Bug: navigation in all menus not working. Gives the appearance like a button is being spammed and disables the ability to do anything.
Examples encountered/tried so far:
• Battle Pass Tab - stuck like it’s selected/spamming the bonus rewards tab. Cannot select, cannot move through any other sections on this page. Nothing visually showing, sound effect of a button spam is heard.
• Compete Tab: seems to work fine
• Locker Tab: cannot navigate to anything. No visual indicator of what is current selected/hovered on, emotes not displaying at all, cannot select anything inside locker.
• Item Shop Tab: automatically stuck on the top second item (currently for its Mr. Meeseeks Outfit), shows the button to be like it is spam clicking, gives the same sound effect, cannot navigate left it right through the shop only and down with no ability to select and go into an item.
• Career Tab: visual glitching to look like a button is being spammed, sound effect also can be heard, visual touch on the achievement cards where they appear to be glitching up and down.
• VBUCKS Tab: same thing as above, no left or right navigation working and cannot select into anything.
• Quests/Map/Collections Menu: Slight visual glitch can be seen, navigation seems to be working in here but the sound effect of the button spam can be heard.
• Friends/Menu Tab: Visual Glitch appearing along with the sound effect, cannot do anything eg. Select on friends to invite, join party etc, can move the navigation up and down but that’s about it.
• Game Discovery Tab: functioning fine, but once game type is selected, cannot use the menu to select the game mode eg. Solo, duos, squads etc.
• No overly noticeable in game errors, but when moving items in inventory, visual glitch appears there as well, it allows you to move the items, but then resets your POV in the game to be pointing down towards the ground regardless of where you were positioned before moving the items. Also at the end of a game when the i game me u appears, the glitch happens again on that menu so you cannot choose between the different end game options such as ready up etc. after switching back and forth between game stats and the menu, it will let you hold X to return to lobby, but that’s it.
Little bit hard to play with all the other issues occurring and not being able to invite people to party or accept invites etc. so unsure if further issues, these are just what I immediately experienced when logging in after the update and unfortunately will have to wait for these to be fixed before trying to play again as it’s just too big of an issue trying to play the game when I am stuck only being able to ready you on the game mode I was playing prior to the update.
Have tried restarting game etc, same issues experienced.
Platform: PS5