Original Post — Direct link
about 5 years ago - /u/EpicBoaty - Direct link

Now that's a whole lot of Brutus. Thanks for the report, u/Jake252005X. I've sent this over to our QA team so they can look into this bug.

about 5 years ago - /u/EpicBoaty - Direct link

Originally posted by HamiltonFAI

Bug? Seems like a feature

Let us all welcome our new overlord, Brutus!

about 5 years ago - /u/EpicBoaty - Direct link

Originally posted by mauimudpup

I posted a bug and have had little feedback on it. Is there a list of bugs and their status?

You can check our Fortnite Trello Board for all of our top known issues. If you don't see your issue there, please let me know what you're encountering.
