it's
10772s teams that are sort of being funneled
10774s into the tilted towers area of course
10776s using all the rotation items there and
10778s benji and savage were able to pick up on
10779s that
10780s yeah and obviously we saw them take
10781s advantage of it we've yet to really see
10783s a lot of the other successful players
10785s get set up in that area to take
10787s advantage of those players rotating up
10789s in the sky you know flying through past
10791s but realistically they've actually
10793s lessened the game now they were like 30
10794s points in first place and now before it
10796s was there you know they had a good early
10797s game but then that rotation they had to
10799s made far not so great yeah they need to
10801s change up something if they hope to make
10803s either that hold on to that first place
10804s spot or get themselves victory out
10806s before the day is done but they're doing
10808s well it's just a little misstep
10809s everything's okay yeah everything's just
10811s okay
10812s i'm not gonna hold my i'm gonna hold my
10813s breath let's find everything's fine uh
10815s for nfm we're getting ready to jump all
10817s back on this battle bus so let's get it
10820s popping once again we've got leverage
10821s okay we've got shy wager now we've got
10823s our game
10825s levin's had a nice three-month rest
10827s after that last game i needed it
10830s how'd the bed feel how was the vacation
10832s it was comfy i'm loving it out here you
10834s know but i'm back ready to work ready to
10835s get stuck into all the action yeah and
10837s there was no rest for any of these teams
10839s just had a mini break maybe for five
10841s seconds between that game and this one
10843s and now they're ready to go again for
10844s some of those who made end game eleven
10846s it's all about the win it's all about
10847s the top six we got two more games left
10849s to go well it took about break some of
10851s these teams who went down off spawn
10852s they've had a long break half an hour or
10854s so to just really sit there and ponder
10856s on what went wrong but this is now their
10858s time for redemption the time to really
10860s put in the work when it matters the most
10863s yeah i mean all it is now is to learn
10865s from all your mistakes not really that
10866s much more chance for a change right the
10868s last two games is to maybe go from plan
10871s c back to plan a if anything but still
10873s big names that are making a few of those
10875s mistakes i dropped jerky thomas tasted
10877s thomas tripper and apologies yo i'm a
10879s old head right now now it goes we'll see
10881s jason in the finals my seat has to say a
10883s few things about what i just said too
10884s but regardless let's get into game five
10886s no need to theorize what we see on the
10888s field off the battle bus
10896s time
10896s for the penultimate game of day two
10900s session two of the fncs semi-finals
10905s it's been a long day but one that we
10907s have thoroughly enjoyed to break down
10910s all the action
10913s and a fight that we have thoroughly
10915s enjoyed to watch
10916s over the past couple games has been this
10918s one over towards greasy
10920s and so we're going to see how things
10922s kick off here over at the main building
10924s alien and hard find
10927s not actually getting the weaponry that
10928s they need hard fine does and so he takes
10930s down nano and that drum shotgun will
10932s come in clutch wow hard fine winning it
10935s out avian couldn't beat out lou but a
10938s hard fan came in with the insurance
10940s ready to strike finally they end up
10942s taking the fight fast against nano super
10945s early talk about early droppings yeah
10948s it's jerky
10949s just completely timbered down in the
10952s lumber yard all up to the big drop to
10954s win this one out
10956s yeah and throughout today it's actually
10958s been the shoe on the other foot right
10961s in the previous games in almost every
10963s single game now it feels like since game
10965s one
10966s i droppers to one to good on first jury
10969s has to do the dirty work but this time
10971s round i drop now with that
10972s responsibility
10974s can he hold on
10976s it doesn't seem like it lash up
10978s and the freezy
10980s doing everything they can to make it so
10982s uncomfortable so stressful for him
10985s as he moves through these games
10987s and you can see he's trying to elevate
10989s himself but they will just fight i know
10991s oh my goodness they make it look easy as
10993s well
10994s every single time love and it's it's
10996s faster the way they're running this off
10997s spawn poi every single time we see eye
11000s drop on the outskirts the shingles of
11002s these buildings in the lumber yard taken
11004s down by specifically the freeze he has
11007s the tracking in tow he knows exactly
11009s when to split off and go for the fight
11011s go for the hunt
11012s and they are slowly climbing up the
11014s ranks as well a team that was kind of in
11016s 20th place off of a little bit of 56
11018s zone action and a few off spawn fights
11021s going well their way 12th place now
11023s overall in game five that's a good spot
11025s to be at you make it to where some of
11027s these end game placements as nefrizzy
11029s you're gonna be in a spot in game six to
11031s hit that top six
11033s i'm speaking of a team who have
11035s definitely entrenched themselves in that
11038s top six
11039s lolis and sd
11042s a team who
11043s if they are able to hold on and qualify
11045s through to the fng's finals
11048s will very much feel
11050s like it's been a long time coming they
11052s have
11053s basically played in every single session
11056s that we've broadcasted over into yes
11058s and some of them have gone quite well
11060s some of them haven't gone too good but
11062s this one so far not looking too bad neko
11066s and dando
11067s over here towards the south side of the
11068s collider
11070s up against jackson and vico a fight
11071s we've seen from yesterday we haven't
11073s tuned into it much today but
11075s nevertheless it has still been prevalent
11078s and vegan almost catching nako there
11081s just didn't have the striker ready to
11084s oh strike hm
11087s anyway close one
11089s this fight will continue
11091s yeah you can see they're building up
11092s towards the top jackson the tree in his
11095s way
11096s but
11097s won't be enough to stop him
11099s connects with the shot sneaker and dan
11101s will go down the spaniards i did see
11103s those guys at media day as well nice
11105s nothing really cool to say how long was
11107s this day man this was a lot it was a
11109s long but fun media day
11111s my only interaction with them for the
11112s most part was me walking behind them and
11114s saying vamos espana
11116s so limited communication uh you you
11119s speak the language of the pad more than
11121s most languages available on earth
11124s i've seen the tropics
11125s speaking the language of
11127s sleeping at greasy grove
11129s uh doesn't matter how it goes i mean i
11132s like the adjustment last game of landing
11134s outside it and they made it pretty deep
11136s into the game after the fact but didn't
11138s find much success
11140s inside the fourth and fifth zone they go
11142s back home
11143s but at home there is no love in greasy
11146s only war it's not me junior here now and
11148s that's gonna be uh
11150s that's gonna be a tough one for a bunch
11152s of teams not sure where they were
11153s starting the day
11154s but i don't think they were really
11156s aggressing grove this fast over and over
11158s again
11159s yeah this is uh
11161s an interesting one to see those guys
11163s over here
11164s to say the least
11166s they uh obviously our team who we did
11168s see have a good run
11170s believe it was in game three or four
11173s i've been rather quiet outside of that
11175s for the most part today
11181s but for hard finding adn
11185s a really nice start hard find
11187s with five eliminations can we get a limb
11189s check right now
11191s hey the end gotta start uh
11194s picking up the weight here mate
11196s i'm just
11198s i know idioms
11200s oh girl girl i'm not flaming
11208s still
11209s in number one
11211s mr consistent
11213s hey they missed out on a game though and
11216s they're still at number one says
11217s everything you need to know about the
11218s previous games before that right
11220s yeah i guess so it's just banger after
11222s banger but
11224s man after game five if they don't get
11226s towards that 130 140 it's not free you
11229s know there'll be a cost in that game sex
11231s true
11232s a good game here would mean that game
11234s six they could maybe sit back and relax
11237s a bit
11239s and so
11240s we'll see whether or not that they can
11242s uh keep their composure it's very easy
11244s to get ahead of yourself once you're in
11245s first place they want to keep it uh not
11248s difficult
11249s windy and good looking you know what i
11251s mean
11253s i don't know what you mean
11255s i'm sorry easy
11257s breezy and then oh my god yeah they want
11259s to make sure
11260s everything is just flowing
11263s luscious lock down on the end game and
11266s just you know in general
11270s look at this where are we at i'm
11272s actually liking the spot a lot today
11275s sanctuary
11276s i'm loving it i'm you know on that
11277s running feet i am loving it it feels
11280s like it feels like uh
11282s risky reels
11283s season seven okay chapter one oh wow
11286s everyone is here there's some sort of
11288s challenge i i i don't know what it is
11291s it's a classic type beat of i i just
11294s sorry to cut you off here but what i
11295s want to know more so than anything yeah
11297s what happened to coach pink why are
11299s schmicky and gabbix here and not add
11301s come on
11302s so
11303s i think this is just truly theoretical
11306s okay
11307s pink disqualified for the finals
11310s right
11311s tunes in
11312s actually this is based off my media day
11314s experience with uh with pink oh really
11316s got out of my dreams okay let me let me
11317s give that context we'll go um
11320s saw they played in that last game too
11322s and uh i think they want to bother
11323s anymore
11324s i was like it's fine i did my job for
11326s the day already
11328s uh there's not much more i can do
11330s maybe they also kind of just saw how the
11332s fight's going over here why does it go
11333s third party want to just have a have a
11336s fun time overall
11338s but we'll see the changes lola's sd we
11340s talked about them just a little bit
11342s getting so close to benji and savage now
11344s that's what happens when you just skip
11345s out on one game
11347s second place people were hungry at the
11348s bottom they just come and try to find
11350s you
11352s not gonna be a complete home zone for
11354s them but not too far
11355s to crawl away from camp cuddle
11357s meanwhile thomas hd and strip burn
11360s visible frustration from mr 2k
11363s am i right here
11365s faith meter has been thrown in the trash
11367s actually
11368s in the recycling
11369s to respect the the city right now
11371s and uh we can we can't take it back can
11373s we use it if possible 11. unless you
11375s want to keep the faith meter way far
11377s away look they are max materials right
11379s now they're looking for some positioning
11381s to find some surge damage you can see
11384s making sure to get out of
11387s command cavern almost a covert kevin
11389s there let's come on now getting out come
11390s on kevin
11392s and they have got launchpads this game
11393s which uh
11395s was something i was wondering about
11396s because we haven't seen them with them
11400s but uh yeah it's not looking great is it
11402s because let's be real
11404s zones pulled all the way towards the
11406s south they got to keep going if i was
11407s them i would just get in the river and
11409s just rotate all the way down you want to
11411s get in the river right now you see the
11412s left side of your screen i mean yeah it
11414s just went away the same river that has
11416s like 17 different people ready to follow
11417s them and 10 more people waiting to see
11419s who comes through the roof come on bro
11420s they can just go hundred percent there's
11422s more people
11423s down there
11427s so then do it there's only there's only
11429s like one team maybe that if they would
11431s to be seeing did have a problem but then
11433s you build in wood
11434s maybe even brick because brick is a lot
11436s easier to find i feel like it will farm
11438s in in this south southern area that
11439s mapped the word the woods it's not
11441s really great other than like the
11442s cactuses but they're not great either
11444s but anyway i'm getting a tundra about
11445s like small specific things about the
11447s game here look thomas is dripping just
11449s do good yeah fine surge do good you saw
11452s they're trying to do damage over to that
11453s field inside it wasn't looking great
11455s murder rising
11456s nothing good now nice yeah good job but
11458s they need to win that's the thing
11460s nothing matters right now for them
11462s last time we saw them it was similar
11464s right last game we saw them they were
11465s getting like an elimination it was not
11468s bad not at all but
11470s yeah i mean we'll see what they have at
11472s the tech many players all around the map
11474s mini miners here with some info on a few
11478s thank you shaw you just mentioned their
11480s team that needs a win another team that
11481s needs a win is of course adn and hard
11483s fine hard fine here picking up so many
11485s eliminations off spawn five in fact
11487s which really sorts them out for their
11488s storm surge early on this is a really
11490s really great position for them to be in
11492s because of course they need the win they
11493s can just chill now on the storm surge
11494s side of things just chill loot up stick
11497s around here for a little bit but they
11498s don't want to stay here for too long
11499s because of course they don't want to get
11500s caught out by the other store search
11501s that's going to be coming
11503s oh yes okay thank you mr mini miner what
11506s that basically means is what he's trying
11507s to say what we can see now after
11509s watching a bit more of the game as well
11511s is that they get to skip a bunch of
11513s these steps that every other team is
11514s taking in getting the win
11516s it it's going to be clear and a easy
11519s path and road they just have to make the
11521s right steps to avoid any type of
11523s altercations they don't have to edit
11525s open boxes to keep up with surge five
11527s eliminations that's a lot of damage and
11529s when they hopefully do win this game we
11532s can see the start of that story early
11535s get that nice context pass that as well
11538s vote xerox kovacs
11540s they're in the business
11542s money maker blooming how did they get in
11545s sixth
11546s cause they came second last game
11547s respectfully yeah remember money maker
11549s didn't want to let me breathe yeah yeah
11551s listen see i was actually just watching
11553s you and the sweat beat up see look the
11556s swim rotation a bit late
11558s a bit late candid but yeah look
11561s downstream
11563s i love neo good old
11565s who says there's no more natural map
11567s mobility all right i do
11570s and i'm wrong because there's rivers and
11571s there's geysers i think no one has that
11572s sentiment
11573s at all and there's pads and there's uh
11576s what is it the the cannons and there's
11578s the collider
11579s there's literally no one who says that
11581s anymore even unironically like no one
11582s ever complains about that oh yeah
11584s there's riffs as well they're actually
11586s there to literally find the person
11590s and tell me oh cool and i'll talk to
11591s them easy last week basically queen's
11593s just complains about the pads that he
11595s has
11595s he doesn't complain about the map
11596s mobility blooming
11599s mommy and white maker aren't looking too
11601s good they just came second place say
11602s mini maker or money figure
11606s that's a mini maker yeah
11608s sorry mini miner and money maker
11610s combining the two yeah
11613s it's all good that's compliments for
11614s both
11616s well
11617s they've became second place nah because
11619s like like
11621s you're calling analysts a good player
11623s and uh
11624s one below
11626s me and money maker they need to get into
11628s though they need to do some damage
11630s there's a team here in the freezy and
11631s lusher
11633s oh no way there's roomy no okay yeah he
11635s hears them they they actually do make
11636s use of the guys off which is nice
11639s we're just talking about them
11641s not uh not many of them around the map
11643s they actually moved the locations of
11644s them around a bit in the recent sort of
11646s patches so
11648s it's nice you can sort of change them
11649s together a bit but he's got to be
11651s careful as he glides in here i don't
11653s think anybody has his eyes on him but he
11654s has his eyes set on getting in this box
11656s he wants to do damage to combat smg
11658s he'll be brilliant now for getting in
11660s money maker as well connecting with some
11662s shops could do wonders but uh
11666s a bit too big for their boots they go
11667s down literally in a matter of seconds in
11669s a matter of a flash
11672s they're taken out second place team
11674s going down that early without really
11675s much of a fight they were in sixth place
11676s as well so that's six phase drop they're
11679s talking about qualifying to the
11680s adventist finals and consistency it's up
11682s for grabs
11684s wrestle lobby will be very happy about
11685s that one
11686s they're gonna be just shivering in their
11688s boots waiting for game six to roll by
11691s trying to get a little bit of redemption
11693s wise now picking up the pace as well
11696s vettel down
11697s darker from the same type of business
11698s and spot as him as well we'll be able to
11700s take one of the eliminations away
11702s and confirm it for that team running
11704s leader are just fighting right now and
11706s the most impressive thing is not
11708s not taking too much damage in these
11710s crazy box fights on the one side of the
11712s zone the biggest issue with these
11713s especially in brick and metals you never
11715s know exactly who's waiting and coming by
11717s next and how your rotation looks like
11719s immediately it's so hard to be able to
11721s have any sense of sense around your
11724s boxes you're basically deprived entirely
11726s and they have such a long way to go
11728s still i think this is almost max
11730s rotation if they're any more slightly
11731s west maybe even more so difficult lots
11734s of healings though and leader kind of
11736s leaves with what 18 minis instead of
11738s crazy utility here's thomas the tripper
11742s and i believe the end if nah they
11744s actually took the high ground from an
11746s awesome pink might have actually taken
11747s it from thomas river at some point but
11749s not was not the case like 800 above
11752s right yeah i just don't even want to say
11753s anything about these guys man because
11755s they've not got to worry about search a
11758s bit they have pads they have max
11760s materials they have god loadout they
11762s have nice positioning i honestly i i
11766s have no words listen listen listen
11768s listen
11769s no no no no listen listen the biggest
11771s thing that we've seen so far from this
11773s team is they've been forced to be lacks
11776s they've had a bunch of zones i mentioned
11777s this kind of in game two when a team has
11779s to move a long way their brains are a
11781s bit more active they feel like they're
11782s playing the game they get to see things
11784s they get the travel explore i think
11786s that's all thomas and tripper needed
11788s they they don't want
11789s the whole zone
11792s i don't care what they want i want them
11794s to win
11795s we need to get loving some food and
11796s water
11797s they're stressing me out man now waffle
11799s and diox so we saw diox hitting some
11801s huge shots in in game after hitting some
11805s of his own now
11807s i think this is a very interesting team
11808s to watch because you see they've been
11809s the third most consistent on the day so
11811s far and it's because of great solo plays
11813s in engine right they're able to do well
11815s together they obviously have a pad this
11816s game which will work wonders for them
11818s they're going to be good on surge as
11820s well they have a really nice position in
11822s the zone we'll see where nexon pops they
11823s can get to zone very easily for the next
11826s rotation as well so
11827s things are set enough for them to have
11829s another game where they really start to
11830s solidify themselves going into that last
11832s game
11838s we talked about the bottom of the
11841s kind of top six dropping down and
11842s opening up as
11845s well you can see who consistent wrapping
11848s from that spot right
11850s another zone that would be very
11851s favorable to them in that regard right
11853s of course it's sitting in full plate oh
11855s oh wow that is nasty from zesting that's
11857s the kind of awareness i want my jewelry
11859s to have right he was on it did not give
11862s them and he didn't even let them get the
11863s chance to close that edit quick enough
11865s before the shields got cracked
11867s really nice stuff there from zesting and
11869s even though they don't get the
11870s elimination that's huge you alleviate
11872s the worries of storm surge and all the
11874s other factors in their game right now
11876s the thing is there's so many people side
11877s by side and everyone trying to make a
11879s better box after clasping in zone you'd
11882s assume a lot of people are making those
11884s beams work that everyone is doing a lot
11886s of damage as a result that threshold
11889s might be higher than normal
11892s and higher than we're used to
11894s now first moving in in eighth place
11897s trying to get towards that triple digits
11898s that's exactly where that third place
11900s line kind of lies around
11901s 110 points i believe at the moment so
11905s they'll look to walk up and he's also on
11906s fire once again when you're so close to
11908s the zone
11909s more people will start to get greedy
11910s more people will think that it's
11911s efficient to just move in not use their
11913s mats it gives people a chance
11915s to go and strike with their ars i'm
11918s waiting for the update and there it is
11920s him and sue 178 damage above
11924s they're looking good
11926s for now but that number will start to
11927s dwindle look at the speed in which it's
11929s updating too many players having damage
11931s taking shots
11933s got to build up got to calm down this is
11935s going to be catastrophic if it's not
11937s solved if this problem doesn't find an
11939s answer a solution it might be in
11941s waffler's black so this will build the
11943s defense it might be in diox walking by
11945s haphazardly towards his teammates
11948s loadout and builds benji fishy and
11950s savage blow on surge basically almost
11953s out of materials
11956s with half inventories what's happened to
11958s get them here they look as dry as the
11960s desert they're standing on and they
11962s might be wiped out just
11964s thrown into the sands to see
11966s if they don't fix this in enough
11967s timeline yeah you can see really
11969s struggling to even find any bit of
11971s damage to get them above that threshold
11973s and a lot of players in the way of that
11975s thing going down and you can see so many
11977s players even starting to fall as the
11979s desperation kicks in they don't have
11980s that much of a distance to get it but
11982s they do need to hit something and fast
11984s they don't have to heal but i'll heal it
11986s lightning is starting to strike now
11988s big thing as well too for this team they
11990s missed the last game didn't have a
11992s chance to really get their points
11994s up have that big of a total they kind of
11997s didn't have that big of a delta change
12000s rolling in you need to go to the next
12001s wall across then she's down he goes into
12004s the box and at that point
12006s just a gift
12007s an absolute gift to alien and hard finds
12011s we had many coming in talking about how
12013s their game was setting up to look good
12014s and savage another elimination to add to
12017s their tally as well
12019s and they picked up another 18 in the
12020s feed picking up another elimination
12023s they're racking it up even without
12024s placement points now
12026s what's that on the match right 24 points
12028s in this game alone just from
12029s eliminations potentially maybe even more
12031s they're looking really really nice
12034s as foxy and egram look to make their way
12036s into that zone so many teams gliding in
12039s right now half the lobby in the sky
12041s but everybody at one point having to
12043s come down making sure you don't land in
12045s the wrong box on somebody's car and
12047s egram
12048s maybe going down to that fate he was
12050s taking out voxy as a solo in this game
12052s now has to do something the harpoon
12054s would have been nice to get the teammate
12056s with him to fish and refreshes
12058s but as a solo now he's just gonna have
12060s to try to go for some sort of a play
12061s when he can
12064s everyone now just went to the first
12066s league boxed in lola's estee
12068s they're in the business to second place
12070s team taken out that's first and second
12073s in game five frozen in time at 120 and
12075s 118 points respectively some of the only
12079s triple digits squads
12080s that are locked in for now are not
12082s allowed to push their point totals
12084s towards the skies before game six comes
12086s in yeah
12087s number one and two
12090s struggling right now what's it saying
12092s with number four luke and zesting
12094s they're looking a lot stronger of course
12095s they haven't had to travel as far across
12097s the map as benji and savage and lolis
12100s and st did
12101s and they're looking a lot better for
12102s wear for it bevy's and both think
12105s gearing up to play at height you can see
12107s the metal ramp here
12108s they're posturing towards it but will
12110s they be able to hold on to it so many of
12112s these teams now
12114s a lot of them will be waiting to look to
12115s go for pads hard find an adn
12117s you can see here they're waiting for
12119s their moment with their pad the ipad
12120s comes out and they're looking at that
12122s high ground but the shots towards
12124s hardpan will scare him off a little bit
12127s he won't go for it just yet
12129s the entire zone only has i mean all the
12131s players just half of land to work with
12133s the rest is all just water and no one
12135s wants to build there they want to stick
12136s to the beach entirely this is gonna be
12138s basically like playing ninth zone it's
12140s gonna be so claustrophobic you've seen
12142s the effects of it already thomas and
12143s tripper on low ground pushing players
12145s and punishing them for basing up on that
12147s water one team is fiddled they're forced
12149s to go all the way up towards the top
12150s julian common ways has flight lines as
12152s well inside the skies the clouds park
12153s and their beams start to fly a launch
12155s pad as well to keep their wings flat and
12157s soaring straight towards the top side of
12159s the server they're going to beat down
12161s the waves as the pad waves goes down and
12163s he's lost in the dirt in the sand it's
12166s all up to julian how does this happen
12168s just a moment an instant of reprieve of
12170s hesitation and he's gone he can't hit
12172s the pad though it looks good still
12174s there's a chance for him to keep boxing
12176s the bounce back is there too and that
12178s rest might come through the bounce back
12180s is so huge for the ability to keep their
12183s chances alive but it also means that
12186s things are going to start getting hectic
12187s on mid and even up on height as you see
12189s players start to posture up towards your
12191s heart find an adn who have been
12193s brilliant in this game so far in the mid
12195s and early game can they do it in the end
12197s game though when it matters both things
12199s as well still dropping down into this
12201s bevy's goes down as well in the feed
12203s tripping as a solo once again we saw him
12206s as a solo so many times yesterday but
12209s this time around he doesn't have thomas
12211s and he has to try and hit something huge
12213s top 10 just dropped down the top 11 so
12215s he definitely is neck and neck with one
12217s other duo who's still alive inside the
12218s server tripper not only needs to live he
12221s needs to find a miracle in a space where
12222s it doesn't exist satan dropped down
12225s chopped out rifty is just too good with
12228s it as he keeps rolling one elim and now
12231s his game begins
12232s trooper for the moment is trying to
12233s still get towards that top six
12235s up up top though float axe and rip the
12237s possibly getting ready to lock into one
12239s of their own
12240s yeah
12242s down on low ground you can see they're
12244s trying to clean front side trip and
12245s doesn't want any part of it though he
12246s wants to get back in the zone he has a
12248s med mission he has a bit of time here if
12250s he needs it but he also hits a big shot
12252s to keep him in the game wave
12255s stompy and drew out of it but tripping
12257s now running into a box where he
12258s shouldn't have run into he goes down
12261s hard finding abn now dropping down to
12263s low as well can they hit some shots on
12265s here adn looking for it running in
12268s they're pressuring their way in and they
12270s find the elimination onto swag they take
12272s him out of the game but they're forced
12274s down to relegate to the back side and
12275s they have not many builds not much hp
12278s but that won't stop hard fine it won't
12280s stop him hook up taking out destin left
12283s of his pants down he has nobody to round
12285s him to tell him out
12286s and so hard fine keeping it going avn
12289s did fall but what a shot 10 eliminations
12292s double digit for hard fine look at all
12293s the health bars it's so messy inside
12295s this end game yes hard fine is still
12297s doing the work dealing the damage but
12299s it's costing him so much every single
12301s time down to a sliver down to none he's
12304s gone rifty and bodak's the only sense of
12306s organization the only sense of synergy a
12308s dual dynamic that's left on the server
12310s are looking to just wrap up this game
12312s signed their ticket straight to the
12313s finals but there is a king slow on the
12314s throne it's michael who's trying to stop
12316s their entire reign and force of defeat
12319s on the rest of the lobby janus and
12321s vortex are here too two teams trying to
12323s control lower ground for the moment it's
12325s the final time let's see what actually
12327s breaks down it's gonna be a three-way
12329s fight between all these teams the level
12331s of a moment as they all prep pop split
12333s mats and get ready for the final
12335s showdown one solo it's michael he's not
12337s gonna make it to the final duel he drops
12339s in so the throne is ready two teams a
12342s 2v2 eighth versus fourth or second right
12345s now let's see who can really get in yeah
12348s eighth and fourth that's what it is rip
12349s the up top this is good for consistency
12351s as well if they don't actually wrap it
12353s all the way in but they're looking for
12354s beams this will be a slow ride the whole
12356s way through i'm not completely sure
12358s about the mat count between both teams
12359s right now but as soon as that first tag
12361s gets found it'll be explosive janus has
12363s to get ready has to cover every single
12365s angle plus the spray is that'll be an
12367s umbrella that protects him like a turtle
12368s shell at the same time something like
12370s that does not exist they have to do
12372s something miraculous in this moment
12374s janus already gonna hit a little bit by
12375s the storm photox 50 really dropping down
12378s the pressure vortex is reading it he's
12379s waiting for the weak point rifty kind of
12381s blocks it out there's no chance still
12383s 2v2 riding seven match ready for rip
12385s deep looks like he's trying to drop down
12386s at some point i hear harpoons on one of
12387s the sides ammunition is still good for
12389s both teams janice now trying to clap
12391s back no builds just one on vortex as
12393s well run the all in throw that's not on
12395s defense big pump shot it's there the
12396s striker strikes now it's time to fight
12398s going down rifty he's looking for the
12400s next shot edit there finds janice 136
12402s they can wrap it in another one risky
12404s kind of insane and wraps it in straight
12407s to the finals game five it's their vr
12409s it's their control and it's them just
12412s happy elated with that victory royale
12414s rifty and flo dax did not wilter they
12417s kept their composure janice and vortix
12419s they ran out of maps time was ticking
12421s for them they used the smg's by rifty
12424s with some big shots there at the end
12426s what a way to do it vortex said no
12429s chance janice had to fall to the wayside
12431s rifty and flo dax will be in the fncs
12434s final and i like the way they did it too
12435s they started the conversation they never
12437s let janus of vortex talk at all it was
12439s spray spray spray reloading each side
12441s one person on defense just building for
12444s rifty the covering the holes the gaps
12445s that was phenomenal we see so many teams
12447s make mistakes not able to close out in
12449s the moment especially against such top
12451s players like janice and vortex are but
12453s for rifty and flodex very well executed
12456s win we're gonna kick it over to the
12458s analyst to break that one all down but
12459s we're heading into the last game and
12461s what a five games it's been so far
12465s man oh man
12467s look at that we get another duo making
12469s their way to the finals and finally big
12472s z and vortex aside hey we would like to
12474s screen time let's be here in second
12476s place
12477s i know right like janice and vortex a
12479s team that usually i'm not used to seeing
12481s play second in a game like thing is like
12483s what i've seen about this team is
12484s they're super volatile very very very
12487s volatile and usually what happens is in
12489s that final game if they're not doing
12490s that well which you know before this
12491s game they really weren't right they
12492s weren't in the top 20 at all and what
12494s would usually happen is their mentality
12496s just
12498s straight down right straight to the
12499s ground in that final game since you can
12501s qualify with a victory out there you
12502s know what we're gonna be confident we're
12503s we're aggressive we're two of the best
12505s fighters in the region we're playing for
12506s height at this moment so that final game
12507s you usually see them win i've seen it i
12509s think in three different tournaments so
12511s far at this point picking up the
12512s victoria in that final match so to see
12514s them play second it's actually quite
12515s surprising yeah they're a very emotional
12516s team and this is one of those moments
12518s right here we can see them coming second
12519s wasn't quite working out for them there
12520s was a moment here where i thought they
12521s were gonna win they didn't have the med
12522s miss yeah it was on low ground we saw
12524s the height team of course have the med
12525s kit and just one chug splash of course
12527s it was going to be enough but it didn't
12528s come down to the heel off and vortex and
12530s janice came second indian very very
12532s close from them but as i said it's
12533s something that we haven't really seen
12534s from them even yesterday we didn't pop
12536s off at all or perform at all i forgot
12538s they were here yesterday yeah yeah they
12539s were here yeah they're they're my
12541s favorite players right but because they
12543s were fighting off spawn so much it's
12544s just you know we didn't get to see them
12545s to go deep in game we didn't see them
12547s really on the leaderboards at all in
12548s that top 20 at any point so now i'd see
12550s them place a second like they've
12551s definitely flown up after that
12552s performance but for like janice and
12553s vortex next game is going to really
12555s matter and i don't know if they're still
12556s going to need the victoria to qualify
12557s through if they can get into that top 6
12559s or not with the points that they have
12560s right now yep that's a tough spot to be
12562s in right now we do still have six games
12565s tomorrow so it's not completely closed
12567s out but anything can still happen now
12570s let's remind ourselves here of the
12572s standing so we did see benji and mr
12575s savage they got eliminated kind of way
12577s too early on there and it happened the
12579s game before as well so this lead they
12582s had surmounted now gone you know why so
12584s for benji and savage right they were
12586s center of third zone in game one two and
12588s three yep right comes to these two far
12590s rotations for them to make it they get
12592s stuck behind too slow on it and get
12593s picked up unfortunately now if you
12595s notice the delta there down by three
12597s placements same with lowlist and sd as
12599s well thank you for the visualization
12600s zeke i really appreciate that both of
12602s them are down three they were first and
12604s second by so much but after that game
12606s they've dropped so much now yeah they
12608s were and it's a team or two teams that
12609s are sort of relying on those west zones
12611s if they are going to pop off but of
12612s course now we've had a couple of east
12614s side zones and that one more
12617s they just haven't been able to pick up
12618s those those tags and of course using so
12620s many materials on the rotations it
12622s really does sort of cause them to run
12623s out of steam a little bit when they're
12624s getting into these end games and that's
12625s the trouble for mr savage and benji
12627s they're trying to play low ground and
12628s for that you need the refresh absolutely
12630s but team that you talked about actually
12631s in mid game
12633s michael and astro 13 eliminations i
12636s think that's the hit that's good it's
12637s the heaviest the most that we've seen
12639s throughout the entire weekend so far i
12641s mean it's only been two days yeah so you
12642s know let's be real 13 eliminations and
12644s it's like that wasn't even that deep
12646s into the game right if they'd managed to
12647s stay alive in this they could have
12649s gotten way more aid in the hard fine of
12650s course another team that have absolutely
12652s popped off and uh of course off spawn we
12653s saw hardline picking up so many
12654s eliminations
12656s i was oh you know
12662s yeah of course eight and a half times
12664s popping off and we saw that off spawn we
12665s saw how that set them up for success
12667s here and they sort of went from a team
12668s that we weren't expecting to do much in
12670s the rest of this tournament to someone
12672s that uh or a team that we thought
12674s actually you know what these guys could
12676s actually qualify maybe to consistency
12678s but i think they might still need the
12679s victory absolutely this moment right
12681s here is so interesting you see who got
12682s down below on basically with no hp and
12686s he's wet he's major league but see
12687s zesting his teammate opening up that
12689s wall that moment actually missed the
12691s shot there that miss was crucial because
12693s that would have just ended that run it
12695s was about 20 hp at that moment so that
12697s one whiff that came through there
12699s that could have actually almost saved
12701s their entire tournament potentially yeah
12703s that's right we only have one game left
12705s to go man i still just can't get over
12707s that win and i think the biggest thing
12709s for me is with one game left to go you
12711s know a lot of these players are thinking
12712s to themselves we need this victory out
12715s for some of them they're not even close
12716s to qualifying right if they could get
12717s that victory out and just say we don't
12719s have to play tomorrow that's gonna be
12720s like a huge confidence booster going
12722s into next week's finals yeah it's very
12723s true this is where you sort of define
12724s yourself as a theme it's like hang on a
12726s sec are we gonna qualify for consistency
12727s or do we have to go all out for the
12729s victory it's now or never for these
12731s themes it's the final game and for the
12733s teams that are going to need the
12734s victoria maybe we see a little bit more
12735s caged a little bit more calm performance
12737s and for the teams that need the
12738s consistency probably more of the same so
12740s it might be quite snappy i'll translate
12741s that if you're below 20th on the
12742s leaderboard just go right yeah go for it
12745s over height
12746s win the game it is as simple as that go
12748s four high this is the last game of
12751s semifinal two here in europe one last
12753s time on the day shy wage your level
12756s over to you
12758s zeke you couldn't have said it better in
12760s any other way it is the last final game
12762s five games so far of conditioning five
12764s games of stress for so many teams on the
12766s day for some teams levin it's been 11
12768s games so far almost right like it's
12770s insane and this is the last chance on
12772s the day to really lock it in and get
12773s towards the finals this is where players
12775s can maybe start getting into their own
12776s heads a bit right we've had so many
12778s chances up to this point to try to
12780s qualify and we haven't quite made the
12782s mark
12783s but you have this final opportunity
12785s today of course there are more games
12786s tomorrow but like the dust said you
12788s don't want to be playing tomorrow you
12789s want to get wrapped up today and so this
12791s is their opportunity going into this
12793s last game yeah you don't want the added
12794s you know stress of trying to analyze a
12796s few more teams you know the lobby's
12798s playing you have your stake set for you
12799s as we said though if you're 20th and
12801s below it's kind of tough to hit that top
12803s six one more game one last chance let's
12806s see what eu's got
12816s game number six on the way
12819s the semi-finals
12821s of the fncs
12824s the last chance today for a team
12827s to secure their spot by a victory royale
12830s and for many of these teams a last
12832s chance to push themselves into the top
12834s six
12835s and qualify via consistency
12838s something we've consistently seen
12840s throughout the games is this battle at
12842s greasy grove
12844s but in this final one we won't see the
12846s 50 50 at the main building instead
12849s hard find an alien
12852s we'll look to play at the safer room
12856s 95 points for them 12th place overall
12858s what they can hope for is
12860s some of these top teams
12863s going down maybe off of spawn getting
12865s just risked on by some of those bottom
12867s 30s i'm looking at the map right now too
12869s it does look a little bit different in
12871s terms of contestation looks like long
12872s jam lumber yard as well has been
12874s completely moved off from caverns still
12876s going kind of crazy
12878s blue
12880s and nano
12881s not electing to go straight for
12883s just the overall shop slash cabin thing
12886s in the middle that dick takes exactly
12887s how the poi is played they're staying a
12889s little bit more organized just trying to
12891s field things out
12893s and we have one of the most unique zones
12895s i think available
12896s to
12898s uh
12899s fortnite i mean okay you're not in your
12900s head no for me personally how many
12902s google zones do you usually see
12906s not many but
12907s we've not seen the sunset we've not seen
12909s this one today we're having the razor
12911s this is the rare zone it's not
12912s statistically it's not statistically
12914s it's not for today it's a rare zone yeah
12916s this is the first time i've seen it yeah
12917s yeah
12918s stats wise what is the most rarest one
12920s bottom right right
12921s like that quadrant i i've
12926s i mean
12927s apparently it's it's like i saw a stat
12929s sheet about this once and no one else
12931s has seen this in this video this is a
12932s new thing there's a new thing we're off
12934s the door don't worry it's that's the
12936s video it's been six games yeah
12938s okay let's set the stage of exactly who
12940s we're watching right now in game sticks
12942s that it's kind of leading the pack a
12944s bunch of the teams that have been near
12946s the top sometimes just end up qualifying
12948s you know what i mean sometimes when i'm
12949s just doing well it shifts the way the
12951s board looks this uh game the game and
12954s the last game that we just saw top two
12955s teams fell very early so they're gonna
12957s be dwindling straight throughout the
12958s rankings as a result
12960s some teams rise astro and michael we've
12962s seen michael at many of these end games
12965s that king tag just rising high
12968s starting off with a bugle we had a snide
12970s remark at the start of the game of you
12971s know
12972s who lands on the bugle
12974s how does it look how does it go
12976s apparently it's people that might
12977s qualify here in eu on semi-final two
12980s yeah i think the good thing about this
12981s zone is that it probably
12983s gives them an easier time they're
12984s uncontested at the bugle if the zone
12987s pulls max towards that north east again
12990s they'll be able to sit up base up on the
12991s bugle get tags on all the teams coming
12993s in rotating around the map and then they
12995s have their sort of dealt with right an
12996s easier ride throughout the game i mean
12998s max challenge though for zested and
13000s hookah specifically they've had two
13002s games kind of just sitting inside condo
13004s canyon uh just kind of looking overall
13007s to what they can do
13009s unfortunately though
13010s for them when it comes to this zone they
13012s have a long ways to walk and roll
13015s yeah you can see hard find an adn now
13019s playing it very carefully we saw in the
13021s previous games how willing they were to
13023s just jump into the action
13025s get beefed right the way up
13027s but this time around hard fine crouching
13030s behind the fence adn up on the roof
13033s they do not want to mess this one up
13035s they don't want to let this chance slip
13037s in 12th place
13039s i'm not sure about what the consistency
13041s spot would look like for them but
13043s the victory owl is always possible and
13045s they came so close in previous games
13048s and so i'm sure that is what the
13050s intention is here there's a reason why
13052s they're trying to save at this moment
13058s i think it's all about just doing the
13060s safest type of strat or the most
13062s consistent line from point a to
13065s the goal and not taking any risks
13067s not seeing any other teams
13069s especially volatile ones for benji and
13071s savage
13072s this should look like the most different
13073s situation out of the whole day for him i
13075s think they just held that gold crown up
13077s top and more it first place i think
13079s almost out of the gate from here number
13081s one
13082s they are gone for what two games
13085s or maybe
13086s a game in three quarters
13089s gained 10 points
13090s and they're not four
13094s yeah they really let the
13097s game sort of slip away from them over
13099s the past couple
13100s obviously when first place that you said
13102s shy about
13103s when they had a change in the zones
13105s right after the first three games where
13107s it was fully west zones they felt
13108s comfortable they were in their element
13110s things were looking good
13112s the previous two where the zone hasn't
13113s gone towards the west they've struggled
13115s for better position to find the same
13117s tags you saw savage and benji are both
13118s hitting crazy shots to get them up in
13120s that regard in the previous game they've
13122s had some struggles of surge so we'll see
13125s if going into this last one they can
13126s make the adjustments necessary and start
13128s hitting the shots
13130s sometimes it is as simple as that right
13131s we see teams all the time who have great
13133s setups great plans behind surge
13136s we just can't get the execution right
13140s and so i guess this game will find out
13142s whether or not it's an execution problem
13143s or whether it's a strategy problem for
13146s benji and savage
13148s over towards barabando
13151s a place we haven't seen much of today
13154s kiduo
13155s needs to be careful needs flixy to get a
13157s bit closer with view street and axe
13160s force on his wall
13163s but this fight here taking its well on
13166s time you see how much material has
13168s already gone into this one a load of
13170s brick being put into it
13174s before this fight no matter what from
13175s both sides needs to finish fast and also
13177s needs to happen none of these teams
13178s close to getting that top sticks and
13180s kidwa understands that dropping down
13182s straight away
13183s producer actually lets him enter axe
13185s force now down
13186s all it is is one edit a wall placement
13189s it's gonna be there soon a cone block on
13190s the top side that's going to be so nice
13192s good who can just pick axe right past
13194s this wall
13195s we'll go for the replays too you street
13196s kind of just backing away
13199s turtling on that right side
13201s they have to still finish this fast and
13203s there's the connection using an ai in
13205s the way to possibly distract it's all
13207s good he duels down and out in terms of
13210s getting the job done and
13212s they're ready to just keep going all it
13213s is for this duo is keep maybe amassing
13216s these eliminations keep going for that
13217s win i noticed one of these teams since
13219s that third party potential locked in and
13222s declined the invitation
13224s that is leon furs and his teammate
13226s why second place overall
13228s why even get involved in that
13230s yeah at the end of the day right if
13231s you're one of the teams in that top six
13233s or anywhere near it you're
13235s always gearing towards just staying
13237s alive in the game
13239s right even if there might be an
13241s opportunity that comes about
13243s you'd have to have nerves of steel to be
13246s able to roll through of it especially
13248s when
13248s we know just how
13251s tipsy turbiy things can get in a
13252s fortnight game like this right where one
13254s moment you go from looking on top of the
13256s world everything looks great you might
13257s have just gotten a refresher thinking
13260s we're on our way to the finals next
13261s moment
13263s you're sitting back in the lobby
13264s thinking about what could have been
13266s and that very much could be the case
13268s here for wendy and leela
13270s if they aren't able to find anything in
13272s this one
13273s sitting in ninth place now
13276s they're going to be gearing towards
13278s trying to stay deep into this game
13283s it's dangerous rotating like this though
13285s next to teams that are desperate for
13287s eliminations moving in ways to
13291s get more action get more loot and up
13293s their chances of
13295s winning the game
13297s all who you soon leon first need to do
13299s is just hold on for the moment look at
13301s the speed at which they're rotating as
13303s well passing by all the chaos that has
13305s to ensue on the right side that's a
13307s bunch of teams in kind of the top 20 top
13309s 30. that that's going to be trouble once
13312s they realize yeah we're all kind of
13314s under the same stakes all looking for
13315s the exact same thing
13317s yeah take a look here lolas and espy
13320s sitting in fifth place
13322s they started off today so hot lolas with
13324s some phenomenal play some of the best
13325s we've seen in an fncs period
13328s and if slowed down just a bit
13331s the last couple games haven't quite gone
13333s their way
13334s since that electric start
13339s and really that start is what sort of
13340s carry them and kept them in such a great
13343s position right you look at
13345s the amount of games they've had where
13346s they just haven't quite been able to
13347s pick up an elimination since then or
13350s maybe haven't quite been able to make it
13351s deep into the game
13352s it's been tough
13357s i mean the chances were looking as
13358s though why that was happening they had
13360s zones a lot of the time
13362s they also had just really good movements
13364s all the way into a certain part of the
13366s game
13368s where they kind of caught a duel by
13370s surprise they had an advantageous
13372s third-party position
13373s and it was also just really big on low
13375s list for having the opportunity to go
13377s for that clutch
13380s now though they will have to travel they
13381s have to be just stretched to maximum
13383s capacity and as fifth place flies in the
13385s sky we see fourth place cannoning by
13387s that's benji and savage in the air
13390s still rolling through
13393s this is the line that we have to watch
13394s though 116 points
13396s xerox and kovacs i'm still trying my
13399s best to
13400s pavlov myself into saying those names
13402s and move away from the auggie
13405s i just i like to say it's rocks but i'll
13406s actually say froggy you know yeah
13409s yeah yeah kovacs if you're watching this
13411s back after the tournament change your
13412s name to kroger officially
13415s tell your name to
13417s yeah
13418s nice shots there from drops
13421s a couple decent tags
13423s and those go a long way in this game
13425s right
13426s when you're trying to stay in this one
13427s we talked about how difficult it is for
13429s these teams to move in towards the bugle
13431s right you already see that one team in
13432s the bottom right of your scheme based up
13434s on top of that hill so anybody moving
13436s past
13437s gonna have a tough time there victor
13439s with some sneaky plays
13441s the combat smg he didn't even have many
13443s shots left no way does he get a second
13445s though
13446s does he get the second
13448s swag has to push in what can he do swag
13451s will take him out
13453s but victor did a lot of damage there
13455s because pablo obviously goes down he was
13457s able to get him back up but you see the
13459s timing now they're 300 above
13461s but look at how far they are they're
13462s like
13464s as far away possible as you can be they
13465s might be the furthest team out even
13468s yeah they have to move even further too
13471s i feel like whenever we see a zone pull
13473s up top right it only pulls up top right
13474s again yeah
13476s as long as they like to pull max a
13478s couple times right but they do like to
13479s do that
13480s i think it's very likely the next one
13482s pulls back though which will be a good
13484s news for them by the same time
13486s if you look at where they're rotating in
13487s on the sanctuary side there's going to
13489s be a lot of teams based up there
13492s real danger moving in towards the shores
13495s right now
13496s similar stakes for alien and hard fight
13498s on your screen and could will ahead this
13500s could be just a big collision
13503s cataclysmic for both teams because
13504s they're looking to fight they're looking
13505s to spray i'm pretty sure idiot might be
13508s low on that surge as well off spawn lucy
13510s grove in a very different way yeah they
13512s wanted to play it safe at greasy grove
13513s they didn't want to take the fight they
13515s wanted to keep their chances in the game
13517s they didn't want to risk it on the 50 50
13518s they want to guarantee that they can
13520s have a chance at least or maybe either
13521s pushing their way into consistency or
13524s just winning the game outright the
13525s problem is though that approach has
13527s put them on a crash course to potential
13529s failure here as they're down below surge
13531s in a tough spot where there aren't many
13532s teams around just this moment the closer
13534s they get towards the bugle the more
13536s teams that will show up but in the
13538s meantime 200 below is still such a
13540s mountain to climb even with an abundance
13542s of teams around you and they chose such
13544s a passive line both off of spawn and now
13547s as well
13548s they're not gonna be able to find anyone
13549s to fix that 200 below they might even
13550s just commit to one team i mean two
13553s players that's a maximum of what about
13555s 300 400 damage available if you go for
13557s that knock target damage as well you
13559s might have more in the business too
13562s powerful to the end force that pad this
13564s is so tough though you have the chance
13565s to make the jump now it's just over
13568s i i think you commit to the keg even
13569s almost
13570s it's gonna be double tick there's no way
13572s it's just up the adn now
13574s he has to clutch this
13576s he has to be able to heal up too look at
13578s the mats trying to play an end game past
13580s this point it's just the third zone look
13582s at the mini map right now every arrow is
13584s looking towards the purple and adn is
13586s almost there yes he is and he's gone
13589s leon ferguson sue will take first place
13592s after that as well benji and savage from
13594s fourth to second they're climbing up 123
13596s points looking safe for now but it's
13599s it's so detrimental back and forth many
13601s big changes in the leaderboards big
13603s changes in defeat as well i see eye drop
13606s and jerky versus thomas and tayson
13608s happening tripper takes down eye drop
13611s swag also down you talked about the
13613s ticking time
13617s and that's exactly what they kind of
13619s fell to right swag not being able to
13621s have the loots not being able to have
13622s the chance to walk in he's gone thomas
13625s not completely eliminated
13627s and that's a legendary striker that's
13629s available
13630s yeah and this is really interesting
13631s right i talked about how maybe we see a
13634s pullback on third zone it's gone max
13636s basically again so another journey for
13638s all these teams to travel
13640s the teams who already set up in zone
13642s will be having a real nice time waiting
13644s and watching as everybody tries to make
13646s their way in side by side but we already
13648s know the kind of issues teams will face
13650s once that happens
13653s and we know the issues that thomas and
13654s trippen will face if they actually don't
13656s get this win today
13657s think about it this way
13659s two days you're you're a top type team
13661s landing at cavern you haven't called yet
13663s that third day some of these teams
13665s moving in some of the teams around the
13667s map they might start to stop respecting
13669s you and go straight for the same drop
13671s you're landing at the big key here
13673s though and the big
13674s silver lining for them is that when you
13676s look at where they were eighth place
13678s they aren't far away they don't have to
13680s all in we know the analysts discussed it
13681s in in depth this game is going to be a
13684s game where everybody's trying to go for
13685s hype anybody below 20th all out our
13688s hopes ride on the victoria but they
13689s don't need to fall under that pressure
13691s right all they need to do is stay
13693s consistent stay in the game and stay
13694s alive together too many times now we've
13696s seen them play as a solo either one
13698s stick together stay deep in the game
13701s top six is theirs so let me give you a
13702s snapshot of what happened last game it
13704s was a four five-way height fight it was
13706s almost a game six in terms of stakes all
13708s the way towards the sky thomas and
13709s tripper and playing the mid staying
13711s together staying fine slipped up
13713s it's the exact stakes you're talking
13715s about levin and they failed already in
13717s that fifth game
13718s is that what it takes in game six
13721s you associate having composure to thomas
13724s hd same for tripping both veterans both
13726s players who have been around for so so
13728s long they can't allow this moment to get
13730s to them because at the end of the day
13732s the stakes are going to get higher even
13734s if they do eventually quote in the
13735s finals next weekend so you have to be
13737s able to handle this kind of pressure you
13739s have to be able to also be in first
13741s place
13742s and think about the possibility at the
13745s moment at least for hookah and destiny
13746s of not qualifying
13748s i've seen right now this torch this beam
13750s in the sky
13752s on the wide be handed to multiple
13754s different teams i've seen benji and
13755s savage be so close to taking it
13758s it's been leon first at one point now
13759s it's back to hookah and zesten 127 124
13763s points that's where we're kind of at
13764s savage picks up another pick it's vettel
13767s who goes down to the storm there's some
13768s pressure on the back side i do see
13770s lechie and swillium active and quiet for
13773s the first time in one of these zones
13775s where if they got their surge i'm not
13777s sure but they're actually boxed up and
13778s waiting now
13780s crogge and zeraghi kovacs it's rocks
13783s they're here too
13785s kind of slightly altered in hp i'm not
13786s sure exactly what happened to kovacs but
13789s every team usually that's super loud
13791s that's trying to find a way to get some
13793s surge is biding their time waiting at
13795s the bugle for that victor royale
13798s you know we've moved past the beagle now
13800s right we're moving into
13802s even further northeastern territory
13806s uncharted grounds for everybody in this
13808s lobby
13809s when it comes to today's games
13813s and again
13814s the space between each team getting
13817s tighter and tighter
13818s room for error
13820s getting smaller and smaller
13822s the pressure is rising
13825s and you can see here when it comes to
13827s leon flares
13830s they've been able to handle that
13832s pressure for a lot of today
13835s the launch pad will help
13838s but some big shots
13840s will do even more wonders for them as
13842s they move forward
13845s you can see 186 above now that it's
13847s updated
13849s and that isn't comfy so the young
13850s players will keep looking
13852s they won't be satisfied lola's though st
13856s is everything falling apart for them
13858s shia started the day so well
13860s down below on surge and it just hasn't
13863s quite been able to piece things together
13865s not too much damage needed to get above
13867s that line but look at the inventory bare
13869s bones not many materials and there ain't
13872s gonna be many places to find them now
13874s if you want materials you're gonna have
13875s to fight for them you're gonna have to
13877s pick up an elimination a launch pad
13879s might be the saving grace for them at
13880s some point but ultimately
13882s this is not looking like a game where
13884s they're gonna amass many points and with
13886s so many teams
13888s bouncing in around that line of sixth
13890s place looking to push those boundaries
13893s this could be a tragic way to end the
13895s tournament for them
13896s this is not day number one
13898s ending your run in fourth rule there's
13901s no safety net whatsoever estie slapped
13903s in the face and asked to back up now the
13906s back door also being broken down lola's
13907s down to 24 hp it might be over search
13910s striking as well lola's is down the
13912s clutch meister of the day is dawn sd in
13915s a second will be sniped down they're in
13917s fifth place currently and might just
13919s fall 120 points
13922s max pull
13923s he's done the damage on the cosmo it's
13925s fine for now and got the knock
13928s but it hasn't just come in just yet espy
13930s is gone from first to sixth it's a ten
13934s point differential that's how close this
13937s day is right now that means from six
13939s down to almost even 15th or 20th there's
13941s a chance for teams to have good games
13943s climb up and make it none of these teams
13946s are safe they can't go down bendy savage
13948s survived till the end leon furs is first
13951s for a reason he gets there inside that
13953s top five
13954s zestin and hookah who were in first at a
13956s moment jumping back and forth
13958s ping-ponging in between silver and gold
13960s on the podium 126 below ran to an entire
13964s shield keg 250 pots a few minis and are
13966s still getting hunted by surge no one on
13969s the server wants to go home without even
13971s trying to get close towards the thick of
13973s the finals no one wants to go down
13975s everyone's keeping their class close to
13976s their chests
13977s right nobody wanting to make the one
13979s mistake the one thing that will cost
13981s them in their pursuit of the final but
13984s the problem is the lobby doesn't care
13985s about that adobe isn't as forgiving as
13987s we are and so you're seeing now the
13989s desperation to try and deal some sort of
13991s damage here
13992s the lobby especially doesn't care about
13994s zesting and hookah they're on heels they
13996s just ran through six inventory slots of
13999s heals and they're almost done serge is
14001s still striking
14002s fifth zone locked in 52 people alive no
14006s one wants to say good night zesting
14008s hookah might be forced to put to bed by
14011s sky it's just hookah now 117 damage he
14015s needs to land one of these shots he
14016s doesn't even have a shotgun in the
14017s inventory he needs to spray he needs to
14020s pray to something he's gone he's out
14022s they were first at 1.11 and they're gone
14027s it's the stories of storm
14030s how difficult it can be in this final
14032s game a team who was so consistent on the
14034s day
14036s a team who really looked like they had
14037s things figured out ahead of the rest of
14039s the lobby even on zones that were
14040s difficult
14041s just missing the mark now
14043s and we'll be begging praying that things
14045s can be held on to
14047s and our team who will be begging and
14048s praying for some glimmer of hope in this
14051s game thomas hd
14053s using the rift
14054s no way that's nice and this is what
14057s they're setting up for
14059s but heightened first moving will it be
14060s possible there's teams to above them as
14062s well
14063s no way
14064s let's put the map in half this guy look
14066s at this half the players on low ground
14068s figuring out what to do the rest up in
14070s the sky forget consistency it's all
14072s about miracles right now more teams
14074s joining the airspace zrox in a box he's
14077s down fourth place gone more space for
14079s thomas and tripperin to take over this
14082s need a few more points wendy at 109 as
14084s well leader down chance for a clutch
14086s here mr lucky number seven is looking
14087s for a few shots at 18 hp he doesn't have
14089s much left in the tank either bandages up
14091s in play three builds he needs someone to
14094s save him he needs a power shot breaking
14096s the way he can't break past that either
14098s three damage above surge he'll be fine
14100s for now but he's stuck on the back walls
14102s no more mats no more chances he's being
14104s forced up and out just basically flooded
14107s out of the bills he calls home jackson
14109s down the feed he's one up against benji
14110s on the right side the server is just an
14112s absolute catastrophic dismay no one
14115s knows who's on what is on what layer
14117s finco down on height as well satan has
14119s it with darkness they're finally up
14121s awake and alive their eyes are open but
14123s look at thomas hd's are different
14124s they're focused so much on the prize
14126s they forgot to do damage 52 below they
14128s got no more heels up either the last
14130s harpoon from
14131s this is chaos this is tragedy 10 hp and
14135s surge stops at the final moment tripper
14138s finds thomas they have a chance to stay
14139s as a duo and stay alive for the rest of
14141s the game but that combined hp is that of
14144s just a solo right now they're looking so
14146s bare bones you can see wendy now on low
14148s ground the example of what it means
14152s to everything but he can't he will fall
14155s and you can see now satan has a great
14157s hold on height up there with his duo but
14160s down below everybody hustling and
14162s tripping and thomas now this
14164s might be the one wall to be knocking on
14166s they can't afford to go down they need
14168s to stay in this game look how low they
14170s are no materials either they need to hit
14172s a shot and soon no yeah he will do it he
14176s pushes them into the top sixth fourth
14178s place now thomas kelly clark we've seen
14180s him do it so many times before can he
14182s stay in this game he has a couple bills
14184s to keep him up but thomas now just
14186s waiting out the clock waiting for
14187s everybody else to go down michael trying
14189s to make a medkit play goes down another
14191s team out of the way for thomas keeping
14193s him in the game pushing him up in the
14195s standings he can't get scratched he
14197s can't get even breathed on right now 21
14199s hp he's clutched so far to get to this
14201s point but he has to go even more further
14202s beyond sustainable up in the inventory
14204s in terms of just the power of the moment
14205s right now i'm getting flushed or darkest
14207s and satan are putting down the pressure
14208s he's on low ground just grass between
14210s him and every other person in this lobby
14212s do not shoot the players he doesn't know
14214s that himself though thomas moves through
14215s the jungle
14217s through the shadows and cannot strike
14219s 131 points at fourth place is what he
14221s goes down in for the moment leon throws
14224s at 160 he's just pushing that lead
14226s website trying to get in there as well
14227s 19th place we'll have to look for the
14228s win or just so many points to keep
14230s racking up and getting towards the end
14231s of this game eight zone almost one in
14232s the ninth sitting in the top on height
14234s eggman voxer here two in ninth place
14236s they can also just fly by saying that
14238s 103 points as a solo with loki he gets
14241s denied a shot from leon furrs he's
14243s making sure no one has it easy towards
14246s the finals clown ski inside the box
14247s another spray another big shot and he
14250s gets one down armored wall he says no
14252s thank you his teammates to love its refs
14253s guard 97.11 they need this win they have
14256s to go for the win they can't afford to
14258s go down now they need to stay in it but
14260s it's gonna be so hard there's a team on
14261s height looking strong as ever and so
14263s they need to sort out the low down
14264s quickly and that's what they'll do one
14266s elimination trying to break their way
14268s through more fighting off another one as
14270s well fighting to survive fighting their
14272s way into the fncs final trying to stay
14274s up now watching teams here in the final
14276s moment mr satan dark is trying
14279s everything they can right now to stay up
14280s in this game cows get restored squash
14282s below as well they're trying to stay up
14284s but they can't make your way through
14286s whoever wins this goes to the fncs
14288s finals it's all about this last 2v2 24th
14291s versus 12th who was in a rocket all the
14293s way in class gallowing free rush like
14295s flying
14296s he trades 1v1 now the last chance here
14298s we go big shields on rest he takes the
14300s first shot but it's done darkest locks
14303s it in and he's going to the finals what
14305s a 2v2 what a way to secure a spot at the
14308s big throw in the eu what a way to do it
14313s wow
14314s they secure this foot in the finals in
14316s the final moments of that game a 2v2 and
14319s a nerve-racking one at that they held on
14322s to height for so long and even in the
14324s mystery of battle even with his teammate
14326s down he did not fold he hits the shot on
14329s terrestre and he wins the game game six
14333s what a finish you can't ask for a better
14335s one two teams who've done as much as
14337s they can throughout the whole day just
14339s not enough two teams we need to win one
14342s final fight too much pressure for the
14344s low ground ones though satan darkest we
14346s saw this since like qual 211 they
14348s struggle to get that win to keep the
14350s pressure when it matters most they deal
14352s it down it was literally i'm shaking
14355s right now it's mad because they have to
14358s win that fight and it's not just against
14359s someone who has cod who can sit back and
14361s relax it's against another team who is
14363s fighting doing everything they can in
14365s those final moments but they were the
14367s ones that pushed through they were the
14368s ones that had the final bit of finesse
14370s the final bit of class to push their way
14373s into the final wow
14375s man they got a bit of a breather right
14376s now to be able to just think about what
14378s happened with that win ref score though
14379s was there as well towards the very end
14381s so close in landing one of those or just
14383s one of those final shots levin
14385s that that was like one of the best ways
14387s to end the semi-finals honestly what a
14389s way to do it my mind is absolutely blown
14391s i'm sure my fellow
14394s on their desk we'll be saying the same
14395s we're going to kick it to them to break
14397s that all down what a day it's been
14400s wow
14401s dude we were in i don't know if you
14403s could act if your mics could actually
14405s pick up the fact that i was yelling in
14406s the back from the double rift happening
14408s it was loud just it was so
14410s ridiculously insane to have these
14412s moments come down in the last game right
14414s especially in that situation if you're
14416s following along you know both those
14417s teams were not in the top six and they
14419s both needed the victory out they wanted
14421s to continue to come down to that to just
14424s miss it by that much reef i mean i'm
14426s telling you right straight up the rifts
14427s that you mentioned earlier beautiful
14429s right i think we actually how often do
14431s you see a rift in the end game we've
14432s seen because
14434s yesterday yeah just today exactly about
14435s half the lobby was going up this was a
14437s play that i absolutely loved from thomas
14438s hd the commitment the understanding that
14440s for them to do good and stay in that top
14443s obviously we know thomas as an
14444s incredible solo player but he has to
14446s commit and get tripping back up there
14447s yeah he can't do it alone as you can see
14449s they took the rift here as well and this
14450s is this is an interesting moment i'm
14451s gonna use a little shy analogy here oh
14452s it's okay it's gonna be good then yeah
14454s absolutely you know when you walk up to
14455s someone in the street and you don't know
14456s which one of you are gonna go which way
14457s it's like you're gonna go right you're
14458s gonna go left like oh left or right that
14460s was kind of what this situation was
14461s everyone went up with the rift and they
14462s were like who's gonna go on high is it
14464s gonna be us is gonna be them i don't
14464s know who it's gonna be and this is
14466s exactly what they did they decided okay
14467s we're gonna go a little bit lower but
14468s thomas hd could have pulled off the
14470s clutch of the century here could they be
14471s in the top five on top six uh it's gonna
14473s be great to see and we'll see that later
14475s on but man that was crazy we're in
14476s fourth when we went down
14478s there was a lot of other stuff going on
14479s i'm pretty sure they managed to stay in
14480s the top six just based off of that right
14482s another team who was in the top six
14484s who's actually first at some point
14485s lolis and este now
14488s this is a shame right because we talked
14490s about how good these guys have been
14491s doing on surgery this whole time right
14493s and yeah mid-game was their fall down
14496s but guess what full max distance zone
14498s these guys are fully at that south west
14499s side dropping your camp cuddle and this
14501s could not be a worse zone for them and
14503s you know without cars now a lot of teams
14505s haven't adapted to this style of going
14507s to the complete opposite side of the
14508s zone and managing to get surged at the
14510s same time a lot of players you know head
14512s and queasy notorious zone complainers we
14514s love them but they are similar for now
14516s sda obviously and lolis as well max
14518s distance they're gonna have to maybe in
14520s the future figure this one out because i
14521s doubt they stayed in the top six there
14523s yeah i agree and it was just going from
14525s bad to worse for them of course all
14526s those zones just kept pulling farther
14528s and farther away from them and it just
14529s wasn't working out they tried to use the
14531s bills to clutch their way into the zone
14532s and make their way into the zone but
14534s there was just too much pressure from
14535s the players that were already based up
14536s already positioned inside of the zone
14538s that we saw plenty of teams too around
14539s the daily people area you know i'm
14541s talking about the downfall of teams here
14542s in the top six yep engine savage again
14545s we'll see when the leaderboard comes in
14546s later where they actually end up sitting
14548s out but this team the first three games
14550s they were in first place looked like
14551s they were having an absolute dominant
14553s run even at this moment they were first
14554s but the hyper aggression the over
14556s aggression that we see here actually
14558s potentially was their downfall yeah i
14560s think it was it was one of those
14561s situations where they almost needed to
14562s be because of the storm center because
14563s of the way that the zone was falling all
14565s the way over to the east side they had
14567s to and as you can see here avengers
14568s falling down at the crucial moments and
14570s savage just the same it's going to be
14572s tough for them i don't know if they're
14573s going to be in that top six it's going
14575s to be close yeah i mean they're in first
14576s i hope they are let's be real it's no
14577s it's not finals without a binging savage
14579s in there at this point it wouldn't be
14580s and it's good to kind of go ahead and
14582s qualify now right not have to worry
14583s about tomorrow because we're gonna have
14584s the one tomorrow six games there so it's
14587s like okay
14588s all right everybody sorry about that it
14589s was close it's just a joke we're gonna
14591s be in finals ha ha right
14592s my goodness okay so let's do something
14594s here let's kick it back over to our
14596s casters they were the ones who walked us
14598s through these five games six games
14599s excuse me let's relive the moments who
14601s have gone through yeah i mean many
14604s different teams zeke the breakdowns
14605s which is nice throughout the whole day
14606s but let's take a trip down memory lane
14608s eleven first off carmy vanya they were
14610s the easy ones right just staying on
14611s height rattling down it was a nice
14613s drizzle of rain and they won that first
14614s game yeah i think they maybe didn't get
14616s their credit because of the clutch you
14618s know we saw from lola strike but
14619s definitely an impressive first game
14621s there from them game two few back in
14623s fury though came through and did what
14625s they do best making sure they closed out
14627s in style with finesse yeah we like style
14630s finesse we also like you know classic eu
14631s action anas and pink uh also just made
14634s things really high and mighty let
14636s everyone you know play in the playground
14637s and we're like yeah we kind of need to
14638s make it to eu finals let's just do that
14640s now we annoyed them game winners and
14642s finally living up to that title right
14644s game four though was real fun though
14646s because you have kefi melody we have a
14648s crazy heel off right one that we you
14650s know we might personally uh struggled a
14653s bit there in terms of the lung capacity
14655s we have to replace 11. this is not the
14656s same 11 that we saw casting the first
14658s three games it's a brand new body in
14660s mind game five also saw you know kind of
14662s showed us a brand new way to attack some
14664s of these vr's ripley and flo dax rolled
14666s in and i think it's a well earned
14667s victory royale or just you know a ticket
14669s straight up towards the final suit
14670s they've tried many times with quals and
14672s semis and they're here to stay yeah they
14674s cleaned up incredibly well and then game
14676s six games what do i have to say about
14678s games do i really have to say anything
14680s about games you know about game six
14682s honestly one of the better finishes
14684s we've seen across any region in fortnite
14686s in any format anyway right that was such
14689s a great finish there yeah it was all
14690s about fighting in that one too i think
14691s we mentioned it with darkest and satan
14693s they get a few punches in they never
14695s last the full 12 rounds all the way
14696s towards the end that was an ultimate
14698s test for them and they passed with
14699s flying grapes yeah but
14701s beyond just that right of course we had
14703s players who qualified through
14705s consistency we want to take a look at
14706s that leaderboard and check out exactly
14708s what happened right there
14710s that's right man we gotta take a look
14711s because we can't forget at the end of
14713s today the top six will be moving on
14716s questions on the mind thomas h d
14718s tripperin benji fishy and mr savage take
14720s a look third and fourth they did hang on
14723s minnie they hung on they just about did
14727s and of course they had a little bit of a
14728s comeback towards the end there i think
14729s they set themselves up well enough in
14731s those first three games to the point
14732s where you thought even if they had an
14734s absolute nightmare in the final three
14736s they're still gonna be qualified it was
14737s looking close though it was towards that
14738s final game actually the last three games
14740s all three of them
14741s i mean i was getting tense i'm
14744s yeah i mean when it comes to just the
14745s way all these six teams honestly the top
14748s ten have been playing the whole day it
14749s could have been any which way as soon as
14750s one person drops for a game i think
14752s everyone else's eyes and ears perk up
14754s and they start to just go brazing mode
14757s it's crazy yeah it's one of those fun
14759s things where of course you look at the
14760s standards and you sort of go to yourself
14762s wow what a journey it's been right
14763s because so many of these teams are so in
14765s out in out finally in the end securing
14768s their spots personally away lifted off
14770s my shoulder team
14772s honestly the stress levels for me going
14774s through these games right in the last
14775s game when we got to them i didn't want
14776s to talk about them shia was forcing me
14778s talk about thomas
14780s i didn't even want to say if i don't
14781s want to jinx it whatsoever but finally
14783s they make it that's right let's take a
14785s look at our qualified players so thanks
14786s to production this is such a helpful
14788s graphic we can take a look right we've
14789s got where the duos have come through
14791s what qualifier and the semi-final round
14794s so this is kind of our first set of duos
14796s we have another 12 going through
14798s tomorrow
14799s is tomorrow gonna be i don't want to use
14801s the word easier that's not the one i'm
14802s looking for but maybe uh
14804s more manageable because i know we're
14806s removing 12 from today because they've
14808s qualified we have 12 new teams coming in
14810s tomorrow yeah that's very true and i
14811s think for the teams that have been in
14813s all of the semi-finals sessions i think
14814s it'll be it'll allow them to be a little
14816s bit more streetwise now they know how
14817s these semifinals are played out they
14818s know exactly what they're gonna be doing
14819s with their surge routes and stuff like
14820s that but as you mentioned there are
14822s plenty of new teams 12 teams in fact
14824s coming in again tomorrow so it's gonna
14826s throw a little bit of a spanner in the
14827s works for all of these teams they'll be
14829s oh go for it i don't know you're just
14830s like okay i was gonna say they might
14831s just be tired though man it's day number
14834s three of tournaments they're gonna be
14835s like just give me a win man just give me
14837s a win just go up on height or something
14839s when it comes to i feel like day two was
14841s the easy one and three we finally get
14843s that reboot type of s gameplay i think
14845s everyone's ready and knows what it takes
14847s especially this game six that we just
14848s saw it'll be like that starting like
14850s game three or four yeah did you watch
14852s these games by the there ain't no easy
14853s one
14855s you know
14857s i do think that's a great point there in
14858s terms of you know when you've played
14860s that many games right it's just
14862s mentally you're just sort of going out
14864s here and again and again and again and
14866s you know that's what you see
14867s concentration slip you see these little
14868s mess-ups hiccups in people's games you
14870s know if we're using the logic of oh yeah
14871s they'll figure things out you know
14872s storms could have said that for today
14874s yeah yeah
14875s for today for all these teams and the
14876s same problem will arise tomorrow you
14878s have a bunch of new teams coming in the
14879s dynamics all around the map will switch
14881s up slightly here and there so it's not
14883s going to be easy whatsoever i think
14884s honestly if you haven't done it and
14885s you've had all these sessions to do it
14888s you're going to be going into it with a
14890s lot of sweat dripping off your forehead
14892s right a lot more pressure coming in
14894s tomorrow let's remind ourselves of the
14895s predictions
14896s some of us have done really really well
14899s some of us some of us on the side
14901s look okay
14904s minnie and i were holding to our guns
14906s okay we're not look they're gonna
14908s qualify tomorrow right it's tomorrow
14909s tomorrow's
14916s because like these guys are so good and
14917s we expect them to do so well um yeah i
14919s was kind of hoping we weren't going to
14920s go through predictions today
14927s minnie had like an entire wall of like
14928s you know pins and threads for every
14930s possible jerky weight races finally he
14932s just tossed that all down you guys heard
14933s him right
14934s yeah i tried i mean i'm like
14936s i'm the new guy on the set nobody knows
14938s who i am
14967s off the rails here you know look at him
14969s no i'm i'm confident that they're going
14970s to qualify tomorrow maybe i uh do stick
14972s with them i think i have to go for the
14973s third time lucky go for the old wreath
14975s classic you know take them three times
14977s so i mean it does work so i also got
14978s right today though so you know
14981s okay
14982s we're done here uh fortnite fan thanks
14984s so much for hanging out with us for
14985s semi-finals day number two don't forget
14987s tomorrow we're back same great time same
14989s great plays great people make sure you
14991s don't miss it also na east any west as
14994s well there's 12 teams going in in both
14996s of those regions so still plenty of
14997s fortnite to watch we love you all keep
14999s yourself safe and as always we'll see
15001s you we got predictions on that battle
15002s budget
15005s i went
15075s foreign
15102s so
15126s um
15178s foreign
15227s so
15248s foreign
15283s so
15359s oh
15533s so
15580s um
15590s so
15646s so
15680s thank
15733s so
15760s i'm ready
15763s hello guys my name is jason i'm
15765s competing in the regional rumble
15772s i haven't played this map since so long
15774s i mean it's really good for aim practice
15776s because it's really like
15779s realistic i would say
15786s okay 71 hit
15788s 44 missed
15796s i know epic has like really good
15798s tracking so might be hard to beat him in
15800s this
15812s five
15820s there's too many targets i don't know to
15822s focus on
15834s i think i could have done way better it
15836s just
15837s if i had more time i think to practice
15839s on this
15840s uh but i think the ana guys will do
15842s better than me maybe with the
15845s zombie mk tracking i might have done
15847s better i'm sorry i disappointed you guys
15864s my name is bizil i'm representing na
15866s east in the regional rumble i'm going
15868s against tyson and epic whale personally
15870s i think i'm going to win i am ready and
15872s if anything tastes like give me a little
15874s bit of a challenge all right let's go 50
15876s meters time trail
15878s i probably never played this before
15883s this is the one thing i'm supposed to be
15885s good at
15891s oh lord 61.
