over 4 years
ago -
The Fortnite Team
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All we have for you is a word… TENET.
Live from Party Royale’s Big Screen, see the world premiere of a new movie trailer for TENET, the upcoming film from acclaimed director Christopher Nolan. Starring John David Washington and Robert Pattinson, the trailer will first air in Fortnite on Thursday, May 21 at 8 PM ET.
Stay alert and catch it before time runs out. The Tenet trailer will run at the top of every hour until 8 PM ET May 22nd. Click here for local showtimes.
Don’t try to understand it. Feel it. In Party Royale.
UPDATE: As Geoff Keighley revealed, in the next few months we will screen an iconic Christopher Nolan full-length feature film in Party Royale on the Big Screen. Stay tuned for details on which film and when.