Since a few hours, the refer a friend site appears to be back up after a day of downtime to fix the bug which caused levels to not be counted for task 5. According to a tweet by Epic, progress during downtime would still be counted once the program was up and running again.
However, this does not seem to be the case. Reports are rolling in by people who've had only a small percentage of what they actually achieved counted. Please take another look and make sure those people are properly credited.
Lastly, the site seems to still be broken right now. As a test, I've had my friend level up once more an hour ago. This progress has also not yet been accounted for, so there is good reason to believe that things are still not working properly, even when the site is no longer in maintenance.
Epic, please take another look!
To the community: Feel free to share your story below, describing how many levels you miss and when you achieved those levels. It may help Epic to get down to the issue. Many thanks!
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