15893s that's bad right that's definitely bad
15895s went awful i felt so bad 61 there's no
15898s way i won if i won i'll be very
15900s surprised
15901s let's go 50 meters horizontal i should
15904s win
15908s i'm missing too many shots
15911s i need more headshots
15918s six is that right all right that should
15920s be fine i'm feeling confident with that
15922s maybe not really all right
15925s all right we got skeet let's go
15929s why is the background black i can't see
15931s anything
15940s spawn
15944s all right 66 that's okay there's no way
15947s that'll
15948s we'll win i should win i think probably
15950s not
15965s this mousepad is tiny
15967s oh good
15969s all right
15970s hey what's up guys my name is epic whale
15972s and today i'm going to be representing
15973s na west in the regional rumble
15975s first one's 50 meter ranger
15981s more like a flaking map
15994s all right
15995s hit 64. not bad
15998s i don't really know hopefully that's a
15999s good score it's uh not used to the setup
16001s so we'll see
16016s oh we got three eliminations all right
16018s that's solid
16020s ran out of mouse mouse space a few times
16022s but we did
16038s all right 62.
16040s it's all out i feel like
16043s that was that might have been my best
16044s one either this one was the first one i
16045s don't know that second one was pretty
16047s tough
16048s the first one was
16050s a more flick map like
16052s almost like shotgun name kind of the
16054s second one was mostly just a hard
16056s tracking and then the third one was like
16058s a combination of the two where you're
16060s kind of flicking at moving targets and
16062s tracking a little bit personally i'm
16064s pretty like even i don't have like one
16067s one's not weight my tracking isn't way
16069s better than my flicking and my flicking
16071s isn't way better than my tracking so
16093s day two of the na east fncs semifinals
16096s is upon us
16098s rokane and joji will be hopping into the
16100s lobby after rokin's incredible
16102s performance in qualifier 3.
16105s omg me 2 and shadow played the
16107s consistency game yesterday but just
16109s missed out qualifying they had at least
16111s 14 points in every game played at least
16114s one elam in every game and never placed
16116s lower than 17.
16121s many names are still seeking a spot in
16123s finals bucky
16126s mackwood
16129s cease
16131s all are yet to qualify
16133s these lobbies will be stacked
16136s fncsna east semi-final 2 starts now
16145s yo
16145s fortnite fam hustle up fncs nae semi
16149s finals day two let's ride
16168s it's a new dawn it's a new day and we're
16171s feeling groovy here that's right we are
16173s here for fncs nae semi finals day two
16176s yesterday was absolutely action-packed
16179s hi octane and today is gonna be even
16181s wilder my name is adam savage i am
16182s delighted to be your host hello there
16184s we've got all the action coming your way
16186s uh we've got so much to get excited
16188s about as well just to recap of course
16190s and our qualifiers 15 teams qualified
16192s from there yesterday 11 more join that's
16194s 26 in total today 12 more will join them
16198s for finals going through to next weekend
16200s as well of course many big name teams
16202s still yet to qualify rising stars of
16205s tomorrow as well are hoping to their
16207s first taste of fncs finals the premium
16210s creme de la creme in fortnite around the
16213s world this is that competition now of
16216s course as well you're watching from
16217s legends landing big shout out to you
16218s guys well at home hello welcome to you
16220s in legends land you can find out loads
16221s more on the epic discovery row as well
16224s now we're going to break down all of
16225s yesterday and go forward to today as
16226s well who to look forward to to get
16228s excited to see but i can't do that by
16230s myself the entire squad has assembled
16232s for you guys let's bring them out the
16234s absolute legends that are svg and vivid
16241s hey
16255s we go into uh today obviously quite you
16257s know semi-final day two which is going
16258s to be incredible
16260s we're so excited he's talking to us all
16261s night long as well um we saw that
16263s yesterday very quickly obviously
16265s interestingly prediction-wise we
16267s obviously like to throw our hat in the
16268s ring and say we think this team's gonna
16269s go through all of our predictions yes a
16271s couple did go through via points but
16273s predictions going through the victory
16274s royales none of we didn't get anything
16276s correct there it was just going to show
16278s the caliber of players in this region
16279s spg i mean there are so many great
16281s viewers out there there are quick shout
16283s out to vivid and sundown for nailing
16286s their pics yesterday they qualified
16287s through consistency but we saw some
16290s incredible games some solo clutches and
16292s some teams doing some incredible things
16295s making plays in those last few games the
16297s last few moments to qualify vivint well
16300s done yesterday yeah thank you so much
16301s but no not well done to me well done the
16303s slacks and clarity they played so
16305s consistent love to see them in those end
16307s games every single time give me
16308s something really root for so that was my
16309s prediction but then all those other
16311s teams you know it's just so much action
16312s like threats and rise coming in at the
16314s very end getting that victory out love
16316s to see it we saw big clutch plays we're
16317s gonna see loads more today let's talk
16319s through the broadcast schedule uh svg
16321s check this out we've got the big screen
16323s again for the peeps at home man uh check
16325s it out this is our broadcast schedule i
16326s mentioned the beginning of the show
16327s there uh qualifiers one two and three
16329s five teams from each qualified in those
16330s qualifiers and of course semi-finals
16333s right here in red you can't miss it uh
16335s obviously that's this weekend here we're
16336s on day number two now may 21st that is
16338s happening today ahead of finals next
16340s week and but of course let's talk about
16342s the format how players got here in the
16343s first place vivid what do you got for us
16346s here we go listen we've talked about
16347s those three qualifiers plenty we got 15
16350s teams in total from them straight to the
16352s finals we are in semifinals now week
16354s number three of this fncs we had session
16357s number one yesterday only five matches
16359s but we had a total of 11 teams go
16361s through now the most exciting thing
16363s about the transition to today we're
16364s playing six matches in total so one more
16367s match to add a little bit more action to
16370s today and then ultimately we will make
16371s our way through to the finals but again
16374s this semi-final format is so fun there's
16375s victor royale's being a direct shot to
16377s the finals and then also that
16378s consistency leaderboard where teams are
16380s fighting for points if they don't get a
16382s victory out to get top six but spg how
16384s do they get those points got you vivid
16387s so let's talk about the points let's
16388s talk about how you qualify through
16390s consistency it's placement it's
16392s elimination this is a combination of the
16394s two you start getting placement points
16396s at 35th and you keep accumulating them
16398s as we go obviously all the way up to
16401s second place if you win the match you're
16403s going through straight to finals not
16405s only are you getting placement points
16406s though you're able to get those
16407s elimination points which are three
16409s points per elim and we've seen some
16411s incredible games we just saw an eu a 10
16414s eloom game that was massive that shakes
16416s up the leaderboard and it is going to be
16419s quite incredible to see how this goes
16421s today it really is it really is but of
16422s course as well yesterday 11 teams
16423s progressed through the finals 11 new
16425s teams enter the mix as well vivid who
16427s you got for us coming in today and
16429s what's gonna happen listen we got a
16431s bunch of new players like you mentioned
16432s 11 new teams to join the lobby to
16434s replace those players that are now in to
16436s the finals and one of those teams that
16439s are going to be replacing those other
16440s teams is actually knifer and ocus this
16444s is really really exciting because they
16446s didn't actually even play together in
16447s the first qualifier of the season
16449s knightfir was playing with nosh didn't
16451s really like the chemistry that was going
16452s on so he switched it up in qualifier 2
16455s and ever since knife and ocus have been
16456s playing phenomenally and that's why it's
16458s so impressive because they actually
16460s gathered enough series points to make it
16461s in the semifinals with only two
16463s qualifiers under their belt that's
16465s really impressive because some teams
16467s weren't able to do that with three
16468s qualifiers and them being able to clutch
16470s up in those two qualifiers we see them
16472s slaying out getting all those elims this
16474s is a dangerous duo and i like you
16476s mentioning them another team to watch
16478s out for is kaz and who fishy we see them
16481s going for plays we know kaz for the
16483s longest time he was one of the players
16485s with the most fncs finals appearances on
16488s the region he's still a 10 that is quite
16490s impressive but a couple players have
16492s passed him together these two are going
16494s to be looking to make plays they are the
16495s veterans of the scene and much like
16497s we've talked about the past couple of
16498s days instead of it being just one
16501s veteran and one newcomer this is a
16503s perfect pair of all of that experience
16506s that's going to be looking to qualify
16507s the finals vivid yeah you really got to
16509s love that the fact that kaz has made it
16511s to so many of those fncs finals and then
16513s who fishy those great youtube videos
16514s that we always love to watch but here we
16517s are on the second page another duo that
16519s we have to talk about we've talked about
16520s them a bunch throughout this fncs
16522s muzz and avery we know moz previous fncs
16526s winner the storyline there is great by
16527s the way comes over from oce and just
16530s starts to dominate the na region and
16532s joins avery none other who has played
16534s along the likes of like booga who we
16536s know is back to back fncs champions you
16538s know whatever right but i mean this dude
16540s just has it all they've been laying at
16541s this command cavern for quite some time
16543s now and i am honestly hoping that
16546s semi-finals day number two is their
16547s ticket punched through to that finals
16549s yeah and they have it they've done it in
16552s multiple seasons like you mentioned muzz
16553s has
16554s all of the resume
16556s in his back pocket another duo to talk
16558s about is aviv and gold this has been a
16560s rising duo we talked about the veterans
16562s i want to talk about the newcomers and
16565s aviv is an igl who is starting to climb
16568s up that ladder trying to get to that top
16570s of the igl list within the region then
16573s we're also talking about gold who is
16575s that next level fragger we saw some
16576s crazy plays last
16579s during day one of semis with scare bear
16582s this is another player that i'm looking
16583s to make some incredible plays here in
16586s the day today gold aviv they have an
16589s interesting split going in between
16590s sleepy and bugle and between that i
16593s think they're gonna have some success
16595s yeah definitely advantageous to be up in
16597s that north zone it proved yesterday
16599s five games out of five going up there
16601s hopefully that can replicate for the
16602s boys gold and aviv that would be great
16605s but adam we got to keep this show
16607s rolling don't we we're going to keep it
16608s rolling baby got to keep it rolling
16610s that's right and some of those teams
16612s they're amazing of course it seems as
16613s well that's like exactly if they know
16615s each other very well this is a fun game
16616s we played with creole and vert called do
16618s you even know me
16625s so my first question for you
16627s what is my favorite poi of all time i've
16630s only known you for like a year
16633s unfortunately that was wrong my guy not
16635s bony burbs nope that was that's probably
16637s my second favorite but my favorite is
16640s fortillo i won i won sellers there my
16643s other question for you what is my
16645s favorite
16647s food want this to know this
16650s i'm going specific if i know this then
16652s like we're like best friends all right
16655s chicken wings with buffalo sauce and
16657s ranch you pretty much got it wait really
16659s yeah buffalo
16665s with the new zero build game mode being
16667s out
16668s who would win me or you in a tournament
16670s that is just obvious
16671s don't even lie
16674s i said me i said me
16675s best aimer no
16677s i'm the surge carry no i'm the surge
16680s kerry yeah
16682s and i have better movement
16683s all right last question what is my
16685s biggest weakness in game don't get me
16688s started
16690s i said being scared sometimes said
16692s mentality that's a good sound like the
16694s same thing kinda yeah i rage sometimes
16696s yeah he's a little too much he'll be
16698s getting really mad time for me to ask
16699s you some questions if i could unvol one
16702s weapon from the game what would it be i
16704s yeah i know i already know
16707s i said pump shotgun gold pump gold foam
16709s mine yep cause you know i'd be hitting
16711s 203s only i know you have you have some
16714s pretty good name i can't the pump aim
16715s it's the it's the old man name all right
16718s next question
16720s what has been my favorite fortnite
16721s chapter or season so far
16724s i said chapter one world cup
16727s no chapter two season one really like
16730s that was like winter royale
16732s and then
16732s the water came out i'd love that i
16735s thought for sure would be world cup that
16736s was winter since you made a lot of money
16738s there winter rail is my prime
16740s who is the better tarper me or you
16742s don't even
16744s come on
16747s i said korea at least at least you know
16750s he's the igl you know yeah the tarpon
16752s busting out the successful tarps yup
16754s can't go wrong dead side tarps you
16755s already know
16757s don't get offended by this one but if i
16759s could do it with any pro player that
16761s isn't you who would it be
16764s i said prime bucky bucky
16766s that's my boy
16768s that's when you guys used to do really
16769s good yeah the old crucky era bucky if
16772s you're watching this i'll take you back
16774s bro just let me know that's i'm done
16775s playing with you
16787s believe it or not we actually play games
16789s like all the time myself vivster and
16790s spgz and uh it brings us closer together
16793s of course it does all right let's talk a
16794s bit more about our duos as well the ones
16796s in focus in particular for tonight's
16797s events uh what you got for us boys
16799s well listen we already went to that
16801s player list right but there's always
16803s those couple of duos that kind of stick
16805s out especially for you spg because jack
16807s and nils we're looking at them you
16809s predicted them yesterday didn't
16810s necessarily go your way did it hey
16811s they're my guys hey we almost saw it in
16814s game one just falling short in second
16817s place but i'm sticking with them but why
16819s am i sticking with them they're going
16821s tilted they're going to be unkind at the
16823s south side of tilted once again if you
16825s guys watch yesterday we do know that
16827s illist is making some incredible clutch
16830s plays towards the end of games in in
16832s addition i love what jack does as an igl
16835s he leads a team beautifully and is
16837s always finding ways to look and take
16838s wins yeah a hard duo to bet against for
16841s sure also that little piece you did
16842s yesterday them kind of splitting up on
16844s the hills for their storm surge they
16846s definitely got a lot of stuff figured
16847s out and you can see here a lot of
16849s experience under their belt with a lot
16851s of finals this season to back that up
16854s but this isn't the only duo that we are
16856s going to be taking a look at today we're
16858s also gonna be looking at creo invert
16860s which i am so excited about to talk
16862s about because slacks and clarity
16863s qualified yesterday and the reason why
16865s that's important is because it seems as
16867s if creo and vert are actually gonna be
16869s taking their drop spot up at logjam yard
16871s and that's what we love about these
16872s semi-final lobbies right we're
16873s constantly taking players out of the
16875s player pool because they're going
16876s through the finals but then like their
16877s pois open up like all their rotates open
16880s up and creon vert taking full advantage
16882s of that right now yeah and this was a
16883s great duo we were watching talking
16885s before vert playing very well in that
16888s solo cash cup we just saw them they have
16890s the synergy between the two of them they
16892s know each other very very well vert a
16895s former and a west player coming over to
16897s play with rio and has that finals
16899s experience these two it would be strange
16902s not to see them in the finals again
16904s have the poi they literally have a game
16906s plan laid out in front of them from
16908s yesterday to go and move forward so
16910s likely these two will be advancing who
16912s we got next baby oh man this is a good
16915s one you know shout out to adam you know
16917s we'll learn about that later omg me too
16919s and shadow listen they're landing south
16921s west of the map down at that win the
16923s mill split and the reason why that's so
16925s impressive because yesterday actually
16926s got seventh place on the consistency
16928s leaderboard which as we know top six
16930s actually goes straight through the
16931s finals so that is one place off making
16934s it through to the finals but day two is
16936s still ahead of them and the reason why i
16937s think it was so impressive that they got
16939s that seventh place i talked about a
16940s little bit before every single game the
16943s zone went north but these guys are
16945s landing all the way south and they still
16946s got seventh place yeah they were
16948s basically on the opposite side of those
16950s zones and if they are to get a couple
16952s they're going to be a dangerous team to
16953s watch it really was those mid rotations
16956s that were draining their mats draining
16957s their heels making them unable to play
16960s an end game and then once moving zones
16962s came they just didn't have enough to
16964s continue to sustain themselves so hey
16966s couple of nice pulls today like you
16968s mentioned this team will be moving on
16970s yes and dean you know we talked a little
16972s bit about those drop spots indeed so why
16974s don't we take a look at how some of them
16976s are going to play out or at least how we
16977s think they're going to play out yes of
16979s spawn battles is what i'm all about i
16982s absolutely love this this is my favorite
16983s segment of the show here as well and
16984s people getting very excited there about
16986s picks and then predictions as well
16987s because we've been thinking about this
16988s we've got like five hours
16990s all day literally you missed lunch we
16992s missed lunch for that uh okay let's talk
16994s about some of our uh spawn fights as
16995s well of course uh daily bugle first and
16997s foremost let's talk mackwood versus
16999s bucky two teams who've highlighted a lot
17001s before uh surprise not qualified i mean
17003s they've got so much history in fncs as
17005s well but daily bugle this is gonna be an
17007s interesting one lots of loot on offer a
17009s big poi and these two teams both
17011s absolutely exceptional spg it's all
17013s going to happen so much action to be had
17015s yeah the former teammates now going
17017s head-to-head at bugle and we saw
17019s yesterday macklin said he's not leaving
17021s it doesn't matter who's contesting him
17023s he's going to fight this out and
17025s yesterday we saw them battle it out but
17027s it wasn't necessarily going to be a team
17030s fighting every single time there's
17031s enough loot where they can split this
17033s but it doesn't necessarily have to be a
17035s battle every single game so we'll have
17037s have to check in with them a few times
17039s in early game to see how this goes yeah
17040s definitely well to check it out i think
17042s yesterday they only actually fought one
17043s time but notably about that mackwood
17046s actually came out on top of that fight
17048s so again we'll have to make sure that we
17050s keep in check with what's going on over
17052s at the daily bugle indeed we will uh you
17054s can see the result round four trips two
17055s and three consistency again incredible
17057s stuff uh let's head over to shifty
17059s shafts as well here we've got nick
17060s versus noisy here uh you can see some
17062s series points some stats on the screen
17064s as well again two great uh duos who are
17066s going head to head here spg um i think
17069s nick as well you know it's noisy both
17071s will feel this is their moment day two
17074s don't leave it to day three have to do
17075s it today but contestant shifty it's
17077s gonna be interesting yeah and typically
17079s the fights we've seen at shifty are 50
17082s 50. some players decide to split it one
17084s goes low one goes high but ultimately it
17087s has been that 50 50 where teams are just
17089s going and trying to win this right away
17091s because there's not a ton of loot here
17093s for either team to play off of so you
17095s have to win this quickly and if you
17096s don't teams are going to start the third
17098s part of you and well i'm not sure who's
17100s going to win this because both nick and
17102s noisy have great duos yeah they really
17104s are both great deals but listen i think
17106s you said it best and the reason why it's
17108s usually a 50 50 is right they can end it
17110s very very quickly in that case but if
17112s these fights start to draw out it takes
17114s a long time then you have the likes of
17115s like korea and vert who are right up
17117s there just a little bit to the northwest
17119s yeah and they could just come in and get
17121s their storm surge through like a little
17122s third-party fight so gotta be careful
17124s and again another py that we have to
17126s keep in touch with to see how this one
17128s goes oh we certainly will we certainly
17129s will indeed here uh before we get into
17131s the nitty-gritty of predictions another
17133s little fun thing for you here this is a
17134s little thing called ask a pro nae style
17142s even though i don't always have
17144s this great of an attitude but you know
17146s i'm working on it i feel like streaming
17148s is huge and just like people like
17150s showing your personality there's just no
17152s feeling that comes close to that the
17154s shower every day just once a day that's
17155s all it takes like anything can happen to
17157s be honest
17158s what's the optimal shower frequency for
17160s performance
17161s um it's crazy that's a question i like
17163s to go at least once a day when i'm
17165s waking up and uh yeah i just feel good
17168s and not dirty yeah i try to shower at
17170s night because like when i wake up and i
17172s shower like it just makes my hands feel
17173s weird and i i usually play bad i think
17176s it's once a day it's really good i
17178s usually shower like once a day usually
17181s right before i get on so i'm refreshed
17183s definitely once a day minimum i know
17185s there's some gamers that do not do that
17187s i know that for a fact
17189s is there any underrated duo that you
17191s think could have a breakout performance
17192s glace and here are doing really good
17194s right now and i feel like they're
17195s working hard and they're placing and i
17197s think they could do good i think dubs
17198s and mega gonna have a very good season i
17200s think people aren't
17201s thinking as highly of them oh my god me
17203s too and shadow one x is gonna do really
17205s good in this offense yes joji and ro
17207s kane they're not really underrated but i
17209s think for comp wise like they've been
17210s doing really good and people kind of
17211s overlook them
17212s what's the most effective way to make a
17214s name for yourself in the community to be
17216s honest just like do all your socials and
17218s just try to place as high as you can
17220s probably just placing in cash cups
17222s mostly like people really look out for
17223s like solo tournament especially for like
17225s looking for
17226s like a new duo like people want to see
17227s how you can do like by yourself just
17229s know that you're really good if you're
17230s streaming every event that plays well
17231s everyone will roots for the underdog so
17233s if you're making a name for yourself
17234s fncs is the place to do that
17237s how did it feel getting your best
17238s placement in the fncs grand final i got
17240s my best placement in season five and
17242s trios and it felt great because i never
17244s did really good in a big team mode third
17246s place in squad meadow so that was
17248s chapter two season one and that whole up
17250s in cs was very fun i love squads i wish
17252s we have it again someday first time it
17254s was pretty good you know i got second
17256s like four times a row but so like
17258s towards the end it was a little
17259s a little annoying it honestly felt
17261s really well but at the same time really
17263s sad because i could have like won a lot
17265s more and when you see the leaderboard
17266s and then you're i don't know first place
17268s it's always like just the best feeling
17270s ever
17271s who is your role model i really look out
17273s to forbruga one of the best players in
17276s this story is really really good like
17277s everyone hypes me up and says like what
17279s i'm capable of so it's honestly myself
17281s all like the liquid people like chap tom
17283s poach like all of them they're like
17285s super inspiring like you could do comp
17286s and keep content going as well probably
17289s a tennis player like roger federer who
17291s has like been on top for a long time and
17293s has a great attitude so back in the day
17295s i was watching apex tempur fakie and
17299s fast forward to today i'm on their org
17301s and that's the most ridiculous thing
17303s ever it's amazing
17308s we only ask the important questions here
17310s on fncs how many showers should you have
17311s a day i'd say two i would say two one in
17314s the evening one in the morning hey
17315s twelve twelve every two hours spg says
17317s one every hour it's weird but that's
17318s that's spg for us uh okay honestly um
17321s yeah before we get into the whole you
17322s know the predictions of things and i
17323s meet the cast as well obviously we are
17325s so close now to going you know
17327s semi-finals day number two yeah people
17328s coming to you as an ex pro as well you
17330s know obviously you know we've seen a lot
17332s of clutch plays a lot of solo victories
17334s in over the last two days here as a pro
17336s when your teammate goes down is
17337s eliminated on the comms are you
17339s constantly feeding back in the info are
17341s you letting kind of your teammate just
17342s go with the flow whatever they choose to
17343s do they do it i feel like this is
17345s definitely a stylistic type of thing
17346s right like it may change up from do to
17348s dough but i can tell you from experience
17349s that i love to have like a calm ear
17352s to you know kind of walk me through some
17354s of the situations tell you your mats
17355s right we always know that these solo
17358s plays are happening but really they're
17359s still a duo right because you still do
17361s have your duo in your ear telling you
17363s those comms mats positioning we hear it
17365s all the time when we check in with the
17366s players kind of like oh listen you can
17368s rotate that way or there was loot back
17369s there so still technically a duo even
17372s though they're playing solo interesting
17374s interesting indeed all right we're
17375s almost there for game two but we need
17377s two more to complete the squad here
17378s let's give it up for our casters here we
17380s have mdf and sundown come out here boys
17385s here we go
17386s day two baby feeling good feeling good
17389s man
17396s guys obviously uh good to have you guys
17397s back here of course we've got so many
17399s great games planned today some of you
17400s big duos as well we're gonna get
17401s straight into predictions here because
17402s games was imminent let's jump in and see
17404s exactly who we chose here uh now okay
17406s i've gone for omg me too in shadow uh
17408s vivid kind of early one with myself okay
17410s that's adam's thing this is because
17411s they're currently dropping they're
17412s uncontested they're kind of in the
17413s windmill area i think rotates with five
17416s northern zones yesterday today i'm
17417s feeling some southern zones could be
17419s good for those guys today and of course
17420s they i think they qualified first last
17422s season and semi's in day one as well so
17423s they're looking good they came seventh
17424s yesterday spg tell us who your pick who
17426s have you chosen so i like that pick and
17428s i'm sure vivid did too but i have to
17431s stick with jack and illest those were my
17433s guys yesterday i'm not switching away
17435s from them for every reason i said
17437s yesterday they have the ability to win
17439s the games we saw it in game one just
17441s falling short
17443s i'ma see it again here in game one going
17445s into the end game they're taking it okay
17447s wow wow okay strong strong stance
17450s yeah yeah uh vivid let's have a look and
17452s see exactly who you went for as well who
17454s was your pick who do you think five
17456s hours of deliberation let's hear it
17461s i was literally sitting there for like
17462s five hours on my laptop trying to figure
17463s out who i was gonna pick i went with moz
17465s and avery and i went with mother nature
17466s because the experiences there we
17467s mentioned i think avery's only missed
17468s like one fncs finals they've been going
17471s command cavern like all season they got
17472s to know the drop spot like the back of
17474s their hand by this point there's a
17476s couple new duos over there in the area
17477s so i think they will be able to take
17478s advantage of those less experienced
17480s players over at command cavern and i
17482s hope they're actually going to get a
17483s victory out today we'll say game four oh
17489s as well i'm gonna double up on pam
17491s swimming fast today yesterday so close
17493s almost through my voice man pam you
17495s can't be going crazy like that it was it
17496s was a close one so i'm feeling really
17498s good about them also uncontested that's
17500s my biggest thing today here i want a vet
17501s who's uncontested that's going to be
17504s pretty much my safe bet once again it
17506s was my safe day yesterday yeah yeah
17508s it came so close i mean everybody's
17509s talking uncontested did nobody go look
17511s at the numbers 60 of the victory royales
17513s yesterday through all of the regions
17515s came from contested duos going through
17517s i'm going with trap killed in flo i mean
17519s we talked about trap killed yesterday
17521s one of the strongest defensive fighters
17522s they were like the second team just
17524s below omg me too in shadow to not end up
17527s going through i think they lock it up
17528s today okay it's to be interesting
17530s obviously as usual we all choose a
17531s separate team so we're going to be
17532s talking about this i'm going to catch up
17533s man
17535s we've got so much going away of course
17537s uh game one is imminent here of course
17538s do let us know online who you think as
17541s well is going to go all the way through
17543s to finals today uh it's gonna get very
17545s exciting indeed and uh of course big
17547s shout out again to those guys watching
17548s legends landing hello to all of you as
17550s well this is it it is time the battle
17552s bus is ready game one of fncs nae semi
17556s finals day number two let's do this
17558s thing over to sundown and mdf
17562s thank you so much adam vivid and spg my
17565s name's sundown joined by monster d phase
17567s here to call all the action we saw six
17570s games over in europe now we'll have six
17572s games in naes before we get over to west
17574s i mean east did not disappoint yesterday
17576s no like i said at the start of this
17578s whole thing those five games were
17579s explosive we had a couple games there
17581s where i was trying so hard to contain
17582s myself because hello we have a long
17584s weekend in front of us it's three days
17586s of casting as far and you know of course
17588s the players are playing so it's as
17590s difficult but my gosh it did get
17592s exciting um today though of course now
17594s things change a little bit right we have
17596s six that get to move on as far as the
17597s victory outs go plus of course the
17599s consistency yeah it's that one
17600s additional game going through but don't
17602s forget we still have the top six
17604s advancing but the stage is set match one
17606s is ready bus driver is loading everyone
17608s in let's get to it
17617s and here we have it ladies and gentlemen
17619s the battle bus is underway this time
17621s around it's going from the southwestern
17624s portion way on up to the top you can see
17626s players are already beginning to take to
17629s the world contested drops down at
17630s synapse station have players getting
17632s knocked that's voyo v casker avery's
17634s gonna find himself taken out pretty
17637s early as well not sure what that was all
17639s about but already things are beginning
17641s pretty explosive it almost feels like
17643s we're picking up where we left off
17644s yesterday as far as the action goes
17646s today though a oxy on screen as our
17648s first highlight of choice already
17651s getting pushed in by polo yeah you can
17652s see polo and shonia trying to get a
17654s little bit of aggressive here a team who
17656s didn't necessarily find a ton of success
17658s in the qualifiers really just fell into
17660s the pincer movement that came down in
17662s greasy whether it was jackson and mason
17664s just pushing in or another team who was
17666s pushing them out but so far hey it's
17669s looking like it's a new day also a new
17671s day for ceases he's getting on the board
17672s early taking out nico big elimination
17675s there on to nico as we know claiming
17677s those nice and early can make a huge
17679s difference the european region uh proved
17681s that to us we had a team up there well
17683s within the top ten based off
17684s eliminations alone so it does show you
17686s how close you can actually get those
17688s three points being worth so much omg me
17690s too actually is the one who found swirl
17693s here at the greasy grove so that means
17695s they touched down because that
17696s southwestern bus played to uh the
17698s windmill they get to touchdown first get
17700s a weapon and take a player out the sky
17702s so the story comes full circle here that
17704s could mean for polo and shawnee they
17705s actually have no idea that aoxy's
17708s teammate is down if they weren't paying
17709s close attention yeah so they're probably
17711s just going through their initial strat
17713s off of the drop but you can see with
17715s avery going down mud left all by his
17718s lonesome and does not necessarily want
17719s to be in command cavern he's got a bunch
17722s of friends around him but i mean with
17723s friends like these who needs enemies i
17725s mean look at the bottom right hand
17726s corner there's so many players but buzz
17728s does not care back to back to back head
17730s shots i mean as the solo you really want
17733s to get those down a way to keep things
17735s exciting for us as muzz starts to truly
17738s connect round after round right there we
17740s like to see it but the story is whether
17742s or not he can actually play into this
17744s reboot card and get that ultimate pick
17746s up at the end of the day i mean two is
17748s just better than one here and we all
17750s know that playing as a solo really will
17752s reduce your odds here as we start
17754s getting into the late phases where you
17756s gotta pick up that victory royale and we
17758s know the teams that are here no
17760s pushovers right these are vets of cease
17762s of course housing this general area so
17764s command caverns gonna be a tough place
17766s to play out of what we saw yesterday
17767s from moz and avery was pretty well they
17769s played the outskirts pretty nicely yeah
17770s trying to play around the outside not
17772s necessarily get into those fights but
17774s muzz dove in right away one of the teams
17775s we see right here though or two of the
17777s teams you see right here are new to this
17778s fight right knifers okies cass who fishy
17781s they weren't here yesterday we backfield
17783s the teams who ended up qualifying so a
17785s little bit of a new look over at the
17786s command captain let's talk about the
17788s real problem as well is that these are
17790s very notable players that have decided
17792s to arrive here today it has not gotten
17794s any easier at the command cavern we've
17795s known this to be a difficult drop spot
17797s to play off of because of how highly
17799s contested is now you bring in players
17801s that are just as experienced as the
17803s others talk about that contested drop
17805s the synapse station just to kind of
17806s round that story out yaz is gonna fall
17809s there as well so casper and diaz
17811s officially wiped up to the hands of
17812s accepted voyo big eliminations of course
17815s in this early game that's continuing
17817s that domination that they had yesterday
17818s finding a lot of success there that's
17820s another team that i think i mean can be
17822s a part of that 60 percent you talked
17824s about contested players that can get
17825s wins and particularly yesterday too it
17827s was back and forth off the start at
17829s first they didn't necessarily really
17830s want to end up going down with it but
17832s we're going to check some of the action
17834s we might have missed right off the bat
17835s and here's that fight we were just
17836s talking about but except just really
17838s running down and a great piece
17840s controller like you said atticors might
17841s as well be the grand royale of the
17843s all-star invitational as he boxed them
17845s in there very cleanly done there for
17847s except and boy and just like that
17849s they're up to six points way to jump on
17852s up and as of right now they're
17854s definitely leading the competition
17856s shadow's gonna find another knockoff to
17858s swirl if the first time wasn't enough
17860s omg me too picks it up shadow says hey
17862s hold up save some space for me let me go
17864s and get that kilim too and we've talked
17866s about this before how if you're not able
17867s to 100 get the guarantee and chase down
17869s the other duo sometimes just hanging
17871s around near those reboot bands you can
17872s farm a couple extra points and i mean
17874s don't need to harp on every single point
17876s every single elimination mattering
17878s particularly when we're here in the
17879s semifinal stage where the winner goes
17881s through but the top picks will advance
17883s shadow and me too which i believe it was
17885s three points four points off the pace
17887s yesterday hey if they're able to farm
17888s out one extra elim that could be enough
17891s and we see this happen time and time
17892s again that battle bus is truly important
17895s jack and ellis though they came so close
17897s yesterday can they do it here today this
17900s drought spot of tilted tower is of
17902s course very interesting as we swing on
17904s over to shadow and omg me too currently
17907s again one of the few teams with two big
17909s eliminations here serge not an issue for
17911s them but it doesn't matter they want to
17913s play for the elims right now because the
17914s points can be worth so much more so one
17917s thing to note is we did see them
17918s yesterday with three eliminations and
17920s still well under surge the reason for
17922s that happening is you think oh yeah i
17924s get the elims that's getting the knock
17925s and all the damage on top of them but
17927s you noted the bus path they came from
17929s the bottom southwest corner if you're
17931s knocking somebody out of the air right
17932s off of the rip that's only 100 damage
17934s there's no shields there so yes you look
17936s it's like hey this is two eliminations
17938s on the board that's pretty good the
17939s reality of the situation that's almost
17941s exactly 400 damage and no more and it
17943s looks like adam savage had a either
17946s inside scoop or a really good feeling
17948s about this team because omg shadow and
17950s rmg me too and shadow with the most
17952s consistent date one duo averaging 14
17955s points in every game or finishing with
17957s at least 14 points in every game so
17959s that's impressive after five yes but
17961s don't forget the context of that stat
17963s right we're playing in a winner takeoff
17965s format where the teams who did better
17966s than them got pulled out so yes of
17968s course the team who did not end up going
17970s through in that top 11 and had a pretty
17972s good day yeah they're going to be the
17973s most consistent team going through of
17975s course considering 11 of the duos they
17977s didn't play yesterday so they had that
17978s leg up however that being noted there's
17981s a reason why we predicted them going
17982s through they have looked very good not
17984s only this season but last season as well
17986s where they kind of just propelled
17987s themselves onto the scene yes jump onto
17989s your duo of choice today trap killed in
17992s flow i mean they were in the feed
17993s yesterday finding a good set of
17995s eliminations this is seems like a team
17997s that once they get the spark rolling
17999s it's hard to stop them did we actually
18001s see them make any end games and do
18002s anything notable though is the real
18004s question
18005s they had a couple really solid end games
18006s i believe it was trap killed in that
18007s final game where we were talking about
18009s hey he's a really good defensive fighter
18011s and putting them in a defensive position
18013s he was able to kind of set himself up
18015s however it didn't end up translating all
18017s the way over as they were in that it was
18019s the 13th place mark as we ended up
18021s calling it of course yesterday top 11
18023s did advance but now somebody who was
18025s just on the outside looking into tieco
18027s and enters they fell in the final
18029s moments of that game where they were
18031s just right on the border and got taken
18032s out on the other side of them danny and
18034s clue who in qualifier 3 were so
18036s incredibly close to qualifying had their
18037s wheels fall off they want to get back on
18039s that bus danny and clue were of course
18042s met head to head with diego and bizzell
18044s yesterday who just had such a good day
18047s now today contested once again so let's
18049s see if they can take anything they
18050s learned from those struggles and apply
18053s them here today clearly they're being
18055s contested for tk and playa phi a team
18057s that played relatively okay yesterday
18059s looking to bounce back right now and
18061s play these next hot six very very well
18064s six game formats definitely change the
18066s dynamic when it comes down to being
18068s consistent in the end because now you
18070s have more chances to prove yourself and
18072s of course one extra chance to play at
18074s that victory royale just hit that bull's
18076s eye right in the middle and you will
18078s move on today there's ignorance and aim
18080s red this is their draw spot the collider
18082s continue to stick around this general
18084s areas the zone is actually pulling
18085s pretty much easton sort of center so for
18089s the first time we're seeing again our
18092s late game start to come together right
18093s now we're still in the early portions
18095s though we're still going pretty north
18096s though i mean we talked about it
18097s yesterday how we had
18099s five of the five end games finished on
18101s the northern part of the map we're
18102s pretty much right over the top of google
18104s and as far northeast as one of these
18106s first zones couple we could go a little
18108s bit farther with that being said all
18110s these teams are now going to be packing
18111s in pretty much right on this line the
18113s collider is right where the teams are
18115s going to be forced from the western part
18116s of the map so anticipate people to try
18118s and get a little big look a little scary
18121s say hey don't don't come near me in this
18122s circumstance all right we need some room
18124s you can already see knife and oaky's a
18126s little late to the party bottom right
18127s hand corner they got at least one duo
18129s staring at him and another one to the
18131s south we can make their life difficult
18133s we're going farther north monster my
18134s gosh center in the zone is the daily
18137s bugle city holding things down
18139s but knifer and o'keefe's remember they
18141s land at the top of the command cavern so
18142s definitely have the advantage of the
18144s drop spot in the fact that they are
18145s being landed on means that they have
18147s everything up there to themselves and
18149s they shouldn't have an issue at all with
18151s storm surge because they have that
18152s general advantage of the high ground
18155s from their position from their drop spot
18157s for knifer and o keys this is easily a
18159s team you can put inside that
18160s conversation for taking a victory royale
18162s today nowsy and sprite however have been
18164s struggling from their drop at the
18166s collider it looks like a mythic burst
18169s was picked up though for their troubles
18170s here and uh already have themselves a
18173s little elimination but heels
18175s pretty pretty mid with the heels the
18177s mats though pretty pretty bad yeah
18180s trying to get a little bit of revenge
18181s yesterday dr sloan we called it out hey
18183s picked up a uh elimination in the feed
18185s actually ended up getting a full wipe on
18187s the sprite in nanzy so they're going to
18188s take that one back take over the
18190s weaponry and say hey yeah
18192s that was a big one of those where you're
18193s like
18195s ah as we hear a nice little bump bump
18197s meaning somebody's coming down from that
18199s reboot van and a very similar pacing to
18202s what we saw in game number one yesterday
18204s monster a little bit slow as i believe
18205s mac would actually just got picked up
18207s but 89 players right now i mean only two
18210s full duos white yeah hefty amount of
18212s players still in the lobby and just for
18214s the record guys dr sloan now has six
18216s more points than i ever have had in a
18218s semi-final so i'm feeling pretty sad
18220s here
18222s but we got to give you a little bit of
18223s credit you were you were a threat back
18225s in the skirmish days you had some really
18226s good performances all right i got about
18228s 30k earnings i'll take that i got
18230s earnings checked earnings check i
18231s already checked a good amount of players
18233s out there i'm so proud about that one
18235s for donnie though he's got a he's got to
18237s save check his teammate right now he's
18238s going to go ahead and hit the dash
18240s looking to get out of daily bugle this
18241s job just a little too contested right
18243s it's center zone right now there are
18245s better places to play for the savior
18247s that might not bring as much attention
18249s and this is why you're seeing him dash
18250s to the outside right now hoping there
18252s isn't anyone holding it down yeah and
18254s you did see that storm surge warning on
18255s the right hand side the first number
18257s that flashed that 267 was basically the
18260s smallest person in the lobby so you'll
18261s need right around 300 damage to get
18263s above it if you're wondering what storm
18264s surge is storm surge you really just
18266s want to remember the numbers three five
18269s and seven and as i say that we see muzz
18271s just trying to get away from everyone on
18273s that side storm search turns on the
18274s third fifth and seventh zones in the
18277s third zone it turns off when there's 70
18278s players remaining in the fifth zone 50
18281s then in that seventh zone when 30
18283s remains it'll do 25 damage every five
18285s seconds to the teams who are below the
18287s threshold on the right how does that
18289s threshold get calculated do damage to
18291s your opponents the more damage you do
18292s the higher your number goes that is what
18294s it is right there do damage to your
18297s opponents but for avery and muzz here
18300s maz's problem is he's got to get avery
18302s up and there is of course polo capilot
18305s here just hanging out at the coney
18307s crossroad and his duo is also still up
18309s of shoney macwin's going to get knocked
18311s there in the feed that's a big big knock
18313s as donnie just went to go pick him up so
18315s already he gets saved he gets taken down
18318s and that might have just been a quick
18319s snipe off the sky we'll see how that
18320s ends up unfolding here's knifers and
18322s other of course have made their way on
18324s into the sleepy sound they're actually
18326s playing dead side they're playing the
18327s the northern portion of the zone very
18328s interesting take for them yeah but as
18330s you mentioned normally the less sparse
18332s side of the map or the dead side you can
18333s see one two three four five six and
18336s seven and a half duos sitting on top of
18339s each other and again we talked about
18340s pasting yesterday how anna east really
18342s likes to kind of feel each other out in
18344s the first game we're at the exact same
18346s number of players up this 92 quick shot
18348s over to 91 as encos ends up actually
18350s getting picked up by pose but in 10
18352s seconds that 25 damage every five
18354s seconds is about to come through and
18356s it's going to get aggressive and look
18358s mac would once again picked up after the
18360s knock they're so saved here and already
18362s donnie and mack would have a huge issue
18364s in front of them what looks to be or a
18367s potential insurmountable hill here they
18368s need 357 damage except the voyo team
18371s that's been on fire is right in front of
18373s them and this is going to be an all-out
18375s battle when i say all out we mean all
18378s out they have to really get in here and
18380s find tags asap because that storm surge
18382s might just be the end of them actually
18384s count down here they're going to get
18385s hurt big time have to invest all the
18387s chug splashes there boy you and xf
18389s surely have to know what's going on
18390s right now and this is something we've
18392s talked about on storm surge how if
18393s you're not already box to box and you're
18395s underneath even pushing somebody out in
18397s the open just screams to everyone else
18399s in the lobby look at me look at me look
18401s at me i'm gonna be taking damage and you
18403s just are bound to get shots thrown at
18405s you they take a little bit of chip
18406s damage and now boil and accept they're
18408s ready for this they know they have to
18409s push in or else they're going to get
18411s sent back to the lobby and all it takes
18413s is one fight and then they can wait must
18415s end up getting cleaned up by shonya
18417s there as now we'll have nakano dani
18419s finally get wall-to-wall this is crazy
18421s because what's happening right now is
18422s mack was taking a wall while donnie's
18424s trying to heal donnie takes the wall
18426s while mack was trying to heal they want
18427s to offset and get damaged but it takes
18429s too long and donnie finally gets tagged
18431s they're a big hit on savoy and except
18433s the shots are coming in it's not
18435s actually looking too good for boy for a
18437s second there but the clock is ticking
18438s someone else will end up sniping up
18441s those eliminations actually bryce there
18442s gets mackwood except gets donnie so that
18445s means that they were the last players to
18446s actually damage them before the storm
18448s shirts finished them off and honestly
18450s except and voya can count the lucky
18451s stars because tanya macro looking a
18453s little scary there for a moment yeah and
18455s this could get awkward now because the
18456s other team knows they're pinned in there
18457s and assuming that mack wood and donnie
18459s were able to get any damage onto him
18461s they can make their life a little bit
18462s more difficult now as we'll swing over
18464s to right on the edge of the third zone
18466s you see in the bottom right hand corner
18467s pretty solid positioning there but on
18469s the right side of your skin qua is just
18471s chugging on potions trying to get
18473s whatever he can trying to get those
18475s shield back up but i mean 87 below he's
18477s gonna need to find a line and he's gonna
18479s need to find a quickly 41 there that'll
18481s about half what he needs to do it's a
18483s great head shot but it's not going to be
18484s enough he's going to need a little bit
18486s more here one player just hops on over
18488s that's straight off the zip line i'd pay
18491s money to see that from their perspective
18492s demonics and nick just come on in with a
18495s huge shot right there
18496s swipe up the loot and look at how quick
18498s they're gone they don't waste any time
18500s here time to get to that next zone and
18502s move on with the lobby here pamson
18504s thatch poised up on the side alison
18506s jacks sitting here dead center looking
18508s outwards trying to hold players out at
18510s the edge of zone here just trying to
18512s make it difficult for the opponents
18514s right now no free rotates over here yeah
18516s svg's prediction on the left-hand side
18518s of the screen we'll swing back over one
18519s of the two newcomers that we saw over at
18521s command cavern pretty decent start so
18523s far but a little bit of a tricky
18524s situation this is what we were talking
18526s about
18527s with the two duos we saw beforehand who
18529s had already posted on the outside
18530s looking in they're able to put some
18531s pressure down but knifer is able to
18533s alleviate a lot of that pressure that
18534s elimination might not look like a plot
18536s but the fact that he was able to pick up
18538s two med kits has the med miss there's
18539s actually a third med kit behind him they
18541s can play the edge of this zone very
18544s comfortably and oh boy they are tucked
18546s right in a corner just barely inside but
18548s it will be enough for for them to stay
18550s alive for just a little bit longer
18552s there's tons of teams in this general
18554s area here you can see that one
18556s little square is again keeping them safe
18559s right there here's sprite announcing
18561s currently leading with five eliminations
18564s my gosh and their loadout's looking
18566s pretty solid here hefty amount of heels
18568s split across the two about midway with
18570s the material count that's really where
18572s you want to be now leaning into the
18573s fourth zone and not only that four zone
18575s lands on top of them so it doesn't get
18577s any better than that
18579s yeah don't forget that fourth zone is
18580s the one you want to be piled towards the
18582s outside on the fifth zone is no longer a
18584s concentric uh safe circle it will cut
18587s and intersect on the outside making at
18589s the half and half then six through nine
18591s are full moving it's kind of our
18593s transition from the mid game into the
18595s end game and that's where you're going
18596s to see the priority on positioning
18597s starts to switch up zargo going to swing
18600s on over to adam savage's day one
18602s prediction season tragic he didn't want
18604s to run it back but they're having a much
18606s better start to today so far yeah oaky's
18608s actually knocked in the feed there we're
18609s gonna jump over right away now knight
18610s for trying to play for the save here and
18612s things are getting a little dicey around
18614s this general area here you can see
18616s players starting to sweep all around
18617s them that's not their wall to the left
18619s so they have to be very very careful
18621s luckily everyone else is more focused on
18624s getting to the new zone and okies will
18626s be able to get saved here by knife or
18628s talk about a clutch pickup when it's
18630s needed most here and this actually might
18632s just work out notice how many teams are
18634s moving in front of them that's going to
18635s create a general line of honesty cover
18638s for them that they will be able to
18640s recycle here is no one on this backside
18642s invested a launch pad and look at that
18644s they get effectively a free rotate and
18647s they need it so much right now this is
18649s so scary though like you're just
18651s assuming that nobody is hanging out in
18653s these boxes nobody wants to open and
18654s edit but throwing some shots towards the
18656s back side of that zone they're gonna be
18657s able to pile in it's gonna be a question
18659s is hey is there enough room is there
18661s enough free real estate they're slapping
18662s this baby trying to see and right now
18665s the answer seems to be yes they're
18666s finding just enough of the grid space to
18668s get in there
18670s they heard that player chug splashing
18671s just nearby and that is why they're
18673s getting very very curious here as to see
18676s where are you can we do something about
18678s it but instead layer themselves up they
18680s want to get out of that low ground it
18681s can get very dangerous when you're down
18683s at the bottom like that jack and ayla's
18685s now starting to poison up for what is
18686s looking to be a information grab on the
18689s lobby here trying to see around see
18690s what's the what's the competition
18692s looking like because they pull this half
18693s in half out it could
18695s be very very well for them but no it's
18696s gonna go a little bit to their east here
18699s this is great though they definitely
18700s have some time to work with not like
18702s some of the other players like aka here
18704s who have a huge rotate in front of them
18707s they're gonna have to cut all the way
18708s across not only are they below the surge
18710s but they are looking pretty okay
18712s material and health-wise so super
18714s unfortunate for them right now but it's
18715s gonna come down to launch pad and
18717s probably jumping in someone's box i can
18719s i can see them double like full out
18721s chugs flashing here hitting that pattern
18723s just landing on somebody okay they do
18724s have enough fertility or if they want to
18726s wait it out between the truck splashes
18727s and the floppers they can but as we've
18729s seen having those late game in the extra
18731s win condition the extra utility provides
18733s so much value and in particular you add
18736s the two things together like you talked
18737s about their position in the fact they're
18738s under for storm surge it is really
18740s reliably launched you kind of have to go
18742s there it is a full chug splash like we
18745s called and now hit the launch pad but
18746s there's no team even for the max pad to
18750s land right on top of so that's so
18751s unfortunate they're just gonna have to
18752s look back and hope they hit some tags
18754s here 183 below did they get any extras
18756s doesn't look like it but shony is right
18758s underneath them did they recognize him
18760s if so might be time to jump in and there
18762s they are shoney and polo are just next
18764s door this fight should start to break
18766s out here shortly polo and shoney
18768s actually stepping up here
18769s the fight's actually breaking out they
18771s have to commit right now
18772s nice for picking up another one the feed
18774s with oaky's finding the pair on it only
18776s one more duo does need to go down so
18778s they might just try to wait it out but
18779s they're completely out of utility might
18780s have to back up and pop the flop with
18782s only one more player going down but aka
18785s might be it luckily he did go down to
18787s the smg fire rather than the storm surge
18789s picking out but is only a slight stall
18792s in their game number one chance polo and
18795s shony definitely getting off to the best
18797s start we've seen from them so far and
18799s honestly they're contested at the greasy
18801s grove so this could be the perfect game
18803s to clock in and clock right out get that
18806s victor royale here they are clearly set
18808s up max material and everything needed
18810s even a win condition with floppers now
18813s being just straight gifted to them and
18815s it doesn't get any better than that very
18817s rarely you see teams contests like this
18818s just get to get here and now zone pulls
18820s their way so much to work for here yeah
18823s they just need to chill he has all the
18824s materials they can want they barely had
18826s to use any of the middle uh metal creole
18828s ends up picking up and knocked on us in
18829s there in the feed but as you note in the
18831s bottom right hand corner everyone has to
18833s move past them absolutely the entirety
18835s of the lobby they just get to chill
18837s which basically means for the sixth zone
18838s hey you get a pass you can hang out you
18840s can shoot at people you can get involved
18842s but otherwise you can just rotate as
18843s knife and oakies are doing now they're
18844s gonna take to the sky right away they
18846s about face and see just the chaos on the
18848s back side of the zone as they try and
18850s just outlast we're closing in on the top
18852s 25 which is the cascading placement
18853s points and we're into the end game with
18855s the full moving zones notice knifer does
18857s not have a high ground loader at all so
18858s they're opting to go straight to the low
18860s here it's smg and shotgun in play for
18862s cam and bucky making it off the drop was
18865s very important for them one of the
18866s biggest struggles that they've had today
18867s but they've gotten through donnie and
18869s mackwood they've gotten through their
18870s drop of the daily bugle and although
18872s it's rotated outside it is still looking
18875s pretty decent for them here it is
18876s they're starting to set up for the
18877s attack now what can they find refreshers
18880s are what every player in the lobby is
18882s currently hoping for mikey and keys is a
18884s different story he just wants to stay
18886s alive he's just trying to heal himself
18888s he's above the surge though players are
18890s in front of him and notice the important
18892s part is get in and get safe and no
18894s although he trades a huge tag it's not
18896s going to be enough on high ground though
18897s it's my pick of pam's doing fast he
18900s throws the body straight off what was
18901s that all about he lost match oh no
18905s picks up bash pucks
18907s but it was nasten and bryce who we saw
18909s have a couple of very good moments they
18911s take it away and we get another almost
18913s bounce back we're going almost right
18915s back to where that fifth zone was
18917s meaning they don't have to invest as
18918s much to really hold this high ground
18920s they'll be able to connect to some of
18921s these older builds and we've been here
18922s before nasa and bryce had that high
18924s ground yesterday they let one of these
18926s games slip away and it looks like they
18928s might have seen some formula that works
18930s here and now and this is why they're
18932s playing for that high ground once again
18935s as you can see from the side there pam
18936s still is still up keep an eye on him cam
18938s however he's gonna find him fishy big
18940s tax here from sprite and nancy putting
18942s some pressure on and that's a possessed
18944s is going to fall there and you know they
18946s want that loot will they fight for the
18948s body let's see it here they're going to
18949s start breaking their way in this is very
18950s greedy we've seen ellis and jack get
18952s punished for doing this before but this
18953s time it is going to work out
18956s he finds another one in the feed him and
18957s cam just racking off the eliminations
18959s that's three from what we've seen but
18960s the slight change in the verticality is
18963s going to cause chaos on the low gun
18964s everyone needs to move up two grid
18965s spaces if you don't get there before the
18967s opponents they're going to be able to
18969s about face but as soon as i say that
18971s we're actually pulling out and away from
18973s where we just work with the eight zones
18974s so a little bit of room a little bit of
18976s respite and as i say that paper's like
18978s what are you talking about sundown we're
18979s hopping in the boxes we're picking up
18981s elin we're getting the med mess and
18982s we're trying to make it happen so is
18984s sprite and now they're sitting on seven
18985s elims and a great level change from
18987s sprite this consistency definitely
18989s matters these points are super important
18991s in the overall scheme of things you need
18993s more and more ot still alive here
18996s clutching out what he can with every
18997s team that falls more and more is being
18999s rewarded tim player on the back side no
19001s shield in him does he take that risky
19002s edit does he have the heart to of course
19004s he does it's a huge trade does he get
19007s the fitness and yes he does as well that
19009s siphon much needed and welcome it's xf2
19012s falls here a far fight but not enough
19014s o'keefe gets another one and the
19016s follow-up is all coming together here
19018s shot from behind it doesn't matter he's
19020s happy with the top seven illusion jack
19022s however gets a snipe up all of that loot
19024s three siphons worth exactly and now they
19027s have tons of material i mean high
19028s ground's looking great here but it's not
19030s going to be easy
19035s trying to look for a little bit of room
19036s nick on the back side of the zone that
19037s will be able to cover his back but he
19038s only has one more wooden build he's
19040s saying we have to go forward
19042s double armored walls are down things are
19044s getting very intense here it's a 2v2
19047s plus another two solos in the mexican
19049s gotta be careful bucky is on the other
19051s side of the wall ellis gets punished
19052s there but he trades out the shot a high
19054s ground team jumps in the mix as well
19056s great block but jack gets smashed on
19058s demonics from behind there and now cam
19060s swins around there and nick is down so
19063s demonic is by himself he trades out cam
19065s in the end demonics is on top right now
19068s a 1v1 v2 situation is in front of us
19071s here seven elims for demonics talk about
19074s consistent so far and a huge prop off
19077s but the high ground
19078s like there are so many heals here at
19080s this point what can you really do nazi
19083s says all right i'm going all the way up
19084s he's not going to make it easy he puts
19086s some pressure in just enough for demons
19088s to start to look over get some mats here
19091s but if he can't cancel the heel off it
19093s is all over dude there's no shot there's
19095s a device would have to do something he'd
19097s have to go full demon mode bryce on the
19099s other side puts a massive shot on him
19101s but none of this matters nothing is
19102s sitting on an entire sushi shop of fish
19105s he has the memphis in there he was never
19107s getting taken down but bryce says we're
19110s not letting it go that far brilliant way
19112s to clean up match number one in the
19114s first victor royale in the first ticket
19117s punch to the finals all the way through
19119s six make that seventh elimination the
19121s sushi bar was definitely open so this
19123s win was inevitable they took an order to
19126s go and they're going straight to the
19127s finals notson and bryce and they're
19129s pulling it in game one and they've
19131s looked really good they've looked like
19132s one of the duos who has been going up
19134s they've been challenging it's hey just
19136s put a couple of more things together and
19138s you're going to be able to get the
19139s victory royale we'll immediately stamp
19141s on it game one don't need to play the
19142s rest we're good and that's the best way
19144s to do it right we're talking about teams
19145s that have contested drop spots in
19147s general contested areas and way to just
19149s get out get the pressure off of you it
19151s really doesn't get better than that it
19152s doesn't get better and neither did that
19154s match number one but now we're gonna
19155s kick it on over the gentleman to take it
19157s away
19158s thank you boys nawson and bryce game
19160s number one i mean
19162s yesterday we had the same thing we had a
19164s big hype game to kick things off it's
19165s happened again demonic says sophos with
19167s seven eliminations but the boys reigned
19170s supreme the high ground comes in we
19171s thought pamela stone thatch at one stage
19173s monsters pick when they go the way it
19175s was taken over and there they are
19176s they've gone through to finals
19178s congratulations gg boys going all the
19180s way they're not selling price spg this
19181s is a great start for us as viewers oh
19184s yeah what a way to do it to kind of
19185s maintain that high ground go through and
19187s qualify for next week's finals that was
19189s perfectly executed you see them take
19191s that high ground there they're able to
19192s play it all the way through the end
19194s we've seen a lot of players not have
19196s enough mats to be able to hold that high
19198s ground and these guys not only able to
19199s hold the high ground but look at all
19201s those heels right here on nasa
19203s regardless of whether or not his
19205s teammate was able to get that last elim
19207s rice he is going to be able to heal off
19209s in storm for hours and we do see that
19211s play happen there beautiful execution
19214s dropping one down and the other one
19215s going for the heel off yeah very very
19217s convincing victory out i love the fact
19219s that we kind of pointed out that that
19221s wind condition was there in those
19222s floppers but no it wasn't even needed at
19224s all bryce is cleaning up the lobby kind
19226s of the lobby doing all the work for
19228s itself right the low ground in that
19230s lobby was absolute chaos we saw the
19232s likes of like bucky and cam down there
19234s there was knifer and okus also in the
19236s mix who again we mentioned them before
19238s they're a team that is coming in they
19240s weren't in session number one but they
19241s are in session number two to replace one
19243s of those 11 teams that we saw already go
19245s through to the finals yeah we talk about
19246s how important mats are all the time as
19248s well but having those heels as well like
19250s floppers splashes is so integral to
19252s survive in the end game as well let's
19253s talk about cameron bucky for a second as
19255s well we've highlighted these guys the
19256s last couple of days again
19258s incredible stuff from these two um we
19260s saw donnie mac went down very early on
19261s and these guys are now going to try and
19263s get as many points as possible and they
19265s are managing to hold off trying to break
19266s through to their box every angle these
19269s guys are so seasoned spg they're exactly
19271s what to do in any given situation they
19272s are this is what we expect from them
19274s zero elims off spawn they come into this
19276s end game they just have enough damage to
19279s get through all that storm surge and now
19281s we see them start to go crazy this mid
19283s ground is really where we've been seeing
19285s teams get a lot of elims they run into a
19288s couple of players here little builds
19290s vivid but they're able to maneuver some
19291s of those get themselves in behind those
19294s builds and find just one more point one
19297s more elim yeah great footwork there
19299s going in and out of the zone trying to
19301s make plays mantling tactical sprinting
19304s but this is why it's so convincing to
19305s see them in that game right because
19307s yesterday they kind of went out at like
19308s in those end game movements but they
19310s went out like 20th right so they were
19311s getting there but they weren't getting
19312s there in a good enough spot where they
19314s could continue and get like top ten but
19316s this game right here first game of the
19318s day they're showing us that they can get
19319s there and they will today certainly will
19322s you can see the leaderboard here now as
19323s well folks this is what's happened after
19324s game one of course our top team
19326s progressing through to the next round
19327s you can see nancy and sprite they're 53
19330s points we're very close behind demonics
19332s and nick as well 52 i mean you can see
19334s here as well game number one despite the
19335s fact that we had i think a lot of
19337s eliminations from going through from our
19338s top two look at the amount here
19340s eliminations within the top half there
19341s nine eight six five five that's game one
19343s that is incredible and it shows the show
19345s how many points have already been
19347s already been captured by our teamster
19348s spg i've mean bucky and cam break in
19350s there as well boiling except we talked
19352s about yesterday big teams big points
19354s this will be a big day for fncs it is
19356s and it's all about those elims like you
19358s mentioned we've seen these teams just
19360s slaying out getting all those elims and
19362s it's in the mid ground it's in the low
19363s ground the high ground teams really
19365s aren't getting a ton of elims they were
19367s able to get a few but nonetheless it is
19369s going to be that continued consistency
19372s from these teams game one's awesome
19373s right but you need to do it for five
19375s more games or you gotta win one right
19378s yeah or you can win one and listen
19380s honestly i like the fact that knifer and
19381s okus are up here hurley right because i
19383s don't really think that they like to
19385s play for those victor royales but they
19387s are a very consistent team so to see
19388s them in third place already after game
19392s number one is very very convincing and i
19394s want to point out that they are landing
19396s at command cavern they're going to be up
19398s top at the blimp and the reason why that
19400s is possible because smack and kobo were
19402s laying in there yesterday but as we know
19404s from a victory out and kobo actually
19406s qualified from that spot so that spot
19408s opened up now knifer and okus are taking
19411s full advantage and showing why that py
19413s one is so good and two why they are so
19415s good at it indeed yeah it's interesting
19417s that stat earlier on as well like
19419s they're like the likelihood of
19420s qualifying poi is that contested seems
19422s much higher than we would possibly
19423s imagine here but the interesting see
19425s what happens next here uh so much still
19427s to play for of course but one qualified
19429s team already we have five more games
19431s coming your way and it is all to play
19433s for who's going to qualify next we'll
19435s have to see exactly what happens
19436s interesting as well i know we talked
19437s about the top of the show there about
19438s the storm the way it moves as well svg
19440s again another northern zone it just
19442s seems to continuously be pushing in the
19445s northern direction hey i don't know
19446s we're going up north maybe we'll see
19449s some southern zones here maybe in
19450s eastern zone i don't know let's get some
19452s change-ups here i don't want to see
19454s every zone going north because the south
19456s team deserves some love too yeah exactly
19458s my prediction omg meets out me too and
19460s shadow there you know you've got a
19461s couple of eliminations but they're in
19463s the south come up all right let's head
19464s over to game number two of course have
19466s ourselves another uh exciting one for
19469s you guys uh sunday mdf waiting in the
19470s wings the bus is ready let's head in
19472s let's do this thing guys
19475s thank you so much adam vivid and svg we
19478s saw the first game go down we saw the
19480s leaderboard and right now it looks like
19482s the veterans have had a little bit of a
19484s momentum shift here on day number two
19486s yeah definitely the players are coming
19487s back you know a lot of the more
19489s difficult teams to face have began to
19491s just punch their way through the teams
19493s that are known for sniping up those
19494s victories yesterday was definitely a
19496s clear showing of just that so it should
19498s begin to start floating up players that
19501s have a reputation for making it to
19502s finals yeah we've already seen 36 of our
19504s teams end up advancing all the way
19506s through or 26 excuse me now we'll get
19508s the other 24 or now 23 as we just saw
19511s the victory royale coming through but
19513s don't forget still five more games it's
19515s the victory royale straight through to
19517s the finals and everyone else you're
19519s still playing you're clawing for your
19521s chance to get into the top six but the
19524s bus driver's ready so are we let's go
19526s game number two
19533s strap up and get ready to jump off that
19535s battle bus guys because game number two
19538s is here we're jumping straight into the
19540s action right now picking up where we
19542s left off
19543s five more victor royales in front of us
19546s to go straight to the finals and of
19549s course those top six consistent points
19552s are what are going to matter for some
19554s here's swirl on the oxy we get to see
19556s them for the first time this time the
19558s bus is coming from the opposite
19559s direction so they should not be picked
19561s off the sky very early so this is the
19563s first time now we get to see shoni and
19564s polo have a contested drop a truly
19567s contested drop and after a great game
19569s one can they bounce back now polo is
19572s down shoney does have a burst to work
19574s with that's a striker on the other side
19575s but he is lit one shot is all it's gonna
19578s be here that's what it's gonna take he
19579s has to play for the splash here that's a
19581s safety splash can he get one more the
19584s tracking was just good enough and he
19586s does get it and just like that he
19588s actually clutches up now onto aeoxi but
19590s shoney's down as well yeah but just like
19592s last game omg me too says hi what's up
19595s nice little angle i got from the
