almost 6 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Hey Folks,

We want to address a concern that has been brought up regarding Shadow Bombs. We received a report that if a player was eliminated under the effect of the Shadow Bomb that they would keep invisibility and all movement buffs when they respawn. This issue is only occurring in modes that had respawns enabled, such as Team Rumble.

However, if you're experiencing or observing this happening in other non-respawn modes or tournament modes please let us know!

External link →
almost 6 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by Slinky621

Well, that's a quick fix.

How about fixing the chug jug glitch?

If you are speaking about the issue where the Chug Jug goes off and you do not get health/shield benefits, this should be resolved in next weeks patch.

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about 11 hours ago - /u/AryssSkaHara