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The Battle Royale friend bonus (at least on PS4) is not working for a whole week now, which means it hugely affects the leveling progress and more important, the battle pass for that people have paid for.

When you have 3 high level friends, it's around 100% extra XP that you are missing out every single round at the moment, which is around 33% of all XP combined that you would get every single round (normal 100%, your 70-110% extra XP and the missing around 100% friend XP). I rarely see anyone noticing this at all but it is a huge bug and it was in fact a part of the sold Battle Pass and I think we should get that fixed immediately.

I already had people confirming this. https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/7u3eud/v230_social_issuesdowntime_make_good/dtin1pp/?context=3

And I need your help to get this spread out, cause no matter where I try, Twitter, Fortnite Forum, or here in the past, EPIC isn't reacting at all. It affects us all and I think we all deserve to get a statement about this from EPIC.

Thank you.


A friend of mine had the idea, since the "play with a friend" challenges are also not working, that the game just doesn't recognize friends at the moment and that makes totally sense. Interesting.

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about 7 years ago - /u/EpicMattS - Direct link

Hey, thanks for the report! We are aware of it, and we're actively working on a fix. Sorry for the bug, but we should have it fixed shortly!