19596s southern part even with the long bus
19598s he's still able to find that elimination
19601s that's crazy how he has that angle take
19602s a look from sprite and nazi's
19604s perspective here of how it goes down at
19605s the collider this is the again mirror
19607s performance from yesterday just
19609s continuing the
19611s aggression here at the collider sprite
19613s catches one nanzy catches the other and
19616s the collider falls for redux and snazz
19619s down there again just making quick work
19622s of their opponents and now playing this
19623s general outskirts area we already know
19625s how important it is to actually claim
19627s the stone reservoir in the middle if you
19629s can get there it's the weaker position
19631s to hold but if you can get it and
19634s actually get those materials you should
19635s be in the lead here gotta be careful
19637s though there's some defensive guards
19639s around and ooh he's on the prowl and
19641s honestly that guy is more dangerous than
19643s me in any one of your arena lobbies like
19645s he'll chunk out your shields and you can
19646s see immediately how the disengage comes
19648s out and sprite's still taking more
19650s damage still taking more damage trying
19652s to get chipped and realistically once
19653s you draw the aggro he's not going to
19655s stop you either need to create the
19656s distance or just finish them off so
19659s it could be a little frustrating now as
19660s we see jacqueline ellison monster if you
19663s notice too on doc's screen hey he was
19665s inside of that safe zone you see the
19667s white line in the bottom right hand
19668s corner we're going way far away we did
19670s get a southern pull on the zone here but
19673s as we hop right in the command cavern
19674s polarizer niko trying to push through
19676s trying to make their way into the
19677s catacombs they're going to be able to
19679s find the knock on to cease tragic
19681s hanging out above
19682s season traffic's actually had a solid
19684s game as well any team that picked up
19686s around 20 or so points are pretty happy
19689s and unfortunately cease is down can his
19691s body get floated up to the top and out
19692s nope okay gets the full finish as we
19694s know he is up top the eye in the sky
19697s looking down avery muzz however trying
19698s to push into niko and polarize here
19700s their backs against the wall starting to
19701s run out of material there's just one
19703s more left they put that one wall down
19705s and he is gone but remember like we just
19707s talked about okies is in this general
19709s area they can see everything that's
19710s going on here so luckily for polarized
19712s gets away but nico not as lucky as he
19715s gets punished down to about 10 or so
19718s shield
19718s yeah polarized is sitting on it
19720s plentiful amount of shields there but
19722s needs to be careful about not taking too
19723s much excess chip on that above 50 when
19726s you're below 50 you can pop those minis
19728s no problem anything above 50 you start
19730s having to make decisions can you find
19731s some barrels or can you get a shield
19733s cake dropped on you out of a chest so
19734s that's pretty good he's going to go
19736s straight to using that as well oh yeah
19737s hold on to it two big pots and the
19739s inventory here is much more valuable on
19741s to sprite and nancy whom again have
19743s gotten into the standoff against sonetto
19745s and aka last game they managed to escape
19748s this area pretty much unscathed they got
19750s their early game eliminations and just
19752s moved on we also know that ak and snetl
19754s made it out the drop so this is quite
19756s possibly not a fight they want to finish
19758s but do they have
19760s what it takes essentially to go against
19761s the caliber of sprite and elsie who were
19763s here yesterday as sonetto and ak are
19765s just showing up for the first time today
19766s so they might get their money's worth
19768s they might get the full show
19771s yeah but you you don't want to be
19772s fighting sprite announcing early i mean
19774s we've seen they've had a little bit of
19776s trouble off of the initial drops in the
19778s contest i feel like they just haven't
19779s found a strat that necessarily works for
19781s them with the new movement stuff they're
19783s so based around timing but once they get
19785s that ability and once they're able to
19787s find the fights they're always so strong
19789s however right now uh this is awkward
19791s you're running around in the open with
19793s literally no builds look at that little
19796s loop pile in the center one of the
19798s strategies is of course to try to get
19800s things and house them up we saw them do
19802s this last time there's so much excess
19804s heal here and they would actually hold
19805s on to it for as long as they could but
19807s one thing especially if you're landing
19808s in the collider and vivid talked about
19810s it yesterday there's next to no fast
19812s farmable materials minus those just
19815s monster rocks that you find inside
19816s notice how nancy only swung his pickaxe
19818s like eight times total boom half brick
19821s immediately yeah it's actually the best
19823s part about the material counts that you
19825s can pick up here and like you mentioned
19826s like the only only
19828s the only big i mean there's a bunch of
19830s metal it just takes a minute it takes a
19832s long time and that'll lead you and
19833s honestly bleed your time on the clock
19836s there late in so it's a huge commitment
19838s both ways for knife and though kind of
19840s the same story here we all know that
19842s bridge generally pretty decent here
19844s metal is pretty good as well but of
19845s course it takes time sitting here at the
19847s command cavern so typically these teams
19848s are the latest some of the last to
19850s rotate and that can um
19852s backfire one thing that's really nice
19854s about it is generally there's a lot of
19855s space but we saw this yesterday and josh
19857s trying to use the cannon aggressively
19859s landing right down on top of this team
19860s it looks like it was almost a half
19862s disengaged from the other team over and
19863s tilted but they're right on top of snazz
19866s and his duo now and this might be a
19867s fight sounding reciprocal just kind of
19870s sitting out right now
19872s two-man team right up above jack's
19874s trying to look around okay who is
19876s shooting at me where are these players
19878s how can i put some pressure back on the
19880s other opponents here in the lobby you
19882s can see avery and muzz in the feed they
19883s were going to swing right on over that
19885s fight as nico has been back down i mean
19887s if i'm abraham moz i want this fight
19889s right like you were on a roll towards
19890s the back half of yesterday a little bit
19892s of tough circumstances in game number
19893s one let's get on the horse and get going
19896s notice what nico did there he grabbed
19897s that card really quickly and tried to
19898s slide out try to hit a quick dash and
19901s escape but nico getting pressured and
19903s chased now by avery little does you know
19904s he's gonna face check into tragic any
19907s moment now but that scanner comes
19908s through all the information
19909s information's revealed gotta be mega
19911s careful now
19912s as avery recognizes wait a second
19914s there's something going on there i'm
19915s gonna back up right but if avery and
19917s moss had full information they should
19919s know that that was two solos sure right
19921s they should not they should know that's
19922s not a full duo and honestly if i'm them
19924s i would have started pushing the issue
19925s there that also means your teammates far
19927s back though after that that's true hey
19929s maybe they play there's a reason i'm
19930s sitting up here talking and not playing
19932s makes for three solos so yes the risk is
19934s very high for alison jack they already
19936s got one down this is a little less risky
19938s for them it's now should be a 2v1 chase
19940s down there's no way they're going to let
19941s them escape and of course it's right
19943s outside their home until the tower so
19945s they know the terrain all too well this
19947s should be all she wrote here shortly in
19949s the feed cam versus donny donny falls
19953s cam's on top right now big fight going
19955s down over at the bugle we'll jump in
19956s there shortly but first alice and jack
19959s have to clean up house right here
19961s as they are on the hunt so that's not
19963s makes the edit it could be the fatal one
19965s and there it is huge tax traded jack's
19968s gonna back up here looking to finish the
19970s job now that was super dangerous on that
19973s side from snazzy just kind of opened up
19975s knowing it was there but he hits the
19977s advantage shot and it puts in a
19979s situation now where else needs to kind
19981s of dig in that utility urc jock has no
19983s extra shields to go over the top and
19984s neither does illus so basically they
19986s have to resolve all right very cool he
19988s made it instead he goes in with the
19989s harpoon and he doesn't find it and
19990s jock's going to clean him up that was so
19992s close they're possessed actually snipes
19994s that elimination so three points lost
19997s for illiston jock super crazy how those
20000s angles start to open up once you begin
20002s breaking bills and the harpoon actually
20004s backfires in that kind of situation you
20006s cannot miss when you're inside the box
20009s over at the sanctuary cam and bucky
20012s finish up donny here
20014s only donny though that's the one in
20015s singular elimination that we saw picked
20017s up here
20019s have to guess that out on the outskirts
20021s there is mackwood on the run potentially
20024s yazin casker versus voyo and except that
20027s their drop has been the biggest problem
20029s for them
20030s big burden of of course taking these
20032s early game battles and trying to survive
20033s them consistently but now they rotate
20035s into greasy grove where shoney and polo
20037s have managed to bounce back shoney and
20039s polo again had that greasy grove dropped
20041s himself omg me to kind of put his two
20043s cents into it so that's why they only
20045s have that singular elim they've been
20046s playing very well as they have just
20049s again shown up here for day two and
20051s already our day two teams are thinking
20053s hey put some respect on us we deserve to
20055s be here we want to get some finals as
20056s well and these are big points being
20058s earned now this is gonna jump them on up
20059s to 41 points in the lobby here making
20062s them the fourth place team for current
20065s points casker you can run but you can't
20067s hide buddy and down he goes shoney
20069s proving why he's one of the greatest
20071s that was a fantastic ramp in shonia and
20073s polo trying to make it through to their
20075s first ever fncs finals and honestly
20078s during the qualifiers we talked about it
20079s in game number one had a really tough
20082s time up here today no stall and
20084s whatsoever already up to 44 points cam
20086s style though trying to do his best in
20088s that 1v2 and looks like he's getting the
20089s better for as fast he's been taken down
20091s he's just on the outside of the
20093s sanctuary trying to keep danny and clue
20096s from closing in but he's got crumbler
20097s mars on the opposite side and this is
20099s not a place you want to be and crumbler
20100s actually got the knock here so for him
20102s to see pamsu they know that he is
20104s definitely a solo there is no hiding
20106s that back he may have uh confused danny
20109s on the side there but crumbler and mars
20111s know exactly what's going on here they
20112s have all that information great play
20114s there to do a little fake out danny's
20116s punished as well chancellor dips into
20117s the stone this is so so desperate a
20119s storm rotate right now could be honestly
20122s the last play in the playbook here can
20124s it work though the problem is with this
20127s there's another team on the backside of
20129s zone is coming in you're stuck between a
20131s rock a hard place a brick wall and a
20134s bulldozer pick your poison and pam snow
20136s says i got enough we'll see in game
20138s three that's it and mars incredibly safe
20140s we've had enough as well the solos down
20142s we don't need to take on a full v2 team
20144s and of course the ones in the storm and
20146s they just back on out
20149s and now not a single solo up we see 41
20151s duos 82 players up on their feet but
20154s we've seen a whole lot of action go down
20156s spg what you got for us
20160s hey i wanted to help out our viewers at
20162s home we talk about uncontested and
20163s contested a lot but you guys may be
20165s wondering why that is why are certain
20167s pois super contested and why are others
20170s left alone well it really comes down to
20172s the advantage and all the movement the
20174s loot we see a ton of loot at command
20176s cavern that's why we see a ton of teams
20178s landing here everyone wants that loot
20180s they want the position and the movement
20182s out of here so it's going to continue to
20183s be fought for we'll see these teams
20185s continue to go head-to-head at command
20189s cavern thank you somebody's gun
20192s what a great time to get a quick
20193s breakdown here to keep us all up to date
20196s and of course refresh our brains and
20198s minds on why it is that players look to
20200s contest for another important drops
20203s it's always important to be able to go
20204s through kind of those glossary of terms
20206s because we throw a whole bunch of words
20207s out there and if there's ever something
20209s you don't know hey let us know in chat
20210s bring it up on twitter like there's so
20212s many different places you can ask and
20214s community is more than helpful but we
20216s did see he not going down in the feed
20218s there as bucky will get cleaned up by
20221s nats machines camp is still running
20222s around out there as a solo dolo somehow
20225s as we pop on board here with stacky and
20226s pose who are currently 206 below that
20229s storm surge it'll turn on in 50 seconds
20232s and they're middling in the competition
20233s right now 15 points not too bad this is
20236s gonna be a very important clash here
20237s once they heal up they're gonna
20239s effectively face check the duo on the
20241s other side of the wall we'll see if
20242s convict is ready here here it is might
20244s start to break out except the voyo
20246s though throwing down so many shots here
20248s putting a pause a hawt on supposed and
20250s stacky on the other side aim red and
20252s ignores tons of shots coming in as well
20254s they have that same exact pressure it's
20256s enqueues down low huge counter fire
20258s though and tieko is hurt and they go
20260s running off to the side their teet and
20262s noisy are waiting on the other side
20263s great harpoon time there for a red and
20266s he finds another tag and just like that
20268s they are slightly above but for how much
20270s longer
20272s you don't want to be right on that
20273s threshold ping-ponging back and forth it
20275s doesn't really give you a ton of notice
20278s if you swing underneath it that ticker
20281s will happen immediately again it's 25
20282s damage every five seconds we're seeing
20284s people under pressure from it that's why
20286s these fights are going out and they're
20287s just too damaged above it's now on
20289s pressure could potentially come through
20291s and they know they have to at least find
20292s a little bit of something because
20293s everyone else in the lobby is doing the
20295s same actually incredible they're pushing
20297s us back right now because they
20298s understand that they have to great tags
20300s here that's enough to slow down but
20301s amret fully commits there and there is
20303s no duo with him hip to hip and down his
20305s teammate goes aim red fully finished
20307s there by teiko a little uh again revenge
20310s if you will as they were having that
20312s slight advantage another team jumps on
20314s in it's paper and tahi who already have
20316s dropped a couple teams this game and
20318s they add one to the roster nico rotating
20321s him from the outside of zone these storm
20322s surge fights they just go down so
20325s quickly sometimes and just like that
20328s about 10 players just clapped gone out
20330s the lobby game two's over yeah and it's
20333s kind of almost like a little bit more of
20334s a pylon because the storm surge coming
20336s through is going to do damage to the
20338s teams who haven't done the most damage
20341s and generally that's the one who have
20342s been pushed out a little bit they're
20344s stuck rotating around the sides of the
20345s map and it gives you not enough time to
20347s really kind of get there and make the
20348s play so if you're behind you really have
20350s to make a play to kind of catch up or
20352s you need to go back and kind of game
20353s plan and be like hey why are we getting
20355s behind can we find some shops somewhere
20357s else there's a reason why so many of
20358s these teams prioritize landing quickly
20360s and landing up top like omg me too does
20363s just to get the free shots now this is
20365s crazy interesting pikes actually
20367s sacrifices himself so serbs can stay in
20369s the game here he dropped two big pots
20371s four minis and one additional heel who
20374s he says hey hold down the lobby you got
20376s this serbs you have to be the big clutch
20378s here they're at 21 points so you can see
20380s that their game plan right now is let's
20382s make the best of this let's play for
20384s consistency and that's something that we
20386s have talked into oblivion where if you
20388s know one of your team members is going
20390s to go down 100 if you're sitting at that
20392s 72 number don't forget storms turns off
20394s at 70 which we just saw right there but
20396s if you're a duo who's up right and that
20398s number is to 71 it's going to be hitting
20400s both of you now the play in a lot of
20402s circumstances could be oh yeah maybe we
20404s have enough shields and utility to drop
20405s all the way through and a lot of times
20407s that's not the case so it's eight jump
20409s over all the utility for one let the
20410s lowest health player fall out and let
20412s that player have a chance because at
20414s least this season we've seen in nae some
20416s amazing solo clutch yeah definitely
20418s clutches can happen points can be earned
20420s even if you are by yourself talk about
20423s teams for players that are by selfledo
20425s is of course solo right now trying to
20426s make best here he's getting pushed now
20428s and he is off to the races cutting his
20430s way around the sides right now see how
20432s ever got another angle here on an
20433s opponent they're starting to inch their
20435s way on in
20436s and it seems like they just have not
20437s stopped taking fights here this is
20441s all in the same general area of this new
20443s zone here that was revealed at the third
20445s just a couple seconds until the fourth
20447s gets shown over but there's a lot of
20449s players here spartan nelson are
20450s posturing up right now to play some good
20452s defense and honestly make back some much
20454s needed materials for in-game and i like
20456s this case from sprite announcing it's
20458s definitely a little bit more deliberate
20460s than we've seen in some of their other
20461s games and i think it's going to play the
20463s advantage particularly today where the
20465s lobbies have picked up and you can see
20466s pluto trying to just fish on out with
20468s the harpoon get whatever he can there
20470s what can he find some excess wood but he
20472s was already at 500 that could be able to
20474s fish out the striker as well and spray
20476s nouns he should see those shots coming
20478s through they might like to potentially
20479s jump over but again good discipline
20482s talk about a bad time to look away
20484s sprite lets one just slip right on out
20486s as a solo exiting the zone sometimes you
20488s never really know how much danger there
20491s is and
20492s they pull a nice short close zone so
20495s it's not gonna be too difficult to go
20496s and edge their way over there flutter
20498s who's a solo this is the best case
20500s scenario excess wood he can actually
20502s rebuild his way on in come back and
20504s recycle it
20506s yeah efficient decision yeah but it's
20507s tough when that's wood right because
20509s yeah you want to access build out but
20510s all it takes is one person just be like
20512s nah you're not doing that to be to just
20514s burn through all that extra so yeah you
20516s might have an extra 15 wooden builds 20
20519s extra what it builds in there one person
20520s gets a beam on that and they're just
20522s gonna rip through it yeah we definitely
20523s see it it means it goes the same
20525s philosophy for hey you think you're
20526s going to hold high ground or wood oh
20528s yeah sir we're going to go ahead and
20529s start focusing on that we're taking you
20531s down and that is why in the end game in
20533s the mid game you really got to opt into
20535s those heavy materials and when you don't
20537s have it it gets really really
20538s interesting for you for knifer and oh
20540s keystone they are okay on heavy mats you
20543s can see they've been super conservative
20545s so far and look at this not a single
20547s soul sees them rotating on this outskirt
20549s if you're a team
20551s in a finals or semifinals lobby like
20553s this that is honestly a blessing in the
20555s skies a huge opportunity for you to save
20557s tons of maps
20558s talk about teams that are making huge
20560s bridges to the safe zone looks like trap
20562s killed and flo are doing just that
20564s plenty to work with and actually
20565s recycling an enemy
20566s tarp right now good job taking that over
20568s you can see them trying to split out
20570s ammunition make sure
20571s the bullets are in the right spot as me2
20573s ends up going down in the feed there you
20575s can see eliminations popping across the
20577s board that's because storm surge will
20578s turn on again here in 35 seconds like we
20581s talked about three five and seven well
20582s this is the fifth zone they'll turn off
20584s when we have 50 players remaining and
20587s right now sprite and nounsey our current
20589s leaders doesn't matter how many
20590s eliminations they have they're 35 below
20592s and as i say that nausea finds a
20594s fantastic line under bucky and cam those
20596s are some huge shots because they're
20598s pinned against the side of the zone
20599s right now and that's going to tick over
20601s into a very painful zone sprite analysis
20603s just showing us why they are so so
20605s skilled right now not only did they
20607s bounce back
20608s calm cool and collected over the surges
20610s they're playing well for some huge
20611s eliminations right now this could be a
20613s set of two papers hurt toddy is hurt but
20615s the shot comes in first now he is
20617s punished he's going to back up the
20619s reset's going to happen here i don't see
20620s them giving this up though i think they
20621s want to play for that elimination we'll
20623s see how it sets up there it is this is
20625s something about the way that they're
20626s posturing up right now something about
20628s the aggressor that they feel like they
20629s can do this right here and now not only
20631s that they have so much more points to
20633s see if they get to push in here they
20634s need it there's a huge commitment down
20636s goes one spright is actually hurt the
20638s counterattack comes in that's a white
20640s tag he gets one willy go for the second
20642s we'll see here shortly beautiful headed
20644s in another finish and just like that
20647s can he actually get the follow up here
20649s oh papers hurt paper getting shot from
20651s the side but bottom right hand corner
20653s they're going to have to start rotating
20654s relatively soon you can see he wants to
20656s get tahi out he doesn't want to leave
20657s him there but based off of what paper is
20659s doing i don't think he has any excess
20660s shields now he should be able to
20662s recognize us he's covering his side
20664s which is so good in something we talked
20665s about he opened the edit and he got
20667s cracked three points though that's all
20669s he needed right there he's now at 64.
20671s but the zone says you have to get a move
20673s on here paper understands this is such a
20675s contested area nancy though hits the
20678s dash he's out of there and just like
20679s that he is off
20682s he misses one more tick and oh my gosh
20684s down to two hp he cannot get sneezed on
20687s or he has gone from this game but he
20689s stays alive here three more teams have
20691s to go down in order for him to earn some
20692s big placement points here he is getting
20694s closer and closer talk about a clutch
20696s situation now that he's kind of forced
20698s upon himself here
20700s you said somebody might sneeze i mean a
20702s stray gust of wind at this point
20705s could take nancy over but once he gets
20707s the shields up the only thing he has to
20709s worry about is going back into the zone
20710s if the eight tick really saved his
20713s opportunity in this game as he only had
20715s the two hp the ten tech would have
20716s pushed him over but everyone's gonna
20718s chill for a second here now storm switch
20719s turns off as we have 49 players
20721s remaining 26 duo so the next one to fall
20723s misses out on the cascading placement
20725s points as knifer picks up e dan sixth
20727s zone is revealed and we are going down
20729s the hill through the woods over the
20731s river and it's not to grandma's house
20733s but it's a chance to get to the finals
20735s for whoever can really get high ground
20737s control here because this is going to be
20738s a tough zone despite not of not a ton of
20741s vertical change not only that
20743s one
20744s team needs to go down and play some
20746s points will be rewarded to lobby that
20748s hard earned effort that you really want
20750s to get minimal game after game you can
20752s see how much time gets invested guys
20755s when you play fortnite at the highest
20756s levels you have to make it to zone six
20758s and seven before you even get a real
20760s true taste of big placement points and
20762s that is how difficult he jack and ellis
20764s however are looking to fight in course
20767s rotate but no he gets knocked and that
20768s was the down body animation he was
20770s trying to sky guys trap killed sundown's
20773s pick finds a huge one right there that
20775s is so so good illest being the weakest
20778s of the two as well is the player left
20779s alive here and now he gets ticked over
20781s and he's the one who misses out on that
20783s cascading placement point so our current
20785s leading duo is dropped down before they
20788s get in there we're gonna swing on over
20789s to except and boyle currently sitting in
20791s fifth but monster right side of the
20792s screen 238 below
20795s 38 below it's going to get very
20796s interesting 10 players we'll effectively
20798s have the bar right here high ground
20799s being contested by two teams big fight
20801s up top of possessed and chris are just
20803s trying to stay alive here they're
20804s currently in sixth place that is the
20806s edge that you need to be on minimal here
20808s who fishy and cass however clawing their
20811s way on up and now putting pressure on to
20812s the second high ground teams they're
20815s actually looking for a good angle they
20816s get one that's a refresh if they find
20818s the match yes they do and just like that
20820s kaz finds one of the most important
20822s eliminations illust is down as well but
20824s we are still pulling farther south and
20826s we're pulling into one of the toughest
20827s changes in verticality we talked about
20829s straight up the first one was easy but
20830s you have to go straight up it makes high
20833s ground that much more important as we
20834s see moz and avery pick up a pair right
20836s before limit lawrence shuts down that
20839s train clue goes down vert goes down
20841s track picks up yet another and we're
20842s into our top 20. traffic is really going
20844s crazy right now but on high ground
20846s knifers going crazier down to those who
20848s fishy it's such a again surprise attack
20851s from that second how you always have to
20853s keep an eye on second height knifer and
20856s o'keefe are on on high ground here and
20858s they're an experienced duo that can
20860s definitely do it here that clip that we
20862s just talked about they're going straight
20864s over it's gonna cost so much material
20866s it's only gonna become more and more
20867s difficult cass says okay let me wait a
20869s second high's a little little a little
20872s interesting right now hopefully she
20873s finally gets eliminated there and now
20874s he's on the back side of zone he picks
20875s up those heels he knew what he was
20877s working with tabby and qua however on
20879s the other side getting big pressure here
20880s from the teams in front of them they
20882s have to start changing layers we still
20883s have 25 players alive right now
20886s five solo riders going through 15 duos
20888s up demonics and nick though with a ton
20889s of space and demonics had an amazing
20891s game last game got shut down in a
20893s well-played 1v2 but blake and limit
20895s lawrence trying to take in the advantage
20897s blake dropping all the way down does
20898s take some fall damage but gives it just
20900s as good as he gets it only has wood
20902s builds and that one's going to be burnt
20903s through so he's on none flo picks up
20905s another quad picks up another crumbler
20907s gets the confirmation on to fable taco
20909s looks like it's
20911s going to come down to this here 19
20913s players
20915s 18 players 12 duo's going as crumbler
20917s gets the confirmation on the flop slow
20919s is down winning is all that matter guys
20921s and of course that will send you
20923s straight to the final so every player
20926s matters here every team will always
20928s matter today and that's however passive
20930s got a fight going here oh kiss finds
20932s another one as well he is clutching off
20933s big time right now but what can he do he
20936s needs to siphon tk's not letting him
20938s allow him to actually heal quad loses
20940s tabs g it's not for free somehow he gets
20943s up on to the only piece of high ground
20946s available and it is so far off from the
20949s other opponents he might just be safe
20951s for quite some time
20953s demonics and knicks are still here this
20955s is going to go right up and over do you
20957s have a launch pad do you have mats i
20959s don't see it all demonics i don't see it
20961s on nick who's gonna sacrifice himself
20963s and actually play for the mats here
20964s lawrence is in the bush oh that's gonna
20966s hurt there but at least they have mats
20968s now they can do something there's a zip
20970s line i mean make your way to that
20973s it's pulling up and over but kwa is just
20975s looking down we talk about literal fish
20977s in a barrel but that zone it goes to a
20980s point nobody can get up there old man
20982s mountain climbing is no qua's gonna get
20985s the victory royale but i mean there's no
20987s possible way marge and clover they can
20989s do whatever they want mars trying to
20991s find an angle might have enough with the
20992s menmis but this it's so high we talked
20995s about the change of verticality and i
20997s mean quan's just chilling man oh wait
20999s it's gonna go back towards mars mars
21001s we'll still have a single opportunity
21003s here he is now officially safe for how
21005s long not much longer hey there is a
21008s glimmer of hope in mars but it gets
21010s stomped out that fire is out uh and that
21014s is exactly why when i talked about those
21016s being some of the roughest end game
21018s zones in this chapter in this season
21020s that's the point where if you get a pull
21022s back over one of those zones especially
21025s in the late game there's nothing you can
21026s and qual was up here forever so he's
21028s just chilling like literally no
21030s investment whatsoever everyone else
21032s fighting around the side hoping you can
21034s sneak around and that is that's the
21036s victory route for qua tabs and old man
21039s mountain hey man a victory for the aegis
21041s kwan tavs g
21043s uh tavji gets to punch his weight to
21045s finals so that's a name we like to see
21047s we definitely want to see there and uh
21049s man what a game that was though to run
21051s out of material there you know this is
21053s why you play for those high ground spots
21054s and it really shows just how much
21056s utility your builds and how you utilize
21058s them matters because quantum tabs jeep
21060s were basically able to pick it up
21062s because they utilized what they had
21064s better and in order to break down that
21066s second match we're gonna send it over
21067s the gentleman adam vivid svg
21070s thank you fellas yeah indeed i mean the
21072s the storm sometimes blesses those in
21074s front of it and quoi and tabsgee got
21076s exactly that there we were talking
21078s behind the scenes they're just chatting
21079s about the different turnovers of high
21080s ground there as well uh we saw kazan who
21083s fishy up there then it turns over knifey
21085s and oakey's together you know okies
21087s obviously in the last game clutched up
21088s quite heavily suddenly they're together
21089s but then the storm just gives kwa this
21092s golden pathway to the mountainside spg
21095s and they get the victory royale he can't
21097s ask for any more than that he had no
21098s mats too so like he just barely got up
21101s there and fun fact chimp and spade were
21103s landing at the same spot so that has now
21105s produced two semi-finalists going to
21108s finals hey that spot's open now vivid
21110s yeah it seems like it might be a spot
21112s that somebody else has to check out
21114s because as we know this team going
21115s straight through to the finals means
21116s that they are out of the semifinals
21118s because they no longer need to play
21120s indeed indeed that's absolutely right i
21121s mean these guys go through joining noz
21123s and bryce from the first game as well
21125s straight through so any points they've
21126s accumulated to this point are now
21128s stripped gone away because they go
21130s through and that changes things up on
21131s the leaderboard of course as well uh
21133s let's talk a bit about some of the other
21134s teams obviously we mentioned okies in
21135s the last game but knife nokia's together
21137s as well we've seen some fantastic stuff
21138s for this team as well you were actually
21139s considering i think picking them
21140s potentially prediction-wise if it as
21142s well oh man they've done they've done
21144s very well thus far because we're
21145s obviously keeping on all the teams but
21146s our predictions as well always keeping
21148s you an extra eye seeing where they are
21149s but this team as well fantastic are two
21151s games on the trot now getting big points
21153s getting eliminations and looking very
21155s strong spg yeah i mean they played so
21157s well we saw that high ground take but
21160s vivid i mean you were about to pick them
21161s what have you seen from this team and
21163s what did you see from them previously
21164s that gives you that like confidence in
21166s this team well first of all knifer made
21168s the previous fncs finals right so he has
21170s the experience for sure but the most
21173s impressive thing i mentioned earlier on
21175s in the show was that knifer and ocus
21177s have only been together since qualifier
21179s two actually they weren't even together
21180s for qualifier one so them gathering up
21183s enough series points to make it here and
21185s just two qualifiers was impressive to me
21187s and then also i was looking at the drop
21189s map i saw they had an uncontested top of
21192s the command cavern because like i
21194s mentioned before also smack cobalt were
21195s out they went ahead took full advantage
21197s of that and they were playing so other
21198s games these end games playing very very
21200s consistent yeah because consistency of
21202s of course key in anything in fortnite
21205s particularly fncs let's take a look at
21207s that winning moment one more time in
21208s case you guys missed it probably didn't
21209s i mean it was just so obvious in front
21211s of you but that enormous mountain we saw
21213s as old quarrel there uh again you know a
21215s lot of eliminations you're going for in
21217s going into this anyway so regardless
21218s haven't got the victoria or not they
21219s would have had big points on the board
21221s but it opens up like this in front of
21223s you we haven't seen too many zones
21224s pushed this way you mentioned uh chimp
21226s and spade earlier on going towards the
21227s rocky reels direction but he gets to the
21229s mountains and sundown and mdf were kind
21231s of alluding to this kind of like a
21232s different verticality of the map as well
21234s if you don't have those maps going into
21236s these big climbs as well you just can't
21238s reach the opposition the storm is
21240s unforgiving if you can't remain in its
21242s eye spg these zones are so tough they're
21245s unforgiving and i like to call them
21246s nightmare zones it's going straight up a
21249s cliff like what are you supposed to do
21251s if you only have 10 builds there's no
21252s way you're making it all the way up
21254s there and we see quad just sitting he's
21256s like looking down at you guys like hey
21258s i'm chilling up here you guys have no
21260s hope i'm just going to take the dub yeah
21262s and listen we've seen these types of
21263s zones in fortnite before which is why
21265s i'm so impressed with the quad and tabs
21267s because let's be honest he had to make
21269s the decision to go up there he was aware
21271s of the possibility of this happening
21273s which is why he decided to kind of build
21274s up there the other duos they they could
21276s see the same thing that he could right
21278s they could see where the zone was going
21279s they could have also maybe chose to
21280s build up a little bit earlier but no qua
21282s made the difference he's the one that
21283s built up there and that's why he was
21284s rewarded with such a great position yeah
21286s you could imagine the comms as well
21288s again seeing the way the storm shifting
21289s goes yeah yeah this is happening it's
21291s happening all right let's look at the
21292s leaderboard here as well um of course we
21294s can see right now demonics and nick
21295s again having consistency there 12
21297s eliminations at three teams now actually
21299s first place second and third all getting
21301s 12 eliminations so big points off the
21303s bounce there our top two teams down the
21304s 80s point but you can see here as well
21306s on the column on the left-hand side just
21307s by where their position is you can see
21308s the up and down arrows depicting how far
21310s our teams have moved crumbler and mars
21312s move up 42 places in one game that is
21316s however this semi-finals anything is
21318s possible like this and you can see a
21319s giant leap there as well but you can see
21321s this here as well obviously top six
21323s teams here in this level today go
21324s through to the next round and already we
21326s can see there is a consistency here from
21327s fourth through tenth here separating 15
21329s points in those different positions here
21330s spg which again shows the level of
21333s competition here the caliber of players
21334s and how close this is going to be and
21336s that's why you love semi-finals it's the
21338s consistency it's these teams going
21340s head-to-head trying to grab those
21342s victory royales and one of these teams
21343s all the way up top may win this next
21345s match give everyone a nice little boost
21348s up the leaderboard and you know a little
21350s helping hand it's so nice when that
21351s happens but those lower teams they still
21354s have a shot because again this format is
21356s awesome
21357s yeah honestly looking at that
21358s leaderboard as well i am most impressed
21360s with nounsey and spray they are in third
21363s place right now and honestly we haven't
21365s seen a team yet come out of the collider
21368s be able to put up a consistent
21369s performance because it's so hard to play
21371s one a brand new poi right it just comes
21373s out you don't have as much practice
21374s necessarily but two we've also talked
21376s about it before multiple times when you
21378s are contested there there's already not
21380s a lot of mats right and to get those
21381s magic kinda have to go down into the
21383s collider that's just a tough spot to be
21384s right a little bit of a dip down there
21386s don't really have much high ground no
21387s real cover so these teams that don't
21389s really get a lot of mats out of the
21390s collider
21392s sprite and algae though they're proving
21393s me wrong by being in third place right
21395s now consistently finding those
21396s eliminations yeah and they were able to
21398s have that path too we talked about
21400s slacks and clarity g putting that path
21402s forward for another team but again out
21404s of the collider it was done yesterday
21406s those two can do it again i love a new
21408s poi love a new poi uh okay uh save time
21411s for our next game now uh what it's all
21413s the playful in game three here who will
21414s qualify let us know in the chat again
21415s who do you think is gonna go through
21417s right now though over to mdf and sundown
21419s let's do it
21420s thank you so much adam vivid and spg and
21424s while it's bright on the stage i'm gonna
21426s throw a little bit of shade because spg
21429s said oh vivid almost picked them but we
21431s also covered in the pre-show vivid
21432s almost picked everybody i've been out
21434s there for five hours went through every
21435s duo so come on hey man you know the
21438s stakes are high here of the deaths we're
21439s trying to have some fun with it vivid of
21441s course his brain works against him in
21443s this case because he maybe other thought
21444s it but let's jump into game number three
21446s guys we'll see who's moving on
21455s closing in on the halfway point here
21458s we've already seen two teams advance
21461s and as they noted there the analysts
21465s we've seen a little bit of separation
21466s from teams who have been consistent i
21468s mean even the top two 52 and 47
21470s placement points in two games that's
21472s impressive pretty massive you know i'm
21474s basing the baseline cut off this from
21476s yesterday's games five games in you
21477s needed to be coming into that
21480s real quick real quick what are the odds
21482s swirl gets to touch the ground this game
21483s oh
21484s pretty good you know this time around i
21486s can see the map oh omg v2 touch it out a
21489s little later polo and shony though oh
21491s man they're really putting it all on the
21493s line here trying to land inside of the
21495s blacktop and play for the instant trade
21497s one of the riskiest things you can do
21499s and we already know if you stay outside
21501s you want the attention of shadow in omg2
21504s so you do have to be careful out here
21506s shoney and capulet again or polo here
21508s have a lot to i'm on the line they're
21510s currently 45 paints uh points in the in
21512s the game right now inside the top ten so
21514s for oxy and swirl they're just trying to
21516s get something rolling actually uh make
21519s it out for once yeah and it's tough when
21521s you have i mean omg me too has that
21523s lying down perfectly he can land on that
21525s hill faster than nearly anybody else and
21527s then if you belt faces with a powerful
21529s one of those scoped weapons he's able to
21531s put down a lot of pressure and right now
21532s you can see swirl is actually getting
21534s the jump on polo he's yelling marco but
21535s he doesn't even need the response going
21537s to be able to find some immediate shots
21539s and you can see how they're trying to
21540s get together and capitalize on this
21542s opportunity but one thing when you're
21543s trying to push these open spaces this
21545s early on you haven't formed anything
21547s particular on these
21549s strats and now showing you two builds
21551s both of them would where are you going
21553s yeah this looks like a very emotional
21555s play by both teams actually commit right
21556s now shoni is going to get to a little
21559s bit of safety here he's going to be able
21560s to at least play for some of the
21561s materials they desperately need if they
21563s step out and that's one of the most
21564s important misses shoney hits right there
21566s and unfortunately it will spell the end
21569s for polo and shoney top nine now out and
21574s that's gonna allow them to really uh
21576s fall behind a bit here so tana played
21578s catch-up leading into the rest of the
21580s games but you know auxiliaries world for
21582s the first time today have a chance to
21584s actually play for the end game yeah
21586s they'll be able to get in and don't
21587s forget eve regardless of where you stand
21589s on the leaderboards victory royale puts
21592s you through the ticket is the same
21593s there's no money on the line it's all
21595s about the opportunity to play for that
21597s new axe of champions for all the prize
21599s money the clout and everything that
21601s comes with it we're gonna swing back on
21603s over the command cavern a little bit of
21605s a better start here for avery and muzz
21608s you can see they're able to get the
21609s control not a ton of builds but good
21611s weaponry and good shields
21613s i haven't seen the zone actually share
21615s itself and there it is a west and
21618s northern pole so once again here but
21620s mason and jackson start to slide on in
21622s straight out of the windmill they also
21624s step on into the action we forgot all
21626s about basement jackson they love to
21628s rotate into greasy grove so what we're
21630s seeing already is two teams in this
21631s general area that are no strangers to
21634s taking fights here yeah but their entire
21635s strategy as we saw during the qualifiers
21637s was come in late and disrupt this fight
21640s that was always going down because omg
21642s me too has pretty much resolved this
21644s fight for the teams in greasy grove
21647s mason and jackson haven't had that
21648s opportunity and as we saw yesterday they
21651s got almost all of their points in the
21652s final two games well maybe they just
21655s have a little bit slower the benefit is
21656s here today six games so if you do have a
21659s tough couple of games you can still bank
21661s on just having one more good
21663s yeah definitely more chances more
21664s opportunities for everyone
21666s hey oxy and swirl have an important
21668s decision to make right now rotate out or
21670s stick around and fight we'll see how
21672s they're feeling here
21674s goes for the open exchange the oxy
21675s doesn't land we'll connect we've all
21677s been there before
21679s but what separates these players is of
21681s course their ability to bounce back and
21682s continue through take a look at some
21684s other highlights that collided for the
21685s first time sprite actually gets taken
21687s out here i mean it was a matter of time
21689s that redox is gonna have a better drop
21691s and they get both of them
21693s 64 points and cut now so now ninth and
21697s what is it first place no
21700s second place down they're gonna be able
21702s to take them out don't forget we have
21704s demonics and nick who have just played
21706s fantastically today they're hanging out
21707s at that top spot
21709s difference from yesterday being as we
21710s talked about one more additional game
21712s it's a lot closer to kind of those round
21714s fours and the qualifier that we saw
21715s before in terms of trying to gauge your
21717s pace and top six instead of top five but
21720s eight points might as well be the same
21721s considering how close some of those
21723s matches were and we're gonna swing on
21724s over here for fourth place team nets and
21727s hide and seek end of the day just gotta
21730s play consistent you want to play
21732s consistent and you want to treat this
21733s like any other tournament i think
21735s sometimes you can get caught in that
21737s victory out moment that is so big and
21739s explosive that players do things that
21741s they wouldn't do like those crazy high
21743s plays um in particular i'm thinking
21745s about all the teams that we've seen go
21746s up so early like fifth zone early you
21749s know you really have to think about it
21751s um sometimes jumping a gun can
21752s definitely work against you
21754s though i understand why they're trying
21756s to do it if you're vod reviewing and
21758s basing these lobbies off of what we saw
21760s in the qualifiers because the entirety
21761s of the qualifiers can still be
21763s summarized with high ground on the game
21765s but somebody ridiculous somebody who has
21767s solo something ridiculous on the rest of
21770s the part so if you're seeing that and
21771s you're looking you're like wow high
21772s ground keeps winning and nobody's
21773s looking up the difference being all of
21776s these players at east at some point have
21777s probably played in a victory royale
21779s advance format and they know they're not
21782s just going to give you that high ground
21783s this game is slightly different it's not
21785s like the round boys in that circumstance
21786s where you can look up and you're like oh
21789s we don't want to go for that we'll just
21790s play for as many placement points as we
21791s can get here they'll be like i'm done
21793s with that let's go for the dub yeah
21795s we're not going to let that one slip
21796s away it's really what they start to
21798s think they're here's our second place
21800s team of knifer and o'kees and 83 points
21803s right now looking straight on down now
21805s remember they get to pretty much scan
21806s the command cavern over and over there's
21808s no limit to how many times they can do
21810s this just a slight cooldown there they
21812s will have all the information and this
21814s is why they get so many tags this is why
21816s they really don't have problem with
21817s surgeon let's not forget how exceptional
21819s the rotates out of here are but they let
21822s their guard down for a second this might
21823s be a first for them actually having a
21825s team have the uh the heart to come on up
21828s it's edan and av
21829s looking them eye to eye right here and
21831s the only reason this is happening is
21833s because zone first don't drop pretty
21834s much center right on top of this we're
21836s pulling the opposite of what we saw in
21838s game number one or at least when you
21840s divide it by longitude i think that's
21842s the vertical one yep longitude doing
21844s good there uh we're going all the way
21846s over to the northwest rather than
21847s northeast we're still seeing a lot of
21849s northern zones which should typically
21851s benefit the team but that's why av and e
21853s dan are like you don't get to just hold
21855s that for free like we want angles we
21856s want to be able to see the rest of the
21858s map and i mean look at the vantage point
21859s from ave right now he can see a ton of
21860s rotational paths yeah it's very good he
21862s can also see the duo sitting behind him
21864s in another base so he recognizes
21867s he's got to be very careful and that's a
21869s little bit of bait there av does not
21871s find any tags
21873s okus and company just hanging out
21876s not necessarily looking to do anything
21878s too drastic here
21879s because they have all the time in the
21881s world here at the command camera and
21883s remember okies and knifer have had the
21885s bulk of the tags as well so they
21887s definitely have the advantage for ed and
21889s av i mean they're coming in probably as
21890s green as ever really
21892s not with too much
21894s action so far so they really will need
21896s the tags much more than knife or no keys
21898s the one thing they're gonna have to
21899s worry about is of course this team just
21900s looking to clash a little bit later i
21902s love how you said they're coming in as
21903s green as ever right as their outfit
21905s rotated to the green colorway on there
21907s you know that's not too tight
21909s this is about to say totally intentional
21911s as you can see over on the other side
21913s will swing to who fishy and kaz doing
21915s the same thing just getting up on these
21917s high vantage points kind of billy
21919s goating up on the side playing a little
21920s bit of gatekeeper we'll throw some
21922s fortnite terms billy goating is when you
21924s just do this you post up on the side of
21926s a mountain you know you got a little bit
21927s of room you look for the rest of the
21928s side gatekeeping is when you're already
21930s internally on the map and just throwing
21932s shots to the outside but somebody who
21934s knows these terms way better than me is
21936s vivid what you got for us man
21939s yeah thank you so much sundown for that
21940s tea up there and i want to just quickly
21942s tune in with who fishing cats here
21943s because i really wanted to put some
21945s emphasis on how good their position is
21947s one as something i was mentioning
21948s they're up on the hill so they have all
21949s these angles where they can use that
21951s first assault rifle to get a bunch of
21952s tags for storm surge but also they are
21954s in the center of the zone and the reason
21956s why that is so important is because all
21958s the way up until the fifth zone if you
21960s are in the center of the zone you are
21962s actually guaranteed to be at least in
21964s the next zone kind of because of how
21966s circles work in fortnite so great
21968s position out of who fishy and kaz here
21970s and let's see what they can do with it
21973s it's actually a very important tip right
21975s you need to get those center zones and
21977s when you optimize your positioning i
21980s mean you really do increase your chances
21981s round after round and on a day like
21984s today you really want to play the best
21986s fortnight that you can in casual fishy i
21988s mean they're doing pretty well if i say
21989s so myself eighth place currently on the
21991s overall standing so
21993s inside the competition very well inside
21996s the fight for top steps right now our
21998s current leaders demonics nick 52
22001s placement points in the first two games
22002s so that is making it deep into the end
22004s game and also just need to note you can
22006s see very long white line the bottom
22008s right hand corner i had to give shout
22010s outs to vivid because basically his
22011s point was perfectly exemplified as that
22014s center zone dropped on top of everybody
22016s who invested into one of the high ground
22018s areas around command caverns so
22020s quality analysis from our boy there
22023s nick and demonic however being held down
22024s the back side of the zone by teams that
22027s have strong positioning over them and oh
22029s no another team joins in they find an
22032s angle from the left and look at nick
22033s looking around like what just hit me
22036s what was that he was almost fully
22038s knocked right there and him and demonics
22041s have to fully shut down operations for a
22043s second and go ahead and hit the drawing
22044s board once again on the other side paper
22046s and tahi i mean we saw some exciting
22048s fights from them last game taking storm
22051s surge battles getting pushed on in the
22053s storm surge battles where paper was able
22055s to make it out alive by the skin of his
22057s teeth but again it netted him on up to
22060s 11th place so you know sometimes that's
22062s just the difference just play and stay
22065s up do you ever think about that metaphor
22067s or allegory whatever the skin of your
22069s teeth
22070s because there's not really any skin on
22071s your teeth so this is just saying that
22072s like oh you didn't make it because like
22074s that's not existing it's like oh it's
22075s just barely a little bit like how's that
22076s in layer of roll on my teeth oh gosh
22079s yeah that's that's what it's about yeah
22081s that doesn't sound as good it'll stick
22082s with skin of the teeth even though that
22084s is quite the visual there that's not
22085s paper and tahi i mean bottom right hand
22088s corner you can see
22089s there isn't anybody near that and this
22092s is a relatively long rotation we're
22094s going pretty far but one thing the
22096s benefit here is that oh as i say that
22098s storm surge on the right hand side 170
22100s below we'll wait to see if that updates
22102s if they're still below this is going to
22104s get very awkward because you can see the
22106s gorgeous landscape they're pushing it
22108s and they have to run straight uphill
22109s because now we're going to have pants
22111s out thatch
22112s clear the land yell a little bit of
22113s timber see if they can't get an
22115s additional sight line there as they are
22116s a little bit of a latecomer here but
22118s they don't have to worry about storm
22119s surge 246 above yeah those streams will
22122s always fall in the direction of players
22124s so you know if there were someone in the
22125s bush you can also drop that just in case
22128s yeah exactly get that little bit of
22130s extra information maybe alleviate some
22132s questions if you had any because you see
22135s there's a base in the distance uh little
22136s do they know it is actually not housed
22138s by anywhere so pamphlets trying to play
22141s their smartest games and honestly that's
22142s their most difficult time it's kind of
22144s this time here this early game is what's
22146s holding back yeah and when you do see
22147s those abandoned
22148s bases players generally refer to those
22150s as scarecrows similar functions we're
22152s never quite sure if somebody is in there
22154s but blake knows somebody's in there he
22155s finds a huge shot into the swap and will
22157s that put him under he's looking to maybe
22158s even get in the can and use it point
22160s blank but good use of the sprinting to
22162s go back back up a buck after some
22164s initial shots but they're still not back
22165s up no he needs some huge chip huge tag
22168s right there lawrence is playing
22169s excellent defense right now to go ahead
22171s and back up blake here he is at max hp
22173s so no reason for him to fall to the back
22175s line instead he stands up on the front
22177s tall and strong there there is that
22179s cannon there's a lot of usage you can
22181s play with that cannon but don't forget
22183s it will work against you cannot build on
22185s top of it so
22186s unless you break it essentially it will
22188s work against you in these kind of
22190s situations but they're 71 below so
22193s can't build on top of it and no longer
22195s has the primary fire in competitive
22196s internment playlists however that hasn't
22198s stopped some of our duos from using it
22201s very aggressively i thought we were
22202s gonna see one of those little moments
22204s there however your body still does
22206s damage oh yeah it does you can ask acorn
22208s he saw that
22209s oh man yeah we definitely have seen that
22211s yesterday was actually the prime example
22213s made it to the highlight clip so go back
22214s in the vods if you guys haven't done so
22216s already snazzin on the holding that wall
22218s he is just ready to jump shot off just
22221s before i can even call it lawrence's big
22223s time hurt here 125 gone in a second and
22226s all of a sudden now the surge is also
22228s active this is starting to hurt them
22231s snazz and reciprocal have to understand
22233s now this team is under surge there's no
22235s other reason anyone would be pushing
22237s this aggressively this adamant to get
22239s inside the box or take a fight right now
22242s for knifer and o'keefe on the side
22243s they're well above and we already knew
22246s teams were going to start pressuring
22247s them here at the command cavern because
22248s they've managed to put all those extra
22250s shots down in the lobby so we'll see who
22252s ends up getting the first big pressure
22254s here so far it's not looking good for
22256s blake and lawrence though yeah they're
22257s trying to change the angle you could
22258s tell they wanted to take a box-to-box
22259s fight with that legendary striker pump
22261s but blake didn't have the angle and now
22264s lawrence is gonna end up going down
22265s they're gonna slam the armored wall
22267s right in the face just trying to make
22268s sure he gets a little bit however storm
22270s surge also still hits her teammate who's
22272s down so he's gonna end up taking some of
22273s that additional damage and one more tick
22275s we'll take him out he is going to then
22277s get eliminated and you can see just
22279s dumping the shields over saying hey good
22281s luck blake go next and this is what we
22282s talked about last game that actually
22283s might work out though the body of
22285s lawrence ticked over naturally i don't
22287s think the storm
22288s actually finished them so you might be
22289s able to get the card that's a super cool
22291s lucky situation that can unfold not very
22293s typical but for blake he still has to
22295s stay alive there's still all kinds of
22296s pressure four armored walls have been
22298s invested and still he has not managed to
22300s find the tags and just oh tick away a
22304s moment away there serbs and snazz
22307s end up walking away on top actually
22309s snazz and reciprocal end up
22311s walking away on top there search
22312s probably gets the elimination
22314s credit
22315s back on over to the collider teams have
22317s to get off this little piece of island
22319s and demonics is her nick falls down can
22322s he get trapped killed no he slips away
22324s and nick is hurt but he gets himself
22326s above the surge here so he's got a
22328s couple moments to work with here but
22330s traps on the hunt yeah but flo got
22332s knocked from the side tk was able to get
22334s involved and potentially give him a
22336s little bit of room but it seems like
22337s it's just going to be the knockus tk is
22339s now oh is he going to rotate himself
22341s okay he's going to wrote himself out i
22342s thought he might have just full sent it
22344s right there and thrown in but with the
22345s launch pad directly on top of them med
22347s kit in there yes this is a little scary
22350s but they have tons of things i mean he
22352s can even pop the bandage if he wants the
22353s real problem here is it will be a five
22356s tick soon so you have to get up and now
22357s and that might have been unintended
22359s track hill actually hits the air vents
22361s and pushes them way up to the top and
22363s you can see they want a nose dive
22365s straight down no way
22366s no way you want to blow up
22368s float around for too long here okay
22370s little metal reservoir right there
22372s nearby you'll probably end up working
22373s his way towards that if it isn't bait
22375s give him a second to kind of evaluate
22377s this and wait for his teammate though
22378s flows on his way on in seems like he
22380s will be able to make any skates on to
22382s the side here come on buddy get inside
22384s okay he misses but the jump is good what
22386s a great angle coming through then
22387s generally with a high pad you're gonna
22389s take a bunch of damage but apparently
22391s everyone else was a little bit too busy
22393s a little bit occupied as avery gets a
22395s knock onto me too you can see jock down
22397s again ellis trying to find a little bit
22399s of room here on the backside of the zone
22400s but with the rotation coming in gonna
22402s need to double back in and try and top
22403s himself out on materials hey listen jack
22407s looking pretty hurt this game right now
22409s as jack somehow has not made it this far
22412s ellis has to play this one out as a solo
22414s we saw an explosive illest versus chimp
22417s game yesterday chimpoom came out on top
22420s and went straight to finals so
22423s of course taking that spot straight from
22425s ellis it was now looking to fight back
22428s if you are kind of familiar or curious
22430s about what happens day to day this
22431s points actually reset so day to day
22433s regardless of how good you do today or
22435s yesterday tomorrow's a fresh kind of
22438s reset all the points will be starting
22440s over it's kind of like you're coming
22441s into a fresh opportunity
22444s if you are just joining us this is game
22446s number three almost halfway when we
22448s close this out in n a east well three
22450s more after this and then six games over
22452s in n a west and then we'll do it all
22455s again tomorrow to figure out who will
22457s round out the final lobby but all of
22460s these teams playing right now are trying
22462s to join our teams who have already
22464s qualified through
22466s okay knifer
22467s shots coming in knifers down okis has to
22470s play for the save right now
22473s w carry in the distance here has line of
22475s sights on a player ends up pushing in on
22477s top this has to be the team that saw the
22479s knock go down that probably forced the
22482s action here and you can tell that knife
22484s is a little nervous he's already
22485s dropping stuff saying hey just in case
22487s man here's all the heels that you need
22489s to get out of here lobby starting to
22490s look in they're not going to let them
22491s rotate for free we'll see if it was
22493s worth it this is a five tick they have
22495s to commit a few splashes here if they
22497s want to keep his teammate up oh because
22498s he's just waiting though trying to play
22499s it nice and safe taking his time as it
22501s closes though it will get a little bit
22503s more desperate okies and knifer trying
22505s to look for new angles i love this right
22506s here
22508s and it works
22509s rotating through to the south side
22511s knowing that if they go straight up
22512s somebody's gonna hold them in but
22514s unfortunately as you've seen the
22515s right-hand corner most of the other duos
22517s had the same thought saying hey the
22519s south side is pretty nice this time zone
22521s no i'm not
22522s sure about whether or not they're going
22524s to be able to survive this because the
22525s lobby's starting to get their focus on
22527s in and that was because knife began
22529s shooting those bills he wanted to
22530s pickaxe might have been a slight little
22532s mishap there
22534s but again although the shots are coming
22536s in they do have enough heavy material
22537s here to put at least a little bit of a
22540s they'll pop your chest out and act like
22542s you have something to work with right
22543s now
22544s they buy themselves some time you can
22546s see storm surge has turned on 25 damage
22548s every five seconds it's active there and
22551s players are on it excellent boyle right
22552s on the side avery and muzz also there
22555s and oak okies and knifer don't
22556s necessarily want this but boyle and xf
22558s look like they do
22559s one except currently in six right here
22562s that's so impressive since they are
22564s contested so our second place team might
22566s just be going against someone who's
22567s feeling really good right now and this
22568s is two and six right on top of each
22570s other yes they're sitting literally hip
22572s to hip here box to box voyo and xf four
22575s eliminations right now already heating
22577s up remember does and casker are
22579s contesting them way down in the south uh
22582s station down there the synapse station
22584s voyo now looking through the cone here
22586s he's already okay so his floors have
22588s already been replaced so they definitely
22589s know these uh players above are super
22592s super close here of oakley sniper
22594s is taking no time to get out of
22595s here are they gonna use their own launch
22597s pad or try to wait for an opponent to
22598s know okc knifer have no time to waste
22600s here they go straight forward there's a
22601s pad up top a big tack from oaky's
22604s because why not put some pressure down
22605s he can just do things like that this is
22607s an indestructible build so this is a
22608s great rotate here i was just supposed to
22610s say i love this rotation the fact that
22612s they saw the pad on the side and instead
22614s they're gonna be like no we're just
22616s gonna go the safe way because they need
22618s to reform materials exactly they need to
22619s pick up anything they can with 15 builds
22622s if you get separated and then somebody
22624s shoots at you that's it
22625s knifer makes a little bit of a mistake
22627s there he skips away from okies and has
22630s to force himself on up and over it's
22631s going to cost him a few maps but they
22633s are now back together mars and crumbler
22635s on the other side not facing those same
22637s pressures they're in fourth place but
22639s again three eliminations not bad already
22642s earning themselves tons of points a team
22644s that's looking a little bit more
22645s desperate a little bit worse for wear
22647s here is bucky whom's down and cam has to
22650s play this one solo right now but we're
22652s into the top 25 so cascading placement
22653s points are in and then look where the
22655s full moving went we're going back
22657s over towards the fortress towards those
22660s access mountains so all the players to
22661s them rotated in from this way they're
22663s going to try and find their old pass
22665s evan was on high ground it's going to
22666s have a little bit of an easier time but
22668s that mid ground is going to be tough
22669s because you're occupying already built
22671s grid space leaving gold feeling like
22674s they want to puff up as well they're go
22676s ahead and put in the pressure down from
22678s high ground here
22680s they're saying what's up what are you
22681s doing down there just want to kick down
22683s the box
22684s cam now
22685s finds the launch pad on the back side
22687s here it is way on up and over
22690s that's a huge discovery for him he's
22692s gonna land on top of this box oh that
22694s could have been a big misplay there the
22696s armored wall comes down so clearly teams
22698s were shooting in
22700s but it's already a commitment he's made
22701s here in the feed boyle goes down that
22705s sixth place team that we were just
22706s hyping up is out i saw pam stewart uh
22710s that's still in the game there night for
22712s an oak easter also somehow still alive
22713s but no matt's here this is it this is a
22715s full commitment here they're gonna have
22716s to run into this box they're right
22718s behind convicted can he hit the shot
22720s that matters right now he's gonna get
22722s one opportunity to jump on them without
22724s them noticing but track killed taking a
22725s ton of damage in front of it looked like
22727s he might have been able to get the reset
22728s atlas is right underneath him he jumps
22730s right past him oh he saw him skate
22732s across but no not fast enough no angle
22734s reveals itself and instead there it is
22737s finally hops out in another hop skipping
22739s the jump and he gets past o'keefe's as
22740s well and knifers down o'keez is hurting
22742s here shots from behind here but no mats
22744s does he farm or hide he's gonna say i'm
22747s gonna use this tree to go ahead and hide
22748s out he's below the surge that's where
22750s those big tags are coming from so the
22752s pressure ever so high right now for moz
22754s and avery however trying to work their
22756s way down they're just skating their way
22758s through enemy builds here trying to
22759s conserve what they can they do have maps
22761s to work with on high ground it's the
22763s quentin and sphinx so far in this game
22766s cam still fighting for his tournament
22768s life here he's at five elimination
22769s sundown things are starting to add up
22771s for him
22772s five elims but no more shields two more
22775s builds one more build zone ticking and
22778s that's it did get in the cascading
22780s placement points but didn't get a ton
22781s only an additional plus seven but
22783s panasonic up on the high ground trying
22785s to make it through pam so currently
22786s sitting on three eliminations and they
22788s have a bead on the nexion narwhal
22790s instead just opting to cover in front of
22792s him not letting fable taco get the
22793s pressure on as who fishy picks up one
22795s koop fair ends up getting the double on
22797s to avery or muslim will swing down to
22799s aviv on the low ground he's got three
22800s elims himself uses the chug splashes
22802s he's got a solid amount of builds though
22804s monster he could make a play here yeah
22805s pay attention to the zone guys he's
22806s going off the mountain now so this is
22808s going to start creating a big
22809s verticality and this is why the quinta
22810s comes down he finds people taco who's
22812s trying to play for that second height
22813s here and already he didn't grab the map
22815s so it's cost them so much here they're
22817s really starting to run out of material
22818s on second height susscript
22820s poisoning up for that high ground retake
22822s here next he has to jump down he needs
22823s these mats he's desperate and he gets
22825s taken out redux and played fine so much
22827s who fishing cavs on the other side of
22829s the barrel find pam still with the full
22832s finish in another set of two right there
22834s and duels are falling before who fishy
22838s and kaz in oh my gosh can they get redux
22840s as well no instead they're gonna pause
22842s here they're gonna go ahead and regroup
22844s they need to breathe after that one
22846s trying to find a little bit of room
22847s using the truck splash and making sure
22848s they get together to min max on it don't
22850s forget it does have the aoe hit without
22852s script no builds trying to potentially
22854s mantle or get to the front of the zone
22855s cavs with five eliminations he says it's
22857s all on you brother as who fishy pop them
22860s and he looks for the sides 114 brilliant
22862s shot but can't find the second one and
22864s he has no bills to cover up as redux is
22866s going to get him av finds another
22867s play-by and tk still in it as planned
22870s fight gets sent down the side but he
22871s finds one he finds two and tk gets the
22873s other it's a 2v2v2 finally high ground
22875s comes down they're out of material they
22877s have to get inside the mix no longer are
22879s they free to go ahead and battle every
22881s team has a layer to themselves every
22884s team has elims to their name this is the
22886s pop-off game for all the squads that
22888s actually need it to pull through here
22889s player 5 tk take the fight redux and
22891s plague have the better angle they win it
22893s over player five sits in the zone right
22894s now finally high ground is there and
22896s it's a 2v1 situation there's a down
22898s player in the zone can he come out and
22900s face the music no sphinx and de quinted
22903s end up winning in the end well he faced
22905s the music but it wasn't a tune he wanted
22908s to hear in a brilliant finish there from
22910s high ground being able to close it out
22912s but we're still seeing these bonkers
22915s elimination numbers from some of the
22917s teams getting there but good on sphinx
22919s and de quentin to play this positionally
22921s and one thing you can note here at the
22922s end everyone is stretched so thin on
22925s materials that's just a little bit of
22927s advantage they had made it so easy the
22929s cool part about this is things into
22931s quintet actually had a great amount of
22933s points coming in already so they take
22935s tons of points and they push them out of
22937s the top ten right they were in fourth
22939s already so that's actually going to give
22940s more teams opportunity now yeah so
22942s everybody else if you're on the lower
22944s part of the page you want to see
22945s somebody who's up top end up getting a
22947s vr because they're out of the pool and
22949s it makes an artificial shooping but
22951s we've set the stage we're halfway
22953s through we're gonna take a little bit of
22954s a break so we're gonna kick it on over
22956s adam vivid svg take it away yeah thank
22959s you guys i'm gonna jump straight on
22960s sundance point with matt's there as well
22962s you know de quinted in sphinx superb
22964s work the high ground we saw pamphlet
22966s fetch up there again but these guys go
22968s through and qualify victory royale style
22970s um interesting about matt's there we saw
22971s so many solos at one stage kind of hop
22974s scotching over each other that no mass
22975s is mattless wonders um you can see here
22977s as well our winners here what an
22979s unbelievable performance there uh spg
22981s the quentin sphinx progressing to the
22982s next round yeah and this has kind of
22984s been the formula today we saw it in game
22986s one taking high ground earlier than has
22988s normally worked and it's been chaos in
22991s the previous rounds in qualifiers but so
22994s far so good these guys get this refresh
22996s right here able to sustain just long
22998s enough and once again dropping down
23000s perfectly to get that final elim yeah
23002s very very nice i love the fact that you
23004s pointed that out we've seen on nae a lot
23007s of these teams struggle with those
23008s materials when they find themselves on
23010s the high ground but the quentin and
23011s sphynx were well too aware of that which
23014s is why they kind of make that drop down
23015s go for those eliminations and it was
23017s awesome to see that as soon as they got
23018s it they immediately built back up reset
23020s and we're ready to just ride out that
23021s high ground for the rest of the game and
23022s that's why they got that victory royale
23024s yeah we saw you guys as well jumping in
23026s there i think you mentioned about kazan
23027s who fishy as well great positioning
23029s managing as well to have a great look
23031s it's
23034s uh but honestly um yeah sbg i mean
23036s kasich who fishy again people point out
23038s in that moment that they were had great
23039s positioning so i mean the the storm as
23041s well this time moving to the fortress
23042s kind of more centrally but managing to
23044s hold in and get some great eliminations
23046s and re-push themselves on the
23046s leaderboard as well yeah and if you look
23048s at the position where this game ended
23050s much like vivid said it's similar spot
23052s it's only a few hundred meters from
23054s where they were actually
23055s positioned at the time so great call
23058s there by vivid and then we see them just
23060s slaying out on the low ground the
23061s veterans are playing that low ground and
23063s they know how to play it so perfectly
23065s picking players off and just grabbing
23067s all of those elims yeah and we can see
23069s right there we're looking at that replay
