8 months ago - Fortnite - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s VAR check! Who cares, who cares.
4s Uh, Uh, Um- Like the- That, Uh.
7s Yo, what’s up, my name’s Hen, and I'm Trashy, and we're playing
10s Battle
14s Buzz.
20s Question one: At which POI did you get the mythic rarity
24s drum gun?
28s At the Agency. Love it!
28s How many seasons of squad FNCS have there been?
33s 3. 2.
35s It was 1!
37s How much shield do you get if you pop a mini,
40s a big & a chug splash? 95.
45s That is correct. I was going to say 95!
48s Veno won his first FNCS ever together with who?
52s Aqua. Correct.
53s True or false?
54s FNCS All Stars had both a solo and duo- we only had solos.
60s True or false?
61s Queasy won his first FNCS together with his teammates-
68s Say true or false!
69s You pressed the button!
69s It was Jur3ky and Truex!
72s That is correct.
74s At which POI could you get the mythic rarity AR and grappler? The
78s shark.
79s That is correct.
80s Tayson has won a total of how many FNCS?
84s Three. Five!
86s That is correct!
88s Who won FNCS Chapter
90s three Season three of EU FNCS?
93s Malibuca?
94s Wait, wait- give me like 10 seconds?
96s Hen? No.
97s Jannis and Vadeal.
100s Who cares, who cares.
101s What item both heals you and your teammates and speeds you up?
105s Uh- Chug Splash.
107s Uh, Uh, Um- Like the- That, Uh- Chili Chug Splash.
111s he said.
112s He said Chug Splash first, I don’t know.
113s But I meant Chilli Chug Splash. Alright, alright, we’ll give it to him.
116s Which player has the most FNCS titles in the
120s NA region? Epikwhale.
122s Oh, it's Arkham.
124s Yep! Oh, my God. Epikwhale & Arkham.
126s You can throw me, I’m orange and love water-
132s it was his first.
132s Flopper. That is correct.
135s How many types of Mid-Match objectives
137s are there currently in chapter- 2.
141s Shockwave Hammers were a big part of what season?
145s Chapter four.
146s Season two.
149s Chapter four Season one.
150s Correct.
151s Lets go!
154s What season was it when the majority of the map was flooded?
158s Chapter two season one.
162s Chapter three, Season GG.
165s Chapter two Season two.
167s Season 3.
168s Yeah, that’s correct, season three.
170s Finish the POI name: Holly?
171s Home. Holly Hedges.
174s Oh my God.
175s Finish the POI name: Misty?
178s Misty Meadow.
179s Finish the POI name: Tomato?
182s Town. I hit it first!
185s GG, GG,
190s I win!
193s VAR check- we need it!