Poor performance (especially near The Agency and during Team Rumble matches) [10 fps]
- Physics disabled on only SOME outfits, unclear wether intended or not
- Text saying "Click to Start" appearing once touch controls are used on title screen
- Title screen music is missing (Edit: could be missing on all platforms)
- Most outfits not loading in (Most prominent in starting island)
- Motion aiming no longer accurate (seems as if aiming on a grid with the crosshair snapping to the grid)
- News tab at low resolution
- Many audio sfx are missing such as breaking objects and ambience
- Two of the same button prompts on the keybinds menu
- Landing ontop of unrendered buildings and structures
- Quick movements with camera cause lower fps
- Built in emotes briefly appearing as white squares (missing or placeholder texture)
- Locker and item shop outfits textures sometimes appear at low resolutions
- Cannot highlight the left space in the lobby
- When scrolling down the friends list, it would automatically bring you to the top
- high amounts of friends on friends list would cause fps drops
- scrolling in locker causes fps drops
Introduce option for downgraded visuals (less anti alising, less effects, mobile-like models)
Introduce separate sensitivities for handhelds and docked modes
re-enable video capture