23070s who fishy and cass kind of find
23072s themselves in the mix down low since
23074s that was going up the hill a lot of
23075s these teams got squished but honestly we
23077s saw some life there out of muzz and
23080s avery because they kind of tried to make
23081s like this little bit of a play for the
23083s high ground didn't actually end up
23085s working out but who that game did work
23087s out for is playify and tk 93 points find
23091s themselves all the way at the top of the
23092s leaderboard but look at this first
23094s through fourth very very close adam wow
23096s 21. 21 places should i say player and tk
23100s there 12 eliminations i think as well
23102s which i think is our highest that we've
23103s had today especially uh but today we got
23105s 11 yesterday but 12 eliminations they're
23107s going all the way up to the top there we
23108s can see uh aviva and gold going 15
23111s places up as well but again the top of
23113s the level right now is looking very very
23115s interesting i mean we can see the
23116s consistency as well 48 and 47 placement
23119s points for our top two there are 15
23120s eliminations a piece that spg we're
23122s starting to see now the veterans who
23123s have done this like time and time again
23125s though that they don't necessarily need
23126s in this format to have to force the
23128s victory royale you can play it out and
23130s go through those six positions if you do
23132s that like this you can just the
23133s consistency it wins every time yeah and
23136s that's what you expect from playfi and
23138s tk they're able to take that big game
23140s and shoot up the leaderboards another
23142s one is of even gold we saw a great solo
23144s clutch there by aviv gold goes down
23146s earlier in moving zones he's able to
23148s finagle a couple more elims and now
23150s they're up there 15 places that's a huge
23153s rise up the leaderboard another one
23155s though bucky and cam we saw them once
23157s again in the end game they've been doing
23160s much better here today vivid yeah making
23162s it to the end game is what is important
23164s but also you know to wrap back around to
23166s that point the high ground even more so
23168s important that's why we want to take a
23170s look kind of check out like what kind of
23172s plays are being made for right like why
23174s does naes kind of have this type of meta
23176s where nobody really goes for it but here
23178s moz and avery and this is why we love to
23180s see it right they're veterans they know
23182s what they're doing
23183s and that's why they kind of make that
23185s launch pad play up here we've seen teams
23187s time and time again kind of make this
23189s play with that launch pad where they
23190s will land instantly on the high ground
23193s and kind of the high ground team isn't
23194s really expecting it but right here in
23196s this certain circumstance i think they
23197s were a little bit hesitant to kind of
23200s actually go for it so they were in the
23201s air for a little bit longer than they
23202s should have been to kind of make it an
23204s instant play it kind of got drawn out
23206s and the high ground team was made aware
23207s of it and that's why the high ground
23208s team was able to defend against it yeah
23210s i think it's really interesting as well
23212s i think the guys were pointing out as
23213s obviously the storm plays a huge factor
23214s we saw that in game two as well uh with
23216s quagga in that high ground that mountain
23218s side but those indestructible um
23220s elements as well the likes of where the
23221s fortress was we saw these giant drills
23223s you can't break through how do they
23225s affect gameplay as well because if you
23226s are in that position you know that you
23228s can't you can't shoot them down you
23229s can't break them down is it a blessing
23231s or a curse being in around those
23232s machines because it can give you i guess
23234s it to a degree an element of kind of
23236s protection that you wouldn't get with
23237s your traditional builds yeah i think you
23239s said it perfectly it's a blessing and a
23240s curse you could use it as almost like an
23242s arm and wall right it's something you
23244s put your back to you know you're not
23245s going to take damage from but when you
23248s see that and you have to go through it
23250s it's like oh my goodness there's no way
23252s i can then you either have to go up you
23254s got to go all the way around and it's a
23255s lot of damage taken from storm if you
23257s can't effectively navigate that yeah and
23259s that's why we saw you know that clip
23261s specifically who fishy and kaz they were
23263s kind of down in that mix like i talked
23264s about earlier right because it the zone
23266s and the combination of the forces being
23268s there something that you can't break
23269s through it's really hard to build around
23270s because it's so big it kind of just
23272s forces all these teams into one
23274s essential spot and it kind of just
23275s becomes all these boxes and a lot of
23277s players without mats no more resources
23279s because they've made it all the way to
23280s the end game and they're just forced to
23282s fight and just elims after e limbs down
23284s on that low ground and the high ground
23285s team just like oh look at this we're
23286s just going to grab one elimination right
23288s here and we're going to get the figure
23289s around now exactly exactly i think
23290s that's what's interesting now this
23291s turning point as well we've come to in
23293s the competition we're halfway through
23295s get you know obviously there's 75 day
23297s two now so teams are going to really
23299s have to start getting ones because the
23300s idea of getting to day three the
23302s pressure knowing this is your last
23304s opportunity to qualify makes things kind
23306s of sticky you do not want to be in that
23308s situation because there's a lot
23310s particularly for the younger players not
23311s in the situation
23312s i guess there's the veterans know how to
23313s get through but that combination of the
23315s veteran and kind of rising star played
23316s together seems to be working wonders
23318s right now so let's see what happens uh
23319s in this next game uh game four coming
23321s your way now we're gonna head back to
23323s the casters board the bus let's see what
23325s happens next
23328s thank you so much gentlemen and three
23332s games down three more to go three
23335s automatic final tickets on the line then
23337s we'll have to see how that leaderboard
23339s shakes out because right now we're
23340s getting jumps we're getting shoops like
23342s any other word you want to make up and
23344s we're running out of slots right this is
23346s it we're really down to the wire here
23348s guys it's crunch time game four is right
23350s before us and we talked about these wins
23352s they're sniping up right they're
23354s starting to run out here and our caster
23356s picks are all on the line so once again
23358s we've sort of come up short it's going
23360s to come down to some qualifications
23362s so far though right we got plenty of
23364s time but no time like the present game
23367s four is now
23375s game four is here and so are we we are
23378s ready to jump on this battle bus and
23380s take to the world with our fortnite
23383s players this time it's a north to south
23385s bus split here so you can see for teams
23387s like polo and shony who have had this
23389s big fight here man paul and shoty fell
23392s last game very very early right and one
23395s thing to note about this too as we're
23396s looking over look for the shots coming
23398s in from the side because in the bottom
23400s right hand corner the pink triangle
23401s that's all the way towards the bottom
23403s that's me too and he's looking for an
23404s angle but this time shony he gets one
23407s two three rash attack but a oxy says oh
23410s two times now a oxy finds the full
23413s eliminations here back to back and this
23415s time he gives him a little l with the
23417s salt and a lime there to go for the road
23420s there take that back to the lobby swirl
23421s and eoxy are at 28th place now last game
23425s they actually made it to the mid game
23426s they tried their best and uh already i
23429s mean it's better than being around 40th
23430s so they've jumped up quite quite a bit
23432s hey i was about to say clipping and chip
23434s had some great shots there from aeoxine
23435s the difference being they got inside
23438s together immediately they didn't give an
23440s opportunity for me to to get his say
23442s involved get the couple tags in there
23444s and honestly i'll take that 2v2 as
23447s franek frenetic any other f
23450s adjective you want to throw in there for
23452s greasy grove it's been that yeah it's
23454s been pretty crazy sprite and elsie have
23455s had finally their share bit of success
23458s last game it did not work out for them
23460s and this is one of the problems with
23461s this drop here it's a coin flip
23463s essentially for redux and stanson so
23465s we've seen how much duos will try to
23468s prioritize landing on top of the slurp
23470s trucks i will say this right now any
23472s player watching even if you're in an
23474s arena game landing on the slurp trucks
23476s at the collider is a trap there are no
23479s good weapon spawns near there are no
23481s good chest spawns directly on top of it
23483s where if you're not able to get to a
23484s drop and get a weapon beforehand you're
23486s stuck there hitting a truck and sure you
23489s have mac shields but then what do you do
23491s after the fact yeah exactly you're stuck
23493s there pretty much twirling circles
23495s trying to figure things out here and
23496s honestly scrambling for loots you need
23499s weapons of course
23501s the zone's going to go ahead and reveal
23502s itself once again here landing directly
23504s above the command
23506s cavern here this is as far north as it
23508s can actually go and we pulled a lot of
23511s north zones but i gave him a shout out
23512s yesterday i'm going to give him a shout
23513s out today if you are a competitive
23515s player and you have not watched kinch
23518s analytics zone video you are doing it
23520s wrong that's all i'm gonna tell you i
23522s won't go in more depth into it because
23523s the entirety of the content is worth it
23525s but go watch that video and it will
23527s explain why it seems like man am i
23528s getting more north poles than usual does
23530s it seem like the zones coming over here
23532s all the info you need go check it out
23534s yeah that's kinch with the cape
23537s cod good call
23538s over back to the collider though spray
23540s nozzy now have the problem of that other
23542s team that was on the other side of the
23543s wall
23544s and just like that nouns he's left by
23547s himself sanetto finds it aka is there
23549s with cinella as well to play defensively
23552s two tags come in those are so huge those
23554s are both white tags both teams are hurt
23556s all the time splashers come in
23558s they're healthy but he doesn't care he
23560s commits anyways and just like that he's
23562s hurt he has to and it was so close and
23565s sprite and nouns he go down the last
23567s game it was the snaz down this time it's
23569s the senetto's duo and just like that
23571s they've lost two opportunities to the
23573s fight and we've talked about them how
23575s strong they are when they can make it
23576s off the initial drop unfortunately for
23578s them the story from their qualifiers has
23580s been these clown fiestas that go on
23582s wherever they're dropping and right now
23585s just teams trickling in constantly but
23587s aka
23589s finds back to back to back full burst
23591s shots and just eats through the entirety
23593s of mason shield and there i think that's
23595s the rest of their chug splashes too
23597s there's no extra shield in mason's
23599s loadout he didn't pop a mini either yet
23600s minnie's over on jackson so they're just
23602s prioritizing getting those shields down
23604s yeah basically oxy has really figured
23606s things out they've you know kind of had
23607s a rough first three bounce back end up
23610s winning some early game engagements and
23612s all of a sudden now hey they're at least
23613s putting up a good defense here jackson
23615s mason might have just faced all the
23617s resistance that they want at this drop
23618s spot here enough for them to go in and
23620s say yeah let's get on out of here we got
23621s our tags we've done enough no need for
23624s any of us to go down here and now we're
23625s at 41 points we're still in this
23627s tournament
23628s as again we are just halfway through
23630s this is game four game four has to play
23631s out in full and then five and six so
23634s plenty fortnite in front of us we've
23636s already seen 29 teams booked their
23638s tickets the 15 autoclaves the 11 from
23640s yesterday three more today going through
23643s we'll have three more from the vrs and
23644s then the top six from the leaderboard so
23647s if you're just tuning in wherever you're
23649s watching youtube twitch at tick tock
23652s legends landing doesn't matter what's up
23654s how you doing my name is sun down joined
23655s by monster d face and those are the
23657s stakes you either win a game you finish
23659s in the top six you get a chance to play
23660s in the finals if you don't do that
23662s you're coming back again tomorrow for
23664s one more try to extend your season and
23666s right now elite golden aviv they're on
23669s the outside looking in but just barely
23671s sitting in september that's right and
23672s that finals this next weekend
23674s it's gonna be so hype it's so so close
23676s here revive and elite gold though the
23678s fight continues on the battle rages on
23680s here and they're in seventh currently
23683s eighth place of cam and bucky have
23685s rolled up and this is somewhere we do
23686s not see them very often so this can get
23689s very interesting if even elite gold
23691s might be thinking yeah we fought some
23693s teams around here but probably never the
23695s type of team that is bucky in cam this
23697s early so
23698s they cannot let their guard down and
23701s talk about cam just being aggressive
23702s he's pretty close and i actually really
23704s love this adaptation from cam and bucky
23707s where they're just saying forget about
23709s the bugle fight get whatever we can and
23711s then let's get moving because if they
23714s don't get bogged down in that early
23716s fight we've seen cam just be a little
23718s bit unleashed i mean bucky he's been
23720s around for absolutely ever you've put
23722s the two of them together and they have
23724s the capability of doing something
23725s amazing they just haven't quite done it
23726s yet i mean you saw the content piece
23728s creole said hey if i had to choose a duo
23730s get me back a bucky man he believes in
23732s bucky and uh you know sometimes it's
23735s just that simple bucky is an exceptional
23738s player and again everything to prove
23740s right now as they are still in eighth
23742s place hyper competitive and again all
23745s that matters is dropping into that top
23747s six currently but let's take a look at
23749s muzz who finds you fishy down low and
23751s then of course knife and okies who have
23752s had that same kind of parallel up top
23754s here at the command cavern hold things
23756s down tag players in the distance and
23758s play smart how to
23761s how did who fishy get knocked
23763s i'm just just looking at the position
23764s wise no actually as i say there's
23766s probably rifle shots but look at the
23767s bottom right hand corner they are flying
23770s and i mean flying adam muzz and avery
23772s over the hill not waiting for sunrise
23775s not waiting for the horns they're saying
23776s we're taking this battle now and i mean
23779s you can see the blood in their eyes and
23781s then also what matters there is he can
23782s see the chug splash
23784s animation right there as well muzzle
23785s recognizes okay we got a player on the
23787s right and left here one of these guys
23789s are singled out he's gonna go ahead and
23790s top off his hp and this is where moz
23792s will unleash himself in moz is very very
23795s scary guys casual fisher are playing so
23798s good today though they're currently in
23800s second so you have to assume you can't
23802s just run through them right now they've
23804s been heated up muzz the only player to
23806s swap regions and win in fncs coming
23809s through the oce transplant has found
23812s success here in nae every single time
23815s he's able to roll it out granted more of
23816s that success was in trios than duo's but
23819s i think the bigger part has been
23820s struggling to find the chemistry
23822s struggling to find the game plan that
23823s works particularly when you put them in
23825s command cavern that i would argue is one
23827s of the tougher to execute from pys yes
23830s it's incredibly strong and you get a ton
23832s of additional loot but the actuality of
23835s playing through it going through the
23836s fights dealing with storm surge that's
23838s really hard yeah part of that execution
23840s is getting the card finding the volt
23842s loot and of course battling through
23844s those teams to do it so plenty of stuff
23846s going on there this is the perfect time
23848s to go ahead and catch up though what has
23850s happened across the fortnite world we
23852s already saw nebify and ritual here they
23854s had an elim that came from this ambush
23856s play right here
23857s and just like that that was all the
23859s while who fishy was getting taken out by
23861s muzz as well so just big fights breaking
23863s out not only on the east side but the
23865s west side as well
23866s big fights here tk and play a fight
23868s jumping onto our number one team getting
23870s punished right now here at the coney
23872s crossroads we already know this is a
23873s highly contested drop it has not changed
23875s here leaning into day two now looking at
23877s the left side of the screen we'll see
23878s where that next zone is and based off of
23880s the pull happened a second before i
23882s could predict it i was gonna say we're
23883s going farther north it is very rare when
23885s you have that far of a north pole that
23887s we're going to then go back down to the
23889s south it'll happen occasionally but now
23891s we are going all the way north i think
23893s this might be one of the northernmost
23894s zones we've seen so we'll see who's able
23896s to capitalize one thing though compared
23898s to yesterday it felt like when we got
23900s all of these north pole zones the teams
23903s who would generally succeed in the north
23905s had a tough time yeah pam's on fast
23907s being one of them a few others that lane
23909s at the command game like ham
23911s he had all these very much
23913s experienced players that up should you
23915s know traditionally make it through these
23917s kind of situations you know honestly not
23919s get through that easy but the foil to
23921s that would then be
23923s mega and dubs who had almost every zone
23925s dropped directly on top of their heads
23927s and finished in second place and they
23928s were fine
23929s they do well but they were also playing
23931s low ground they didn't change their
23932s strategy every single time i was
23934s thinking myself man dubs and mega don't
23936s want to win they just want to be smart
23938s and play consistent that's safe hey the
23940s ticket's the same right ended up being
23942s what matters exactly that and that's why
23944s we see them in the finals today there's
23946s no difference there's no nosebleeds
23948s there's no floor tickets you make it to
23949s the finals you get a chance just like
23952s everyone else that's where all the money
23953s is we talked about the brand new axe and
23956s i mean it's the cloud dude for na east
23958s in particular and east is the big region
23960s where you want to puff out your chest
23962s you want to put that in your bio you
23964s want to make the video you want all the
23965s content from that w yeah we see it the
23967s first thing they tweet about it's not
23969s how much money they earn where's my
23970s pickaxe
23972s all the time on social media i see it
23975s luckily i don't get dms but i'm sure he
23977s gets dm's about that one all day long
23979s don't don't even put that juju on me oh
23981s it's already in the universe it's too
23982s late
23983s take that back
23985s and here we are as we're just outside
23987s the command cavern we're going to hop on
23988s board our third place duo knifer and
23990s oaky's and they've looked good today
23992s they're one of the teams we talked about
23993s the start they weren't here yesterday
23995s and traditionally and kind of when we
23997s filter in it's the teams from the first
23999s day who they've recognized most of the
24001s lobby they had a little bit of an
24003s opportunity to kind of test the waters
24005s before these guys they're not sticking a
24007s toe in they jumped off the diving board
24009s cannonball jackknife whatever it was
24011s straight in you know it's crazy
24013s vivid said he was going to pick them and
24015s then said now i'm going to go bust we
24017s already we already covered this so i was
24019s sitting there right next to him we were
24020s having the same conversation because it
24021s was like this is such a tough lobby
24023s where there's like man based off of
24024s where people are dropping who's got the
24026s room it was really hard to predict but
24028s he did make a very solid case for this
24030s team and it basically boiled down to hey
24032s one of these three veteran teams around
24034s this area is going to be successful
24037s which one is it and i mean it's not a
24039s bad kind of hat to hang on yeah
24041s definitely for kazan and fishy they're
24043s also one of those vet teams up there in
24045s second place right now and the zones
24047s have been coming their way you've
24048s noticed that they played these same
24050s general mountains time and time again
24051s really banking on the fact that things
24053s are going to come their way and so far
24055s it's been really good it's been
24056s consistent reliable if you will but
24059s chasm and fishy are hurt right now
24060s they're punished they're way below the
24062s surge this is
24063s genuinely not a place we really see them
24065s in because of how many teams should be
24066s coming this way and mackwood and donnie
24068s cleaned up by crumbler and mars who
24070s found a lot of success rotating late
24072s from that northeastern side i think
24074s they're being a benefactor of the zones
24076s coming north but not landing directly on
24078s top of them not pulling all the way that
24079s northeast and giving them some room to
24081s rotate around that more sparse side of
24083s the map or the dead side and that's
24085s something mars going back in the day he
24087s was known for doing in his arena games
24089s this man played arena for the dubs
24091s trying to min max the points out there
24093s and i mean you know i like to try and do
24095s the same thing but uh he does it way
24097s better than i do and he streamed at all
24099s as well so to talk about making it
24100s difficult for yourself he took it to the
24102s match so that was like arena times 10
24104s ladies and gentlemen casually fishy
24106s though are in a fight here a times 10
24108s battle because serge will be turning on
24110s soon and it's going to begin to hurt
24111s here it's a oxy on the other side of the
24113s wall agreed to grip team here they
24114s escaped so many battles before in this
24117s lobby already they've overcome how many
24119s teams about two or three and now they
24122s have to overcome who fishing cavs were
24123s pushing on the box but creole got a
24125s piece of it from the side creole saw the
24127s shots going on he starts just throwing
24129s ar bullets towards there and that's a
24130s free three points for him and vert and
24132s they're right over on the side and
24134s because of that i think yeah cousin who
24136s fishy they can't get the confirmation
24138s they don't get enough damage off of that
24140s despite winning the fight they're still
24141s below but they're sitting on two bodies
24143s of loot right what they had what they
24145s found how looted was a oxy and company
24148s we knew that they have already gotten
24150s through about two or three battles
24151s themselves so probably not that much and
24154s you think man this team we should be
24156s chilling right now to kind of hang out
24157s but it's not going to be that simple not
24160s right here not right now for cam and
24161s bucky though
24163s you're hurt
24165s interesting change of angle there from
24167s cam it seems like he didn't want to
24168s necessarily progress into the box in
24170s case there was someone there but he's
24171s okay with that we'll swing back on over
24174s to our current leaders yeah they're
24176s still ticking and i mean you take a look
24178s they're one of the few teams yeah
24179s they're one of one maybe two teams who's
24182s being hit right now potentially another
24183s solo under damage and 28 below they have
24185s to find the shots and you get opened up
24187s you hang out there the gargoyle gets
24189s slapped down from the side of the castle
24192s brilliant from and subscript and uc
24194s just immediately collapsed onto their
24195s loop and muzz and avery waste no time to
24198s jump over as well cam and bucky look
24200s like they find themselves elimination
24201s there's another player here somewhere
24203s inside and they let their guard down and
24205s rituals all that's left never flies down
24208s ritual is down now as well a long rotate
24210s to the zone but it should be easy here
24213s now for cam and crew as they have their
24215s two elims they have their search tags
24217s they are well above this should be okay
24219s this is actually a perfect time to go
24221s ahead and get caught up so somebody's
24222s gun pull us in my boy
24227s so i wanted to show you guys two
24228s different positions knifer's on top of
24230s the hill he's able to get a bunch of
24232s tags and he doesn't have to worry about
24233s storm surge kaz and who fishy they had
24235s to deal with other issues don't get
24237s enough damage it's the early game
24239s positioning that's really important to
24241s get yourself ahead of surge
24245s thank you so much spg and it just really
24248s shows the difference in level from some
24250s of these players and the type of game
24252s you have to play be thinking not only
24253s about where you're looting it's where
24255s you're rotating to what angles are you
24257s looking at where's the zone pull and
24259s where will people walk past and getting
24261s those vantage points and being able to
24262s set up is such a huge part of it so
24265s thank you for being able to cover that
24266s but the action doesn't stop us we were
24268s just talking about him mars picks up
24270s bucky there over on the side that's
24272s crazy because these guys are all
24273s rotating in this general area tk and
24275s play if i can see that off in the
24276s distance and if they're reading the feed
24278s i mean they're getting all the
24279s information they need that there's teams
24281s coming in right from behind us cam
24283s however is going to sit on top of the
24284s reboot card play for the upgrades here
24286s and now he has a decision to make do you
24288s go back inside the storm and face the
24291s five tick or do you just gun it to the
24293s new save zone he's got this launch pad
24295s of course and i mean
24297s the decision looks pretty clear but it's
24298s still going to be two tick until you end
24300s up actually getting the half in and a
24302s half out rotate no actually i lied
24303s you're right it's fine
24304s right there i was one behind nope you're
24306s good as you see we have the fourth zone
24308s reveal coming through so try and offset
24310s it but this is where the med miss comes
24312s in such handiness and is a very valuable
24315s addition for the competitive players
24316s because you can run and still heal
24319s yourself before yes we have the ability
24320s to slide and still end up taking a
24323s bandage or taking a med kit we can only
24325s offset so much now cam trying to sneak
24327s in but only three ticks two ticks in
24329s there was still somebody else there
24330s hanging out in paper and tahi they'll
24332s say yoink however they're not
24334s necessarily out of the lobby pressure
24336s shots are continuing to be thrown
24338s forwards and we checked the bottom right
24339s they got a lot of people looking
24340s somebody's team that needed to loot
24342s though as well tahi and paper i mean ty
24344s doesn't even have a shock in here so a
24345s striker gets delivered and now he gets
24347s the upgrade extra shields more material
24350s look at this they just picked up what
24352s was almost max material from cam and
24354s he's only at 104 builds it just shows
24358s you how desperately paper and tahi
24359s needed that this could be the
24361s determining and deciding factor for them
24364s moving forwards and one thing i want
24366s everybody right now look in the bottom
24367s right hand corner of your screen you see
24368s that gray mountain where all of the
24370s triangles are kind of posted up that's
24372s the power position that is the main
24375s primary high ground on the side of the
24377s map where most of the teams are now
24378s everyone on the northern side is going
24379s to fight for a little bit of position
24381s right there but we're staring at mikey
24383s who is on that slot you can see the
24385s angles that he's able to get on the rest
24386s of the lobby yeah he's able to see
24388s straight down this is such a high
24390s position vertically that it's the
24392s perfect prime position to target players
24395s from up above next year narwhal are
24396s doing just that now a little bit
24398s different for them they have a vehicle
24400s to play with as well so even better
24402s because the high ground and the momentum
24403s they get to take into the next rotate
24405s will be super ideal but they're not safe
24408s just yet they do have to inch their way
24409s forward will they go ahead and barrel
24411s their way on out doesn't matter noisy
24412s comes on up and they just go ahead and
24414s put a halt to those plans for a second
24416s here but next thinking about it hey we
24419s need our car man and he tries to drive
24420s this it has to be careful though you can
24422s easily break your build and you can see
24424s that's why he's driving nice and slow a
24425s team that's below the surge note right
24426s now jack and ellis that really hurts
24428s here and also the pressure's going to
24430s turn on soon 18 seconds you can see what
24433s they're trying to set up on the hill is
24434s almost an evil canadian style ramp they
24436s just want to launch themselves now you
24438s mentioned storm surge 10 seconds but
24440s keep the top left-hand corner and then
24442s remember the 3-5-7 rule so zone 5 it
24445s will turn on but because we're at 51
24446s players only one needs to go down and
24448s back-to-back tax there with a shield
24450s break from jock he's going to continue
24452s throwing shots over there but because
24454s there is only no like i said 50 our 51
24456s turns into 50 with trash is taking out
24458s susscript and everybody gets to chill we
24461s have two solo riders out there everyone
24463s else has a partner and we are one duel
24466s away from the cascading placement point
24468s so in the kind of the middle of the mid
24470s game as we begin the transition in the
24472s end game you can see i have an e dan
24475s right next to shadow and omg me too just
24477s down into the right of jack and ellis
24478s yeah it's basically like a false alarm
24480s going off right there for the lobby uh
24481s but if we could get our eyes back on
24483s nexia i mean and mikey i just want to
24485s see if they're gonna drive that car off
24487s that mountain that's probably going to
24488s be the craziest thing right now and
24490s think about it from a player perspective
24492s you know you're just looking out see
24493s what's going on and that thing is going
24494s to come flying so the chance of it
24496s getting targeted are super big right now
24498s but again a couple seconds here comes
24500s the play and don't forget about the
24501s additional ad of those guys is going
24503s through and instead it looks like a high
24504s pad from one two of those players and
24506s jock gets a great view on that we don't
24508s see anybody necessarily trying to throw
24511s their car over the ramp wanting to be
24514s able to take that one away and with the
24516s northern pole everyone who's on that
24517s power south side that we talked about
24519s before is going to invest their launch
24520s pad recycling the old ones and just pack
24523s on over to what was the more sparser
24525s side now everyone is going to get right
24527s towards the edge or as high as possible
24529s here because we're in one of these tough
24531s spots there's a lot of changes in
24533s verticality in pretty much every viable
24535s circle okay so knife are still up right
24537s now as well 91 points no elands this
24539s game and only earning what they have
24542s through placement points top 25 now we
24544s start to jump into and that's again that
24547s minimal mark you want to make game after
24548s game mikey's gonna get taken out by
24550s illustrator so regardless of what his
24551s rotate of choice was it did not work out
24554s for him he was taken out of the sky or
24556s ground aviv however trying to make this
24559s this is our sixth place team but no
24561s rolls right on into another squad that
24563s was poison ready right now great usage
24565s of his builds here he's committing
24566s everything i like this use it don't lose
24568s it but the angle opens up and down he
24570s goes that's gonna get some pickup loot
24572s here flo and trap get to get a piece of
24574s that next rotate right there pam's doing
24576s fast once again
24577s these guys are playing for the win
24580s fourth time could be the charm though
24582s and once again they're putting
24584s themselves up on high ground zones
24585s aiming their way as well could this
24587s finally be it the difference is i'm not
24589s sure how much is in pants too but fat
24592s 136 in terms of the build and almost
24594s everything he's invested already was
24596s wood that hasn't been the case every
24598s other time they've gone up panzer still
24600s has 90 builds with him this is their
24602s opportunity they were so close yesterday
24605s i mean it came down to the final moments
24608s finally they have a pretty solid not
24610s even pretty solid this is a fantastic
24612s control yeah it doesn't get any better
24613s than this one that goes off the mountain
24615s as well to play for it's perfect play if
24617s i get taken out here though tk time to
24619s turn off no more materials you're in
24621s first place you need this refresh he
24624s jumps in he lays down
24626s it's not gonna be enough nets hits the
24628s head shots that matter on high ground
24630s reciprocal sneaks up behind pam's though
24632s thatch is hurt here it's an all-out
24634s fight and they're gonna commit to it
24635s remember seven chug splashes they have
24638s to bounce back here so plenty of quick
24640s heals but they have to position up they
24642s have to fortify this base it's going
24644s right off the cliff and notice how
24645s pamphlet literally invested half of his
24647s full materials there just to make sure
24648s they didn't lose height that's how much
24649s they value here it is jack though has to
24652s play for the save right now notices that
24654s he needs to get up illas here they will
24656s work better at the two-man team mars
24658s however on the low after a great start
24661s gets shut down a little bit early in
24662s 21st place not enough for him demonics
24666s and nick another end game they have been
24668s so consistent today now playing the slow
24671s ground and playing it so so well we
24673s haven't seen any teams often to keep the
24676s low ground the way we have with nick and
24677s demonics and i actually love it they're
24679s really really just embracing that type
24681s of play style here muzzled avery in an
24683s end game though this is getting exciting
24686s maz takes a bunch of damage but gekko
24688s goes down and the shots continue to
24690s reign from above boyle gets forced down
24692s only one build left to his name xf has
24694s done but a fantastic reaction mantle
24696s there to stay on the same level rather
24698s than get separated creo goes down to
24700s snaps but we're going down and back up
24702s which means if you're on the low ground
24704s well good luck close the end because
24706s find a pair there we'll hop on over to
24708s vert but pam's down fast if you're
24709s seeing this zone you're thinking connect
24711s and then turn and look it doesn't get
24713s any better for the high ground teams the
24715s low ground squads start to force and
24717s match their way in they're running out
24719s of thin air they're essentially demonics
24721s and nickel another set of elims that's
24723s out to except that's on to another uh
24726s pickup there of flow on the back side of
24728s the zone so big big eliminations here
24730s the zones going up and over the mountain
24733s they have just gotten gifted something
24735s special but you still have to clutch up
24738s vert is not letting us go not here not
24740s now muzz is going to find next either
24742s narwhal still in this game as well what
24744s convert dude nicely done
24746s one shot away and it was close but not
24749s enough but look at everyone everyone is
24751s desperately doing anything they can to
24752s find an angle and this is the same thing
24754s we saw with quad these two are up here
24758s just chilling shots raining down literal
24760s fish in a barrel but on the lower part
24763s of it mud says hey give me a piece of
24764s that they're all being funneled into him
24766s they're racking up the points and this
24768s is going to come down to a 2v2 v2 to
24771s close it out muzz avery knight for ocus
24774s pam style batch subreddit books a ticket
24776s right here i don't see the shots coming
24778s in from above they might just let a team
24779s actually reset here pass them fast pam
24782s goes all the way back for material huge
24784s investment there that could be scary
24786s pepper and ocus don't have maps buzz and
24788s avery have enough to fight back here
24790s what can they do they're more focused on
24791s the low ground team this is going down
24793s and off the cliff here it's gonna be all
24795s or nothing and all in play now from
24797s knife around the other side a big fight
24798s here but this is a shot very rarely you
24800s see that and now the pressure starts to
24803s set in camera peak is good nice material
24805s here muzz is looking strong avery is
24808s looking great but pam so in still have
24810s material to work with they actually
24811s allow the low ground team to go ahead
24813s and re-splash up the win condition
24815s they're committing it here they actually
24816s want to fight this one out they want to
24818s take the fight you have the oce plus the
24821s c9 player against the french canadians
24823s monster just put both his hands together
24826s look to the sky saying if you're not
24828s gonna get it now then when but pam's
24830s still in fact five eliminations here
24833s comes the drop down can they do it
24834s they're waiting though they want to get
24835s the lead first a huge shot and gets
24837s broken down a side whiff he doesn't miss
24840s it's a 1v2 and no
24842s path through and fast go down muzz and
24844s avery they are so good i knew it you
24846s cannot count them out they clutch up in
24849s the end
24850s vivid verse monster on the predictions
24854s oce
24855s versus the french canadians and moz does
24859s what he does best back to back shots the
24862s swap the hip fire it looks so good but
24866s congratulations
24867s p s g t n a muzz cloud nine avery we'll
24871s see in the finals and honestly see
24873s watching vivid celebrate and then the
24875s the foil there which is you kind of like
24877s oh this is so how close can pimp so in
24880s fact get before they're gonna get there
24881s man man listen they're playing so well
24883s they were in 16th coming into that
24884s second place and a huge amount of
24886s eliminations is perfect vivid i'm sure
24889s you are buzzing right now so first of
24892s all tell me how you're feeling because
24894s that's a big w all right all right i
24896s gotta do this all hail the king of
24898s fortnite we are not worthy
24901s begin the show vivid comes out here
24903s saying yo muslin avery gonna win it in
24905s game four they've gone and done it that
24908s is crazy
24909s that's next i mean that is we're all
24911s buzzing here obviously we see pamela
24913s stern facts i get in another position
24914s where they're in second position second
24915s place particularly this in this position
24918s but they could have gone all the way and
24919s got the victory royale this time around
24921s mustang avery vivid you must be buzzing
24923s that is crazy listen we're waiting on
24926s the stage we're watching the game unfold
24928s and i literally see the victory out come
24931s and i i jump up it felt like i won a
24933s game myself this is absolutely absurd
24935s listen sundown giving me a little bit of
24937s flack about five hours of prep
24939s listen i did so much that i called the
24942s game number two let's go svg hey
24945s congratulations and congratulations to
24947s avery and muzz what a great game and
24949s that was like the perfect
24951s antithesis of fortnite high ground
24953s versus low ground two duos going at it
24956s and we see the culmination coming in
24958s that last moment the head to head you
24960s can't ask for any better than that
24962s because that was pure brilliance no no
24964s game again it gets us as hyped as this
24967s is this is what we we live for stuff
24969s like this in fncs the good thing is two
24970s teams as well i hear two's because we
24972s you know we talked a lot about you've
24973s had others come over from oce he's now
24975s you know he's won that previous fncs
24977s can qualify again for finals gigi to the
24980s fellas they're incredible stuff but
24982s again we're seeing a lot of our top
24983s teams now trying to separate themselves
24984s from the rest of the pack you know this
24986s it's not a coincidence pam stone
24987s factories mentioned as well have done it
24989s again almost gone all the way it's going
24991s to give them some serious points going
24992s to the leaderboard in a second we'll go
24993s through but these four teams now have
24996s qualified they are definitely going
24998s through to next weekend's finals you
24999s have four already i cannot wait to see
25001s this leaderboard here but another great
25003s game spg another other teams as well we
25006s saw knife and oaky's again doing doing
25008s great stuff there but the storm is just
25010s not in the southern team's favor right
25012s now again up within our mountains and
25014s now we're going into like the snowy
25015s mountain tops it doesn't get much more
25017s difficult for those south based teams
25018s does it yeah it seems like we're playing
25020s zones on repeat not only that but we're
25022s playing teams on repeat every team
25024s that's won a match so far today played
25026s in yesterday's semi-finals so it is a
25029s huge advantage to have that experience
25031s to play in the semifinals get that under
25033s your belt and then come back today so
25035s much stronger so much more prepared than
25037s the 11 teams that had to you know sit
25040s out yesterday and then come back today
25042s yeah listen we talked about it i believe
25044s at the end of the show we talked about
25045s how pam's then when thatch we're
25047s defending that high ground we were like
25048s man maybe they should just be a high
25050s ground team and look at this they come
25051s in game number four in the day they're
25053s playing high ground again very very well
25055s obviously at the end they're not
25056s cleaning it up so well to where they get
25058s the victory out but i mean a second
25059s place you cannot complain because we see
25061s them in the sixth place position on the
25063s leaderboard which as we know adam is a
25066s final spot as long as they hold it for
25068s the rest of the day it really is you can
25069s see spg here as well we see pam so fast
25071s on that high ground maintaining so well
25074s they can just when you get to this
25075s position here and the storm's in your
25076s favor and you manage to maintain from
25078s this like it becomes a real simple
25080s process for the duo because they know
25082s that if they're in this position they've
25083s got a few maps to their name as well
25085s they can hold steady and if you've got
25087s the accuracy these these two players
25089s have as well then everything is working
25091s in your favor yeah the key is to chip
25092s away from that high ground then finally
25094s drop down muzz and avery forced them by
25097s that pressure to drop down a little bit
25099s sooner so they weren't comfortable when
25101s they had to drop down there wasn't a
25103s huge hp advantage and ultimately muslin
25105s avery take that but let's take a look at
25107s this leaderboard okus and knifer they're
25109s putting on a show today
25111s 121 points 14 elims it seems like
25114s they're everywhere an end game we've
25116s seen them basically every time vivid
25118s yeah it's absolutely incredible looking
25119s at this leaderboard makes it all so much
25120s more exciting look at this only a 29
25122s point difference between first and six
25124s with two more games to go that is a lot
25126s of points to still gather up we saw cat
25128s kaz and who fishy they had a little bit
25130s of a struggle with storm surge but their
25131s other games have been so well that they
25133s are actually still maintaining a top six
25135s position so absolutely phenomenal
25137s performance out of them it's also great
25139s to see nick and demonics up here in
25141s second place right we were talking about
25142s how they were going to be contested
25144s today and that is not phasing them at
25145s all it's not that you can see ball and
25147s accepted crept in here at seven plates
25149s as well i mean crumbler and mars keeping
25150s their position at eighth as well it's
25153s all to play for i mean there's so many
25156s teams who are in contention here which i
25157s love that i love that's why i love
25158s semi-finals so much here is we have this
25160s kind of format where ultimately you do
25163s have to be consistent we know that first
25165s and foremost but with two games to go
25167s now it is i mean a team's kind of at the
25169s bottom do they have to go for the
25171s victory royale or are they thinking yeah
25173s we can maybe scream through on those
25174s points i guess you kind of have to go
25175s for the vr spg you got to you have no
25178s other choice i mean just simple math you
25179s get 28 points for that second place so
25182s you're not winning and then still being
25183s on the placement plus the elims i mean
25185s unless you're putting up like a 50 elim
25187s game but against these players that is
25188s not happening yeah probably not
25190s happening but that's what we love so
25192s much about this format is that these
25193s players even though maybe the first four
25195s games aren't going so well they can
25197s still fight all the way out to the end
25198s and we saw that right the quentin just
25200s in the last game i believe they they're
25201s around like the 20th position on the
25203s leaderboard but no they still got that
25204s victory royale and that shoots him
25206s straight through to the final so two
25208s games left to play means two more teams
25210s going directly through the finals and it
25211s can be anybody on that leaderboard okay
25213s interesting question would be the hit
25214s with it as well you've now got i mean he
25216s will never let us live this down by the
25218s way this is going to be something that
25219s goes on for the ages we'll never forget
25221s the mr fortnite moment now that your
25223s team's qualified okay who would you
25225s right now say could be the next team to
25227s get a vr just because your team have who
25229s do you like the look of right now ask
25231s the same to you spg your team as well
25232s ellis and jack could still happen i'm
25234s sticking with my guys but what about you
25236s okay okay i like pam's on fetch this is
25238s the second time over the last two days
25241s that they've gone on high i'm i'm gonna
25242s say they're just gonna run it back
25243s they're gonna get hit again okay you
25245s heard it right there guys hit it right
25246s there uh right we're gonna jump into the
25247s next game we have two more coming your
25249s way it is i mean the hype of the energy
25251s right now we're feeling in the room who
25253s is gonna go all the way these next two
25254s positions on victory royale so to find
25256s out it's time for game number five let's
25258s head over to monster and the sun down to
25260s bring us all the action
25263s thank you so much and like they said two
25266s games to go
25268s everyone's pretty confident in your pick
25269s monster so far they've had a good show
25271s and they're up there in the top six so
25273s far and the difference vivid just gave
25275s me the valve it might all come together
25277s now i'm still heartbroken what a
25279s phenomenal game that's gonna be one for
25281s the ages it is very very rare that we
25283s see such a clean 2v2 let's get into game
25285s number five guys let's bring this home
25294s we got this one we got one more after it
25298s two more teams will book a trip to the
25301s finals
25302s next weekend here with the big dubs
25305s they're able to get the question is
25308s which six will be joining them after the
25309s fact we're hopping right on over best
25313s burgers in town most action off the drop
25316s is none other than greasy grove but also
25318s i'm already keeping an eye on the top
25319s left-hand corner our boy sprite and
25321s nowsy who got off to the hottest of
25323s starts i've just been
25325s dipped right on into the ice cold water
25328s and it's it's crazy because you know it
25330s is going to happen like when you are
25333s playing that type of drop i'm going to
25335s land i'm going to grab a weapon i'm
25336s going to fight immediately that is the
25338s riskiest way to play a drop it's a it's
25340s about as you know again as coin flip as
25343s you can make it for shoney and polo
25345s capalot you notice they decided we don't
25348s want that coin flip we're gonna mix up
25350s our job forget landing in the middle you
25351s guys can have it they give it to a oxy
25353s and swirl at the cost of letting them
25356s get to max hp but at least they get to
25358s stay alive get mats because they know
25360s when they have the mats they've managed
25362s to come out on top when they have actual
25364s weapons to work with yeah and i like
25366s this adaptation because as we saw in the
25367s early qualifiers don't get me wrong
25369s greasy has just been almost exactly like
25373s it's been greasy it's been dirty it's
25375s not these clean fights we talk about the
25377s clean 2v2 we had last game it's your
25379s scraping for every extra material you're
25381s hitting one extra wall to hopefully
25382s throw up a brick and when
25385s polo and shoney slow that down they've
25387s found more success so far but they've
25389s also had a little bit of help from the
25391s top of the hill and this time not going
25392s to be a factor is we're going to jump
25394s right into the fight yeah a oxy looking
25395s to get it out the mud here swirl and the
25397s oxy find the first one and now the fight
25400s rage is on oh he slides in though big
25402s punishments come through but swirl comes
25405s in and puts the dot at the end of the
25407s sentence there and cleans this one up so
25409s they are now officially on top of greasy
25411s grove naturally we know who's rotating
25413s on down probably mason probably jackson
25415s depending on their mood right now and
25417s they've been doing this time and time
25418s again this is their version of a surge
25421s strategy now we hop on over to what
25423s could be coney crossroads here yup i
25425s recognize the general area suscript and
25427s have been here they've also been
25428s fighting this one out for quite some
25430s time here
25431s and a nice little left-hand peek there
25433s from suscript they got some good shots
25435s and i think it was just because he had
25437s the line of fire there and you can see
25438s just how valuable it is getting the tags
25440s backing off nice little upgrade there to
25443s his combat smg and that's not
25445s necessarily a bad spot but one thing to
25446s note to monster we're coming crossroads
25448s zone is to the south so for the first
25450s time in a well minus after that
25452s ridiculous game we had with qua taking
25455s it home there we're pulling back down to
25456s the south this is going to work against
25458s me though so i'm i'm a little nervous
25460s here pam's going to fetch a heart a
25462s northern team landers right they they do
25464s go all the way up top and then they come
25465s on to that uh that southern portion only
25468s when they have to this time it is coming
25469s on here but for sure on the oxy fights
25472s raging on eoxy is the only player on
25474s this team leading right here swirl is
25476s going to fall so it's not going to come
25477s down to whether or not he can get the
25478s train he does get mason he looks to the
25480s finish misses the first shotgun shot to
25481s the cost of smg bullets will he regret
25484s it doesn't look like it already though
25486s misses the edit jackson playing
25487s aggressively this is something
25489s professional players would do so well
25491s they do not let having only white hp
25495s feel make them fear right they will take
25497s a fight they will take a fight
25498s regardless of whatever health situation
25500s they're in yeah sometimes all it takes
25502s is that one quick edit to turn the
25504s tables and some players really are do
25507s get a little bit uncomfortable when they
25508s have the full shield they immediately go
25510s like hey i'm gonna back off and make
25512s sure i get them right back up and it
25514s sometimes lets you reset the fight but
25515s he actually needs to be careful only
25516s four builds left and then runs through
25518s all of them in jackson very well played
25520s for him very very well played he had the
25522s uh slightly there not even a ton of
25524s material overcap but enough to get that
25527s first wall down and go ahead and put
25528s eoxy in a difficult position
25531s and just like that he's gonna play for
25532s the quick quick pick up here on the
25533s other side player find tk a team that's
25535s in third place cannot believe that
25537s they've been able to play as
25538s aggressively as they have out of the far
25540s east side and continue to not only
25543s bulldoze their teams but play for proper
25545s positioning it is very impressive great
25547s shots from tk they're showing the far
25549s east movements not necessarily being as
25552s fly as possible but it's about being
25554s aggressive and finding the shots finding
25556s the pins and right now they got bobby
25558s employer pinned away investing into
25560s heavy mats and if you see somebody
25562s investing in a heavy mats that early
25564s generally you want to get out of dodge
25565s like you've won this trade as far as i'm
25567s concerned you're more central to the
25568s zone you force them to burn things they
25570s don't want to burn you've gotten some
25572s tags and you don't need to stay here
25574s right at some point they're going to
25576s have to come interior to you and there's
25578s no real loot between them and the next
25581s poi and it wouldn't be a bad idea let
25583s them heal tag them some more just keep
25585s getting storm surge tk and player fire
25587s tied for first in total elims with 16
25590s just showing you that the only reason
25591s they're not in first is because they
25593s didn't get as much placement points but
25595s the fact that they're in third means
25596s they're playing very very well and we've
25598s seen some teams with just some bonkers
25600s placement points when you go and look at
25601s the leaderboards just grinding those out
25603s even with the plus three for each
25606s elimination coming through current
25607s leaders though knifer and oaky's they're
25609s getting jumped on and honestly are
25611s really good
25612s insta flooring home plates from knifer
25614s and he knows no no we want none of that
25616s they're trying to get out of dodge but
25617s an even better reposition from the duo
25619s who's fighting that very very rarely you
25622s see them actually give up the high
25623s ground being bested this time around
25624s someone might have just figured it all
25626s out nico and polarized for the first
25628s time come through and find success this
25631s could spell disaster for knifer and
25632s okies you do not want to lose
25634s opportunities to make these end games we
25636s saw what happened in eu you needed 100
25640s and like 30 40 plus points around that
25642s threshold so this is an important game
25644s you cannot walk out of here with nothing
25646s even if you are in first place you can
25648s fall out and but some of those numbers
25650s right depending on who got the victory
25651s out when and pulls it out all right we
25653s can please
25654s very big shifts and honestly this is one
25656s of the tighter leaderboards we've seen
25657s because those teams who are putting up
25659s those big numbers they're winning the
25661s games right away knifer and
25663s oaky's elite nico living up to his name
25665s looking elite their first shot was huge
25667s and then almost puts the shot into
25669s polarize to say whoa friendly fire bro
25671s okies has to disengage here love this
25674s play do not stay there no reason to take
25677s a 2v1 at all
25678s just give them those points play for it
25681s later and you know what o'keefe knows
25683s how to stay in the zone here and that's
25684s exactly what he's doing and the biggest
25686s thing is did you i'm not sure the
25687s fishing island down into his left if
25688s they're okay on tags he can go down
25691s there and just reset he can come back
25694s into the cavern instead he's going to
25695s rotate all the way around to the north
25696s this is fine as well
25698s yeah it's about to say free launch pad
25700s on the rotation please make sure you
25701s pick that up thank you he's checking the
25703s area that you saw he's looking around
25704s like no one behind the we're open
25706s nobody threw that or dropped that down
25708s there this isn't a tease but that little
25710s fishing i like that's my solo arena spot
25712s just nobody's talking about it but there
25714s is quite literally i think it's between
25715s 12 and 18 fishing spots there so if he
25717s just wants to chill
25719s stall go back through kind of pick up
25721s the card as long as they're okay on
25722s storm surge they should be fine one
25724s thing to note though as we're moving
25726s into game number five we're probably
25728s going to see a little bit of a slow down
25730s in the pace going back to almost that
25732s first and second style game third and
25735s fourth get a little looser as people are
25736s in there saying oh we're on the
25737s leaderboard we can push for the aggro
25739s now you've got to know what you're doing
25740s nick and demonics are that other team
25742s that is tied for first place
25744s eliminations they are the second place
25746s team currently on the standings so our
25749s third and second place have the most
25751s eliminations the lobby has to offer
25753s which means that
25754s knife and ots are just plain that much
25756s more consistent and they're at the top
25757s because of their placement points so
25760s they have managed to do it so far this
25762s is again that first time we've really
25763s seen a hiccup in their game plan yeah
25765s and it i think it was something like 88
25767s placement points in the first two games
25768s so still really backing it in between
25770s those placement points the 16 alums
25772s don't forget it's three point four elam
25774s so if you're getting aggro in these
25775s lobbies you can find success somebody's
25777s been able to get aggro in these lobbies
25778s so far who fishy and cast currently
25780s sitting in fifth and i mean we've seen
25782s what they're able to do when they get
25784s rolling but they weren't here yesterday
25786s and so far they're really kind of
25787s bucking that trend of being the first
25789s team coming in and having a little bit
25791s of success and knife and oaky's of
25792s course that's all you're right so yeah
25794s those two are definitely the ones that
25796s are showing up and popping off right now
25798s um and that's that's a rarity right
25799s teams show up you know statistically
25801s they just have much less odds they miss
25803s all those games from that day one five
25805s to be exact and that's what's really
25807s cool about this format guys if you play
25809s consistent with your series points you
25811s just have more of an opportunity when it
25813s comes down to cueing into these lobbies
25815s and getting that first first chance of
25817s your opportunity in the semis for who
25819s fishing casdo right now now that we're
25821s seeing our first iteration of a more
25823s southern or central zone now actually
25825s this is southern it's going down to the
25826s desert teams are going to be in much
25829s different places where is this like a
25830s new world of fortnite here for the first
25832s time we get to try out and really
25834s simulate these end games so how smart
25836s can you be now yeah it was very similar
25839s to that game two zone we talked about
25840s where it's a little bit awkward you have
25842s those rough changes in verticality
25844s they're not able to kind of cascade or
25846s waterfall off i actually looked up what
25848s desert rock formations were called i
25849s believe it was hutus but not sure if
25851s that's actually 100 so don't quote me on
25853s that but those those things that are
25855s there you know they're smaller at the
25856s top wider up there anybody who stuttered
25858s geology or they're smarter than me you
25860s can look that up you know what i mean
25861s those are really tough to build around
25863s to navigate it's very similar to the
25864s first time we saw that back in chapter
25866s one with polar peak yeah i didn't study
25868s geology but i watched cartoons so you
25870s know i kind of got the image here nailed
25872s it yeah that'll be good enough for me
25874s hoot twos ladies and gentlemen take that
25876s one and uh search let's see it here for
25878s pam's going back from 16 to six place
25882s after that huge last game this is of
25885s course gonna get me a little excited
25887s here to see them popping off and getting
25889s back into the conversation this is my
25891s pick right now let's talk about this
25893s though this is the problem they had all
25895s day yesterday zone two zone three they
25898s got tagged they got held they're so late
25901s with the rotate and this is what really
25904s makes their games go south that they get
25907s held out but for the first time now
25908s we're watching them play eastern side
25910s instead of going center can that make a
25912s difference and that's the reboot we
25914s talked about with all the access heals
25916s coming through okies was able to pick
25918s those up and the benefit is too with
25919s command cavern and part of the reason
25921s why i can support so many teams i mean
25923s you're going to be able to find whatever
25924s you want in here something was left
25926s somewhere i promise you and they are
25928s well below the surge we were hoping they
25930s would have some tags to play with but
25932s one minute 40 seconds left for them to
25934s get from where they are directly to
25936s another team and fight
25938s officially right now unless
25941s tons of players get eliminated right now
25943s in the lobby which is mega unlikely
25945s becca a bucky and cam add to that chaos
25947s there they end up finding two fashion
25948s pams still on the prowl right now eight
25950s damage below they need to find
25951s themselves some tags there are some
25952s teams down low here they can hear some
25954s shots in the distance but they're
25956s thinking themselves can we find someone
25958s here first we know there's a squad there
25960s but the reality of the situation is if
25961s you look in the bottom right hand corner
25963s and where the triangles are this is
25964s their only real viable option if they
25966s don't take this bite now they're going
25967s to be rotating into teams who are
25969s already in the zone and then being
25971s forced to pressure the 22 below that
25973s ticker is not going to stop climbing as
25975s other people do damage and you can see
25976s fashion pam so they've decided on their
25978s target they're trying to cut them off
25979s not allow for this rotation and luckily
25981s right now pamphlet was finding some
25982s shots on the side he will trade it out
25984s fashionable traders as well they're just
25985s 17 above
25987s pam found some very important tax thatch
25990s finds a couple extras and another one
25992s right through the trees the razor blades
25994s it just cuts directly down and just like
25996s that they find themselves above and by
25998s an okay margin it could have been worse
26000s this is looking pretty decent they see a
26002s team also getting tagged by surgeon they
26004s recognize they can be a target for us
26006s they start to push in this aggression
26008s though is unwarranted it costs them so
26010s much now as they start to turn back and
26012s burn them and all of a sudden they're
26013s gonna have to shut things down for a
26015s second start to heal knight for and
26017s oaky's find a player along the way
26018s that's a quick hundred pick up that's
26020s very impressive and now all of a sudden
26022s they're only 88 below 88 below but 14
26024s seconds and realistically here you can
26027s you land on top of somebody and you
26028s fight will they be able to pull it off
26030s no way stick it through he's looking for
26031s he sees the player's stuff no way one of
26033s the players is down they're gonna send
26034s it no way the box is open it doesn't get
26036s any better than that it just although
26040s knight for falls here oh kiss has a true
26042s chance to save his team but no
26044s shots come in from another angle
26047s what a play though just i honestly
26050s that's when he got his hand caught in
26052s the cookie jar he saw it he saw cookie
26054s jars unguarded totally fine mom walks in
26056s from the kitchen hey what are you doing
26057s there it was just like you managed to
26058s have a couple of bites real quick he got
26060s the knocks he got the points but on the
26062s other end of it somebody just looked at
26063s a little fishy monster and they get all
26065s the loot no points for him but they're
26067s gonna be happy with this yeah no milk
26069s with these cookies here just a whole
26070s bunch of crumbs and they're starting to
26072s pick that up and fashion pants were
26073s happy to get a little something for the
26075s problems here of even gold elite here
26078s end up jumping on into the fight they
26079s end up being the team that walks away
26081s with the bulk of the elims but donny
26083s ends up also sniping up some here too so
26086s can they actually find this player no
26087s they let people talk to get away there
26089s ever so slightly i don't even think they
26091s understand what's really happening here
26093s there are so many bodies they probably
26095s are assuming this is a solo but that's a
26097s fresh duo this is a scary fight to
26099s engage on and fat almost just edited pam
26101s style out he reset that wall and then
26103s immediately brought it back he's like no
26105s no back up and we've seen them be in
26107s this position before where they end up
26109s getting exactly what they need and then
26110s they overextend a little bit but one
26112s thing to note hey there's still a duo
26114s being hit by storm surge right now we're
26116s still at 72 players alive somebody is
26118s holding on to a whole bunch of excess
26121s shields to kind of keep this going what
26123s a play right now instead of sticking
26125s around here they're going to go in and
26126s rotate on out i like this
26128s it's smart
26129s and it's safe here they do have to get
26131s to the zone demonics over peak so he
26133s gets a huge shot shot as fast though
26135s nick fires back and these clap back
26137s shots here are definitely going to
26139s start to weigh in on the team but
26140s they're so close to the storm they have
26142s plenty of time to work with boyo and xf
26144s are that one team below the surge they
26146s need to find one more tag if they can
26148s actually get a tag it'll jump over to
26149s another one and you can see they might
26151s just try and wait it out the tag ends up
26153s going through it will shift the way trap
26155s killed finds a pair and he's going to
26156s help them out there a little bit a storm
26158s surge will turn off we're not to our
26160s first placement point yet but now next
26162s in narwhal our fifth place duo need to
26163s be careful this is fifth for seven
26165s huge engagement right here fifth or
26167s seventh and seventh place is looking so
26169s worse for wears right now they're hurt
26172s they're desperate
26174s they do have the high ground narwhal and
26175s nexi are late on that rotate there
26177s around the outskirts pay very close
26179s attention that should be a team that is
26181s going to clash against one another and
26183s whoever gets that opening shot is going
26184s to be the most important for demonics
26186s and nick though we saw how they were
26188s poised up here they were actually just
26189s gunning down pam's doing faster number
26192s one team in the lobby here based off of
26194s the elimination and placement points as
26196s a holistically here up against six who
26199s are just across from us and also bucky
26201s and cam starting to poison for high
26202s ground except does get taken out there
26204s by mars that's another team inside the
26206s top ten yeah putting pressure down on
26207s top when we saw one seven 7 and 11 all
26210s directly on top of each other we'll
26212s swing back over to the other seven on
26214s that side that's boiled and except
26215s looking for a little bit of room and
26216s except actually hasn't been confirmed
26218s yet you can see boyle trying to see if
26220s he can't get just enough space to get
26222s him up but if they get a beat on him
26224s luckily he put a full box up there and
26226s once you're able to kind of get that
26228s brick built those burst rifles don't
26230s really chunk through them that hard and
26232s that's why you never give up even if
26233s you're a down body you want to just keep
26234s shuffling keep on moving that's what
26236s accepted very well there he wasn't just
26238s okay i'm down i'm just gonna wait here
26239s no he kept playing the game he skated
26242s his way on over to his teammate and that
26244s was the difference in allowing them to
26245s at least be alive right now because now
26247s they earn placement points even though
26249s it's a point it's still a point they are
26251s in 34th as far as the teams go right now
26253s the next jump up will be around that
26255s what is it 25 marker or so so it's quite
26257s a ways away or 28 but you know they got
26260s to keep moving yeah next one point at 30
26262s and then we get in the cascading points
26264s at the top 25 so it's kind of like hey
26266s you made it through the first third of
26268s the game congratulations here's a point
26270s hey you made it to the halfway mark and
26271s then you're into where the real points
26273s fall out but you can see already
26275s somebody trying to poke a little bit and
26277s when you replace a brick wall
26279s immediately with wood everyone should
26282s have signal fires being like um yeah
26285s let's shoot that guy yeah but that's a
26287s solo of lawrence right now no there's
26288s definitely a player up above him and yes
26290s that is a true telltale sign that
26293s something can be going on there
26295s now though we're starting to look here
26297s at what's going on for who fishy and
26298s cavs they're trying to make their way in
26300s currently in fourth
26301s place here and they're doing so well but
26304s this game is looking down and bad for
26307s them they're starting to run out of
26308s material big fight here starts to break
26309s out though who fishy dragster player
26311s right through there let's see some
26313s tragic slide on it
26315s w carry picks up except on the other
26317s side but our first place duo under a
26320s little bit of pressure here you see nick
26322s get spoken for him they are 472 below
26324s and demonics has found a nice little
26326s hidey hole for himself omg me too gets
26329s on the board bucky was the one who
26330s actually got the confirmation over to
26332s nick so a little bit of room for him
26334s there we do have our fourth zone
26335s revealed and pretty much everyone minus
26338s maybe four duos has already parked out
26340s their real estate on the edge and take a
26342s look bucky and kim actually jumped down
26343s onto demonics demonics decides to turn
26345s tail and burn out the side here even
26348s going as far as jumping straight into
26349s enemy territory here this is a desperate
26351s desperate play now he's got to be more
26353s careful than ever of course he can
26355s always retreat back to his builds but
26357s it'll take some time he's going to wait
26358s for the storm to start to come in i'm
26359s paying very close attention to the feed
26360s though because i know bucky and cam are
26362s sitting right next to samsung batch
26364s where are they narwhal however starts to
26366s put up a fight here he's well above the
26367s surge but this is a fight for elims here
26370s and they're positioning a fourth they're
26372s going up against mars and crumbler who
26374s have now edged their way back into that
26376s top ten after falling slightly early
26378s last game but the back of the wall is
26380s open narwhal takes some punishment it's
26382s just wood behind him
26383s so it is still very very risky here
26385s enemy build in front of him as well oh
26387s no he doesn't have control of this
26389s situation it's starting to slip away
26390s from him here oh six wooden builds tries
26393s to push in and make a play there but
26395s mars he knows when he has an advantage
26397s very well done cleaning that up and goes
26400s straight east 9th to 8th and the zone
26402s drops pretty much on top of it and we're
26404s getting very similar zone to what we saw
26407s in game number two monster and we talked
26410s about it that's going to make high
26411s ground in second height and how you
26413s utilize your utility so much more
26415s valuable but look who's right on top of
26416s each other they're right there they're
26417s right on top of each other demonic just
26419s taken out by bucky so he is fully
26420s eliminated first place is out and they
26422s were down at around a
26424s 125 plus points or so fashion pants will
26426s start to make a mad dash here to the new
26428s zone they get a little closer but not
26430s before getting trapped behind here and
26432s you can see enemies starting to control
26434s some build pan gets a refresher along
26435s the way on to aim right that's actually
26437s so massive once again pamsu and fat
26440s start to fight their way into an end
26442s game aim right being the solo who was
26443s under pressure from surge zones on top
26445s of them and it feels like at some point
26448s they're going to put it all together
26451s could this be it we thought last game
26452s was it but looking at the positioning
26454s right now nobody really has taken away
26456s that dominant area that we saw qual end
26459s up doing
26460s fishing
26462s still holding off their spot they do
26463s have a launch pad that's so important
26465s here we saw that no teams had launch
26467s pads when it went up and over that cliff
26469s and that was the biggest mistake for the
26470s lobby right there because there was no
26472s way no chance for players to build up
26475s and over player find tk mashed in
26478s between fourth and other players that
26479s desperately need a win right now
26482s zone's gonna pull back the way it came
26484s straight north cutting between the two
26486s valleys onto flat territory this is
26489s honestly probably the best situation for
26491s the bulk of the lobby right now yeah i
26492s was about to say you want to pull away
26495s from all those changes in verticality
26496s nobody wants to deal with that and
26498s trying to rotate around and just because
26500s so much of this area has already been
26502s occupied it makes it that much more
26503s difficult and as you've been scrolling
26505s through you talked about the launch of
26506s launch pad or the lack of launch pads in
26509s all of these loadouts we'll make that
26510s hard we will have the sixth zone begin
26512s to move now expect players to take to
26514s the sky if they're on the southern part
26516s of the zone everyone else is kind of
26518s need to get moving in there they are
26519s launch pads taking the sky everyone
26521s going up can they find one player find
26523s tk they're looking and they found it
26524s there it is they take to the sky here
26526s they start to rotate out they're still
26528s in third place the team starts to crank
26530s up for high ground who is it mars falls
26532s crumblers down and that's because they
26533s had a bad flight path across the sky
26536s there weather was not looking too good
26538s for them for playa find tk those shots
26540s coming in
26540s polaris actually trying to play for the
26542s elimination here we've seen nikon
26543s polarized take out big teams before tk
26546s gets hurt down to low ground they go one
26548s two chug splashes they're down and now
26550s creole is down bucky and blake are down
26553s now as well so players are starting to
26555s fall here
26556s you do have storm surge will turn on
26558s here in ten seconds but only five
26560s players will need to go down potentially
26562s three duos likely mostly solos as tahi
26564s picks up yet another one way up on
26566s height av and e dan you also have trough
26568s kills as a solo just underneath with
26571s bert you can see he's got players all
26573s around him cease ends up going down niko
26574s finds one tk going to get the
26576s confirmation there he did dropping back
26579s over looking for that launchpad but
26581s taking a little bit of extra time you
26583s can see tk is down play it by trying to
26585s run it out as we close in on our top 15.
