about 6 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by HereticxAnthem

Hi all!

As with every patch, new bugs pop-up. In the interest of not flooding the sub with the same bug post, and to make it a little easier for Epic to keep track of all the bugs reported on this sub, we thought it'd be a good idea to keep all of them condensed to one thread. Please use the format provided below (you can just copy paste it), and please check if your issue has already been posted before posting it yourself. There is no reason to flood the thread with the same bug, as the upvote system will sort items by severity:



If replicable, how:

It is possible that some of the reports will be deleted. If so, it's highly likely that what you reported ruins the "integrity" of the game (exploits).

v7.20 Content Update Patch Notes


  • POIs are not loading in on landing from the battle bus
  • Framerate is very low especially at large POIs (Tilted, etc.)
  • Skins still don't load in properly
  • Voice chat doesn't always work
  • Switch players are regularly matchmade with other consoles even when not in a cross-platform party
  • Can't record videos in-game
  • No career tab/stats
  • No STW


  • Voice Chat
  • POI's not loading in properly
  • Players loading in as the same skin in the lobby


Please, please, please, follow the format and check if the issue has already been posted. We will delete it otherwise. If you want to say, "Hey, this bug is happening to me too." then just reply to the comment. If you think you have a potential fix to a listed bug then just reply to the comment. The point of this thread is to have a collection of bugs that are presented in a way to help the devs out by providing more info than simply just, "Hey, x is going on. Fix it pls, ty," and having the upvote system sort the bugs by severity and frequency instead of just repeating the same bug a hundred times, and hiding lesser severe/frequent bugs that may have also been able to brought to attention if one didn't have to wade through a torrent of comments about the game not fitting on their screen. Thank you.

I have made a few comments on the same thread in the other subreddit. Here is the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteMobile/comments/aj38ec/comment/eesfh55/?st=JR9N85UW&sh=fa19fbd6

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