over 5 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

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over 5 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by IOScaptainYT

•IOS 13 controller compatibility •IOScaptain •It’s been happening for awhile of course the auto turning and auto shooting when not touching the controller, Making all buttons work on ps4 and Xbox controllers. This update made controllers for iOS turn and shoot more than it has ever for me. Being in console lobbies with these bugs is horrific. Disable that put us with mobile players till all the buttons can be used correctly. •IPAD PRO 2018 12.9 •iOS 13.1 •Also why not in custom setting for controller settings add Xbox/PS4 preset like on PC so it doesn’t always show the mobile controller layout.

As an update to the controller questions players have been asking about I can let you know the following. We are still looking to enable L3 and R3 for full controller functionality. In order to do this, we need to move to Xcode 10/11. We are still using Xcode 9 at this time. Once I have more information on our move to Xcode 10/11 I will be sure to update everyone.

over 5 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by Kiara_oop

whats the progress on switch physics? last thing i saw from someone is that the team was "actively" working towards a fix even though its been a bit over 1 month since they said that. i miss scourges dress moving.. besides that aim assist is still fps based which i thought wouldn't be that hard to fix and was hoping it would be fixed this patch. I didn't see it working at all in the combine.

This is still a work in progress. I do not have a timeline of when this issue is going to be resolved.

over 5 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by tnnsbeast22

When i load up for a combine game, i get the network error. I can play creative and solo games though

We are looking into the combine errors now.

over 5 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by javider

Some skins that were shown perfectly fine yesterday are blurry today. eg. PANDA Team Leader. I didnt bother to check the rest of my locker.

what device? can you provide screenshots?

over 5 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by SkyClawAlpha

You guys said fixes were coming 2 updates ago.. leaving it in such a poor state that players are actively deleting the game off their switches.. it’s clear that epic doesn’t care for quality, just quantity. I’m deleting FN and unfollowing the FN Reddit’s. hopefully you’ll fix your game someday and people can enjoy it but I doubt I’ll come back

We never said fixes were coming. I would have never put out a timeline about physics. It has been an ongoing discussion with the team. Mobile and switch have not had physics enabled for a while now. We are trying to make improvements to certain cosmetics as we can.

over 5 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by pokeboy626

Please Epic, could you finally unlock "Medium" graphics for A10 Devices ( Iphone 7, Iphone 7 plus, Ipad 2018)?

Our Medium graphics have been locked to "Low" since the end of Season 8. Now that IOS 13 and Ipad OS have officially released, could you guys finally give us our Medium graphics option back? On your trello you stated that the reason you guys locked it was due to memory concerns and that you were working with Apple to fix it. Now that both the Iphone 7 and Ipad 2018 have received IOS 13, our devices should now have more memory available. If for some reason you guys aren't able to unlock Medium graphics for v10.40, could you give us an update as to when? Thank you for reading this.

Devices did not gain more memory because of iOS 13 being released. These graphics will stay locked at low until the team can determine when they will be stable enough to be increased.

over 5 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by xbayx650

Apple announced controller support in June. Developer beta was released soon after. It’s almost October and you don’t know when you’ll move to Xcode 10/11? It sounds like you haven’t even started the work. All of my friends have stopped playing this game and I don’t plan on making any purchases in the next season. 👎🏼👎🏼

We have been working on it. I cant get into the tech/dev side of things. But we have been working with Apple to move towards Xcode 10/11. Memory usage while using 10/11 are still a concern, this is why we are still on Xcode 9. This is not something that has a simple and easy solution.

over 5 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by itsjordan21

Asking here since epic support and apple support arent acknowledging who is to take responsibility. My son plays on ios and I purchased the batman pack for him and he's yet to receive it. It's been 3 days or so now with nothing. I've seen some other people have this issue but no follow-up solutions. Epic says talk to apple and apple says talk to epic.

All store transactions are taken seriously and the team has been working on resolving this issue. There is a lot of testing and validating that needs to occur, especially in this instance. We have to find what was causing the issue to begin with. Work with Apple purchasing to verify and several other steps including fixing the issue and testing the fix. The teams goal is to have this solved by the end of the week.

*Needed to edit* Was just informed that this weekend is unlikely at this time. This was me speaking prior to get the most recent update, I apologize for that. If I find anything else out tomorrow I will let you know.

about 5 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by itsjordan21

Still nothing? It's been a month already...

Hey Jordan, I can tell you that this is actually still being worked on. We are in discussions with Apples engineering team and working closely with them to resolve this issue.

about 5 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by itsjordan21

Ya I'd rather just have a refund now. This is beyond my patience level, and over a month with no results. How can I just get that at least? Over a month of waiting, money essentially wasted with interest charge, and no actual results or solutions provided.

If you have a current email conversation going with support I would contact them about a refund, I am unable to do anything on that side. Sorry about the issue Jordan, this issue affected a very small amount of players but i understand the frustration.