26587s tragic falls there too he had such a
26589s good game probably the best we've seen
26591s today alongside cease but he is now
26593s officially down and out i'm looking at
26595s names here in the mix bucky's back up
26597s cam is still here as well kazan who
26599s fishy looking to edge their way towards
26601s a win potentially right now and so are
26604s pamsel and facts they have now fallen to
26606s fifth but that's okay because they're
26608s still up they're still in this end game
26610s there's still a chance here who fishy
26612s finds vert team he's going to go down
26614s camp has to commit armored wall here
26616s high ground though just no one is
26618s currently just looking at them
26620s pressuring them they're allowing them to
26622s live rent free right now if this pulls
26624s south high ground wins straight up there
26627s is oh it's going to be so incredibly
26628s hard for everyone else to force them
26630s down but as i say that look at the
26632s loadout on bucky and cam they have so
26634s many shields they have so many heels
26636s they have decent amount of builds and an
26638s armored wall that's actually a very
26640s important call right there the fact that
26641s they have material we can see bucky and
26643s cam start to look up and edge for height
26645s player five is a solo here parking in
26647s the build
26648s only target in front of him could be
26649s pamsu and thatcher but no the shots come
26651s in he was spotted out and down he goes
26653s and just like that lauren snipes up
26655s another solo there champs in fact make a
26657s dash out the side of the uh zone there
26659s they actually commit av starting to run
26661s out of material and bucky and cam chop
26663s the bucking camera looking to the back
26665s of zone they're saying hey they've been
26666s up there a minute what can we do to drop
26668s him down and look how much he still has
26670s they have so many mats here cam gets
26672s shot that's so important they're gonna
26674s have to stop here the more splashes they
26676s use the win condition starts to slip
26678s away here 12 players alive seven teams
26680s up next one of the only solos in this
26683s game here now going his way down to low
26686s it but no lets his guard down and it's
26688s pam stew who takes him out bucky's out
26690s by himself pam is gonna find so much
26693s material off the cam's body because they
26695s split the material before it all
26697s happened here they have a chance now
26699s evie and edan start to look up they
26701s bring down bucky the fight is breaking
26703s out of course the low ground teams
26705s recognize what is happening here there's
26707s a true opportunity for anyone to go back
26710s up to height and ed climbs his way back
26712s up but he is out of material that is it
26715s pam still is down it's all on the fast
26718s as well two v two that's fine one v one
26722s can he do the rest here now comes the
26723s refresh here he got to get some material
26725s that's a good farm back clues are solo
26727s there clue gets hurt
26728s aviv elite gold still alive there on the
26731s low ground eden and av on height here
26734s but no material so they are going to
26736s have to commit on in av still has a
26738s little bit to work with tries to
26739s reconnect there but now the build fight
26741s goes out here this is a perfect case
26742s scenario the high ground teams are going
26744s head to head what happens here elite
26746s gold comes out on top down goes eden and
26749s the story starts to change and another
26751s exchange there bam av is on top here but
26754s no finisher for him and all of a sudden
26756s we're left with a clue so love your
26757s watch here
26758s this is a 1v1 and there's so many fishes
26761s who are down the zone you can see a beef
26762s went back he tries to find the fish and
26764s he tries to find the zone but clue what
26766s looked like an absolutely hopeless
26768s situation he now has the opportunity
26770s however when condition is in abeev's
26772s hand what can clue do good shot right
26775s there by v down onto low ground if aviv
26777s takes us home so do all the points
26779s that's gonna open up a placement spot
26781s within the top six that's the ideal
26783s situation but clue needs this if he
26785s wants to go to finals he may not get a
26787s chance like this again it's only going
26788s to become more and more difficult though
26790s more and more materials start to get
26791s invested clue doesn't have much to work
26793s with he loses a little bit more hp and
26795s we're going underneath the bridge pretty
26796s much oh this is almost all full built
26798s metal he's gonna get some more materials
26800s but most importantly he has no heels the
26803s longer he waits bottom right hand corner
26804s 15 seconds to full close we're going off
26807s the bridge and wally can recycle this is
26809s going to give aviva window just to say i
26811s don't need to go down i can pop the flop
26813s and chill clue has to force something
26815s but instead avee finds the angle and he
26817s says i'll do it myself hp lead turns
26820s back and we have our fifth victor royale
26824s from today congratulations
26826s and take the av they did so well too
26828s they did it with like so much
26830s comfortability the high ground a little
26831s bit more material elite golden aviv
26834s played exceptional there shout out to
26836s matrix now they get to close out with
26838s nine eliminations in the victor royale
26840s and they do it in fashion a couple extra
26843s heels they're the flop for two what a
26845s win we'll see you guys in the finals and
26848s if you're the rest of the lobby you're
26850s incredibly happy with rizzo you're not
26852s the one getting the w you see somebody
26854s who is really firmly in the top five
26857s catch a dub in the final that's great
26858s and it means so much those points are
26860s now officially not a non-factor 128
26862s points is perfect and that is what we
26865s like to see it really is it really is
26867s yeah leaving gold there thank you boys
26869s incredible victory royale there exactly
26872s it does really change things up in the
26874s leaderboard we're gonna see that in a
26875s few minutes time but you know look at
26876s aviv the setup there the high ground you
26879s have med mist you had floppers you had
26881s minis if necessary when you have those
26883s heels you have the high ground as well
26885s it is the classic way to win out get the
26888s victory out spg yeah it definitely is
26890s when we talked about them at the top of
26891s the show i experienced what they were
26894s doing in the early game in the mid game
26896s they've qualified and made cash in
26898s multiple duo's cash cups this season so
26900s i expected them to continue to play well
26903s and just continuing that momentum right
26905s into finals vivid yeah absolutely great
26907s then i love sundown pointing out kind of
26908s his win condition right there we saw him
26910s with the med miss two floppers in hand
26913s basically all he has to do is kind of
26914s use all of his math that he has
26916s remaining to try to stay in the zone for
26918s as long as he possibly can and then when
26920s it starts to get a little bit sketchy he
26921s can just make that run back all the way
26924s into the zone which is when he will
26925s finally use that med miss and those
26927s floppers being very very confident that
26929s he has way more heels than the person on
26931s the low ground so that way he can win
26932s ultimately through that little bit of a
26934s heal off that made me so nervous when he
26936s was going up the high ground with no
26938s match but to get that last shot the
26940s refreshing was just enough for him to
26942s take that game it was huge well done by
26945s those two and oh we have
26948s so much more space in the finals now
26950s because like they just said a top team
26952s now the points don't matter yeah one of
26954s those teams you actually highlight the
26955s beginning of the show as well cam and
26956s bucky as well are managing to be
26959s consistent as well obviously we knew
26960s they had that their conflictor bugle
26962s there with donnie and mackwood these
26963s guys definitely come out on top today
26964s with a lot of eliminations and i think
26966s we keep talking about consistency it's
26968s always consistently consistently because
26970s when you have that in this kind of
26971s format and you can kind of regardless of
26973s the victory royale manage to always be
26975s considered in the top kind of view
26977s you're gonna go a long way vivid yeah
26979s and taking a look at their games from
26980s yesterday it was always like i said they
26982s were making it to the end game but not
26983s far enough to get past like top 18. so
26985s they were never in a good position when
26987s they got to the end game but today we
26989s saw specifically in this game they found
26991s an early elimination and they just ran
26994s with it right they had so many heals
26995s from that they got their storms i think
26996s they were like 700 above at one point so
26999s they were absolutely chilling and they
27000s played the rest of the game so well
27002s which is why we saw them all the way
27003s through the end game and i think it's
27005s that little adjustment we knew them as a
27007s high ground team we've talked about it
27008s multiple times but today in multiple
27011s games they're playing that mid ground
27012s they're slaying out in the mid ground
27014s and it's that little adjustment to go
27015s for the consistency that is mid-ground
27018s we saw them make a play for the height
27020s ultimately they go down but you got to
27022s make a play to try and win the game
27023s eventually you can't just sit there the
27025s whole time yeah absolutely right you can
27026s see here as well we haven't highlighted
27028s pam's own faction in this particular
27029s moment but monster must be very excited
27032s right now because they're looking
27032s they're looking good in second position
27034s here as well vivid walk to the
27036s leaderboard here because it is mighty
27038s tight at the top yeah you said it you
27039s know pam's on fetch we kind of little
27041s did a little did little prediction last
27043s year i was like listen i think pam's
27045s doing fast are gonna take it again
27046s ultimately didn't take it but making it
27047s to the end game ultimately putting them
27049s in second place so very very good it's
27051s also awesome to see kaz and who fishy
27054s holding their position in fifth did not
27055s move at all 113 points right now for
27058s sixth place though yeah and that's what
27060s we're looking for it's been
27062s back and forth all day teams going up
27064s and down the leaderboard nix and nick
27066s trying to claim their top spot 131 that
27069s was enough on eu to qualify but we don't
27072s know here just look 90th or 90 points
27074s for 10th place they could have one big
27076s game grab like five elims and then shoot
27079s all the way up to the top if they fall
27081s early it'll be really interesting to see
27083s how this final game plays out because
27086s all these teams are so close it's going
27087s to be a battle the interesting thing is
27089s with this last game because this is the
27091s very last game now we have going into
27093s this one of the day day two here
27095s obviously 12 teams until qualified today
27097s 12 new ones coming tomorrow if you've
27099s already been in semi-finals in day one
27101s and it doesn't happen in day two there's
27103s there is that element of pressure on day
27105s three that you must qualify i think now
27106s as well in this very last game are we
27108s gonna see a team that is around the top
27110s six go through or are we gonna see one
27113s of our teams towards the bottom just
27114s just pop off frag out and go all the way
27116s through on that victory royale rule here
27118s in semifinals and go all the way it's
27120s exciting stuff spg yeah it definitely is
27123s and we saw our first team that is
27125s starting off in day two win a match and
27127s move through i'm not sure who is going
27129s to take it i'm going with one of the
27131s vets in the final game much like i would
27133s go with the veteran projection king
27135s right here
27136s thank you thank you thank you but yeah i
27137s love the point that you made you know
27139s kind of being in here already for two
27140s days two sessions ultimately that
27142s leaderboard is looking almost locked
27144s into this point so one victor royale
27146s left right top of that leaderboard is
27147s kind of locked in and then also session
27149s three tomorrow you have 12 new teams who
27152s are hungry coming in you really don't
27153s want to put yourself in that position to
27154s go against them exactly exactly right
27156s there okay this is it guys the very last
27159s game of day two on nae who will qualify
27162s again as i keep saying let us know
27164s online who you think is going to go all
27165s the way here it's the last time we're
27167s boarding the bus today here on nae let's
27169s head over to sundown to mdf to bring us
27171s all the action it's game time baby
27175s thank you so much adam vivid and svg and
27179s this is the last chance
27182s before the last chance we will have one
27185s more victor royale go through and then
27188s it's all about the top six and tomorrow
27189s that's right it will come down to just
27191s that the wire is literally here for na
27194s east one more chance that leaderboard
27196s talk about it being close we haven't
27198s seen it that close in quite some time
27200s again what you're hoping if you're one
27202s of those teams down low is that the guys
27204s have top ticket but we'll see it here
27205s now we're jumping on into the last game
27207s of any east today
27213s the wires are stretched and held tight
27217s the tension could not be any higher our
27220s heroes will look to tempt the fates the
27223s question is
27224s who will stand strong against the snip
27227s the edge that is that top six who will
27230s claim the victor royale and who will get
27232s snuffed out for one more chance tomorrow
27235s sprite announced that they got off to a
27236s hot start and now they're trying to get
27238s a piece of it plagued loses the weapon
27239s to the drop has an hp and it's not much
27242s of a dream it's more than a nightmare
27244s and brilliant by sprite to about face
27247s and immediately cover the chest saying
27248s where you going pal playing smart
27250s protecting one another and just like
27252s that with every team that falls now
27255s their chance at the finals is over for
27258s today
27259s and you want a you know vivid prediction
27262s king all that i will babe ruth it right
27264s now point to the outfield fence i'm
27266s going to say sprite announced you're
27267s going to win this game it can be just
27269s that they've sat out for two games
27270s though are they cool or are they still
27273s on fire we'll see if they can actually
27275s put it all together for polo and shoney
27277s i mean they finally win greasy grove in
27280s a big contested fight for them i mean
27282s it's been back and forth here talk about
27285s a story of a quick start for polo and
27287s shoney and then all of a sudden have to
27289s really claw their way back where aeoxi
27291s and crew were just playing so consistent
27293s these are the kind of contested battles
27295s that we've had all day here today but we
27297s do need to talk about the experience
27298s game from the team the left yes we're
27300s going to be jumping around and looking
27301s at these additional fights watching the
27303s contest that go down because again hey
27305s if you're out
27306s good luck if you're maybe if you're in
27309s the top five you can hold on like we saw
27310s yesterday but otherwise reset a little
27312s bit go back watch your vods hop in the
27315s shower like do whatever you need to do
27317s because tomorrow is your last chance to
27320s keep playing competitive fortnite and
27322s that's what it's all about for these
27324s guys last chance for this season i was
27325s going to say this for the season for the
27327s season don't forget we got n a west
27329s after this too like we got plenty to go
27330s yeah much more fortnite in front of us
27332s for the evening and of course here today
27334s rahaji and subscript man these are all
27336s our teams that are middling in the
27338s competition yesterday we saw teams well
27340s outside that top 15 top 18 opportunity
27343s go ahead and snipe up a victory royale
27346s in the final moments we also saw teams
27348s that were up top take a win and edge out
27351s the guys who would have otherwise
27353s punched their way on through so anything
27355s can truly happen here and this is the
27357s excitement that the fncs stage brings
27360s especially these semi-finals so in this
27362s game in particular we're gonna jump
27364s around we're gonna try and find all the
27366s early fights if you're just watching if
27368s you're just tuning in welcome how you
27370s doing i hope you've had a fantastic
27372s evening day wherever it is this is the
27374s final game in nae's right after this
27376s we'll roll into na west for their day
27379s two
27380s what is on the line here is we're gonna
27382s peek back and see how that elim went
27384s down the winner goes through right and
27386s then we're going to be spending a ton of
27388s time looking at the yellow point totals
27391s next to except's name so as soon as we
27393s cut back here you can see it down the
27394s bottom he's currently sitting at 91. the
27396s things you care about is what does that
27398s yellow number say and then the bottom
27400s left hand corner your screen team number
27402s blank tells you roughly where they are
27404s in the leaderboard they want to end in
27406s the top six top six ticket to the dance
27409s you don't have to play tomorrow if
27410s you're not in there then you're into
27413s what might be the most stressful day of
27415s your entire season yeah like so for
27417s bucky and cam pressure is so intense
27419s right now they're in seventh year
27421s they're that one team looking behind the
27423s glass window saying i hope i got enough
27425s money to pick up this item because i
27426s want it right now and that is what kind
27428s of president they're facing i mean they
27430s have to literally outperform some of the
27432s other greats on the region and that is
27435s no easy ask and an even tougher task to
27438s go ahead and commit but i do love that
27439s they're continuing the trend of getting
27441s the initial loot over in bugle yes and
27444s then getting out because we saw what
27446s happened in qualifier 3 and yesterday
27448s we're getting bogged down in that fight
27450s against mackwood and donny was awful for
27453s everyone involved yeah and you know we
27455s also saw macwid and donnie winning most
27457s times as well so they kind of understand
27460s like hey yeah you know we can fight this
27462s team but hey we sometimes lose this
27464s battle so it's not in our best favor to
27466s actually stick around and that's why i
27467s respect the fact that they just they get
27469s out maybe they trade some tags there
27470s they get into a little fight but they
27472s never over commit it's not worth it at
27474s all for boxer and convicted here this is
27476s a fight that's going to mean everything
27477s for them both these teams literally
27479s hovering around the same overall mark
27481s for points so they've kind of had this
27482s same
27483s all in all competition float today this
27485s is the fortress this is another fight
27487s that's going down on the outer edge
27488s right so they want to finish this up you
27490s know maybe play for a better spot play
27491s for some high ground and wait this one
27493s out a victory out can punch out any of
27495s these teams to finals today yeah and
27497s they're getting out of dodge and
27498s honestly i'm a huge fan of that i
27500s despise fighting out of the fortress i
27502s think it's one of like the biggest trap
27504s pois to get cut down in because
27506s basically everywhere that rotates around
27508s this side of the map gets a great line
27510s of sight on you it's very similar to the
27513s uh the gorgeous gorge in chapter two
27515s where you go anywhere near that you jump
27517s off the side basically everyone on the
27519s map can see
27521s yeah you get super exposed there and you
27523s already know the teams decided to kind
27525s of jump the gun play for a high ground
27526s position pretty much rap so you get
27528s punished up kind of like what we saw for
27530s some teams yesterday who rotated late
27532s who fits in cash for the first time
27534s getting shot early before they get to
27536s get some mountain top and this is super
27537s hopeful for that team because they're up
27539s in the stands right now for knifer and
27541s o'keefe's i mean luckily they have a
27544s little too much on the line to over
27545s commit right now because that could have
27547s been it for any of these teams right
27548s here nah send it i wanted to see knight
27550s for hop in that canyon and just throw
27552s himself towards that granted not
27554s actually the smart play he did the smart
27555s boy just back up hold the angle
27557s especially because yet again monster
27559s where are we we're at command cavern
27561s where's that white circle well it is
27563s inside command cavern we're going pretty
27565s much north central flow getting a knock
27567s in the feed they're gonna get the
27568s confirmation on to golden with some help
27570s from blake my prediction's struggling
27572s today but maybe they can pick up a vr
27574s here in the game i mean like i said i
27576s think we got a little bit of flack for
27578s it yesterday broken clock is right twice
27580s so muddy used up my uh goodwill there
27582s yeah it could have been but hey if you
27583s wait long enough eventually that clock
27585s would be correct it'll come back around
27587s i'm you know occasionally i get things
27589s right it's not who fishy and cats it
27590s looks like bert actually sniped up their
27592s mountain that's why they were swinging
27594s back to oak east in knifer's position
27596s but you know they never leave there so
27599s it does punish them and they have tons
27601s of room right now and i'm just looking
27602s at the amount of utility if they're able
27604s to top out on those truck splashes they
27606s could end up in a great spot though one
27608s thing to note what uh i mean maybe just
27610s just a little bit
27612s hello
27614s start us again yeah let's get it better
27615s let's get a better angle here gentlemen
27617s yeah there there we go gonna be able to
27618s get the straight line they don't want to
27619s go too vertically and expose themselves
27621s to some of the billy goats up on the
27623s mountains there but if they're able to
27625s top out in the chug splashes they'll be
27627s in a great spot one thing important to
27628s note they left the flopper on
27630s seems like a very tiny thing but we've
27633s seen so many of these victoria owls come
27635s down to who has one extra med mist who
27637s has one extra flopper who can hang in
27638s the zone for a little bit longer and now
27641s we're going to do a nice little tour of
27643s all our teams who are inside of that top
27645s six you probably wonder why aren't you
27647s showing us any fights well one there
27649s really aren't any right now if you're
27651s still up on your feet you don't want to
27653s full set for an early game we'll get a
27655s little bit when you go and poke for
27656s storm surge but otherwise right now
27658s we're just getting a tour of what
27660s everyone looks like will they have in
27661s their inventory and where their position
27663s the standings are so close that there is
27665s not a single team in the lobby that can
27667s say oh let's just get two elims and
27669s we're good we we're going through
27671s there are about 10 points separating our
27674s top 10 which is ridiculous like that is
27678s not much any team that falls in the top
27680s kin quite literally see themselves
27682s playing again tomorrow another set of
27684s six games yeah if you fall outside of
27687s that even the first placement point you
27689s might think well it's just one i think
27690s points how much can that ask no you
27692s effectively you might as well go play
27694s tomorrow because as we've seen somebody
27695s is going to win the game and get pulled
27697s out and somebody is going to get just
27699s that one extra elimination that extra
27701s three points chipping through and the
27702s crazy part about it is top six move on
27705s for consistency so if that top six is in
27708s the player or team that wins the game
27710s you are getting pushed down they're
27713s going to take a spot and that's
27715s literally what we saw yesterday where we
27717s said oh no it might be over for molito
27719s and ignite but then in the final moments
27722s when the seems who was already up there
27723s got pushed out and they stole away the
27726s spot from shadowing me too that's right
27728s because those points do start to add up
27730s let's see here for playify and tk right
27732s now who are playing defense as we need
27734s to catch up because there's a lot of
27736s time in front of us
27740s quickly just wanted to let you guys know
27741s kind of show you why command cavern is
27744s so good and why knifer has been doing so
27745s well out of it so he kind of hangs up
27747s here he uses that scanner to get a ping
27749s on players gives information of where
27751s all those players are at because the poi
27753s is crazy then he has those cannons right
27754s next to him to rotate out and make a
27757s clean rotation to the next zone
27760s love being able to utilize the map it's
27763s who can minimax the hardest who can get
27766s a rotation for free who can find an
27768s extra tag who can manufacture that one
27771s elimination that gives you the extra
27773s three points and honestly if there was
27775s ever a team who's in tournament
27777s management mode out of this entire group
27779s who can just kind of hold on maybe it's
27781s demonics and nick but hold the phone
27783s knife or down oaky's 35 hp monster it's
27785s not looking good 124 points as well
27788s remember that number one team was six
27790s points ahead of them so that is how
27792s close two eliminations separate them and
27794s for one team to be down okies has to go
27797s so deep into the storm right now come in
27799s cavern has fallen and finally evie and
27803s eden are the team to do it they tried to
27805s do it before they've managed to find
27807s themselves up in 14 somehow so they can
27809s actually jump up yeah sitting in akra
27811s rotating past them though and now
27813s potentially challenging up towards the
27814s cavern as jack freeze let's get the
27816s knock on to flow so we're seeing some of
27818s our bigger teams fighting here and this
27820s is what we saw last game where oak is
27822s tried to dip out in the zone the
27823s difference is he didn't really break
27825s line of sight well this time and now he
27827s has no white heels the time is ticking
27829s 20 seconds to find something there is a
27832s campfire up here though if he can get to
27833s it in time i don't think he can you got
27835s to dig deep into that brain right now
27837s this is camp cuddle there are so many
27839s campfires but where he is just looking
27842s around where's the closest one is there
27844s anything and there is
27845s nothing before him and just like that
27848s o'keez and knifer are down in out third
27851s place cross off of the standings here
27854s will
27855s 124 points hold up
27858s it's gonna be very close we're gonna be
27861s watching those yellow numbers the entire
27863s time in the end game and we won't be the
27866s only one we hyped them up as being one
27867s of the new duos well monster we talked
27869s about 124 this is our ninth place team
27871s sitting at 101. that is that is nothing
27874s so close we already know like placement
27877s points that top five is already gonna
27879s surpass that and
27881s particularly two we talk about the three
27883s five seven rule when it comes to storm
27884s surge look at the top left hand corner
27887s 7016 this is the fastest of the lobbies
27889s we've played so far yes there are less
27890s teams because they get removed and going
27892s but everybody needs to be going we
27894s already see another team fall there
27895s illist is down will he get finished here
27898s pam soon thatch have a gift rotating
27900s straight towards them they are going to
27902s need some tags here at the sleepy sound
27904s a huge and i mean huge risk that they're
27907s taking right now to play this northern
27909s side here and play defensively as we
27911s know their opportunities to find tags
27913s will become more and more limited as the
27915s lobby goes on they have luckily found
27917s plenty here and their loadouts looking
27919s exceptional now they start to dip back
27921s in
27922s and one of the important things here to
27923s note again we talked about it everybody
27925s while it is a fast-paced lobby it wasn't
27928s fast enough to not give everyone kind of
27930s a temperature check on the storm surge
27932s right so while the 73 players up you at
27934s least see the ticker on the side so you
27935s know hey am i a couple hundred above or
27937s am i like right on that line because
27939s once you get in that fifth zone half and
27941s half out that storm surge is going to be
27943s so incredibly important and right now
27945s we're looking at one of the two duos
27947s who's potentially underneath a monster
27948s bottom left-hand corner they're in
27950s topping that's right it gets to
27951s reactivate here so a top eight team
27953s eyeballing up the temple above them it's
27955s diego and nqs they start to go all in
27958s this is it this is everything pam's
27959s doing fast shooting from behind they're
27961s not making an easy nets has to full
27963s commit here he finds one tag but that's
27965s not enough and cues now gets shot from
27966s the distance as well so there are two
27968s teams effectively looking in here you
27970s have to pam and fat squad potentially on
27972s the outskirts another team at the base
27974s of the mountain looking up tiago and nqs
27976s have to play defense here as nets and
27977s hide and seek need to fully commit here
27980s if they find these that's six points
27982s that will put them up at 115 and there
27984s will be a little bit of placement as
27986s well luckily things start to even out
27988s here and the surge turns off so that
27991s pressure
27993s is gonna be alleviated for now and again
27995s they were just 86 above so that's going
27997s to be ticking in the back of their mind
27999s as they get into these late games
28001s another important thing to note we got
28002s one of those north central zones where
28004s this mountain is in play the big
28006s mountain we see directly in front of us
28008s is pretty much smack dab in the middle
28010s so there's changes in verticality and
28012s positioning where you get now is so
28014s important not only that no narwhal and
28017s next were not looking good there they
28018s were actually super tagged up kind of
28020s below the halfway mark could be a sign
28022s of no shield could be a sign up but just
28025s a really tough rotate that's going to
28026s dig into their material count either way
28029s it's not ideal omg me too now just below
28032s that uh that mountain's edge here
28033s getting focused onto by who fishing cast
28035s potentially as their next target this
28037s zone is going right directly on top of a
28040s mountain it's definitely gonna have its
28042s part in it
28043s let's see everyone's trying to position
28045s around it picking which side they're
28047s going to be on we've got to check in
28048s with fifth right there two fishing casts
28050s now we'll scoot back on over to seventh
28053s and man they're separated it's barely
28055s even a stone's throw might as well be
28057s even given how fortnite points worked
28059s and now you can see here's three points
28061s per elim we have our first placement
28063s point given out now if you are in the
28065s top six every time a placement threshold
28067s takes over that's so valuable to you
28070s because the players who are trying to
28071s play catch-up they don't gain that point
28073s it means they have to put a little bit
28074s more pressure on it and keeping an eye
28076s demonics finds the confirmation on the
28078s kyoto so huge because demonic and nix
28080s went down in that last game and they
28082s were in first place in game five and
28084s they fall in the mid game really opening
28086s up the standings so although they are
28087s still up inside the conversation they
28090s are playing catch up here and a very
28093s interesting loadout from cam this
28095s loadout to me screams that bucky told
28098s him hey grab whatever you need to make
28100s sure we're okay on surge and play the
28102s end game and that's it no shotgun
28104s rocking the harpoon rocking double
28106s shield kegs you don't generally see that
28109s but that screams like let's make it to
28111s half and half out and play the late game
28113s i like that a lot they're willing to sit
28115s there take damage take trades and play
28118s for that end game that is definitely a
28120s loadout that tells us a full story voyal
28122s and x up there in 10th place with a
28123s couple elims demonics of course though
28125s we need to continue to keep up with them
28128s number one team in the lobby currently
28130s even after being number one in game five
28133s they're still showing us why they're up
28135s at the top and it shows how particular
28137s like we saw during the qualifiers and in
28139s the round four how you can kind of have
28142s like two throw away of course games and
28144s look at that zone we talked about the
28146s two power positions being the mountain
28148s in the northeast and the mountain pretty
28150s much on that like south central west
28152s whatever that was a bunch of directions
28153s at once and it drops right on top of the
28155s highest point so you can see the pings
28157s going out so if you're already on the
28158s mountain fine billy goat up create a
28160s little bit of space if you're not um
28163s you're gonna figure out how to get there
28164s yeah time to get a move on it maybe
28166s slide down this hill that you're on i'm
28167s already seeing fresh faces start to be
28169s thrown up here metal walls beginning to
28171s open up as well so the clock is ticking
28173s there's no shot nick and demonics decide
28175s that they want to take that zip line
28176s they thought about it for a second take
28178s a look at the options here they could go
28180s right or they can go left they're going
28181s to follow the pack here and actually
28184s take their way into these enemy builds
28186s here because of the extra line of cover
28188s right there's some some line of blocking
28189s there from the tree as well so it
28191s actually ends up working out yeah a
28193s little bit of a line of a sight blocker
28194s there in the fact that there are still a
28196s couple trees and a player broken off the
28198s right hand side i was looking to maybe
28199s loop back through shifty shafts however
28201s you get that kind of scarecrow attitude
28203s that we talked about earlier where your
28205s passing builds and you have no clue if
28207s somebody's just kind of ratting around
28208s the corner just waiting for you like i
28210s would be to manufacture one of those
28212s eliminations because i can't win a fair
28213s fight but somebody who's won plenty of
28215s fair fights nick and demonics there
28217s again we talked about it they just want
28219s to hold on you can see that in their
28221s strategy as well investing very heavily
28224s into shields just a couple eliminations
28226s from away from punching their way to the
28228s finals there they are so so close to
28231s doing it carrie and coop bear are the
28233s team holding on to six currently so that
28236s is the number and threshold the
28238s crossover play of fire and tk edged
28240s their way on up to 127 points after
28243s picking up elimination so far and the
28245s surge finally turns on here four duos
28248s who will be under pressured and there is
28249s only two solos who are running around so
28251s it could be upwards of five if all the
28253s solos are on it and one of those is our
28255s current fourth place team as in who
28257s fishy this is not looking good here they
28259s have to really open up these boxes here
28261s other teams are shooting in as well
28262s though this is perfect they can get a
28264s lobby focused
28266s voila and accepts dreams here an
28268s opportunity at the finals this could be
28270s sending them back by tomorrow huge white
28272s tag there they're still below though
28274s serge is going to be active any second
28275s now 15 seconds until things get crazy
28278s and there it is they throw down that
28279s chug's barrel because they have to they
28282s have to get these heels going and still
28284s they're below they need a couple more
28286s attacks she okay going up i almost
28288s panicked for a second i was like wait
28289s was that their cone does somebody buy
28291s them but volume except ping on the side
28293s you're a 10th place team and the tags on
28294s the down is huge even if it isn't their
28297s elim coming through it will put them 59
28299s above kaz ends up getting one coming
28301s through omg me too gets the knock on
28303s boyle on the side and they will end up
28305s finding the other one as well so good
28307s job for them getting the confirmation on
28309s it but we're swinging on over bucky and
28311s cam they're under storm surge seventh
28312s place team they gotta go two huge tanks
28314s can he find more these tags mean
28316s everything there they find a couple
28317s pants to find cieco would have knocked
28318s there as well all these teams are
28320s fighting right now everyone needs to
28322s continue to push through two players are
28325s underneath and it's bucky and cam the
28327s only players in the lobby who are
28330s underneath the surge here our seventh
28332s place team is underneath the surge one
28335s single tag is all they need but they
28337s have to happen and half out so they do
28340s not want to move too far the clock is
28342s ticking now a few more bills left over
28345s 30 below here sundown 30 below they do
28347s so the chug splashes but in the bottom
28349s right hand corner the team they were
28350s shooting at was the only team in zone
28352s but they've shifted it over they're
28354s trying to see everyone rotating past it
28355s but because they were able to get in
28357s they took too long and as you said the
28359s only team they'll flip it over to
28360s somebody else but they're not safe yet
28363s they finally find some tags here at
28364s least it alleviates some pressure
28365s there's just four above that means the
28367s other team that's below is also trading
28369s back and forth one player goes down
28371s another now as well and things finally
28373s settle for tna's cam and bucky here and
28377s just like that it was almost all over
28379s but they managed to hold on and we're
28382s into the top 25 so each year that drops
28384s an additional placement point and this
28385s is where we're going to be paying
28386s attention to which one of those teams
28388s because basically if you got a 15 or
28390s lower in your name you're in contention
28392s even without the win a second place
28394s could push you up next he picks up
28395s plural we have a team drop that's
28397s another plus one going through and tk
28399s who's currently in fourth is all by his
28401s lonesome can he have one of those nae
28404s signature individual efforts that we saw
28406s my boy trap killed is gonna have to do
28408s it because flo gets confirmed from tahi
28410s and monster look where we're pulling
28411s we're going back over to the east back
28414s over towards that first round of high
28415s ground and a couple players did have
28417s some bases over there so we're gonna see
28418s some recycling going on but it's not
28420s gonna be easy for players like tk here
28422s who only have a launch pad armored wall
28424s they lose the wall to oh my gosh omg me
28427s too in shadow one of the scariest
28429s younger duos on the scene we saw them
28432s punch their way through last year or
28435s last season straight to the finals off
28436s the win so they have been here before
28438s they know how to take a victory out of
28440s semis and that's the scariest part about
28442s it and now look at this surge is turning
28444s on again here for pam and thatch and
28446s they love the late game dramatics
28447s whether it's going through in that final
28449s qualifier whether it was in the round
28451s four trying to push the way through can
28453s they do it in the final games 46 below
28454s for fifth sound batch this is not
28456s looking good they're gonna have to touch
28457s down and get active asap 15 players have
28459s to fall here there's players in between
28461s them as well do they double back do they
28463s get center point we're going to find out
28465s here it's all or nothing right here and
28467s now play hip to hip and make this end
28469s game it's so so important polaris and
28472s eco are up on the high ground here
28473s donnie's still in this game kazan who
28475s fishy alive and also not looking too
28477s well as they are below but the textbook
28479s plays start to come in cash protecting a
28481s six here play it smart play it steady
28484s you still have eight seconds before you
28485s need some some pressure to be alleviated
28488s here and get those tags to come through
28491s so fast
28493s up on the high ground but there's so
28494s much surgery oh no coop's down
28496s carrie's
28497s honestly back against the wall right now
28499s they're looking healthy if they can
28501s bounce back here and hold on just a
28502s little bit more 122. that's actually
28504s edge right there bucky could overpass
28506s him and now shadowing me too who took
28508s them down but macwood and donnie's still
28510s on the low ground and they're tearing
28511s through everyone as the zone pulls out
28513s in a way but look at the right hand side
28515s 15 below cam and bucky and cam finds the
28517s tags he finds the spring the players
28519s lost he said let me give you a map polo
28522s takes him down there but bucky goes down
28524s and it's all on the back of the young
28527s lord psg tna cam kenny take his team to
28530s the finals 122 points they are the sixth
28533s place mark and it was fact who rips
28535s bucky away and they have to be careful
28536s because he's still on that layer with
28538s them as well this is going up and over
28540s the mountain it's only gonna get more
28541s and more difficult now for polarizing
28543s nico i mean it's easy street for them
28545s they're in 29 they need the win there's
28548s no other way around her the casino fishy
28551s they're trying to just rack up these
28553s points because we've seen how close it
28554s can be players like bucky are edging
28557s their way and catching up to the heels
28559s of these players right now pam still and
28562s fat are now in the number one seed of
28563s spotting a huge shot there and that
28565s shuts down onto cavs the second place
28567s team they got a little too close to the
28569s sun and they burn for cam now on the
28572s other side another elim off the who 50
28574s he jumps on up bucky and cam are in the
28576s conversation 133 now they can push
28579s someone out of their spot it is gonna
28582s come down to the standings now bucky and
28584s cam have definitely done something
28586s exceptional but it's not over yet
28588s narwhals still alive next he is still
28590s here and elon comes through they are
28592s five points away from the third place
28594s team and all of a sudden now they are
28596s inside the top six there's still other
28598s players here that can definitely toss
28600s some upsets one four five six all still
28603s on the board but it doesn't matter where
28605s you are if you get the w nick and
28607s demonic they put a stamp on it and he
28610s did it emphatically mason gets taken
28612s down we'll be seeing them in the finals
28614s they continue to run through and a great
28617s effort from them the question is who
28618s joins them is narwhal and nexty
28620s currently sitting in fifth they close
28621s out t they're looking for every point
28623s possible because they are right on that
28625s line they're starting to jump off here
28626s and don't forget that win again the win
28628s is what the players want as well that
28630s will undoubtedly push you to finals here
28633s they're being held out the wall is
28635s strong they slip in the drum comes out
28637s and oh my gosh a hero's effort an smg to
28641s the face from aka shut down two but omg
28644s comes in in the end there and closes out
28646s pamphlets and facts now fighting for the
28648s final moments nick fenz in the storm
28650s also held out a taste of his own
28652s medicine for a moment there and it was
28654s disgusting for pam and fans through now
28656s what can they do pam and thatch here are
28658s looking solid but nico and polarized are
28661s on top two v2 v2 pamsto and facts will
28664s 100 go through but clue and danny
28667s looking to do everything they can faster
28669s down pam so he's fine he's through it
28671s it's going to come down pull the royce
28673s and nico versus clue and danny who will
28676s take the final moment pam stout will
28678s look to throw a wrench in but he's
28679s already got the 169 points he's calling
28682s nice he's qualified through he'll get
28684s ticked over here in just a second and
28687s here it goes polaroids versus nico clue
28690s verstani no leaderboards in action it's
28694s all about the win this is the win right
28696s here who can take it home here in the
28698s end both sides have just a little bit
28699s material to work with here both sides
28702s are really starting to dig deep now and
28704s they have to perform it's now or never
28707s polarized and nico have definitely
28708s clutched up some big drones today niko
28710s just threw it down
28711s polarizes a huge shot and he closes out
28714s with the follow-up smg and just like
28716s that a six elim dub will send them to
28719s the finals
28720s polarized with the polarizing
28722s performance there it was a tough day
28725s overall they were hanging around the
28727s middle of the pack they couldn't get it
28729s going off a drop but sometimes all you
28733s need is the one shot and they're able to
28736s grab it elite nico and polarized with
28739s one ticket left on the table they reach
28742s down they say yoink give me that
28745s straight to the finals they go but man
28747s monster that was leaderboard impact on
28749s leaderboard impact and what a way to
28751s close that does not get any better than
28753s that third fourth fifth and sixth all
28755s alive and then you actively see the
28757s points straight back and forth it really
28758s makes it that close but that is what we
28760s love about the semifinal stage it's just
28763s nuts going all the way through and you
28764s saw us trying to keep track of who was
28766s there we have no idea thank you so much
28769s for the six matches but to close it out
28771s and let us know who else is going to
28772s find them adam vivid svg it's all you
28776s two words two words absolutely
28778s extraordinary that's what we wanted to
28780s see in this final game we got that we
28782s got that i mean this is the crazy thing
28783s about this particular format as well and
28785s this region as well there are so many
28788s top top teams and a team in this final
28790s game we said it before we all kicked off
28792s here could come through the rankings and
28794s get oh there you saw they were 22nd
28796s place before that final and they got
28798s there they're going through the files
28799s like amazing stuff amazing stuff in it
28802s yeah really really good there and that's
28803s you know what we were talking about they
28804s were in like what like 29th or something
28806s like that way down on the leaderboard
28808s not doing too good on the consistency
28810s factor but they still have a chance the
28812s victory royale is there they take the
28814s high ground and as mdf and something
28815s were saying they were just coasting
28817s right they were like all the low ground
28818s action happened and then that play at
28820s the end there oh absolutely incredible
28822s yeah spg we've got to talk as well
28823s there's all the other teams that were in
28824s the vicinity when this happened i mean
28826s consistency wise as well today we had
28828s demonics we had nick we also have pam
28829s stone thatch as well and our boy mdf's
28832s picked today oh he's got to be loving it
28834s he's he's he's he's dancing in the
28836s background i mean this is this is it
28837s that's what i'm talking about i mean
28838s what do they do so right today i mean
28839s they were obviously the high ground seem
28841s to be the play for them and they got it
28843s time and time again yeah they seem to be
28844s playing more aggressive it seemed like
28846s yesterday they were kind of just letting
28848s things come to them and then taking
28849s whatever they could get today they're
28851s like i'm putting my own qualification in
28853s my own hands i'm grabbing high ground
28856s i'm going for these elims i'm getting
28858s every refresh necessary and they had all
28860s the zones yesterday they all pulled
28862s north basically all folded north again
28864s today so once again favorable for those
28867s two and the consistency is beautiful
28868s that's what i expected out of them you
28870s know they can win games vivid but not
28872s necessarily the team that wins every
28875s game it's been beautiful to watch yeah
28877s and lucky for the format you do not need
28878s to win every game if you do you go to
28880s finals but the consistency leaderboard
28883s is there for a reason and that just
28884s proves fashion pamps did one of the
28886s teams that deserve to be in the finals
28887s yeah doing the math they i think there
28889s could be a potential second place for
28891s them but third place could be kazanhu
28893s fishy as well another team consistent
28896s today as well we've seen some great
28897s highlights from earlier on but again
28899s they've come into the competition
28900s they've done superbly well and it looks
28902s like they could be going all the way as
28903s well to finals by the points where svg
28905s oh
28906s yeah you see it right here
28908s the veterans taking this one home and it
28910s was like a battle we saw second place we
28913s saw third place fifth place seventh go
28915s up to fourth it's been a such a back and
28918s forth and i have no idea what this is
28920s gonna look like i'm excited to see that
28921s later on but kaz and who fishy tip of
28924s the cap to them the veterans come
28925s through they do exactly what they need
28927s to kaz going likely to his 11th fncs
28931s final and it's been a wonderful
28933s performance to watch
28935s i mean this is i mean should we take a
28937s look now as well before we kind of go
28938s through the actual final boards with the
28940s guys and they say let's take a look at
28941s the final moment of the victory royale
28943s in game six so let's see it again um it
28945s was incredible to see i mean we you
28947s always hope there's two teams who won't
28949s necessarily go through on point one of
28951s them has to take it to get to finals and
28954s nico and polarize did exactly that of it
28956s yeah listen guess what this is this is
28958s another command cavern team we saw
28961s muslin avery go through earlier today
28963s obviously my prediction they went
28965s through command cavern team man cavern
28968s it just pumps out victor royale stats
28970s don't lie another one coming through and
28972s beautifully done by these guys this has
28974s to be so stressful in the moment knowing
28977s you have to win this game in order to
28979s qualify and we do see them go and grab
28982s that victor royale leaving nothing up to
28984s a heel off they're like i'm taking all
28985s the elims we're going to finals you see
28988s that again like vivid had to bring it up
28989s one more time that he picked buzzing
28991s avery if that's the this is the
28993s beginning it's gonna go on for years to
28994s come trust us uh but very very exciting
28996s stuff indeed obviously we've seen some
28997s of the teams here we're gonna head over
28998s to uh to sundown and mdf all the the
29001s final leaderboards as well and confirm
29002s exactly who went through via victoria
29004s house today as well thank you so much
29007s adam vivin and svg and let's be honest
29009s if i'm vivid i'm probably doing a little
29011s peacocking out there you know i called
29012s my shot i got it in there you want to
29014s know i mean can look here he said hey
29016s game four top of the show muzz and if
29018s you're gonna win it and they took it
29019s home in a fantastic fashion huge games
29022s man it all kicked off in game number one
29024s nazin and bryce with that big win
29026s followed by quality the vets that come
29028s through in the end super clutch pampster
29031s and fetch had me at the edge of their
29032s seats when they lost to the clinton and
29034s sphynx and it was just back to back and
29036s then of course that ridiculous
29038s head-to-head tna's muzz versus c9 avery
29041s in game four i mean sundown we all
29043s almost lost it here when vivid's team
29046s ended up best of me right there oh you
29048s definitely lost it that was for sure
29049s vivid was celebrating then we saw it
29051s just recently game five you had aviv and
29054s gold take down av in his duo and then
29056s nico and polarized closed it out in a
29058s must-win situation just like that guys
29061s and that was of course the winners of
29063s the semifinals those games they will go
29065s straight to finals but of course we have
29066s consistency as well in the end that last
29070s game there was a reason why we were
29071s hyping it all up because there were
29073s still many many teams who are on the
29075s line there it was i mean this was this
29078s was a great semi-final day too i think
29079s we all kind of so much fun but i think
29081s for all of us as well like for us behind
29083s the scenes watching you guys all cast
29084s the action because we can all feel it in
29085s the air that anything is actually
29087s possible in this region in particular
29088s there are so many duos who just seem
29090s capable of going all the way it's not
29091s that it's never it's never a done deal
29093s nothing no we never know what's gonna
29095s happen let's go to the leaderboards here
29096s and see exactly who is on the final
29098s standings uh and see who has gone
29100s through to finals we can see here on the
29102s boards topping is demonics and nick fn
29104s here sbg i mean consistency has indeed
29107s paid off today that is no surprise those
29110s top three they were so consistent what
29112s is somewhat of a surprise is bucky and
29115s cam shooting up the leaderboard towards
29117s the back half of this tournament last
29119s season was a coming out party for cam
29121s this season his is him confirming he
29123s belongs here he's going back to another
29126s fncs final yeah love to see and listen
29128s we saw actually bucky go down when
29130s buckingham were in seven position right
29132s there so cam did that all by himself he
29134s got up there in top six solo clutch yeah
29137s that was actually so scary we was we're
29139s commenting over like wait a second we
29141s might actually not see them do it and
29143s then all of a sudden they spring right
29145s back into the action and that's the
29146s thing about these players you never
29147s really know and this is one of the
29149s cooler graphics here of course we get to
29150s see that overarching story there yeah we
29153s do sundown that's what we see on the
29154s screen right now these are the official
29155s qualified players going through the
29157s finals already confirmed with one day
29160s left to play some massive teams some big
29162s ones we cannot wait to see in finals
29164s next weekend yeah we've seen the players
29166s end up going through in just the final
29167s moments there were so many just late
29170s dramatics whether it was during the
29172s qualifying rounds or now here in the
29173s semi-finals but like we talked about we
29176s still have one more day and if you were
29177s playing through yesterday and getting
29179s all the way the pressure tomorrow to
29181s either win a game or push in the top six
29183s it's going to be a mess yeah you can see
29185s here as well there are the reigning
29186s places there yet to be filled those will
29188s come your way toward 12 more teams to be
29190s confirmed four finals here i mean
29192s monster as well some big teams on the
29193s board again here we saw these are the
29195s ones that i went through today
29196s but i'm looking forward to seeing what
29198s happens tomorrow because 12 new teams
29199s will come through as well and what today
29201s has shown is that new teams will come in
29203s and they'll pop off like yeah
29204s just because you have more chances to go
29207s you know and play because you played
29208s yesterday that doesn't mean anything
29209s okus and i have approved that today i
29211s mean muzz and avery definitely show up
29213s and prove that and we just continue to
29214s see the story develop so tomorrow's
29216s roster i mean we all have to think long
29218s and hard we might have to pull a vivid
29219s here she'll spend a couple hours i think
29222s one of the biggest things we don't even
29223s have to look at the whole map tomorrow
29224s to be confused man cavern is going to be
29226s a massive question mark because we saw
29228s two teams qualify out of there today
29230s there's a big space in one of the
29231s strongest pois on the map yeah we saw i
29233s mean i called them yesterday season
29235s tragedy didn't go through but i said
29236s last season you know day three they came
29238s in they clutched up they got through it
29239s is definitely definitely possible this
29241s is a bit i know that vivid's gonna
29242s relish now as well we go through our
29244s prediction to see exactly how we got on
29245s here
29246s all right vivi let's have a look uh here
29248s we go here we can see uh my i did not
29249s have a good day my team did not have a
29250s good day today omg me too and shadow did
29252s not quite go i mean obviously the zone
29254s pulled very north today again uh but
29256s commiserations but maybe tomorrow it
29258s might happen for them vivid let's talk
29260s about it muslin avery game four you
29262s called it it happens you're officially
29264s the king you must be feeling like a ray
29266s of sunshine right now listen all the
29267s props to go to the boys they are
29269s convincing enough for me to predict them
29271s game four just sounding right kind of
29273s threw it together you know nothing
29275s special but very very proud of them
29277s super cool clutch too in a 2v2v2
29279s situation nonetheless when they have the
29281s low ground like come on you don't see
29283s that every day you don't you don't see
29284s that until i mean we we love this or
29285s watching your two duos go ahead and
29287s laugh
29289s we get a buzz out we love that we love
29291s that happening and you guys i'm sure
29292s love it too uh svg let's talk about your
29294s pick as well today uh jack and illist as
29297s well you know had a couple of good games
29298s at the start there but didn't quite work
29300s out yeah similar what we saw yesterday
29302s started off hot and then unfortunately
29304s able not able to continue that i wish
29307s they could and i'm sure they do they
29309s have the ability we all know this team
29311s is deserving to be in finals i'll
29313s probably have to stick with my boys
29314s tomorrow but nonetheless i got a lot of
29317s homework to do dewey i mean i mean
29318s sometimes do you stick with your pick
29319s tomorrow as well
29321s we're not going to talk about that
29325s we were all in the feed yeah they got in
29327s there a couple times but we'll go next
29328s we'll take a look at the list it's okay
29330s we got we got one more is it my turn to
29332s gloat yeah
29333s okay
29334s mdf i got one on the board i needed it
29336s and you know what i played the save
29337s yesterday it was super close shout out
29339s to pimp oh oh oh oh oh oh sorry all
29342s right all right
29343s you don't have high fives online you
29344s know things like that happen but uh
29346s listen i'm happy pam soon fast gets to
29348s pull through and shout out to pam and he
29349s hit me up on twitter he was like dude
29350s i'm so sorry i was like nah you got this
29352s tomorrow's your day and today today is
29354s explosive it was exciting it was a good
29355s apology last season
29358s it was it was an amazing day and
29359s tomorrow is going to be equally so if
29360s not more so because it's the final day
29362s tomorrow of semifinals the last 12 teams
29365s to be confirmed for finals next weekend
29367s so do make sure to come back tune in for
29369s that do not miss it it is going to be
29371s electric in here fireworks trust us uh
29374s you have any west coming your way very
29375s soon make sure to stick around for that
29377s for us though nae we will see you
29379s tomorrow for day three of semi-finals
29381s from fncs nae do not miss it we'll see
29384s you later take care bye-bye for now
29517s so
29564s thank you
29573s so
29614s um
29702s so
29713s um
29741s so
29756s uh
29849s thank
29941s so
30024s so
30046s foreign
30065s so
30106s um
30163s so
30185s this
30220s so
30262s what's going on fortnite fam we have a
30264s little challenge here for the n.a west
30266s players they have to choose between
30268s arkham rex and epic whale who they're
30270s going to duo with
30272s revive and ultimately send back to the
30275s lobby let's get started
30278s epic whale epic whale
30280s i wouldn't have any problems with
30282s playing with him and i think he'd just
30283s be a great player i think definitely
30285s winning fcs he's won like
30288s six fncs's it's too many to count so i
30291s definitely do it with him i think i'm
30292s gonna have to do it with epic oil though
30295s third place world cup duo because got
30299s he's a six-time fncs winner and
30302s third in world cup i believe for duo
30304s it's pretty easy for me obviously i do
30306s with my man rex
30308s i need to revive i'm picking arkham
30312s it would definitely be arkham because
30314s he's a really good leader because he's
30316s got the craziest aim if i need to clutch
30317s up a fight he's gonna get the best
30319s elimination we need to win the game i'm
30322s reviving my man arkham
30323s revive
30325s i'm gonna have to play with rex so i'm
30327s gonna revive him
30330s i'd revive arkham because
30332s you know he is an igo
30335s but epco i've just got to say epico is
30338s better than himself
30341s rex not because of his skill i think
30343s he's super talented and he's definitely
30344s one of the best players in the region
30346s but i don't think he's the best fit for
30347s me personally i'm picking rex and then
30349s rex i'm gonna choose this
30351s me and arkham are both igls because he's
30355s not really been playing the game a lot
30356s recently only because the last couple of
30359s seasons hasn't played as much so i think
30362s he needs to go back to the lobby learn
30364s his lesson a little bit rex epic will
30366s not so much so me and are from kind of
30368s it's hard for us to play with each other
30370s we're sending a whale back to the lobby
30372s reason being uh the last shoe up in cs
30374s me and are kind of carried away so
30376s you know gotta provide my man art
30377s consent about the lobby
30386s what's up fortnite fam the new season
30388s means new loadouts for fncs let's break
30391s down some of the most common loadouts
30392s based on your role in your duo starting
30395s with the igo
30397s the in-game leader or igl is responsible
30400s for calling and mapping out your
30401s rotations guiding your teammate and
30404s often tarping the igl holds a vital role
30406s in guiding the team to victory a proper
30409s loadout is a huge key to that success
30412s this season we have seen them focus on
30413s having one close range weapon and one
30415s distance weapon for surge tags and the
30417s remainder of the items will be healed
30420s the most common loadout is the drum
30421s shotgun first assault rifle and then a
30424s variation of heels to feel the remainder
30426s of the slots this combo however doesn't
30428s cover everything but that's why you have
30430s a fragger on your team as well
30433s the fragger is responsible for getting
30435s crucial tags and eliminations throughout
30437s your game
30439s now the loadout of the fragger is all
30441s about fighting and ending fights quickly
30444s this is why we often see that the first
30445s assault rifle is swapped out for the
30447s combat smg
30449s meaning that in this role you'll hold
30450s two weapons designed exclusively for
30452s close range engagements while the rest
30454s of the slots are dedicated to heal
30457s the fragger loadout often includes the
30459s striker pump shotgun the combat smg and
30462s then a variation of heals the ability to
30464s clean up fights quickly and effectively
30466s leads to this thorough being its hot
30467s pick among the more aggressive players
30471s after hearing the different loadouts and
30473s roles which ones are you choosing in
30475s your next game until next time we'll see
30478s you on the battle bus beep
30493s today in fncs in a west
30497s we're going to have some stacked lobbies
30499s with fabs and snacky just missing the
30501s mark in yesterday's session and
30502s finishing eighth on the leaderboard
30505s can the reigning champions back a
30507s victory royale today
30509s right above them yesterday were keto and
30511s russo ending one spot shy of qualifying
30514s through consistency with the clean slate
30516s in an extra game today will this be
30518s their shot
30519s and not to forget 11 new duos will join
30522s the lobby today
30524s hungry to prove their worth amongst the
30526s best of na west will we see names like
30528s tavern and nico advancing
30534s fncsna west starts now
30541s welcome ladies and gentlemen boys and
30543s girls to the fncs chapter 3 season 2.
30547s eu's done na east is wrapped up and now
30549s we're here for na west let's get it
30552s started
30569s welcome back everyone i know it feels
30571s like it's been so long since i've seen
30573s you but we have six amazing games from
30576s the best na west teams that we have to
30579s offer guys we have 11 new teams that are
30582s going to be joining us today and 12
30584s teams that are going to punch their
30585s ticket to the finals next week of course
30588s i'm your host hello kelly link and i
30590s cannot be doing this alone so why don't
30592s i bring out two of my favorite people in
30594s the world it's play sailing and life
30596s with panda what is uh kelly what is up
30600s how are you doing
30601s guys i am still reeling from the last
30604s game of na west where it was arkham
30607s versus epic whale versus my team of jack
30610s beer and chris in the final but you know
30612s what that was yesterday today is a new
30614s day
30615s it is it is but you got to talk about it
30617s right all the games today have been
30618s hyped and a west yesterday was hype i
30620s can't wait panda no i can't wait
30622s obviously i got to take a quick shout
30624s out for nae's pam's doing fast great job
30627s boys but look n a west is here and it's
30629s going to be exciting right we talked
30631s about this a little bit off screen there
30632s are some really really solid teams that
30634s didn't necessarily perform yesterday but
30636s they've changed it up and there's a lot
30638s of potential today also we had some
30640s super solid teams yesterday qualify
30642s through leaving up their pois but we're
30644s going to be talking about those matchups
30646s later i do want to give a shout out
30648s though aiden tweeted out before before
30650s the tournament hey if i get first place
30653s in the first game i'm gonna donate or
30655s give everyone a doll or if he didn't get
30657s first place i'm gonna give everyone a
30658s dollar and sure enough getting first
30661s place in the first game so again shout
30663s outs to aiden there is there another
30664s team you think that could do that today
30667s today i don't know we got a lot of good
30669s teams maybe we have to wait for
30670s predictions for that one well listen you
30672s know what vivid did this he predicted
30674s his team to qualify in game four and
30677s muzz and avery so i'm gonna do the same
30678s right the viable quinn game three
30681s they're gonna take it watch they're
30682s gonna walk away with the vr so i'm
30684s making that early prediction now and
30686s we'll go into the predictions later on
30687s as well but for right now maybe you guys
30689s are just joining us for the first time
30691s and you want to know how the schedule is
30692s run well as you can see up here guys
30694s those qualifiers they are done and out
30696s those three qualifiers where 15 teams
30699s move forward but we're here for this
30701s it's the semifinals this is day two out
30703s of three days and of course all of that
30705s leads into the finals saturday and
30707s sunday next week put that in your
30708s calendar because you're not gonna wanna
30710s miss it but panda to even be able to
30713s make it into the finals they're gonna
30714s have to play the format correctly well
30716s you're absolutely correct kelly look
30718s here it is now if you're wondering right
30721s obviously there was a qualifier process
30723s to get to here but that's all done now
30725s we are on session two here of the
30728s semi-finals now today is a little bit
30730s different than yesterday it was five vrs
30732s got these teams over to the finals but
30735s today is actually six so six teams will
30738s make it through through that victory
30740s royale spot and six teams will make it
30743s through through consistency so it's
30745s gonna be super important for these teams
30746s to make sure that they are balancing
30748s these two things however you may be
30750s wondering at home how are they
30752s consistent how can they be consistent
30753s well clay has got you covered i do take
30756s a look right here victoria's gonna be
30758s worth a thousand points that's for those
30760s auto qualifications right through the
30761s finals you're carrying about 22nd or
30764s second place for 28 points all the way
30765s down to 35th for one point and then of
30767s course
30768s each elimination worth three points and
30771s we saw that be a really big difference
30772s maker yesterday i mean we saw arkham and
30774s epic well grab 12 elimination six each
30777s so we know that we're definitely going
30778s to be seeing some w keying but they're
30780s no longer in the competition but of
30782s course we have 11 new teams joining us
30784s today and you and panda are got us
30786s covered
30787s yeah listen some incredible teams like
30789s we talked about before but one team i
30792s got a spotlight early i talked about
30794s them walking away with that my
30796s prediction at least they're gonna walk
30797s away with the vr in game number three it
30798s is defiable and quinn now they've
30801s actually switched up the drop spots
30803s today and they've actually gotten a
30804s little bit of assistance from reap yes
30807s that is correct qualifier one top spot
30810s reit has actually decided to help out
30812s defiable and quinn get through the
30814s semifinals they're prepping them from
30815s greasy grove a definitely a huge change
30818s here for this team but i believe that if
30820s any team's going to be able to kind of
30822s switch it up and be successful it's
30824s going to defiable you know what that's a
30825s good point but i'm going a little bit
30827s different around another newer team here
30829s coming for me but i'm looking right here
30831s kido and russo they are again newly
30834s formed in in the street in the scheme of
30836s things but they've got great plays now
30837s let's take a look at some of their
30838s gameplay here just look above search
30840s always consistently fighting together
30842s not afraid to take fights when they need
30845s to and panda i mean in the semifinals
30847s that's really what they need to do it
30849s really is right semifinals this is their
30851s chance their moment to make the finals
30854s and it's not easy to get to this point
30856s so for this team to do it is big but
30858s look they're not the only teams we're
30860s gonna be focusing on we gotta talk about
30862s it it's actually kelly's prediction from
30864s yesterday jaguar and chris we saw them
30866s finish off the day with that second
30868s place game meaning to me that listen the
30870s team that took them out they're no
30872s longer in it right so that means it's
30874s more likely they could walk away with a
30876s vr so jaguar and chris is going to be
30878s the next team we really focus on and
30880s look at this they are really good at
30883s understanding what they need to do in
30885s the early and mid game so that they can
30886s be successful in the end game play and
30889s we saw them adapt just a little bit
30891s better towards those last couple games
30892s right they didn't really have the best
30894s start off and then all of a sudden those
30896s last three games they kind of surged up
30898s to the top of the leaderboard and it
30899s really gave kelly some hope there but
30901s you know this is a team that has the
30903s opportunity to win games they just have
30906s to make sure that they're doing it right
30907s panda yeah i absolutely agree i mean
30909s look so many incredible teams clay who
30911s are you uh rooting for here on this it's
30914s a good question it's gonna be nico it's
30916s gonna be tavern we all know turtle
30918s tavern is an amazing player but that's
30920s that's my last pick right there on duos
30923s to watch
30924s yeah absolutely look so many incredible
30926s players so many incredible things going
30928s on but kelly i believe you got some
30931s special stuff going on over there well
30933s actually clay said it best that nico and
30935s turtle tavern are an incredible team
30937s they're going to be competing today and
30938s turtle tavern has been a pivotal part of
30940s the naos scene for so long so we
30943s actually had him during our media day
30944s and got a quick interview with him so
30946s let's see what he had to say
30951s what's going on fortnite fam we're out
30953s here with a veteran of the n a west
30955s region turtle tavern what's going on my
30957s guy nothing much amanda how are you hey
30959s i'm doing good i'm so excited we're
30961s obviously here for media day how are you
30962s enjoying it so far it's fun it's
30964s definitely a new experience all the
30965s cameras
30966s i'm really happy to be invited to this
30968s it's awesome when did you start playing
30969s fortnite i pre-ordered save the world
30972s and i remember i stayed up till 5 a.m to
30974s play save the world and then when the
30975s battle royale came out i've been playing
30977s since honestly the release you've been
30979s again in the scene for a while you've
30980s been competing for a while you're at
30981s that top tier level when it comes to the
30983s west region how did you get there i
30986s started just playing a lot of like
30988s normal games just going for high kill
30990s games like back in the old squad days i
30992s met senate it means sending became
30994s really good friends back then and we had
30996s no like intent with anything we just
30998s ended up like getting good and we
31000s started getting into like the pro
31001s discords and then after like a few
31003s months that's when like the open tourney
31005s started happening we went to royale
31006s all the lux cups of all the tournaments
31009s that are going on in chapter three
31010s season two which one's your favorite
31011s cash cup
31012s lightning round zero build i i think i'm
31015s a cash cup guy i like the plane default
31018s competitive gamer that's my favorite one
31020s what are you doing this season to
31021s prepare for this fncs
31024s lots of scrimmages a lot of scrims cash
31026s confusing them as practice especially
31027s now that they're two round cash cups you
31029s treat those more those the second round
31031s they're a lot more stacked a lot more
31032s players a lot more similar to fncs
31034s unlike previous seasons previous
31036s chapters where the cash was just one
31038s round obviously we're playing duos this
31040s season and in that there's a few
31042s different roles you could play igl
31044s fragger whatever the case may be what
31046s role are you and why i'm in igl i've
31048s been in igl almost
31050s ever since i started competing honestly
31052s i'm not sure what got me into i think i
31054s just played the game a lot
31055s i have some of the most hours on the
31057s game than all my friends i might have
31059s the most we know that chapter three
31061s season two has changed a few things
31062s what's your favorite item this season
31064s and why ooh favorite
31067s item splashes
31070s it's it's all it's a healing item but
31072s like there's some like brain to it it's
31074s not just like oh you have a mini you pop
31076s by yourself like splash you can't have
31077s to think about it oh should i save them
31078s for white health what should i wait for
31080s my teammate to go lower until i pop a
31082s splash and not waste and be effective
31083s with it we have mantling you have
31086s tactical sprinting and then obviously
31088s last season we had the addition of
31089s sliding out of those three mechanics
31091s which one is your favorite i think the
31093s mantling is really cool i think i think
31095s nobody's really like exploited potential
31097s yet it's definitely like set a new like
31099s skill gap
31100s in the game and not many people are like
31102s it's still it's gonna take a long time
31103s for people to get good at i appreciate
31105s you tell the people at home where they
31106s can find you uh you guys can find me on
31109s twitter which is turtle tavern tv you
31111s can find me on twitch which is just
31113s turtle tavern and youtube tulsa turtle
31115s tavern and until next time we'll see you
31118s on the battle bus
31124s i love hearing from these naos players
31126s especially one as veteran as turtle
31128s tavern there and you heard him guys
31130s scrimmaging and playing in all the
31131s tournaments you can is a pivotal part of
31134s being a pro speaking of pros let's take
31136s a focus on some of the duos that we're
31138s gonna be watching and how about we start
31139s off with angel and nigel yeah angel and
31142s nigel are a great duo i almost picked
31144s them yesterday but i was feeling
31145s confident in my pick but let's take a
31147s look at their overall they have 700
31149s series points they've been around for a
31151s couple times again we see them a lot in
31152s the duo cash cup but they're gonna land
31154s a little bit above shifty right here
31155s it's one of my favorite spots to land
31157s this season it's because you got access
31159s to that mountain and so much loot panda
31161s yeah it's it's amazing right we got to
31163s see the addition of this poi in chapter
31165s three season one and actually the
31167s original edition was obviously chapter
31169s one it was my favorite poi on the map at
31170s that time so it's really exciting to see
31172s the new additions to shifty shaft and
31173s there's a lot that can be utilized there
31176s and and honestly one thing i really want
31177s to point out they made two out of the
31179s three round fours this is very
31182s significant because it shows that they
31184s know how to make it to those set lobbies
31187s which is what the finals is so i'm
31189s excited to see how they're gonna be able
31190s to do but nigel angel this is your
31193s moment semi-finals are here they got to
31195s perform they got to perform but not the
31197s only duo we're taking a look at we got
31198s leo and creep right here one of your
31200s almost predictions there you were you're
31202s pointing out a little bit on the social
31204s medias like hey maybe i'll pick them but
31206s they're going a little bit different
31207s they only had one round four trip but
31209s yesterday they impressed us they really
31211s did so uh obviously uh leo and creep
31215s they are one of those teams that they're
31217s newly formed here in chapter three
31218s season two and they're actually going to
31219s be utilizing the butter barn this is not
31222s necessarily the normal poi we've seen a
31224s ton of success from however this is
31226s probably the first time we've seen
31227s actually utilize this space really
31229s effectively and that that stat there
31232s where it says one round four trip is a
31234s bit misleading because they really have
31236s what it takes to walk away on top today
31239s they do but last year we're gonna take a
31241s look at here oh it's gonna be of course
31243s wavy jacob and vanellos now maybe jacob
31245s may have a different name and game keep
31247s your eye on him but a veteran
31249s nonetheless four round two trips or two
31251s round four trips my apologies there and
31253s coming out of sleepy sound panda
31255s yeah look sleepy sound i talk about this
31257s time and time again this is an
31259s interesting poi it is quite large it can
31261s be split amongst two duos however we've
31264s seen a lot of duos struggle when it
31267s comes to to fighting in this area
31269s because there's very very open in the
31271s center so you have to be careful if you
31273s do end up in an engagement how you take
31275s that fight because if you don't take it
31277s really well you could easily go down
31279s there we actually have four duo's
31281s landing there this time around so it'll
31283s be very interesting to see how these
31285s players react but i think we got to take
31287s a look at some other drop spots kelly
31289s what do you think oh that's right when
31291s you look at the competition and the
31292s success success factor you have to look
31295s to drop spots because that's where it
31296s all begins and the first one we're going
31297s to be looking at is greasy grove with
31300s reform and trolling and quinn and
31301s defiable and the most interesting thing
31303s about this is that this is actually
31304s where evil and oni or i'm sorry arc and
31307s whale no ark and whale landed there no
31309s it's actually going to be where wheat
31310s and rex landed in the qualifiers but now
31313s hey quinn richard said hey i need some
31315s tips they got him greasy grows a great
31317s poi if you don't know how to fight it
31319s though it is gonna be hard you know it's
31322s funny i checked in with this team here
31323s going into today because they didn't
31324s necessarily have the best day one and
31326s semi-finals but they assured me that
31328s this change to greasy grove with the
31331s addition of having that assistance from
31332s re is gonna be what it takes for them to
31334s qualify onto the finals and you know
31336s what listen quinn is probably one of the
31339s best players when it comes to adapting
31341s to situations his mindset is so strong
31343s on naws and that's why i have confidence
31346s that they're gonna be doing well today
31347s he is he's very very adaptable very
31349s smart but i mean let's just take a look
31351s at the points he's got double around
31353s four trips double the cash cup finals
31354s almost double the series points so hey
31357s maybe they get it kelly we saw both of
31359s these teams compete yesterday and
31360s although their performance wasn't
31362s exactly what they wanted clearly they
31364s were able to learn from their mistakes
31365s yesterday and in a new poi going up
31367s against each other i'm interested to see
31369s is this going to be kind of an issue
31371s where they're going to run into the same
31372s problems or are they going to have a new
31374s story to tell i think they're gonna have
31376s a new story to tell panda i'm i'm on
31378s board with it you know quinn is a very
31379s smart player he's very good at adapting
31382s like we just said moments ago but it's
31383s it's greasy grove right it's it's been
31386s there since season or chapter one i'm
31388s excited to see how they do
31390s yeah and one thing i will want to add we
31391s don't want to count out reforms team
31393s quite yet they do know that it's like
31396s an interesting setup right they know
31398s that quinn and defiable have changed
31400s right they know that they're going to be
31401s joining them at this poi if they feel
31404s comfortable enough with greasy grove
31406s they could end up edging quinn and
31408s defiable out but it really depends on
31410s the queen of the file that show up for
31412s these games today and you guys heard me
31413s mention it before the team that had
31415s arkham and epic whales drop there we got
31418s a look to coney crossroads everyone now
31420s that this team has moved on we have two
31422s new teams joining this poi it's cheaters
31425s and lizard yeah i mean take a look at
31428s that cheetahs has got some great sats
31429s coming out of it essentially double
31431s everything there but it's coney lizards
31434s coming in with i believe squid there and
31436s they they look pretty good coming out
31438s again it's one of those pys where if you
31440s can grab a little bit of loot get out
31441s you're fine
31442s yeah and that's exactly it right we saw
31444s last season arkham epic whale and it was
31446s victor and blizzard who ended up
31448s fighting here in the finals and neither
31450s team were successful because it was
31452s contested that's what i'm concerned
31453s about because coney crossroads is not a
31455s large poi it's not something that can
31457s easily be split amongst two teams so for
31459s these teams they need to be super
31461s careful in the way that they handle this
31462s today i'm kind of surprised that
31464s cheaters and b-dog are actually moving
31465s to this poi they only got 23rd yesterday
31468s which isn't a bad performance whatsoever
31470s and they're going up against a team that
31472s actually didn't make it into the game
31474s yesterday they're one of the 11 teams
31476s that are joining us today so with that
31478s in mind clay what do you think hey
31480s sometimes you got a full send sometimes
31482s you look at a poi and you're like the
31484s big dogs aren't there anymore so let's
31485s move bee dog over
31487s yeah you know what i couldn't agree more
31489s i think uh it's really interesting take
31491s obviously we talked about yesterday
31492s switching pois after a team wins and
31494s qualifies on but it's not certain right
31497s you really don't know what's gonna
31499s happen especially for two teams that are
31501s joining this poi for the first time
31503s today they really don't know how each
31505s other fights they don't know how each
31506s other rotates so it's definitely gonna
31508s be a struggle at least in the beginning
31509s but if they are gonna win a game today
31511s it's gonna happen in the second half for
31512s sure i mean you guys are just giving me
31514s so much information now and i'm sure
31516s there's so many people watching that are
31517s learning from this but you know what the
31519s best way to learn about being a pro is
31521s from hearing from the pros so let's see
31524s what they had to say
31531s mantelling is used for just climbing
31533s over random stuff to get unexpected
31535s shots on players
31537s like if there's a wall and i don't want
31539s to place a stair or like going for
31541s height for example it's super useful
31543s useful to use endgame when you have like
31546s very low mats and also being able to
31548s sneak up on your opponent
31552s and also in game if you run out of maps
31553s you can still move around different
31555s layers really easily and it's actually
31556s really nice to have you're in a stacked
31558s lobby and
31560s you're solo and you don't have materials
31563s and you need to
31564s mantel up then you can do that
31568s i thought the drum shotgun was going to
31569s be too powerful but after watching the
31571s top pros like arkham used it as an ideal
31574s it's really uh good to like claim layers
31576s and game shotguns in general i think the
31578s striker is the best one best way to use
31580s the drum
31581s is like the combat smg and just to get
31583s in
31585s my duo uses it and it he
31587s fries people
31591s i think the thermal scope is cool and i
31594s think it'd be really solid in a trios or
31596s squads format
31600s tactile sprint is really useful when
31602s hitting rotates because you can just go
31604s faster all the time it's like an
31606s infinite rotate so i think it's like one
31608s of the best features that epic has ever
31610s added speeds up so much stuff especially
31612s when you're looting early game
31614s just running around building the
31616s building you just sprint a little bit
31618s it's super nice i think people can use
31619s the tactical sprint
31621s in
31622s various ways like if you need to rotate
31625s to a certain spot quickly you can do it
31629s so the combat smg is honestly my
31631s favorite smg we have that and the
31634s striker smg i think the best way to use
31636s both of these smgs is just to completely
31639s w key whoever you see
31642s sometimes i die to like little timmy one
31644s two threes but i just run in my face
31646s with the combat smg whenever we find a
31648s combat smg at least one of us carries it
31654s some methods to rotate can be obviously
31656s sprinting and then it's just mostly
31659s launch pads
31661s if you tactical sprint and then slide at
31663s the same time you go super fast and it's
31666s really good for rotations i heard it's
31667s the same speed as a pepper so it's
31670s really useful in all aspects of the game
31676s i just love these media day pieces
31679s just hearing from these pros and then
31681s breaking down the mechanics and it gives
31683s you an opportunity to become a pro
31685s because guys who doesn't want to be an
31687s fncs champ oh i do i want that pickaxe i
31690s i listen i i know most of you face was
31692s talking about how some of these players
31693s are like not as excited about the money
31694s as they are that pick ax that'd be me
31696s hey i take the pickaxe any day listen
31699s i'm in the same boat right listen forget
31700s the prize pool give me that pickaxe
31703s listen and especially the acts of
31705s champions right this is a new season
31707s potentially in new acts so all right
31710s well you guys it's exciting you guys can
31711s take the axe i'll take the money
31715s guys obviously this is day number two of
31716s the semi-finals we have 11 new teams
31719s joining us today but instead of five
31720s games like what we had yesterday it's
31722s gonna be six games which means that 12
31724s teams are going to be moving forward but
31727s which teams do we think is going to be
31728s moving forward we kind of teased a
31730s little bit about the predictions but
31732s before we get into our own chat i know
31734s that you love our open chat right now i
31736s want you to post who you think is going
31738s to make it through in the na west today
31740s and if your favorite team doesn't make
31742s it through well don't worry because we
31743s have 12 more teams moving forward
31746s tomorrow with that all being said we
31748s can't do our predictions alone no we got
31750s to bring jacob and takata onto the stage
31758s you had the best prediction yesterday so
31761s i'm feeling like you have you know a lot
31763s to live up to right now
31765s they do i mean surprisingly they're from
31766s jacob let's talk about that i mean he
31768s gave me a huge boost to confidence like
31770s i said it wasn't predictions yesterday i
31772s scrapped that one out the window it was
31773s a huge redemption story and not only
31775s getting first place through the six
31777s games but getting that last victory out
31779s that gave me a huge boost of confidence
31781s coming in today i love that you picked
31783s them in qualifier one qualifier two
31785s qualifier three you picked them for day
31787s one and then you made a joke that you
31788s were going to pick them again today but
31791s we don't have to deal with that anymore
31793s arkham and epic will are moving to the
31795s finals everyone but who do i think is
31797s going to be winning well i'm going to go
31798s with my same pick because they literally
31800s got that second place in the last game
31803s going on height they held it for so long
31805s unfortunately what was waiting for them
31807s at the very end was arkram and epic
31809s whale but i think jack bear and chris
31811s have a great opportunity into making it
31813s into the finals they do and i surprised
31815s panda here going with the same pick he
31818s did defiantly quinn i was talking about
31821s i was like maybe i go bolts to crew here
31822s again but i snuck in at the last minute
31824s what do you think pandon
31825s listen quinn defiable an incredible team
31827s i've been talking about it but like up
31829s until this point right obviously i'm a
31831s big i'm a big reef fan i can't even lie
31833s so to see them get help and assistance
31836s from re coming out of greasy grove this
31838s is going to be their day so i got to ask
31839s you though yes they're going to be being
31841s coached by ree one of the best volatile
31843s players in na west but yesterday they
31845s kind of had a bit of an under
31846s performance so what are your thoughts on
31848s that well i think that had a lot to do
31850s with their poi we talked about it before
31851s daily bugle was heavily contested and
31853s unfortunately a drop like that when it
31855s is contested there's there's a lot of
31858s angles that you can end up getting
31859s tagged from and it's really easy to
31861s third party from around that poi so i
31864s think that was part of their struggles
31865s from yesterday and that's why i think
31866s this switch up to greasy grove is gonna
31868s be the the day that they truly need
31870s dakota you already got one win on the
31872s board who's your next pick look day one
31874s we got the combo we got argomethic but
31876s we decided to split it up this time okay
31878s i'm gonna go with snacking fabs okay i
31881s believe that they're not gonna go
31882s through by consistency but they're gonna
31884s get a vr i mean they almost made it
31886s through consistency yesterday they got
31888s 13th place overall so that means that
31890s they were in ninth place i believe or
31891s eighth so just out of contention there
31894s but i really like your pick i mean from
31896s one bold statement to another you know
31898s talking to boltz it was incredible to
31900s see how he
31902s handled yesterday's performance saying
31904s but we have it we have it in the bag
31906s second place third place we just need to
31908s play our game and give a little words of
31910s advice you know it's not all down to one
31912s game we've seen players qualify in three
31914s and as long as they stay positive i
31916s think they got it and i'm gonna add
31917s yesterday they also had a great
31919s performance they got one second and
31921s third place finish so again so close to
31924s being able to reach that vr but even if
31926s they can't grab that vr they definitely
31928s have an opportunity for consistency
31929s there at least yep i'm telling you panda
31932s yesterday his predictions are rubbing
31934s off on me i saw clay's confidence
31936s yesterday as well i had to grab a couple
31938s of it i was going to go fabs and snacky
31940s but there was just too many fabs and
31941s snackies on that desk and i just wanted
31943s to stay away from it i bet you we're
31944s seeing a lot of fabs and snackies in
31946s chat right now though again guys let us
31948s know who you think is going to be making
31950s it through but with all that being said
31952s i think we should stop talking and we
31954s should start playing everyone game
31956s number one of na west fnc yes qualifier
31959s is going to be starting right
31963s now i
31965s i absolutely love it
31967s i absolutely love it after yesterday i
31971s don't know how we can top that there was
31972s such exciting day and honestly going
31975s down to the wire in that final game
31977s seeing five teams and every single one
31979s of those five teams were a complete duo
31981s you know i know how we can top that
31982s jacob snacky and fabs winning game one
31984s i'm calling it right now the battle bus
31986s will be getting ready shortly but this
31987s is game one of day two of the
31990s semi-finals jacob we saw the qualifiers
31992s we saw day one of semis and now there's
31994s the second chance for some duos to get
31996s that call man everybody's calling which
31999s of their predictions and which game
32000s they're gonna get it in you say game one
32003s panda says game four the battle bus is
32005s ready let's go and figure it out now
32013s game one of the day the battle bus is
32015s still getting warmed up the engine is
32017s just getting started and the players are
32020s getting ready here
32022s jacob how are you feeling i'm feeling
32024s good i'm feeling fantastic but
32026s i'm not playing i don't have that
32028s pressure of having to qualify for the
32030s finals underneath me but defiable and
32033s quinn you heard the analysts talk about
32035s it a huge switch up of spots going
32037s towards greasy grove and i like it
32039s because it forces them to get aggressive
32041s right out of the gate something they
32042s weren't banking on over towards daily
32044s bug when you see the fireball
32045s immediately grabbing those combat smgs
32048s and trying to put them to use
32050s looking to see if you can just scout out
32051s the area and as a reminder clay and
32054s panda said reit are going to be actually
32056s coaching the fiber and quinn in today's
32059s matches so i'm excited to see how their
32061s strategy changes up i mean we already
32063s know how powerful of an ideal rich homie
32065s quinn is but now with that boost that
32067s assistance from reef i mean i can't wait
32069s to see how they do it yeah we can
32071s already see it probably this this is
32072s exactly the path i do see reit doing he
32075s lands on this made building he works his
32077s way from the top down grabs everything
32079s that he can and then they work together
32081s as a team trying to figure out who needs
32083s shields who doesn't but this is a off
32085s spawn fight that we've seen so much
32087s yesterday and it's all ready with noah
32089s plays the typical gamer edging out at
32091s least one elimination three points so
32094s far which is fantastic i mean i love
32096s this duo right they played so aggressive
32098s in day one and with so much confidence i
32100s mean you can see it they're going in
32102s today too as well with just the same
32104s amount here kind of taking a peek at the
32106s opposite side of sleepy i want to see a
32107s shout out to the people in the chat
32108s looking for noah a typical gamer i know
32110s they've got a lot of fans here watching
32111s them today and with already one
32113s elimination on the board i mean they're
32114s looking to make something happen yeah
32116s and i like the awareness and kind of the
32117s smarts you know after performing and
32119s playing all day yesterday they're making
32122s those adjustments and they're making the
32124s adjustments quick they're not letting
32126s these teams you see echo is already
32128s taken down duo is gonna be western
32129s hiding in the bush they're not afraid to
32131s go ahead and get a little aggressive get
32133s their hands dirty because they know once
32135s it's the early game if you can get a
32137s fight away from everybody else in the
32139s lobby you gotta take what you can get
32141s while you can because we saw it there's
32143s still two more teams the north sides of
32144s sleepy sounds there's one towards the
32146s right one towards the left so the longer
32147s they take the more chances of getting
32149s third parties going to be there i mean
32150s i'm loving this though the play from
32152s west jacob hiding in the bush
32154s just
32155s not moving at all i mean i don't think
32157s they know gamer and noah they're looting
32159s they're farming but they're not looking
32161s at that bush and west can't really move
32163s because it's a little risky but let's
32164s see how they secured that first
32166s elimination oh
32167s wow
32168s now that looked a little a little too
32171s good to be true hopefully noah plays is
32172s ready for a little bit more difficult
32174s times in that one because you cannot
32177s expect that to happen again but western
32179s is gonna go ahead and stay alive thanks
32181s a little bush camping honestly i can't
32182s say i would do any different i'll be a
32184s little scared if i saw that one right
32186s out of the gates my teammate going down
32188s you see lizard and squid we talked about
32190s him taking over that coney crossroads
32192s spot against v-dog and cheaters with the
32194s high ground they're shooting from above
32195s dropping these players down and there
32197s goes a full-on team elimination oh
32200s little dance too just a reminder i mean
32202s this is where arkham and epic were
32203s landing yesterday and now seeing that
32205s they already qualified kony was open and
32207s we saw these two duo say okay coney
32209s crossroads open let's see how it's you
32211s know see how it is we'll take it over
32213s tudor is now contested at this drop on
32215s it looks like lizard and squid are gonna
32217s be the duo that comes out on top here in
32218s the first match yep see blizzard and his
32221s duo going against clone and isu blizzard
32223s taking over his former duo spot victor v
32226s who's qualified with nine eliminations
32228s or something like that that kid is
32229s absolutely insane he definitely ate
32232s yesterday night but blizzard he's gonna
32233s have to do it as a solo losing winter
32236s early on that's not something you want
32237s to have happen but you can see what
32239s that's doing they're hunting him down
32240s they're not wanting to let three more
32242s points escape them
32244s seeing if they can make that player
32245s advantage
32246s good use here as clone goes down looking
32248s to see if he can secure this elimination
32250s gets cracked though has to be careful as
32251s a dual partner with that assistance
32253s gonna secure that elimination great job
32255s for the duo playing it safe not getting
32257s too aggressive yeah and i like that bait
32258s and switch you know as soon as blizzard
32261s did take the damage or put the damage on
32263s they just kind of peeked out the window
32265s clone went in and they trusted each
32266s other to kind of finish that one off
32268s which is a great way to really start the
32270s game once you get your teamwork flowing
32272s and things like that that's just as
32273s important as hitting the shots as we
32275s jump on board land jock and punisher
32278s i got to think they're one of our
32279s longest standing duo teams you know
32281s competing as far back as the world cup
32284s and this is one of the things i was
32285s talking to you about you know the greasy
32286s grub drop with quinn and defiable
32288s slowing things down this side of the map
32289s there there's i think the least amount
32292s of players on so you got to think they
32293s have to be going for those surge tags
32295s very very early on because you're not
32297s going to get the fight that you want i
32298s mean i feel like rancho honestly they've
32300s been landing at that side of the map for
32302s so long i feel like it's fairs almost
32304s right i mean you got greasy where reit
32306s lands you got kony cross throws or arc
32307s epic lands and i think that south part
32310s of the map i mean that's that's
32311s blindfolded
32312s real estate over there and probably got
32313s a nice house
32315s it's by the beach so it probably cost a
32317s ton you see snacky and fabs quickly
32320s trying to rotate out of the glider fabs
32321s was there miles ago by himself but
32324s snacky justin nick of time able to get
32326s the saving play but complimp is there
32328s next to his duo just a bit quicker
32330s that's gonna force saggy to get
32331s aggressive not allow the revive to get
32333s off and as soon as he's in there to
32334s disrupt it the fire's going back and
32336s forth but he's getting chipped down low
32338s this is not the game number one he was
32340s looking to have but he found enough time
32342s to separate from him and see her to get
32344s the shields and hp back up but this is
32346s the same amount of time he's given for
32348s him to possibly get a revive of pompano
32350s now sierra has to make that decision
32351s right doesn't go for the pickup on his
32353s dual partner or this is a battle snack
32354s here other question is this snack you
32356s actually going to want to go for this
32357s engagement or does he have the reboot
32359s card of fabs if he does have that reboot
32361s card i believe he does now he can just
32363s engage here but we know snacky's
32364s confidence we know how mechanically
32366s powerful he is and i mean i think he's
32368s gonna go for the elip
32371s i do believe
32372s he didn't get the reboot up you saw that
32374s third party coming in forcing him to
32376s build and kind of watch his own back but
32378s a great peak at the right time he's
32379s going to put a lot of damage on to snack
32381s he once again forcing him back but
32383s because he found fabs as loot he has so
32385s many shields so many chug splashes he's
32387s able to once again take that moment i
32389s like the way he's articulating and
32391s thinking about the fight as it's going
32393s on and adapting on the fly but the third
32395s party has finally come in they want
32396s what's there is that down player oh and
32398s this is getting dangerous not just for
32400s snacky but also for seer both players
32402s are in a sticky situation here but it
32404s almost looks like there's two 1v1s going
32406s on the opponents actually might think
32407s that this is a duo as they're both still
32410s up and going and snacky now choosing to
32412s play it a little slow as compalump has
32413s been fully eliminated yep i think that's
32416s exactly what you said is is going to be
32417s the biggest thing for snacky right now
32419s is him kind of
32421s his teammate went down to somebody else
32422s essentially so they don't know he's a
32424s duo but they did take out comp lumps
32426s they know cyr is by himself but they are
32428s gonna go ahead and take some time here
32430s they they taking it one step at a time
32432s at that and it was actually somebody
32433s else who probably third party that one
32435s in as miles and gord are still trying to
32438s chase down that lone player and that's
32440s where snacky i think he performs the
32442s best is he's waiting in the wings
32443s waiting to strike towards the outside
32445s but it looks like gore to miles they're
32446s just gonna continue on they got the
32447s damage they wanted they got the surge
32449s and still very early game and we've seen
32451s that happen a lot right especially in
32452s the semi-finals where storm surge is so
32454s strong right you see these duo they get
32455s the damage they need but they don't want
32457s to play it too risky they don't want to
32459s go all in for those eliminations once
32460s they have their damage the next
32462s important thing to do is positioning get
32464s your rotate on get a good position and
32465s zone and prepare yourself for the
32467s upcoming ones fabs early elimination
32469s before he went down snackies won there
32471s they got six total points off
32472s eliminations as defiable and quinn seem
32475s to be in a rough spot here but not too
32477s rough as quinn does look like he's gonna
32479s be able to get the revive off get his
32481s teammate back into the fray but you see
32482s them still on the left of greasy grove
32484s not much traveling and rotating done up
32486s until this point i'm just hoping that
32488s that sacrifice for not going ahead and
32490s rotating to a better spot is they were
32492s able to get the surge tags that they
32493s want
32494s the fireball now healing up does have
32496s the big shields have the chug splashes
32497s but with 30 hp i don't think you want to
32500s use those chug splashes to recuperate
32502s your hp as they're so strong in the late
32504s game so maybe they'll try and find a
32505s medkit lying around some bandages
32507s possibly even a campfire i switched the
32510s switch over to typicalgamer here with
32511s noah they still have that one
32512s elimination so they did not find west
32514s and it's actually possible that west i
32517s mean he might have rebooted echo right
32518s they could be back in the game and
32520s definitely could drop in the crown
32522s typical game wants to earn it he wants
32524s to earn it by getting a victory royale
32526s here so he can have that custom crown
32528s fitted to his head as he qualifies
32531s directly to the finals but he has to win
32533s this game he has to go big and already
32535s zone's going to pull that's going to be
32537s zone number two they go ahead and get a
32539s good spot yet again takata and this is
32541s where i ask you only one elimination you
32543s already traveled from sleepy sound you
32545s got the next zone as well
32547s what is your game plan i mean stay put
32549s look for tags right you already have one
32550s elimination but that's not going to be
32552s enough later and if you have that free
32554s positioning where you don't have to
32555s worry about rotating you're already in a
32556s position which is semi-highly elevated i
32559s mean if they want they can go even
32560s higher up to the hill and kind of
32562s predict the next zone but if not you can
32564s go for some tags play it safe get the
32566s damage when you don't have to put
32567s yourself in a risky situation to get
32569s that damage as we switch over to slick
32571s and czr which might be doing just that
32573s cc are now down to 39 hp but it looks
32575s like the opposing duo does not want to
32576s take an engagement here i like czr just
32579s spreading the med mess around saving as
32581s much time as possible he
32583s slick's gonna go and use the shield and
32584s he's just going ahead lending that
32585s helping hand you got to get him back up
32587s to 200 hp and shields as fast as
32589s possible so they can go right back into
32591s this exchange and it does look like if
32593s they are trying to go ahead and take
32594s this exchange they want to get it done
32596s early before teams rotate right beneath
32599s them above them all around because as
32601s this one converges and gets smaller and
32603s solid they're going to get packed like
32604s sardines
32605s looking here at lanzac again
32607s kind of looks like he's maybe looking
32609s for some tags right running around on a
32611s higher elevated position
32613s have those assault rifles in hand
32615s jumping around saying don't want to get
32617s hit here but they want to do some damage
32620s taking shots now to opponents in a
32621s vehicle here as punisher trying to stay
32623s grouped together right they want to be
32625s close they do not want to split up in
32627s situations like this but punisher
32629s might want to do just that it's going to
32631s land on top of the billboard here and
32633s maybe just secure position
32634s going for those tags immediately and you
32637s can see the thought process in mind
32639s instead of rotating with the guys or
32641s gets the high ground and continues to
32643s not only look for the information but
32644s the tags that you're talking about but
32646s russo quito going ahead and joining this
32648s fight against slick czr clone isu
32652s almost a triple threat match here fourth
32654s position for the eliminations and
32655s theseus is gonna drop down low and what
32657s they're doing here is they're just
32659s getting in that box forcing players to
32661s come to them especially over 400 above
32663s the damage threshold they don't have to
32665s make those risky moves those risky peaks
32667s that could result in them actually
32668s getting taken down they don't have to
32669s and they don't want to jacob i mean when
32671s they're already that much above storm
32672s surge they are just going to play it
32673s slow play for that positioning flick to
32675s rotate but a duo which might have to do
32677s some damage here is actually gonna be
32678s slick and ccr but let's switch over to
32680s snacky fabs here that are actually in an
32682s engagement and not in the zone
32684s luckily for them they don't need to do
32686s damage so they can take what they can
32687s get but zuko is gonna go down
32690s that's gonna be a big elimination going
32691s over to fabs because they definitely
32692s needed the siphon forcing that reboot
32694s out which obviously came through digital
32696s with the high ground that he has still
32698s trying to put that pressure down but he
32699s has a tough decision do i continue to
32701s hold on put the pressure hopefully take
32703s this 2v1 or get out exactly what you're
32705s seeing hopefully he was able to get that
32707s reboot but either way he's gonna get
32708s that men missed which is gonna be
32709s impactful for him staying in the zone
32712s another med kit there so i do think
32714s that's gonna be the play got the reboot
32716s what's good here is it his second zone
32717s right so he has the time to use the med
32719s kits stay in zone a little bit heal
32721s himself up and he can wait it out go for
32723s the reboot later and make the rotate in
32724s the problem is it's if he doesn't have
32726s enough damage then getting storm surge
32728s tags while you're just rotating into the
32730s zone is very risky so we'll have to see
32732s if he's able to make it here as we
32733s switch over to hurritos and kytrex who
32735s are only 47 below so they just need a
32738s bit more damage and there it is 10 above
32741s it's not something you can really feel
32742s comfortable about but when you're
32744s rotating in zone it's something that can
32746s at least allow you to get a couple steps
32748s forward but just like that in the blink
32749s of an eye they drop two below on the
32751s other side though slick and czr barely
32754s above and that's gonna allow them to
32756s pick and choose the fights that they
32757s want you see bo pros he's forced to do
32759s it by himself his teammate went down
32761s early on there's still so many teams in
32763s this exchange wanting a piece of that
32764s pie and slick and czr are feeling the
32766s brunt force of it as they get aggressive
32768s and get taken out by russo and keto and
32771s that's basically going to allow
32773s beaucross to possibly get the revive
32775s office there's still so many teams go
32777s ahead and clunked up in the small
32778s position i mean slick and czr they even
32780s had the advantage and the engagement
32781s they took they knocked down one player
32783s but the issue is there's just so many
32784s duo's close to them that third party
32786s comes in fourth party comes in you have
32788s to be very aware of your surroundings
32790s before taking an engagement like that
32792s it's just a little too risky
32794s see beaucrows and sweat going down
32797s combat and echo also getting taken down
32799s storm surge taking in on burritos and
32802s kai trucks who are looking for now to
32804s try to out heal it nine players need to
32806s go down make it eight now takada do you
32808s agree with this play
32809s i mean
32811s they're doing what they have to do right
32812s they were looking for tags from afar but
32814s they quickly realized that they're just
32816s a little bit below they want to take the
32817s riskier route get close to a duo here
32820s and even if it's just one striker pump
32821s shot that's all they need they can back
32823s up with that or even just one shot with
32824s the ar i mean they're just getting a
32826s little nervous here you can tell
32827s starting to move around more they're out
32828s of minis out of shields and they really
32830s have to do damage but kytrex is doing
32832s exactly that now he's forced into
32833s exchange here 22 above but he knows that
32836s can easily
32837s turn to 22 below or so as two more
32840s players still need to go down but you
32841s said it perfectly not a ton of shields
32844s to go around kytrex is possibly going to
32846s use the last one while another shot's
32848s going to come in you see fizzy trying to
32849s stay alive use it as a distraction a big
32852s amount of damage being dished out by
32854s hurritos as they go 139 above the storm
32857s surge threshold and that's going to give
32859s him a boost of confidence kai trex knows
32860s the players down he knows it's only a
32862s solo so they're trying to get aggressive
32864s to get more surge to get more points and
32865s eliminations here and they're not going
32867s to give up they're finally going to be
32868s able to get through the same box but he
32870s had great defensive play from ng he's
32873s continuously holding him out and he gets
32875s the elims what craziness are we already
32877s witnessing i mean angie really played
32880s that flawlessly there he knew his
32882s opponents were getting aggressive they
32883s were stressed out already because of the
32884s storm surge and they were just going in
32886s that one little mistake from kai trekked
32888s to hiritos could just give angie that
32890s advantage to come out on top and that's
32891s exactly what he did
32896s panda i see you you have something for
32898s us what did you see that i might have
32899s missed
32901s well don't worry panda's got you covered
32903s with a quick little panda tip here land
32906s jack and punisher they've been landing
32907s in this nice little discreet area on the
32909s south west side of the map now what they
32912s do really well here is they actually
32914s scout for surge you saw the impact of
32916s surge there just in those plays
32918s previously fortunately for land jack and
32920s punisher they didn't have to worry about
32922s it as much because they did a really
32923s good job of getting up on these high
32924s ground levels scouting ahead and getting
32927s tags
32929s i mean that's what you love to see right
32930s jacob that's what i was saying lancelot
32931s and punisher they've been landing that
32933s drop spot for so long that they really
32934s have their game plan mapped out
32936s perfectly they know how to get tags in
32938s the early game how to get tagged in the
32939s mid game how they get packed if they
32940s don't have enough damage and they have
32942s to do something more risky
32943s so you can tell they've been practicing
32945s and it might just pay off here if they
32947s can make it into zone line jock has been
32949s cracked though so this could get a
32950s little dangerous especially if they
32952s start getting focused from other duels
32953s you can see in the mini map the zone has
32955s closed
32956s a bit far away so they're gonna have to
32958s make a rotate here and they are the the
32960s duo with the highest position here
32963s see
32964s that's almost a double-edged sword
32965s because
32966s that's a long way down and a long way
32968s over if they're gonna find their way in
32970s towards the zone as fast as snacky three
32973s eliminations between the two wonders
32975s that snack he's been able to do from
32977s last season to this
32979s getting that reboot on to fabs is going
32981s to be absolutely massive in their game
32983s overall whether you get the victory
32985s royale or not you got to imagine if they
32987s both went down early what that would
32988s have done to their morale as digital is
32990s trying to make it into the storm he's
32992s getting shot from all sides being in and
32994s out of covers and sometimes too much is
32996s too much too many players made him a
32998s target and they took him out not only
33000s that i believe fabz actually has been
33002s knocked down as well so we'll see if
33004s snacky can
33006s pick him up here in a bit but so far
33009s we've got nikko we've got tavern they're
33011s feeling pretty good here in that number
33012s one spot with 14 points four
33014s eliminations one more than snacking fabs
33017s i mean i've talked about it before this
33018s first game is so important jacob they
33019s really just set some momentum up for the
33021s upcoming matches as you can see you've
33023s called it out in the elimination feed
33025s players going down and that goes
33028s a full fan favorite back to the lobby
33031s and
33032s the woes continue but you know i have
33034s faith in them they were kind of my pick
33035s even though i did switch it up i have
33037s faith in them to kind of play the long
33039s game
33040s even our analysts are thinking they're
33041s going to win by vr not necessarily
33042s through consistency so that's gonna be a
33044s big one is tavern and nico rotating in
33047s trying to find that sweet spot in the
33048s zone but it's gonna cost them a lot bad
33050s to do so but it's gonna gain them some
33052s height those are the trade-offs that
33053s these players are forced with throughout
33055s the course of the game 263 above those
33058s two eliminations from fabs
33060s well onto fast and snacky are really
33062s coming in handy now so you don't have to
33063s risk anything for damage in this fourth
33066s zone but on the contrary we have
33067s punisher and landshark here rotating in
33069s with the launch pad almost getting taken
33072s out in the sky as you can see landshark
33073s does not have any shield anymore
33075s punisher might even be split up from
33076s land jock so they really have to goof up
33079s here but the question is
33080s it's when are they going to be able to
33081s do it
33082s and i like landrock sporting a new name
33084s switching it up a little bit it's like a
33085s new number on your jersey of sorts he's
33088s hoping that's a little bit of a mental
33089s thing it's not something that's really
33090s going to make or break you an event but
33092s sometimes that little bit of a switch up
33095s is just enough you know you don't have
33096s that same mindset you're able to change
33098s it up and they're able to get in the
33099s zone for a moment but now it's poland
33101s they're forced to travel yet again not a
33103s lot of ticks left on the men miss in
33105s fact it's only five hp and that's why
33107s you see landshock trying to take these
33108s pieces get themselves a safe spot
33110s because 237 above especially at this
33113s zone only six players need to go down i
33115s think they feel like they're safe
33117s here we're going to go speed flame back
33119s who aren't as safe with 19 below the
33121s storm surge threshold do have the
33123s shields
33124s tank it for a little bit but for how
33125s long as still four players need to be
33128s eliminated here and pick by pick they're
33130s using mini after mini here there is a
33132s duo close by and it looks like they're
33134s gonna get aggressive
33135s only only one duo was granted zone with
33138s this pole a couple of them close by
33140s but everybody's really gonna be forced
33142s to travel as flame back does go down
33144s ghosty still getting ticked by storm
33146s surge and other teams wanting to get
33147s that elimination that's trolling still
33149s moving in sees the storm surge ticking
33152s wants to get it while the iron's hot but
33154s you can see three more players do need
33155s to go down ghosty out of shields out of
33158s minis but he still has the floppers once
33160s it ticks again his hp is going to start
33163s going down but he goes 24 above just in
33165s the nick of time being able to save
33167s those poppers is huge that's the perfect
33169s timing going above but it's gonna be
33171s able to make use of it here as he looks
33172s for an elimination trying to disconnect
33174s that one striker pump shot to make it
33176s happen this is the first one but has a
33178s little bit of time to pop the flopper
33180s he's gonna tank thrown here jacob saving
33182s those floppers like i said it's gonna be
33184s one of the biggest things for ghosty
33185s right now but 21 hp finally he's going
33188s to go down flop first up for grabs where
33190s everybody wants to grab him bolts
33192s looking good there with triorch in 10th
33195s place trey right behind him he qualified
33197s through consistency last season looking
33199s to do it again here as the zone forces
33201s everybody once again closer together
33204s this is where it's gonna get chaotic in
33205s five seconds when we get that pool
33207s that first moving zone pulling if it
33209s pulls east jacob let's see okay they
33212s they got saved a little bit you can see
33214s all of the doodles here on the west side
33216s of that zone so if it ended up falling
33218s east that would have been a crazy rotate
33219s but now i mean on the contrary we have a
33222s little bit of a beneficial zone right
33223s for a majority of these players it pulls
33224s towards their side so they should be
33227s able to get a pretty relaxed start to
33228s the rotate here as flown though and his
33230s do a partner they have five eliminations
33232s so they're feeling good
33234s but it looks like they might get into a
33235s risky situation here i think he's
33237s looking
33242s trying to get aggressive on abuso was
33243s unable to get the edits in time
33246s i do believe he actually
33248s went down there underneath that cover
33249s they're unable to get the refresh just
33251s yet and it'll actually be risky for them
33252s to do so so they're going to go ahead
33254s and go and move on with their travels
33256s here go on to the next position you see
33258s players jump padding recycling those
33260s launch pad using the bills just trying
33262s to get ahead of these troubles that is
33264s the zone because if this pulls up the
33266s hill just a little bit a lot of these
33268s duos will find themselves concerned
33270s typical gamer on nowhere they had some
33272s troubles in the early game in day one of
33274s sammy's but now we see them game one
33276s in the late game with two eliminations
33279s already i'm excited to see what they can
33280s pull off this landscape here is getting
33282s taken down to 12 hp he's gonna have to
33284s separate himself from his dual partner
33286s punisher and now they're both gonna have
33287s to play it out as a solo as no land dog
33290s gets knocked down now it's about the
33291s punisher no materials though he's gonna
33292s get taken out as well the elimination
33294s does go over to defiable and rich homie
33296s clinton six more points for them the
33298s coaching of reit allowing them to get
33300s aggressive right out of the gates could
33302s be the difference maker it gets you
33304s pumped up gets you warmed up even faster
33306s you see xe and ben a little bit of the
33308s high ground going over the only thing
33310s that worries me just a little bit is how
33312s much ammunition throughout the
33313s variations do they have to continue to
33315s put the pressure down from above went
33317s here trying to do what he can does not
33319s have shield but he's got that confidence
33321s got a nice shot onto poppy blast but he
33323s has to continuous rotate here with zero
33325s builds jacob he really has to get a
33328s siphon refresh here but no he goes down
33330s it's all through the fiber now playing
33331s solo
33333s being forced to go back in the zone
33334s taking some of that storm he's going
33336s down almost it's looking like he goes
33339s back almost tries to grab what heals is
33340s there puts himself in the cone rather
33342s quickly but storm still pushing him
33344s forward trying to make a sneaky play
33345s sneaking up on somebody towards the
33347s backside but not finding any luck not
33349s finding any shots but still finding his
33350s way in towards the zone looking back
33352s just the nick of time guarding himself
33354s firing those shots ends up going up
33356s against another team that was waiting
33358s right around that corner they take him
33359s down send him back to the lobby and
33361s continue their own journey but we're
33363s getting to the last moments now jacob
33364s typicalgamer nowhere they're still up
33366s they have four eliminations we got
33368s talking ben exc on that high ground
33369s they're feeling confident raining down
33371s from above somebody doing so many solos
33373s seeing what they can do to make it
33374s happen
33375s typical gamer loses noah but still
33377s trying to use the large blades of grass
33379s has some cover bouncing around the drum
33381s shot's not going to be able to connect
33382s he goes down typical gamer as well nico
33385s is going to fall so many players getting
33387s cleaned up in the elimination feed as
33388s jeffers trying to stagger himself back
33390s but he has two extra members plus the
33392s one he's using we might just see a heal
33394s off like we did yesterday if we switch
33396s over to dom and trey dom with the med
33398s miss trying to save it for those last
33400s moments with the problem of the
33401s materials these players do not have that
33402s much field to work with but exxon is
33404s gonna take out bitcoin and now that
33406s pushes him up to six eliminations here
33408s he has the materials he has the
33410s opportunity to clutch this up 41 points
33412s so far dom trade towards the low ground
33415s not a lot of bills on the dom that's why
33416s trey's leading the way trying to find
33418s him that spot that is the sweet spot in
33421s towards zone but they're still putting
33422s that pressure on from below which is
33424s huge and you can see the bandages the
33426s men missed just in case they need to sit
33428s back stagger themselves but the high
33429s ground pressure is too much as they fall
33432s down ben might have made a mistake going
33433s in towards the zone he doesn't get the
33435s siphon he goes down trey and dom this is
33437s your time to take over as they get the
33439s high ground and they get the victory
33440s royale for eliminations for trey and dom
33443s but they're not looking at the elims
33445s they're looking at the victory royale in
33447s that golden ticket which is gonna send
33448s them straight to the finals but big
33451s games i said it throughout the course of
33452s that one trey during last season
33455s qualified during consistency and he
33457s qualified in the top half of that top
33459s six and the strange thing is we didn't
33461s see a ton of them i think we at fnc as
33463s we learned our lesson we gave trey the
33465s spotlight he deserves and he took it you
33467s can even see the reaction here how hyped
33469s up he was getting that victory royale
33472s even his duo partner was feeling it
33474s jacob better watch out you slam that
33476s desk too hard you might need to get a
33478s new one but luckily for them they got
33479s time because now they can watch the rest
33481s of the games today watch the rest of the
33483s semi-finals tomorrow and then really
33485s plan out what they're going to do for
33487s the finals i mean it's all about
33488s planning right planning ahead seeing
33489s what your opponents are going to do and
33491s stay one step ahead of them but speaking
33493s about staying one step ahead i want to
33495s see what our analysts have to say jacob
33498s let's throw
33499s thank you so much takata and jacob and
33502s i'm sure if he did ruin that desk right
33504s there that by making it into the finals
33506s they're going to earn some cash so maybe
33508s they'll use that for a new desk but
33510s obviously we have to give shout outs to
33512s the vr winner there an incredible
33513s performance to dom and trey i always
33516s love it when kind of these newer teams
33518s are able to showcase themselves and earn
33520s that spot into the finals oh you'd love
33522s to see it let's take a look at how they
33523s did it right
33524s on low ground two elims not a lot of
33527s builds so they have to be hyper aware
33530s they saw go on to esso there but the
33531s immediate denial there with the armored
33533s wall still not faced though standing hip
33536s to hip looking for an opportunity and
33538s that's when they're gonna find it there
33540s as you saw dom go up said you know what
33543s no i'm gonna mantle my way up meanwhile
33545s trey fighting on the low ground takes
33546s down keto and then dom from the bus says
33548s don't worry you may be six hp but i got
33551s you
33552s hey and they had them indeed look trey
33554s was confident going into this right
33556s yesterday they tweeted out that they
33558s were sure that they were gonna qualify
33560s and sure enough in game number one on
33561s the day they do it so it'll be
33563s interesting how much of their success
33565s though was because of the misplay from
33567s ben dropping down a little too early
33569s they held hype pretty long and then he
33571s dropped down just a second putting
33572s himself into a 1v2 situation panda well
33575s i mean we saw it actually it happened a
33576s couple times on nae's with pam swim
33578s thatcher over the last two days they
33579s literally they they had a great position
33581s it looked like they were going to take
33582s the game and then they fell in second
33584s place because they just kind of
33585s misplayed in those final moments you
33587s can't be too confident in a situation
33589s like this or unfortunately you're gonna
33591s go down and that's just happened to
33592s happen to the other team but for dom and
33594s trey they're heading to the finals they
33596s are and it's all about just that
33597s experience like sometimes you have it
33599s and sometimes you just try to be a
33600s little bit more aggressive kelly and
33603s that's the semi-finals like of course
33605s speaking of aggression we have to look
33606s to tavern and nico then i think at zone
33609s five they already had five eliminations
33611s so although they may not have been a top
33613s three team they're definitely getting
33615s those placement points and those
33616s elimination points
33618s yeah yeah just i mean look at it right
33620s here right four eliminations already
33622s half and half out just started they're
33624s fighting together and it didn't matter
33625s that there's someone on the other side
33626s look at that they wanted more
33628s eliminations that's elim number six i
33630s believe coming on over there for them so
33633s great play all around and even into the
33635s final zones they're still looking panda
33637s absolutely and it's really good to
33638s obviously highlight the players that do
33640s get that vr but we have to highlight
33642s teams like tavern like nico who are
33644s playing very well and getting a lot of
33646s points through consistency because again
33648s it's not only the vr that grants you
33650s that spot in the finals and for tavern
33652s and nico looks like they're going to be
33654s focusing on this because look at that
33657s elimination after elimination coming
33658s through 10 elimination 11
33662s nations i mean look tavern right there
33664s in that moment looked unstoppable i mean
33666s look at them right now of course they're
33668s going to be taking that first place spot
33670s with 53 points after just one game but
33673s king quito and bruce are going to be
33674s right behind them with 44 points we got
33676s etso and monk gonna be at 42 points two
33679s points behind that it's gonna be ben and
33681s exe the team that was holding height
33683s right there got that second place said
33686s physics are going to be in fifth and
33687s then zebras and fecoy finally seeing
33690s them in our top 10 panda i mean this is
33692s our top six that's what they are
33694s fighting for right now they are but i
33696s want to talk about another special team
33697s here in the top ten it's noah plays in
33699s typicalgamer they had a really solid day
33702s yesterday but it didn't quite work out
33704s for them but today it's a different
33705s story a change of pace here already
33708s starting off with a really solid game
33710s and obviously we have to look to clone
33712s and monkey there because being in
33713s seventh place that's a pretty good spot
33715s but you want to be in sixth place of
33717s course you do and but look see look five
33720s heliums again before half and half out
33722s started moving they end up almost taking
33724s down saul there for elimination number
33726s six they find buzzo they're gonna get
33729s another one right after like we talk
33730s about high elim aggressive play this is
33732s a team to also take a look at
33734s it definitely is and i think uh as far
33737s as consistency goes this is good but i
33739s also want to see a bit more balance you
33741s saw them drop there because they were a
33743s little too focused on the elimination
33745s that was what tavern and nico actually
33746s did very well despite them getting a ton
33748s of eliminations they were never too
33750s aggressive until those final moments and
33753s they already knew at that point they had
33754s 11 e limbs if they go down here it's all
33757s right so how much of it is though being
33759s aggressive and just going with that w
33761s key play style and more so kind of
33763s having that situational awareness
33765s knowing where all of the opponents are
33767s so that you can get those easy elims
33768s it's got to be a 70 30. right 70 you got
33770s to know exactly where everybody is 30
33773s just go just get aggressive get in boxes
33776s hop in players area because i mean your
33778s semifinals you only got one more shot
33780s after today
33781s yeah i couldn't agree more
33783s so if you're in this position right now
33785s where you're not in the top ten you're
33787s below them right now clearly you need to
33789s be in the top six to be even able to
33790s make it into the placements panda what
33792s are you doing right now to change up
33794s your play style to confirm that spot
33796s look i talked about it there when we we
33798s got to jump in here in game number one
33800s and it's about positioning right
33803s positioning is super important and land
33804s jock punisher what they did in game
33806s number one was solid for positioning
33808s they got great tags for surge and that's
33810s what we need to see from more of these
33812s teams because a lot of teams were
33813s struggling with surge when search
33815s presented itself and that threshold
33816s appeared on the screen it was 89 players
33818s remaining in the game whoo
33820s that is that's not unlike nya west
33822s though we've seen that many times na
33823s west likes to be
33825s surge heavy and wait for that chaos to
33827s get aggressive so i'm expecting it again
33829s today kelly i mean i can definitely
33831s understand though typically west is a
33833s pretty w key you know w for west but in
33836s these semi-finals where there's only one
33838s more opportunity tomorrow they have to
33840s play a little passively we've even seen
33842s you know aggressive teams like fabs and
33844s snacky play pretty passively they do
33847s they do right now coming into game
33848s number three you gotta report number
33850s five
33851s go for it just let it go you got one
33853s more opportunity tomorrow and hey again
33855s a victory royale could come on the back
33856s of just a bunch of elims yeah listen if
33858s there's one note to leave it on it's
33860s calculated aggression right you want
33862s those eliminations it's super important
33864s to be consistent with those however it
33866s does need to be calculated you cannot
33868s overextend because the last thing you
33870s want to do is go down before it is your
33872s time to shine i mean if it's a calculate
33874s calculated aggression then we have to
33876s look to tavern and nico but they are
33878s obviously in our first place spot right
33879s now can they do it again in game number
33882s two well let's find out
33888s let's find out indeed and i loved what
33890s panda was saying there jacob calculated
33892s aggression we saw snacky fabs they had a
33894s good amount of eliminations off the
33895s start but they got a little too
33897s aggressive later on they ended up
33898s getting eliminated you have to know when
33901s to stop yeah that's why i always said
33902s you have all the confidence in the world
33904s that your mechanics and back up taking
33906s on the best and the best at any moment
33908s but you need that brain to back it up
33909s knowing when to take the fights when to
33911s rotate when to play for high ground
33913s there's so much thinking involved that
33915s you could tell that these players are
33917s some of the most skilled players in the
33919s world and now we have the first game
33921s down but remember it's not like
33922s yesterday jacob we only had five games
33923s we have six games tomorrow today and the
33926s battle bus is ready we're gonna get into
33927s match two
33936s match number two like you said out of
33940s six this time around
33942s and hopefully you know they can make
33943s those quick adjustments from game
33946s five games yesterday six games today
33949s an extra chance to qualify extra team
33952s getting in favs and snacky though
33955s not necessarily having the best uh most
33958s calculated game but
33960s yeah i'm not worried either i'm not
33962s worried either don't worry about it
33963s jacob they have everything under control
33965s they're playing for that victory royale
33966s we saw what arkham and epic did
33968s yesterday securing that vr in the last
33970s match of the day and i mean snacking
33973s fast you can do it in match two match
33975s pre-match four even match six which is
33977s the last one of the day so i mean you
33979s always have that opportunity to qualify
33981s especially like you said qualifier one
33983s they started off with a big victory
33985s royale qualifier two they didn't get
33987s that victory royale but they set the
33989s record in that qualifier snack he did
33992s specifically as an individual with the
33993s most eliminations
33995s so they have what it takes to kind of
33998s hit it out of the park rather early and
34000s start the game off hot but after that
34001s last game i think there's some
34003s adjustments that need to be made so i'm
34004s interested to see how those adjustments
34006s are going to be made and i feel like
34008s with this new poi this new drop spot it
34010s has a lot of loot jacob and snacky fabs
34013s i don't know if they like playing the
34015s early game aggressive aggressively or
34017s they like just looting up because i
34018s believe they will have enough loot
34020s without taking an engagement on their
34022s opposing duo which is contesting on here
34024s at the collider but i mean some extra
34026s eliminations never hurt right and that
34028s might be exactly what notorious and
34030s coaxy are looking to do here as they
34031s already have one yeah but even though
34033s there's another team contesting the
34034s daily bugle
34036s it seems like the overall
34038s play of it is kind of the same coaxie
34040s notorious under siege from the high
34042s ground kika and kika
34045s together but it looks like coaxie wants
34046s to get aggressive he knows they're
34048s separated and they're trying to strike
34049s while the iron's hot
34050s cokes are here playing that positional
34052s advantage up top trying to see if they
34054s can land a shot onto kikka here has only
34056s three minis so one tag and you'll have
34058s to use two of them here but might
34060s actually be trying to disengage here
34062s going in the sky like a bird taking
34064s shots from above jacob but is it the
34066s right place a bird it's a plane
34069s it's kika flying through the sky and
34071s that's something right there you can
34072s really keep some people on their toes
34074s keep them guessing as he's continuously
34076s trying to run and it makes me ask the
34078s question did he get the reboot because
34079s that's probably why we haven't seen him
34081s try to leave the daily bugle just yet he
34083s tried to run back get what he can and
34085s now hopefully he does have the card now
34088s he's trying to make a rotation out but
34089s even if he doesn't there's still a ton
34091s of time and what makes me happy is those
34093s three med kits are gonna grant him that
34094s time i mean they got the time left to
34096s see how it ends up
34097s there but let's see that replay of how
34099s cosy did secure that first elimination i
34101s mean it was just straight into the box
34102s that combat smg jacob
34104s yeah cqc style of weapons we've talked
34107s about the loadouts that we're going to
34108s see as they finally
34110s take down kika
34112s hey when is duo going to be one of the
34114s first ones out having to watch this one
34116s but that allows you to really watch the
34118s entirety of the game take a deep breath
34121s figure out what went wrong what are you
34122s doing right how to mix it together and
34124s fix it
34125s going on for the next games because this
34127s isn't just qualification through points
34130s you could win with a victory royale you
34132s could win through that top six
34133s consistency after six games and i mean
34136s your play stock can change throughout
34137s the tournament right at the start of the
34139s tournament you might not even know what
34141s you want to do yet and that's fine but
34142s maybe game five you're right on that
34145s cutoff for the top six and you just want
34146s to play for the late game play for that
34147s consistency or maybe you're a bit behind
34149s and you need the vr so you just want to
34151s play maybe for that high ground maybe
34153s for a duo on low ground maybe even the
34155s heal off we saw some crazy heal off
34157s matches yesterday jacob so i mean i
34159s wouldn't be surprised if these teams
34160s kind of switch it up as the day goes on
34164s typicalgamer he knows an exchange is
34166s imminent so he's just trying to get the
34168s resources matt up he knows teams land
34170s towards the north side of sleepy sound
34172s they get directly contested by echo and
34174s western that they fought early on not
34176s having that same type of tags to start
34178s the game off but noah plays still
34180s finding the damage needed for the first
34182s storm surge at the very minimum because
34184s you know you cannot stop you can't get
34186s content throughout the course of the
34187s game you need to continuously find the
34189s tags that you need that's exactly what
34191s noah plays doing here taking tags from
34192s the duos that are far away not even the
34194s ones that are up close right always
34195s looking around seeing who is close by
34198s who is directly contesting you and
34200s what's the best option right do you go
34201s for that aggressive player just sit back
34207s is definitely yours
34209s but
34210s not too far of a pool we're gonna get a
34211s little bit of a western pool force first
34214s circle
34215s so a lot of these eastern teams you know
34217s those daily bugles the joneses sanctuary
34220s some of our southern teams are going to
34222s have to rotate
34224s rather quickly to get themselves a good
34225s spot or at least rotate ahead of the
34226s rest of the teams to get themselves to
34228s surge but oh my gosh the amount of
34230s damage coming out from tavern and nico
34232s this is the calculated aggression that
34234s panda was talking about and they're
34236s doing it perfectly right they have that
34237s elimination they have that damage but
34239s they're not getting too aggressive just
34240s like you said calculated aggression
34242s right now they could jump in that cannon
34244s they could go right to the opponent but
34245s no they're building around it they're
34247s going to hold this position and use it
34248s to rotate later on but speaking about
34250s holding positions we have buzzo and his
34253s duo partner cell here and they're just
34254s waiting for the perfect moment to strike
34257s i like
34258s minimizing the amount of footsteps
34259s they're taking weapon switches
34261s to try to minimize the audio that
34263s they're giving off and that would be a
34264s big
34265s opportunity if they can pick up this
34266s elimination here towards command cavern
34268s but it doesn't look like they're gonna
34270s get what they want and i like how they
34271s immediately change it up they're not
34273s going to go forward they're not going to
34274s continue to force any bad plays they're
34276s going to go back get the scraps that
34278s they want get the resources because
34280s they're really light when it comes to
34281s wood when it comes to brick 348 from
34284s metal that's something good you
34285s definitely want more especially when
34287s you're in one of the most contested
34288s drops in the game and it could work out
34290s in their favor or it couldn't right if
34292s they're playing the waiting game going
34293s for that refresh going for those
34294s eliminations playing it sneaky if they
34296s end up getting them they could just be
34297s full materials and they even got the
34299s elim points alongside it but if you end
34301s up not getting those eliminations and
34302s now you used up your time where you
34304s could have been farming you don't have
34305s enough materials and you have to rotate
34307s and you might not have that much loot
34308s it's kind of a sticky situation to be in
34310s right so it's kind of risky to play like
34312s back but if it ends up turning out well
34314s which
34314s it might but i mean not looking too good
34317s here as bouzou has been knocked down i'm
34319s curious to see why they're not getting
34321s pushed right now i wonder what took him
34322s out
34323s i just hope it's not fall damage
34325s i hope it's not see an epic well go down
34328s yesterday my own life flash before my
34330s eyes along with my predictions that was
34332s the redemption run that we needed to saw
34333s goodman putting shots along with a
34335s couple other players still at command
34338s cavern he was able to get that revive
34340s off
34341s and the shield's up for his duo but
34343s buzzo still lacking that hp but like i
34345s said you know you go ahead and take note
34347s of everything that you pass in command
34350s camera so that way when the dust settles
34352s you can go ahead and collect all the
34353s scraps
34355s sal here looks like they're still
34357s kind of lurking around at the command
34358s cavern seems like they really want these
34360s eliminations bouzou
34363s sitting close by as well just really
34365s waiting for that opportunity to strike
34368s but vuzo was actually gonna choose to
34369s break some builds now reeks knows but he
34371s has opponents close by ng even building
34373s up the wall and now they're both
34375s sort of playing the waiting game here
34376s yep
34378s with the legendary striker pump just
34380s waiting really just waiting with a
34382s cheesy smile i bet they catch somebody
34384s off guard especially through this window
34386s definitely be a cheeky play if you can
34387s get it off ng looking like he might take
34390s the bait that's gonna be a big giveaway
34391s putting the ramp there especially back
34393s to back along with the walls you know
34395s they're flirting with the idea of going
34396s ahead and entering that vault
34399s just stay input right jacob i mean it's
34401s what you got to do sometimes stay put
34402s wait it out
34404s let the game speak for itself as reeks
34407s and energy gone through some
34408s complications here energy actually being
34410s fully cracked here now has to do all
34412s push again it's sal it's buzzo they're
34414s going for that aggression and they
34416s either got the tag themselves or heard
34417s it from afar saul's gonna get the one
34419s onto ng gets aggressed on but his
34422s teammates there to save the day you know
34424s as well as i do teamwork really makes
34426s the dreamworker for buzzo and saul
34428s goodman they're trying to make their
34430s dreams come true whether it's
34431s consistency a victory royale in this
34433s game they want nothing more than to
34435s reach the finals and a chance at not
34437s only the acts of champions but all that
34439s sweet prize money i mean look it paid
34441s off right they did a risky play they
34443s waited it out even until the second zone
34445s appeared but they ended up getting both
34447s eliminations refreshing their materials
34450s finishing off with a bunch of loot from
34451s their opponents there and now they can
34453s rotate pretty freely but teams doesn't
34455s have to do too much rotating here as
34457s snacky and fabs the zone has closed in
34460s their favor
34461s see a couple of other players nigel
34463s angel towards the outskirts simple gamer
34465s noah barely getting in to the zone
34469s almost guaranteed they have some sort of
34471s heels left but you see the shots ringing
34473s in trying to take advantage meds kits
34474s all around you get one i get one we all
34477s get 100 hp
34478s but still four teams there tort shifty
34481s shafts this one could turn a blink of an
34482s eye if somebody missteps says
34485s we see wavy jacob and his new name
34488s you know which one was vanilla's and
34490s wavy jacob he's trying to give love to
34492s fox city there and honestly i know
34495s foxy's doing the viewing party he got to
34496s feel the love you know he's got to be
34498s feeling good right and you know they
34500s these players they'd be changing names
34501s all the time right jacob sometimes you
34503s see nico here and the next day you don't
34505s even know what his name is right but you
34507s do have the veterans of fortnite
34508s competitive they've been here for a
34509s while you know they've been through a
34511s fair share of their names and now
34513s looking at tavern here which is actually
34514s tavern desu with one elimination and
34517s they're in the same position jacob we
34518s talked about conflict or
34521s knowing when to play aggressively and
34522s when to stay back they have done a bunch
34524s of damage but they're safe here they
34526s have a good position they have materials
34528s they really have everything they need to
34530s make it into the late game so they're
34532s gonna play calm they're gonna play
34533s collected and they're just gonna really
34535s wait it out until they have to rotate
34537s and do what they have to do yeah tavern
34539s this season is looking like a
34541s much better
34542s version of himself we know he's a very
34544s very talented individual last season he
34547s was over contested through both days of
34549s finals in order to get to finals it took
34551s the very last game just like fabs and
34554s snacky at one point this time around
34556s though he's looking good he's setting
34558s himself up with early surge he's able to
34560s progress through the game and then kind
34561s of control his own destiny and a quick
34563s reminder for those of you who don't
34564s really know what storm surge is it's
34566s that minimal damage threshold the
34568s minimum damage threshold needed not
34570s start losing hp consistently and you can
34573s even see it pop up on the screen now on
34574s the right side this player squid is 73
34577s above so he does not have to do more
34578s damage but what he does have to do here
34580s is stay up stay alive i see as an
34582s opponent here playing aggressive i'm
34584s looking to take him out yeah i'm a
34586s little worried because of how separated
34587s they are but he's going in towards the
34588s storm to try to go and hunt that player
34591s down along with his duo
34593s they want that three points they don't
34594s want to let it escape go over towards
34596s the storm squid getting aggressive but a
34598s little too aggressive that's western out
34600s of nowhere able to take him down it's
34601s all up to lizard with the pressure on
34603s his shoulders he gets the elimination
34605s and a chance to save squid squid lizard
34608s i'm loving the names right pulling the
34609s animals here they
34611s finish this off on top with two
34612s eliminations now putting them in the
34614s 15th spot remember it's top six to
34616s qualify through consistency so they got
34618s a ways to go but this is just the start
34619s of the game they've got storm surge now
34620s 121 damage above the threshold here
34623s gonna pick up squid and i didn't see
34625s their loot exactly but i'm sure after
34626s those two eliminations they're probably
34628s feeling pretty good definitely theirs
34630s for the picking
34632s homie quinn and defiable 11th place 31
34635s below the damage threshold with no
34637s elimination so far you got to imagine
34639s that contested greasy grove didn't yield
34641s much in terms of storm surge now they're
34644s forced to look for it elsewhere just
34645s shortly right outside greasy grove as
34647s well so not a lot of rotations being
34649s forced out but you see there's three
34651s teams directly in that position two more
34653s towards the outskirts two more outside
34655s of that and if you look at the top left
34657s there's two more outside of that one so
34659s they got to be careful because this one
34660s can turn ugly quick but they get the
34662s pre-edit in they get the piece control
34663s they're going ahead and editing it back
34665s to play defensive all at the same time
34667s creep is taking a lot of that fire and
34668s that's a whole new duo that wasn't even
34670s involved at the very beginning
34671s they're doing so well here with the
34673s amount of duos that are around but you
34675s have to be careful jacob you talked
34676s about it the third party might come in
34677s the fourth the fifth party as richo
34679s quinn and the fireball are here now with
34682s one elimination but they're looking to
34683s make it more it's creep has already been
34685s cracked now let's do a partner cracked
34686s as well leo creeper just one shot away
34688s to going back to that lobby like the
34690s bait and switch homie quinn's going
34691s ahead reloading defiable's getting
34693s aggressive he takes the damage and they
34694s switch once more a toe head so they can
34697s go ahead and keep putting that pressure
34698s on that team not allowing to regenerate
34701s the health and shield that they
34702s desperately need at this point in time
34703s but i like it rich homie quinn not
34705s getting over aggressive he's not tunnel
34707s vision on this one play because he
34709s realizes how contested how congested
34712s this side of the map actually is
34714s switching over to poppy blast and show
34716s here we're feeling good on damage but
34718s just popped their last minis i mean they
34719s do have the chug splashes but you really
34721s want to save those for later in the
34723s match on the feet as well typicalgamer
34724s and noah have gone down here in the
34726s third zone 45 seconds left until it
34728s starts to close luckily for them they're
34730s far ahead of the rotation in terms of a
34732s lot of the other teams on that side
34734s looking to go north though seeing a
34736s bunch of teams boxed up including the
34738s fire that is directly on to them that's
34740s going to force the builds out but using
34741s their wood to conserve the hard mat so
34743s when they finally get later on in the
34744s game it's going to be easier but vibes
34746s he goes down early slick seas soon to
34748s follow that's buzzo and saul goodman
34750s continuing on their terror from early on
34753s i mean buzzer and sol they're feeling
34755s good from the two early eliminations in
34756s command caverns are continuing their
34759s wrath here in the third zone while
34760s rotating getting another two i mean
34762s they're starting off this game
34763s incredibly strong but looking back at
34765s show and blast here i mean their loot is
34768s not looking too great they do have a
34770s decent amount of damage but it could be
34771s more hopefully they can pick it up a bit
34774s now as the zone starts closing
34776s storm surge taken look on the mini map
34778s another duo slowly but surely creeping
34781s up right behind and if they're not
34782s taking surge i can see them trying to go
34784s and interrupt or at least take the
34786s spoils of the fallen foes that are just
34789s unlucky enough to not be able to get the
34791s damage short pad coming out but 251
34793s below the damage threshold
34796s he's gonna get saved by a couple other
34797s players including his teammate going
34799s down
34800s i mean shin texar now is put in a
34802s situation you really don't want to be in
34804s playing as a solo but surrounded by duos
34806s having to make that rotate just like
34808s tavern is going to do it nico here you
34810s can see niko rotated first so we can
34812s kind of help tavern out but wasn't the
34813s correct play if now nico is getting
34815s pushed here and he might
34817s be put into too much of a risky
34819s situation if tavern cannot come and help
34821s him out in time
34822s i think clay sees something here through
34824s all this rotation and madness clay what
34825s do you got for us
34828s yeah i actually wanted to talk about
34829s tavern and nico myself here because
34831s they've been set up in the same spot for
34833s three zones that's what happens when you
34834s have good positioning good rotation and
34837s good storm surge attacks so while they
34838s did have a little bit of a risk they
34839s rotate there they are chilling for the
34841s rest of this game
34843s i like it
34844s i like it they're chilling
34847s just going ahead and playing their game
34849s he said three straight zones he's
34851s getting rewarded there for his patient
34853s play but tavern is like an og he's been
34856s here for a while he's one of the
34857s prominent names in the western region
34860s and he's looking to qualify for another
34862s finals here in fncs and you can even see
34865s next zone has closed and tafford nico i
34868s don't know how they're doing it jacob i
34869s don't know if they've got a different
34870s map than the one i'm looking at but
34871s they're inside of the zone again they're
34873s in fourth zone and if they pull fifth
34875s zone jacob i think i i don't even know
34877s what i'll do at that point but they if
34879s they pull fifth zone
34882s i might have to make a cast by yourself
34884s and i have to go find the map that
34885s they're using because i need to bring it
34886s home with me so i can get all the zones
34887s because i need help
34889s you know i need help i played with you
34891s we need help i don't know who our trio
34892s is going to be but make sure you guys
34894s hit up takada if you guys want to try
34895s out try out see what we can make happen
34898s see if we can do
34900s what snacking fads are going to do in
34901s this game i'm calling it jacob this is
34902s the one 12 points on the board but
34904s soon gonna be over a thousand when they
34906s secure that victory royale here 78
34908s builds half the shields has that epic
34911s loot and i mean their position and is
34913s looking just as good as tafran and nico
34915s they've got the high elevated location
34917s here they can look for the tags but they
34919s also don't have to do anything too
34920s aggressive i will say this zone is is
34922s kind of saving the majority of teams
34924s from getting too deep
34925s right because now everybody's kind of
34926s forced on the outskirts on the land that
34929s is left otherwise they're gonna end up
34931s in the lonely gilligan's island like one
34932s duo's team is but the thing is fear for
34935s a lot of these teams is if they don't
34937s get that pool they're gonna have to
34938s travel through waters they're gonna have
34940s to travel through madness here to try to
34942s figure out what the play is going to be
34944s but for tavern and co you know they're
34946s in that same spot positioned up fuzzo
34948s saw goodman close by i'm trying to count
34950s the duos
34952s five the five straight duos on that side
34955s of the map with six one rotating in
34957s crazy i mean i don't know if you saw
34959s that mini map but i think there's even a
34960s duo directly in the center of zone
34963s on the lake so i mean they
34966s are one step ahead of the game here
34967s wherever that zone closed they'll have
34968s to rotate but they won't have to rotate
34970s too far
34971s as they are is here for above alongside
34973s fico who just got cracked here they have
34975s to make a rotation and having to rotate
34977s and also being below storm surge is one
34979s of the worst situations you could be in
34980s but they might just be able to clutch it
34982s up with that damage two straight tags
34984s from x-rays
34986s but as soon as he goes above the damage
34988s threshold you can see the numbers
34989s dropping
34990s going lower from 38 to 31
34993s you can see since he's above he's able
34995s to play patient recycle launch pads do
34998s exactly what he wants to get towards the
35000s zone and get a better spot here with 10
35002s seconds left
35004s he might have gone a little bit too
35005s early but he's just trying to take a
35006s little bit of that high ground get
35007s towards a couple of these other teams so
35009s he can get distracted or at least
35010s distract others so they don't know he's
35012s a solo now
35013s landed
35014s 139 metal to work with just above 10
35017s bills makes the double box thing it's a
35019s great
35020s great option if you're playing a solo
35022s make two boxes and then your opponents
35023s won't know if you're a solo or a duo you
35025s can tell the experience these players
35026s have as miles
35028s and gord they're in a situation i really
35030s wouldn't want to be here getting taped
35031s by storm surge also being in the middle
35033s of the map so you know any edit they
35034s open jacob if a duo starts looking at
35036s them they might just get shot and they
35038s might just get focused
35041s worst case scenario when thinking
35042s they're in the middle if they don't have
35044s the damage for surge everybody's gonna
35046s see it tick everybody's gonna stay away
35049s from that side and even try to make it a
35052s play for their own and pick up those
35053s eliminations as you see they're trying
35054s to out heal it six more players do need
35057s to go down so i don't think that's going
35059s to be a viable play so they're going to
35060s launch that over towards another team
35062s try to get in the box but with that
35063s launch pad you see players making them a
35065s target gorge going to go down it's all
35067s up to miles who doesn't have a chance
35069s there as he gets taken down by the
35071s entire lobby and not just him when
35074s fireball also getting taken out i mean
35076s storm surge is just going through duos
35079s after duo is delta on the bottom
35080s rotating through the water meanwhile a
35082s majority of these duos do use a launch
35084s pad i mean it is a hard zone to rotate
35086s through but sweat and his dual partner
35088s might be looking for the high ground
35089s here building above snatching fab
35092s time snacky badly getting the edits they
35094s need to get that damage done maybe even
35096s secure a knockdown here which would be a
35098s great time to get a refresh
35101s i like what they're doing though they're
35102s not they're not forcing these plays
35104s that's something i think they do pretty
35106s well when it does end up in fifth zone
35109s six zone they don't try to force too
35110s many plays they get damaged they keep it
35112s moving unless it's something they know
35114s they have no choice they have to do and
35116s looking at their materials they're
35117s probably looking for some sort of a
35119s refresh here waiting for a team to kind
35121s of get lost behind straggle too far
35122s behind or get separated as you see them
35124s peeking through they know somebody is on
35126s that side and as soon as they make a
35128s target you see the free edits coming out
35129s from snacky they know exactly what they
35131s want to do they're waiting for the
35132s opportunity to strike actually i believe
35134s they were looking for that aggressive
35135s play but unfortunately enough right as
35137s they were looking for it the free edits
35139s didn't come in handy as they started
35141s getting sprayed and had to cover
35142s themselves but now they're opposing duo
35143s that did crack fabs here playing fully
35146s aggressive but luckily enough snacky
35148s hits the shots that he needs to hit to
35150s stop that aggression from his opposing
35151s duo now they will have the time to heal
35153s up pop that big pot and make this rotate
35155s happen
35157s first i think it's six zone moving
35158s velcro sweat gonna try to hold on to it
35161s for now some may say that's a little too
35162s early
35164s but if you play your cards right you can
35166s hold on to it if you have enough mats
35168s especially if you're able to put the
35168s pressure down his tavern all that time
35171s spent in the boxes look at his ammo look
35174s at a little thing when it comes to that
35176s medium that range so it's going to be
35178s all up to the drum shotgun that cqc
35180s which shouldn't be too much of a problem
35182s as everybody's getting congested closer
35183s and closer together the peace control is
35185s going over he's still going in once
35187s after another he's not slowing down not
35190s stopping until he forces that player low
35192s that close quarter combat that we love
35194s to see from these players but look at
35196s the high ground jacob we have kai checks
35198s we have hurritos but be careful there is
35200s a duo up front that might have taken
35202s pictures of them you can even hear the
35203s launch pads players now might want to
35205s take that they know how important it is
35206s to have high ground if you're going for
35207s that victory royale but ty trex and
35209s burritos right now are the ones holding
35211s it down yeah they did a good job holding
35213s on to it
35214s for a couple of times i do believe it
35216s was yesterday at a couple moments unable
35217s to really execute and get the victory
35219s royale at the end you see vanilla's
35220s 40-hour storm two more players going
35223s down and saw goodman and buzz oh gonna
35225s use that launch pad and try to make a
35226s play for the height or as high layer as
35228s possible maybe looking to sneak it later
35231s but they're not going to go ahead and
35232s take it as they get shot down they're
35233s going to go ahead and take the next half
35234s and that's here going down kevin force
35237s to go ahead and abandon the play he's
35238s stuck as a solo here but the aggression
35240s is still going to continue until the
35242s armored wall comes down i like that play
35244s because they're not tunnelly they're not
35245s forcing any plays they're playing for
35247s the victory royale i mean they're
35248s playing flawlessly right now jacob fuzzo
35250s and saul already have six eliminations
35253s they're just getting elements to healing
35254s without losing
35255s like anything they don't lose materials
35257s they don't lose hp they're doing it so
35258s perfectly as snacky is looking to do the
35260s same here gets the shot into his
35261s opponent has two eliminations but wants
35263s to keep it going he only has 14 builds
35265s left needs a refresh needs those
35267s materials and it looks like they're
35268s going to do so from the low ground good
35270s job for kytrex and rito still holding on
35272s to it but the resources looking thing
35275s especially on the kai trek two build to
35276s his name forced to drop down low
35278s probably looking for a refresh on the
35280s bow pros who lost his teammate early on
35282s he's trying to do it as a solo buzz oh
35284s saw goodman just one more layer below
35286s possible target but you got to watch out
35288s because there are full duo waiting to
35289s strike if somebody gets too close tavern
35292s first place right below them everybody
35294s close together one wrong move could be
35295s disastrous one wrong move could be the
35298s end as kai trick and ritos have held the
35300s high ground for so long but look at this
35302s opposing duo it's land jug it's punisher
35304s they want it they want this positional
35306s advantage and they might just have it if
35307s they've taken down kytrex and hurrito i
35310s wanted to hit him with the clay classic
35311s take him off for the high ground launch
35313s him front side of zone at the new name
35315s making wonders happen for landrock and
35317s punisher eighth place five eliminations
35319s armored wall minis everything that they
35321s need as they now have the high ground
35323s and putting pressure from above final 10
35325s teams remain that's 16 players exactly
35327s could this be it nico right now using
35330s the med miss to stay inside of the zone
35331s as long as he can but now he's just up
35333s to five hp and almost getting kicked
35336s down to zone there but opposing players
35337s gonna take him out nigel angel almost
35340s double digit elims here currently with
35341s nine tavern show with nico has come to
35344s an end back to the lobby got enough
35345s points to hold on to first place before
35347s now i say for now because third place
35349s soliz with buzz oh six eliminations to
35351s their name doing a good job especially
35353s with the legendary striker pump shotgun
35356s that's going to do a ton of damage as
35357s chris waiting for somebody to fall into
35359s his lap picking up the elimination on to
35361s broco's siphon coming in but he gets
35363s eliminated shortly after snacky now
35364s joining the fight along with fafs that's
35366s another elimination for them four teams
35368s remain and they're all full
35370s snacky now with five eliminations fazz
35372s has one but land jack punisher they took
35374s the high ground at the perfect moment
35375s now in this last moving zone they still
35377s have it there's only three duos up
35379s that's six players these are all duo's
35381s jacob and one of them is gonna get the
35383s vr the high ground going to the duo
35386s dating back as long as the world cup and
35388s that's the chemistry that you can't buy
35390s no matter how many v bucks you have on
35392s your account a snacky under siege
35394s dropped to three hp not gonna stop him
35396s from finding the shots but he's gonna go
35397s down it's all up to fab staggering
35399s himself in towards zone he doesn't get
35401s the siphon though that goes over to
35403s lance and punisher and they go
35404s elimination after elimination to get to
35406s victory royale and advance to the finals
35409s landshark and punisher one of the most
35411s veteran duos in today's semi-finals
35414s showing what they can do getting that vr
35416s with double-digit eliminations i mean
35418s you know just from that that they're
35420s feeling happy and not only that that
35422s means one more spot is open up on the
35423s map jacob you have some oh geez in the
35425s game from eu benji fish savage you have
35429s bizzle and now you have land jock and
35431s punisher these world cup players really
35434s coming out and striking and really
35436s showing that hey we might be old but
35439s it's still not your time they can still
35441s make it happen right they can play the
35442s positioning i mean i love how they took
35445s high ground they didn't take it zone one
35446s moving they didn't take its second
35447s moving they waited for the perfect
35449s moment to strike and there was still a
35451s full duo on high ground they just
35452s battled it they went for the full two
35454s versus two came out on top and got that
35456s high ground yep land jack and punisher
35458s they took that high ground at the
35460s perfect moment and they still had a ton
35462s of ammo to put the pressure on from
35464s above and hold it into the very last
35466s moment we know they advance to the
35467s finals but who is inching themselves
35469s closer only the great analysts of the
35472s west region can break that down
35474s well thank you jacob and takata you guys
35476s are pretty great yourselves and you know
35478s what it looked like kytrex and jar treks
35480s had an opportunity there from height
35482s doing pretty well themselves but when
35484s you have land jock and punisher knocking
35486s on your door there's very little that
35488s you can do so congratulations to
35490s punisher and land jock there grabbing
35491s game number two is victory royale but
35493s panda stealing height from zone eight
35496s seems to be like the perfect play
35499s well absolutely you're correct right we
35500s watched in game number one how they were
35502s setting themselves up in rotation how
35504s they were getting their surge tags and
35506s now we get to watch them in the end game
35508s and boy was it an end game they were
35510s able to secure high ground here pretty
35513s effectively in the final zone and all
35516s you see from this point on is control
35518s they were able to utilize their loadouts
35520s they had a really set load out here for
35522s the high ground and they were able to
35524s control every player down below and
35525s there were quite a few heavy hitters
35526s there too you saw snacky fabs in those
35528s final moments you saw baca and cohen
35530s those final moments so definitely it
35532s could have gone either way however land
35534s jack punisher the veteran duo they walk
35537s away with the vr yeah and honestly we
35539s saw a lot of their materials not being
35541s used on that zone right they recycled
35543s they used that harpoon they got these
35544s that were close so they could keep those
35546s materials up and we've talked about this
35548s before when you're on high ground you
35549s really need to make sure you have a lot
35551s of materials and you know obviously
35553s these are veteran players and i actually
35555s want to shift our focus to another set
35556s of veteran players you guys might know
35558s them as the reigning champs snacky and
35560s favs grabbing a good set of eliminations
35563s in that game right there but still not
35565s able to end it out in a vr clay yeah i
35568s think that's just due to where the zone
35570s was wasn't that advantageous for logon
35572s we saw them get a lot of eliminations
35573s here
35574s but eventually it came to the point
35575s where they just ran out of room playing
35578s really well up into that point though
35579s they were hip to hip box to box but when
35581s it got into that night and zone and it's
35582s all water what can you do yeah it's
35585s definitely a tough zone to to fight for
35587s despite them being the champions i
35589s couldn't see many players be able to to
35591s really be successful with what they had
35593s to work with in this moment obviously
35595s they could have maybe changed some
35596s things leading up to here however they
35599s got to this point and they're being
35601s consistent it looked like they were
35602s going to be in the top five following
35604s this game but we won't know for sure
35605s until that leaderboard shows it though
35607s and speaking of top five nico and tavern
35610s obviously came out of game number one in
35611s first place double digit eliminations
35614s and we saw them again make it to the end
35616s game but they didn't have as many
35617s eliminations as they had before so what
35620s exactly happened there clay well again i
35621s came in and i talked about how their
35623s positioning was really great throughout
35624s the game and that was essentially why
35626s right they're not going after elims
35628s they're not getting these mid-game
35628s heliums because they're set up all the
35630s way into a force zone they didn't have
35632s to move from their poi at all so they
35634s were chilling right even into half and
35636s half out this is where they sat the
35638s entire game so when you don't have to
35640s move you're not gonna get a lot of elims
35642s no you're absolutely right clay and it
35643s was a really good spot for them to be in
35645s as well obviously the zones blessed them
35647s quite a bit it kept pulling towards
35649s where they were at and then they let the
35651s eliminations come to them we talked
35653s about it before we went into this game
35654s calculated aggression and we saw a lot
35656s of that here from tavern and nico so
35659s props to them and uh hopefully that uh
35662s consistency keeps up or you know they
35664s walk away with the vr but you already
35666s know game number three i predicted it
35668s earlier it's going to defiable and
35670s quitting i'm just saying hey i'm okay
35672s with that i'm okay with that i picked
35673s them too
35675s i mean we're gonna have to wait and see
35676s what happens in the next game but of
35678s course we have to take a quick look at
35679s our top 10 leaderboard west taverns team
35682s still able to hold up in that first
35684s place spot after such a great
35685s performance in game number one and yes
35687s they are 81 points still such a great
35690s lead but look at that jump right there
35693s saul goodman oh the name with buzzo
35695s right there jumping up 12 points nigel
35697s and angel jumping up 24 points and yes
35701s clay you pointed out a three-way tie
35703s between third fourth and fifth but what
35706s we're looking for is that sixth place
35708s spot keto and russo right now 51 points
35710s that's the mark that all 50 teams are
35713s fighting or i should say 49 teams since
35715s one's already gone are going to be
35716s fighting for and i want to point out on
35718s that leaderboard there three triple or
35720s double place john up into the top ten
35723s even down here take a look 31 placement
35725s points oh from the 17 point team of
35728s we've got bow and sweat this is great to
35730s see right it means we're trending
35731s upwards points are going to be a little
35733s bit harder to get this time around but
35735s this is still just game number two it's
35737s still pretty early on that's why the top
35738s 10 leaderboard is so volatile but it's
35741s definitely a good lead into what is
35743s going to be happening for the rest of
35745s the competition and guys there's only
35747s four more games to go but with that
35749s being said there is still day three of
35752s the semi finals everyone 12 new teams
35754s are going to be joining us tomorrow and
35756s 12 more teams are going to be making
35758s their way into the finals but any other
35761s teams you want to shout out there yeah i
35762s want to give a shout out to angel and
35766s nico
35766s yeah nigel there i want to see them
35768s perform really well i want to see them
35770s on top i mean we saw that jump up there
35772s if anything they're showing us right now
35774s that they deserve to be in the finals
35776s you're absolutely correct another team i
35777s want to talk about i know i've been
35778s talking about them a lot defiable and
35780s quinn clay actually mentioned this as
35782s we're about to come back on um if you
35784s don't know land jock and punisher were
35785s actually kind of causing some issues for
35787s them so now that they've qualified on
35789s that's one less team they have to worry
35791s about to get that vr and game number
35793s three presented itself is the perfect
35795s opportunity i mean there's so many great
35797s duos but you know who the best duo is
35800s well that's our two commentators
35801s everyone it's takata and jacob and
35803s they're taking it away with game number
35805s three
35808s best best duo
35812s i mean
35813s it's it's game three jacob we have two
35815s games down and in that last match i
35817s wasn't even sure was gonna take it
35819s landrock punisher had the high ground
35821s but there was still two duos one mid
35822s ground one low ground and they were all
35824s doing incredibly that match so i really
35827s did not know who was gonna take it and
35828s seeing that that's just game two and we
35830s still have so much more to go i mean
35832s it's just getting started yeah just like
35833s aiden and moose yesterday glandjuck and
35835s punisher they waited at a high layer for
35838s high ground to either get distracted i
35840s don't know what happened to bow crows
35842s and sweat but you saw them drop down low
35845s and see who else is gonna be able to
35846s take advantage just like that as game
35848s number three starts right now
35855s game number three almost at that halfway
35859s point of today's tournament we have some
35861s duos coming in from yesterday the first
35863s session of semifinals playing again
35865s today see if they can take home a spot
35868s in the finals and one of the duos is
35870s looking to do just that it's snacky it's
35873s fabs down in that new poi the collider
35876s yep
35876s getting a split
35878s it looks like at least one other team
35880s around there trying to take advantage of
35882s the immediate slurp trucks that could be
35884s on that side as fav's
35886s just kind of rushing past a lot you know
35888s exactly where the chests are at because
35890s this is what you do you drop into the
35891s spot you practice every bit every nook
35894s and cranny and that's where you see noah
35896s plays yet again from game number one to
35899s game number three getting aggressive
35901s right out of the gates taking down echo
35903s leaving western all by himself and the
35905s difference is though western doesn't
35907s have that bush to hide in he's gonna
35908s have to go through covers he's gonna
35910s have to go through all this madness to
35911s try to stay alive but the peace control
35913s the defensive play looking good for now
35915s is he's gonna get out the door but he
35916s run will continue great shots on the
35918s noah plays but two versus one those are
35921s odds i'd take any day
35923s doing a little dance action you know
35924s having a bit of fun there i mean noah
35926s typicalgamer they're playing it so well
35928s in this early game we could even see how
35930s noah got that first elimination making
35932s use of these new mechanics in fortnite
35935s getting that slide in getting that elim
35937s and now just putting them in that player
35938s advantage of the one versus two i mean
35940s i'm loving what we're seeing from this
35941s duo if anybody at home doesn't know
35944s fortnite maybe you're just joining the
35945s competitive scene you're like what's a
35947s 50 50 what's a 50 that is a 50 50 where
35950s you put everything on the line for a
35953s chest or that floor loot spawn hoping
35955s that it's gonna work out for you and
35957s it's like the coin flip you lose it and
35959s you go back to the lobby that's
35960s something i don't think they're gonna
35961s try again but it's definitely gonna be
35963s up to them to see how they wanna play
35965s the rest of their games as they sit on
35966s the sidelines and watch out the rest of
35968s game number three here you can see on
35970s the minimap that there's just two duos
35972s here and they're battling it out as
35973s fekoi zeres going against their
35975s opponents who are down below
35977s and actually looking at physics here i
35978s mean he's got their harpoon jacob i mean
35981s wouldn't be
35982s too uh bad to see a clay classic come in
35985s here maybe pull down one of his
35986s opponents but you know it's a bit risky
35987s so we'll see what they can do here fekoi
35989s is in the eighth place spot with his duo
35991s so they're getting close to that cutoff
35993s for consistency and that might be why
35994s they don't want to play too aggressive
35995s they might even have the effective hp
35997s advantage here but even if they have it
35999s they don't want to get too risky right
36001s because they get eliminated here they're
36003s losing a lot of placement points so i
36004s think they're just kind of waiting to
36005s see if they have a very very clear
36007s advantage and kind of take that because
36010s if not they might just want to play for
36011s that late game i was thinking they had
36013s the advantageous position towards low
36015s ground because of the armored walls but
36018s as soon as that thought popped in my
36019s head you see x-rays trying to put the
36020s shots from above taking out the top
36022s armored wall but decoy trying to move
36024s down low and immediately that third
36026s party from condo canyon beginning to
36029s take those shots for the surge of their
36031s own but they're gonna be forced to make
36032s a decision as a couple players going
36033s down 1v1 for the game whoever goes down
36037s is gonna go back to the lobby trying to
36039s figure out what went wrong this blizzard
36040s trying to get the splashes on to his
36042s teammate give him some extra time for
36044s the revive to come through clone here
36046s now with 18 effective hp gonna use the
36048s floppers to quickly get that back up and
36051s now instead of going for his partner
36052s looks like he was going to get right
36053s back into the action but he realized
36054s there's another girl close by the third
36056s party is coming in so they have to play
36057s this slow and maybe even disengage here
36059s immediately popping the big pot along
36061s with the splashes
36062s looks like he never went down in the
36064s first place with some low ground imagine
36066s if the resources the peace control is
36068s there as russo i like it he didn't like
36070s what he saw so he's just gonna go ahead
36072s and back out realize there's still a few
36074s teams left around and this is one thing
36076s they can do now they can rotate ahead of
36078s the joneses they can rotate ahead of
36079s both of these teams and still look back
36081s and take shots and if they land the
36083s shots they can begin to get aggressive
36085s yet again once again thanks to panda for
36087s letting me know what calculated
36088s aggression is i mean that's a great way
36090s to do it right they're already in the
36091s fourth place spot they don't want to
36092s risk it all in this early game
36093s engagement so we're gonna go for the
36094s storm surge tags in the safer route
36096s right going for the shots from afar as
36098s blizzard though once they get that storm
36099s surge up close and personal here as he's
36101s going for that cqc close quarter combat
36104s here they already have 20 points but
36105s they want to make it more for these
36106s couple eliminations yeah like i said
36108s that
36109s team rotating out hiton russo still
36111s putting damage while on rotation
36114s that's something you need to really
36115s watch out for here as you take these
36117s prolonged initial fights but you can see
36119s everybody really forced to rotate
36122s outside of the joneses because these
36124s teams did get a little bit of a far pull
36126s it's going to be a little bit of a
36127s northern but western circle here for
36130s this one so it's going to be interesting
36132s to see
36132s how they play this rotation out if
36134s anybody stops and tries to storm hold
36136s them out
36137s taking a look though i tilt the towers
36139s we got 40 yards we got kaden speaking
36141s about veterans from land jack punisher
36143s getting the victory right last game we
36144s got some more veterans here
36146s taking some time playing it slow right
36149s farming up the builds waiting for that
36151s angle because it kind of looks like they
36152s almost want to get aggressive here they
36154s know they have a duo close by and they
36156s know that
36157s it's very beneficial to get those early
36159s game eliminations but it's also risky so
36162s taking the disengagement here could just
36164s be the exact play that they're looking
36166s for is the opponent start taking shots
36168s and not just from one angle you got
36170s another duo on the hill taking more
36171s shots and now they're gonna have to slow
36172s it down
36173s and back it up
36174s forcing out a lot of those resources
36176s which they already don't have a lot of
36179s just to stay alive here
36181s but they know their rotation is not done
36184s just yet sooner or later the storm is
36185s going to force everybody in
36188s but you see that stat game two winners
36190s lance and punisher have now advanced
36192s through semis in consecutive seasons
36195s from world cup to here
36197s i like how they just not have lost their
36199s mojo i mean they made that comeback
36200s right when you put in the time when you
36201s put in the effort you can really make it
36203s happen and what i think is interesting
36205s here it's looking at tavern and nico
36206s looks like they've kind of got a game
36208s plan just like lan jack and punisher i
36210s mean this is the second time they've
36211s been positioned up here
36213s in this location looking for tags from
36214s afar and i mean it worked out incredibly
36216s well last game they're in first place
36218s still with that consistency so
36219s they even end up pulling second or
36221s possibly third zone this could be kind
36223s of the key to their success
36226s see the splash going out
36229s making sure they have six at least
36231s saving one more just in case dropping
36232s the shield keg just so they can trade
36234s with shots and trade indeed yag veer's
36237s gonna get knocked and this is gonna play
36239s they see it as a green light nikko is
36241s gonna go he's gonna be the first one
36242s there just like last time leading the
36244s charge along with tavern and they're
36246s gonna go directly into the box perfect
36248s cannon as now he's putting shots from
36250s above the revive is going to come out
36251s nico not wanting to let the aggressive
36253s play stop so he's going to hold on to
36255s the high ground continue putting
36256s pressure from above tavern is there so
36258s the duo will be complete but it looks
36260s like they're going to slow it down for
36262s now as they change positions down
36263s they're gonna gather the information
36264s around before they realize do we
36266s continue to play aggressive do we stay
36268s on the high ground and go for surge but
36269s it looks like they're just gonna go back
36270s to their other position and i wanna take
36272s a note of this even though tavern and
36274s nico and originally went for the push
36276s and went for that aggression they after
36278s realized that chris they had the shield
36281s keg they already picked up his dual
36283s partner jaguar and that engagement
36285s wasn't worth it anymore so they even
36287s wanted to go for that giving up their
36288s original position but later on realize
36290s no this is not going to be worth it
36292s let's go back to our positioning you
36293s always have a chance to back out of your
36295s engagement and these players that have
36297s so much experience know exactly when you
36299s have to do that and talk about
36301s a planned strategy coming out from
36303s tavern and nico they immediately turn
36305s back and go to that same position not
36307s only for the box that they already have
36309s there but the main reason is to go back
36312s to the cannon that's a huge rotational
36314s tool for these guys and they're just
36315s making sure they get the surge they can
36317s rotate if the zone even pulls far away
36320s because last game they stayed in the
36321s same spot for three straight zones just
36323s like clay brought down i mean they could
36325s do just that again depending on where
36327s these zones pulls the second zone will
36329s appear in just 30 seconds now so we'll
36332s see where it ends up closing when
36333s looking at people gamer noah i mean they
36335s are playing incredibly off spawn in that
36338s early game in those first engagements
36341s you get through but in the 11th place
36342s spot it wouldn't come in too bad they
36345s can get a nice end game here get a good
36347s bit of placement alongside some more
36348s eliminations in the late game so see if
36350s they can pick it up here is nigel and
36352s angel are looking to get some tags we
36353s can get some damage from afar
36356s couple players over peeking there
36358s nigel lands a couple as a zone once
36361s again moving to the western portion that
36364s tilted towers cluster is gonna have to
36367s figure out what they want to do do you
36368s go north and in do you just bee line it
36370s you try to go south you go all the way
36372s west the decision is definitely theirs
36373s is nigel and angel had 18 elims a day
36377s one the most of any duo yet to advance
36380s so you got to imagine if they have that
36382s same performance this is definitely
36383s theirs for the taking already sitting in
36385s third place i mean we saw last match how
36387s strong they were playing in the late
36389s game they were getting elim after elim
36391s until ultimate ultimately snacky and fab
36393s put them out but
36394s speaking about engagements here slick
36395s and czr looking for an engagement take
36397s down hayden now two versus one against
36399s 40r they already got the box they got
36400s the finish here now with that player
36402s advantage they're going to decide if we
36404s take this
36404s engagement or do we leave it at that we
36406s already took down one do we want to keep
36408s getting aggressive if you want to just
36409s take this loop and keep the rotate going
36411s yeah it does look like they're going to
36412s go for the ladder take the loop keep it
36414s going because they realize they still
36416s have a rotation yet to do
36418s as you see how it all went down cannons
36421s yet again directly towards cadence and
36423s allows him to easily get in towards the
36426s covers to take the pieces away and
36428s eventually combined with the combat smg
36431s it's basically like taking candy from a
36433s baby i mean they did it so perfectly i
36434s love the use of these cannons not only
36436s for aggressive plays but also for
36438s rotates thinking back at nico and tavern
36440s they're at the fortress once that zone
36442s popped at the northwest side of the map
36444s they had to rotate and they can just use
36445s the cannons to get a quick rotate on to
36447s that side and not having to worry about
36449s going on foot and now looking at slick
36452s ccr speaking about going on foot that's
36454s exactly what they rotate they're looking
36455s to do
36456s i don't know where
36457s i don't know how
36459s the tavern did go down nico's by himself
36462s gotta imagine tavern just dropping down
36465s low trying to make the great play but
36466s still a target nico trying to overbuild
36469s trying to hide where he's actually gonna
36470s position himself but he gets tagged up
36472s sheila's going to be dropped forcing out
36474s the chug splash his minis as well with
36476s the duo hot on his heels they're not
36478s wanting to let him survive along with
36479s tavern as well that's three straight
36481s points especially for a team sitting in
36483s 27th place those are points that they
36484s desperately need
36486s now niko seems to get that angle onto
36488s his opponent as leo gets cracked but his
36490s dual partner tavern is gonna go down so
36492s now he has to play it out as a solo fast
36495s as close by the third party has come in
36497s it's snacky and fabs and they're hungry
36499s for some elimination at least nico is
36501s able to get one on to crete before he
36503s goes down to defending champions who are
36506s looking to get things heated up here in
36507s this game moving up into second place
36510s but like you said as this one started
36512s this is only game number three we're not
36514s even at the halfway point yet a lot of
36516s these teams especially the ones that are
36518s vying for that top six consistency need
36520s to realize this is a marathon it's not a
36522s race it's just as important to finish
36524s strong as it is to start strong here in
36527s this day number two of the fncs
36529s semi-finals 670 above jacob they've got
36532s two eliminations but they have so much
36535s damage now being in zone i'm curious to
36537s see what are they gonna do they just
36538s gotta refresh here so there are more
36540s materials on the ground are they going
36541s to choose to leave those materials
36543s rotate more into the center zone are
36544s they going to stay here wait to see
36546s where the zone closes and kind of make
36547s use of that extra loop as time goes on
36549s looking at poppy blast connecting shot
36551s after shot going above the storm surge
36553s threshold and looks like he's even going
36555s to get a knock there just trying to put
36556s the pressure down to alleviate it off of
36559s the back of show
36560s don't know how but look like it took a
36562s ton of damage there
36564s just before we jumped on board with him
36565s 42 above the damage threshold that's
36567s nothing that's going to get them content
36569s as cue yours taking a ton of damage
36572s bullets trying to turn and once again be
36574s that guardian angel put the shots down
36576s 70 above the damage threshold and this
36578s cover is pretty weird you can't walk
36580s through it it's metal it takes 600
36582s damage to take it out but three shield
36585s kegs on crew if he can get in that sweet
36587s spot go ahead and put it down they can
36589s have all the tags in the world they
36591s continuously almost for a full zone put
36593s out those tags i didn't even notice it
36595s at first i looked oh he's only got one
36596s mini shield darn he's gonna have to get
36597s some shields and boom three shield kegs
36600s in his inventory here i mean that's
36601s gonna work well for storm surge if he
36603s wants to just play it safe relax and get
36605s the damage while that shield keg is just
36607s constantly giving him shield which i
36608s wouldn't be surprised if he actually
36610s uses now but right to the screen we can
36611s see another duo part in here
36613s that needs to get damaged up 133 below
36616s actually playing a bit too risky they're
36617s getting tagged not only to 10 hp to work
36620s with popping a mini though we will not
36622s get eliminated yeah it almost makes me
36624s feel that they might be looking to get
36625s aggressive because i think both of them
36627s do have a little bit of a shield keg on
36629s them not choosing to use they want to
36631s save it for a little bit later or now as
36633s two more players still need to go down
36635s and they realize hey i have a shield keg
36636s you do too let's go ahead and go ahead
36638s and use one right away 86 below the
36640s damage threshold and there's so many
36642s players left right and center that it
36645s almost is a risk to just peak and get
36646s the damage that you need because that
36648s can instantly turn into damage being put
36649s on you there's players the high ground
36651s the low ground just all around and
36653s there's so much traveling for everybody
36655s to do here i mean this rotate looks
36657s dangerous you can see a majority of
36658s players here on the southern side of the
36660s zone here and it ended up pulling more
36662s north
36663s all these players have to rotate but
36664s they're going to be rotating at the same
36666s time so if they rotate any damage
36668s they're going to end up holding
36669s themselves back not rotating in time and
36672s might even get eliminated on that rotate
36674s so they really have to consider
36676s what are the options what should they do
36678s here to make it to zone safely do they
36679s go for the tags after getting into zone
36681s do they go to tags while they're
36682s rotating it really just depends how much
36684s damage they need to do as kytrex takes
36686s down one
36687s yep panda
36689s what did you see that impressed you here
36691s well you know what i talked about it
36693s before this game started quinn and
36695s defiable now have a bit of a different
36697s loop path since land jack and punisher
36698s were able to qualify last game they now
36701s actually have an entirely new area that
36703s they can hit up and actually loot up
36705s here as well as rotate from you see them
36707s use the rift here which is a huge
36709s addition for them as well so this is
36711s gonna be a big change and a big momentum
36713s shift for them will game three be theirs
36715s stay tuned
36717s big brain rich homie quinn
36720s changing up the drop spot with some
36722s coaching changing it up yet again
36724s realizing that was the only team really
36727s kind of causing them a lot of trouble on
36728s that southern portion and he is the one
36730s that i learned a lot especially the
36732s content pieces last season saying when
36734s do you go to zone how fast you go to
36736s zone it's all situational and he is
36738s reading the situation perfect i mean
36739s he's doing it so well and it might just
36742s pay off here in these upcoming matches
36743s now that he got that freedom that panda
36745s was saying let's see if he can bring
36747s that to the late game and make something
36748s happen as we're looking at noah w plays
36750s typicalgamer here in a great position in
36752s the zone even having mobility with the
36754s launch pad having floppers having chug
36756s splashes i mean they're feeling good
36758s here fabs though 64 points two
36760s eliminations for the duo they got those
36763s initial eliminations but notice that
36765s they haven't played aggressive since
36766s then they have everything they need here
36767s so they do not want to risk it all
36769s especially seeing that fourth zone is
36771s gonna be appearing here in just seven
36772s seconds
36776s see this replay here you see saw goodman
36778s and buzzo
36780s he's taking a ton of damage but he turns
36783s just in the nick of time to get not only
36784s the elim but the siphon when things were
36787s really looking rough
36789s so here now with that one elimination we
36790s just saw
36792s buzzo going into the storm picking up
36794s the rest of the loot that they weren't
36796s able to secure as zone closed and now
36798s fortunately enough the zone fourth zone
36801s appeared pretty close to the southern
36802s side of the map so they're not gonna
36804s have to make as big as a rotate here but
36806s they still have to rotate and just
36807s having to rotate is dangerous so hope
36809s these duos have a plan in mind this
36812s boozo do a partner look to start that
36814s rotate already yeah i was thinking for a
36816s moment maybe they could take the water
36818s but immediately see it's going
36819s downstream
36820s outside of zones that's not gonna be a
36822s great plan and even if they choose to
36824s use it
36825s it's basically gonna be one of
36827s walking on the treadmill you're not
36828s really gonna go nowhere and if you do
36830s the entire team's gonna senior and
36831s honestly they're just gonna wonder what
36833s is he doing while simultaneously putting
36836s down those shots you see noah plays a
36838s typical gamer
36839s they're not giving up and that's the
36840s thing when you get enough damage very
36842s early on like they got off their drop
36844s spot with those two eliminations you can
36846s continue to rotate rotate rotate and get
36848s one of the best spots in zone and that's
36850s exactly what they have we saw from one
36851s elimination to maybe even another here
36854s they just keep raining down onto their
36855s opponents already have three got those
36857s eliminations off the start and now
36859s they're looking to pick up some more as
36860s their opponents are using that shield
36861s keg so that might even be a sign that
36863s their opponents might be getting tagged
36865s by storm surge might be in a risky
36867s situation having to heal up here at noaa
36870s just going to keep looking for angles
36871s because you know he's feeling good with
36872s the 523 damage above the threshold
36875s especially with only needing four three
36877s players to go down as they're just
36879s getting dwindled and if i look at the
36881s map right now i feel bad for everybody
36883s on the southern portion of that circle
36887s that is just so congested together one
36889s wrong move could cost your game
36891s especially if you're just like them with
36893s not a lot of builds to your name not a
36894s lot of resources
36896s using that harpoon but i did see some
36898s wood there that he probably could have
36899s grabbed maybe he just didn't see it as
36901s he's forced to rotate in but the shots
36902s could have rained down onto boz using
36904s the harpoon to get into cover and force
36906s that player back because that easily
36908s could have been both of them get into
36909s the box with a couple of spray weapons
36911s boss here the elites are looking to see
36913s what they can do their positioning is a
36914s little scary as they don't have a lot of
36916s options and builds on theirs they can't
36917s edit it only two bills to work with here
36919s they're out of materials they really
36921s have to make something happen as diego
36923s might just have to play and there it is
36925s 149 pump onto victim taking him down
36928s getting the materials that they needed
36930s you asked and you shall receive you said
36932s he needed to make a play and he said god
36934s i got you
36935s you see buzzo he might not got you in
36937s this one as he does go down to 2 hp his
36940s teammates already out it's definitely
36943s going to be a hard one for him to live
36945s but maybe it's a replay because he's
36947s making magic happen
36949s nope no magic no magic takata no magic's
36952s happening no magic at all but i do they
36954s might be able to make some match captain
36956s here as snacky fabs as they are looking
36958s around waiting i mean they've got the
36960s damage we saw even though they only have
36961s two eliminations the amount of damage
36963s they've done throughout this match has
36964s been an incredible amount of staff keeps
36967s racking up that number getting more and
36968s he's looking to get more than just a bit
36970s of damage here maybe an elimination
36972s maybe a knock down it's typical gamer
36974s noah on the receiving end i know they're
36976s looking for the elimination and the
36978s damage but honestly
36980s as long as that team does go down if
36982s everybody else in the lobby makes it a
36983s play and i see my pick towards the back
36984s side 21st place not exactly where they
36987s want to be
36989s but they make sure to kind of let them
36991s know that it's not a positive mindset
36993s you can really make anything happen in a
36995s couple of games
36997s all it takes is one big victory royale
36999s noah plays typical gamer three
37000s eliminations 44 points they're trying to
37002s take away the high ground zone is moving
37004s up the hill forcing a lot of players to
37007s either recycle the launch pads or use a
37009s ton of materials to get there and
37010s they're doing it perfectly still looking
37012s for packs still looking for damage they
37014s have the ammunition to do it
37016s 427 small shots and 163 medium ammo so
37020s they've got what they need they just got
37021s to connect those shots and that's
37022s exactly what they're doing bit by bit
37024s securing more and more is first moving
37026s jacob it's going to appear shortly five
37029s zine
37029s that passive style of game
37033s not really the strong suit here in the
37034s lobby as a total not just them as a duo
37038s they need to figure out a way to get the
37040s storm surge damage very very early
37043s doesn't have to necessarily be
37044s eliminations that allow them a little
37045s bit of comfort to move around a little
37047s bit more freely instead of sitting back
37049s in zone waiting for everybody else to go
37051s first then recycling the launch pad
37052s because even though he did go down to
37054s somebody else most of that damage came
37056s from him recycling launch pad in the
37057s storm we got keto we got typical we got
37060s prism flame
37062s we got vanillas and i mean
37064s facts video which is wavy jacob feeling
37066s good here on the high ground but who
37068s knows right can you can you imagine he's
37070s actually doing a viewing party but
37071s instead of the traditional one he's just
37073s pretending to play i did qualify vanilla
37076s is my teammate you guys see me here
37079s fast and snacky
37080s 673 above jacob they're gonna get into
37083s this rotate and i'm feeling good about
37084s this match
37086s i'm feeling good indeed a lot of people
37088s calling it for panda it's
37090s quinn and defiable to take it i know
37092s you're rooting for fazz and snacky
37094s everybody having their favorites here
37096s including everybody in chat
37098s which let us know who is your guys's
37100s favorite that is still left in the game
37101s who do you think is going to be the
37103s victors here after three typical gamer
37105s though gonna have to clutch it up as a
37106s solo as noah has been taken out by
37108s ghosty now popping that big pot still
37111s has enough damage to tank the storm
37112s surge but taking a look at that high
37113s ground it's fast it's snacky they're up
37116s top and they're feeling good yeah they
37118s got to be able to feel real good here in
37119s this one they have a ton of resources a
37122s ton of different ammo variations to
37124s continue to put the pressure down from
37126s above the choice is definitely theirs
37128s and the first target they see is the
37129s seer and kevin forcing out the armored
37132s wall
37133s that goes to show that they might not
37134s have a ton of the resources to hold off
37136s that pressure and defend against it as
37138s fabs and snappy doing a good job
37139s stacking team towards the backside to
37141s make sure that anybody launch padding
37143s has no chance to steal away that height
37145s you can see they're playing hype but
37146s they're also connecting to second height
37147s they want to make sure that nobody is
37149s going to take them down because this is
37151s the seventh moving this is a moving zone
37152s where deals might try and contest high
37154s ground they might try and play
37155s aggressive they know how big how strong
37157s it can be to be on that position as
37159s nigel making a rotate down below has
37161s lost his new partner angel gets into an
37163s opponent's box and ultimately going to
37164s get eliminated there as we still have so
37166s much duo's up so much action to happen
37168s this is a blessing in disguise that tabs
37170s go down
37173s was he able to save himself no he was
37175s not the mistake it almost makes me
37178s wonder did he run out of ammo or bills
37180s of the sword to go ahead and extend that
37182s far and they were just there at the zone
37184s he's moving up the hill that would have
37185s been a great play if you could make it
37187s happen but with homie quinn going down
37188s kika czr so many players getting lost in
37192s the transition now snacky it's all up to
37194s snacky on the high ground here playing
37196s it out as a solo 22 players alive that's
37198s 13 duos up now as this zone is pulling
37201s up this little ridge little hill if it
37202s keeps pulling far it could be a problem
37204s for a lot of these players the typical
37205s gamer has gone down now coy might not be
37207s able to make it into zone here just
37209s about getting eliminated but zone does
37211s pull back
37212s and he's going to go down as well feed
37214s dog the bible stuck in the mix chris
37216s yagbir as well look in the backside of
37219s zone or at least the fun side i should
37220s say is that's going to be a good spot
37222s for them but they don't have the
37223s resources to build and lead that charge
37226s to hold on for it is this year and kevin
37227s surviving from fans of stacking early on
37230s making it count making it happen as
37232s they're still looking for more points as
37234s wavy jake has to do it by himself as
37236s vanillas went down does not have any
37238s shields to recuperate his missing hp now
37241s just has to make something happen the
37243s snack he still has the high ground has
37244s 79 bills has four chug splashes this is
37248s incredibly doable for snacky the only
37250s issue is he has to make sure he lays
37252s confidence down on the duos that are
37254s below him he does not want the duo to
37255s know that he is a solo on high ground he
37257s has to constantly apply pressure
37258s constantly look for shots and wukong
37260s here with three eliminations has to do
37262s the same here looking to see what he can
37264s find just kevin and yazier are looking
37265s to make something happen five
37267s eliminations they're very very
37269s aggressive team i've seen it last season
37272s i've learned it
37274s firsthand five eliminations of wukong as
37276s well though this is a loadout if he
37277s could just get into a box from the
37279s striker to the two different smgs that
37283s is definitely screaming that he could
37284s put out a lot of damage in the blink of
37286s an eye he just needs the opportunity as
37288s snacky still looking good at the high
37291s ground still about 150 ammo between the
37294s light and the medium so he's gonna run
37296s down a little bit too soon i mean get
37298s bmd you got the dog you gotta do a
37300s partner here getting elem after eat them
37301s six throw eliminations for cheaters here
37303s we got combat with two
37305s and his duo partner as well with two
37307s looking good wukong still up as well
37310s jacob is a solo he's making things
37311s happen here's he drops down gets one
37313s looking to make another elimination
37315s happen here play it slow though be
37317s careful of that zone ticks quickly he
37319s just went back in he knew the siphon was
37320s gonna come through but he got taken down
37323s but look at snacky still at the high
37326s ground if you guys can call this i'm
37328s gonna go ahead and just be a big fan of
37330s your guys for the rest of my days four
37332s teams remaining here stacky is gonna be
37335s a solo but it's not gonna stop him from
37337s acting like he has the world on his
37338s shoulders kevin yes here from the low
37340s ground they find another elimination on
37342s to cheaters and they're going to be the
37343s last duo team remain here so it's
37346s definitely going to have their work cut
37347s out from osaki finally gets dropped down
37349s low he lands a big shot on the kevin
37351s gastaki do it from eye
37354s he makes it happen stacky gets the 2v1
37357s and makes history snacky clutching it up
37360s losing fabs on a previous moving zone to
37363s handling it all the way through to those
37365s last moments and securing a one versus
37368s two
37368s getting the victory royale and
37370s qualifying himself into the finals the
37373s only other player that has ever made me
37376s like scream like that was jerky in the
37378s same situation no builds he makes it
37381s happen snacky proves why he's the
37383s defending fncs duo champion uh i'm
37386s speechless jacob i i am absolutely
37389s speechless right now snacky just made
37392s history with that clutch and now he's
37395s gonna be feeling good going into the
37397s finals i mean i i want to see the
37399s reaction of that duo because they had a
37402s rough end to that match but i mean you
37404s still have so much more game so much
37406s more opportunity to make something
37407s happen yeah making me regret switching
37410s my pick at the very last second
37413s oh this is gonna be a doozy for me if i
37415s don't make it in at the end of the day
37417s but i gotta see that leaderboard kelly
37419s panda clay show me what you got
37422s thank you so much jacob and taka i think
37424s we're all catching our breath here
37426s because what an incredible play fab's
37428s going down in zone seven snacky deciding
37431s to not drop down and stay as a solo on
37434s height which we've seen before being so
37436s risky typically if one of the top
37438s players goes down the other one will
37440s drop down to the low ground to play it
37442s safe but snacky said no i'm staying up
37445s here and i'm gonna show you why clay
37447s yeah i mean you had 127 bills like look
37449s at right here when they look to go for
37451s the high ground and they realize hey you
37452s know what this is opportunity for us
37454s this is where we can make our our mark
37456s they do pick up e-limbs this is when you
37457s see fabs unfortunately he takes a lot of
37460s fall damage and does fall down but he's
37461s sitting on 100-plus bills throughout the
37463s entirety of the match that's what you
37465s want as a solo takada said it well he's
37466s trying to make sure that everybody
37468s realizes it's a duo up on high ground
37470s and then just perfect execution there on
37472s the play right drops down gets an
37474s elimination on to kevin and then follows
37477s up onto us here what more could you want
37478s panda
37479s yeah look if there was any other team
37481s other than quitting the fiber to take
37483s the game it has to be snaggy fabs look
37485s they're they're the champions for a
37486s reason going into this and this is the
37488s the team we've been looking for right
37490s we've been talking about the qualifier
37492s we talked about it yesterday we haven't
37494s quite seen them in full form and sure
37496s enough snacky clutching up there is
37498s exactly what happened last season in the
37500s semi-finals yeah that's right a repeat
37503s and maybe it's going to be another
37504s repeat for being our champions but that
37506s we'll figure that out next week right
37507s now although we have to look to yasir
37509s and kevin because they also had a great
37511s run on the low ground there panda yeah
37513s they definitely did and it was
37514s interesting right it did look like this
37516s game was in their favor they were doing
37518s really good at controlling the pace here
37520s from the low ground they did a great job
37522s of eliminating other players on the same
37524s layer and kind of creating this space
37526s but staying box to box with them so
37530s really interesting to see how this is
37531s going to continue to unfold here for
37533s them because this was definitely a
37534s consistent game but the final moments
37537s right we talked about it from snacky and
37539s fast perspective it looked like snacky
37541s was gonna go down but
37543s kevin opens himself up quite a bit here
37547s to take that that big shot from snacky
37550s and that's what ultimately results in
37551s him going down if kevin was able to
37553s avoid that that shot from snacky it
37556s definitely would have been a different
37557s story and i mean those eliminations and
37559s also that placement in second is going
37561s to be pushing them up the leaderboard
37563s right now which we're going to be taking
37564s a look at in just a moment because
37565s remember everyone it's not just the six
37567s vr winners that are going to move
37568s forward into the finals next week it's
37571s also going to be the top six teams and
37573s there we have it everyone kevin and
37574s yasir actually knocking down
37577s from that first place spot but tied for
37580s second it's gonna be etso and monk
37581s ignite jag beer and chris my team right
37584s there moving up four points into fourth
37586s place cheaters and b-dog of course we
37588s saw them have a great performance moving
37589s up eight team placements and then in
37592s that sixth place spot it's zara's and
37594s fecoy but there is only a one point
37597s difference between sixth and seventh and
37599s then a one point difference below that
37601s play yeah and take a look at how close
37603s it is 63 points from that top six that's
37606s only eight points away we know that as
37609s four or three eliminations coming
37611s through for these duos so by no means is
37613s this leaderboard set and will it ever be
37614s set throughout the night because we know
37616s a victory has changed a bunch and b it's
37618s wes the shooping we haven't talked about
37620s it all this season is true but it
37622s happens you know i'm actually kind of
37624s surprised that we don't see wavy and
37626s vanillas up here they actually had a
37627s pretty good performance in that last
37629s game so let's take a quick look at some
37630s of the highlights that we saw from the
37632s panda i mean starting off seven zone
37634s only one elimination but still
37636s placements are important placements are
37638s key right again it's about balancing the
37641s two obviously eliminations are great but
37644s if you can stay consistent with
37646s placement that's what's going to make
37647s you climb the leaderboard and stay
37649s successful in these games we're going
37651s into the second half of the games on the
37652s day and for a team like vanillas like
37655s wavy jacob they need to not only be
37658s consistent but they need to change up a
37661s few things i feel like they're making a
37662s little bit too
37664s many mistakes going into the end game
37666s yeah and it came down to there you saw
37668s it right there maybe jacob was looking
37670s one way and vanilla's opened it at it
37672s the other way and right like me and
37673s panda can be hip to hip but if we're
37675s back to back ain't nothing can happen
37677s right you know so you got to make sure
37678s you're paying attention where your
37680s teammates looking and what's happening i
37682s think a lot of that comes down to
37683s synergy and just kind of experience not
37684s only playing the game but playing
37686s together obviously igls are so important
37688s we heard tavern talk about that earlier
37690s where you need to have that igl you need
37692s to be able to
37693s believe in your leader as the igl so i'm
37696s sure they're going to be looking back on
37697s that game and changing a few things up
37699s into game number four but i also want to
37700s give another shout out to a player that
37702s i rarely ever see wukong you know
37704s usually he's taking on the jade emperor
37706s but right there the monkey king himself
37708s going down grabbing a lot of
37709s eliminations as a solo player so i'm
37711s really excited to see how he's gonna
37713s perform in game number four yeah i think
37715s it's almost around the corner as well
37716s kelly so i can't wait to see what they
37718s do because again there's so many
37720s opportunities to qualify well you say
37721s you can't wait and you're not gonna have
37723s to wait anymore chat because game number
37725s four of the fncs is starting right now
37731s thank you so much kelly i mean jacob we
37733s got the best analysts in the west so
37735s now with three games down we're halfway
37738s through day two of the semi-finals some
37740s duo's coming from day one some duos this
37743s is their first day jacob and they're
37744s just getting started yep it's their
37746s first day like you said and and honestly
37748s some of them not coming out of the gates
37750s swinging like they would hope but
37751s there's still three games left anything
37753s is possible especially when at the end
37756s of the day all you need is a victory
37757s royale all you need is that vr and
37759s that's what snacky showed us in that
37760s last match you saw how confident he was
37763s feeling but the battle bus the engine
37764s started it's ready to go let's get into
37766s game four
37774s you want more well here's game
37776s four
37777s second half of the day begins
37781s and a lot of these players are gonna
37782s have to figure out the situation they're
37784s in and really begin to adapt and if they
37787s realize hey our only hope is going
37789s through a victory royale then they have
37791s three straight chances to do so i mean
37793s it's what we're talking about early on
37795s to jacob when you start the tournament
37796s you already need to have a game plan but
37798s now going halfway through game three
37800s game four
37801s kind of want to figure out what you're
37802s playing for right are you playing for
37804s that consistency are you already in the
37805s cutoff of top six to qualify to the
37807s finals or you need one of the victory
37808s royales and we're starting off strong
37811s here in sleepy sound with noah plays a
37812s typical gamer that have been doing an
37813s amazing job in these early game
37815s engagements and let's see if they can
37817s keep it up yeah i throw this time around
37819s staying away from that 50 50
37822s not fairing the best form and rightfully
37824s so typicalgamer and noah plays saying
37826s hey you don't want to contest it this
37827s time around we're just going to loot up
37829s get what we can but as soon as they get
37832s the loadout the desired loadout that
37833s they want i could see them beginning to
37835s get aggressive keeping things going just
37838s like kevin keeping things going from
37839s this here taking first place and taking
37842s ng out for the first elimination for the
37843s duo i mean you know yazir and kevin
37846s they might not be feeling great but
37847s they're feeling good right now first
37849s place spot they just missed out on that
37851s victory royale last game but that just
37852s fuels you up even more jacob that just
37854s gets you even more ready for this next
37856s match and you can tell they already got
37858s one elimination they got 90 points
37860s they're getting close to 100 here and
37862s they're just getting started yeah that
37863s one elimination i like it simply because
37866s it's easy to get down on yourself after
37868s that last game especially considering
37869s what happened but these guys have a
37871s confidence that's at an all-time high
37874s sitting in first place knowing the
37875s players around towards command cavern
37877s they've been here before for three
37879s straight games so they know exactly what
37881s to do and that's why your sears taking
37883s that ground loot holding on to the high
37885s ground and disrupting everybody's
37887s rotation and loot path towards below
37889s warming up making sure that if they get
37891s into one of these engagements they're
37892s ready for it right because they do have
37894s the weapons they have the shield but the
37896s materials it's so important in the early
37898s game engagements that you have to make
37900s sure you're always farming it yazier
37902s just was able to pick up a nice little
37904s elimination there just two shots
37907s i mean that's three more points you like
37909s bop i might have to use that one they
37910s bop bop
37911s i'm gonna go ahead and coin let me write
37912s that one down for later on in the day
37916s i might have to surprise it throw it
37917s back at you as you guys hearing kevin
37918s just slowing down from looking for the
37920s tags just to get the resources on up and
37923s as they mat up we're gonna show you some
37924s of the action all around that you might
37926s have missed and
37928s this is that bop bop i was talking about
37929s the quick two shots and he only needed
37931s one of them the second one went on the
37933s vehicle second one was just little flex
37934s you know i said no just in case better
37937s safe than sorry guys they're still in
37939s this position farming up looting up
37941s kind of showing what they're made of
37943s here 93 points getting close to that 100
37946s point cut off but i mean sal
37948s and buzo they're close by and we saw how
37950s well they've been playing previously
37952s they're all about that aggression but
37954s they play it right they don't want to
37955s get too aggressive
37957s they don't want to play too slow either
37958s they're doing it so well and a duo
37960s that's doing just that there's noah
37961s plays in typical gamer that seem to be
37964s looking for an angle on echo here it
37966s looks like west is also up so it is a
37968s two versus two if they decide to take
37970s this engagement yep this time around i
37972s like how they're keeping their opponents
37974s on their toes for the past couple games
37976s they have been getting a little bit more
37977s aggressive they got the loadout they
37979s wanted sooner rather than later that
37981s allowed them to do so but they're going
37982s for the angles but typical gamer getting
37984s shot from the side you kind of have to
37986s readjust and reassess the situation and
37988s figure out how he's going to play it out
37990s just like these players over towards
37992s daley bugle notorious he's separated a
37994s little bit too far from his teammate but
37996s that's no worry because he immediately
37998s knows that probably hearing the calms in
37999s his ears make the rotate make the rotate
38002s because this time around the storm it is
38004s kind of close but i think they want to
38006s go to the slower side which means
38007s they're going to have to travel a little
38009s bit more south than most teams would
38011s getting a dead side rotate right but the
38013s danger about taking the dead side rotate
38014s is if you don't have enough damage i
38016s mean there's not going to be too many
38017s players around so it's a lot more
38019s difficult to find those tags to find
38021s that damage so you can see that right
38022s now that's what they want to do they
38024s want to get as much damage as they can
38025s if they're planned it will take a more
38028s calm rotate later on so if they already
38030s have enough damage they're feeling good
38031s they can do it but if not it could get a
38033s little risky yeah it did look like that
38035s what they were looking for for that
38037s moment but they realized that far pool
38039s they realize how much rotating they're
38041s gonna have to do so they see nothing and
38042s immediately go in the blink of an eye as
38045s the fireball and quinn looting their
38047s side of greasy grove and immediately
38050s trying to move on over to lan jock and
38051s punisher's old spot and see him with
38053s there but said non-physics also making
38056s drop shot changes from chunker speedway
38058s on over to this side but that's what
38060s happens when players are no longer able
38062s to drop into the map because they
38064s qualified already that frees up a lot of
38066s position but quinn defiable may not have
38069s seen this one coming they're gonna be
38070s stuck down low with physics and sedna
38072s having the high ground for now trying to
38074s take a look at the zone here i believe
38076s that they are inside of it so they can
38078s take this engagement if they want i mean
38080s they have the time they can play it slow
38081s they can wait it out you're not playing
38084s for your positioning here what you're
38085s doing is you're playing for time that
38087s you could be taking far on your
38089s materials getting more shield looting up
38091s a bit more ammunition so if they have
38093s enough mats ammunition and shields they
38095s can really wait this out as long as they
38097s want to get those eliminations
38100s peeking through the bible
38102s just waiting for somebody
38104s to get a little aggressive maybe even
38105s jump the gun rotating on out along with
38108s twin they want to get right out of that
38109s position as quick as possible but the
38111s vehicle under siege that one's gonna go
38113s down it's gonna combust dealing damage
38115s to both of these players but i think
38117s they created themselves enough distance
38119s to go ahead and pause here reassess the
38122s situation because i know that team has
38124s the high ground they're not going to
38125s give it up just to chase them down it's
38127s too risky right i mean you can only do
38129s so much for some eliminations and at a
38131s point it just
38132s you can take it too far and it's just
38134s not worth it in the end and nikko and
38135s tavern they know exactly how to avoid
38137s reaching that point we've seen how they
38139s play this fortress spot they've rotated
38141s here almost every single game and they
38143s use it to get tags but also if they have
38145s the opportunity to play a bit aggressive
38146s because they do have those cannons that
38148s they can use to rotate so if zone does
38150s not pull in their favor maybe the second
38152s tone pulls r they can always rotate with
38154s those cannons but who your bolts
38156s i know you are liking this action here
38158s today jacob let's see what they can do
38160s currently with 25 points have mobility
38162s have shield but they might be wanting to
38164s get a bit of damage trying to go for
38166s these early game exchanges here but a
38169s couple more teams rotating into the fray
38172s probably hearing the shots fire off into
38174s the distance and what they thought was a
38176s slow side rotate definitely was not bad
38178s as notorious coaxial find themselves in
38180s a little bit of trouble kika and kika
38183s quickly rotating in as well or at least
38184s rotating right by from the daily bugle
38186s so a lot of these teams trying to go for
38189s what they think is the slower side of
38190s zones but it's no longer going to be a
38192s slow side if everybody goes there that's
38194s the thing right especially in these
38195s lobbies where all these duos have so
38197s much experience if all of them take the
38199s best rotate then will it really be the
38202s best rotate as we have some duos here
38204s kind of jumping around looking to see
38205s what's happening in their surroundings
38207s it's something i always love no i want
38208s to focus on you want to be doing
38210s something in every moment whether it be
38211s farming while rotating looting or even
38213s if you're just waiting in your box
38215s figuring out what's happening in your
38216s surroundings and planning your next step
38218s ahead of time so you can make that
38219s decision just a little bit quicker
38222s proactivity is the key just like takata
38224s broke down just like these players
38226s they're not just running away they see
38228s so many of those teams that we were just
38230s talking about going to the southern
38231s portion of the map the slow side and
38233s they take that as a signal it's no
38234s longer the slow side so they immediately
38236s adjust their rotation to try to hope to
38239s go where those players just left maybe
38241s it's going to be a little slower there's
38242s kevin and usc are still over towards
38244s command cav and i think they're finally
38246s going to start to make the rotation but
38247s they're making sure they have every bit
38249s of loot necessary that includes every
38251s ammo box as well
38253s every ammo box every chest everything
38255s they can get here as yazier starting off
38258s strong with the two eliminations we saw
38260s early on in command cavern and now
38262s they're gonna be rotating from command
38263s cap from the slick also on the elim feed
38266s gonna take one down i'm curious to see
38268s how they decide to do this rotate with
38269s the cannon because if you go up too high
38271s i mean you can get tagged out of the sky
38273s it's a little bit risky but if you
38274s rotate it perfectly it can be one of the
38276s most effective rotates in the game it's
38278s not going to take them long to get into
38280s the zone
38281s just like nigel and angel here it's not
38284s going to take them long as well pick it
38285s to the cone looking for information
38288s and you can see that lonely team still
38290s towards command cavern a couple teams
38291s towards crony crossroads but this time
38293s around this map it's gonna be pretty
38294s center map everybody having a equal
38297s opportunity to try to get in towards the
38298s zone get their piece of the pie which
38301s honestly
38302s almost makes it swear is there a slow
38304s side anymore if it's super center they
38306s ask the question right it really just
38307s depends on on the game right like
38310s told you it's all situational right that
38312s depends on what is happening as we have
38314s nigel here isn't that harpoon to fish up
38317s a bit of loot there but
38319s is it worth it as some of his opponents
38320s saw him do that
38322s it's like a bit of a shield away just
38323s like noah plays as he got cracked here
38325s and he's not at the zone yet
38326s we've got more travel to do there's one
38328s of many teams towards coney crossroads
38330s students trying to find their way in
38331s including the one directly outside of
38334s the storm that could try to hold him
38335s there a typical gamer goes down too many
38337s shots without a teammate to hold the
38339s wall noah plays taking damage as well
38341s but it's less concerning for him four
38343s floppers two splashes the minis to get
38345s his shields up so he's gonna go ahead
38347s and stagger and i like this play because
38348s it's still very very early on he has a
38350s chance for the reboot as long as he can
38352s survive this exchange right i mean
38353s western echo they have the advantage but
38355s the issue is they're in zone so they
38357s can't really take this engagement
38358s forever they have to play it i mean as
38360s quickly as they can here to try and
38362s eliminate noah but if they don't end up
38363s doing it soon it's just not gonna be
38365s worth it at some point here and they're
38366s gonna have to rotate back at the zone
38368s but the question is how long are they
38369s gonna wait until they make that decision
38371s to rotate is noah they're doing a great
38372s job right now staying
38375s up job indeed still using a couple of
38378s splashes early ons to three floppers to
38380s his name more than enough to get his hp
38382s right back on up as he's popping and
38384s weaving going in and out of the covers
38386s making sure they don't know exactly
38387s where he's positioned but they're still
38389s hot on his tail that's echo taking a
38391s portion of that high ground trying to
38393s move in
38394s western slowly by trying to cut off the
38396s angle as well they're going to go down
38398s towards his later attempts to get into
38399s the box they're going to get denied
38400s entry for now but noah plays still under
38402s siege his foppers are definitely getting
38405s cut down so it's only a matter of time
38406s before he runs out of the necessary
38408s heels to keep this one going
38411s i mean he's doing so well though jacob
38412s the zone's already started to close i
38414s mean i don't even know if it's worth it
38415s for echo and west but uh they're gonna
38417s get that elimination finally i mean
38419s they're gonna get a bit of damage to us
38420s they're above storm surge but now
38422s they've got to rotate as the zones
38424s closing in so if they don't have initial
38425s boost to get ahead of that zone they're
38427s gonna be taking a lot of damage and i'm
38429s not sure if they have the heels to kind
38430s of make it up for them though it's not
38433s too far of a rotation as long as they
38435s can maybe get some extra mobility to get
38437s there so that way they don't have to use
38438s all the resources that they just gained
38440s from the men miss to the floppers but
38442s yes sir and kevin
38444s thanks to the early activity to get
38446s their storm surge up and the rotation
38448s because the cannon they got themselves
38449s the sweet spot and nothing to worry
38450s about other than being one of those
38452s teams to not over peak to be honest the
38454s sky tracks that hurritos 20 plays trying
38456s to get aggressive they only already have
38458s one elimination to their name they're
38460s looking for more which is actually going
38462s to get stolen right out beneath their
38464s hands from trolling who takes down
38465s flixies
38466s now still with that one elimination they
38468s just got 86 above look at that loot
38470s though jacob 12 chug splashes two
38474s shield kegs i mean on heels they're
38476s feeling more than good right now but
38477s jeffers might not be feeling too great
38480s as his duo partner has gone down you
38482s have to find
38483s a way to get the reboot or maybe just
38485s play it out as a solo right you can
38486s always do that it's difficult but we've
38488s seen it happen
38490s tries to go for the
38492s big pad but he doesn't know there's
38493s another ramp above him so it's going to
38494s be a short pad more traveling to do for
38496s him is rich tommy quinn and defiable
38498s still staying around greasy grove
38500s getting the most out of it and that's
38502s the important part they realize there's
38504s so much loot there's vending machines
38505s that even if they leave greasy they
38507s could easily try to go right back in
38509s like you see them doing but there's
38510s still three teams right on the outskirts
38512s of that zone that could possibly hold
38514s them but it could possibly be another
38516s way for homie quinn and defiable to get
38519s aggressive to get more storm surge
38520s because right now they're sitting 105
38522s below that threshold and i wonder if
38524s this is because they started taking land
38525s jack and punishers dropped as soon as
38527s the spot got opened up they're not as
38529s confident they don't have as much
38530s practice with that drop so they don't
38532s really know where the best location is
38534s to get those storm surge tags so right
38536s now they have to get 104 damage i mean
38537s zone is already active the surge is
38540s going to be taken here so they've got to
38541s make something happen quite shortly here
38543s they're already getting focused but now
38545s there's a position you just really do
38546s not want to be in
38548s they have more than enough heels to try
38550s to out heal especially with shots from
38552s below
38553s you try to get them above the damage
38555s threshold and they're going to barely
38556s inch themselves above four damage
38561s i think you could tickle somebody get
38562s more damage than that
38563s i mean yeah give them a little pickle do
38565s the damage then you're above but
38567s question is are they gonna be able to
38569s get that done
38570s as quinn is looking for some shots but
38572s unable to connect a single one still
38575s gonna start losing hp if they go down
38578s just a bit more but i mean so far it
38580s went down one damage to three so one
38583s good shot and there it is twin getting a
38585s crack on the tracks defiable taking them
38587s down even lower now they're 49 above
38589s they're feeling a bit better but they
38590s want more as soon as that storm surge
38592s started ticking
38594s on those players above them they
38595s immediately went in to try to take
38597s advantage damage on top of damage to try
38599s to get the elims they were just above by
38601s 49 now they're below or not below but
38604s barely 17 it might as well be below if
38606s you're not finding the shots that you
38607s need as only three players continuously
38609s need to go down but the fight right in
38611s front of them is going to yield any one
38612s of these players the damage necessary as
38614s haritos might be doing it by himself as
38617s kytrex
38618s is barely there with no shields one shot
38620s can definitely take him out as he's
38622s still suffering from that storm surge in
38624s the 25th 25th spot right now they do not
38627s want to get eliminated in the 37th spot
38630s of this match so they're trying to heal
38631s up they're trying to tank this storm
38633s surge but three players still have to
38635s get eliminated but there it is just like
38637s that it happened storm surge is no
38638s longer active hurritos and kytrex might
38640s have just been saved but the fiber and
38642s quinn know that they're damaged right
38644s now they're not looking too healthy and
38646s if they take the engagement they'll have
38647s the advantage but they do have to rotate
38649s so is it really worth it yeah that's
38650s gonna be the big question
38652s not only you're asking but they're
38654s probably asking themselves that's why
38656s you see them instantly trying to break
38657s out of the box and get out of there but
38659s a launch pad is going to be used by kai
38660s tricks and harito so they may even go
38662s back in the storm take some damage to
38664s try to recycle that one but tavern and
38666s nico
38667s very few rotations for them rightfully
38669s so they're picking the sweet spots time
38671s and time again to get the damage
38673s necessary to stay above the damage
38675s threshold regardless of elimination
38677s count as they're staring off into the
38679s distance continuously finding the
38680s necessary shots the game plan is sound
38683s they just need to execute and remain in
38685s that top six or get that victory royale
38687s i mean that victor al
38689s feels so
38690s so good right they're just looking down
38692s seeing how do we get it how do we secure
38695s it but i mean you can also play for the
38697s consistency jacob that's what we're
38698s talking about when you're already in
38700s game four if you're in that top six spot
38702s you really don't have to risk it all for
38704s the vr you can just play how you've been
38706s playing and maintain that consistency as
38709s v-dog and his duo partner here might
38711s want to do exactly that in the fifth
38712s place spot but look at the zone jacob
38714s full west pole a majority of the duos on
38717s the east side north east southeast
38719s they're just all over it but where
38721s they're not all over is the zone so a
38723s majority of these throws are gonna have
38724s to rotate
38725s and which ones are gonna do it first
38727s which one's gonna rotate slow i mean you
38729s don't really know which is the best
38730s option it really just depends on
38732s what's happening in your surroundings
38735s and the danger and most concerning part
38737s of it all you said it was a western pole
38739s with everybody being on the east side
38740s sooner or later that western side of the
38743s zone
38744s is going to get highly congested from
38746s the northwestern to the south
38748s northeastern to the southern eastern
38749s part that's going to be so hard to
38751s traverse to for anybody that is late to
38753s rotate
38754s so this is where typically i would bet
38756s against it you might be seeing some
38758s early launch pads come out
38760s 338 above you can even see that replay
38762s from chris and jack for your
38764s annihilating exo knight so it's actually
38766s in that cutoff right now so hopefully
38769s his dual partner can make something
38770s happen here but looking at quivius and
38772s jag beer they're continuing the rain
38774s they're continuing the damage and shots
38776s i mean they have one but they want more
38778s they definitely want more here in game
38780s number four
38781s there's homie quinn and defiable still
38783s boxed up near kai trex and joritos
38786s but only for a moment of time where
38788s they're trying to drop down low and make
38789s a safe rotation before everybody else
38791s has that same thought
38793s but running in front of him is another
38795s duo team from the high ground to the low
38797s ground they're just so packed on this
38799s side of the map and that's why like i
38800s said you're seeing so many players
38802s choose to use their launch pads early
38804s even try to recycle so they can go ahead
38806s and cover as much ground as possible
38808s while saving as much of their material
38810s in here going to land close some
38813s opponents they're actually an engagement
38814s right now might just go for that third
38815s party checks the bush to be sure that
38817s there's no duo inside and now defiable
38820s seems to have been
38821s positioned inside of the zone great job
38823s making those boxes quickly but it looks
38825s like he's looking for a bit more it's
38826s wavy jacob close by but be careful as
38828s another duo from behind taking the shots
38831s doing the damage and now quintifiable
38833s they're four below yeah four below and
38834s out of mats running out of appeals as
38837s well
38838s they're looking for a refresh on a team
38839s that boxed up away from everybody else
38842s to try to minimize the potential for
38844s third parties coming through
38846s but monk goes down 65 players left 15 of
38849s them need to go down before storm surge
38851s is out but 21 below the viable quinn
38854s still going at it with the armored wall
38855s is going to slow them down for now
38856s they're going to reassess the situation
38858s in this moment but they still need to
38860s find 21 damage out of nowhere and now
38863s fifth zone's appeared the storm surge is
38864s gonna be activated quit into fire but
38866s they're gonna start losing shield and hp
38869s here if they cannot do 44 damage but
38872s it's moving up 46. nice pack from the
38874s fiber gets two that should be enough to
38876s put them above now 41 but they got to
38879s keep doing damage here jacob yeah they
38880s can't slow down they can't not let up
38882s off the gas here
38884s luckily enough 41 25 that damage
38887s threshold just ping pong you go round
38889s and somebody's gonna have to serve up
38891s the fireball and queen a spot to get the
38893s damage that they need but right now
38894s they're not getting antsy they're not
38896s forcing it because they are above the
38898s damage threshold they're not taking
38899s storm surge so it's not as important on
38902s their list as everything else as you see
38903s miles scored they're taking it low
38906s they're taking a lot of damage only 16
38908s below the damage threshold make it 25
38910s now
38911s easily able to achieve if you just find
38913s the right target but they're going to go
38914s against that they don't want to over
38915s peak with three players only needed to
38917s go down they're going to use all their
38919s shields and resources to try to out heal
38920s it and stay alive as long as possible
38922s now the rotates are coming through the
38924s launch pads are being used the players
38926s are doing what they can to make it into
38928s zone as gord is gonna recycle a launch
38930s pad here does a good job of doing it but
38931s now he's gonna have to regroup with his
38933s duo partner that also seems to have hit
38935s a launch pad but great job landing in
38937s zone to avoid that risk of landing onto
38939s an opponent and now they've successfully
38941s gotten a good rotate in
38944s two minis big pots being spread around
38946s making sure everybody can get as much
38947s shield and hp as possible and since he
38950s recycled the last launch pad he's able
38952s to pocket the other one and make sure
38954s another rotation of his team does not
38956s get the pull that they want especially
38958s if they get the max pole because that's
38960s not a chaotic one that i want to travel
38962s through myself without some sort of plan
38965s b underneath my sleeve
38967s just two more seconds till first moving
38969s up here this could be an opportunity for
38970s some duos that want to get that high
38972s ground early but we know how risky it is
38975s especially in the semifinals high ground
38977s is more beneficial to be taken later on
38979s so we're looking at tavern looking at
38980s nico they're deciding what to do here
38982s they have two eliminations they have a
38984s good amount of resources and now they
38985s have to figure out what's going to be
38986s the rotate here are they going to keep
38988s going on the low ground this first
38989s moving zone the majority of duos will
38991s end up using launch pads so they might
38993s just be able to sneak through the load
38994s ground and make something happen but
38995s looking at yazar and kevin you know they
38997s want to win this game jacob yeah first
38999s place or not
39000s they just want to punch their ticket to
39002s the finals and not have to sweat about
39004s it anymore to be honest as you see
39005s launch pads being used they're going to
39007s stagger themselves out hopefully force
39009s it out from opponent that way they don't
39011s have to use their own as you see it's
39012s finally getting dropped they have no
39014s other choice nine below the damage
39016s threshold with two eliminations as they
39018s jump 32 above this damage threshold ever
39021s changing here in this lobby that's how
39022s active everybody's trying to be and
39024s that's the key though that we talked
39025s about early on pro activity you must be
39028s doing something at all times and taking
39029s a look at that high ground it's exe it's
39031s talking ben they have it currently but
39033s yes you're in kevin playing second high
39035s doing a great job because you think that
39037s new mechanics will run towards the zone
39039s not use as many materials until you're
39040s already ahead now with 57 built on kevin
39043s yazier continuing the park though but
39045s look at the high ground it's kika it's
39047s kika they want to contest it they want
39049s to take out talking ben and exe but will
39051s they be able to do it successfully so
39053s ben probably got the call drop me drop
39055s me but it's too connected he's unable to
39057s do so so x he's trying to drop down low
39060s reunite knows the damage is there and
39062s he's simultaneously getting aggressive
39064s holding onto the high ground because him
39066s and ben reunite seventh moving zone the
39069s only thing that worries me is the mass
39070s they're looking a little thin but
39071s luckily they're gonna be able to recycle
39073s them as the zone moves over previous
39076s build but yasir and kevin not afraid to
39078s continue to get their hands dirty
39079s towards the mid ground they've passed
39080s the hundred point threshold now at seven
39083s damage above storm surge tavern though
39085s nico 65 above they're feeling a bit
39087s better as storm surge has stopped 30
39090s players up bitcoins getting some nice
39092s eliminations as chris is keeping the
39094s rotate going look at this jacob six
39096s eliminations for freecourt and he's just
39098s getting started and there's another one
39100s for seven another one for eight dj fecoy
39104s looking strong here the siphons are
39106s necessary but the storm is gonna take 43
39108s hp he has no choice but to abandon his
39111s teammate but that doesn't matter is
39112s they're both set back to the lobby but a
39114s massive amount of elimination needs a
39116s massive amount of points regardless of
39118s your position in the game here we got
39119s combat and his fan going for that high
39122s ground one elimination for the fan two
39124s for a duo partner combat here looking
39127s like they're at 80 points but they want
39129s to get this victory royale they have
39131s that positional advantage on the high
39132s ground and now they need to take shots
39134s we need to make sure that nobody
39135s contests them
39137s niko tavern still working really well
39139s towards the low ground staying on the
39141s outside portion trying to stay ahead
39143s even cut off a few players going through
39145s previous bills making the job that much
39147s easier eight teams remain 14 total
39150s players as this one is really coming
39152s down to the very last moment as kristin
39154s yagbir looking for shots editing open
39156s knowing this one is going to have a
39157s little bit of a southern pool as they
39159s continue to kind of stay on their lair
39161s looking down at every moment trying to
39163s find the shots necessary to take out
39165s another player inch themselves closer to
39166s the top of the leaderboard seven duo's
39168s up 13 players drops down to six duos
39170s little by little it's getting to those
39172s last moments those last duo's trying to
39175s make something happen is look at jaguar
39176s look at chris they went inside the zone
39178s they might just try and make a high
39179s ground play and that's exactly what they
39180s do taking down combat
39182s they got caught slipping combat
39185s can't watch every angle he's gonna go
39187s down and the only player as a solo right
39189s now is combat fan as the high ground
39191s goes over to chris and yagbir but how
39193s long can they hold on to this high
39195s ground because it was yesterday they
39197s also had the high ground but they let it
39199s slip to arc of an epic who took that
39200s game at the end of the day but this one
39202s is a different story a different tale
39204s they look to finish strong it's all
39205s about learning from your mistakes jacob
39207s and that's exactly what chris anderson
39208s partner has to do but tavern trying to
39210s make something happen here he's split up
39212s from his duo partner nico but he has to
39214s pop those shields he's not looking too
39216s healthy as exe is talking ben aren't
39217s either they do have six eliminations but
39219s they do not have any shield to work with
39221s yeah at one point or another they did
39222s have possession of the high ground
39224s tavern and nico go down so they go again
39226s still in a strong position though yagbir
39228s chris holding on running out of
39230s resources but they have the high ground
39232s they have ammo to continue to put down
39234s the shots from above they don't want to
39236s let this one slip through as three teams
39238s remain six players this could end in a
39240s two versus two but we got bmd five
39243s eliminations here already 115 points at
39246s the second place spot he's the solo and
39248s he secured the low ground there's a duo
39249s on the mid ground duel on a high ground
39251s and also a solo down below now it's
39254s chris it's jaguar who's gonna take it
39256s home
39256s dropping down early here trying to get
39258s the elimination like you said six to
39260s their name cheaters the last one left
39262s for his duo b dog already went down but
39264s he has some splashes he could stagger
39266s himself in the zone but chris jagbear
39268s read that play from a mile away as
39270s they're looking to take him down chop
39271s them down to their level 2v1 for the
39273s game it's theirs for the taking and
39274s they're going to snatch it up applause
39277s for chris and javier what an amazing
39280s high ground retake using that zone
39282s tanking it a little bit going for the
39284s flank on the opponents that already had
39285s the high ground knocking down one
39287s eliminating the other getting that
39290s advantageous positioning and closing the
39292s game out for the vr i mean that's one of
39294s the best plays we've seen today yeah we
39295s saw yesterday from aidan and moose in
39297s game number one they told me that was
39300s their game plan stagger back steel
39301s height and that's exactly what you saw
39303s chris and yagvir do and we talked about
39305s adjustments and that was a great
39307s adjustment because yesterday they held
39309s on to it and they forcefully held on to
39310s it and it cost them the game at the end
39312s of the day this time they made the
39314s adjustments and now they're moving on to
39315s the finals i mean that's what fortnite's
39317s all about adapting right adapting to
39319s your playstyle learning from your
39320s mistakes and having that opportunity to
39322s play yesterday and now take the time to
39324s learn and prove see what you did wrong
39326s and correct it for day two exactly what
39329s chris and yagrier did to secure that
39331s victory royale and i mean i can't wait
39333s to see them in the finals yeah you said
39335s to see what you did wrong and to fix it
39338s we need our analysts to break down what
39339s everybody who didn't win that game did
39341s wrong
39343s well
39344s jagbear and chris definitely won and i
39346s won myself because that was my
39348s prediction i had them yesterday as well
39350s there was a moment in game number five
39352s where it looked like they were gonna
39353s hold it just as our casters were saying
39355s they held height for just a little too
39357s long and when the team on below is
39359s arkham and epic whale you have to be
39361s aware of all of your surroundings but
39363s who needs to be aware when you have your
39365s ticket into the finals congratulations
39368s to chris and jagvier can't wait to see
39370s how you perform next week but lots of
39372s great plays lots of great teams in that
39374s game play yeah we've got a bunch of
39376s different players to look at because
39378s that was just all around a great game
39380s for so many different teams in the n.a
39382s west region but you got gotta give again
39384s shout out to jack beer and chris that
39385s was a great game i thought for a moment
39387s and maybe maybe but no they hit it home
39391s and it wasn't just them stealing height
39392s there exe and ben once again held high
39395s and had it stolen from them by combat's
39397s team but then right below jaguar and
39400s chris panda how did they know when the
39402s right time was to steal heights i'm
39404s going to be honest and duos it's been
39406s hard to tell when the right time is
39408s because a lot of times we've seen
39410s players go super late they get the high
39412s ground in the eighth zone ninth zone but
39415s there are teams that are being
39416s successful getting it earlier however
39418s here it was the last final moment chris
39420s and jackvier climbing up here cleaning
39423s up combat and duo now holding the high
39426s ground was just a piece of cake for them
39428s they didn't have too many material here
39429s you can actually see it from chris zero
39432s builds but jaguar cleaning it up down
39434s low says you know what don't worry about
39436s it chris we're going home we're taking
39439s the vr and we're going to the finals and
39441s although he did knock cheaters out in
39443s that moment we do have to give props to
39445s cheaters because what an incredible low
39447s ground solo run he had i believe he had
39450s five eliminations maybe maybe a little
39452s bit more clay yeah let's take a look
39453s right already starting off getting that
39455s montenego is very good you see him drop
39458s in and get tavern as well taking out
39460s first place overall so three mind you by
39462s himself right b dog is there but he's
39464s getting this all in the back of the tarp
39466s so b dog doesn't have to worry about
39468s that you take a look just finds both of
39469s those players chunks them down to both
39472s one hp
39473s that's just great gameplay right there
39475s we always talk about angles and cheaters
39477s might have the best angles that i have
39479s seen so far this weekend
39480s yeah you're absolutely right does a good
39482s job of of not overextending right kind
39484s of holds his walls holds his cones holds
39487s those different little areas to
39489s effectively damage the other player
39491s however
39492s it's not everything right your fighting
39494s abilities can only carry you so much in
39496s a game like fortnite and that's why we
39498s haven't seen them quite walk away with a
39500s vr just yet but that could change here
39502s but it doesn't matter look at that
39504s cheaters b-dog on top by only one point
39509s that is scary there is still look how
39512s close everyone is in the middle of the
39514s pack 88 86 86 84. guys there's only so
39518s many games left and these teams are not
39520s just fighting for that victory royale
39521s but they are fighting for that top six
39524s spot and this is day two meaning that
39526s tomorrow is the final day the final
39529s opportunity and i'm sure these teams
39531s don't want to be there because 11 or 12
39533s new teams are going to be jumping in
39535s there zeres fequoi in that third place
39538s spot kevin and yasir in the fourth place
39540s spot tavern still holding it pretty
39542s strong but let's take a quick look at
39544s zara's and fifoy yeah i mean panda look
39547s at how many he lives fiko gets by
39550s himself right now sitting on three just
39552s picked up elim number four and they just
39554s absolutely pop off like popping in a 1v2
39557s doesn't matter they are in the box they
39560s are they're six heliums now
39562s yeah look aggressive gameplay here from
39564s foy and they're doing a good job of
39566s surviving here into the end game and
39567s then focusing on getting those
39569s eliminations in the in-game however i
39572s still think they're being a little too
39574s aggressive we see pique actually get
39576s lucky there with the pad and
39578s unfortunately though it wasn't enough as
39579s you see those final shots reigned
39581s through from the top and end up taking
39583s them out but it's all about the
39585s leaderboard right and i want to shout
39587s out tavern and nico they have
39590s consistently made it to the end game
39592s every single time clearly i don't think
39594s they're going for the vr if the vr comes
39596s naturally i think they'll take it right
39598s but i think they really are focused on
39600s consistency and that's why i don't see
39602s them not quali today yeah i want to
39604s point out that over 90 of the winners
39607s today have been from
39609s day number one right you talk about
39611s tomorrow being the last day well that's
39613s a terrible stat for those players that
39614s are playing tomorrow they really want to
39616s get their games in today so they don't
39618s have to worry
39619s i mean they said it best everyone and i
39621s know that you are ready for the next
39622s game who is going to be grabbing that vr
39625s well we're going to find out right now
39626s everyone because game number four of the
39628s fnc yes in a west is starting right now
39635s who is going to win
39637s game number five that's a great question
39639s and i'm hoping for my own sake it's
39641s bolton crew i need my predictions to
39644s come through and honestly where they're
39646s at in the leaderboard they might have no
39647s other choice i mean that's what it's
39649s about right are you gonna play for that
39650s victory royale are you gonna play for
39652s that consistency if you're tavern and
39654s his duo partner i think you're going for
39655s the consistency but if you're balts and
39656s cruiser it might be more beneficial to
39658s play for that victory royale do a play
39660s like we saw from jag beer and chris in
39661s that last game get high ground at the
39663s perfect time and i mean secure the vr
39665s yeah and how they're doing is absolutely
39667s insane they're staggering out with some
39669s chug splashes bed mist tanking that
39672s storm and just waiting for that team
39674s towards the high ground to forget they
39675s even exist and then they just strike and
39678s surprise a couple of those players
39679s that's definitely something that we've
39680s seen throughout many different regions
39682s and i can almost expect we're gonna see
39684s it here as game number five is ready
39686s let's get into it
39694s day two of semi-finals getting into the
39696s fifth game just two more matches left
39700s this match and one more jacob which are
39703s going to be the two duo
39704s these last two victory royales and what
39707s are gonna be the six duos that qualify
39709s through consistency reminder they still
39711s have a second chance tomorrow and day
39713s three of the semi-finals if they don't
39714s make it today but you know it's gonna
39717s feel nice to qualify on day two yep as
39719s you see typicalgamer noah plays not
39721s straying away from that game plan going
39724s for that same side looking for the floor
39727s luke to try to go and put the shots on
39728s and as soon as they don't find it you
39730s can see immediately they're going back
39732s to the farming but noah plays a striker
39734s burst an epic one at that that's going
39736s to deal a ton of damage then he gets a
39738s shield keg minis there's a big pop in
39741s the distance there's definitely two in
39743s the distance so he's just definitely
39745s waiting for his teammate to go ahead and
39747s mat up and get ready and then that's
39749s where they're going to go ahead and try
39750s to put down the shots get aggressive
39752s that was literally the third big pot six
39754s minis noah definitely came to play
39757s noah's got the shield needed to come out
39759s on top of this engagement but notice how
39761s he was not getting greedy he did not go
39763s for the loot he knew he did not have
39764s materials and if he's caught off guard
39766s in a position like that in the early
39768s game without having any builds i mean
39769s it's most likely going to end up as him
39771s being eliminated so here's to see if
39774s they're going to play it aggressive
39774s seeing how they have such a good amount
39776s of loot early on but it's all at them
39778s and what they decide to do but slick we
39780s know that he got a nice elimination here
39782s on reigns and starting off pretty strong
39784s i'm trying to see where reigns duo is
39786s might even be close by it looks like
39788s slick might continue this aggression yep
39791s czr immediately getting the information
39793s he's in this building i slipped slowly
39796s but surely moving up spots to build and
39798s this is where they're gonna be a little
39798s more careful
39800s as they move in they're taking piece by
39801s piece trying to get underneath their
39802s control but could be by himself the
39804s piece control is gonna go over to slick
39806s czr trying to take another angle they're
39808s both getting aggressive but as they
39809s split up here this could be the moment
39810s to strike and czr goes down hippo
39813s reading the play absolutely perfect here
39816s coming down to a 1v1 it's all up to
39818s slick to try to save the day here just
39821s like it was up to kipple who's now
39822s playing defensive taking that
39824s elimination and stride and trying to
39826s reposition as he lacks the shields
39827s necessary to take this fight straight up
39829s will kipple be able to secure this one
39831s versus two he doesn't have the effective
39833s hp advantage anymore but he is in a one
39835s versus one coming from a one versus two
39837s you know he's feeling good but is he
39839s feeling good enough to come out on top
39841s as zlix takes out 14 of his hp but he's
39844s gonna have to do more if he wants to get
39845s that elimination i like where he's not
39847s slowing down though he realizes this
39849s player has not been able to get the
39850s shields necessary
39852s so he does have that advantage so he's
39854s not slowing down doesn't want to give
39855s him the moment to breathe to go ahead
39857s and pop those minis but he gave him just
39859s enough one gets popped but he pops it
39860s back into the cover damage is there from
39863s the stinger and it followed up by the
39865s striker as he takes down not one but
39867s both of those players to save the team's
39869s game that's why he's gonna go back for
39870s czr's card you know he got a little
39872s scared there czr went down and sticks
39874s like okay gotta make something happen
39876s but look at that first elimination that
39878s they got using that bolt action sniper
39881s rifle to secure a nice little
39883s elimination and start off with that
39884s advantage i like that because it's not
39886s something you see every day you never
39888s really see those snipers that's a rare
39890s play but a beautiful headshot
39892s nonetheless as typicalgamer noah plays
39895s getting closer and closer to their
39896s opponent for the high ground going to go
39898s to echo and western and that's going to
39900s give him a little bit of advantage to
39901s put the shots from above and put a
39902s little bit of damage onto the typical
39904s gamer forced them in a defensive
39905s position but they've been here before
39907s they faced harder foes so this one is
39910s definitely the potential for them to win
39912s but it's now with western and echo
39914s falling down on the leaderboard they
39916s realize how important this fight is i
39918s mean normally we see noah and typical
39919s pushing western echo but it looks like
39921s they got fed up of that as noah goes
39923s directly into his opponent's box but
39925s almost getting knocked down did secure
39927s that elimination though but typical
39929s gamers have to clutch it up for noah now
39931s one versus one as vanilla actually is
39934s going into this engagement the third
39936s party has showed up and in comes a new
39938s challenger vanillas pops off here along
39941s with wavy jacob they too are realizing
39944s their position on to the leaderboard and
39946s even though it's easy to say 21st place
39949s it's all or nothing victory royale but
39951s honestly with three points per
39953s elimination if they start off hot they
39955s already have two that's six points and
39957s they keep it going find more and more
39959s eliminations along their path and get a
39961s great placement they can put themselves
39962s in a top six bubble position wow i mean
39965s you can see how well vanilla's played
39967s that from securing the solo elimination
39969s onto echo from continuing on to noah
39971s typicalgamer i mean looks like you have
39974s it at one moment but quickly after that
39976s it can all end with a third party that's
39978s exactly what happened to sleepy sounds
39980s but looking at b dog here alongside it
39982s through a partner it seems that they're
39983s contested by squid another opponent but
39986s looking at one of our top teams on the
39987s right it's tavern and nico in the second
39989s place spot and they just got an
39990s elimination
39991s they're playing a little bit different
39992s this time around
39994s or possibly not honestly they could have
39996s been sitting on that same cover got
39997s damage on the ghostie or flame back so i
39999s did see nico get it down very very early
40002s on using the cannon to put themselves in
40004s the position to pick up those
40005s eliminations which is perfect for these
40007s guys the way they are playing that sound
40010s gameplay whether they go for the victory
40011s royale at the end of the day or max
40013s amount of points playing for consistency
40015s they are definitely doing a great job at
40017s controlling their own destiny
40019s one elimination for nico here slick see
40022s though
40023s going in log jam lumberjam trying to see
40026s if he can secure an elimination as well
40027s has the loot has the shield has the
40029s materials but does he have that
40030s confidence to get an elimination and
40032s that he does taking out reeks and now
40035s they've secured log jam lumberjan i'm
40037s having a little bit of a victorious
40039s dance there feeling happy feeling hyped
40042s be cutify there towards the side
40045s possibly waiting for them to kind of
40046s leave get the reboot tavern nico looking
40049s strong as can be
40050s especially in that metal box they know
40052s they're safe to do exactly as they
40054s please one elimination so very very
40056s early on storm surge is not going to be
40057s a worry and even if it is with the
40059s amount of heals they possess at this
40060s moment 78 total players they could
40063s potentially out heal it as well as this
40065s is looking like it's going to be more of
40066s a wild game players are dropping like
40068s flies i also want to shout out the new
40070s poi the collider i mean you can see kind
40072s of flames coming from inside of it you
40074s can actually use those to rotate so
40075s you've got cannons you've got launch
40077s pads and you even have that new tower in
40079s the poi to to make a rotation happen if
40082s it's what you have to do right
40083s especially if you get staggered behind
40085s zone of it maybe doing an engagement or
40087s trying to secure a last little
40088s elimination so always making use of that
40090s environmental mobility could be so
40092s crucial to making it to that late game
40094s and if you guys are just tuning in
40096s first question why why have you not gone
40098s here sooner and what do we have to do to
40100s get you in that seat sooner whether it's
40103s online or at legends landing second i'm
40105s jacob castro extraordinaire joined with
40107s takata one of the best flow players in
40109s west all these players are lucky he
40110s retired to join the desk otherwise he'd
40112s be causing some trouble of his own
40115s russo and keto though
40117s they did pretty good yesterday they were
40119s like right on the bubble almost able to
40121s qualify and they're once again on that
40123s bubble ninth place they're not too far
40124s off and they have a chance just like a
40126s few of these other teams to control
40128s their own destiny and they're close
40129s right this is a position that it's kind
40131s of hard to
40132s figure out what you want to do if you
40134s want to play it extremely safe for the
40135s late game and secure as many points as
40137s possible if you want to make a risky
40138s play for high ground in second or third
40140s moving and try and get that position no
40142s advantage but for now they're not
40144s thinking about the late game they're
40145s thinking about getting to the late game
40147s what are they going to be able to do but
40148s yasir right now taking a cannon to
40151s rotate but was it too risky is he
40152s actually gets knocked down here and now
40155s kevin is gonna have to make something
40156s happen yeah but he didn't take that same
40158s rotation over so he's gonna do it on
40160s foot still getting shot from the side
40162s combat combats fans spot him from a mile
40165s away but it looks like they're gonna
40166s continue on try to rotate out i don't
40168s think they know that he is exactly a
40170s solo here in this situation so instead
40172s of going and taking the 2v2 early on
40174s they're going to continue rotation for
40175s later on the game the slixy takes some
40177s shots 28 shields and it drops even
40179s further below no shields 48 hp has to
40182s find a moment to breathe here pop the
40184s splashes the minis possibly the big pot
40185s as well to get up to 200 200 and because
40188s of slitsy taking damage on his own he's
40190s going to have a moment to do so as the
40192s high ground is still going to be held
40194s for now but 5z one layer below they're
40196s trying to build up taking it but in
40198s stride and that's what you got to do you
40199s cannot force these plays at any moment
40202s eq to fight here one elimination seeing
40204s if you can get that clutch up
40206s on the big see who's down with slicksy
40209s love the combination of names there with
40211s the duo but actually look at slickly
40212s down below he's actually going to chop
40214s down the bills he does it successfully
40215s through knocking down his opponent now
40217s they have the advantages position they
40218s have that high grounder they gotta push
40220s it together as a duo
40222s i think he heard the chops he heard what
40224s was going on so he was able to kind of
40226s dodge and get out of there before a lot
40228s of fall damage was a thing but the
40230s armored wall is going to be placed tries
40231s to go for the revive
40234s honestly
40235s if he has one more armored wall he could
40236s get it out but they're finally going to
40238s go in he had no choice but to go ahead
40239s and get out and that's going to force
40240s him to the back side of zone and they
40242s know exactly where he's going to go with
40244s the high ground right back they're going
40245s to chase him and try to take him out
40247s looking to see if they can find him here
40249s he's inside the porta party i mean
40252s sometimes when you gotta go jacob you
40253s gotta go and that's exactly what's
40255s happening here but you got good friends
40256s to wait on you you know not gonna leave
40258s him alone here on the hill right they
40260s got the time zone's pretty close by even
40262s if it closes they're not too far away
40263s but a duo that we've seen having some
40266s amazing rotates right it's tavern it's
40267s nico
40268s not in the fortress which is interesting
40270s seems like they're rotating on foot this
40272s time maybe wanted to play a little more
40274s aggressive for that elimination we saw
40276s in the early game caused them to move up
40278s the position a little bit but i mean
40280s it's not a negative rotate at all they
40282s already have that elim they're inside
40283s zone 40 seconds till zone even starts
40285s closing i mean they have so much time to
40287s pick and choose where they want to
40288s position themselves
40290s judging by the elimination feed
40292s he's done
40293s he's done going he got taken down
40295s port-a-potty's now theirs
40296s if they want to use it has been exe good
40299s spot a little bit of high ground here
40300s top of shift these shafts next to log
40302s jam lumber yard
40304s as you see the replay here it's finally
40306s how it they really waited that's a
40308s patient game as soon as he pops out he
40310s deals a ton of damage onto slicksy but
40313s 2v1 is just too much for one person to
40315s overcome especially when they're
40317s shooting from so many different angles
40319s so difficult right i mean when you have
40321s a lot of materials a lot of shields you
40323s might be able to make it happen i mean
40324s we saw snacky made it happen there to
40326s secure the victory royale but it's one
40327s of the most difficult things to do if
40329s you look at talking ben here exc they've
40331s been very close to securing a victory
40333s royale currently in the seventh place
40334s spot but now
40336s zero eliminations and 442 above the
40339s storm surge they are getting damaged
40341s correctly
40343s a little bit of that high ground
40345s players rotating in right next to them
40347s with the taxi and honestly i would love
40349s to have seen them try to save the taxi
40351s for as long as possible towards the end
40353s game not just let it slide down the
40354s mountain but sometimes when you have a
40356s good spot in zone you have a good spot
40357s zone you just got to box up take it and
40359s figure that out later as you see the
40361s shots from b dog and cheaters still
40363s firing off from the distance 109 above
40365s the damage threshold the six players
40367s needing to go down
40369s that's not too much because that could
40371s easily sway to either side
40373s 71 below
40375s nigel angel we saw how confidently they
40377s play in the late game how much
40378s eliminations they can secure how
40380s dangerous of a duo they are on that low
40382s ground
40383s trying to see what they can see right
40385s great way to get some vision here safely
40387s editing the wall editing the cone get a
40389s bit of vision see what's happening in
40391s your surroundings i can't emphasize that
40393s enough it's so important to know what
40395s rotations are available which ones are
40396s blocked off
40398s and what might be the best
40400s way to go depending on how the zone
40401s closes but what they know
40403s is they need to get damaged right now
40404s and that's why they're getting close to
40405s this opposing duo partner they have the
40408s pre-edit they want to go for it
40409s instant arm and wall they don't play no
40411s games here this is the piece control
40413s going over the pre-edits are talking
40415s about playing an impact but nigel taking
40416s too much damage he's gonna have to slow
40418s down for this moment pop in the last of
40420s his shields 42 below the damage
40422s threshold still
40424s as you see sharing is karen popping that
40426s mini over making sure if they're going
40427s to take this exchange and go for that
40428s damage they want to get in tip top shape
40430s 200 shields and hp
40433s 42 below still the trade
40435s turned out well but it wasn't enough
40437s they still need more damage they just
40438s don't want to get fully in here because
40440s if they play it too risky they might end
40442s up getting eliminated but all they
40443s really need is just one big shot and
40446s that's what nigel just secured right
40447s this storm surge is gonna start getting
40449s activated
40452s i like this though because they still
40453s have a good portion of that high ground
40456s and they have a view of the edge of zone
40458s where a lot of teams are gonna try to
40459s put themselves in and they're not too
40460s far off themselves so they can easily
40462s stay in this position as long as they
40464s like and start to go for those surge but
40466s who cannot stay in this position it's
40467s homey quinn and defiable
40471s as they are looking
40472s like they have to have a moment here to
40474s breathe get that hp and shields back up
40476s sitting in 14th place with one
40477s elimination right now that's a good spot
40480s to be at especially 259 above the damage
40483s threshold but
40484s you know this is not where they want to
40485s sit they're gonna have to start getting
40486s proactive themselves taking a look at
40488s the replay of how quinn got this
40490s elimination it was actually kevin
40492s it was a solo and the fireball went
40494s directly into that box securing the
40496s elimination not much kevin could do
40498s there to get out but now with that
40500s elimination they have the damage they
40502s have the storm surge but i don't see any
40503s spray shields on quinn maybe the bible's
40505s holding them all but i mean there's a
40506s big pot there so he might just take it
40508s and that's what he's doing
40510s taken indeed we asked about shields
40513s receives said shield
40516s chest right above him he gets a second
40517s big pot as well
40519s so it's definitely raining loot for him
40521s as he continues to try to hold this
40523s position since it is inside of the house
40525s he's gonna be able to re-farm a lot of
40526s those materials place them down and be
40528s able to peek in and out to find the
40530s necessary shots as nico and tavern have
40532s a high ground spot themselves and this
40534s is something that they've been doing
40536s every single game to get the shots that
40539s you're seeing right now three straight
40541s shots being fired and landed by tavern
40543s to get even more damage to put
40545s themselves in more of a comfortable spot
40547s you see them expanding their layer below
40549s them so that way no one can kind of
40550s sneak up and try to steal away the high
40552s ground that's theirs
40553s not only that looks like they got gifted
40555s a little bit of a surprise here loot
40557s dropped will they be able to get it
40558s though is the question is sometimes you
40560s kind of get yourselves into risky
40562s situations where you're trying to secure
40563s these loop drops but it looks like they
40564s might have just done it perfectly or
40566s maybe i spoke too soon as it landed
40568s right on top of the wall i feel like
40569s that happens every time you try and box
40571s up a loot drops just bounce
40573s to be his combat and his fan once again
40576s playing together
40579s i like that southern portion man that
40580s looking like it is gonna be messy
40583s the only thing that's gonna save these
40584s people and i'm just looking at where the
40585s zones right now is if it kind of pulls
40587s or stays to a portion of the south but
40591s the way this game has been going max
40593s pool after max pool
40595s i don't know if i want to bet against
40596s that i mean look we haven't been so
40597s great they're calling zones but maybe
40598s the chat is where you think it's gonna
40600s pull is it gonna pull north is it gonna
40601s pull south we're gonna find out in 20
40603s seconds here
40605s as the zone is closing little by little
40607s we have zerez here and feet coy i mean
40609s they seem relaxed they're both crouched
40611s up in their box maybe talking saying hey
40613s what are we gonna do or
40614s you know maybe just let whatever happens
40616s happens right they have the floppers
40617s have the chug splashes i don't think
40619s we've seen a heal off today so
40621s that still could happen in one of these
40623s last two matches and
40624s they rest decoy they have to do it
40626s doesn't
40627s get a little bit of a southern pool here
40630s you guys can't change your votes the
40631s chat is permanent
40633s we know exactly who's right and who's
40635s wrong when you guys made your guesses
40636s i'll make sure to credit you guys later
40638s as x-rays and decoy third place peeking
40641s in and out of the covers and that's
40642s exactly why they're resetting the covers
40644s that gives them an extra bit of
40645s visibility while remaining safe behind
40648s that layer not seeing what they want
40650s forced to probably rotate here in a bit
40652s just like you see vanillas and wavy
40654s jacob do saul goodman and buzzo as well
40656s just peeking through the cone getting
40658s that information that you're talking
40659s about even though it might be looking
40661s like they're staying stagnant here no
40663s they're just gathering information of
40664s all the duo teams around them figure out
40666s where their rotate is so they can make a
40668s decision based off of that information
40671s who's out here saul
40672s looks like they're making some edits
40674s seeing
40675s what's the rotate what's the path
40676s there's v-dog
40678s the duo playing a bit aggressive against
40680s the kika duo here but remember you don't
40682s want to get too aggressive zone did pull
40684s more to that south like it was saying
40686s fourth zone
40687s 15 seconds though so it starts closing
40689s and now the duos that are on the north
40691s side we have to make something happen
40693s here but we got cheaters trying to see
40695s if we can find any angle any shots as
40697s they do have zero elimination so they
40699s might have to do some damage here
40702s continuously
40704s making sure
40706s anybody sneaking below him
40708s is gonna get caught out spotted out and
40710s called out but they who are now forced
40712s to make the rotation not in zone just
40714s yet shots firing from above they're just
40716s going to drop a layer it's going to make
40717s their journey that much easier somebody
40719s else now becomes the target as he's
40720s going towards the side of the mountain
40722s here trying to take and keep as much of
40724s the high ground as possible it's not
40725s going to be a lot but at least it's
40726s something but he opens he peaks he takes
40728s a big shot his shields go down as v-dog
40731s now trying to alleviate some of that
40732s pressure holding the walls but the shots
40734s are still firing through as cheaters is
40736s doing what he can to get his hp and
40737s shields back up oh tavern and nico
40740s though has to be careful went to pick up
40742s this duo partner but was not able to do
40744s it in time and now the opposing duo has
40746s seen it they want it they want to secure
40748s those eliminations especially having the
40750s advantage niko's called and i'm dropping
40751s my loot you got to get out of here
40752s tavern i'm going to pick up slopper but
40754s he did get everything else men missed
40756s minis chug splashes he just needs a
40757s moment to kind of pop him
40759s as he finds a weak to breathe your nine
40761s below the damage threshold pressure is
40763s on tavr nico do go down first place how
40766s long can they hold on to it luckily for
40768s them though they is a sixth and final
40771s game after this where they either can
40772s get more points on top of that to remain
40775s in the top six or maybe get a victory
40776s roy out at the end of the day and that
40778s might be something rich homie quinn
40780s might have to bank on as it does look
40782s like the five oh does go down he goes
40784s and barely gets himself in towards zone
40786s a med kit just right outside is he's
40788s going to go ahead and pop that needs 10
40791s seconds to be able to pop that med kit
40792s with so many teams around anything's
40794s possible jacob we saw it from snacky's
40796s vr with the one versus two and we're
40798s about to see something happen possibly
40799s here with the rich homie quinn he got
40801s the med kit i feel like that was a sign
40803s you know it was fortnite saying make it
40804s happen here's your opportunity here's
40806s your buff
40807s let's see if you can do it he has the
40808s launch pad has the mobility has
40811s decent amount of materials could be more
40813s but he can make it happen yeah i was
40815s monkeying his duo there
40817s shooting some of the covers might have
40818s been the reason why defiable did go down
40820s at the end of the day is it does look
40822s like quinn might be looking to use his
40824s launch pad early or maybe enforce
40827s something to go out
40828s waiting for everybody to rotate in
40831s trying to recycle as much of the
40833s resources as possible but sooner or
40834s later
40836s he's gonna find exactly what he wants he
40837s gets the cone monkeys duo do get
40839s separated this is quinn's time to strike
40841s the box goes in the damage is out quinn
40843s is gonna be able to get the down onto
40845s one the refreshes in three more points
40847s added to his total and magnificent play
40850s but magnificent leader what a great way
40852s to get that elimination that's the three
40854s extra points for quinn here now playing
40856s as a solo you can see his materials have
40858s went up to 115 bills almost full
40861s materials here but the problem is only
40863s has too many he's gonna use them both
40864s now as well it's gonna be hard to
40866s recuperate the hp he loses both the
40868s materials he has he should at least be
40869s able to secure a good amount of
40871s placement he has a solo he's gonna have
40872s to do it everything
40874s every fiber of his being to stay inch as
40877s close to the top six as possible
40879s spotting out the next rotation spotting
40881s out some heels as well he's gonna try to
40882s be the first one there like you said
40885s thanks to that refresh he was able to
40887s get a ton more build so it's gonna be a
40888s little bit of a save for travel
40891s gets the big fight gonna pop that one
40892s right away get up to about a hundred and
40894s fifty effective hp and seals b dog and
40896s cheaters sit in second place
40898s 120 points looking good but only about
40901s like 59 builds between the two that's
40903s something that might be concerning later
40905s on the game but for now it's the
40906s concerning part is that team that's
40908s right next to him one layer away that's
40910s looking to wait for them to rotate
40912s before they strike scary right sometimes
40914s it's even worth it to take a bit of
40915s storm instead of rotate early as you
40918s just can get yourself in a cut-off
40920s situation like we saw what quinn did on
40922s that one opponent blocking off the
40923s launch pad but it looks like a majority
40924s of the duo's here want to use that
40925s launch pad we have crew your bolts your
40928s prediction jacob we have combat and it's
40930s dual partner doing a great job of doing
40932s damage here but you might just get
40933s caught off in the last moment that's
40935s when hornet is focusing on that rotation
40939s same thing happened very very early on
40941s when you take the launch pad your timing
40943s has to be right you can get separated in
40945s the blink of an eye now combat is down
40947s and his fan is the only one left but
40950s still looking good when it comes to that
40951s damage threshold nothing to worry about
40953s for now other than being solo you see
40955s creep leo traveling towards the low
40957s ground trying to conserve as many of the
40958s resources as possible as matt and
40960s victims for now claim the high ground
40962s sixth zone depending on their resources
40965s might be too early but might not be
40967s especially if they're able to put down
40968s the damage and not let anybody look up
40970s twin now only nine below just have to do
40972s a little bit of damage doing a great job
40974s of not losing shield remember he had
40976s none since this first moving zone after
40978s getting that refresh and he still has a
40980s good amount of materials to work with
40981s but it's only wood will richland could
40983s be able to clutch this out of the solos
40984s he gets a nice tag is it enough though
40986s to go above and stop taking it is 55
40988s above and made it victim they still have
40990s the high ground but they're holding it
40991s since zone 1 will it be too risky as
40993s vanilla might be looking for it might
40995s drop down on top of him is he gonna make
40997s the play he is not but height does get
40999s dropped down it's 40 yards it's caden
41001s they're ahead of zone
41003s holding onto the high perfect way to
41004s hold on to the high ground as well as
41006s true or might be trying to do this one
41007s as a solo half hp
41009s as well this one's looking dangerous
41011s with a couple of duo's still floating
41012s towards the side rich homie quinn all
41015s that shield just getting taken down 34
41017s hp
41018s no builds as well looking for something
41021s here a refresh a siphon as he spots
41023s crimson towards the backside gonna be
41025s able to put down the shots but not
41026s enough to get the elimination or the
41027s siphon so he has to continue to look for
41029s more doing such an amazing job clutching
41031s he's used all his materials he's used
41033s all his shields he's just going through
41034s everything staying up staying put now
41037s already in public 14 here looking to get
41039s a bit more placement but ultimately
41041s gonna go down and look at that high
41042s ground jacob victim getting knocked down
41045s falling down back to the lobby but now
41047s caden he's still up madden trying to
41049s make something happen gets a nice tag
41050s but it's not enough
41052s he's trying to get so many heels but
41054s he's not going to be able to use him
41055s those go over to 40 our storm and
41057s cadence not only do they have the high
41059s ground they have the loot of a llamas
41061s what it seems as they use the chug
41064s launching down trying to stray away from
41066s the high ground as multiple players are
41067s now looking up to take them down but
41069s with that launch pad they just claim the
41070s high ground just on another layer below
41072s them now it's keto it's russo they
41074s decided to give it up here but they
41075s might just get into another engagement
41077s on second night but be careful for the r
41079s they're still up top they're still on
41081s that high ground applying pressure from
41083s above and look at this zone jacob it's
41084s pulling up a hill you have to be ahead
41086s here yep only five builds on the one
41089s do they have enough to stretch it across
41091s otherwise they risk falling crumbling
41094s down below and the high ground goes over
41096s jeffers sitting in first place
41097s elimination falling left and right as
41099s prison picks up one clashes only a
41101s little bit of the men missed so he can't
41102s stagger for too long before he finds his
41104s way in towards the zone and
41105s simultaneously going up to the high
41107s ground elimination is not going to be
41109s picked up he will not get the siphon
41111s back to lobby he goes back to talking
41113s band here with one elimination trying to
41115s clutch it up for his duo partners 40
41117s arcade and they still have the high
41119s ground but they're looking to secure
41120s some eliminations looking to do some
41121s damage caden is actually trapped below
41123s getting himself into an engagement he's
41125s gonna get knocked down leaving 40 r up
41126s as a solo ran out of builds too early
41129s that's because the build fight that we
41130s saw very very early on as jeffers has
41132s first place vanilla is here four teams
41135s remain and they're all solos looking
41138s like a real battle royal here as
41140s vanilla's two big pots but does he have
41142s the time to pop him compile off only a
41144s med miss already at 100 hp trying to
41146s recycle the resources towards the low
41148s ground 40-yard storm still at the high
41150s ground but with no resources still jacob
41152s it's turned into solo f and cs there's
41154s four duos and there's four players alive
41156s now take that down to three as courtney
41158s r gets knocked out back to the lobby now
41160s kampalam trying to make something happen
41162s has med missed jeffers also with a med
41164s missed and five elimination six for
41166s crimson they're already in the double
41167s digits everybody outside of the bubble
41169s right now is a huge jeffers fan because
41171s that gives them life it gives them
41173s another chance here at the leaderboard
41175s but vanilla drops down low he gets taken
41177s down by komplum 1v1 for a chance at the
41181s finals here and for jeffers it's only
41184s bonus because he's already sitting in
41186s first place it's complement that needs
41188s it now more than ever 21st place the low
41191s ground the build jeffers just biding his
41193s time he has the ammo he has everything
41195s he needs he just doesn't have the shot
41197s until he drops down low but complamp is
41199s going to fire up first force him into
41201s the storm he's getting staggered out the
41203s men miss misses coming off but he
41204s doesn't have enough the men missed
41205s there's no more this is his chance here
41207s kaplan has no build the shot will be
41209s fired off but he fires one back and he
41211s takes the game kaplan it's new the
41213s finals confilom does it for him and his
41216s duo jeffers sitting in that number one
41218s spot through consistency but komplum
41221s needed it more than ever you said it
41222s yourself jacob securing that victory
41224s royale in that ticket to the finals no
41226s when i said scissors name wrong i was
41228s calling him a side razor he said hey at
41231s least they don't call you merc well
41233s kampala you definitely earned your name
41235s rightfully along with seer advancing to
41238s the finals congratulations boys i mean
41240s what an amazing way to go to the finals
41242s right being kind of a bit below that
41244s cutoff right but clutching it up on the
41246s last moment the second to last match
41248s from 21st place to the victory royale
41251s thousand points up in the leaderboard
41253s straight to the finals you know they're
41254s feeling good yeah depending on how many
41256s points exactly that was their only way
41259s to the finals and they've definitely
41261s deserved it there by just holding on to
41264s the very end you saw it as basically a
41265s triple threat match but i want to know
41267s what else happened in that late game and
41269s there's only three people that can let
41270s us know kelly panda and clay take it
41273s away thank you so much takata and jacob
41276s and i swear we were watching a solo
41278s tournament there at the very end of 1v1
41280s v1 v1 there although we're going down to
41283s jeffers and compalomp and it looked like
41285s jeffers was gonna take it for the
41287s longest time but let me just say if
41289s anyone out of those two is going to go
41290s down it's probably better that it was
41292s jeffers because he was currently sitting
41294s in that first place spot with all the
41296s points so he's still within contention
41298s clay yeah he's still got the chance
41300s right he's got one more game after this
41301s if they don't want to go for that
41302s victoria out they're sitting pretty
41304s comfortably depending on what we see on
41306s that leaderboard there but yeah it's
41308s still a saving grace there for them but
41310s kompalam where did he come from
41313s i don't know it was an interesting play
41314s to say the least obviously they stayed
41316s up which was kind of the key factor here
41319s you see him struggling quite a bit here
41321s did have some eliminations on the board
41323s so it showed that that their uh the
41325s teammate going down here and seer was
41327s not for for nothing right they did get
41330s some points across the board when it
41331s came to those eliminations but here it
41333s is that final moment complement on the
41336s low ground just trying to survive has
41338s eight build or no builds there in that
41341s final moment looks to take the shot a
41343s huge shot there from the shotgun
41346s ultimately turns that fight around and
41348s fortunate for them they're going to the
41350s finals
41352s so excited to see them in the finals
41353s next week everyone and of course we
41355s still have one more game to go and it
41357s kind of looks like crimson's team might
41359s be that last team to grab the final vr
41362s or at least one of those coveted top six
41364s spots because although we saw jeffers
41367s have just an unfortunate peak at the
41369s very end there they clearly had a great
41371s run until the very end they did and
41374s honestly it is it's good right they were
41376s in sixth place going into it
41378s moving up into that top first spot is
41380s really what you want to see and they
41381s fought really well together panda they
41383s really did and that's the nice thing
41385s about these teams right
41387s we see them fighting and learning to
41389s stay box to box and that's super
41391s important clay mentioned it before um
41393s today and and it really is what makes or
41396s break a a successful team not everybody
41400s can solo clutch like a snacky like we
41402s saw earlier right um so you really have
41404s to play with your teammate you have to
41406s understand how close you are to your
41408s teammate and how effectively to play
41410s together and i think some of these newer
41411s teams like jeffers and crimson are
41414s starting to understand that yeah i mean
41415s just look at the eliminations that they
41416s have unfortunately crimson going down
41418s with six eliminations there but that
41419s does not make jeffers worried whatsoever
41422s still staying on height they're grabbing
41424s great eliminations but at the very end
41426s even yeah another one just such clean
41429s elimination after elimination but this
41431s is where he fell a little short yeah it
41433s was that earlier shot actually from comp
41435s a lot that took a little bit of that
41436s shield off which made it such a big
41438s issue if he hadn't taken that shot it
41440s would have been fine but i mean kelly
41441s let's take a look they moved up eight
41443s spots they got a 30-point lead they are
41446s big chilling right now take a look at
41448s everyone else we got nikko and tavern as
41450s well cheaters of b-dog we see ben and x
41452s moving all the way back up as well but
41454s look again everyone we are looking for
41456s the top six and as you can see six in
41459s seventh place it's only a three point
41461s difference below that it's only a one
41463s point difference it is still so close
41466s for the competition here and with three
41468s points per elimination
41470s i think we're going to be seeing a
41471s pretty aggro final game here what do you
41473s think clay oh 100
41475s if we don't see an aggro final game what
41477s is in a west
41479s i mean you're absolutely right i think
41481s the aggression is going to be uh as good
41483s and i think we're gonna see less
41484s calculated aggression than we have in
41486s the past right we talked about
41487s calculated aggression before and how
41489s important it is but this is the final
41490s game this is the final moment for some
41492s of these teams to qualify on the day
41494s obviously there's still one more day
41496s tomorrow but the final opportunity today
41498s to make their way to the finals and
41500s punch that ticket through
41501s will they be able to do it that's the
41503s question kelly the fact that it's also
41505s been an exe that's on the cusp that
41508s sixth place spot and they constantly
41510s have heights stolen from them i'm
41512s wondering if they're going to go and try
41513s and get height again early on are they
41515s going to be the one to steal height well
41517s we still have just a moment before we
41520s hop into that final game of na west
41522s remember everyone the top six are going
41523s to be moving forward into the finals and
41525s then we have 12 new teams that are going
41528s to be joining us and then that's it
41530s everyone tomorrow is the last day of the
41532s semifinals it's going to be 12 more
41534s teams joining the 15 that have already
41536s gone through the qualifiers the 11
41537s that's already gone through yesterday
41540s and then it's the finals next week two
41542s days it's going to be absolutely insane
41544s everyone and speaking of insane game
41547s number six is going to be absolutely out
41549s of this world and who better to bring
41550s all the action it's jacob and takata
41555s did you say game number six time really
41558s does fly when you're having fun but for
41561s some of these teams this is the last
41563s moment the last chance to book your
41564s ticket to the finals this is the most
41566s intense moment right it's the last match
41568s of the day you either get that vr or you
41570s qualify it through consistency if not
41572s you're going back tomorrow to play the
41574s last session day three of semifinals so
41576s the duals right now that are on that
41578s borderline on that cutoff we saw ben i
41580s mean you got gotta be feeling nervous
41582s yeah it's still anyone's game here as a
41584s victor around punches your tickets but
41586s when it comes to consistency i feel like
41588s there's only a few teams that can really
41591s play for the extra points needed to
41593s punch themselves in that win
41594s qualification so it's gonna be very
41596s interesting to see how depending on
41598s where you're at in the leaderboard what
41599s your game plan is gonna be and i
41601s remember yesterday the average threshold
41603s was 107 points but that was only five
41605s matches jacob we got six matches now so
41607s that threshold is gonna be higher but
41608s you heard the battle bus it's ready
41610s we're going into the last match
41618s last match of the day
41621s all the marbles everything you got comes
41624s down to this final moment
41626s and if you don't find a way to qualify
41628s you can be confident tomorrow you have
41630s six more games a couple more chances but
41633s that can also be a doozy going to bed
41635s realizing those are your last and final
41637s moments
41638s definitely gonna be stressful if you
41640s gotta clutch it out tomorrow going from
41642s day one day to day three but like a
41644s typical gamer here are they
41646s uncontested right now looking at sleepy
41648s sound in the south side i see noah plays
41651s i see typicalgamer but all i see is
41653s vanillas on that north side so i don't
41656s know if they will be getting into an
41657s engagement in this early game and you
41659s can actually see i saw echo over here it
41661s seems that western echo might have
41663s switched drops to the collider i mean
41665s you heard clay he said it was the wild
41667s wild west and already it's being
41670s delivered at the start of this game so
41671s many drop spot changes going down
41674s because they realize the pressure
41675s they're under as reigns and kippel must
41677s go again tomorrow they are out of the
41680s game and they're out of contention
41682s now looking at zuko here digital 36 spot
41686s this might be one of the duals that's
41687s gonna go for that victory royale gonna
41689s be difficult to get into the number six
41690s spot
41692s but victory royale i mean it's possible
41694s anybody can take it in this last match
41696s as we see tavern also continuing his
41698s rotate going to the fortress like always
41700s we got b-dog in the fourth place spot so
41702s many duos right now they're just playing
41704s on the borderline of that cut off and
41707s they're really just going through their
41708s route right they know how to farm they
41710s know where to farm they know where their
41711s duos are
41713s in regards to their rotate and how to
41714s load up as quickly as possible
41717s especially now since they're in their
41718s last match and already practiced so much
41721s today and the only outlier on the
41722s leaderboard is
41723s jefferson crimson
41725s 145 points
41727s everybody else is jam-packed with
41729s anybody going down early it could cost
41731s you your game is rich homie quinn into
41733s five will trying to get aggressive they
41734s want the early elimination they want to
41736s boost themselves up the leaderboard
41738s couldn't take just a few shots but he
41739s runs out of builds he can no longer
41741s continue to test for the high ground but
41742s defiable finds the separation needed
41744s they get the elimination and they get
41746s not one but two so greasy grove is now
41748s theirs quinn and the fireball said you
41750s know it's the last game i don't want to
41752s play with a little bit of loot i want to
41754s play with confidence i want to play with
41755s damage they took that engagement in
41757s greasy they took that risk that two
41759s versus two and came out on top getting
41762s both eliminations and now they have all
41764s the greasy grove to loot they can farm
41766s up as much as they want they do not have
41767s to worry about damage in these first
41770s zones so it's all about how they play
41772s that mid and that late game and looking
41774s at kevin look at yazier eighth place
41776s spot now they're below the threshold but
41777s they're close
41778s five and they know what they're under
41780s they're down roughly 30 points from that
41783s bubble spot
41784s so they want to control as much of their
41786s destiny as possible it's not all or
41788s nothing it is going to take a good
41789s number of eliminations mixed with a high
41791s placement game theoretically it is
41793s possible to still jump into the top six
41796s they're doing all they can to keep two
41798s different win conditions alive as kevin
41801s and your sierra still command cavern
41803s looting up business as usual tavern nico
41806s business as usual sitting in third place
41808s they too do not want to slip out as 121
41811s is enough to be in the top for now but
41814s if you go down early earlier than you
41816s have hope especially something similar
41818s to last game that is definitely gonna
41819s have you biting your nails watching from
41821s the sidelines i love always seeing them
41823s around here by the fortress you know
41824s like they have a game plan and they
41826s stick to it every single game and it's
41828s such a good game plan i mean they have
41830s the mobility from the cannons on the
41832s fortress they have the elevated position
41834s to get tags not risking that much at all
41837s i mean they're going for tags from afar
41839s they're not getting into box fights
41840s they're not giving to these engagements
41842s which could end up causing them to be
41843s eliminated early they're doing
41844s everything they can to maintain that
41846s consistency and it's working so well
41848s because they're still up in that top
41849s spot in the threshold and i mean they're
41852s on route to qualifying for the finals
41853s yep we already saw earlier games that
41856s said none physics did switch up their
41858s drop spot leaves chunker speedway
41861s near uncontested as can be and this is
41864s one of those pois you get this one
41865s uncontested you're gonna get a massive
41868s amount of loot you're gonna be able to
41869s get all your resources and farm back up
41871s the only thing really holding them back
41873s is it's a little bit of a northern pole
41874s so they gotta travel sooner than later
41876s just like four yard canin stock they
41878s gotta travel together to try to find
41879s this elimination as miles is gonna go
41881s down their job got that much easier if
41883s they take down gord as well they get the
41885s wife they get the elims and they get the
41887s damage necessary for storm surge there's
41889s a second duo we've seen now play extra
41891s aggressive in the early game to finish
41893s it off strong right rich show me quinn
41894s and to do a partner defiable in greasy
41896s got the two eliminations and now 40r and
41898s cayden just got there two eliminations
41900s here and tilted so you know these two
41901s duos they really want to make something
41903s happen in this last match yeah starting
41905s this one off with 74 points they too
41908s want to get a good number of
41909s eliminations so that way they don't have
41911s to do all or nothing on that victory
41913s royale but
41915s sooner or later the zone's gonna push
41917s everybody in getting those eliminations
41918s gonna be
41920s so much more difficult here it's prism
41922s bakity sitting in fourth place
41925s doing it with not a lot of camera time
41927s either waiting for their moment to
41929s strike here and that's something that we
41930s see at least one or two teams do every
41932s single season we may not know them but
41935s we're definitely getting to know them as
41937s the games progress
41938s we got russo here sixth place spot 115
41942s points alongside guido
41944s they're close they're getting there you
41945s know they're feeling a little nervous
41947s but at the same time feeling that
41948s excitement
41949s thinking about what happens if we just
41951s make it to the finals here do we qualify
41953s for that consistency they can finish it
41954s off strong as well that victory royale
41957s 81 players up 41 duos you can tell that
41960s this lobby it's getting a bit more
41962s aggressive clay was saying it wouldn't
41964s be west without a bit of aggression here
41966s especially in the last game
41968s let's see which duos can really just
41969s step up their game and make something
41971s happen
41972s nobody really wanted to share the loot
41974s anymore
41975s no one's caring for anything but their
41978s own accord here because they want to
41980s advance to the finals like i said yeah
41982s you can feel confident knowing you have
41983s six more chances tomorrow but that same
41985s confidence could be your demise as you
41987s might get down on yourself saying hey i
41989s had x amount of chances maybe on day one
41992s x amount on day two it hasn't worked out
41994s so it's all on to our final day as
41996s wavy jacob and vanilla's
41999s coming up big these last few games some
42001s some great placements but unable to
42003s really find the consistency that they
42005s need to boost them at the top of the
42006s leaderboard so it's going to come down
42008s to this final moment here trying to set
42010s up good for storm surge so that way they
42012s don't have to worry about it through the
42013s mid game president kitty 120 points here
42016s might be going up against fax footy
42019s vanilla's here
42020s 71 points launch pad chug splashes bigs
42024s minis they've got it all
42025s and even his own position here you can
42027s see it's closed quite north here the
42029s second zone also closes north that means
42031s the team's on the south side of the map
42033s for example wisconsin they're gonna have
42034s a tough job getting into the zone but it
42036s really depends on how quickly they
42038s rotate and if they try and predict that
42040s double far zone pole as vanillas is
42042s gonna end up getting cracked here by bat
42045s kitty getting it much much harder to
42046s rotate this side around because even
42048s though there is less players on this
42050s side of the map as now but you're gonna
42053s see sleepy sound contested
42055s another team going towards the
42056s lighthouse that's kika and kika
42059s from daily bugle already making their
42061s own adjustments to try to get themselves
42063s a better spot
42064s as you see the adjustments being made
42066s once more trying to reunite back
42068s together along with prism
42069s because we know
42070s a little bit of separation is all it
42073s really takes for a team to kind of lose
42075s sight of what's important and get taken
42077s down from afar as combat and his fan
42079s trying to loot up as much of command
42081s cavern the resources are absolutely
42084s gonna be theirs especially they have the
42086s car they're going to be able to get into
42087s that ball sooner rather than later
42089s now see what they can pick up they've
42091s got the points they've got the loot and
42092s if they can get into that vault jacob
42094s just like you were saying i mean they
42095s will have more than enough to finish out
42098s this game but you can see command cavern
42099s it's a popular drop spot you gotta do is
42101s on the west side east side north side
42102s inside
42104s we've got remy here in riyadh going for
42105s some aggression you're actually taking
42107s down one now having that player
42108s advantage to the one versus two every
42110s eight we're going to finish that up
42111s quickly but you got to be careful as
42112s jeffers it's from afar right now just
42114s applying pressure with that assault
42116s rifle with that ar doing as much damage
42118s as you can i could jet first after that
42120s elimination they got some shots exactly
42122s like you said but as soon as they didn't
42124s land in and they realized the duo was
42125s going to be able to box up they
42126s immediately turn they gotta get to zone
42128s just like everybody else and for them
42130s they still can control their own destiny
42132s either winning this game and advancing
42135s through a victory royale or staying
42137s within the top six
42138s which is 100 possible for this team
42142s as riak and remy moving up the
42143s leaderboard trying to make that their
42145s own viability here as two different ways
42147s to qualify ninth place 92 points
42150s and if they're able to take
42151s that
42154s well
42155s remy here
42156s seeing what he can do seeing if he can
42158s eat those cabbages make sure he
42160s recuperates the hp that are losing from
42162s tank and storm here but it's all about
42164s making it in safe here noah typical
42166s gamers they're boxed up and they want
42169s that victory royale you can see them
42171s looking for tags looking for damage they
42172s were not contested
42174s in this match so we can see that western
42176s echo did drop in the new poi the
42178s collider so they did get that rotate
42181s done but the question is will they be
42182s able to get the damage because normally
42184s they get it from that early game
42185s engagement and now they didn't have it
42187s they've got to find new ways to get tags
42188s but it does not seem to be a problem for
42190s noah
42192s still firing down from below
42194s not letting up down goes sweat
42197s bow crows with just a sliver of hp as
42199s well and i have his work cut out for him
42201s if he wants to get this revive you can
42203s see in the mini map so many other teams
42205s hearing the shots fire off and they're
42206s trying to clean it up for themselves
42208s whether they get the elimination points
42209s or not the loot is going to be a huge
42211s bonus
42213s but clay you see something break it down
42215s for us
42216s thank you so much yeah i just want to
42218s take a look here yeah i just want to
42219s take a look here at this fight we talked
42221s about aggression right and then a wes
42222s and so you see fikoy got a good shot on
42224s the back and delta but they decided not
42226s to take it and that's because it's game
42228s number six they cannot afford to go down
42230s right now they realize hey it's better
42232s for us to disengage so they both come to
42234s terms decide it's better for us and we
42236s just both go
42238s yup even though they're in 23rd place
42240s they realize the only way to qualify for
42243s the finals today in our last game is
42245s through a victory royale and they're
42247s going to have to curve a lot of the risk
42249s that they're going to take very very
42250s early on in the game as if they wanted
42252s elimination that'll naturally presents
42253s itself as the game goes on i mean it's
42256s all about waiting for that perfect
42258s moment to strike right if you don't have
42259s a very big advantage you're taking a
42261s risk in the engagement you've got to
42262s wait to see if you get into that
42264s advantageous position and then you might
42265s not so you will have to do something a
42267s little bit risky but you don't want to
42269s do it too early in the match if you
42270s don't have to as you can see tavern here
42272s with the nikko making the rotate not
42274s from the fortress but once again through
42276s shifty and it's almost like they have
42278s multiple scenarios multiple rotates
42280s multiple plans on how they can move
42282s along through the zone depending on
42284s their positioning and also their
42285s opponent's positioning you can tell that
42287s they really prepared for these
42288s semi-finals and it's showing because
42290s they're in top three right now
42291s this time around though
42293s they're not able to just sit at the top
42295s spot they're forced to rotate this time
42297s around and traveling through shifty
42299s shafts just looking for a way to kind of
42300s sneak that high ground away what you see
42303s in your mini-map kind of like a little
42304s bit of overhead view of shifty shafts
42307s there's so many teams vying for a spot
42309s into the zone so many indeed that
42311s they're even battling out for the high
42312s ground chopping each other down
42314s trying to take fall damage mixed with
42316s actual spray damage but you see talking
42318s ben's loadout he's kind of banking on
42320s that drum shotgun getting into a box
42322s ending the fight quick
42324s and here gets the drop down but is it
42326s enough to get that elimination he did
42328s not knock down an opponent here now
42330s alongside exe taking some
42332s angles looking around seeing what they
42334s can do here is bat kitty and prisma back
42336s up for 120 points fourth place spot but
42338s they gotta do damage 33 below the thing
42341s is they don't not want to risk it they
42343s only need to get a few tags and what a
42345s nice double shot from bat kitty there
42348s hopefully bringing him above and there
42349s it is 25 above they got to do more but
42351s they're definitely doing their damage
42352s what was that that you said earlier hit
42354s them with the bop bop
42355s back to back shots 82 damage in the
42358s blink of an eye but i like how he's
42359s continuing to stay proactive 55 above
42362s you see that dropping down to only 25
42364s above he realize this is not a place i
42366s want to stay at so he's trying to find
42369s the information spots a couple players
42370s freshly building outside of zone quickly
42373s turning trying to put the shots down but
42375s nobody is giving him the peak that he
42377s wants
42377s and that's why he's continuously looking
42379s all around bolt's crew he finally spots
42381s him off into the distance they got a
42382s good high ground spot but they too are
42385s going to have to rotate just a little
42386s bit more sitting in 30th place for them
42387s it's victory royale or we go again
42389s tomorrow
42390s tavern nikko we can see they've been
42391s continuing their road tape and we can
42394s see they're actually using their wood
42396s here because they know these are
42397s temporary bases right these are not the
42398s final location they want to be
42400s positioned at which is why tavern's
42401s already down to 78 wood but so that's
42403s almost max brick and metal they want to
42405s find a good position maybe even on this
42407s hill or someone's just a little bit more
42409s elevated before they start using those
42411s harder materials like the bricks like
42412s the metal that's exactly what they're
42414s doing up here but looking at nigel he's
42415s lost his duo partner angel now have to
42418s push it up to the solo jacob yeah i've
42419s seen a couple of players including him
42421s lose their teammates forced to do it as
42423s a solo but doesn't mean they're out of
42424s the game just yet just means it got
42426s exponentially harder
42428s men missed though big pots that's gonna
42430s be enough to get him to 100 100 shields
42433s and hp he just needs the time to pop it
42435s dropping down low making sure he doesn't
42436s become a target but it's the resources
42438s that i'm concerned about the materials
42440s only eight bills left to his name it
42441s doesn't matter if he's 575 above he's
42444s going to have to look for a refresh
42446s right now half damage just like you said
42448s but does he have what he needs to stay
42451s up until this late game to get enough
42453s points to qualify him for the finals or
42456s will he have to go again tomorrow nigel
42458s here using that mantling mechanic to get
42460s up get into an opponent's box here he's
42462s safe for now but how long will they be
42464s able to hold this up
42466s there's tavern and nico trying to put
42468s the shots even more surge to their name
42470s see jeffers and crimson first place on
42473s the side looking good for themselves
42475s 40 hours storm 14th place a little bit
42478s separated from cadence but not too much
42480s to worry about as they're both
42481s proactively trying to look for shots
42483s they don't have to worry about surge as
42484s there's 69 players left in the game
42488s that's gonna be something here if storm
42490s surge does become a problem that's about
42492s 19 players that will need the ball i
42493s mean you can tell us the last game storm
42495s surge it popped up but not for too long
42497s it's not as strong as it was in the
42499s previous five matches and now
42501s did it just go back up to seven jacob i
42503s mean i don't know if i've got some sort
42505s of power but storm surge if just one
42508s more player goes back up could be
42509s reactivated so these players might have
42512s to be careful as right now noah plays
42513s and typical did secure an elimination
42515s even though they did not get one off the
42517s spawn but
42518s with the four flopper three minis they
42520s got the launch pads now they're just
42522s kind of securing the little bit of extra
42523s loot that they can
42525s checking like a 20 30 yard bomb with the
42527s big pot
42529s it's just kind of unfortunate that he's
42530s trying to put the big pot and keep it as
42532s like bonus but now he's not even able to
42535s grab it just yet i know he's looking for
42536s it but he's forced to use it almost
42538s right away so everything that he was
42539s trying to do there in that situation
42541s goes to the wayside but definitely love
42543s the attempt that he's trying to do like
42544s we've talked about pro activity is going
42546s to be the greatest part of these guys
42548s success see where the next zone pulls
42550s though and see how much work they're
42552s gonna have to do
42554s not too bad for some of the lobby
42557s but everybody on like the northern
42559s eastern portion of that lobby is gonna
42560s have to rotate in down mountains up
42562s mountains it's gonna be a doozy i mean
42564s yeah that's what i was gonna say the
42565s scary part of the zone is not where it
42567s closed but what's inside of it you've
42568s got multiple kind of hilltops even a
42571s mountain inside of it so it's all about
42573s that positioning who's gonna be able to
42574s get it but looking at the nikko replay
42576s here oh already had the edit already had
42579s the build place and that's why you have
42581s to be careful jacob when you're going
42582s through builds that are not yours that
42584s was absolutely perfect there i don't
42586s know who called it out but eight plus
42588s plus for them whoever called it out i'm
42590s just going to give credit to tavern same
42592s time because
42593s he welcomes me with over an arm so i'm
42595s going to give you all the love in the
42596s world and he said he was going to
42597s qualify i was talking to him in his
42599s stream last night he was feeling
42601s confident he was feeling good he said
42603s i'm going gonna do it for you and i said
42604s don't do it for me man do it for
42606s yourself you definitely deserve it
42609s prominent pro in the west region xc and
42611s ben though
42612s fourth place at one point or another
42614s they were so close to getting that
42615s victory royale they had high ground for
42617s so long but it slipped through your
42619s fingers at the very last moment
42621s fourth place
42622s in the top six that's something they
42624s need to go ahead and control their
42626s destiny here because you imagine if they
42627s slip out of the top six that's not
42629s something you want to have to end your
42630s day i mean they got into this match just
42633s on the cut off so they do not need the
42634s victory royale but they just need to
42636s play consistent here make it to those
42637s moving zones maybe even secure
42640s a bit of eliminations but they have to
42642s make something happen here they are
42643s below on storm surge they're going to
42645s have to do some damage that could get
42648s very very risky
42651s talk about risk though
42653s 225 below the damage threshold
42656s they're gonna have to take some risks
42657s take some peaks here
42659s because they don't have a ton of heels
42661s to try to make that a strategy to try to
42663s out heal it 10 players do need to go
42664s down
42665s slick's going to be one of them taken
42666s down by bolts trying to make
42669s last game heroics happen
42671s b-dog spotting some action in the
42673s distance though in the storm trying to
42674s get a piece of it on its own there goes
42676s a shot but it's not going to be enough
42677s to get them above the damage threshold
42679s they must continue to look for more here
42681s and those players that went down vanilla
42683s squid vodka that's not how you want to
42685s end it here but they do have their
42687s teammates as solos still have a hope in
42689s this game 107 above v-dog
42692s cheaters will they be able to clutch it
42694s up will they be able to maintain that
42696s fifth place spot or even go up as sweat
42698s and vocals down below or taking some
42700s shots from the duos which are already in
42702s zone but
42703s right now the bmg or bmd duo
42707s they are
42708s playing kind of safe here kind of slow
42710s even splitting up materials making sure
42711s they're ready for this rotate as they
42713s have to switch it up for this fifth zone
42715s it did float on the opposite side of the
42717s map as a majority of these duos are
42719s going to have to rotate but some of them
42722s are going to be rotating a little bit
42723s more happily if tavern just picked up an
42725s elimination and now you can even see
42727s jacob there's only two duhos inside of
42730s this half and half zone the fifth zone
42732s so literally almost all the lobby has to
42734s rotate here
42735s it goes down the hill from a little bit
42737s of those north teams that are there
42738s everybody's gonna have to travel in you
42740s best believe that somebody's gonna have
42743s to drop a launch pad everybody is gonna
42745s go ahead and try to converge make a mad
42747s dash to try to use that launch pad
42749s before it's no more before they get shot
42751s out of the sky here but for those duos
42753s that are close by they can wait to the
42754s last moment to rotate in get the damage
42756s that they need to stay on top here just
42758s like x-rays and decoy staying on top
42760s third place
42762s 131 points and they're one of those duos
42764s that you pointed out that got gifted the
42765s zone
42766s gift of the zone but will they be able
42768s to take that gift and put it to good use
42770s to speak for getting a great bag i might
42772s even knocking down one knocking down two
42774s those could be some nice little
42776s eliminations but it looks like they
42777s weren't able to pick up annie but will
42779s he be able to pick up one more there's
42781s so many duos rotating through here and
42782s it seems like that launch pad was a
42784s dangerous one my prediction might went
42785s down but come on boys you guys listen to
42787s this please stay positive you have six
42790s more chances tomorrow
42791s don't want to let it crumble before that
42793s day begins this decoy x-ray is
42794s continuing to put the pressure all
42797s around the lobby they don't care who it
42798s is they said you can take shots you
42801s could take shots they're just dishing it
42802s up as everybody trying to find that
42804s sweet spot in towards zone decoy x-rays
42807s combat and combats fan are right below
42809s them above them noah typical gamer he
42812s has everybody's just jam-packed together
42814s just like two duos got gifted the zone
42816s last time only one has the front side of
42819s zone convincingly south side rotate make
42821s sure you don't want to slip here as it
42823s is a snowy rotate going down in the
42825s first moving typical gamer noah they've
42827s got their plan that kitty though
42830s solo in the fourth place spot any point
42832s here could be crucial to qualifying
42837s imagine going down this late
42840s that's something that we have seen
42841s before so it wouldn't be crazy
42844s i kind of think that would happen but
42846s that also leads for these big story
42847s lines to clutch up as a solo trying to
42849s recycle as much as he can but he gets
42851s shot out and as he goes down you see him
42853s drop into fifth place
42856s you know he's feeling nervous right now
42858s but will it be enough i believe he was
42860s at 129 points you can even see here the
42863s bmd duo are at 127 they're that much
42866s closer to the fifth place spot here 191
42870s below but it's sol it's bouzou on that
42872s high ground they're in the 11th place
42874s spot but they want this victory royale
42876s will they be able to maintain it
42878s 420 above the damage threshold short pad
42880s so they don't go too high in the sky and
42881s get shot out from above but still
42884s figuring out a way to hold on to that
42886s high ground they know exactly what they
42887s want to do here in this situation they
42889s just can't lose sight they can't lose
42890s focus from another team here who's
42892s trying to contest them that's no place
42894s that's typical gamer and it only takes
42896s so long before they build they take the
42897s high ground